CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Apr 1910, p. 6

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PEPLE'S Sermnon by CHARLES T. RUSSEIL Piston Booklyn On the Mediterraneati Ses, April 17. -We are mots fac frum tie place where poor Jonats long ago bad bis saS ex- petience in bisatatempt te non away troua tied-ilIvine Commission to the Ninevite8..we are nearlng Jaffa, tie port front wbleh b, sailed, then catieS Joppa. Somte. latlent on diprt iug as mc as ofieutth i bl,ehav e attempted îo nake lght of .,,al's ex- periences, claîîtii; thlaI lucre %ir .81n0 fsiinlu lie s'ocid O u sc alraeîly as could su slos'il nsu cttirely. te are tu renenîier ier. Ihat the Seriptures do flot say tne t il sait ordiuary sthaie thal su alhrýwcdt Jonabi. but rathier they specltîtally Scilare tiat God 'specialti pre1ared' i great Sii for tiie occasion. Nor lat i i. We have our Lords own tcstimon1Y lu the. tnutifulnes o! lieumailter, and viioes'er denies eltiier bis lruthbfulntess or bis intelligence la tbereby denying aise bis Mlsaeisbip sud repudiatiug hlm as a Savior, liecause neiber a falsifier flot a dupe conid ossibliy ic recognized as tie great îtedeeiner and Sut-toc. the Sent o! GoS. the Mssiab. AdditionallY our Lord Informa us tîtat the Jonab incident wuse lu theinature "t a type. especitilîs desizted i o(ti,ir foresbidowt lie fact flnit Jesus litiiici would b le 0,55for tarits of Ilire dzîi, aud ai',e front thc e d i tle thitI day, et cu as Jouai 'Rs lu rtrît a 'e for parts of tt-s' düýs atnd 11 th, thicît un) tir t&II 1i ti, ît itiî upon dry' vland. 'i ere lh urthtng tîtîti cut aboult te iuutratii e tic(ae stb, has proîter faitti lit GtJd.Tc) ilitttre' ho have not failh louihine coituctied w liii Divine treeatiou is rensonublle. romt mendabie or nisftc,,n,. et us m-intait our sandîtl lit li r, i i, hoid ftast 10. andliolît frrth fotr ,Iiî the, Word o! Ltfeý The Betty of HeII Described. But wist haie "tîte t (if u e'* sud the oousont c rviîîttroit if t trIdo 'witb tii, tori of Jouait? AXndttow due, lie siury associte itsel! w 1h our joutoey tî'day otrie lied~tîitrtttteau Dieep? irif us, i te lîrtît wN'ho %vas In the beliy t(iflireli ant % Ifw he t cv 'titi,' tiie 1o-d fron.ttiiere t(il t!tir-, out le11. WMicen tir YI heurd i li tt, and my inmagination011 toju rel uit,%Nlia t bell would blie I,, nd cspeecliiil %bat the belly o! bel, or u bat i sultîîo)sed tiie middlepartci f I, iî. i 'ld ic lil'. 1 baSlue olportuiîlt9tf or t.Llîg lutu bast futuaces titougi ithut is csîled the glory-ile or r.cep bttie.Tîtere I noted tiat the. ceuter of lbe lire asa at White heat. 1 tiied tolImagilne pei pIe in sncb a condition lit lie îery middle or ttely o! bell. i cruld itt imagine how ',bey .'Onl i rs ic Sarhb an expetience a single mtottenttte alone for ail ü!erailiy. 