CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 5

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LÂ~E OOIflTTT 11D JUT EEIE Ou omdnadfoe ed urGardenned wrSee 2 corneesheforasorm5c J. complte. OS Rsh*PRk WESELdCo. * htvryuwn n e' unsig y oulf hee-n yu'lGad tren Seedns. gt an pic *,er tie *AL OS You coiînot pnrchase lhaif Iose of more' reliable qruality tlîan that whiclî we off er. We furnish our stock from the very finest ialf liose obtainable in each price-grade. Ourr faîicy haif boss' itcludes the very latest and stîîarteist dusigîîs aDd the îiewest shader. Core n uand look them o'. tr. S1IOES i ail the correct medels for the ieason, arte ready for you at our store. Mir shoes are famous throîîghout tlîirsse-- tiont for their ntylitili ppearanre and lonîg wear. and num- of our clistoinerrrgst ail th ' er footwt'ar hitre. We eau fit yuîi perfuctly from our coniplete- range orf sie. J. B. MORSE Everything for rIen See us ab STAVER B LIBERTVVILLE BRIEFS L..COAL.. AND PER8tONAI" MENTION Te insurs publication ini the Indepen- dent, copy muet b. in the. office no lais, thon Tuoaday of «ach week. Adver- titers. especiaIly, or* asked t0 take particular notice to this etYact. Donald ReIIYlelimPirovIng. E. A. Austin wag a Chcago vidtor Mdonday. J. B. Morse wao a Chicago vistor Wedneeday. Earl Aiden, of Waukegan, was noere Tuesday ou business. Clark Decker has moved [rom Nie, berry Avenue to Orchard St. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Nrs. Helen leason Tuesday, April 26, t Howard %IcLaughlin je uow on., of J. Eli Trigg's ihaffeurs on a dhIvery wagon. Charles Klepîier lias vhanged bis denee frein iraiuard Court Iii Newberr Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. AIIirt Kiuko are îî,îîly Pnseoned iu their borne in the eî,utlieru liait ai the lily. Wm. Neif, uosnectod wlth the Inter- national Harvester Compauy, is vleitîug Natban Oatzert. Rer. and Mr. Mý E. Freern, uf M Kioley Park. C'hicago, are the gueste uîf relatives lu thie ity. Jihîn M. Van de Erve, wbuî las is-es xcry suivkwitb pueultionis. te gertiiig atuîw icot 'eev sud bopes h.. Se ont euuîus I 'las. l"îriurlih A îtiuu luandi Grass 1 ako visiter Sunday. lie sent oorlssd in bis usw auto, wau cuuoioid tir a Irienni frîuîî iLakeVillia. Tie Auiri ('tuuba iligii e urue ofit leîr seleil dance@ Tbureulay exsiiiiig Tiiere le but oue more cri the subeditis. wblrb endmei danees for the season. Tesday morîîîng. 50> otdiers passed tlirîuRb tiîe rîtY un Ibeir way te Fort Shileridan. Tbe 'y acrefulîr 'n igged ont" sn ctuilimeut, oeîuof ittbcm eboaîug a urss for Wesar, Supervisuir. Nîsi, uf Elgin, a-be bas barizp cf tue -Pusen uUiie'atorm, was lucre Tuesdn.y, wben be a1ipoiuted E. D. tlltulas ismursus snuiierater uf the ilrttirer mu t i is pliaice & ",CO. Stnrt l'iuuuiiseiioler A ung andui lu " "' "'lu jîs uit(A w ri.ii uri ae greatli iuiiiîn il i li. p1wuame ofit r'jnari'Stnc,'t. lu LI BERTYV ILLE, I L.L.1lau r nus taitlitui 1uti, esr, Sit ias 1lireiîty iii îný-1 the tliuruglitan.