CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 7

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ItWaiu FOR SALE-New 7 rooro house. roî,ui modern, luruaice hat , onl ley avenue. tppIy to Ueo. Fry, 1 FOR SALE-Acre lots on D Subdivision, close to taein and cars. Prlce$800.O0. DYMOND) FOR SALE-Lota u inte rymc Austin subdi vision, 50 x 140; $117 $5 down, $5 per rionîli. Dli AVIsTiN. LOTS FOR SALE-in the B. J. mub-dtvislon of Libertyville, Ku electric road on Xllwauke- aver J. GRIMES, owner, FOR SALE-Choie lots in C. Wrlght'o addition, SOXISO, for1 $25000 and$llO.00. DyemoNiù& FARMS-We have al1geligt( county larmsto seilI, a=obUses ln village. DruioNx & AtSTIN. NOTICE-If Sou ca l veet more whsre It wîl altei;1tire yeul returne and sfter 7 years return id sanualiy equal at lenet toSont. lnveatment and il Ibis intreel *scnred by real estate bouglil would Sou Invet' The abov nîtîle orchard îroîoeîtlor1 realize wlîile readitng titis that tunîtys iskn4x-king at your do-, partînulafs ss- or write M. il J FOR SALE OR RENT-IHotela of 152 aM reson lanirot iition( J. 1. llAiiLTI.. FOR SALE OR RENT-Mîdern ail ii rov) n-re. e Celtrliv or H. H oyes, Librtyvîlle. 111. For Rsnt-Eiglît airesor 1,)Indt lia ,use, ISet of t 11< ,srulor, 1<1,1rý stmaitg, ituMseli. 1I1. p- FOR SALE t iîo,lerii 7 riiori Iiarlw<,,d tuilî, Iîei» n-ul watem lîaCixtlatea ,lfti tru, 50ur.ia tei. stîale. ri r t r .iaillfruit, îîtltry l,,în- anl i I109) IL t'y 2..0.(Calit r -il 1% auirceare, W rît l'ridearux FORN TN For Sais-A .luantity of icood1 lboue 137-4, J. L. Clark, l.ibert, FOR RENT-iaî,n, Pla >veri. $2 00 )up. met all,,nel if 1,. Kimbail Agency, Luit- Furintur, 'lel. 27. roR qtNT-We have a lew go cm, lionset iid inte t,, rerte n.slîed roonîn. witb s tealolieat, wiout iboard. lii r,,,.,,à& hi FOR RENT-My houes on We Place, timayplake. Iiiquire NETr[it 9LsoN, Uliertyville. 111. MICELAEOS V.ire len,-îg umadle ofl iardl t, v.i-l s4 ,uz,,lTii,, lavear.- tirjued i nr.- 8,rose te later, ee,-u r, lv arttne iwt h a 'ru,, Iliak.incg od eilidmiÀfl Inn,-.- 21) eýnte per r,,f, 7 %,ne-, 1i,1 27 itr,u ' vite, 4 h, i ; 12 v.i r-. '" ti i hh.1:01-nfi n..ird. 2e2,t1.4 pr 1 , u1iilý etlgli-s grunt m atÀefuri, n-It F_ tâ, ÀcM.\Wi ii , F i'..' i FYWANTED ln t rte. ati g.'niral , ,il.e , , il . îlv ii or i imail t t,,1 " .Ss 'ii t i1 ertin sil iiil reppd Prairie 'ieïr . I PloeLii WANTED 'i rng rw ,,î,eîî d.' hiiming îînî,eginral nurse titree yeame. Monthiy allowai, Appliy Superintendenit, Jane M .Hospital, Waukegau. 111. MONEY TO LOAN--On fr larme at 5per cent. D)5mo.Si) A State of lillois, County of La I tire Circuit Court of Lak ty. Mîallda Kofsky vs. Fred C. stadt, Emma Noething, Suai derstadt, Viola Blederstadt Ni Publie notice leoirereby gi.. by vîrtue ot an order and de( tered litire above entitled i said Circuit Court, at tire Term, A. D., 1910, tirereof, the, slgned Master-in-Chanceryc Court, wlll, on) Tueeday t day of Aprit, A. D., 1910, irour of 1 o'clock I tire after, sali day et tire east door Court Mouse lIthe City uf gai, lI the County of Lake1 State of Illinois, selI at public to the hlgirest and best bld, fllowlng degcribedi land and 1 n..