CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Apr 1910, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKY SUN VOL. XVIII. NO. -'il TWO PARTS LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRII)AY, APIIIL m, 1910-1,2 Pages-~ PART ONE *$1.50; PER YEAR IN AI)VANCE. i' 1-.>aii Jiigiiiut llortciid Ci'îi,,' X, l I us îrcharlic luitu uale anoutler iii,-\aIiii sluuuuîuuII to-i, thi- -Whibule Fitii-i (uignhciu s i lu-if of i lue ui- su ti. i h,-i cit' if Plii .utoîuue i dii' -i.iil irg 1Ili.> l ii. ugo l .i frtun i u î.ri iaili Ilnucîuîl ki MiXliga li Th,- 1 ridianju st l in g i-m bis con , i. itîm it rt t'-nov. i iniuent t ili rcu og- uIcte Clain]-. cf hii luribiuuul luita luirthtalualîi' n-,ah uvalato iîbîlu the' iii su fia' î-,'a andai i ltetruiipili- lakeîfoth îe hurpurse ot orglng the ,li'n lî Acidiig to itus rims.the Iiii il a,îsgiuîuIli, tillie for na 's i ti i h lt- N i i'n iui't ili h79.. A viril. u'tcîî lng cornuhulteitarnund Ik ai Xii higaji Iv cloltocu o hase beeià il i 'tti ll ndlauu 1.0er the es- ratiol,îw as loben t er bu' white men anidItue it> utfl'hicago aprang uhu ou titi- shore 0frflic laite Xlcuburs ofthlIe PotiOwaltouiie ribe allercu rusulthng Chicago attorney s a tew stars ago, derided ilie gos rnnienf sholud acîfle for thIe Chilcago abe fi ont, and cainus itere filed lIXasb' Ingon. Whitney Recaasring Citarles tWhtney, dean of (lite Latt i'ntnty bar and thc moat promiruent maun ofthîe countly. la jusf recovcrlig frouuu o serous attacit of ertsipeiaa and fs alîLi o be about again olter lot- n pused o reaihe crtîcal stage. Icoiuracicd o cold a0f frai îeeauîsc of vanil trde i an observ ation cor at Pasadenauisn ('alltorula, and tîls spccuhliiu ueveiripcd Into the more cri- licol and paînfîtl attarit ut erysîpelas. lie %vas tabzen 1 te tonte of a triend at 924 E. 28th sîrcet It Lus Angeles nd reports terc are tii the cfecittaf 1e tas been delîrlous. Thouisuida oft tinuda wIll 1e pleased tri bear 111sf be la once again able 10 be about and that lie a beglnnlng for te brsf ime tri cnjoy bis Cali- foruha trip. Reporle (bat 1e lItes Caltornla and old lite to mok iteIs bome there are officlaly announcd ta beu~r ]y mthout foundatlon. Aer BE GOOD TO TH1E CENSUS MAN Census Enumerstor la Good Natured and has ta be, byt There Are Times WIten Patience Cesses la be a Vîr- tue and Then Uncle Bamn Can Swing nIa Action with a Legal Hammer for the Recalctrant. There are a few peiople W'ho sceni tient 0h05 hsvlng Unrle Sam gef atter A rensus enumerator la a vcry good rnatured sort of a fellow-iii MbI part of th- country af leasit--and will us- ualiy amle pleasantly wben lielisp- pens 10 run up against any dîfflculîles sit do is best 10 expIt. Bof when -wblch bas hia.pen! anly a tew rimes IthIis cty-he cames upon a nephew or niere outlbts 'ncle Samuel Who perslstenlly refuses 10o nswer the questions prita to tliemII there tg trouble bre»wlng for the aforesad ne- lica or nlmci' For t Our t'icle la an tigly eistomlir ishenlhi, gmt,, is dander up. This lîelng thie case. hrînay 11e an art Ofci farltvt irial f1he-attention ofi a f w citlue-us li wlat thelr l'ode sots Ir, sec'tiontî23of li enretsîs se Thisis us ath,1-'says: 'Ani liersoîînil-er 21 years of age who liinttder the' conditions bereînliefore , ahal refuse or wiliftilly negleef 'o answî-r sny uftIhespetilons, or shatl w illfully ive ansisîrs Ihat arc fa ý- haIl lit'guilt iO iii îtldnî'aniîr an lui tjatc onsvictiountht-r--nf, lîsl fî fnfl-l 011exce-dlng $liîfî' This'plunaltvi n t liccas' rif0w iii i s or agm'iit f lutila tr liariiuuz hotu-- niavi l.î'as bligha$i. Siili ci sor of i- th '-lis l.'1-mi1h Nil iîtai, il rtimi -'-k iluit t lie' eliiuiiîratursar.