-'. im ti, et, rliue'Ih to ilue I rdiil leAs ': tilienre an' ntenisive irnc-icutst )O t (.leuri, tlt,», i tii' itt'uu u -l h 1 ~J lui rre a(mugttl)t)suat n. iii',' lîed 1.1 "~~~" i J ou I rst of ddoratiin uit retuaiui r I ueîîe ul a v anhet waupl t't il, f ift! to select [rom. Good Prices. Bu!J a buggyj with a reputation and know what is under the paInt. The Staver is a Staver sUHANUK bROSl A . L ittle . &Cock. TaIk. Would yenIlike toi rîaki. an inxetment in (i liike lier,, le a cii. tuîk Ibat % n urlet yen epeud aîY iionen iwie Il vonu just waLut a lîeîroîîuîî loii, msiiîetlîiîig uvruýlvttel the urne donCt chend very miuili say a dollairîor sui Buit if you demire an iruniant fur our living ru us *- or eu, and yuulil sîîend yîînr inouey wisely. Ne Repeat--Do You Wisti to Invest in Clocks? If so--Let us Show You. A. HUSS THE JEWELER Libertyville, Ill. A shunt lîuiru uItil, thre , ars il,1 sud wrîglîîug ilver a ten, bnîîugbt ýlrl rus St Geourge Sfanton s sale aI lilnuuuîins tarin. sear Aurona, lasI s'esk.Th Viebli s'as rsi'ntly buuglt in Si'utland fuir $3o,000.tiraud seas soule oGeorge Sciy -n ot C'hicago. IL Il. ike Librtyvilles puultr ' fancer', is beiiiig uosen fan sud wide as eue oithie eadtng breeder o!flbiiriugli bref pîuuîtty, auslus bas sent scveral in- signieit (ut eggs fur lîatcbung 10 tue far W-,t % etni'eday anouber stituient w as imae te uia air p I tinuraisin ut Abrr i, t Jlalcnpý -ian1 1 ir,- c tit t"ýilt f ýeuijut.r il - - ltIl:Ir"t . , a,- stl hcs1o-G T ,.î,er5i'le uistiruit rni a w5xxater supuhil'. rt sa ttoi dutrovi . Tuer. s'ers rbrei'bhuses iiitue hbarniaut tiis emak îng thîir e, ajue tnuun eîsg bunud tii deathuhuit as eultary "W'iliam liîat' seas sýIrruiiidcd tir ltie iatie8, auni beinbg unabie tir 'butt is' le 108t bis ifs. , i. Ir.,Preetuent of Prnueton Tbeological SSsnuînary. gave tb.' grsluatiug addres at the cuise of the xx titter term of theE hMody ibîle Intituts us A1rll17 uon STue hIntegrety of teii b ule. Tweuty tetnts graduated, most nul Ibenumes, moinue uof x hurinare giguutur tiforeigo fields siuexxiiengage ta evangelistie' sork in ttiii'iuîîrty, anîd twu un tires are lW Stake iurtiutr tudipin hiechngical semis yantis.Tue f stititte kieehs its doone upeui 0'tlînuugIhut tiie ycar huesever, tbe suin- Me ' tre 'rniu tîgîutnisg NMsy ri. A epetiat c lourse e lanned for the ltter parh of thi i'uîuîtrn eginuing iii, xx eo Prif. G.l"redenic'.Wrightt, 1Dr. C. t ISu ufiellrirideut W' G. Moorper-d, M arionî Laxwrence, possîbly Stuart llid- en.,utfELondoinxvihé,especial tsituners. Ahi the instructiomn le fres. Rom ta lMr. and Mmr. John Lynrh, a son. Mr. and Mr@. . P. Dymand were Chil- cago visîtamu TusdWy. You ean buy tuirteen Iwo-cent postage stamps, for a et.snd-a-quarter. Manager Murray, 0 thbe Gas; Comnpany, transacled busIness at Roc'kefeller Tue@- day. Barrlngtou wlli b. 'dry" for tbe nezt twu year@, s abe"dry" party won ont by 64 votes. Mrs. Dye bus retrued from Cbicago, andl will occupy an aparîmeul lu the. %drews bouse. Rezular servîtsn at St. hawreuî-s Mie- sis Sunday aflernoon at 2,t30u'lok l':erybiidy welcarne. Tbe 44tb annuai tate encampuint otf the (j A. R. will take plil e ut Freeport, 1Il., ou Miay 28, 24 and 2.5 Mr. aud Mrq. il. Oeborue anudaiiugtr Blaucbe, were guets oftS, L. 