-- -' ~ -- LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FIRIDAT, APRIL 8, 1910 7 GOVERMENT ISSUE A ELGIN LODGE 4»4«060 C iLaughrll, lot 14 block 1, Dmond of tire Court House inte City t TwJ Z ~~~~~etteTrases f t lrtt tIllinois, seIl at Puulievendue te the NONE RECEIVEO DBOOK 1FOR C O EONRNeal fhq adbs bde orcs h FOR LESS THAN urii INB 2s CENTSiAd$d1% F. V OUvis anid wlfe to Cecella An- followlng descriired land snd real 25CNS-Lake Couîity Titi.- & Tri o droiot I block 1,lloff5 subdi-ll etat,- Situated litire County uof1Lake ___________________________Experte Whn CompliedBoouk Say that Elgin Lotige Second Lai-gest inithe U)titracts ofiii foie. 'fi. ,,,nî,.,ison, N'a akegan Q C. D., $50. and State uofilîinils. o-wlt: -Men Have the Secret of Economîcal Country Now, and Elgin Works Nlae,,ni, Temiple BIlîg irv, 111. 5 A. JRai tiotd and wlle to . Sa. NnLots Bo numiberec ee 7.Egten8 FOR_______SALE_______i MCookit eo aeoTheysMakece f. Hard to Get Home Office of Ordier Lo(i i.J. (îi ,,,sy. Hla, Rlots ni i 11s addition to Wau- 111lxi» nMeKays Addition tb Lttle IlEven the Wisest Housekeepers Away From Fulton, Whch is one coolai Lake Plk. Q, C, D, $125. cFirt (uf51.WaukegauîSstuattedllxi tie Reason Why Coming Convention' Isaac Stel)hen son and v oIL' Ilp Nfaqter ln I iai,içry t,, Robert Dady, Daed March 23rd A. D. 1910. iBath- POTATOES FOR SALE The White Wili be Most Important Yet Held.! ej.'~i N.25 ft, lot G, & S :;q ft lot lot l ab1,1k,-ka, kgiitllgblaxids, Da' LAM IL. CLARKE, MeKin- tuant potatos. the beet eating atiie.,t Throw Away. Sulîrerile officers ufthe iveSlstic, 7block 17, Plat 'Il lY rd q. and lot j blo,-k 16, lîr, ,er's subdtivs Mse x Crne Lberty- Croppeýr. WiII deliver any place iu towu 1Tire secretarY of agriulture, coulate nChney >2 lfor -Oc lper blîneleluntîl lurtitur notice, book la out.xI Il Encie Jîn Ilsn okî f thre World litiElgitnor c d. $1.00. Nou. rrth t(hi, sg(y o'ed. I40 27 Il . .H. BHtLKLEY. c-1 -tI tirrougir hie experte, telle tire country ,rangeal for quarters for tlii, ,upre,e pJ.K. Orýs lant I ReIoettof the Condita, rmunds iu~~ow to make poor cute of meat teste o011, is and commttees durnrg tirelot-, 29 anti 31,block 21>trirs, 4uI) 1 State-outIlîlinois. ( oilt, of L.ake, ri.:. Rpr ftr odto eimo cFR AE-Uesx osepwr otas gond as tire test anti aiso 00w t10hlg conveniti ooftire ordur to ibe hi Id Waukilacgiiw. ri.$141, bInthe Circuit Coutrt if Lake Couxti ir IAiUSTIN aqie engins andhouler. li fine conditionm. fgent tier btasiunr oriiret rihat City beginning Tiiesulay, lune- D.'W. Ray and wife to afarv C. 'Nlary Kruger rit i atherir,,-Abbiuk, 4t-tl Thre owner iras no use lfor iii. Etiquure at The experts wiro preîîared tire Cook 7.Thîrîy todu e Hte Fsgte al ron.lots 29 and 3îî 11k 2 Ovl Peter VW. Abinil, Airtlîus i. Turpin, 11?ffhLT ITiII lU -. Il.-, Oand ave. MWnulegaîi, 111. 