CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIII. NO. 30 c that the art of lte . The re- e plant la ilant inay belng re- ti TWO mO lm AuI v,. nior is tban 1,- excellent Newitouse, 29-tf TWO PARTS job apple plcking wth hec broibar. wito iad married rny igtiser We botit of tus lied sit aotn fl ot our wivesito thtie tinte of te tragedY. Tells of Tragedy. "On tite day tif te deatit my wlfe met me ln a salousit There was a con- vention on ai Niagara Faits, Site aaked me 10 huy ber a drink and to supliort ber titrougithlie wlnter. I said I wouid, bol tsxed ber wllh of- fenses 1 auiier-tî-d aiit other men and site confessed. "Titen site asked m0e to taIte a waIk witb ber and we went to the Americafi @ideo sf titi- Falls.Titere site ltreat- ened t0 end it Il. I do 001 know witat came over me, a bllnd fit of an- ger peritaps, but I pusheil ber lto thte river wllh my foot. Site dld nIt scream, did not struggîe. Site imp- y covered ber face wit ber aitawl and drifted down treant, Relte. 5iight. Iwent t0' Rochester antd worked on a farmn for lwo weeks. Titen f wcnt to Wbeeting. W. Va.. ad aler living titere for a aeek wit a woman named Ida Robinson 1 eturned to te reservation, aberc nt>fantily told me hoawt- ibody> of iii> a f,- itad beit fnund abtout flctobi-r 2:1,attîliow te vi'cd icI of t b - ituittiCJuirty aas on e INDIANFARM IIAND A MURDERER Overcome apparentili with re- morse and worn anld haggacd with the preying of the crime on hia mind, Poster Johnsoni, Indien facen hand nt Antiocit Saturday gave hlmftlf Up to authorties of that place wth the voluntary confes- sion that on October 3, 1904, ha * murdered hi. wlfe nt Niagara Falls' by puahlng h1kr nto the riv- er aboya the falu. Joitsons alatement was made 10 Police Magistrale J.C. James Jr. of Antlocit. He waiked mb ite Justices office Salurday andi declaring tat te affaîr hdbaliotered im long euougb bold te detals witit the great- est wlllngoeas. 1mont eltiter teit or commit sui- cide'"ite declared,- 0 I1amn teling If the witole MIory to yunud you Cao do witat ynu please,- Itlalederlared Ibal hi' nd pre-vis- ly told tli t orytolUhise emîlohdr Bob Ruler of te fanînîs Setleras laIne reo u tl ans naur î-lieved. Johnson'$ Satemect- I lamn a futl ltiooda-d Indian ofte Tîîst-aîîrîra reset-talion ne-ar Niagara, be saad. ' and married a fuît tiioodcd squaw. t1e liveti togetiser off and ont for twoive years andi I let bt-r sec -railimes becaîîse I1ielibved site was too fanîliar witit otiter miii. "The third or Otoiler. t îii4.I t-1, bier wa-c wttult bas e Ioisea rai e tutt siteaketi nie lo a taIa a)kith litbe afler -onft--aqiig \Vi t,lii-- a alla antd a beti t-ht-guIot Niagaracirjv1 jusi altoe te fali- t. tli- sa),i souhi t-ndil til nomi-ui> -ut i . u, nttu aitt u1 lîitt' itir% fi 'I askeul li- bita and I eh- t-cllî,dt-ti îi i t X t o l i -iutg lai-u ilut jai. ir jumitng e lIi te(-iccu 1 sas Confesses WhieDruck. i anecu and 1tlthîlb-r t1suatuhllu-litlieri Stiuai bu-. bit-cati te,)tdrinkt ntul an- s tii 1 gate lui- a ki-be- t i ti'- lu nch suit tii-ciil lt l,utitiN ie t-lt nit-s ac-ay loto tht-iter sie au-itt h.