'I I. IL v ~Sim1eSuits 180 aplo Suita for 7.98-This lot embraces worsteds, shepheérd plaids, à%d serges and panamas, I wor th up to7. ' 15. 00, fer . . . . 25.00 Baiple Sits for 9.98-Ovei' 3w0 swcll tail- -ored suits, made of fine al W'oo1 serges, worsteds and chiffon panamas.,> The Coats are.lined with guaranteed satin L or messaline and worth up 9 09 to 25.00, for . . . . . . . . . 35.00 Sample Suit. for 14.98-Tbere are more thaîa 300 Suits to ehoose from in tliis lot and your choice is .unlimiited as, to materials g~u and 'styles, flot one in the lot is wiirthl lss than 14M78 ,35.00, all go at............. TheLATC 1000 'Sampjle Garment., Representing the final shlprnent of our now famous cash purchase of samples from 3 of Americas greattt marufacturers are here and we will endeavor. to dispo4e of the entire loil kt,$ dd'ys. The first announcement of this sensational purchase brouqht thou*aeWo V"of ladies to our store, regardikss of the recen t inclement Weathero Akcause they have learned from experlenàce thet We ~&e ..racly t'hat tue asc(-eerll.-ce Ui kSà1îg1t4 -Fvr hreè Da) lOei FRIDAY, SA1IIURDÀ .Y AND M4ONDAY Specili Great saniffle 1îurchasc. of tjie rîîhhcrized l Rain 4'oliO f i iai I styles ani ail "01- ors andi garaîn- ted<, absollntelv Ra n .,biÉ 2.98 Near PostÏofic'e uFlrt i n ever7h- ueo. i. 1.99 You Don't Get Specials Lilie These in Other Stores I Great lot of regui- lar 1.50 Pere'ale hionse dresses foîr 69C Ladiies' Drj.wcr of goodl quality lîîtîsljni, iwortli 35p, for 13c Swell 10.00) Auto> Coats 39 for *.....3 9 'Reglilar 1.50 blak Pettieoat-, 43e 79c 9e 36e Dresses Here's where' we shine Lot of pretty new Sailor dîresses in sizes lip to 18, (Ir for .......i 98 Newv San plc Lingerie jtH."'L for drecsses ini ail colors I Thl eorne in about 4W8 30 st leis and -wortlîm ,111)to flWo 10.00, *'o for .... 98for Big Sample lîne of Silk and wool dressesnmade of finest Poîîgees, Rajahis, Taffetas, k4rench Serges and C'hiffon 1anarjias, worth up to 25.00, for ..v Dresses A -Chancç to- dress Tour Beautiful new Skirts of genuine French Voile, and Imported Chiffon Panama, over 50 styles to select frorn 0 4 f or.. . 65 only ney Sample Cicilian Skirts, made fMEl pleated and worth upto 5.00, .o ...1095 New Saxnple Skirts, Of Worsteds, Serges and Pari axmas, worth to 6.00, for ............9 child for very littie money. Don't f ail to vist the. most complet. chldren's department in- the city Children 's Coats of mercerized The prettiest lot poplin or tancy 2.50 Children 's checks, Worth 9 9 C dresses in the ,7 1 2.50, state, sizes up to 14 for ........... Lot of Samiple girls Cqgtis of Little Pongee Joats in sizes up sbepherd's plaid, covedt and to 8, lined faney mix- throughout, L~ tures, Worth I I Worth 5.00, 7 iîp to 5.00, I.78""ý for ...... sizes up to 14 for. Girls' Broadeloth Capes, in sizes up to 14 years, ail colors, worth 4.00,1 for ...................... ................. 1.95 2.0X) Ni-lt dres- ses, laee anîd cin- broiglery trinixned Dressés In a.class by them3elves ldies, and Misses uîripeî' a ilîihneek ressom, iii aill olors id ianyiniaterials, ample dresseis of 'iii '001 panaîina anmi leeî'ized V o i 1û 12.50 9,m75 Molille Bows, stook collai' andi Frettela Jabots, %voitli 35e Biîg lot of iiew beits încluding ncw red ehiaîtie- lors andI silk elS- trie belts, worth Sample Coats 8.00 Sampie Coata for 4.28-Ladies' Sample 34 ineh Coats of black Chiffon Panama. These coats are lined. Th ey are as staple 4îs gold and-sedi ah over at 8.00),'-speeial 4 2 12.00 Sample Coats for 5.98-Full length t'oats of finle Coverts, MIixtures aînd seroll diagouals. There are over '200 styles to selevt frorn and positivciv w-orth 12.00,5 ,9 for ................... 