'ripli and famnliy, af Ratkefeller, Sunulayv Qjuite a number af unr yueiiung peclile1 attended the firemn's dauce at Waucon-j da Friday ulgit. Tbey report a goad li me. A uew tweuty-foat steai huvel bas1 bssu purtbased by thbe uwue of tbe gravel pit, wbicb will greatie aid in the ebîpuxnte tram now ris. The. Odd Felluiws lustalleil offiere Mon-ui day evenlug, and luiniinnetion wltb thsse ceremonies, tlîey diii degree sork. The eveuluge meeting wa eontluded withb anqauetuhand a sm,îkpr, The Cboral Suciet-v le relwuarsiug for au etiertalumeut, xxiel wilt ie given oui lb. eveniug of Mfay 17, Ofii uiroe,unuder the. directiou of lProf. l.aîîglîlîu, îof Wau. kezan, il ai be frtetase rirongiiont. R. H. Lytie bas vacated lis îld bome- stead, and bas nîoved te tewn, %Ir. Ihinestorm, lhe new oruner uof the Lyhie borne, le baviug Ià remodeled tiraugliaut prior ta tbe remeval uf it u faînlly frein Chicago bers. The. saine baud uof g'yisiee thar were bers for a short lime, recntîxauirslitp- ped" lu McHenry, the folising Sablath Dîrîug tierestsay. every axaîlalle article was nailed doses, sud thîe guuuuu peuple d rew a'igbs uof relief a liiitliiiu luru ke liarry Bradley, aI une rilie a ru'sîient 'f thlît,. îcîîty, but Whuu i-tu. usai luces fin tarincer near iDenver, Col,,i , i,e, anîl f. r a suint lime iulu liue rinilui. oil- ui. thlaI f pure hiseiiru liurnceuandl s Iw'rit" W jinrilasxd ta i st il liarti-.efrîoî Kaiser. tlîî. larn'emriiaie. Aux ave e1e'ak wsdi rot y.unrua wn.T4e easiest thiiig ris arI h Wle ru, li'arl'Srt 'c and litter tunguid . Aiiyiud -'vi un eux incasi]thingeSuitnd iteciuraitig tliitgs. Butr aat dii lin gain lyiiit ' Arîyluiry ian rin îlebornîe tuS sn diia'ti uit lie eimle tutling ble t sud loi'.ia great .1iIi eýt exerN lurdy stand îufor bis ouii s luuui t,xvîî 'Stand ni fur Lilert.v ville Thbr iti-n s Baud setl grec au umpl' uentant' i nesrt at the Lake Blluff Or- utianDagu'Suiuix afternî,on St 2 t0 o il1-ici. heu lietlc iatter was bnoiiied tii t1lu iuatru n ouithIe Orplanage bv prnit tii uîtta i tesday. ago, tladliy n uustuta,. more Iban 1leased, w bu readir %tailiitisent, as i xit i be iii,,' thlaî mi ri nanYv iiersio fuir ther i îlurrî l i, . udtiat mixny fnuui bure xNii attt, I î,am luim hi4ene suit i'iiu ~ ~ ~ a melaruliilii.a astietii' i tilt utrcuui t u. ' ciî2 Tuii'iiaiJ -. uttueNi ller ii, ýt ,ati1i a îuiîifil ii di Ii îîc rpsiîltul iiihie lrîeing nu i r tliuit rf bis tluiil loi l i I) of~ie th, 1 ,I Ift 1îand. It t sppiar. Iliat t tr i lu tikil a d'v namite n art ridi'e aud ". îsl)iiig lt euh e tbe rmycterti une strrugtb if tis î.iirful substance, lie punetured tlie cartridge xvitb a pin. anu be was îîut loing lu lludiug îout aliat bie "'. looiiing for. rbere was an explosion a honrihieil loy, iiius tbe parte stated. He sas ta.ruitii Waukegan by 1Pr. Sumitb, wbu tooiiuim tînt he McAtisten bospital t ut ua ikegan, and returuiei borne Wîuluedsî, a wlser and bitter boy. Tbe l iciit ation of resi I ofles evur rut madi '. r. Sboop'e Healtl Coller Irt ilfie in tiavor-and le madle n just i i~iiîiîti. No tedious '20 or 30 muinutes bliulîg. Made froui pure paru li- ed graine. tuait. toiîts, etc. Sample free. CORLETT & FREDERICKS. Commriercilt tationery-envelapes. lutter beade, btll heads, carda, state- mente we bave them aial lu elther large or small lots. WE PAY YOU INTEREST ON YOUR SAVINGS A SAFE, SOUND AND PROGR~ESSIVE BANK At pour kiervice in ev.ry partieflar, Regarding Monoy Matterg. The First