- seuil a b-cce buuît, i ilt thtý'&'ucîoditî tictcn te t-becandtisî. thacve goine niusu-r. le Vltiuianti coîîîesu-îIl tiser thte faiha 'u't'iun uthelotiy sa again 10 bitut tic, sas arcest-ti ut I forind],he- verdittcas ont- of subcide Wauklr-gan as a drtînk sud dit-ocde-ny h and titcy never auspeoleti me etait.aI n d again reliesteti bis confîýssion 1 si - Nos t waul 10 expiat- mc ýcrime'" ben- Pettding lniceîugatiotu,le irusi- tebing belli. After repeatung hi* confession of la TypucalIindian, the murder eofhusecife at Niagara Jtohntson says ite sas bot-turi Niag- Falls October 3, 1904, toe ~p ara cotnlu, Nea' York. itce and toa SUN reporter Mon- lu aplîcaranre tue s a t> utcal Inuian day, Poster Johnsoni annoucc- of te prtttcsarain iit a dat-k trown cd that ha would not fighl extradi- sin. a cieacing anti pe-ing eye. iigit tien, but woaid go back to New citeek bont-s anti ail utc otberc ciarac- Yock wiingiy toexepiate hie. o sclt-s i-is te3esas moisi as ite crime. otlit bis stot-> to a SU'N reporter Iis He aise tateti thai he has mnunng anti bu-apleared.1 10 e deep- ticace appeared as an acter l y moyeu antiln a entorseful mood. Lncoln J. Carters& "Fiamig Ar- Ele rîsunîs 1 t- e apIlsîtlaund s coca" at the Schwartz theater. t tach teunluer atîti aen, on te day The states attorney and the po- of ttc tract-tc hii sie astedi hm fol lice bebeve the mac siricece and suptlulOcl bt- ct slitubat ibe couhd If weilimutentioced and credit bis siteaouuld ht-t-onil a (itt-iîttun Ste stery. saiti that site antilî ln conrat sit Fui-lu-r Johnson, Ii(,' fulbloodeu Ltitis adtmission taI lue titi tot 1lite Tu-t amtora Indian, ftouat h,' t-st-t-a -it bus a i- bhctaît',e sOcmast unfaîlhit luiotun rina-milits flt-tinNagsaaFals, la fui .1Johnsonw-au n ttt slows Ini ttut lss' not-ttr u i tecil> ali a iit- Sutes At-i-, os nasutý- io atmif ulluess itht- lot-ne> Dailuanti (lief nf Police Con-utt eso-- iIîrhaabt- 1tobr uthir keel te a-ltes hot makiug IloutulcTionia- utiliaui'.n--tiýr Nagara Falls.e b-s regarding tite Irotit of bis conles- On theti5 tif tim--lte te iquaw 1 sioin. lie la beuug bt-id lb cuttody anti sili aouti Johntsoits au liiug andti amil be rte-tut-t-il10Nec- York siate Sarahitcnlutp, flite squaw' sita toi on requîtilas het a ailling 10 go anti Williamis sas living, (alie aitogetera ailnut igitl extradition. 10 Niagara. Aller ta- crime Jobtîsonl , I bhlerteJohnst-on s stoc> - saiti c-nt awsads t ibhcd andti dinot1 ci( tiif tu Ioliice onohi> >tontiay teturn uiittl TitatsgIi ng futte, siten7 Il,, sitows the-Indiaut characieristît- lie it-arut-ti oa titi'bodyx tatlt-ap- ti aduoitlong hisc rimelntt id lubis ail ieareti lingti'5s 1 stand puninsitmetnIle la Iis fater iltedi alic-n be sas 21. fltlInsaneasd flot Iry> t10oct rkan> la Champion Confesser., 5 grat.** Johirinsonutate-hi'iimnîton lonîg dia- Mondas nuroîiîîcJohtnson Sul)lliflt-tilance umarathoun conft-esor, ns lie basi tt stot-y of bis ct-mue ti uan lnmit-t- lta omtatoitsbis t-5' to bis t'mpîloyer, Tellsef Life, Boit Selleer. to Justice Jantt---tof An- 1 ian 44 anti cas bot-n on te Tue- tioci to10'uinislet Wiipple of Liberty-1 caurors reservation ninle miles front ville ant In Chief of Polit-t Conoiyt> Niagara Faits, c-tere nty motter and aud nec-spapec men of 'uaukegan, sisler Nelile ttîl reide. I bave also a brother, William Johnson, ounte ceser-allon, Santoco iltefitatest Fourlh Fire on Ferry Ferro. rahroati station. it la on te Nec- it-e slaring ai 1:3 0 Tbursday af- cetral. Thte sorekeeper ai tbe tes- ternoon front an unknoaqur cause cot- ervation c-heu I committeet te cime picîely destroyeui s barn, a caclagi' c-as Holauti Patterson. I oc-n ffteen iotîe anti a silo îeongîng 10 IHiramt acres of reservatonu laud. Ferry, Sr., ai