2111 boaeCFl3nwriy hD-~i httr aeet 801 - i ~î,, 'Ilvrtle 1 Tutitîn. Nilidreil Sîear .ten Lh[LU-INfh~N1U Dd and tnrt, î ~ A.D, Tiey bave ilr, NIoKe. dyai3713 twn o 1)0 senriCalinFO.Hu acre rentedto tbie fitted up for office Johu Hornherger to U. Il i a ,lr7 272At Hi l ,rt il,i, , sotie Ut Ilii,,atrthe iiuu & ORSALE-Twîihomrspower Faim-founmirelat tire cieaper cuis uofireef.Pulentc shrbgit ha 40-tf banké gamoline enghle, wlthi pum ir' surir as tie reisket, ciruck tit.fank ,and commîtye work later on, 20)acres iS. E. i4 Suec.12. Verrnonti Pirtuilof aoti--l rehoandis trituaien - t .,- lv-,,F jack, pump and pipes, complîîets ln go.~ and nec,. are Just about as ricir lnitire Select Colseum for Convention. Twp, aud 5 acres tri S, W- . -<Sec7,iyrru ta re r)ut>r x ie ~, sutere inlu tire abus e tntitlud s,- in xii,,,ornt« .,,,,13 1,., i s 8 7 . 9nnn order. liargain. ScHAsi(K sbetaitees wich build axid repair lm- ILiras also been decided tr0 foid tire Deerfield Twp, w. d $1 < al IcutCottaitr 'lVcrTrrIS U.,i ooi, i i ,î,ao poilant tissues ofthtie body as porterl ici Cuta hMaelTrio Grims Bo.c23 os adsrbxisek.ig convention at the lollseum and M. T.Ligirmner 10 T R, L, nalot A.c.190 teeb ht>drsged 1.1ý1u o,1 I l i t rÀst outir of 1910getardofitt îuî steaks.n l. hr ,î, hni7e2 inue. B. For fnstance, li e chu ckii Chere 1:th"elocal commInltet ahI lok after 4, block 31, Higirlandl Park;- SVeehal Master li Cbuxicery ut oaid tia,,k,,,.r'o,- (ttiii,ýi,.- as,, itr,,'0l1"1Ot0 15.7-tl FOR SALE-Chtioe home grown clover la 19 per cent ot protein. as eompared thre engagIng ufthtie p,10ce for tire ses- $25000.l00. Court. ailli ou Tur-sday, the SIta y trf0s"î,nssr,-. 1dph-, Br ,a sed.Fme rutliaisedaiSCIR wiatir unly 21.9 li a porterouse steak. sion, ii ptnreta o OeNIay ..-DP1910, at tire hotu,- ofone, usCrtk Bas. l'hîîe 2676. p-24-.,) Aiso lI regardf to tire Itanor of meats Tr fieeliEgr teJùg 5arsSWl u 7thrt y- o'clock Ii lirhe atternoon utruebl ,lay Civ,ý, i, atc, i c-t tls .0 Frank ___________________thre deparîments Tcookr InEgibwreJdg sa.y5scrsS.W.1Ltc itire East Main Pocr o!flire Court , .It,,, eh -, 2 111200.00 tire le a gexierai mîsapprebenslon Ross Nlickey, supreme master, aîd J. ville Twp.-wa.d $600060. House ln tire Ciry utfNVeikegaxi lu thre Fî-.cinai icr ,,neunir & A VTs- FOR SALE-(Rankîn strain) Pellin Mut pereons belleve exrtenslve meats R Walash,. supreme secretary- Tbey Stai,- Bank ut Lakse Fore-st totJuia1 Coîînty of Lake axid State uf Jilinols - d ,icilu) i4 os ',i01-tc -tuivlit 40-ti duck erggs. 75uc per dozen, LERoY are tire best ffevored, 8-bile lI reality npre present eithtie regular meetig ut Kerrigan. lot 6?, t5reo liai, Add., Lake sal aDIuiblie auctlon to tire bigiest Specie$6 144 Psuo(4i, Rockefller, 111. P-2>.--l tire cesona ide of bea! often are lire Elgin lo-dge of 'lystie W le Forest; s. . d.