LA.K Con21r~~-L1 L~<fCOUNTýy UNDEPENDENT OFFIQIAl- PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY 00"s MOoiaeN. t X tr's Rémidsoe Toopbuo No .1141 t2berty-rille Ezohange £MM" uiAt tOPOUOUss 0Atue Ubertyvile. 111-su Seo C lam M a 4tL5ir 1MOM WILY. AOVBTISiNG RÂTU MADE 550WX OU APPLICATION. *UBSRIPTION PRICE 81.50 PER YEAR 5TRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUST ................. ............................................... Editor W Md. ARTZ....................... .................._.. City Editor FRIDAY, APRIL 8, E. A PECULIAR DISEASE. The socioiogiste should teed a guad deai of interset ln the case ut that expert ln the matrimonial game who was convicted recently in a Brooklyn bourt end sentenced to a terni of years ln ing Sing prison. The convicted man admittod the possession of twenty.tour %vives, and deciared that hie matrimonial Inclination was Inherlted, hi: fathcr having twenty marriages 10 hi& crdit-it credît it can be called. Unhapplly for the son and hie:In- heritance thecry he Invarlably cleaned up ail the ready possessions of each of hie vctims before flitting lu the next attractive flower, This practica1 tendency sadly wrecked the value- of the cuiprits statement that he is Ihe posbesor of such a sensitive temperament that It s impossible for him t0 live vvlth any woman he dues not love, and when love waned he lnvariably taded away-for s0 did the movables of the deserted one, stocks and bonds and brooches and spouns. It sa a matter ut regret thal the judge alluded to the convicted man's matrimonial recklesanesa as a disease. A man impelled lu crime by the moral weakening titat cornes from a chronic atiment may be deserving of pity. But pity wouid ho wasted on this professional decelver. He commercialized ma r- rnagesnd iooted the very altar of Hymen. Vet we are told that there is no suggestion of the Apollo, no rerinder of a Rorneo, in hie appearance. He is nereiy a plain, stocky person with a square head. but, oh, what a matrimonial *wath he cid cutI A GRACIOUS ACT. The people of Mînnese'a have perfonmed a gracinus act whIch Illustratea the fact titat klndneasas a human trait nul su rare as cynIos would have ans blieco. They have by pupular suutsscription raised a fund whose incarne $hull go ta the widaw of Gov. John A Johinson, andi at her death be appiieti to the heip of indigent studenta ln the state unlversity. flepublicans are often said ta have no gratitude. A man in likeiy to be a popular hero loday andi fargollen tomorrow. But oocaaonaiiy evicience ii offereti that gratitude :1111l abîdes in the hearts of the peuple. 80aln the cage of M.innesota. It was lu the credit ufthlie late guvernor that he hati been *ô Intent ore esreng hie stale effIicently and honestly tisaI he dld not have lime lu accumu- laes competency for hi: farniy. He dieti comparatively a puor man. While poverty rdlnariiy cunsttutes nu badge ut meit in the case of a public man, n thîs case il idcales the sirngienese ut purpuse wîth which Mr. Johnsos wenl about his public duties. There ought ta be a place in poliis for 'the hunesl pour man. The pal- nult who