Zbout City, anti alsco con- She Wanted Headstone. sunueti bay anti fat-nu mat-bluet- Val- Tte îtng taI matie me confesa uatîe stock hati been placeti ln thte c-as fiat before I killeti ber and c-be-n yardite-cause 0f tht-fine c-tater and site tbld me taI site Inteudedt 0cnt-m-as.,titecefore sac cd. mt suicide, my c-fe asteti me for a Just teu minutes itefore the lire nire gravestnne and I ptotised ber Mrt. Ferry tati icti for 'u'aukegan. A titat I1c-Outl gel ilIf.b ave never doue teleptone message bcought hiitbrick so ant it bas taunteti me. I see ber witen ite arivedib tece. Thisi la tase deatt ln the river ln my dtirma sud fourtlbor iftitfiti the bartuor some bave hardi y enjoyt-d s peaceful nIetts of te Ferry buiidngs bas gone up steep snce 1 tille-tiber. ln amoke-. Zion Cty ire tiepacîment -M iles namcrec-as Emuma. WI- diti vallant c-ork. liaîna, anti she like ntself, c-as ofte Tuseaut-oca t-utc Ne livedtogetiter ai itst for lau leaus, siten jealousy Fregt air anti sunahine pceseol dis on my part sepaataeti> us. One boy ase. Gond paint preenits deray. it acedt bree monts died. We lîvet i wîîîpsy you tu proteet youc property together off anti on for lweive years witb long c-eariug Bradley & Vreomau and titen in 1904 1 leftIber to laIe a purepaint. Solti hy F. B. Loveil. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2,2, 1910-16 Pageis IIAD AFFINITY UN LIBIERTY VILLE Thts in On e of the Reassns Why Mca, lza Leonard Deciares in Chicago Suit for $25,000 Alienation Damages that Mr&. Florence Ferguson De- bauched Hec Husband-He Saîd Hed Make Hec Eat Snowbails. Sensational chbarges agaloal Mrsn Florence- Iterguson, dis orced a ife of Lawrence W. Fîrgtîson, w(cltit> roai dealer, 2-d8 lîaritorn sire-et, Chicago, accusing ber of 'itaving cntieî1, cor. rupled and debancheil" liarry A.Le-on- ard, club man and eai calat- dealer, are made by Ms.Ize aSD. Fraser Lt-on- ard, 4433 Chitainavoaenue, in the declacalion of ber suit for $25,000 for alienation of the affections of ber husband, ilied in te superior tourtt yesterday. In addition to te aboie t-arges Nits Ileooari acers titite dîcou'ed aotiety a oman 'tîniafills a ictIy and inalictoueli crineîtled 10 tieprice ber of lts nocit , uifora it-lt 'hîmili alioti atd degri-dlaitiri' -iel"tnd f2.îiidattages. 'lits ttie for ni' tcnt-bd ii, ' ii-t euhl uinu' i. 1911'4, ahi n eb î,gitt io WISCONSIN CENTRAL. muit-e main trat-k aid mit î- 'iîintg mtil value of tti'i,- f i." antotai assessed valttuei of -l t . WAUKEGAN AND MISSISSIPPI VALL EY. t1,.. si altie, $:.4 ii WEALTH 0F LAKE COUNTY. fuît-t s, 9817; ai irîut , , alite 'aille. 2-.522; averat,- s.alte $t, $'21 .iih6; assessed, 2494 lus Shteci, 4702; $1.32,;il i it ssci Ml lis, etc., 82; f2 - $'1. am- seset-d21431. Hoge, 919; $ftfl' -sel ,team engluies, :- 4li $4«0614; ssseseed,$7.< Safes, 208; I$21i26, a -'1sit 207. Billiard tables, etc_;t, fi1495; as- sessed, 1257. Carrnages, els., 444,-f,,4 s sessed. $63,263. Watcbee, 2877; î ssei $9.762. Sewing mncieîi iet, ,1714l a,eeas,,ed, f7,738. Pianos, 15(3., f'. f44-79, 44 li-gn-4 -t50,i' f f- t,-eset-t, aesseti. Steanthoats, tlu >, f$-'l ' ,i- sti-ed, Iounard '-On A1stisi I iii4hP Vaiet i$21 78, sat nul .1tire FF--rts-tsu mru- f ilig anti aueenuîet-itr u ttti tuiming ina shlntitîrtua -i Il tut-ut Iîe, aeae 6u,5 - Asseaseti, $744,7,s. Assesseti alie-Hta il Says He Squacdet-ed Hîs Mocey. uaieli.a, Tire u n tu ou aiutatifi 'tIr I - Fer- L t,.7 -,a ýýý[ gt',oicatis-d idltltt- lists uuî-nîler- l,i, 7h41 a-i-$11-i '., ia iii if, ti) t (1i at-ug ut--i0 l it-ti h e tfi lýli o- oli,îal t(his st-t-tut- g o i 0 bs aile fît tiatgi' tthattl, i--uand-'rt-d bis Assesseti andtieriiil' I t '- i-(r iii if ut n~ th, dî -t -fil somuan anti - d ii fjii'usseaseul anti i-titi il s ai i1t t-st-n uiai, tutt utsitu tte n i-ilt-att cii îursonat, $5,-7i Ftrttýse - nt I-i- l vt-t--t I nlit fait, 'uit-'- n e uai-i"': ,t'uuuardcd i-uat-is heuti ia was t-ut- X'sese tii qi t It - t Onite ah-ýn titi- aets-o-l blutu orf lits ,,,d an qilz-1ýt uinîtuithfutiuee, lit laLeottard dcces, I , Nalt-t-ual anti Nlii lf;ttit-elti p tt tie titreatenedti uttht os bt-t-outIn 10 ,4 111 he selr'-ttindmaliuber calsuta Tutus1 guoipa etc.f, - baiii lie-4 at bec Nox eniber 1.i tWic tutuit-l. i -$42,2--ý uotîdl> afler titis. ,Sec tai înîtbs Gltit"u tilsecplait,, et-c, $9,553. uezo ait catiset iq ,art-est on ia icbarge if miarisd ebiid ahandoujitîtu ii I 'îtn t ft, îtnît,eu alitîl ît-kt- f 55 45 t" ýLA K! CO. TII! BEST lttsitr, tlf":-i,) At-cor report a mi cage cou nty best rn IN TVENTY-F:OUR I ~ fi. ______ Obh er crit-lu-t.191.457- rding te the figures n the PfotndsanndlStocki-, $227 tt4a. and the ttal*isof ailcuati ShusCapi(tailiStoci-, $fttah87. for each coanly, Lake lirataionouhttlec t-i-c - f 26,548. a oune of the twec.ty-fouc 'la]iîi-simnd tngmi- oîî',$7928. allroaded countbea n the liuifm Ittîu anti office Itrnture. sttate of ilimocua, Cook coucty of course leading with a gcos total of ever 900 mites, Tht- annîlia] i cîxirt of tht- atiItouIPI oft P a-ali a ti l uti foui, 1 u0 , t, uet i iit 9ut-aC. tuides sboatng iLake colin t tin inu a t-trilmut uuînî'nr, nlsu gît cu ontiite lut-iîandti btt-resiut it- forumationiabitt l t. atilrutat ileagua tin titis t Oiitttin a rstber more dtic tati furit-tii t liasau et bteut matie 1ibft Il( andîlgît,,ta graphiet de-a tsf oc- Ct,1 tti'iimîtitciilrunde-d, ThtelacIs mut tie cati togethersIth nplattuai - jiuittiitit-biug sonite of tbe al.iuItiiof i-ccoulnîtt an tere l lies TOTAL RAILROAD MILEAGE AND VALUE. 14,1;tmiesotaint t-at-k -79 miles s-- ti i iîî . î.1 umie',sidintg;- $84627 vcatuu- iiuuiits - t-tc ltug st-ock, $ e, 7- -qtize i initie cailroati p,-etut mut omit,-, f2,504,677. CHICAGO & MILWAUKEE E. R. R. 4ut; i]t ',4277 fîettutainttrack lu Illinoisu. Eaqualized value cap. stock andilif,îueist-. $1,776,.12; equalizeti s atue biludng property, $1,721,325. Net assseuiet capital stock anti frantchise, $19.269.39 uiles 1597 feet maint-at-k lit lakt- counly.Net as- scasîuuî'ut n LaIe coutt, $15,339. ELGIN, JOLIET AND EASTERN. 21 cmles manutrark anti 22 miles sitibngs; value of builtliings. $15,008; touil ai - iseti caine, $441.084. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN. 56 miles 2niain tracks anti 31 miles sidings a-tIltlotal asseaseti value- nf $669,223. Vuite of buildings, $51.627. CHICAGO AND NORTHERN (C.& N. W. R. R.) 18 mles 2 mtain trarks anti t mite sidings c-bih total assesseet valtue of $118.937. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUL. -43 miles 4118 feet main track Lakte couinty. Assessei l-iue except build- Ings, $339,295. Buildinugs, $11,788. 24 miles 2047 feet second main tract. Assaseti value, $107,795, 16 miles 4154 feet'-of aldinga c-it assasseti value of $67,147. Total assee8ed value, $589182. lseitil-ii i-il estatiý antilut ur, w ,t $i f4,;.