$525.6i. axid b etat ilir for cash, ihe foilow- Lesîl tendlern uitc. Wti .192.4q4.5 _____________ln the extractiveness whih D-1 ng deseribeal property sltuated lxi tire Rilr vintnh1 ,ii iTrastre, oflsitkeunwlhaubpouc tielvuirnie hîgierverlIng short adurtises 0ri tiere h inWm " ' , C0tonyatnLakwand tate.f Illnuls andl lots FOR SALE-3 cnwsoeWt afb rdc h lvrta h ihrCut fLk n tt Ilnoi Tota_ 1,41600 40-tf @Ida anda aso a inctier 15, montirs nId, priceal cute. anal condition ofthtie order anîl cou- iutlei lot il. 'ahilringtono' Suir et to-n-lt:Tti M>M - W. M. SI-tLLMAN., Libertyville, 111. Much Waste ln Fats. gratulating tire Elgin order on ts pire- Deep Lake; w. dl $400.0011. Tiret patrt ut lots number twanfy- LIABILITIES 1>i Tire secretarys experts llndthtitnomenal growtir. i'a. Aldrilg, cxl ,îret,, B n. ve (25) anal Twenty four (24)li tire Capitalirioek aidin 50.000500 $100thee 1 a oos del o unecesar Gsllpar lo 3 loc 3,Wrensad-Addition tu tire Nortbwest addition t Undivlded roierulmts.ise ne nd me brlng waste ln tire average borne Infreat- Elgin Lodge Second Langent Ges tlt 3bo,:,arnee-tire Town of Little Fort. noa lItire tars SiO ,279 IvidndeFORSAL-Wite Legb'pr eggs, 750c îng tire fate tirat core un tire higir- Wiuithre Initiation u aie~ dîtitur to Hîgirla >i,,Park, W. D.- $10., City uf Waukegan descrlhed as corn- Natinale5Ban otes s. ui 40.000 original per settlng Cali on L. J. Ames on Mil- prîceti cure of beef. for Instantce, con. members, tire Elgin ]cdge of 'aystîce Fany L.Quayle au-i iushaud tluH. menclng at a point In said lot numbrer Dmicaetifictis0a1 deissei 2M,7021q& ment le waukee ave.,,Soutir 01 eletrie depit. rain from 20 tu 25 lier centr otfat In-hcm iescn arS x iecrP Englebrecirt. soutir et part ut lot twe atatler5,wi'- Tpoint 18 thi514 tf igit. c 2s 2 tead o! bieng tirrov.i nt htie1 h (3u0kr) uiîsnonLW feet we * lyfrom lire eaeterly st , ,f 1moiConnari ai, as _________________an______gariragi- caurti bs.according t,,.>iCu-e- 'fer, pasalig tire -ultotî lod ge.AirPî lokir kr' sbdviio, Lîb fne uf sala lot Tweuty Olve 125) and i c F WgraCaSin iithie sainse nCed DO vîtu tacs- alsou's cook ibok.ougîtu to, bcebas prevlouuly iral tire ionor. Tiretyoile 'aW. D. 2,0.twenty-00e (21) teet northarly from listât do .oteineis .aeiu ras oe'1 opçror- FOR SALE-Eamb Rose and Andrews utîlîzu-lapIatosu in ad<at- ee Illinois i.akcs ight & Power Cxi, tiresoutirerlyfîleotfut ald lot tweoty- ,i 1. ructve r Oietieiorfay k.oedRe asti îr rolioi, sele oaes Nouerle Hll- -Ihîbtter lu rire fat used in maiaso vottd upun. Tfh,-Elgini n, mirer 0o3Nort h Short ElcuIri (o., ail proie Ove 125) anid unfng tienc noti r- ,WRiiiT.Casie Ing eres safrr ,ei.ibert, anal"' pre-n1 t riiatd fforchneat îles ,nil utdpro westerly paraîlel lu salal soutirerîy t.rnisi Aussi[ 2ii painig tir.