is capabibe ut serving his feluows in public office uught mot lu be Ipenaiized for hiB hunesly. The sIole cannaI very well pension the, famnily ut *very public officiai who dies withoul an estate, but private generosity will 00metimnes, as in Minnesota, corne to the rescue. DROPPED DEAD SUNDAY AFTRN0ON Joseph Sîthl Drooped Oead ai His Homne Sunday Afleenoori. Foiind By Mrt. itaade Apopi-sy Cause 0fý His Sutideri Dernîse. SHORT AND PERSONAL li-. lu i lîCi I silizîur ca ud flw uerlîî flt 1 are~iuisicuati i itors atilcîlic alti-rimm ii ,. ~. ..r .. . -.u i.. c Sheldon Tesehos Oharactmn Readng. Thlnk of te.chlng a min bow bu tell character &J a glanco, ho-w la buiid up hts awn business, ho-w tu soll gooda, how ta, live gmearly, ln ather mords ho-w ta be a succesa ln lite. That la wbat la t0 be doue at Shel. donhurat user Rockefeller tIs aua, mer by tie man who ha taugttjut these Mbuge thr-ougb the malle Ilu1a corresponding course for many years, A. F. Sheldon, wlio seeks tu tountd what he cle a business univeraily on Lake Earà. Scemmer anti Normal Terme. The annual summert- er-m of lbe Sheldon achool wIlI open July 27 and contlnued t0 August 9. The normal course opens July let and continues 10 October lut. The forin la for sludents alone. The latter la to train une hundred of thue select 10 orgnîze the Sheldou s ys tem of educatlon on a world ide baýsîIs. Loguon . national bauls an exeso sno souîght and 100 willl be made disciples of tie business cuit that Is clalnied to hae neîted îîntold unis for 1he peopîle siho haie rsken the course and heededý What Wiil be Taught. Here is what wlll be laiîght lu ahat ls called aie normal courseý The science of business building. The science of 4ndustrial tucces Tne science of living. Tiiese flrst normal classeé will be headed by A. F. Sheldon ln person. HI. ssistants il take part. Dr. Kaîherîne. M. H. Backfor-d mlIIlec- ture on chat-acter anaiysîs, Farmners Must Due Cane in Selecting Seed Corn. Niucb bas been said in the loral and traule newepaluere regarding the uner- tainty of seed iorni for thie vearsp plant- ing. Mian.v fartiin bthe s-k-lut, of Libertri-ille are predicting verj- serions restles ini gettuug good @eedcorn. The low llalîiii' see d corn spems to lue the. rulFerliic cru is jgroen. Illurinis ti ut aiîie. Expenimente in 1'louibaie dPveciîpreti the fart that only mixt pi-r vent if the licît sample Pare o! coirn wouîid germinale. says an exchauge. Tlue i-et %%a,. waorthiese a,, eed. Not a sitngleccr of a large suniber of sampie@ was perles-t. Wîtli îrdiriary samples iuu.Ctcarele-ly. iluliufrt 'v pr e ent ciiull lue made tiiilrouî- Ail tht.. gues -i . , ~ ... \l~. ti ~nîie btuaIî-rn rii-îser. if the v are to fi u luiS al:1. kt, nif;,, ;i, ý!i, 1 je iuirma-e tluci- lUroh,tî -ithu the sanie C(OUDtil 'lu lue , tri-i - i -. ii i-iiltiuin lu, ir.u-ei-î- Uz g the lrtiltvIliu fat fIt z 1î . L- - ,i> w, 'ri ; r.;; % i l, 1 eu i e, d , u,. lu-.1n, -n r tîlers uihtte vrae- i Prairie Ni.i,,, u.îuluc «, 'T.k ' i luut iu.uai- rau-i-cfor bluuiIli urand mural lias Friuiîu alat I u an le rii-,i-ia Dot -- nl-luctu .- reat asun formier 'senrs. hy tie parci,,, i I-. o uf,.