CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Apr 1910, p. 2

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LAKN OOUNTY INDEPENI)ENT, FRIDAY, APRIL- 29, 1910 , mf pa 9 pienty of fresh air, sleeping out-doors and a1 plannorihng dietare ailgod nd elfilbut the inost important of Scot's Einolsioo It je the sandard treat- ment prescibed by pby- "m a i over the word for t" dread die.... h is the. ideal foo"emdi 1>0.1 the. Iun and build uP the waiing body. VOR SALE BV ALL DRLUGGtSTS Zé5Ok ah b.ak o-t"-at.a 0- siaek Bom 0W. t.D m lic. Dreier bas rift for a few daYe to visit is mother whtî tn very til. lic. andsMmtIre rving Payne retumnes from thebc oulhbMonday ighb. A nuruber o! the gicle lu the Sieldon 8cbool hare orgaitizes> a basket bal team. Howard Tcrfniug aud Debert Rouer epent a e', daye of tbc past week wltb Mater Rtussell ans> Paul Route, of Wal- mut Bill. Miss Mary Route epent a le', days with Mipe Virrîn Well. Tht dance thie ýSatnrday night will lie a Caico Elop. Tht boy@ milwcar calico oirts and tht gzirls calico dresees. Tht Basket S-oial turnes> oui quise a seccree. A number front her attendes> the fanerai of àdr. Loveli lat Satrrday. Tht poles for thet devine wirea are bers as fac ae Prospect A ve. For Sale Oine car of Gluten on iras k, ai *25.00 per ton. HOME Lt- MBLR Co. r-27-tI HALF DAY J. C. Hiertel contemplates a trp tb ]dont"&a to tale up a homneetesà in the flear future. Fred Schroeder purvhaed bit fater'. farm nortI, o town léti week- bmc,.Corbin.of Chiago. ie»epndmnga lew daswth Nir aud IUta John Me- Langhlin and lamly. Louie Llndtrom pure-hases> an auto from Ltucoln Pettits,rof e'.rfid last week. Ed iSwauback remc-ied paififuil injure oh hie br.dy froor the air k fUr. Amann'e horst Saturday ugtt FWd Hertel, of (hiragrr. iéites> sth it imotbýr r rtitday lIme v.erký (Tv! ror prî 0ou' rit. ol tii' ,rl,,(re buying H,mE Li Nti 1 ., 27 il I IVANHOE MiëëtIaîrr Vnl-'taeç- ýtbsaturdayý mur> Sunola, tnthe 'it arr.>attendes> ihe tirs Joîr Srose-> mandrmrtbtr,'eur., o! S mdor v[rttThuroriay Lirr The.f ui. r I r-iriar t Society hein ihir ranuual î r-i i îg rt t le ho nie of ire. Ihaniherlaiii. Tlrnrrayeenîng. b ft-r tire rlr-tirîn rfr! r ir . bnir utiul sulrreasmeren d thrrdlticre-",rto' the-f rr,-rlig vm as spent in î irg 'aît.. Ior,D rtIer rtieit d ber r 4 trer at lRruird Lake, resa tir. mnd lire. Ww. ki-bOeaites their nlding of ibeir niere , iss artha Halike nti tirlîlTirîrday. Roy In k-Lettarcîler s plnning îrr attend er'hrîrl ne-t year.or) tire se-on board i. lookiîig fnor a t'arier. Ted Aie-boIr-cle-ltt Otrrlay forrbts home- mi Elnthurtt, 111. r-PALATINE Born to tMr. auds>r. lBenu Wronagr a daugbier. Dr. Gilert Siraddlc visites> rie dt in PaLatine, Suus>ay. Wm. Geible reinenee-n roîi r rsgrrod, lus., he-nglng nitir bînnra bride front that towu. Thty nîi li e utî li tnre to thIeir friends lu thte EsrIruhort tirt in the future. IWAUCONDA DE¶'ARTMENT Corespondent ans> Agent, M. E. MAIMAN li Irrt forget the basket sei'iil Tbis8 Frdat veîenin. Aprrtl tlireHulbard r eebrrrrl iN ru l.yMi.'sNi 'rtle Kuelikor r andri frlitîle l'rrr- îeNs il I lv ixsed for purrlrasitrg u,-raarie for tlhc, lrrr Ladtes are rrrueed to lring lraLtf'. Mie