1 souglit ilco- logical expositions o!fte itttter satd âearned ii sout, theologîtîns o! lie boisry past, admtitlug lhe destructitve ,effect o! lire, cîsinied tint G.d sittuld apecially titalile ai lbhe ior creaturea con.igned .10 Ibis lrîtct, su tat tbeý would net-cc (lie,,but st-oiS keep on suffening foret et sud foret et sud for- ever. onteiltîbie ttrtute,. i f. ind titat otitr tlîeologit. -xi t.tti iIit t î oe consigneS lu sui b a ttr'î , 'rLctivaw iirtlS gadualiy li,-inuî-adlaptdtu IL satd assume fan astIestri-lîke tl,i Il n îcb wouid measurably prulect the-m frot thielire. But t ticuetlugîits s'cot ou te expiin latI ulshilag hem ta sufer horrible tortures, God s'uniS scale off theasabestos sliili causlog them tosufer .11tilurc txrtuciatlngiy every Utiete olitrilti wNaperfori- ed. As a ct itdtîdIirieS t imtagnte that tht is a tbe just dc ri f rttîaeta, and i liaI the leas ctlr i ithler was realiy kînd and bcbg i, it,hle titri Clve thetu strsi-, tbougb 1terouiS tiot think ut snylblîîg urt.e ilt ilîey roiS siffer. -Wbeu I wtta crit i d, ttîl e as a cbld, but vu t 1 ile, t. t' iitttu, 1 îlt iîîay t iildliti lîbîti-,' Il or.n- tht» us xiti lit 1 t-I td fortheili' roîti tlitI ii botS)ou d t tîiure t i( Liuf- ferîngu ad yett re i1tasLudiftr the Proustlit ir (;id i., ab îialc as aîîy deil iru d le. vi ttt t drejt-tetl as lrraltittal tii. 5 utle 1îrt)i ,tttott.1 saiS: Tiie i..l I 1t t illu oirsbîl) must lie ai ,'ieietig ilittit tttt elf- gieter tabm i i.> Iit iwa t tcttg, 001 uniy In powerto et ttbitsmi llt, lut alsu In visdom tu make s vils, rraîîgewent fon i cresitures. anda îhtt iertert In justice lu duot ti,nth- its-h, tîtîld have tisetnsdo tu hiitttif lite sîcce it'crea- ton, and tiey lb-eGu;'dclie uttui aso b. perfect lu love, liit,llest fetîut. of any ciaracter 1 saIS to nutseli Sociimoait lie lie Gid i,, oas tii o. PULPIT... t OUTOFITHE 1a BELLY 0F HELL a CRIED 1er "i red by resn cf naeffiio a] unto the Lo«4 aid 1,.k.ud mc e. ec .th.ebfy od lied" (oollm,2.) d bow, antd give Ibanka liaI liy bis grace a i bat-e corne 10 se. bis ciatasîtet, bis t Plan aud bis Word more c leariy than C lu th lient. I tbauk hbuthlaI nuw I 7 can see la vhal way ulimatly Jes w'il lie lthe"Ligit oîth le wotid' not r mierely the Ligil ofthie Cîurci (John 0' t-lU. 12) d Ini aliandonDtIhuldtitne o! tt-h neýjltortut lmy udispitio-n stas triy( ai)todon thie Bible tlsi, lecause i be-y ilt et tsit at lie Bile i' ts Iti' futidti e tii ft-r! Ie ttititîi l beîry uhlîl budsi pitumred God ho lit> tutuS as a dînîî, Ils of tbm' tirsrt fi toginabtle tyui. But, il liniti,. Gol. doea r tiu-tdalieheLordh icard tti lita) mc forlilgil, ft kituîwl-b edge irecttughilmai . Afiet I hllîoft tnde e su-rn uit hentelue ceeds. as udtl as titis, o! Cirilendout, sud hmd fouul lientalio al] unceastînabte,a unsatisfacîory, 1 ltîtneS to lie BIle I again, saying. Periau>. I have ol doune '1 the, Bible Justupu îv-tiapa I bave un- f consqiously atîrîbute 1ticheBible thbR teachings o! lie creedas. Petiaps 1 D have rend Ilthirougi coloreS specta- i c-ie. Praying to GoS for guidance 1It tool up Bible stîudy bu a vecy Sifer-w cnt s'ay front irevs loî. Iliegn t1 study the IBibtle as 1 should have don;. w aI irst-witionl reference ho sny t ,!f thie crée-tht Iegti tutlet (oS1 test lu tîe. iceisusi ti, say, It rends, S 7ii,'liii il ttmtst uîeit rterrtse. Il Fesr. - Stentt -rtoitl Iarirîrmettu thlIthlii ýris. It'ltiotr urus 1 r o trt-itie 