-uî li u!. l u , ui --lu uI.4 tV uilc-hie usieiarîng îout îOr the Stahl flau. hoiu l lu-alariu.-ul. undu., iu lb1I.1 inu. 'iu, li i lia, uuui-u,-ise-iidezeîeraiing amouits of tbe vaie upon sulluiulng tI.ui-c u-il-i lth,-i\sutîuit lie-ut I0, ,-usit i,. itle ii ic le hurig.n vo fair as thet- are concerncd, ment to is resiuliuu e ure tbce liuund e,uu-h lai fîur the pritslehaiebeen hle ertînel. Tiucre usai. 5u une ratIIluuleTesuia e okdatrltr s but Mr. Stalil T N.,l luis tryeIrterudoThesol auke oueualter.aeînagi thathe ad uitu ouluainei i lclin i-n m ahiuts anl m unereandli4-teu.iiesnecemsaru-, but thbe hter-ment aud itsfri"'Im 1 ra fil apaýity an we ndestau dolf the sced pianted ei sensible econorny, oick, ies uddcn fallinx riuueeil hope n11) ue u duTw atrinet tue suiaincident co îprofit.ablieinveotment and the imnuediate nu 1011v tuiivnucitigare lis e nls Tiu u-oyaod hould be looi-ed &fter nom. unusual actions. and mer-e bicked to le~a.-ant plaie fur mien of our village tu h8 a ha b edoroNbak fiud ien dead Sort ieoud bar-di, reaf- %virik.and aitIthe pr-eiplrimue Iere are .îe boming a thuncomcn o b rali lu tat e nd pabedawa, aéheyhadatinumuer Of uPcigms Ani- Ien or boy 0&meganueriolylwvtlt cOau se what hebi-ase a.a fwhus bes bad muo are îookîug for guîuîul ttadi-1, )i" d germinateng power bas been di@- hi@onvders e t hum a mlinte lro- u n.aoull li el ui'inîe . l» eoiered carie enougb to provide agaiust btsr eden e tb, hus ienaig t .bu itfiuer tue disaster of Piacing any dependence Lme ore mee brub1 icbe()aîtilioast for tbe udt urop. Yeats ago tht. turne o tîlle. fiIl ELuci-e Luibe-i-le wsii-ti- uto-pre-auluon mas 001 e0 generally Ob_- He mas au oui ses-ner, lou-iting uin - roiIr, <lifeatig VW.F E.Mlleiir ait Tues- sers ed, but tii-day ail provident farmers VtciitY mben Ilue country mans i ullupara uav .. eht,îonlusa ulc-iivc malor-ty. take the îaius 1 gel the beet eeed cor-n tively in il. iruîatuy, and lus hi-i.nlur% r.ilr uler ha.. Ici-ccd in thiccapaitv l16. aailabie and ul t est îî hefore they bave and tbriî lesame one iif Lake Cuunîu .cuars, Mi- Eger-ha. pi-uesLibert-t lut it un the gi-ourad.eason uts complete succegesful larmerulville s iluuul i l.r'ut-îlInauandhiN Il iulg pliaPr a fulicruîp isi- oulIignt. The deee ased mas aaia c. i ti-ls , W11lulv rciur-,.nî Bt is Iui 1111ilu- u le For.a ami- I s furercari paseîng amay -ics cral v ce nguu .Il, ( lulinty burîl ie lake.I-,lisSat ar1the __________ lea-res one cuis and Il-cc dauglutst-iu. Lîu t Ineeia-u-t g E-ult., on uther ut,"-é- mourirlis dcnth lucidlcsa i-gliru i f u,i.- îuuuunliiaîuuuîî,r tagt-utrîl.-tJ il MSlbIhuulosuii. a lnter-iict liasi n lia, i iluulit (u a 1er-vnas itu-Ilel Gros 1,% i liie--.iai u-il iug. lec aas a ci ' iqielti dll1 ui mertiber iOilthe Cathuulnlu(I luuu i lu and ua earuret wmuni-Pis lis riguiluir uI LibertyjvîiIe School N~otes 1-% t'lui i lue u i ar i lte i t - iu the a m llier-Iuuî lu iii i , u Hatiaul ilM,(u uî file aIlîiî u; l l frît graufu WVilliam uu SliîIîu Iitr-lbu.ii. i fciond g rade ai ii ur l) iîg tii.