îî- gettIng liîtir v r ,iiiiliianil 1ha1 i otîlsa f-w in >ia il- i aceti'iv xieietirclng nt tiiiiilo frontîur' fusa4I-t 1 5uiit tr Tlic'- f . îm i-uIlie wutiilai c10 oito XX hý,i îuiticeomps neessaryto10pros- . cule alto erson for rettisal an answer ih li , e or ussulinîîtt'd b t1h.evoiler- ýIi eui i 1e attourney ugetieral aI X't'ssli- iligîtoii Paliers this rt-.i l i n tire 1 iiti s criieral saiitll- dc-' tririd i-i ii, ditIýtotruI ttutînt t tut the pri ,î distric't i ahuî lutire recal- i11 r îîaîî itit-iti 11,-s snd lî'î ti iii ta] ii t ilt--nn at->s e t-r lo Sîir -î inuui,tlusafoi a flii iinemdiratîci i,11,, iiiii ali-dail il u Induan af Michigan Ciy Claîms Strîp About Lakte Michigan. Speculate ss ta Fate of Lake Couiy Phone Company. Th.- blggesf Indu4irial question ln Lakve coiiiiy îolay anîd une thaf affects Waukegan leo1the proibable'fate of the Lake l'otîity Telîîîhone Compiany. Wîll new blood come inIto th new companiy and kcep Il Indepen- dent, now that the twa, Fletcher Clarke and F. B. Loveli, have passed awkay? l the big lme to be merged by purchase wth the Chicago Tele- phone Company? It bas mot been generally knawf ln1 Wauliegan tltaft th Lake Cotinty Tele- huine l'onîrîany covers a gross area larger thon that of the Chicago Tele- pihoneClomnîaiy Ib Lake county ont- aIde of thé north shore. The C'hlcago Telephone Comnpany has ln the past made efforts ta acqire the Lake ('ounty Telephofle Company whlch la an Inilependent, but bas nev- e r heen able tu crnie to termis. t le reasonably sîîecilated Ihat the bl- cagîî comliany will again makie ruer- - Covers Wide Area. Startî'd ln a very modeat way 1w li e or fond -en t lara ago, is the late Fl--i ,ier iClairkeîandIF IBl, i Ioîf L.ii erit t le iii gi' lîlelîhon liiraUn'ei' iii thceîîit ai large. ti,- ie haS niaisgîow iti oif- 'sîength îîf aoie t iiii teicîihiiiws aici i realiy a griot liii utrci The fiiloiiiiig . a paitiai listioif uic lait. i,itl lai, v w iiî i tle ori)î pai, tii vii aiLabo. 1iilf tac 1, aîioc I ai.c i(ornet s La.kzîîrîîfi l.oiig ilciie Il'rili-s View R ockefteller. l.lbt)-tîlllep I-hiîiii Laite, Waudiiinids Where Exchanges Are. Tlîci e are e ilinges i lihertN tille, tii,' central coffice. (;raî slakc,. lRound lv.W'aiii inia aîîd Lake Zuric h.In roitie cases it la vaiu tnere existsaa w iiiking agrs'eiiitciit licta ec 1the Laske (*i îi iandtiihe iChicago Tlelîhorîe iiiiuilint ou1 ci] ahi o Wiliiiuguiiu ircsaIondett i tht' Tsso Dîed Wuthîn Vear. Kaubabe, ecîiblican, anud w îîudî rîlug liuîîl ound-rs nifte LakeCi'ounty a bau l s îulfhnie ubjer t iii bîni ng lle,î.îuîî'irilîlî jaui - Flet( i hemClarke toiser îplant.,dii suad hefI frriuî ol- aria F-B I haut-h. ha- t,' lid utthîn a Ici on diatîtustu' "Ils le a.ssuiiaied -a i at i itenri ,i-- Tue Luueii and aithit u-'IlcKsinlet stodlcatI, '-8 iCrke -itiýS amii,' iunîdholdig Inter- Illluu iniit,- graoairf a linge uterger eIS,,uit lu.. I(ii î.uuî Smuîruî- ii 'It gas, Iiicri jiii anud tractionhu tttii îamn i i l ti i iiI m .ihuu 1i, ui'tiig ,S, ' hIresfli-i)t.i Ilu, i d sliuiusr qiuestunnsara,' bc Change Loov(ed For. i. z a ked uonî vu'ry huanîl heue todot, XX îlu lii hus i th,' au uuumu1 a.,îa mýimiiifuthle apîrbfcul mvaîri le 'miv its Iuaoi ou i 1-rIte Oui tîithei 1 - n Xhuuî.îîue aîîi uti-hIlliois Lught pibutable tai' of thi,' u'uuuîlaflt iTle ,mu.