CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Apr 1910, p. 11

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LAKEJ COtTNTY INDEPFXNEDENT. WRITIDAY. APRIL 29. "1910. PAGE TMAU Il .l~OAhII~II~ -~ ,.. c, fw of -er an ýW. Çensus Taker Calied Vet? -F111 -Out This Blank and lIand. ittIo Mtm. Then Watch That Su n n Ji CUT OUT THIS PRINTED FORM, FILL IN ALL QUESTIONS AND HAVEIT READY FOR THE CENSUS MAN. Noms cf Individuel............................................ BOARDE R oR ROOMER ..................... Mouae No .............. Location ............................. Street .................... .Avenue........... ................ Sexs................... cor or race .......................... ^go ast birthday ....................... ...................... Single, married, wdow or divorce............................... tfumber of yeara marnied ...................................... Nativlty, wtsere bort,.........ed mother tonguè ............ Father, where bomn............... and mother longue ............ Mther, wtare bors,............. anS mother ongue............ Year of Immigration .......................................... Where naturaliizd, or sue..................................... Con you apemie English, If flot, what iseguage do you use...... Occupation, or what trade, it sny............................... Art you an empoyer or empioye, or working for self............. *ese »Ueu ot cf wcrlc on Appi 15, 1910.......................... Numaber of weeks out of work durlng 19W0........................ Are you able to read ......................................... Are you able to write ......................................... Have ycu attendedsachooi since September lit, 19M0............... Own a home or rentIng........................... ............ if *wned, la Ut free or mortgaged............................... Farm or hou., If farm, how many ............................. Wore you n thse Union or Confederacy army or navy............. ,Are ycu bind (in hotUssyca) ........ ..... deaf anS dumb ........... The -Name Kingsbury oji 4i Piguo«ts v1deçice of Menit W HEN We ay that the name KINGSBURY stands for higUs quality, we 'state a fact whîch the exper- ience of thousands of buyera has proved. The KINGS- DURY iia*itttruoeht which you wi be proud to have iii your home.; It .will reflect credit on your mifsical judgmeni and will give you satisfactory service for many When you bu>' a KINGSBURY, you make sure of getting the vaue of the mnoney-you pay for it. You cao see Ibis instrument in several case designs at the stores of C. F. INÇAJI&$ &JIRO. o LYNCH DROS. F WJIEU~AhlIDERTVVILLE Te PianaoOwne a-Bave ourexpffl tture FF iF i?* , 4IO"t l c*ry IIIItMWtI meula sittdput t<bla la Sm ue or = SAIve yoqr o*ew odr*ottbe bemli ev CABLE PIANO COMPANY (ChIcauo) T. P. D!JEWN, U~AI RInomtSUVC <, ~ ~ - -' I IFMUflM~UWI& IIAVUU Gems o Verse from. Lake County Poets,. William L. Fai-tuer ANNAH BILINSKI GRIDLEY Annam Ullinqki Orldiay spent the ariy years of her 1fe ln the vicipty of Olsrnond Lakce Lake county. She easiy manifected the possaon c f thse glft of potry and for severai yeors ehO waa a pro- lifte writer of vere, her productions being welcomed generaliy by t as". ho jarn unfortunate In possesaIng but three of her poems, hence typ- beaseepIon ia impossible. The "Sonnet," prosented in thia mars, le, h.wever, th boat representation of her depth of thought, her fatilty of expression ln poetle rmeter; and reflectlng her trulli lit- erasy tlent. Mp. Qridley la now a rosidant of Chicago. Annah SUllîneki Gridiey. The future, broad ani white, tretciiud out its course- A gistening sereets on wblcb waa plctured one My ardent ego wlshed me to become. '*The thoutht cannot be bigher than it source;"' 1 sad, "detre outieap fulfilment; force Be great ln wiiing, lets ln action done. Therefore 1 *111 bo wbat 1 wiii. and corne lun lme te that my bîtheat dreama indorse." Thongb faint and fading now that pictured toril' Thougia wIid the bat and taise the proPhecy. Tbough 1 bave seen the son o youth's bikht morn Descend Usa night of lifeas futility. i tili believe tbrough fallure go fdrIorn That Image fair was Goda true tbonght of me. News f'om Vaeilve Mdd'e Wesi States Is Dlscouraging. Irefic UIn City Retordqd as Reluili of Unow and Steet burînj Early Morning Rush Houri Chicago, April 2.