< Gfl'aui iý ;-, - statu ,amidNu, itutatbatik stat-ci- A 11 ti tj i t-u 1fi15 7,.1h Total t, ii tiiummposed l lwlr- Totali s u i ~ipet-st-mai iuot-îîîty. LANDOS. mSZ us u-i t ii -i- v d i huuu2 iii iii pt-oct-iý l i- t i ut-land anuImii t-lie menis. f7 il~i- 81.16 il idiil, s 29,4019 uninuîrri- Wii Have E-et-y Regulathoni Any One Et-et- Heard of. Au Infornîai rnîýeeng nf lte ment- bers 0f tht- it-t-se rommittee of tae Roctford ci council tas teen beld anti a deflnite lune of action tas prac- llcaliy bt-en oumuineti, aays te Rock- fard Star. Alderman iat-bison In au Interview Salut-day aflet-noon atitiltedt iaIttie commille- bati met anti satli taIc-bile nI munit for publicationoc- a beh given oui, be derlareti thal empitasît coulti be- laid witb a practical certain- ty taIte follocing tesrctions c-outd gavera te conductor ufsaloons under the lirense syslte: No trealing of any citaracler. No fre-e lunchtes. No dice or card gantes. No sine- rooma. No music nf anyt-batacter, No lIca-tirurca. No a-ct-ens. No crits or tables, WEEKLY REALTY REVIEW. Thc Lakte Couitu. Tille & Trust Co. report Rt-aI Est-te Transfers for lbe c-eek. Nuntet- of Instruments filue 153; Deetis, $117,275.00; uoas, $ 72,307.00. PART ONE $1. 50 PEU YEAR IN AJ)VANCE. OETTING BROS, 1fie rripiirOd( fliiaraIl i h ( is ad1FARMERS HAVE W U BG S ITth, i in ii ,', NPATION~AL UNION Supremne Court Backs Them Up as Re-ba ai dt'iî ian i c t-cn gard Desructonih theCampLakei o,'l- l do ng IWiti Meet at St. Louis May 2, and Con. Dam and Water WiiI be Restored to via h r l,ý-o f %ninl xetdtMk itr Former Level, Much to the Reported tht- ttias Fat-c-t- t Regardled as Real Key- Adanag o Lkean Rsotes Ho- Horse is Affected. Stone of Pi'osperity. American So- Who Dweli on Ita Shores. The boi, -i i a l'e i as ntîî> ciety of Equity Members Here ln- tit(Illt, -aline ta j, taut hi, bas ierested. The outconwofti he, ase of Robert' grilirunoite ari t th, os.- and itrou- Runvaid et a]is-,O.tiîtîg fItos. Ice hie ini lii' titroat INI tteatditin lThti--t' , î Irs i?'tiîi ai oQer C'ompîany, ahich watua ith> eai raried tat lumps forni on th,- tht-ont aîîd tihe i l i tîttf ifAni,ia, ait organiza- froin thie touitt cutit ifilKettosha alnd islUi-l,,t tiilie lirola, îîas a re-, iiid offtî itlii oih(rnlriiing ihe South- coultty to thes)(it- ui te -iîiîýot he sfitof th. iiipase tt tati .t oini racte îiilv tht, camne plan state of Wtisonsi, ha-t bi eti atched sl tbas liiiscierai t cars intc a ai- ttc Amr.i lait Soi-'*ty of Equity with ht-en inti-rest. flot on], bcthe iii general itii-mirtif te trouible has ciii is tI- \irihernstuiles, ile ar- t rest,,d parties but by the a bote sur- 1 edO irth1rtîtl - i" htrtanýitgitg li te fî st aîîd mosttgigaotic roitndtng eomntîîît, sa e te Antiocit presetit u ýtanct- i settîis likeis t niait ai is', lirittt'iion of iîroiluc- News. Ottitg Biloteýrs haie floally :wil spîcati generalît' isolation 0 iewr eist-et- hetl in thii' orld. Woo oui it~orses s4îifficleît and farmers i' anîr ndlhr osrf ail kinds. As -allhite retncntibered. iaat tuiy lng 10 town front the farteswitcre tlerks and stores snd offices. workerB lte Kenosha county court decided the cases of the trouble exlst are llkel)- n minc, faclorlet, anti foresîs, me- case in favortof thte Ire comîîany titis 10 cause lis distribution to lte ciiy Cha nirses.d are ail invlted b mjin ln deelsion, itowever. aas flot snlisfying' stable-s and tilleul farniers front otiter