î an, ffi i-i i h ,fuir th- pro i )[1i lut i i i ii i il t at i i - CH uand onitfi anfei su lime lainer coint- J'i Il i Has Been Valuable. ianuit liasd luti i-uanu iii t1îl ou f nu uuh voaluete the ii'tii-., i îuiin( i-i5gen- cuailu rif the iouiîtv bis luclîug I llhk" -e l uorbol, andcornuý-r ce si- Has Valuable Franchises. lItiiotu>cilesand illages te Crnm han iilus tierpet utai f a iii luI t'yfor,11e ui'lphiiiîi vinire andulthe salue ut ilueve is Incalculablevs'lien the growib of titi uuduuafry iconstiered. Evidenice Thal Liquer la Being Srmu g- 1 gled InIa Fort Sheridan. Thaf iquior iv bcbng smuggled inla flue nulhtary rit Fort Sheridan almuat diuy la techcargeniade by a member rit the North Shore Law and Order League. Tbf 1hbis latruc was partly proven 0f flue police station an Safur- day nîglit wheu a rovaîryman was searchcd before bcbng ocitcd op. He gave biha nte as Privafe Tîrosanad itod a quart bottel aud ao laI plut bot- tIc of whsitey conccolcd ln bis over- ruat. lie was oresîed ustt as 1e mas abiomut10 board a car for the fort, Tlirush was acrumpanbed hy Privata Estahrook of the hoaptaî corps wbo pleadcel for thc reease utfbufli. Prî- vafe Tlirush bad heen an Ithe practlce mardi mIen 1the cavaîrymen liad bhan overtaiten hy flic severesn80W stormn and had camne lu Waukegan ta gel warmad Up a bit. Hîs fine was paid Iy frlends oit Sunday mornlng. au. -I ji ii iuîumîou w lii i 'cuu-d a îitîs %i ur tim lise fronuilthe city i îîuuîliidaut diihtuirit Xlnmîu' us ah- ai c iuitiJng nfitisi * oa r taîî busc and muiut' uumî'i.'.u iuiilTheopos- SiurcItuviiîg Uiib i vvausisfoctury deal uv tI Xtuuuuoîî j isIol.ýd tri as tle be- iii iiiuino u t t -tii-i 15 ii i ilugion Want Elertrur Raulraad. If X tuio,'amuli b.-LEnnuivLlghl andl luit r eîmniîî.uuu. wîre bnck of tIc titauiîîi s. uu ii lui' t uaIIs- con- tiiui-. frîîau lu.1w iii.îî Uý (a' -s tb rit Xh'iiuiintu ii ut oîumiilie nuire trihis lîauirXMumnre isni t sebung fo incorpnmuit., aOui i mliii u i uomtisen un the prn.oau'd tu nichisea he experts lu '.u'eiirE XX hetter or tnot the Joliet ex- tension is huilt, tbe people of WiI- îîuuuugioui teedconfideuit that tte tran- clise e ssnd ho A. N. PuiseraufthflicIl- linoils crio uu ut-l gIve flienia lUne lui Kankabe. lInaddition fa furtilah- iuig conupetihon bu the Econorny rom- pan' aîud holding duwn rates au ne- ressort In the upbobldlng ut a rom- munît>. What the People GaI. Tbue Illinois company rontcndcd wltb sîuiritcd ripposition for tbrec monîtbs. and whien finally the rît> couincil issuteul ofranrhise, thîs Io vvhat tas secuurud as concassions tr the rît>. Guaranitcc Ilat an elertrîr car Uîne b a to ho buitt front Wilhmhigton ti Kankoitcc b> the sprlng uf 1915. Rate ut 12 cents per bilnisaf or less 3for ligbt tornislied. Free elecrirc nergy for the pump- aIitg ut wafer for fine and sprnlning 2purpuses. a Free lîglits for clfy hall, t The rompany has fhn rbght ta sel b ts franchise ho the Ecoitomy or au; uther cunipany. Thi' coîîîîany also ha, sli i v " '1REFUSIES TO COUN- w liiih IoaicePi the terni,.1,fiit Iý,ENA CE JI1N Chis, or uniîil June 15. E A C O N Millions Back of Hinn. __ lout ii of the lllniii (01111.10! At 3:00 Saturday aflerroonF claiîîia thal 1e has tmitN fi liiiilio ter Johinson was released by Pc dollars boick of i lm, andi il it hiý i Magistrate Walter Taylor, i fut oaîîer rompat. Pbut hi-- îiii had held hîm ln the county jail tains th1e îtrost secrco a, iiithlidi his own confession aof1the cr eîtity oîf hîs backera. of murder. Assistant Stal if 'iliioue will stanoi irfr ailo Attorney Eugene Runyard mai clause ini bis franchis,,i tie tit'ntîl motion ta dîsmîsa the prîso claîni iliat they wtli be 'iii, il gttliig tramm custody and the rmotion the extension from Joliet on dibnIsXto granted at ance. JohnsonN Wilmlogton, because Mîîiîie iv linon happy ta be released and sta to 1e hscled by the powerhiîl i ormon- that he mauch