National Bank of Libertyville 1 Next Door to the Post-Office Open Sattnrday Nights LÂT-Wben tbe above was put tu type. Mr. Loveli bad every symptoin of standing lb. trip bette-r Iban bis r6 viediale friende uries but durnsg lie evenlsg bis pbymician neliceki a decline. wlîo adminisŽsed timuiuýt."klet he saunslnrîî dealli St il:l0 Wednesday nîglît. Fuserai will 4lue hsîniSaturday frein tb. faînîly residesýe. ELIECTION DAY IN IlBIERTYV ILI! Was flot as Lively as Thnught if Wonld be. There Being 315 Ballots PolIed Out of 400 Vters. Election day il.îbertyx llic 'as nît a. excitlug as xvas auticipahed. True there was nuoîartii'lsr issue at take, aud tirie streete acre nut as lvely as durîng Ilue Tus nehîîîîelecirioii, yet abat wuîrk wanedune wss cunduttd by the fri,'nul i t tlîeîr u iuivi"oet uaudiliielfu a qui, etanudt irderly rîîaî i,'ra' liu'iiwa8 igrerlal" tuîailtates coiiu'ercilTlîî're a * re 171 t riutl îeuitc'sar'l 3t itrtîiglit t nilepj cui'i t btiitlui t i, sh.eowa ing t li r. aai . 'u iiuc i St,' i iiig' uhuiix' ,ui t1wii' I ujilutu. 'l'h,. l ,is ig lu, tii,'uilir ot uit'. ,"r I,'ul uithe reus I l.i. , id,, .. .. ..-2 4 Ai iurHîiJ.l.i.i.......... 212 F AR i Il. . ....i... ...i. .. . ... -44 E. S. AtI( . .................. ..... li. J l'îioui it ..-.u.....--i....... .7) FREU!O FRIBE!EE *0000000" le. B. LOVELL ARRIVED FROM AILANTA, GA. Wednesdlay Afternoon. le Sufforing Prom an Attack of BrightS Dis- ense. Was in Sanitarium et Atlanta. Georgia for several weeks. When It beMOca knowui Saturday, thut Dr. Galloway and Clarence Loveil re- coivsd a teisgram troin Atlanta, Gu.. reque.ting theux ta corne poit buste us F. B. LovsU w'asuffering from an uttack of Brghts diuse, Mr. Lovel'a hast of friends wers .tartIed, hoplng Ibat no serions recuits wonld occur. Tussday Dr. Taylor wan surnoned ta meet abs party in Chicago Wednesday mornlng to amaslan brlnging Mir. Loveli tu bis borne lu Lîbertyvie. Many lu- ferrd froin Ibis Ibal bo was uat restlug as easy as was expected, wbich caused bis Libertyvill frIends tu become more luterested in bis lîne8s, lu tbe bopes that tbis sudden cbange was onty lempurary. Mr. and Mrs. Loveli were un tbeir way hume from Mebourne, Florida, wbere tbey, @pent tbe winter, Ibis beinx the tirst lime haos'eut euutb for hie tibysical rondition. Wbeu tbey wenîtii hie Roi, erto00 Sanitariun, be wam taken wiirse. beuce tbe elegramm aud the lîurryiug of Mr. Luveil to Liberlyville, aud it le boped by inauy tbat witlr a goad rest, aud by the best of cars b. wili receive, &hat be wfil regain bis former bsaltb. I Esthier Scltt, ageul 4 yrs and i iionîhîs. dauigluten ii Man i d r. lier- mian Schultz, dîed Fiulsy of l ar ek fronuî an rpîletutiu lit. Ltte Estber sas atthiu'tedi aithu ulis ailment ex en Ciscs she wxas sux nîuntlîx uIt, souie tsstirig fîur 1.,- huirs. and diting ther ast tiîrre menthe, sli lus tis tru t i he îîfoîr îlîres hourg.n Slwi,' axui tte N uiiig,.t f the 'fsuuiîirand 'im ii sher ti11uîtit undithri'rthurrstii mýLi i, i lin lu-alTt,'n- tuieral xx 5 fuin tiie'Ex uug,'lwu'l r,îîsu Luth g errihuru lu xxtb îîtnrruuî'rt iii L.kaisde C'eitary. J. R MuIttullaiiutalesnguxged iii iui'asr- ing tue truntage if 1nqijurty fnr thie St. Pautluepoinulno'lilsauke,, avenue, as far