-cireai,,r tuts: sata tire of-ahi p fa now ebot 70 trn iu rnllvs -u niui lin, nnxioy 1901 font, .ironce south- (; A. WRI,,1T -0000er1ial cook btook, lirere lu litii,- tcou Tire Elgini lodge hi oun hogint, ru liants ail larriittoi, anti Antiocir. Q westerly 1,rullel to lire estcriy lot t R. IALLiiWAY. hure, tor tann amFOR SALE- ie 12041 i' rairie Sîtt (its tteisilTiereats fron îttthor make active plans fuir f1,, tiitu, înoofutsalîtlot twvuty OMve (25) uleteexi Sibscii.eil and-iore iitîvivfre metlias nid iig 5,ira d viM tuti. 19it hntinýtilreoesoudb ýk-d sJ F Porwel l t,,T.t>IlBurkte lut 3'l(19) tee-t, thenie nomrtiresttrly parai FLORiA A, STAPi ES. iSSPuia, id L.ake. amd tuvo 250 egg ittîli iicttîttr i tatt.trreursioa-i" tt uTire problem iof hiutsitie tire leitgates 1 1el lutire soutberîy lino ut saîd lots___________ -2,41 lit tIc uned ant i n P e ci eat -tnîtii ttîi,, h i hc ua.. hi.uat-î in lx ,, t-ltf liiit tertti nilo el' e ub iiio f alan ýsvral lirntiir,, tf! rarious taks lni uclitcases, as srIl atsiti, tIiopiarng iirbe a hig propoitiouî n naccotant aait-&loeIt ethfsllx forty-in,,<45) teet more or lesat; tua ' Adîlmes P . )lBot I, iHiglandîiPark, ianitlehur foodi Tire fat ftnisets-ut tire limiter! hoti ouî raîvn block IoI, uortiraest adition to 'au-point forty-ont (41) foot westerly front Report of tire Condition o litries i S ; tI agitor from the sot) ik.ttle or pot 1 al ir îelgat0nîi,-lir aileat tire easterly fine ut sel-ilot tweuty-o h ILbue i.ruaat,. amuhirs sas-ory t4atuet Iras tomeeats b^e f, cRn ,$ o h ___________C.______ re aorît1,2 utt hoin,. art-ias thel 5 Pa Dyer to Surah A. Payer, 4il1four (24), tirence uortreasterly parai- -ateti~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > e-tert1elath g-al es iv ecn_.l-slellutire00eod eateriy fine uo e-f lt!R T ~LI FOR SALE Sceiera ur,, îîîtumecantI ltliane accepitabrle' coention lit to ho- a trnimi oortanu 1acres ln sotn, tquarter section 5. itel tyoure (24) eslxyfir14 et A IN Lu~. n (M iriseau, SiFinrlirtîter artitiiiars The cexterts thîrîlro chance viroulti onie It a probîable- tirtart.i ylarge-Nenwport îoanrship, W. P).,$1. tience soutireasterly parel utire ofLibertyville. ti) rt,:l:ii iuiuire ,l . ;1 wuN. shCiJil reietiuoueltît utillze giavs Aisqo eretage ut elected .lvgîel , Ktarn unon-grisail oG oSiuitlïln',tsl- otnitytrot h it -ms-utbsnesTiedy rel J ey e(orinenda geair Ue o t t ska lo 12blok 2,'a'shburn I 63) tet niore or lessîoa Itoint March 291, 19101 cen ilhn tî- b rieAintn baogr"tuttiseub Iremake il a point to aituntiPteklu 2hok21Ilxî wo<21,e srîraîr-yRsucs -.( bu Sprigs,,n,,san,'A.Dntu1250twetn-tot(2)ntit sucenstelc euse-is ..aFOR SALE- ifu o..itI siltota- fnorîou,î,,tt, t aýa atteîeialiy tire Ifwas especfailu lrîlot tarit turat ,Snns .'ikts ' .$20 from tire teste l y lino of sel-ilot issen Lon, Cntî Ditseounts 215t,226 7 h i. une >s. arir rose ard aîlt.- auranku , n luins. if'tireyirave' alit tI e aa ulteble office quartorr hi vFr. iiiel for 1Elizabeth P.iiahei)ck andI iuihbandty-ive (25), tience nortir eaterly par- l s, 5 iiîît.nsrcuionttsnot x l'il ]lot lsr ti- iî-ttontritii rbusîrle nltouroaat- tiresupreme offces t, trîih to ho ý I,iliaxi Whitet,'lot 5hlock lremi~ ieeseîyln tsat o 5 iumnIl ,S. Bondîs 943272 Te.g , 1ov l - I 'a ttii ,55t d 1,10 ,aiatal ih ale- te nd n a a,,ohý r Iii lanui tark. N'a- ., $L Firiture asuri Ititirem m9 te r le' oa.fliri Lib e auha ilixgeire xl ov oJh'bonI ~ ~ iten 11f1 feel, thence suulirtateriy i ira i euate ted n75 90 c nd aSuil -l Know the Secrets. saeo ai ,gsndeesd aalitth otellu fadDefrmkaeBnk 1X -rlo ,7 1.h ""lI ibts ncîîîe ion tIr iay bhornotea.' w it for this resotri tal tilte.