preferred the ci wealth-Edison company, of w loch J. ty ta the cîty jaîl as a place of Plerpont Mdorgan, J. J.Ilili aîd Frank tenîlan. C Logan, fatber-fin-law îcf \linroe, are dominant factors. Munroe and McKinley. , Whci ler lîr mot Foster Joîhnson On the other hs.od It la cirrently re- dered h14 if îe ai Niagara laa ported that 'Ur. Munrue la iii furnish Oî'tuîlîr 4 4 as 0vliesoi s hi the power for the 'ileKIalet lInes, case w il foret tr rî'oiaii 5aICIcf bence is activlty ln secîîrîog fran. cal rnitteit uiqu Iric ithe a000 chises througbout the strpteli of court. Lake couiri*ii, aîîd if as Pxîieýcteîl try helween Joiet antI ltoomîngton. son is ru lcovî'd 1bib, State s Att W hether NICKinley la lIetrested ln Dad ' and Assistanît Siate's Att seelng that Xilirn gtlin i, ippliled Ru nytard w ilI have ilon,, ethtei i full with traction faclties ls rnt tcnown. in fioldinîg lîiîîî nimill theî w' t iv and theela a dispoitlinon the port tht r groiud. of the clty fathers tii niai.'the build- Th. ceenl, of tirueiia- ing of the Joliet Une iînîi oa pîîîn -Johnso-.9sca- the lissulng of the fronehi'.c i. The fart that, beîng a full To Push Negotiatians. ed Indian with ail the stoîcîsm ar The aldermnen are bo i r for these ici in desliny oi his kind, he, concessions becOuse ti i fr îiiuhise of, confess to th1e murder and stand the old Wlmlngton lighi andl Powu'r ishment were h e cealiy guiily. i'onpaoy expilres in ils 'i Monroie ha.3 2. The farctltaIt the coroner'i an option on the $7.Ii aritî ail Is ords as shown in the letter toA îeîîorted 10 1be paylng to.. îooý ant States Attorney Ruayard liii) for IL This planit , iii t iv liej District Attorney Ackerson of Ray, .10e Thonipson, aii 1 Jihiîliaski r Yock roîncide with Johnsons os till-, la one of the hi i 'piiii i. il vii ali cout of his wîfe's death except lia er plants in the 'iatî Uiitii mie he acdde Ihat 1e pushed her ini oni. forty-flfih the caliîîi i f th,' river instead of the conclusionc ECoiiaîii conîpany at lii i't . pos- coroner that she îumped in herse yevsioui of the Xilmiiîgtoii Wil aec ci 3. The fart that there is no s r iv looled upon as.î vaiiat is aset decîdîng which sa rîght, Johnson iP ibe wocking Out 0f thi tril(lin roI confession or the News York corar blirs and t1e local t 1,; i I1i hîs inqueat testimomy, as, if Jc ir n ýop ntrer . i .. nushed 1the iMvccan in 5the rt SON1 Fos- il oir ate's We a iner was was tted ,fde- LOCAL MAN 1EXTENDS ELECTRICAL POWER Imagination plus millions are extendl9g 1the grip of Samuel In- salI and h many actîvities in Il- liois along th1e Unes laid clown n a rather prophetic article n 1the SUN lhree months ago. As staled at Ihat lime the for- ces oi the big figure In the elec- trîcai world, who makes hie home et Liberlyville, are straining hard 10 oeil lighl and power ta every inch of the territory *which th1e drainage canal electrical system experts ta sell power so that when th1e latter swings inta action, there wîll be nothlng left la art upon. The actîvities af Insull are af lnterest here first because 1e s a Lake coanty mani and second because the North Shore Electrîc company, with its central power plant in Waukegan. recently ab- sorbed eaery avaitable elertrîc light and power area in Lakte and MsHeMry coîantisa thcaugh th1e Il lmois Lakes Lîght & Pawer rom- pany, anoîher subsidîary. The latent child of 1the Insall imaginatian, whîrh ta fac seeîng. and deep ai plan,silte Economy Light and Powser rompany, and the latent scene ai action is Wîl' thîs statiý. Dawn there the Insuli forces have came ta ha"id gripas with the III noa iLght and Paower ram- pany. and the issue that is beîng iaught an on electrîcal traction. The Insali campany does mot deal nm electrîr uines as yet, although there are rumors that it may ac- quire 1the Frostline, sshile 1the other rampany sn saîd ta be back- cd by the McKinley synidicale ai electrîcal i es and 10 be ready ta traction. 