1 och <',rtl aid cn- t demi ,ett,î 1,, tîiglit i Col trug I , bs M rrI -ti i IIi iis titIt Spit.I li Iternational Bibie Studies, cc Tder t imi i rtittî 1s t ii ti te t- St-y t i' Ileintei., iietl itfghefi rtt i hi - tir--nt' mt b eIir u trîtîrît ,iitu' Setît I lelics e. ,ecs tuýise is i. ititS(tîlimtint ttorlie iBibîle-ito ]le tt inirît lieii9 lo nz i tIlit , îîil A . :'littl te tc dtilut ffit, ttrlil,tr 1 lî Iitîs iîîg tti il". lt-t t ndil tî tsil i trtî ai! Io lit t' t- l i titihtri i I t l,,ofl- ttre i t-ti ' p ieop Iv ti)-' -i I l i tk 1 b th i , itu t o t t-icitI r jt-, '1iîrî. ir 1 :lie, gtitg.. h îi r-,, f. i, . t.t i "Ille a t tif ii euiiîî iuititslut ilI , 1tuiit ,t hi 15 iIi ýtIl.-',rd i-il, ia, t uteu-t lt i l i iiiittmi ii ttr li-, dur. l Ibu, ihMl"eliiife t:îi1 lm tîturi rt hac to em' sfttrbt tri li t ('hurt-lu, e tc itlj-le.rstf Illit, i te ctpopleI- cuif r .:,l ittt, l ) il prts i ttli e 0 m'e]n. Thiii irdIlt'len-r hi 1, sîea- tif el l- -i >iî tiii t ii )ly rtil ,Yt-t- S Iy 1iu'etnt ili-1-. l sirtîg I wisi"lg l i e lîîsc itrîl ut-r itii urr ît ai i. T tltt cnit oftuhi iti si a,hI frît on,. haveri' l ttii l t-- u e tLi li n alin ibiïS C'utcl, etc.,iltt., b t ilithas b c it the rimgtoul litrea(Ilhut ttil t lrs i- cIr usn, trio i rte'. jaill-s ri- s s utet Cltîsen e." IJti It li iiuiutiî-1i lu il toe ae ti t le i t pat i r î tit- ie . ' 1Xh 1a lui eI iii lit rsîIludtnetmg leur( ds iit tîrui voh i nainesIlt i re wrttei iits in il llidr.-el l.lils u ts e lu GoS. hitou eiue Iuahit oli-d 1 lîsi six u lu ines of tufChrst ndtii scrkstlurc,' lt i lubIte Key. Thes wiierc tit-il ie ilîy t i il litilo're linabe il o!hrit-as is îtPe-seryofbise listedsi lumhi t f lIettrisimnenhe iangusges. Ille ier-t Vriîtue. "Thep Plan oi , .Xi',- lin, lîttiscd titeE licu'tiîtri ma:rk.1 i lit,- ri-îiEd not iti ti t t i ti 'iMl ilft-- la a ver *t ii ilt' l y isuili tyare snit i, I1 ri r-îît , utalary a tit hie îp 1 no t i1Iltrldons, Vittitiattdonaîtrionrs frri li t i e, havett-liaItlr,.,tîî ly L MYt lit tiets ililtît lit) iit'ils anid lie surrlus goos, t lileleittîtTrathSît- rît-il fîrtle1-h'gei-i-al forit-ttrlltg (if ilis y Etut-it ituîtisi Christian si liii îiîîs n ctsîithe re oftiflee Bible Rtes andj l'euîers lutithetri-ashres tf leds nWord titiS tecrîînes ridelithnuacîf ln espirtiîai lînirulidge andS lt joy and pence o!ftenrtI ll gla to eauli e .nt tention o ti,îhers b ithee Bible Keya. .eiThuntic Inteirnatiolla hsses of Bible fSîudeuls of ail tiinouîiualbons In ail le tarts ofthle wvoriel arerleppinglng Up for tii! priviese of service, and Ltoi the 8t1langmier opportnnlty affSded M. si through tiiecoluanîniof oone of the principal nevafpiera of the. United Ky strmons are bandled iiy a Syaffi- cate, anS I amn advlnedl that nov th.y M appear lu nearly fdv, hund-eS nov.