-,'uticke v Euterfuo te-'sd ,rlîi l ie suie l ne 0u t a l itlc silneIs cuit'- liii sais t)ît turk hoi, 'lit ari uu o!fut îrW'tir8-nF. N.10.1 ~~Toinlinsoxi 13 lots. Nortir Chi-lot taerîty-Ove <25) to a ltint thIrry tc s ut tîe serarraî7,4i4Os 2,I tire dillicu polttlam li cuod i otele are tne Ti1apen, (,:raIi e uîtQiIiti faet s-tsterly frontlire OaSterly Ntues of sîue r Ntional Ban".kM FOR SALE-S. 1 .ittRhoe Iland îu 1imnade of porthitns of mient stch as fre- til, Elgini o.nSundfas or o is belon,- tizie(Baker au-i hubhîuti to Cltara'in u1t79 o îet 66 ~aa cuu ii 4 gsi 8 't ,11 ir$ iile-io euîy urari roan awaayimrvate thenne soutbwesteriy flftly Ose (55) LaeltI Muse r--inaccro iiakri. $12.oS 40 i hotsct Prtaairier,1itirproper iook- -h, opening o! tire i-unsenîtîn n astiet,- J Teteint, lots 129 lu 134 inclusireceot to the place uf bagixing ielcutiir1oîîituutS Treea've i-'17-4 gh usesu oîog. mawteaturv ouliril oln, tttteyliuînlse FaIeins l- ubalivision, lîgir RALPII J. PAPY, pie, cent utoftreuittiîttî154De _______________________dîsiresand giseInîosr acceptable vse. sork Trr r tgrl.t uieu-andi Park, . N'ap$1. Mater ln Chancery I Total 9S0.7 5c ira- FR AEIurlNt ' r sec-i Tire osennoutaehoa e enu G L Hopping an-i alfe to 'ulury T Pi are-i Aprhl lst, A.D. 1910. Liabiliies. o ,-villeu1 Orîi-ualNw-) rcr iy h gru htmenu lae doI a re-0B ut10are nsutws ur-aritai s luc in .S 1400 14-4 îîtatîaes or ttr cating. talnut I(estl,81 vlle for cXira.e(ntg tire utarroa from Mickey Compliments ElgIn. Oiln 6 ce lisuiaa urState ut Illinois, Couxity utLake.h In Utia. n.tud. n250 00 SPri,quuarauteed t, suit. ,ri-ek itri,'boin-s, Jtî e Mickey ComnpiJlmevot tire Fi tir sectioni32. perflcla tuownshipu. 'W. tire Circuit Court o! Lake Coiintru. tndivided pirofilàse., enes Sau -îgusr27-4 "Belensareteculn tonvenlent 1 inn louge on île gros-tirlx i ntî,er 1t,$24,001).John L Reding va. Mugir Masler- Nsîoaîc. adsal, . ...... 2,1e45096 imoliacs-d ~~~lengit. - 'sastire expterts, "tireende i iego-i ri ~x ie Cirmes HuE to C.R. Runiard. iots fild. Ernest W. Basken-fleld, Isabeila D ndneatmi c-itr osereall atdr1a lenieaddit-ono1ot dough. tilern&nd ceetildtet nIdensit 57.188 36 1( lFOR SALEAh) 7. robil grayvtilt, ltn,î Over ws-1nir a loureal clothIr s lied .anti nortcnai,' ire sateeu,"antittiracage e S W3Ian-i 12, Hocha atitiltioxis1andnîlueir MaskertifodTHelen3Ba0k ken tohamnese Pnîice*210. Alunoabîay ookcd lni boîîîng aat-m for 180 ihoues, t> bc ongratularod " Hemersed toDm- Individuat detîvalta Ir, and Jame rooi nod- hotrs,, prit-e S1004an-i a lacîk horse for Atter rmlosing tira eloti art-idoigir discii e Ipotiant marrors whileir - inhery tivai tirat 1,2 S Oe. N 491.n. Ttleru ..Ca .....tir 8M.920.76se ai,, tmir aame tacr laiodtieioisaepacdurgr ntast 18111 corne hefore tire consvention. Tir eh', lot 1 block 5, 'aaukegax Highrlands, Puirlie notice le ireby gcxi andsereil Prpard a abvethe ý eed $ vIrtue ut an oruler anal iecmee en- basai. do soiesinîn sear traistihe above bioîtues aigu may be irakedini a deep business of ost Interest F.alat to Eai wlt tred Int me A. - eniqe ar. S u 'ý1 t1 atret tebstufr, Cealilen. 