50111 companies are buyîng paower plants, and because Waukegan and Lake caunty are in the samne electricai netssorit or combination brought about by the Insull forces the prablem at Wlmîngton i.nn tereating, asîde from ils apparent features af industriai campetitive warfare. n Desplaines Valley. Th, -olîîl Im tf the h-sjdam, al ],-v or,- a aitihing t hi', i )f~o Chlarles, A. 'Munrov', i lecîrîî il hhîiiiii 'r aitit îmillionîs at is hî laik, iii ici New Co.nlcy CL.b Uccier Way Near Couniy LUse. 'nle Iiak, 'i(rlot,îîîîof (le ti'iii l iiakilm l i , . .l lijiis al'ý ii, ,- a . 1 ! - ' 1'i o' t i' ,iîi ii i i o ' , i ' t i ' Il , i rua dea1 -, ' R i AIxiaiît a luiiiri.l [i ciiiii tIoi I l rectlon of the laitilcai ' ca il aie l\i îg ont th, links. Xiiiof ihi. i cees aîîd iiiîsles hai i ieeii ttu c,îtut lo taithi' lîke îîîov le sii fronti paslng traina. Th, Cliblbousve (a1 th hi'luiiiît i w il îîdcr a;ai, 'lic fîîîîî datons taare , 7xlîiiitet anid thc titîlti lng w lien coîîpletî'd wlll lie the fi-st rit the kîîîîl binhe l'iited States, AI reaîly otiter clîîiblinîgs are going- Up jîîsf iesI of th1e Sheridan Rîuaa, under w hich la a subway chrotîgl whîch theplIa.' crs coati pssa roni the club hbuse 10 te ins awithout danger froni paEëlng automiales. Severol fine recîîlences are tuiîler roof,'lri Sionehilli athlicmîîît lre- lentilotis, 1iiiiig t lairge firci lrcaflilek anîd uione itiîlilliîg, lentl the l,ie antI jîîst acrrîss titi rai licrti iiterclb bouse. tnti 'tit r idei i ithe rîîaîl ire archi i l ii.k garages,. t acon)î nitslote a lit ii 'Atîî,î îî. h lit le turtti ir cili ii Ir lleiii:i.ýr fini- hou-î,' au i ai îîîîîîîlon iii" I ' it sv l.,jltîiRadilot,, iii iîîîrî iii giresi leîîcî's. w liii i I i i 111 îcîs fînîîu the' r,îirîî,l ioi' i, XMr. Ivcihiî , the' oti ,i Xlr M r. t ila lr. Oscar Ro pii r ii i StiiiliilXrioi-.hgt'e" a, cis iii, i ii, iitic w hite fat ni lîîiiî mi . I- Xl lb eit "r w ill ,, ' .mici i tIhi,' Fi etîcli Lilîe 'fa (vimi 'i, i i. ilt o pat oI f the Bilri iioi ry ontlic Sherudan Rîî,î,l i imtie iiirilu (,flRaýiiiiiPark uic i,' mýndil i ili' hii'i hat wlth Ili a îiar oc iii i fiftNor tmore filue %, i i i.l. ic talioun lato filc Ir i tr eu tr e 'ým'ik'iiniTil, -. - riuîn ouîî iii i. iT,îî î Ut,- ir :i, ti j)luotufîlIite frontilhi- vi iciiui fic not leave a mark or crue of any kînd. Xai î,î i -tuciiîîhi em t cars rît Ri1i Van XX înliî.sî> y Theu -Y l k authitcl avise Ttb i îii-oue, liîlî and î HoigBniui1 nîaiug a deai with telîetrir c-ag IlIlle stau.d l at ut .hîuîsouu l; culis uPark lia e it, T ari wlli guîraaîeu streûf rail llii lier Il .î hi,ji iof ik-iî-'1 wa faîuliics betiseco Joli-t and 'Ail iut iauhla iiliu t uth iinion utonia tO 1the rsîcnsanauilrisk of a triial OE T TE O miîîsiihauir--ei talit r ttaung bltiti riTEOW th iii ii i,- iec. ' uuiicsi MCIIENRY 1.AKES I I>RESECUTI()N IS tIl eru er!i c Io ta k oIl siu i- ioîuîls' CiAl rP ES O si afI t-te i ilug tite.storcfrth11e Deciares That Ire 'Trust, Sa Called,8j CLAIM Of PRESTON Ijfr s , suicide. ,cu11ictît. N ni.. is te Has Gobbled Off Thousanids of Price- Isueuaîtmet n r t e ess Acres in McHenry Caunty and IssuesStatemnt n hich H Says uuîu luuî i viii h ii -,,îumoisi ali( on Borders of Lakte County, and RelîiausFanaîrs i Zin îy aveis lioii -. vii iI iusa ni iiilieta. Has Taten Means ta Compel a Hear- Made a "Goal" of Hum and Ihat (He agaiî i îîsmi tii Th itar uuuiI'i i ts i Saysî Hi@ Wfe sla nfluenced by 9 Alleped Oevotees-Detatls af State- tmi'test ment. Tlurr. tce uittt it b iitornsu Sfnimarv Stk lus ;iocimnupîi the Tii,' fuilot u Il, il . iiiuîuîiri) ît ýKniceirboîîc e c- u'Compîanyuto1re-I iiii: îu uti~., ~ of telettcu- irefntîî)Dtrici tiitorict sîîiîîîitii aîîbî.