Gra,-ttur1rh >. a hrr in l en atteuriing e, hoin luthterityi fr tI i oi lrw mnrthe le oç culing a a wtyk v na- tion at hoîrîrý jas. Murra ' ,I. Briin he. n.Jr i. Ladd and John L.adrlvetlt iWaiik- gan Tueedam tob serve as lorymen. H. E. Maimuatitranrmcrd Ibusinesst ln the citi last Tiursrdmy tirs. R.fI Kiuîberlv and daughter. Ruth, are epeuriag tht week srtth rla- tîe and> frît-nde in our vtllage. B. C. Harris wte a Watîkeratn riitor laet Thurrday. Mr. and Mre. L. F. Ifaiman seut Suuday and Mouday with relative in our village and commu.ity. Layton Myer., 'ho ba&8be attend- lug erborol lu the cty te epending a wtekts vacation at home. Tîte Waurouda lmprorrmeut Club was. launches> labt W ednesday at a publie meeting ai the village hall by adoptiug the lry-lawse as oulmittes> hy tht commttee apprintes> at the prertone meeting. Tht purpose ol the loub te for tht projetionrup t(port ans> for- warding tri public improreentus. finai- rtal, social. intrîlectual ans> moral drvrlopmrut of thie contmunity. Tht membtrship fet te $100 wlrîclr alto cou- titutes bbc irt yeare durs Qýulte a number of our ctîreus ihave joiued and alare rxpectrd ta oinît who havt azrY iuteret lu tht wrlfare ans> inprovtmeut of the villaze. Thte iret anhual mîeeting wîll lit beil ai tire sillare itall net rvenug. Slay 3. whrre tir, organiiation a iill 1,, rnpltttrland permanent rificrtrlr,-te'd. Eerrl.rtdy là luvtted toalie preerni L). H. Murphy Wîll star! giVîug hiS Saturday night dance.r for the teasot îomorro w rvenhng tMr.Murphy bas eu- gaged Metere eo rchestra, Of Woodstock, for thie tutire serneon srhirbrotan tt ouly the lateet musin will be beard- Hr bhs ont of tht e st ioore in L.akt Couu w.. and Çith thte location oi tue pavillon ou tie lake ehore.tI Tuiatesthe Place a mitte devirab1e oneto rnd>alt erciting- rThe iboard Of Village trietkee met lu regular session a til t l0es. Kent lu the 'hîrir and ail the members ol the board acre present. minutes (if lthe 1revious utetting acre read and approve>. The frilloa'iug bille trere preseute> Mý W. Hughes, mdeaud repaire $2li BK C. Harris, ealary tire Cotmpany750 motiountmadt and roarrie> that ttese bis lit ailorwed aud ordere drawu tru tcsasurer for payment of same. Motion made ans> carne> that ordes be drawu on village treaourer for 1>&ymeut of salante of village loflictre for the paot ytar &IBO salarie. 01 judigteans> clerke 0f clection hels April 19, 1910. Motion mtade and t-are-ted that tht clrrk lie alowed $25 s alary for the paet year. Tht lollowlug are tht amounte Pais>: I. C. Kent, preeldent............... $22 "0 j- M. Fuller, truste . ............ .14 00 H. L. Grantham, trustee........15 00 H. T. Cook, trustes .......... >... ... 1,) (> a. E. Maimantr ruetee...........1El00 H. Golding, truete-------------... -1 Ci Jas. Murras, te-netfe...... .. .... 