- h papers, aggregating a circulation of ws aix million copies, or, accordins teo 0 novupapor counit, tbinty million roiS- TA ers. Ail of thon. dear people of et-e-y u lenomnation vho do any thlniing athYv an., I ams sure have had similan dIM- ir cultles t ho ioe vbicb I oiperienced- L difficulties lu appreciatbng boy or o. ffeavenly Father could bc a gond Ir'a- Ce bher, a good Cod. a lovlng Creator vi anS yet provide for bis buman crea- Ol oures sncb terrible destitoles as ail lhe os -reeds o! the, "dank agea" set forth. t riiere la not a tbl.nkiug Christian in lu the *onld wio do,. nut need the cor-B, rect underslanding o! lie Bible In of i-Serte luiWable to stand lu thcet-vil 1D lay thant i. upon ns. Ail itecît tu gîte Of îeed te St. l'anis word., -ialte unie0 1 ,von tie st-ol, armourof uGlid. hat of ye may b, ahie, tus shîitnl i le t-il da . sani, îas-iig donc ail, te N, stanS' (Epheuisus vi. 13). Outr dayi l, s a lilessed l(itnlurespe, t to is woit- s lerful ol.mlotuiiîîles andilîttrlvlerrcs. n tut T it Laun cr1 il,inluiesens, o! bE telng nil ime o! greal trial and icsting Ra of taith lto Chrlstcrîdoîî. Ci Thiuktng mnîds tire tejeting tie T doctrine ofut enal orînt snd gener- s tlly ut the, saine limte cejecting lheie Biliasd denying tiat illale buI- r stired Word o! GoS. Tii,., Seat it fiiendsaranstumblng Imb bnSidelity ('l anS Ibini tiat Hbigher Crttcism anS Daravin's Et-olotion tieory are new Igit. Wiaît tey need i. 10 se. liat he true hîgil is ln the, Bibi, auS that, veanbng our gx'andfatiets' spectacles, we lnietited tie Word o! God sud wtested Il teounr own 4iury sud to be lss otour peste o!fio su ad tel- uwsliti w ith lie ValIser sud îrith the, Son antS ilîlitle loly Spirit. The Key ta the Scripluras. Wboes er gels tIie proper understand- Ong ttt tîtr teSI lias lut bis jpossession lie lte vto tic ible.If lhe ull use t. passa.ogeaflir passaîge wt-ilcoten fut tîîti iÀil tîiihe sihIle X'rd o! God lie- eûmes at Itiandtîtglotittis tet ela lin tf Justice. WIsdtriîî.Lore and tPower )Ii ut Jtouabit-as lu lie iss blelly -lic mshlurle-d dIrve. t is iithat s retirr-itl la îur lext. The wutds cll-betty siguilty fraie-bctty or belly- traie. Tie coulest show-s ail Ibis, tellîug lis addlliontilly liert sea-weedi; acre si rnîîs-d tabout lie i'rophet's titiS tnd itint bd hearS its îiray Cc tatd tic sercd itileî tru,îîtic 9,11 belty, N- b lly rrait, (,il thle tiid dtîy liy catt-luttht' lith l t-i vomiiti111M Ut. If yt,î liai s a reterenve I B1iblttoe tIsaI io lhe ittargîn tîcre is a rtetcice luY th-e ,orrttaof ittr it-t. -ii>iii g, '114- tri-w - the.grave."Ait'-a) s one.,'rie IrantsiIator'. tîereis tmade a n istalic andîti rtisl.ilrd i t 'i li en they shuld liase ttaisltttetl i t farc Sli-s. 1 ait- tuer. îîd tiiethmttde tie saille nil. ttkeInctiimiri tctse ilit llh lb,7 useS the -tainet-orul ahi-il irtugtsou thie OIS Tcslauiiîiîl'lAsit la, âairai19iroIns- atlS tre tîtmore tîntes tIsanit ilslarans- I itoii htrl lun ir utti mon Versltin; belt Il sirrtldl ie lrasatsIlictI1aarc ecry7rime. l'lere mieihavthe icKey tethe Bible. Tie heu t. tifuthil, tic penaslty ttr sin, i-t tetb. tic gtiivte ,tomi. TIl« l4 ntlaiteertsttiîg heu, for apecbai Serliýtriores delare tuai sheoi el>siatll Lic desicrycd ' "I ilI auson tlin tront lthe proweroftifiiheurae (aheoi); 1 m'I re'i'i Ihein ftroni t eti; (ideuti. I w iIlibc iby lîlagneq, 0 grave taheol. itetît ilhI t hY destructon*' (Itosea iil, 14). St.Pl îîîqîuoles isprophecy lu cunjunetitru ss 1h lits gceîît d1si ourse, un the, rcsurrectioiî."0 deali, s' ere la liy sliîg? O tîrare <badest s' ere I. liy i)lcity' (I Corinians xi-. 