titis tonvt-tionit I will be asseoabled bo te llaiflulif and te case wasiram directionls arec likeýivto drve lut and ottie entîre aeek, Nlsy 2 to May 8, wlfth utediaili>carried t0ute iigiter court. their aninmais tarîý t il 1other rural tIl Tht- affair hud liestîegioîîing titirty- «rommtînIties1 six eut-s agoaiteti tesidents of te \itci atarni le beîîîg feit -i bot-se"s vcinits îîelîiîoncd I tit- -titboard 10 fia tirs as 10 thet- îîmat' iottome fof dig aIdlt-h flot-t-it tantp Lake in a te rceril ltroubli'1,r drainu tian-blantis brdecîog on Nothiitanti iSouth campt laites. MUGGEI AND KISSEIY Titi- cliiiti ans grant-dIl i,, to-tcol t-ailtibitita- dtr h aas dig fronts Wl!! ON STREETS lt Camp iak-e t liii- ulate iu ni'Sd te It cause tif fuit-re lttioubit- cas i-lapled. Ii poi 1l- P 'i tî' coutri-- tif afeaucet-sl,, graducai titift-i tihFut-iliecîdun coivt-leol-y a fiiîng ofi lte dit-b lyit t gi tableCIir inFotqeda rfrosy.A giomt i c ,ti-edthelb,-ati-t- Iili te aîan tiitit i iig anti itîgging a fi ini, t l it i-lt lisi-t foîîîîî-î Ner i ~iiti ite sti tcruît c hile a'aiti'ng bh Thiu tail, if faaitit-i steli'd ttîi lte a tI,îThiîîîsîiîî hi- mtt', llat-c tîtdîr fir t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a utlitithutt a-t itlt iist lii'tins a fisI sergeant a tiltVh1it itîti lalr it îicceioped lita iii i eau te iii(h atiiihi' salerwans , Ohiiadltr tdIpdta nC, nlotset-t-ilth,,\moniale lattbs amif'- The tiano About thiititîtle lut--Q tittutlitoth ta1 di old w wesp trt, lt-e f ttinpnO crrttd a i-ornt--teauo.F dani t a iit-e ha i ot-if i-lai-e on landtî Titi 'piade cenli-scîl a 1h srepl- Pa Iia-ongîng tri one of tht- utaititfs, a it in n ntutost ofýv cr ouit octiitoit îloaet et- n o ceai it-oit I oî le tîmore taneîlyhert-t'alle ic apitî-t-d until ice eut-s iter The nutîfss ouiti iot be learneti. a heui hi' dant amas tori doan bhipert- Titirty Days Each for Two. o sons, întnoa n andthie waert- hereîîy Totît Sa eeney and John lfeury. witoli loaceti about tree fet. Titis lefi laitnt Canada and te nortitern lumber o lte defendants' Iceitotîsi- flair bat-k sootis as teir native habitat and te piolie sasv Joliet and Pontiac as tbeir fronthlie %ataec anti cottages ahit-ietP hbnhi clt on tht- laite shore acre ocsoilresialeîie, acre Tituraday P fliii ot- 7fitffeet therefrom. Trouble eoîîîîîitd 10t ticty days eachIn iheti hegan Iibt-ca andtihie matlterlte CouIc jaîl for bcbng drunk anti mans itaen loto court. The case c-as t-ob bittg a bouse-Ili the- huart o-f Wau- A In itigatiotî for montita and aiten fin- egan. t alit a ilet-isiotI ase reacited ti î as In i WifI Look Up Records. c fat or of te defendant. Tite ,coutd1Wbile titey arc In juil te police w-llla sînleiltai te plaintiffs sboweuino look uputeir records, Chief ofrlPo- o itistificalion for draaiog dowonie lice- Couoliy, c-Ian cas the man c-ho saler ib 1906. snd taIlite defendanti aorke-d up te arresis and 1laoded te itad been grcaiiy injsîred titercits and "'ten,.ls of te opinion ibat titey arem c-as cnîiticd 10 relief. Anti nom, te aanled sone plac and ihat ltey may t close te case te sulîrcoe court bas be ont on parole or May be In fligit P upiteldth ie decIsion of thc county for aenme alieged uuknowni crime, court and bas gluen te defendant te Daring Robbecy. d cîgitt to fi lte dilci t ate expense (ofiTieti-lao Wednestiay broke mb a e te plaintiff. itotse in thie ht-art of Watikegan, sIsal-e Titis ait-colorete