15at00 E. H1. Dahmne. clerk. ..... ...... .. i il) titationary an> postage ..... ) H. Maiman. tSr .. udge of rîeWtion 3 0îw M. S. Clark. judgr trf rltctiru .... f:1 0 s(G. W. P'ratt, îudge rrf electiou. -i. 3r0 J. J. NMurphy, ctrrk til election I3rt0 Ve. 1. Kimitaîl, clerk of election. .:3i t dE. H. Dahnte, clerk rfîlrîetion :t Oc e Tire, presideut then aPPOrinter the l- rusteeg asla cOmmittte to catiras the dre turne orf eleniion rs bui 9 ll ywhich revulird amfoîtows: For trutteteP t V. W.Stoue, 49; Jas SMurray, t60: H Ei Maimuan, tIii H. T. Cook. 39. F'rrr clerk, E~~~ ~~ Mllant r . S. tone. Jas, -Murray and H.. E Maînîmu haring receire>tht largnet number ol vote-sfoi trustecel are htrelry declare> duly rie-te>d ytrueitcesri tht village of IVanîrrîria fb tnt terni of tao vears. E-HIL lahmý i- haviug the largeet number 01l votte@ lu en clerk te htreby rltclared duly elects> to ùtwo yeare. 'No further butinent commn Ibefore the board it a as morts> au It steonded to adîour tOil Friday. .ipril 2!b tMotion carrirai. r 1gi s> EaH DHÂSu, Cltrk. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN WARM NGURNEE Mr", Mary N'ewton, of logk'ide. is visittng Irleude in thiÊ rîcinîtN Mrm B. Mlls and !rlîe Haine@ returtird Mise 6race W Wn was taktu te, the front Chicagor thre irst of the wrek. BWanktgs.n hoeptt&l lMonday, where au John Florod visited r.-lati, ee nLi operatîlfi w as pprormed. Tucadar ryoîleast aneek morning. Tbts ite thîrd rrperatt.rn lI 1fr. and tire Brrt Bra-ber. nl.brr! a sew ycars il.eet vua rr at bî Ter Waren Cemetary bseaciatior,%u W 1 il.Fet udybre wt h meet ai <Grange Hall, Fednridav morru- etig, May 4th A full att-ndanui d-' Idr aehnv'Iir bas bren a'ryv i, rkot the brurr1r! Iis dauibttr.raHelen MMe 6iced as there te te-v-liaI wo'L to e , . e', Th tiCeteary Aesr,-attu o.agaîn cllecttng ois>n-wreiaptr.aDYure hav iug papers ttey aibb r) -rdiFpor o!. if tbey null rtIfy aur membýrr or do tIrent up lu pac-kages ans> Irave t hin t mGrange Hall,îty nl ir4.thautiuily rwserrve,il J N. Biwlng ans> latiri> nre Itcît1 at t Roxte Iower Sundar RUSSELL SIre Hait ins wa ,as a'hir mgr imiitor the fOrri A if thn-Ln C bM. firoiru me.t last week ai tire Mus> Battre, la.. Tire Iiamons> Lake Cemterv Associa- tioru wil nttet vîtftM re R.'rSchneirder, Tbureday, Mlay 4th at 2 1.ini. Aill iembers urges> to be premert.___ f.tbectyvilte Fence Factrrv's the liet plate te, tuy feuce. Simîrîts fretiItîr evecy roi]i Bart, warc $2.(CIper ltuîîdred. Sec as>. 2 Mi George Lewte, o! Chir-agro, lîrir u fcteude last svcek. tire. HarrJ' (Irulri s on tbelieIrklirn. Therewaas a goori tendano'r ai tht Ladies' Ats attire. E. Bacone'slasi ne-ok. The snra etorur put tht farmere bat-k iu theirworrck and il Imake fruit @erarcer ibis ymrr. Mise Barri }aluatetc li,,returues> horme ater a three nttnthe visît with hec elter, tire. Wîll Almardi. Tht infant chus> of Mr. ans> Sire. Fredf Ilinols> l. serioualy ili. Ira Holdcidge epeut las! neek ai Thîrd Lake huntiug. -Ire. James Carmait le vistiug her son, Omar. tirs. Urace CoIe, mîriher of lire t Otar Cemu te vtisiing ber son, Nelson at 1-tab. The r'onmuciby wameagain thrown loto de-tp torrow ou .pctl 21, l'y heartug of the s> of Harrey Sr-hu- man, second son o f r>s. Wîliaîu liorris. whrr lites> among us fora long uinir- Het aras a lrrîght boy anri lured by ail. blauy ani brantilul werr ther tirnvrt sent lInriken of the etteiti nlttclulie wasm bris> attrnng hie iriendm Iristeani rf eendiîg i tIres for bis luneraI bie Srunday e, frnnr Iands e-roltiatesgatlir.ed n urse mur> eut tu bre mother aitîr tir, re,1urt