55). W, ste. dear trieudS. uhat or dean lcdem'uter sulfetei oouoîr IrrIalfitn10c- icase tus fronathle penalty tfr sin.le4 dIS îlot gote 0eternailtîrtettfor utur sis. île did go toto shcot. Inlu baSes. Itb tilt- ilitil' I rist(lied tor tilt aIes, tri rcilihrtu tt'(, Srr1tii's Il ('uritians xv, 3). Tîtts (,îailiaisIpro- vldîîi tor tic resîirrecllrsn o! tie dr-ad -ai matîkitîd, *troti of tite ýas1 and lit lie mîu;îu!" The jasist ae lie Ciorci. ti, soentl. TIse tnjiaIlude ail oth- cr. Tic itod ot Jeas u ill erail tut the reicase o! crcry memlber of tic race frointhli great penalty o! death. Netw l tîperatea under a special cali lu liesatliy feu stho are invited l t liecome, joint tîcîrs s'itb the Itedeenter In bts grear Kiîigdom whici abortly la 10 îles. ail tic famille. ofthleCrli- flot irnty hose lieu living, but aise ail wt-o have goîte Suwn ru lie 10mb. Tiie generail resucreclion wli not lie an In- stantaîneolus one, as ln tic case o! the saints. I l stble a graduai on, lu two seussa. (1) AIl sill nul come forth et once, but, as tîte Altostle deciare,, "Evecy ntîîtîInbuiis lîwu order." cumpaity or bandîî(I ('rrttians ir, 23). (2) TIti libe graduil Inthle sens, ltîat itheawakeulng troîn lthe lomb ii1 bce lui the, bcgliîing o! lie resnrrec- liof tif t-. si unS Duriug tiecthon- saiiS t-trs 'if Chirists reign ailst-ho ull gît.- ble-Stelits bnstructions and assisltiîîîî'iitîivris, gradually 09, 119, np nti iry lie tItisufthlb, ilteanlunt îiey st-ltrt-cti h le toit perfection and Imnage otrt tuSlosI by Entier Adamn titrugi di-ýItrtcsienicc. The nnwiling. lhîîse rebionI,îs atter lie ilgit bas fui- ly coulti' nîttîtient,u-illlie Sestroyed 1 tuti' Serondt flati, front trici tien, paw M G in, Attorney at Law. ithé f14nak»wu heiru of Robott estate, mltuated in the. County of Lake Btae o Ilinos, akeCoutyos. InBrew, doe.oed, the, uliknoVn heirs Md Omate of Illinois, to-vit: the. Circuit Court of Laie County, or devisées of Joahua Leash, Lot No. Seven (7) and tiie voit October Terin, 1910. deceaa.d, the unknovn heins or hall of Lot No. Eilght (8), exceptIng Maleline 0. Blakeslee devise«e- of Joremiah Shea, de. the north f"ft (60) fest of aaid vest ys. ceaood, the. ininovn hein, or devise.. hait of sald lot eight (8), ail of laid Charles L. Lux, Helen L. Peterson, of John Dénier,, and the . l and being ln Block No. Twenty-two [ine Creigiiton, Arthiur Newth, Wl. fondants, Minnte Creigiiton, Airthur (22) in McKay's Second Addition to Ham H. D. Newth, John H. Lux, ES- Newth, William H. D. Newtii, Ida Pot- the Town of!Little Fort, Uow tiie 'si-S V. Lui, Caroline M. Higley, Ichi- tde and Charles Taylor, that the aboyé City o! Waukegau, .Ituated in thé la P. Lux, Alfred G. Taylor, William named compiainant filed ber Bill of County o! Lake and State o!fIllinois. Taylor, Ida Pettie, Charles Taylor, Consplaint ln said Court on tii. Chans-1 Dated April 15, A. D. 1910. Amella Higiey, Thomas Taylor, Samn- cery aide