aster of Camît 111g fut-,s suct-caat-ea pair o! lailorBI Lake 10 the- fornmer lecel abicit sil ibt'tit5, a paît- of corsets and a pair of fi n oi onît henoil te ce compiyn,-but .sitîpt-i s. Theit tht-t tried 10 ssil i a-ili ake tht- place tuoce atîract-tîe1tht tut on Miart lsut-cet Tite occo-w 10 tue nuanvs tntu c tistorsant il, 1 plntof the- boit e, a cvdow. itas been t ai so itit'caselbhe vaite o u o fittîi l it teitospi lifoi e igitleetumontits, bordte ring îîroît-rtvtand I lu- lienus, lia- liten letfiate, s cilIici i t-t itît> i t îtl mît- efiiely f iii uied, EPIDEMIC AMONG TIIE MORSES? $ 100,0)00 INVESTED a Rockford, and Wîseitago Coucty Par- UN CANNING PLANT c ticularly, Hard Sufferers, but Wau- I e kegan acd Lake Coucty Are Not Mecl who Corne frorn Rockford Takec Free Fcom Scourge. Horses Af- Hold of Grayalake Canning Plantb fected Like Hamac Being wth Bad t.sitih Has been idie for Two Vears Case of Gip. and In Short Space cf Time wîilc 1_ - ~Devn.iop Corn Canning Inte One ofc e ~Big Industries of Coacty. I CI Disteunpet- anong horst-s is tht- fiyb .In te inîmenl of te fat-mers in ILakte counlY, bot-se oa'ntrs In Wau- With $100.000 nos' Inuesled snd lte0 kegan, aitd trougit norltern Ilîlol plant flot >et ready 10 operale lte P.0 mosHobenadel and Company corn canning *generaily. Iis spring and te fine plant at Grayelk iefi eb n *weater and excellent condition of te 0 iem slkmport ant conly ine se souis labalanced bu the Inability 0fof te s motntcuiIds emany toilera 10 get lnonte fields 0 y od-atcmpetd atcdy it la do ibeir spring sork. B ei opee audyteC l- Te dsteperla alld smetmescompany bas acqîtireilthte Chartesb is iot iendperIs lete tsme tmes Kuebter fart near Grayalake. Be- tplcotcranteont In ter1raliericts.-fore Ibis it 1usd acquit-eulte Hoffmiao s coes amçatl n ite ura dttrltsand 'uloore farns. Up to tlit ime Il Il la bigic ontagionts and a htorse boîgit thlie Kîtebiter fart $82.000 bad sometImes wilhl contracl il fronmta hten cituienuieti, Tht- mois recetit alfecied animal elmply by passlng il port-base raises te total above on the road. Du iotng fronthlie saine$100.f irouigi or eaiing front te samne mang- The cooîpany aihI grow and cao er- s a sure metitot of contractlng Ili corn for te table. Tht- Guayslaket $courge Near Rockford. carînery bas been hilhe for tan yeara. In te vcciity of Rockford, espec- Iltt-en bat other oane-s. Latly aur n OgIe counlY, lte disease la a th Hoitenadels acquiret it. Tbef ecourage nnw. A Rockford man ato tcornet front Rockford. bas a fat-m near Monroe Center bas rmeiveti word front bis tenant ltatIif beclîs Ibste fat-m aIt titIslime te McIntosh Disitart-ed. t. shouid flot tivte titere for is borse Petople ex ccl. Ciicago Bac Associa- te ancely sould ite affecled. lion v-s. Meivin C. 'uIlntosit, motion by ýd A eolicitor working lunte country relater to make trîtit- absolute; respon- i, recenlly passed along a roati for a dents osme alcicken frontrmît of at-3 distance of nine mites and every facr-,lot-neya.i A îtt-ttram unpre-cedented ln Inter- et anîd %c lnî* y ls heing arranged. lit-pant- a taitiboritica of national prtîtnencewathout reference 10 polîti- i-il affilaîltîn, a-li ha' 1îsent Sats Presideni Bennetît: Titrotigboitlthet-ocrent session of toiuees, tbe Fat-nera Union bas main- îtaned a hegisiati c butreau ai Wasit iglon Thisshbureauî le preîîariog a re- port in shirtlthe stalutes of lthe legis- laion dettuandeti