that wan udanger ni! lrrrvî an-i over slipi grar. I t rase a ni îîîgatotr of! re-sjnrrt sud mv tlrey grov ans>tid li it a iI rerîns> milwhor rstli htegravec nf tire lorre bisYort Hortet snlt Iates 1-e rn., Thie r t,,a -rrrrrrr nt NOTICE Let us furnish your win- dow m-reens. We use the best material, and our miii conditions are such that we are able to do first-class work. We feel sure you would finci our procluct satisfactory, durable and superior to department store stock. Write us today for pri- ces. G. M. Harrison & Son, P. 0. Box 283, Lii>' ertyvîlIe, 111. fOR SALE. Michigan frui and Vegefabte Lanvd- $20 per Acre, $1.00 per Acre Down Bafance 40Oc per Acre per Mcn!lh Wiihouf Iterest. tt 1,iinraC - or t tf - - h tal tarrrriî -I aio Otr-a. I reT .rrr rrrrt 1 , - rr rteront f.,al ith,, r 1rirrr rh- rnr ar, nrta nn. reaIt tt .,t7,-rraart Ai -11 rr ~ ~ ~ ý' lrrlo- ,-r irr- a ianrr. rar WAUKEGAN, tLL. Pure Bred lrlpossible to bee gll It is impossible to be well, simPlY Impossible, if the. bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the Iaws of nature, or suifer the consequences. Undigested material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed from tue bodyat least once each day, or tuere wiil be trouble. A sluggish liver Is responsible for an immense amount ôf suiferlng and serlous disease. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Mli. He knows why they act directly on tue liver. Trust hlm. CuroweL e* There is no prob- r A SO lem of increased cost Af AC U ERO of food if you eat MNrCUEO ftbe a m 211 il, Tire feiJ n> utrîl w" i rr ii w r rom I --atiz it hý i he tire last of!il,- rr-lans> fi rrst -af tli wrs>en"r"""'1rîieîraîb ' [itrpt p n f r p Mi N(biJ1I5 r. old Percheron Stallion J ~V (i ray 'peut nîrnet of tite no-ck tu Sý',aiteican aath ie father. Ohîtuary. Dot o rret the- May Batket aoiAbin Jai tatteoi Lavsîaim îr n i lu te oburh r.turr>a.> urgbt. hpiI3(), anrstllr, Wyomitng Cle,, 'estSYork. The Ladie'Air> a ii met! Ttiuresîay rJanuary 2.j, lhiSG. lu therr irttof afurîtoo,uMay -,th wiîh MccMil]iii11-45 at tireageotuue-years le removes> Me-ville. bl ittrester> are r rrdiallYinîtlir btsparent» !ronî iaiGneetîlie ans> Dr. Lewiun waeasa hiragrr tiair tiousay. Mr. ans> tire J. B b-rtc wreKenogha visitorsre lsWedutss>ay- Daridi Mue-ne ans> lre. Bonuer attend- ed the uerai of ibrir routîn, J - r! Murrie ai (irayae, Sunnsay. Mr. Gundereon's family ans> Mrc ans> tire. lIril rMelile attendes> tirefunerai of tire.fHenry Gundereon. Mrnday tir. Gundereon ba@ tht eBympatuy nf hie mauy frinu>sluib is eommuniy, trie bing hie formerr honte. IL. G. Marrie wasj a Kenosha viisteir ueday Imt week. L. J. Slo-um, o! 'elilburu. vieltes> bts etter, Me-. . . NMuerie, Uouday. Notice. To tibote aire are holding plaf bootin. ne aronîs like tire reie-n o! tire saine, if Mr. ans> tre. T. Caiinrvvairs>NI is notu r i uet, other partie,seiring to tout flenretta returnes fron t thir ietin ruet tht eoct. LBEsiuTYN iLiE Li-mntti aMlornia, Saturday. c. --3h Msrled luChicago, Wedntsday aller. vnuo, IMiesl Emmit Baker to Elberî A Preh air and ennehine çnrvent dis- Hall. ?hq wiW reside in Liberbyville. tase. iloos> paint prevente decay. Ih [>1.4 t