%\ liiiter Muonthes u a luiu lloreâc.e utiueiirg i lii iî--u frulli mi- uberuruîî uîmi -1lit ut giiekue.s. Cletra Mi u rulf i . i a .i, -ut iuuutt[lie third grade. Mis es .lcr v elil c-, ut s u..tuî- l fit i -~ Buggs rouolalulirsdal Critinle Siîiu iiit uIth, e- lt grade Friday. fliie fLe-r, i-i Visikegalii.and Mises McCleaball, Of D l> issted thetilird grade Friday. O)Wlog 10 the lai-k Of a gyîîînseuîu, the girls bav-e relorted tii the sidemaît, wbene tthe art O! jumping rupe is irai- *W dbl une&d-aIl the girls, itrulibe P1111111U7 ryta aud lcludiug the senior-e. eTbdaJI7 baseall gamies bave been PUMP,0"4 Ou acMotntOf the numnerou@ Agsei daow*wib lnudate the dia- Bug liatheslebrted Brown fonce@ loy. 4 fooet tenue, hies wire 873/c ru E I % , Llbertyviiî, Ili. M z îi28.25-t! c. ..ur îui.luu ,e.du.îulan-,' tn r. l l u-I l .i-u.ri -sa d l u Ller ci ii.îu hru l, î uu t.u saI ejil,,îi;,, lU il biiiI hi e ut-i uKt,- their- Uîualîsîîc *2 l " Ir,-uîî,r uluuiu. ijý, i-itju.i-ul Ci i- ire Iuruchl of thuse eu-eing ad- 1 lI-1ue.uu 111t'u., lii& rder. Aller Ibism as 10) u clulilule t- il, ra saIe ia@ons eniter- bur4Iuur, îîhrî, nuiii a lîu , sPu li pur Ijýei tl,, ý,,jr, 1,tIiuus.-d tiu-li- i1 tirs ata I a n îutt, merl a -i-ti il. tSIUc. s rotling sas leit Us- Tire rec îI iii ui -n at i _I i. tiuu t îîîli o etlu sutof eibcmhc uiuurul u n.ulcx u ruii il. twuru ill as fuli - by a smoker. it waa luuselicthu -,iiitcuas is ,)ý"uus allair luar- one and al,and the Viril gai- a i ni. li .ulg.l a rient mil tissu-r bu. fîrgotteu. nut alu., u u .îîa il ul E- i r- Iii11 il I i il ui - iu- M - t . c; - ui It h, 1. luu ' gui-u t uuuL ~-.-". u. -;. 1u ga1 uuk .lc ll , r u - -i îu'F', Lu T .fit,ý-.i uilWantel--Mpse uand- l'i rîîui -i uî Ag f li-isci-e s u. ri ui i i l iti%1, filuli 51-u r. i, Ki, i -l. %îsIliii laliint "lii llultga giut tilue. or in (,, lier mirlseart,-d luintuuu thle tii a tiulSie muade sc-nirale ii li tm tu enter a saloonti.lit lnsiuli-îltl Ic-amp mithout ail-i- eîuuîualiar- ci-Pr. 'She becanue etraged nt the barl1 îreaîment eue recincil. o-0ebe tiuougbc mluen mile relicved lierself of st-rr-aII Comancl'e Indiau yella. sskiug for police Protection. She mas soon conironted hv the officiai. mho reque-iled ber tu be more civil and decent lu ber use o! langu- age, mitb lb. waruing tb make hertei scarce. or dire resutat. ould km lue climax She bas no-t been msen or- beard !rom eluce then, and lit le tbougbt selehamgRoue0 to Mrenerfilsd&, 10 continue ber "go 1 lIme., boys for work in Macaroni factory. Steady work. liontdruse tomscb. or stimulat, thé Heart or Kiulueys. That lu wroug. Il hl the weak uryethst ams erylua out for belç,. Vit&ux. lbM.. wsak lni" cotrolllus nerv» iswtb Dr. Shoop'm Re- etorativi., anm es ow quiekl7 good beaitui ll ouje t10700 agali. Tnt il and be! F5llilby ALL OEALERB 1 àQg- - e-à" r- A - L ittle . Clock . Talk. Wouid you lîke t0 make an Invesîment tuIn lcee? flore lia dock stock ihst won't let iyon speud Say money unwefj. If yon just want a bedroom clock, oomethlng uierely t0 tel] the tiios dont epend very much-say a dollar or @o. But il you desire an ornsment for your living room, pay us $5S or go. and yon'Ill@pend your money