thereof, and that aurnions' ELAM L. CLARKE, ue Dreper, thie unk.nown beire or de- thereupon isaued out of aaid Court Mauter In CiiancerY. is»es of Robert Brew, deceaa.d, tiie against the. aboyé named déeondant&,, C. T.Heydocker & Bon, moUicitors for unknowo heirs or devisees of Joshua returnable on theiifret day o! the next, coniplainant. Leaii, deceaaod, the unknovn bhiie teriof the Circuit Court of Lake 29-8t nr devise.. of Jeremlaii Shea. de- County, Illiois, tobeb.beld at tiie Cemned, the unknown heina or de- court house.ln the City of Waukegan. isees of John Bisier, deceased, the ln said! Lake County, Illinois, On the nknown owners or or persons Inter- tiret Monday of Oclober, A. D. 19D10, State o! Illinois, Lake County, as.: ested ln tiie real estats described ln an la iiy lav required. and viiicîi sui To Estier Thomas, France. Ales te bill of complabnt. Gen. No. 4709. la stili pouding. Tiiomas, Sarahi J. Hociketaveiler, Reu- Satisfactory affidav-it that upon due LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. Clerk. bon E. Thiomas, John P. Thomas, Ag- iqulry tiie said defendants, Robert Dated Waukegan. Ill., April 9, 1910.' nea M. Struns, Wm. G. Thiomas, Mary Brew, the. onkuown heira or devisee. Paul Mac Ouffin, Complaluantaa . Melville, Ftlorence J. Tiiomas, Roy ofRobert Brew, deceased, Josbua Solicitor. Burke, George Burke and the, un- Leash, the unknown beirs or devisees 29- 3t known heira of William Thomas, Se- a Joshua Leash. deceased, Jeremiah ceased, hefirs at law sud legatees, on hea, the, unknown beirs or devisees State of Illinois, County o! L.ake, es.: fat as known, of William Thiomas, de- if eremiaii Shea, deceased, John Bas- In the. Circuit Court o! Lake County. ceased, late o! Laie County, Illinois. r, lhe unknown heirs or des isees of Emma A. Heydecker va. John Tyr- You are hereby notifieS that appli- Jhn Basler, deceased, William H. D. reil, Mlary Tyrrell and Coral T. Hey- cation ha. been maS, to tiie County Newth. the unnown owners or par- decker Gen. No. 4654. Court or Lake County, Illinois, for the es Interested ln lhe real estate de- Publie notice Io hereby giren that by probate ufthet wlll of William Thomas, 3cribed lu lhebilliior comtilaint, carn- vîrtue of an order and decree entered deceaseil, and hhat the hearing of the ot be found 80 tiat process cannot in the above entilled cause at the Nlarch proof of sald wlll ha, been set by said b serveS upon tiiem or elîber of iiem, Court for thec 2ud day of M.yy A. D. and that lthe defendaDts. Nlinnie Terni, A. t.1910, tnereof. the under- 1910, ai the, hour o 0f ii,.'clouk ln the, reighton. Arthur Nwb ila .sgtdMatrl hney0 aSforenoon. ai the Court Bouse lu Wau- DNewth. Id. Pettie. Charles Taylor C~ourt, wilt, on Tuesday. the 17th daty kegan, hi saldt('ounty. wben and ýe not ceaident. of tie State of 1111- of 'day, A. D. 1910, ai lhe bouc of onle where you can alîpear, If you ose ft, ulos su that proceas caintuolb, serveS i o'clockinluthe afternoon of said day anS show cause, if auy you have, why poil l.bem, and givtng thelr place of,.aetith, east door or lie court bouse ln sald will shouid flot be admitted te reaidence anS postoffice address hall- liie city of Waukegan, County o! Lake probate. ng been f îleS lu the, office of the anS State of!Illinois, seil at public ALB3ERT L. HENDEE, teck of saiS Court. lvendue to the, iighest biSSer for cash, April i1, 1910. County Cler. Notice la therefoze iiceby given to tie following described land anS real 29-aIt TIIESE MAY WED. John Nunglo, Chicago----------.. 