îucîav siiul lithe 1 cicu i îi , l ulis c --Fi, it i kersîuuii ifNitN oî k tu tIi iiifîîîCuhi id iiivlgatung coinînil'ttcec I fui Iia ,îuîoî lhits iife uuîuîl hîcri c, ,i ucbuuthil,- iiU, iî cti uf iseý r,-uhîatcneî tesierdai tut'Chair- al, g- il ;ait.. i iofiTrisn'vshitcîuuiu\ana..îcoîutil,î non I ipîîîrfieilaito dcclarîd lists itu nu- ff uu I ii i uni the tiilluavti n i t Lo k urt, N Y hil l oil 't i ii rîuuuuuîu h allil ' iIii'î i h lait tchece i Il- t i r r' ii i trenJtI- tl r i lM ZIi iiiii l l--î ' . ir liait gialuf it 1 uuuî.cmnus labea. Iltil, iXîîl 11 s Ir' rtt eliglgus a r 'u f,.. Ai ,i-it,' ruuug iiiuleus ou acre, anudl aorthS tNîulut s. i. i (i uf Zîuîn (li r 'Il,'ii 'ai iitlui iilis of diulais.- îîîîsî ici e flic g gauiu1ii ii.muo1 uusrninîg of Xr'. Prestuioluit liii h. iii fleffeet of c-a ,î i f Xim -i 1ii-lîhsie îîîî ing kît ditgi... i efarninîg lummripi_, ii' t i al d . 1 'i i i ii uîfui, thitIo îvcu ouî f uiliroilv olpear- sliiun-gair d .ii 'c i s ou. Whoi t alvslt ii i s Th, i lstio i ui i I have ci i ii îrt- e î îîîîîîîiti itIll lic n- au iliat oi Ii, u îî i,- ts and actlîiion fl tidiomut utl t hi I Joihufin, n i tI iiv i oi a dl iiiils toiii ii s'ud 1îuîî ie ltte S is aufi , il ,ighIt 10 spect l ii l.r 1,,,i ..imii -vil tul utî un c i ii,- iii ,i sbnue abicb sa of rilatli-. vithlmi îl ti nit hi iii , îc.î- t ilii., i uî o is ii- 1 , rh nl. ,.ot(ola sa d o whc "Rcguditug Iliiil- rculoi's it kncvas,- ilif.iiii'i imiin ,îias ti'hh situ-ha, t 1,-c m i-c 10 crsuuuîî and mia, iiI flu, i tii ii, u n i, iof ic-lit, Ir i iT'b iM I u lIeIuc i r ritalsîsebhss la.u ;I il i t i I. atil lDr. 'fi-i l i i îîîui I r iii-. i-I i 'i. lt'ail a Iilîîî l (hIr iai.' ilsimnrul aos stic's ta l - i. i 5 stiffi-ing ftouui - mi a lii s îiîum lili \s.iuu.iua t liiu rc. uimu il T) Ii m-es it Ilue conuîîittcc fever. lii v i ( fuî lii on u h ITIauuug nîl iî ýi i.i humi -S(ý ai uîitii îîi.slitu i i a il p ila i ti e l a nd ic t ciaittucî and cîîid (il ii huîu- ieracîf, andh Tig mucuuîc l i Iilmeig, I i o aeabnc'-a tr 1i]w i l' .uu I ilur lit i i m iii iii iiî îl irgeis- i t il, su lu-'comitteetc nay tives- Iakiiig f mm uu ll'fondiutîli i i i il- r'ofiii.iii iii% m it i îg.uuu -m lt( 'tiii anduuu uitparc suuts 1 -Th t , oiuf m -isiauillg wa, stiirti ii j- lh i ii t iliaI)I , i 1taîuei 'loIitu î ,i t it- puiihc ruchi a buscs'It ex- lu l r irr lii ii, iandb iinrcliabîi- ci ig îî lii iiiul iiî hai,- îuî ,î i î,l'uîgec f the uu ,' . lois ci ilitrmu i irposi' imas icie sic' a ptit icu iuîtonIntider 1h,' tin ntt umin1il u t i lu, ii.auIfli ouu WntsShedd to Ansser, chucu' tf mii liluil i-i tould be allie to lTit)( viluu nusitu111MIt tvî ilken ltsaith, iI, Shvulubla the Knlicrbocker1 discreuhît and hilý,o' th e dlrster 0for imoa (ui i ttutic-il vuimu; h, lartiilte ice î'uîupaîuî ucîiesentathve ato, the Mr.Ill10son ui,o uls fod îlne I luiigui of ic ýdat i,'î,uîî'dhîriilait nusald vvuuid 1e balcd before tiu I frontuu iiueiu.iiio0fhia 1111e homue he tiiNsie' î'r;Iiîîîl,îî-l, tuaIier u,tus hle cuunîuuutîcc if be failîcîl luappeor abere lueshi, i c- i huafiseceblîdren, hbind wma-, gîuiugw iitoterin an, athle nexi session. who arc tuýr-tfuîtdiorthtîcr papaO. and ildiiiîatly tîteîi ulat ste aas I 'MXr. Slidd la salutct unaniser the "A etunsîmitait itas fornicd I11vPar- g ju oi-ili hlotuolu. ilieu', huit she charge thaf the Kilckerbock5er Ire boni and Xouaptciple, hy whlcb tmra s iu. u 3Preston,. wlii s tro iseait and b1b10 ow-st ont taiten serlouisIv. 