40 t! alîsir bete ,-ilgirtu secure tire borneoffice F .Dymond nît t ltoteMarcirTerni .P. 910 tireeJ.SxGi!LT> abi FOR SALE-A Stewart steel range&as On,, aay 10 econumize on rotinrotat front Futlton, tire loalge of ahicir cîîy Jostpir 'aicLaughin, lot 13 bloc, 1, uf saiti Court, tire uxdersignet Master SES H ILLEat, netrIel as onnen Cali uat lis eoffie.c-2 7 2 bilil, accordîng tu tire book, i t ttos ex npsst ximmemil ymonal & Austîna first addition bti Cbancery o! salit Court, waien rJ LTAYLOR. - -tn h et' lvr vra eti ietvIlW . 10 Tuesday tire 26tb day o! AprnliA, D. t,5E5OAlt SCHRECc, Oisemer. tuerotirelmet r ser tacet ain____r_____Lhetvee.W *$0.1910 at tire boum ut une o'clock in tire Subaribed and vases lv belom mue Ibis a uil nîreut FrIuan.srenuI TEM E. F. P. Dymond anal alfa et ai to Ada atternoon o! said day utthoe Easti...or FLAIRA A. STAPLES, Nota.-, Publie. IFOR SALE-At a hargatu aennî ~a lîsoiFormstan.pIere.onon _____________MA__________ I steaur launoiîrydiing itiftns business wt urpIg n i rss ro Owrtrhla ,îther busines .hdraiss toast anal biscuits. Youugar the ldea WtlliîaioLong, Racine, 22, fitabel uS-,,r&S-ru ruu1uti lili.t tiexi limat Yuokire eating neait, (i e.-1 ir, at v 2 oit arit,.i Borderst ut rîce, bormlny uter,'I 1, 1.091 i nmla itaunitinashed Ioiatoes un nîtat -hies Joulti h i îeren, 29; - huma Merju. k al ien -.n ~ n 6 alo are- griutufor carry ing ont tris 2 titi l. d,-bt'ion t'Iautu,,I Nilson. Chicago, 22;,Rima- iulisFOR SALE-u-t r tiîiîutaspragus r,,. lu Stonvg on.Dumplings. hu n hlin îIh. , 1 Mher 100. Leav,-drritrJ il A Iai' on ýoo cf tire neyant lais e ei r 4gh 'ahi,', & Cuo c tor eeout leu i ii..u..ý 1.1,t i ii lings en-i farina bhalls. ntuN t t 111i - auukegan .. ..30 Eý1).h ltit i,1iti i27* F r Jy he k Q7 huý ila iThItu utt duitiiliîtc lu is ade froin twto Niar i i iii mi, saine_ ... 2 - ~~ ~CIl ofi, . . . . .. . ~ .utsu fuoit,ftuttîîcupovuiftiisofutia-Frank- Ila is tiihicagu . .., 29) 20 vvap luli i kI l îtî k il Jt,, t-,- %îuduuî,îi,ls tut huiler upor îx no EGT i- Autkier, 111i..... 29 R u d d y H e a lth ýa ahltul- FOR SALE 'A ,, , 11 r i I i u, sk w . , alf i t oa 11ont0î ut sait, an-id nE (i s Attu i. .1 and i uttii,-îdry ingre-ietui. sork li Clotilila " . u WANI'ED thtilc r wtth ie tilts o! tirefingemS, Arthuîr 1I FoxI niraxd iti 'al . ?