tii. home of ber eon Chane, wnl psy you to proteci yonc property àM u. Wacebolt Xfinù liSemuredcy with long wtsn>ng Bradley & Voomau j Jjaý a~ Pure Paint. Sold by F. B. Lo!eill quarter of a mile of hie premett home tus>riig tnany of the irardalîlpe of parly seitlere. lu Juns 1t512 be iras unites in mane-tageto Katberni Hofiman. O! tItis uninîîu here were four nhirldren, ont *ou ans> ibrer duagitere, one saÙgbter dyîng lu eakrly chiidhoos>. ae Was the youngest o! a family of fiftswn ebildren a"lof wlîoffî grea tuman ans> woumauoomd excepi onte iter arbo dits>inlu laniy. After an tllnussof four tioutire durug whbt e wae very patient, ire pases> away urn Tuesday moruing. April 19, 1>11> ai 3rnlc ages> 74 yeare, 2 irtouithe ans> 25 days. There are lofi t-i îoouru hie depature his wldow, ont aun. FrenktJ. ansd wo daugirtere, C(vutbua Miluler and> Cerna UeCullougb, four graîrre-bldren sud an only »inter, tirs. rbiumnsa Hockaday, of Wantegsu, ans> maur rlatives aud frisude. Ht aovsrf a rupt sud geulal dispoomiîn a'Irs> mere-fsýd hy al itro tue' ii. Cans> of Thanks. IVe wlrh tir tbank our utiglîiore ans> frlenhe for ibeir kînduse dunlng tht f lnese and> dstb of our dangirter, Droîhy. )dr. and> Mms J. W. COLE. P-81 LitInleeroy kurrt vire,o autstakienr ot o rtir t.> plin r,>lenver at the- sare iro t îr lIirish ntlirer, I acvrv, letie, rlv rîtpronu tg. l'mîtî. of aomeit, ht-as> pai, ror aur tain t ir rrn u20 mtuluto't sure, a-itir lDr. lrrrrrp smPink Pain TainIte. Se,'bui formula onu 25u. Box. Sois> by ALL DEALERI. (b ill Froos aas tht guet of frieuds lu C'hicago Suuday ans> Uouday. Mir. and>Nlire. C. 0. fluton, ans> daugh- ttc, Mi-on, o! Lihertyville, t-mlles> on friende here Thureday. Claudle Richardson, of Elgin, ba@ bren rietiting relatives bers for a fear days. tire Lmwrenct 1Miller lae n%.rtaining a feint front Sicer Lake, Wie. Thureday, April 21, John Stadtiitîs, au ols>d atîel kuown reeldent of Volo, die ts>a ie@ homne ers. Bis beath bas> bween filing for onte time, but he waa foi r'rruiued tu hie lied until a few daye pretioue to bis@s>tth. Funeral servicese were lteilhere Suud&Yay ail3o'clock. lioial un Solo CtmttarY. tIls> Abe" Brans> Fertilizer of Chicagof fertilter isorte for cocu, potabte ans>1 gcarde-ut. Double your crope by Wng1 i. Horuns Lt'muEltCO,. c-31 Thoat aho lve on tht rural routecati secure tire Lse@(lounty I.xinEPENuDEtT ans> tht Dally Inter Ocean for $4.00 a irear and> the Wakly Inter Oeun sand INIIBPI10DET fur #1.85 a 7tea. STALLION1 bon Lawreceý NO. 66188. Weighed 1826 Lbs. When 2 Ves. Oid. Sires> iry f ported Bon NMare-hic. 2400 Iboe. Dant. ltportts> Cliherir, 2000 lbi.. Ont o! tht Topp.»r Young Stalliones of America, aurth iret-cImlao hnt.deep througb litads>.cre-g over lbing aitIr fine eprlng ni rît, ans> tire iet middle you crer eaw. fphealcs, ana t-an trot like a hackuey. Iu servi(* mi Bodncy Farut Ilsmile arcs! o! Libertyville. Re B. SWIFT. Corne and ses our herd of Purs Brod Jersey Catif s ans> Berkshire Hogi. (31 Hereafter yoîî rnay breed yuîîîr mîareis to my Percheron Stallion PINK PARADER 43,298 P. S. A. At a fee of $15 with living colt guaranteed; or at a fee of $10 cash in advance, with- ont guarantee. Pink Parader atil