suitneedet bu lthe tiiet-it-tunfat-mer ailbu'probably set trtit Tht- reading of titis report will e ait tnet-esiing phsof lthecont- 'eéice. "Ai no îre lotis tintein lthe bisiory f lthe nation, bas the farter teen te object of more solihiîtuide to lboîîgblfîî publit- nen andti lthe publicetaIlarge. t-ont roîgce-ss, front eer>- nec- 50cer forîttmt front euecv stuîmp andi ostrum, ndlot-tîn, gocesup lthe ct-y 'Bat-klu lthe Landi ' "Expert anti conscientiotîs aludenta if econontîcs are c-arniug us ltat un- les thte lot of lte farter la impcoved, inleas more of bis nuimier are lcept ou lte fatrn, c-e shaîl shortly be de- tendlng upon foign nations for a portion of our fond. Keynotceof Prosperlty. "Thbe farter la lthe keynole of Amenica's proaperlty, the bulc-ark of la commercial prestige aitroad, lte 'ery hearl-beat of on future deatiny .1 home sud 10l teflerce conptltion if civîlizallon, 'Il la aI Ibis moment. c-ien national tories usualîy quiet are clamnriug for flore stutilous attention sud trîbute to the farter, c-ben every factor ln our pnlilical and economîr systen regards wiith misgivîngsand positive fear lthe lepopulalion of the country-aud lthe enct-oacitment ofIinduistrial criais andi titans lunlte cies, lthaI I Invite te atembera of lthe Fat-mers Union, lte farmera geueraliy 0f Amet-ica, 10 juin tands and braîn andi ieartlnl a conset ahuit ashailt tiresit outIissues close to the life of tht- nation. 'Tue dîne le proplious, lte neces- sitv ls urgent, for cdoser anti more fraternal relations between lthe men tîpon c-bose sitouider reste tite preseot and the future Amecica. IcleresaaIdectical. * "AIt oltont our interesis are Ideuli- cal. AItitottont, our Interesis at-elte lntere-sis of euery mant,c-otan and ,itild in America, now hicving or yel lu TPropet-co-peration all malte titis cofeceuce lthe muet momntnous aod constructive of lis Iinti ln thte coun- try's iiaory. I sitoult ikieseve-y met- ber of tite Fat-mers' Union and every nîber agt-icuturai organîzallon, and otiters expecling i0 te present, 10ono. tif y me." Wani Pardon For Kcuegsr. Frientis of George Kruger, Baya lte Barcluglon Review, expect an early decialon of lthe boat-d of par-dons upon bis applicatin foc pardon. rTe board bas itadti iis application under adi- visemenul for the past six montits andi It la generalîy exjsscled among titose c-ho have followedth ie case ltatItIs decislon wiIllite favorable to Kruger. He bas senvedti en years of a life terma for lte mortier of bis c-Ifs. 0c-ng 10 thte fact titat bis coovictin -s en- llrety upon circumstanliaî evideoce and because tuf bis previons exception- aI, gond citaracter sud tbe laclt of a motive for lthe crime, ltere bas een a doubt among mauy resîdents of Lake county as to bis guillThte people geoeratty favor bis release. Those c-ho live on ltheruirai route@ cma secame the Lakes County I.xnEPEsIDBNT- sud lthe Daily Inter Ocean for 84.00 * year and ltse Weekîy Inter Ocsaa."a INnEVgNDzENT for $1.85 a yssr. haf tut'suicide lit s thîlni- lt te-p I stilli Nul 1 tl]u Titey fiat--ilfor Aft- t li Jotiiti.soicartît Ci hicago' i andtijitine-tILintcolnî.1i aru, rs Fialtj-- uuîg Atrita t utî;uî %silfu a tut-b el! iain,-iltîttuti, ltand is IgajobSit-tbeh 1atutu' t e A tî,ltit uîîîf,,i l itti lu , it - i o, tîth l a 1 lt,>ub,ilu Su 11 , t-s r - io rt lIt-le t htiiebs icontfesintii Anttît h li INDEPENDENT

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