erîrth as Hall Ifay. Thîis nnîvement os lbhehart nf r. Mîllollssd le usdertaksn un his conself,thue pitrpoise being tii oit tlîie tbrrouîgbtare at tiie rate o! 7 cents per yard, wbicli bas many suivant. ages tuxer eprnkiug. sud gixes bell-r sahisfactioen. Thîts aiti î a great relie lui thise living uni hile uvîu'btraveteni ruai].seî,'.'vlte uring the surnier notse.xxhen thle iluit aI i ieat ire s'erst. Spring and Sommner tIs Being R bceived DaiI!j Mrs. M. A. Protine LIBE RTY VIL LE' S Fashionable Milliner Styles are ttse Lai est, and Prices w ithin the Reach of aIl. Caîl and s them.* Watnh This .Sp.ce Next Week'. A batik prospers when the people piosper. On the other hand, the people prosper 'when the bank prospers. Neither is independent of the other. It is exceedingly cornfortitxg for the depositor to, feel that his fuuids are judiciously invested or safely cared for. Wr' always keep a goodly portion of our f unds iiîeuted ut Sectirities that are quickly convertible lito c.tl1 LaRe gounty nlational Bank Capital $50,000.0Oh Surplus and Profits 30,000.00 Stockholder's Liability 50,000.00 Total $130,000.00 ~~WMY? rT siibr loi taîks in the iasit twuî issiqee (A tbe Inde- 1) ieiipy this wr. teltbat bs' puttiug o tl xr er1eaili war aii take an. id a roupie of thousaud dollars more Irade îu. tea h rout adding one dollar taour expenses. Ami we are reil bt .Iaur tliat iuierease' We wanlta crowd aIl tbe business we iuxsihly au futo the next 4 or 7 years; we wiii be 50 then, audwant 4ui'a ude te wait un 4 or a cîîstOmers aI tbe saine rime or put lu 14 ta 1-, lîours daily. And we don't waut ta eltber! Perbaps eoine vu1Lun en will pueli us lu tbt "bas been" clase by tbat toue; but isretniîw we want ta do ailthe pusbiug. Wbeu last year aur sales slîowed an inerease of $2100 over any previons year, ws feared we bad reaehed the sumulit of aur merca- tIle expianeion, but aur tbirteeiatb vear, ending May 7th, 1910, shows anotber irîrrease. and this lu spite of the fact liaI w. rau overfl.0OO beblild duriug tbe scarlet-fever seare of lasI flu. We are afler anath- er $2000 increase by May 1911. We waut your cooperatiun and we guarautee it wfl be to aur iîutuai advantage. We will gzive as fair aud square treatmentas we ýxpeet tagel from yau, rigbtevery wrangormzletake, as soon as lîroogbt te izor attention, and above aIl seil you better goods for the saine mnîiîey. or tbe saine goods for tees maney tban any atber store inLkeCu tAnd we caudo tbat fo 3goo ndstici' Irea- WeI a ptcsh foreey purclae. Ou pren w f sig xe s emal su a n t a fa other 7---fn aafor tbe dead-bsateas we oas tv Casb THE FAIR I..RERTYVILLE IMPORTED SPANISII JACK WilI make the season at the Doqle &Marks farm, 3 -4 mile nortliwest cf IEverett, ILI. telephone No. 3021 Làke forest. !ee $10 at time cf service, If mare does ot prove ini foal she cou be retursed iSxt season or anq o*~ew we ini ber place. Will contract aetdm of service to buy colts at weanfing time. ROBERT GRAHAM, Manager rf, FUMIÂT, APRIL 22, 1910 and tan r od 2 n. luc .. lac -10 LEY r 4 k CENT il. A Fine Summer Outfit With a Suit, Dress or Coat Order. A White Washable Skirt and White Lawn Waist. FREE For a Short Time Only- ioiaîoio

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