-Front twuive wet, middle west and souhwest tates conteo thse cva of WeIli right a cilion dollar lois., as an ouFgron th Aflte ireak storma that have swept bari-en filds. valisye. orchards and paoturea, The fruit crop ln the middle est ta ompleteiy ruined. Hait the !ou't' great cotton crop le devaaiated, accord- log to the latest reports. la *11l1 he parka evury effort s heng made by the horticulturista to savu the V48etation4 plants, trees. floyers and. hoches. Côveringg bave been con- structed and piaced shove the ehrlb lierT. Transportation. turf are and el,. %ated, vs. retarded as 4 reault of the, enot ad leet during the eariy rush Lite vas endangered by the bindin g sow that obscured the hnsy iborougb*1 tares n the downtown distrct. PASTOR 1(1115 SWEETIIEART Eicry J. Leavitt Pires Three Shoti Is the popular price for a s»It. t gives you everythlng that goes to make a' garmentper- fect. Ours have Snap, Stye and the Best Materlis. -specials Slicker Coats, the Duck Brand $2.50 Witia Fatal Iffect-Takes Life. Reading, April 27 -Late isat night Zloty 3. LeavItt vent te; the bose ofi bis sweetheart. Nlisa Nelle Becker. loaded a piatol ln ber prusene-? and tiret lbree fUmes at ber. resulting toa ber death. Then be waiked coeili tiack to rocking chair and endea bis on Ilite by drinking cyranidu of potai: Leavitt vs abortaI 38 yearu oid an& Pam* front a tu-to-do iamiy lnnrtne Nir EW ngland ttes He cialrncd ta, bave been an ordained Prcrbyîeria RIOTS LOSS IS -$2,000,00Q Changahas Governor Proclaima Peact but British Doubt Saitiy Ashore. Changsha. China, April 27.-YenF Wii-?fng. the goyerme of Changs bas issued a peace proclamation. The British consul, howuver. bas given no- tic. that Ue viii not bu respon8tbiÈ lun eaue those who go abore are at- tacked. ' Mlisionaries arriving hure fi-cm Changtefu report that ihere lu every Indication that the trouble witb the rioting natives ie over. Thu governor estimates the damnage done st $2.000e- 000. HENRYTGSUCCEED CLARKSON, Presîdent Appoints Adjt.-Gen. Henry as Surveyor of New York Port. WanýInLgton, April 27. - Nelson . Hienty,. adtotanit generai of t he ',ew York tate guard, viii saucceud Gen." James 8. Ciarkson as surveycr of the port of New YorIr. Preaident TaftI sent Gen. Henry'e nome ta the aunate and t viii be quickiy conflrined. Gen. Henry vas summoned te Wash- ington and baS a long talltvîi Sec- iretary of the Treasury MRCVeagh. WILL BURY MISS8 REID IN U. S. Mma Reid-WeUUs Cablea Princi Roupi. giiosi to Ship Body Home. New York, Aprii 27-?Irs. Berthe Reid-Wels of 400 Riverside Drive. en eider sister or Mlisa Estelle Reid, wbo. wa fouof drcwced ln the hay of Napies aset weuk. bas cahied to PrIn ceas Rosipipliosi, vioc Iived at Rome andSlis a cousin cf the dett e man,. asking that aire make arrangements te sip te body te ibis citY. CULBERSON ITO RETAIN TOilA Senator Denles Retiremnent Story and Announces Hia Candidacy. Austin. Tex., Aprit 2î.-The author- itativu announcemellt recelved hure tram UniteS Statua Senator Charles A: Cuiberson that be vonîf ite a candi', date for re-electioit ffectiveiy disposera Wt the tentative candidacy of Goy,, g5InpbeU for that office. "WETS" 1.03E BY DECISOK, Printlng cf Proposition on Separats. Paper Maeit I nvalid. SpringieldIli., April 27-Judge Hensbaw at Carrolîton decided the VîOte on the saloon issue Il Bhtffdale township on Aprtl 5 wae illegal. for the tssaon that the proposition was print- ed on a auParate pie ce of PaVer and did -mot appear on the regular ballot. This ieavua Green county talooniesa for a peroud of Iwo Years. The wts had heen deciarud winnera by five otsby the election Judges, iGNORED THE CENSUS MAN Illnosan Ssike at Questions and War. * tant Ua Servecd. Springfild, il]., April 27-Paul H. Bradley, a duerk ln the Illinois Trac- ion symtema offiesa bure, wasarareated on a tedetal warrant for aileged retffla in answer quetions puttII) him l'y Ceneus Enumerator Otto