20.00 SampIeCOuata for 7.98-A great lot of Coats that you woul(1 be glad ordinarily to pay 15.00 for are seleted from the sample purchase and bunchcd at oncef preyou take your choice5 7 t<)rrow at ............... A Millinery sale the prices of whlch are strictly i Keeping %vth the rest of this rems&rlable 8l1e, yet every hat Is a gemù of Inâpiration The new, Auto button Veils Childrcn's Straw Bonnets, They con<e in any pretty ail colors and styles, WOth 5 I ' worth 2.50, ùp to 1.50,t for .. ... ..for ....... .. A group of over 300 lots at tis price. They are made ofvari- ous-strawvs and eome in ail the newest shapes. Ail are beauti- fully trimmed and there are n* ttvo alike, Q *Worth2 7> 7.00,2.8 for ....... ............ 2.98 ............... r-tOur speeial 5.00 Hlat, spceiailly prepared for LIthis sale is really a work of Art, and emfbraces over,200 beautifiil exclusivè patteruIs, .II.worthi up to 12.50, for.................... 5.00 Wai sts, Large assortment of Sample Lawn waists in many styles, Worth up t'o 5.00, 3 for....3 c Over 500 new Sample tailored and Lingerie waists, neot one in the lot Worth. less than _ 2.50, for SweIl lot of Sanp1e Silk waists,,corne ini fine pongees .and taffeta silks !--beauti- fully made with plçat- cd ruffle etc., wort 6.00, for 198 VOL. ILLINOIS FOUI The rpal etal to the Chicago Raiiroad ('01111) v. ek. - bondholders **lf to b. el to acquire tl bon@ of con aide ,'osd bel Waukegan. For weeks 1 holliers are gal bave expetrts Chica.go checki rocd, particule division 10 fin stretch of lUne Coupled w another 10 tg liois Pondhu di&cilm mcci l eged, for h Wisconsin bo It learfç,orted road was eITE the IllinisiieCori 'oorPany went 6"i bond Issue, and that IIfIf for these boni wouid jump In now, itlm leca about Lt and hi Il 19 cia.imed th Iflcubue the jump to par. Where t The whole n and auditîng w on by boîli fe ever minc~e abris wbere Illinois the cost of th, Iglou Une and ëu began to0lia) the proper oct clalmed, ail bu It la aigu Cia of the delay ln - Uia.ue4vai down go Iow ti lion eeuid Take Where Or Th TP.original from lu aisToi Ro',kf,1-r an( Thp Xscotuuin La1,. Bluff t to N'iiiaukee It lm agieüd bondholders ar. from the stet, I the uîuivTon nf TO th,,5W trP ih liný Favo ra If 1.9 claini.d saie ofth,,e ron t wo a arririg f Polder b as b, lnti rehu sand That lefore the niay Pe abie to Plot and getfi What ti According TO fil, reitjers a tii t, <,bo rn Nlofor Wisc for Cadiart and Limont. il lm T the Wiseoisln th1e cii ngin' ests.NIicLliont 10 TakP aflOTheý çiit h the tMoore Igan United E (lilned ihat Fi gîneer Rudoiph the Wiseconsin 1 ItlmIsfurther men or formel the road-R. Munlro and H) office iln Chîca& la keçit up by1 It lm beileved holders are tn for lte road. TRY TO B Of: TheTuIî saidti o bLiet report ilit (i .,Trenîîo'rueffîr of the Zloi P. S t he rclî ed bY bis foil, t o $f0îlOOw O hee au morT gt Case be is g-I the big deai. 'ne wiîy ovi are in t bItagý accordlng to ri that negotlatlo wltb a view 79c . 9c La