1-1r htîvhaîud Uoâ)iy Ils oc(cuîivng WVolff and Hyde -tnriw what sith miolg, was lnduccd ita - aen îtlth aouthuer auimal 011 at laites and a liortuon ut Calumnet It thîs1 hy JusticeLu-lauuuuuuîud to sîgn a rom- dat, cuuil-mniig tIi, suatement tvbicb county anud Ci> stol lake iho Xtcluenr-y -plaint agalîu tXIli Preston. Tout car, sthlnîmalle that it',iuisbands affection county auttouit warrant 0f lois' and la undcrstand The, vrudctiveness of tibtis -religionsu.svuîî sats Mîr. Preston, foi r b ail bu-i ut suangeul and o body fillbng un the laitelit Fltty'slxfb ah en I1i iel i iii Tht t hbet' ioncd uof t au ib is- î iibout i iil(jb îrobabhy atrcec itl out legal excuse,"sailli bawn serrc'lt Io Mny emplôyers thahue t-it îîîy unove to lbrate. ('lirtîan f'bipcrfieid. XVsuubganîriii,,uinformantion that 1Ihld vuauctri toa i Ici l e tcname of "I aniu lîfornucd that SMr.Shcdd wos e ben rretiiufuglu iulitu. ilimt they saa' ler de-liereatafone session. andl I açi'ilasb the y ilt rtel-.h jumi i iuuîuî ii,' river. indulgenuce of the conimitte,' to gis 8Swailowed Snake I amIti ttortiii uf the fiiopi ilon huni atuot lt r opîuortuîuuly tri ai îear be- 1,0-last cit ut lu. ia horse bconging tiibut viiiilb1i vnd for Johnson and fore we lobe stepa 10ope bsprs to E.13DoXt f rtNorth Chicago hliiig luinu bauli hi-e. e, ewouid nf once - cnnelli lre *becanue s c i i l and hegan toupouîuuu bis accu iiiiuclibn any respon- Enginrecm h-tulibiouu gaveconut these *couigluauîd ciiil . irw-os nou knoauu slbiity fur hua tifea deollih; and when figures as ho the arcs of laites wblch mbuat %vas tuie uuîter wblb lit aund as lii saawti'etectiî chair or sales aro lsimcd b lie public proîîcrty, and tS tears for dcuilî ivre enteroîuuu-î a pri oc orife, stsring hlm In tbe face, whhch are occupicul for private pur- s'cîcrîuarl masu.cuulicd Thce-î demi ias lue auil jiivt as suonEas lie talited, poses: GrIsa old aitt, XtuItcnry coutnty P-nary t o nce vîmdltiuafbe animal itad a th an attorney. hli certaIly waîîhd 1Slt,ý acces, occîîpîccl ity sIng antd tg caben sonil iiii' ii a posture thaï:go0lackitoi suisstatement that be bas bunting clubs; Woods lobe, XcHenry was diuug tIi-- i ii-citef and aler if malle 1ai( i mu-l liait e bitais nottîing cotinty, tIiit'aj acres,.riceupied hy htint- isas found thuur c asnase that tbe horse abouti ube uuaucm But e-tan If 11e bng clubs, Crystai abe. MIcHenry Il bad sisolirwiacl bail lîcen ojecrtng t0 did not, our et dence hee Wiuid rot rounty, 250' acres. orcupled by Kailck- Il the Jonal i tp, atch caured thIli-in lit-il, wai corroborate bis tatement erliorier Ire Comipany and sommer nes, sulflclenthy ho convibct hlm, realdents. GOM!MENT DEMANDS IMPROVED ROADS Fourth Assistant Postîmaster Gener- a]i n Letter Addressed ta Postmast- ers of the Country Threatens Re- rnovaI of Rural Mail Service if Roads are flot Made the Way They Should bc Made. Ilot hi L.aki, County niý ,i t in gond n pair If the pat- colis of tite' i trai free deliiiery rare to miainaiiî th', an vice. A it'iadlire,.