Benker. William J. Btter. superviser of the connuas for the southern district orf lii- misl. made the compiaixt. The sri ît'w thse SIst of ta kind made in lsadis&lct. EradieY demites that e 51te ,swtWqeKiiý IRAthei tract of land souchit ttt tcFa(tlrF-di SlIE IDAI' rfts - and Fher ettgltters bave aiready lpre-1 i rdthe estimuate of rost forthtecpro-1 WOOD CITY hALL9 )Th:ýui1ei r ii h a e i t t Watitigt (ii aud ituraiiy ALL TO. BE WIPEDOUT rîrtiIgu w iljr5ý oFrtte( pii ittlaces 05their oh-1 (Froni tilr îsSUN ) j-Fr orroctly. Tire details neyer he- fuoetrFFltttd out, bowever. Tbe wbule ea I side- cf Waukegan lsd to mFrShianpk avenue lu Hilir4FFd, ut lu other words lit OuF-l it' w it t Fort daSeldn arki the main tt etroufttecity, includitt 5hd FW ttIFIF dy uawd Fort Sheridan rît k artd other oid lanuitopenliliotoi anttiln the the early marks of the omîîtt ttiys, viilbu wiited' limers mw thi rFit-':tralircad systeni, out of the gt t tit it r carries ou u i liiiPtat tttt * . tIti . I tit i ilFgground, itho plans and boy alri thoeîroperty fri nl'ik Fi Fl, mtlm IFFF le at one tinte plant- the sout uendrtf t, Forît Sheridan vos fl ne 10lto FFt r, ajag saaitarlum, suri ervation at Washlinigon street cloar' rhe iligit or tfrry hlai and police sta- througb on Wa tîrgan avnu a al ion wIll ttttr-r ker avenue. aeu t a- Acqrireîîrsut wtt! ho îîurcbaseandui Eniîeera Work on Plana. ruttta ni Four govermnet eitgineers are nov Acces ait Laat. l Highwood reeurveying thefoËttandl Rî-adF'iîs of ighlanS Park are sur- We Invite Comparison Nvith the,, Iliqhest Priced TiiIred jI (jarments Just iPut Your Foot Into It! Drop into our sfùre any time during the next few days, let us get your r ur ter-size 'in onq 0O ur smart new RegalSoes, aand just slip youi foot into it. We guarantee you'II find it the sînartest Iooking, smoothest fitting and mnost ccmfart- able shoe you've wom in years-unless you have been wearing Regals night along. - REGAL SNHOZ$ are made on scientific lasts, insuring smooth, snug fit and smart custom lines. Regal quater-sizes mean an exact fit fgr your feet-not shoes even a ile toc, loose or too tight. The quality and work- manshîp in Regals inaure long service-and permanent retentionothorgalspe $350 $400 500 ~-jj FI. t FF 70 .ously thinklog wbetbrt or cot la wilI bei-ian crab aPPIQîc for instance.,¶Vili iFe iii 10 thent to annex wbat la jeft of stand the' racket ail rigiot anS that lil,,Iiwuod wirr.î the governînent cots bloasoina are lu goof codition &fier theo clit) T. H. Russ of north Sheridans road _______________btought blossoins uf atpIles, pearsand t-caches ro lthe Kirk ccmîrany lunChi- IPRUT DE TROY D? rego and afît-r experts examitneS the sita.isasrrrt bosonia throttgh n¶f)troscopes theY NI, ENRIIETTA' dclared that tbey are ,la safe condi- l ion. They also derlared lhiit If1 Experts Examine Blossoms 1 ont ot 100 cf the- blossioins ever rnatu- Through Miscroscope ait Be."d lthe Yruit crop would bct a record hest of Local Fruit Growers. breaker. Ail 0. K. The ownet-s of oriier orchards andi - growera cf fruit reprtt thetsane lckyt (Fren Wednqdays SN.) conditions. It's alinoat toc, gooiltl rub- tit, but Thte Jolie la on Racine. The satUiig fruîit gruwtrs ond I-ql t-xttert lu miaster of te Iowa deciareg ltat' se ts in atters esevor i«tt it te lu- saw tbe <'urtis pier and lhought that cai fruit wîts col as b,îîlt daniaged by If wa lthe iRacine barber. And tim the r-old aseli as gort'îally supposef govornitt bas just decl4ed U gat ani that ln fartt hecroît la ai rIght. nmorp than $25;0.000 on th. Racie'bat. Gleason Il. Stafford asserta thatS. bor.-Kenoa Neata. * Two Rain Coats In One ~ For The Kuppenheimer MaKe T HIE COLLAR can be worn' cither \way as shown in the cut. This makes an ideal coat for the preseçnt unsettled weather. S$20,OO00 ê25,.aO The oniy sure rain pro- tector for the manthat has to be out in a heavy rain. Short Slicker Coats $1,25 Police Rain Coats made of the best rubber $6,00 Boys' Rubber Coats $2~ n 25 Men's Rubber Coats $3.00 -11 ý LAKE -MUNTY INDEPENklýNT __lRrDAY, 'APRIL 29,-1910. PAGE yi4Rx*ý,ý

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