enmake tht follow- ing rout fnornApril Ifa Juiy 1 MONDA-Prairie View. T(î'EsoIAY-D)iamond Lake. WEDNESDAY'-R ceelr THiq'RniIIAY-Lake Foresit. FRIDAY -East of Haif Day SATî-RîAY-Home. SUNDY-HOMe. AUGUST RADLOFF, Car@ J. M f'atteraon, Lîbertyvîlle, 111. (24) BEN H. MILLER. Attorney. Adjudicafion Notice. Pubit ic I e rehY Rive,,thai tht- Soh acIben AtiIniitratc)re o t e tatr nf J oseph Stahi. drîredtî. nait attend tht Couuty Court e! Lake Couniy. st a tethereol >Vhend at tht lCout'Houat In Waustegaa, in natd iM ttyOn theiflt e fonday of Jli uet't. 1910. otte. and othere al peteone h&va cau aauat ea>d taatare oottfled aud euadt pretett the smre ta aaId Court for &dutcGn 4LBERST J. STARL. Âdmlulsretor. WfnssAvpril e 1110. 5- Henry HilItman was cel cteds> ciool Mise Elda Horenherger has the moase dinetor at the achool meeting laet week. Mir.aud Mr@. Arno Frantz have lait J. C. Whitney i ste-I relative.@junlteertiald for their uew honme in tht wettt. Kalamazoo, Mît-h , ast week, returuing People wleblng to have titeir pianos hontie Saturday. tuDed lîy Clayton Fchr adli be able to inake îarrangremntts îy rafin hîloue, Nlre. Normman Ladi, Waucutida, 15j. Mr. Fehr wîll be iu borin lu a few vrisites> her pareut,, Wr. and Mrt. daye. &ehaeler tiers las e.sî Rey. Booolds>peut tevtral day 1&ati The hlghway crrîiiiorîersf Ela week at confecence tuniChicago. towuehip met hece last Tueeday for the NMis lebet Biedrtadt retururd to Purpoee of ocgahîziug. Henry Pepper Highland> Park Monday alter tptftdihg wae elected president and Abert Hof, a wcek aihornte. trePasurer for the rhtuiag year. Sire. Henry Segert retîîrîed Mouday Fred tirever.and Fred Holland shippes> front a viait in Iowa, a carloas> of stock t,. tChicago, Mouday. ______ Albert Hdocktmeyer, atho lias been G G' A E w.rking for Htnry tcliriermitn aat Lakee L <EsL K Corners tbf. wintercjs viaîîlug hie alter, The Ladie Aid Socitv nltneet Urs. Otto Frank at îresetî Hte',iîîThnrmday atternoon. NI 5î, it I rs. Snydtr to do oultiug. Ladies a lii pirase 500h return to bshoelrme in Shepard, brlug their lunch. Milch. WIII tinyder lias gone t,, Wlscousîu John H. Meyer died at bis home ont after cowe. utile eouth of Lake Zurich lat Wednee- li... Minit Dix, of Waukegan, calls> day morniug of old age, betug 87 ytare on fritude here laet wetk. old. Tht deceases> came to the country lailida Wrght je ou the alck lot. lu 1849. The tiret tweuîy years he lived in Chicago wockjug ai the tailor Aucîlon Sale. trade, he then moved on a larm lu Ela Having bought tht entirs htrd of cattie township near Lake Zurich wbere ht front a Wisconsin farmer, wu wili oetil lived until h8 death. Hie wile dits> thym at auction on thteilarry Rouet neven yeare go. live toue and several Farm. ýj mile eouih of Rockefeler, Tues- grand children mouru his death. Three day, May 3, commenciug at 1 o'clock; 8on8 Chrie, Hnrv nd illam ive75 headlilveetock. 45 htad rowe. moetly sone Chrlty Hrry as> illim lre pringers, 25 heas> yearlings, i6 horots, Jin Kaneas; Peter live to miles forth black mare. 5 yrs. old, wt. 1300 Ibo.. )of here and Geiorge lived at homer. The bay mare, 4 yre. old, wt. 130>0 lhe., gray lunerai was hels> at Barriugtrru St. Paul o ws>. ' 10le.a, rwn, bore oui churci,. 