-iilTtothc Post- nai-,er'i of th1e coiuntry oitllnes the îîioirN.of ihi' goitîîii iiii n n iter- tain terni-. Thc lîtter follows: Pest Office Department Foui th Asssist lot Posi master General Washington. Xarch 31, 1910. The Postmasler: Sir: As a resîtît uf general andi solil ltiirs sent ont y he ficDePart- meint, soi the ec-op)eraton ofutpost- ters andîcliarriers. there has beers grioat iiiiîrîot teeit In itle highwaYS on ithlIlî rural routes are establlshed. Thi e aie, howeî,-ir% aiy localitles w ii'ii' ail iconditionsi arc had and im- prot enieuts arcvîeriiiive. Yoîî aie directed ticiîîforrm yourself w iiiicfien' to condiltion or roada aîîd bridges oni the rural routes out oif yoîîr office. and lif yoîî fInd that lhey reqîîlre initroNecoentt ou shoulti lir,'veit the itaiter iii the strongeat ;ild most 1ositive wii tti the patrons and iorail officiais, iîforrming them tuat lîtîpi ot elievia mutitot1e mode as soon as praciicabl" if, afie a reasonable tiiiie lias ilalisei, the Iniprovements liai.' iii> ieýînimade' or starled. Yeu wi] ip îort ihe niaiter te ihis office lW oider that action nîay be taken look- lîîg tri ihe discontiniianre et the serv- ) mur- ilia on ]id. bis unilogi- las of 1Jothn orney orncy i1 duty un- of ,u in biood and be- vsoul d id pun- fNew' ffn ar- tl that lao the af the self. aay oi n i.hi: ner in ohn sasi ida iut Ttcelî'îoprtîîunrt iis 00f iniedistcly î'uuuucccîucuî iri ialuorale road Improve- iuu'its, but ib ttc Interest ofrliche est rio. tirelargesi nîînîber utf pet- ions ut aiinsi in'i-ut on flic roada helng kelut fl gond reçiair, tht' hock ut w'bIch us uîstualt due, 10 inuîolîer drainage. anuli isuîitalle grodlng and surface ivor, ahicli cati lc eaîly and rheap- It ocu oniîlîliî'îýl b> tlimeiy work anti the. i eguilar use ofthle sîlît lug drag or sîmîlot' dcvicv. htesiîertfltIly, P. V. IcGRAW, FoirirhAs.sisant Posînlaster Genaral. Storm Catches Soldiers The historie retreat from tiosruw lad a strlithng parailel in tîntes uf penoci' Sturday whlii Fort Sheri- dan trnoîîs ithouf osîrcoats. blanit- ris. gloi'es or suiy cold wcather equlp- nient fouglit thlir wsy f hrough a blind- ing aluots storni ftweat y milescsOrOos couinfry frini DiameondI ite toFart Shler idan. Troous t.,1<K. I., aIdXM oftireIii'F- (iiith uîh'avaliî of lth,- Viiutei States arîîuî'w ccc flic lirori of ithe exploit asud withî on ceynuocnng -tart in th1e sîîis gale reat led Fort Slidan ne',- -ciliclesa oit i 20 toîlat not niucî the it tutse foîr wco r. bu t v ery fi ced. On a Practice March. Aituof the troiip-, are îuow 11 ncw ruiles lut Jin 10ff et i blii 10to t orleilu hep day lîcaciici' niai clias In acua îsliar tinte onci' a nuonth. The infantry divisins Ntiit ouf for the hib-- last Mondai uanduon ilicîr retura tle catalry aclut ouut, rîding ta DIa- îuuoîuîL ake studil heu fartlier, msklng the, lake tflicroititi oppiîîg place. Thie cas slrt - ik,..'tle other troops, wcnt otnt w'iitiiii aîîy preparation whlatever for cl caflier or for a dîna' storinand as a rcsult th1e weatb- er, was bard on) thl'mni.Tblr bande isere raw with colîl wlcn tbey sfruck the fort. f'loilies were w-et in most lcases. Thc nu-n saireîland bunteti 1worm spots. i AIl Cuban Veteranis. The rat alrrv ws under command af 1Caplain '%IcNamaee.Thec avalry mnif iscue ail bubon velerass iho have rbeen at Fart Sheridan for about à tear. Tbcv are uscul to fbls cold a-eatîicr. but acre cestig runaworaa. The ordeal. It la conaîîlered, will do threur good. The stiff niarcli tnder unsuspecteti difficuîles veas watrlicd througbaut ithe roonty itIliIntereat, Don't drugilite Stonarh. or stbmulate th1e Heurt or Khîlaeys Thoat le wrong. Il s tretveak rserres Ibat are crylasg out for bielli. Vitaioe these weak Inside cuntruîlling nertes witlî tir. Shoop'a Re- storatire andlse bow qoiekly gond beaîth wilicame lu you again. Teel it rand Cee' Sold liy ALL DEALERS g. o * o i o o o o o o o o >0O 17c !5c 15C 15C 15C !5c 05C !5c box, !5ec !5c ... Sec [Oc it. .23C iVe 35C It. soc 15C t.. 33C lot ose 1',

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