wlsely. We Repeat--Do You Wisli to Invest in Clocks? If so-stet us Show You. A. HUSS THE JEWELER Libertyville, Ili. ,9OUP. MONlET SACK wblbor yoss buy froat ane oof ur deulos or direct frou- us. if the Menaz E"alnt the esaloot, atout comfortab.. e'Or7dy woek its eyau *ver put on. We ime manudacrurers for the retail dealer, but if you can' t buy the Pi<cm ,E"Haienluyaur tawn we will fil1 your order direct from our factory et the regular retai! price, delivery charges paid. sud if they ire not as loat, eaay sud comflirtable as we dlaima, do not wear them but return immediately sud vwe wWU -- ,mmy bC --Àpsy reteuoexpress charges. a. ls~ ebotter shoe mtie fiee.11 'nit e.eof y --k iv . &U1 tom of westhierand for coneht sc-d-ket. Weeemeezduondiauu .ý Ieshee yuu u -t ie itin teuy other dmeo aed-seovn ap- ettMm e us, Pr o0f T.esnqeIre thitug, w «rangeât, ndées.r, oepliable iippe lIetaasuned. Muret be 0or e s.uld ont ha"e thouesvrof t.sooe ed ce- cee, hem c"e day, that ay Meus * Eâe r Ceaus . ct tii,,, yern, hhat tehsrese uee3 lui 6 pain 0f ta, aed thot tiiy s-sJw.e"yssef a eny ns-tue feet, betause useitiit , -a twacenue iSun,,.5e deeus k. W. wU asd oyue s ample uofta .eond.nfei lather. lsho eouh sesiâcied tssiiseoutaato prove u_ 1. »I~sms..sp lecssiyen If Yoes. Ess. éus la o'-, if yen. -k lot CATALOG B-FmEE bu~ysinhaitAseIe.DO Thre Mena"E-"& illuasi u oneoff our 6 sech ap tme BIieciiee etyles, éthier iiL.k nei 2=t M nze Standard Seessfgeeed 35 e 2e md igm t k-, ae, oe cý UTON-Y b.p.P-fCompany Detroit Michigan E. W. PARKNURST 1 SCMIANCK'S BLOCK LIBEiKTYVILLE, ILL.1 1910 BrilsilÀlOfOYle 4h Albert W. Lichtfeld LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 0 ~ Special for Saturday at 0 iBESWICKS VARIETY STORE éS O*Anysix 5c articles for 25c 0 y 0 : Any six 10c articles for 50c 0 * SOME 0F OUJR GOOD TIIINÛS laces and uInsertions, per yd. .................................... .. ............. * Candice, î r îuud ............. ................................... o *LaJies, licoti and i'bildren's lioso,, pier la.................lo *Gardei s ,e 2 pafs-re for................ .........................C Norel and tîgur [tuok-s ....... ................... Tii'ele...... .............. ........... .......... ...........o i landlý (,i s. ....... ..............s... ....... , to 1i0e 4~ ý6J M llîic lur p. bunelu ..l. ............... ............. i( * Painte aIl .......r.e,....per. ...........ti........ o * -I. aD ..... r A IlLL ..LINË014 'IAALlINE Watch for the Comei. The lied Dragon oi th, eky. Walch tht- ebildr-cn lfor epriug cougbr and colde. Careful moîbets keeli Folcys Boney and Tar in the bouse. It le the beet and 91afeOt Previ-tion and cure for croup where the ueed laurgenl and liiedîate relief a vital ueeeity. Contaîns no op- lte. ur bar-minI drigu. Refumese enhtî- ttte5FRaNx B. LovIELL. Commercial atnu--eeap, leIter hoada bill bead%, carde,. 