%ar-* 1____t__hi(______________o___one________inich, adctgrtA ivi,\akgn 1 ogrp, iitl aWANTED scittý Samitii in Brown, ULule Plîttîte Wben the chlldren caflfor coDfe. or tea, or tupr, nWNEDT.0 Mlr a4tCI Cý T) ok i? itiailongti liplt o xi) Cilý;NIr Clieoi when they want a hot drink, or omething before - aabrtri.T i vofr pedir- brusas, mutttitotu nd T imelh laf, ienruîsîiIiglrand Pairk,24; o ri rn aefottema fbnns un-i eus- peas, AtbacvnaandutI i Lieu,- It viiiadd tathe roses ln theircheeksanad a ,k on asikailur edr os n fril -7-1ttxican ireel, an-ia airicot ut muttun 'uWiltthla e North Chirioo 20î 'ate ............. n.soterit theirsilies ithat tire ex- joepirloiglnit. :.p21 tre lo It hirvie kPripentusOi n cn bi eturon lire tableai rhr etl,_CitovleWsA cpo oaobfr hyg o t)' 'eWANTED- ir t :0 ,sae til nia ilicoul and et tire saine tîmne gms-e AtrrE11 iutn-i, wî ilmake them fu lee ke tope andvwake happy u-2 o vr n strInqie tr.W. satl.t,,ici ny noumsirment. Thee ouk 23, Viola t.1,Bur ke, 18.adchrflitomrng ut. )v8.boktsceo to astlu seîmafrue-i - andnd digestinianthaedear head rus If or -Conrtecal bie! irasirbOfL eg e tAnrd Bonano la best for "grow-p lto It makes clear skin and brtght eyeu5 - aîD. W" -4laeiuadh tug iiuign iruair, ay o ti experte. Tia ctBonano la made from vurletias of lusiotiabainaa, fully ripened ithe saishine of 4u htutr mn Ieerene . Box 183, Lib)etvrilie uesi -yo tîligaualteUnr theraise ho Ineufficlant for a miel a... II akes a mout dfilious, farn mvrp ha frulty flavor and nourlsbment afl is ovi. StwdShirt of Beef Fine. YIuUI mu se oaoi tedikfo oan nooa and nlght- a drink that in alvays palatable, I TAN OUDTire Iivestigaturs fOnd steatt in ev-rcn n tdi Folhett, Minlanofke>inave.e melup tourdIt produces vlgoirr, health aid atrong nervea-the feeling ai vlm and :nergy. etc LOSTTit 1Fam 5 alin oas ohiand Hecht af, uone srlg loeandpareeSmala Protect lil wîth a coat of Bonano la a drink for rlc aid poor, for s.tck or healthy, for mon, vomai and chid- P-28t1 haIt taîlea uinefuI sait, a traiOae- Bradley & V rooman's Pure au the time. ake, as flemandtoneThisdisnthe bestapai-tE4a-e-I-T----T------------- on the systen-does not clog nor cloy. aie s:Tommerfe d, istuatad ln tire Cu sp roonfuis o! buttar or eavonv ulmln- Paist. ebs an aeITRNTOA e etfo ou rcrtdy etwl .0 Cooxi- uf Lake axia State o! Illinois. plngs. AIl Ingredilente are put loto BANANA FO0D COMPANYGtacifomyugoerod. A m vi Triofsale: 25 per cent cash a tew pan anal bmoxigit tu a bull. Tien for over 3l yea.r, for the CIflCAGO. ILLINOIS. make 75 cupo aid la therefore mors economical thu" Bleder. on tire day ut s3ale andthie balance on tira pan la set ahane tire liquidlda nigo ossadbrs.his edm apeo BNN n te eea 3a Budte Bookîfeed.Jstsr.r o sxhor. , u- a If your grocer doesn't keep It, send us the attached o. 3772. ELAM L, CLARKE, tan, flaur, anal Soup fom tiraboune a edBclt coupon, aid vo vill lscnd you a sample package and a isxitire Datd 31 EMater-ln-Craucery. browlî sauce 1s8nmade, anialta titis les Wears longest--looks nicest Nmei cmven-i DtdMamrhSa. .D.1910 adalealtire meat andi mammrow, okl Iane lxin-- Tiracool, iook, s-hi baifurnîirheal trae-goos farthest. drsFoSay Matchr _________1 I ir .pyl1ir eaîet Made of Pure Carbonate

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