2 Auna M. O'Dounell, saine--------..28 John H. Bieger, Templeton. Wha . ..28 Ida Kolîmorgan, same----------..27' Max Zsciiau, Prairie Viev-.....19 Macle Matheve, LUbertyvillo-....19 (Father's conuent gb-on.) matbew p. Meyer, Wadaworth-...87 Mary I. Bsgerty, saine----------...4d Ftrank C. Becker, Barrbugton-...28 Charlotte M. McLaugbuin, sans ... 2 8 joseph J. Radousch, Rondout-....2 Charlotte May Radmond. sanie-..18 Benjamin F. ForByti. MtîGtegor, Ia.43 Annie M. Meigard, WestieY, Wia. ..8 Slari A. Smilth, Irving Park-....21 EffePrettynsan. RavettswOod ...21 Louis Lemie, Hartford, Wls...21 Catherine Sullivan................. 18 George Gleasu, clscago ..... ......41 MIldreil Baseti...................31 Rudolpi Kowalke, Milwaukee ...21 Grace Abrobam ...... ............. 18 Norman W. Thonîîsou, Evanston . .. 28 Evelyn WormsIce................. 24 George Grever, Ela..... .......... 28 N at Itha liattlt ..-.19 Arthutr .I.leotlit tîtiltfl- ...26 Nlaii j Snith . - . .33 Arccle Kasiîîr -.25 Patiine\Ni-uno .19 Oscar HodcrqtliIt - . 25 Neilie Anderson. ............... 25 TIseodore Bartelsoît. Racine......27 Elta Anderson. ............. .... 27 Ch'i-tIChitiauscu. iLake Foreal..27 Helen Nelson ...........28 Ail must go. We have about haif of our immense big stock Ieft. Don't be!ieve the knockers corne and see for you.rself. We are positively going out of business. Read 1The FolIowïilg Pr'ices: 1 8c Feather Ticking 1 2c Straw Ticking 10Oc Bleacherl Sheeting 450 Wool Lined Coats 330 Boys' Wool Lined Coats Lot of $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Underwveat of $2.00 and $3.00 Soft and Stif f Hats of $1.00 and $1.25 Fine Shirts of 50 and 75c fine Shirts 50 and 40c ladies' Union Suits 25 and 35c ladies' Vests 1 5 and 20c ladies' Hose 5 and ] Oc Handkenchief s 10c Men's Handkenchief s 1 5 and 1 8c Men's Handkerchîefs 8c Men's Coloned Handkerchiefs 10Oc Men's Colored Handkerchief s $1.25 and $1.50 ladies' Kid Gloves Neeclles, paper $2.00 Men's Wates-proof Coats 75c Sofa Pillows 35c Suspenders 25c Suspendens 2 1-2c 7c 7 1-2c $2.49 $1.99 6.9c 98C 69c 39c 24c 17c 7 and 8c 3 and 4c 4 andi 6c- l ic 4c 7c Ic 69c 39c 2 3c 1 9c Apron Ginghams Pest Apron Gingha-m Yard Prînt. Blue and Silvecy Gray i 8c Wash Boards 18c Special Mixed Coffee 30c pkg. Quaker Oats -None SutIa Mince Meat Baking Pos'det, A. & 1-1. Pint Catsup 1.5c bottle Corn syrup. 25c Olives 25ic stuffed Olives 1 kt fruit-jar Pickles 1 8c cani Salmon Chicago Yeast .Powders Snow BaIl Baking Powder Cern stacch Webb's Starch 4 Ibs. Johnson Washing Powdec China eggs, dozen 75c Jardineirs 1)utch Cleanser Wool soap 40c Japan Tea LI BE-RTYVI LLE i Ro(

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