518h met-yO bav. thoat&UIn eu lthoi large or aman lIota. i i i 1 i» ge n o "e PrParStint Keep lu mlud the. tact tbat the rosI oI labur of spreadlug the palnt la the greatout Item lu the ocauiof repaluting. The price of nouse palota la therefore of no moment provi- ded you wilbte durabillty lu onsideratlon. Il coais uetas mucb 10 r 1pread pour paint al it dons tu spread the. bemt palot ; con- eequently, the article wbich preserves yiiur building for tue longest perloddile the cbeai- est. The beet paint ilea PURE LINSEED 011 PAINT F r Ul.'neeuiof!ol. e.the life-rlring prellervativ lreminent, andl cimriiîed eM IlIillue- i irlthie iiiiit-ir.r b-sr iiI, ., - t i îc.îî;te- 'l-îu u r î d l]r IcIu - a k e c . ie id c i ii-a l i. i l, - t JOHN W. MASURY & SONS Have Msnufactured Hanse Painis for Fifly Vears. HERE IT IS SPP-", YOU WLLL NEED Seed Oats, Barleyj, Clover, Timothq, Lawn Grass, Orchard Grass, Blue Stem Sprinq Wheat, Yellow Dent, Pride of the North, and lEarlyj Giant White Dent Seed Corn. Best Seeds cheapesi. We have Tde of ail Knds. Ladcers ail lengths. Going up9 Yo1' cari fi every wani- n our lire ai our yard, and ai lowest prices. lEd, Bishop, Manager.j SWhat Shali the tfarvest Be ? § Depends upon the seed you 50w. It1 must bc annOyinR to waste good money and hard work t ile or no purpose, Yei tht is juat what happened when you plant pono i> seed. Our seeçls arc fresh. They corne frorn the most relia, blhe of growers, and we recommend them with confidence Ail sorts of Flower and Garden Seeds-bulk and package Corlett & FrederickS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Summer Dress Goods flflv-lici-c s il,îîg oulîr uft îue îîuueî ikiu eul uclu i uiefiuiil et ise1l u lni- tif iuuuiiii - r,ssu l'nîui-mu- ee ,-î- ii-ii îî ibîlu-txîil],.. I friel. 1!o1 il gui uic Vi,-uiut'irioîuutuluto,.,ku-i ,luiiiuri o ui Lo-rauint- Fllltinissu 1e, tii- lu-st tluiîgi-& t i iuti ciuîgî.îcuuu .-r 31,27-c (illeti irosiliuu fielc.leia-i.urtîîuli u fuulul.l it fier I - ...... 1 (,Ii htî- il uks. tl lu îk 1cbeî-try tui iiîîiu. - rluuiicc til :10 v lîuui- ' vol.-1 Picue dyoiil Il ariinokas. thle ieo us-eîitinmaui-cil lu k iP ulgu-pi-r oI...ii- Tuile iln\uilîuIcu Nr udR n a- Il r-ss Gil glamsel lt tiin, ket ru î cand plai n ili- Satin sdrille wa ssi l'uî(iului uui-i tuuuuluca a serilrai-. id...... h.... 1 Newshauîdoe in s ashB lltiiig. iii.............. ......... .........u-o GR OC3R IFS Keystne Gr ham four,12 litilnîl lag ...... - .... ....M Coble iiaked Iteans, regular Iu 15v mze...... .....-....i.... i 0 lFine Florida (irape fruit ea li se .....-.... ......... .4 fuir 3ic Faîro ulitua Head li-e, piuund ............. .. .ii «* -"- O NMetzgersH Guatamala i ofler,, pi-r pound.............i.. ... The Cozyq Corner W. W. Carroll& Son BARBER SIIOP Lew Fiagg, Proprielar Ju@t around the corner on Sprge__________________________________ Street, nelt 10 the Boehm build- ing and opposite the Pester J .(rvs W.H P L ' biackemitb shop.J.M Grvs W H.A P E LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS A UCT I ON EER Auctionftr See Me B.fore Makhsg Y our Date FIRl SALES ONE PER CENT Cigare and Tobacco Satisfcton aaate.dFA Laundry Agency Raora I4ned Omo@ 2% N . Gousset5. LbryilI itesidence Pleouse M NR«. 144 Eluewuod Ave. Lbryil,11 WAUIKEGAN, ILL. PHONE 1481. i I t I I I IT - àwp I..-*ý ' " 1% .ý- - 1 ---- - - WIV w Offiee Phone 47, 1171 Res,