1ev. Wilkiug rîffiates>. The wt. 400 Ihe :t yr. ,ld ndriver. Terme remains were laidtir reet in tiretif ale ont year*s tilewaiiilb i ,caeh r Barrington cmrtery. go(>d traultalle notes learlngî41, pe n .1aîictirtnrtr. 126 Genesee St Waulkegan Get Well First Dot uk esen a pennp-until hwaIt1 )Irat retu. And 1 ,,non easrty that ti Ot TOe trrh. ri tor t^ td ci-d IfOr 911 .0 Yr5 L, h-p, tdcTîe r ben rr Triontlhd in -r rid0 rd in ever ( o n ou n t hl d e ,rrT i kt LO Th.' h Y ,îP.?the mn. .Tîd L& ) "'I' ' t.'f, other surrtvI.d ur-tIrn-t-'l, , Ttioumhi rr uvn thoomflAt i!mha> , tih, Dot Dnc,.u uv r Shoot. s k' vocal're- a tro tht$troatr T T t or ilil-th ,,t- t lp trzkenrr raneyritk hat-.7i'.y îk,,,,« th.t heul tî.ia tri hhý,--ilgl.Ilr ar h ir1-9i g> 13da t - t i re l grut8 Zo wriu tie lt for an or,r p!attrhave Appointed an hoo.' a'-ITL vi n' toto a IlykT v o hrtk ou -.1 T ha- o ir,' , ""anrY Tven T! o "p ri - t.rrrfri.t.a lth. U sho are wot -rD.11 . î --na'Pl"T't- 'y CI.t ttei h > t her nN 1 hm youn-and itJroutroat. Pehat'. am,o-14 r tn t- f-ruewTnt .111rr a'tv ariro aimntI have heipr! hoana troMr ýt e f. - j W , . *rl ti. s-te ynn (ero 1-hfre In trrrt fo ott,rro ns-rer ctu r b. ain . Bo VhIch a ..kIal 1I aoe..?or No. 1 On trîaPrtrIa 'No 4 Frrr Women Nb.50th ioi "o. t'OIlernt Dr. Shoop's -Restorative- RUSSELL Lilifber Yd V F -igurrrvni BUILDING MATERIAL Ma ; rn et ire rîlît an I graode Irtg-4t iii ftlgir. v. F. S. MIEAD, Prop.__ La Belle Park Colony. lltvided loto eetîona of 6-1 mre. and sulidivides> into 20 acre tracte Southern Land and Investment Compay OYMOND & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. * *pppp*p ----------..E Crystal Barber Shop Shaving 1.5c Artistie Hair Cutting2k)F Flrst-class Work Guaraiîteed. Agent for Schriver LaUDdry. CHAS. E. MASONT Propreîor. 1 Raor& P)ut la ordu,. 22 " .1 Quaker Qats An ideal food; delicious; appetizing; strengthening. Compared with other foods Quaker Oats cost almost nothing and yet it builds the bcst. eukd art e lOt peb.. 5. _ljlag Ili tlo,ý Cir-uit (Corurt of lîtakt Crili Sarah .1. liltiie'l vs Thl'ut- R1oîlrrr trr«ilrr&t ie el ilt[N arroi airit, ile-ol gT' \\" \51litnll Sr,-ll -,rr il trust ? t at Bill1 trn ltrre< irr.î' tlrîr \Ni,42>04 l'rlrhlrr- Nrtiî r' tri I -R , ( Ki,,",r Ilit fv isr[tut' oI ai r rmer tintdî!ccnlh-O to-m-s> ln th'-. alon,'tîitt'! aitsr' Raid Ci'rcuit tCourt ii1the 'dttr, lri, ï, 1)tii rr ttbrmnrr!th. iTril-"Irgnerl Specl MSaster ii in ît r,. rnforRaid Cort 'ii il uSafuerla '% il te 2let ne rf '.tr , . Il jýi q iri i tIr.' î rrnît of r-mel rI-rI l in Ilrn. aiterfirelr r! 'rAtaldntty ni rt t-Si'.! MnI,, , rlt t-f' trr tir, trrr trro'in i, th( iti rofbbrtrih' ga:i. Inrrr fîr! lý. a.trl 5 nd If li tîrr ril ut ili burt irî ri lth. hiCIe'rt rril ire-,! lrrrd.r trfo r hthir- frwinu mn dn vrrirrêr latnd rTrrami ria r".tti t'iitiin eilîr ',ruîrhr rrf Lakel ratdriSt>! cor itnio r i leioiftg fî t anirrrîîsiailrnr0-atrrl r,! chr itrtnrr-r tînrr r! th-, 'rlwialkee liutr anîd lnirlrid liritas> il1 take- lre-ltcig )r tIr Srritl- ditr- ftI.'Nrrt' 'riýt Qrîrîrtn-rrI ihr- \rrtiia colQirer onf ietrrrNiîn'ts'tr 1rJ ITi i tol f'1 SiKatnftiniwiI rSTrli dfi tri,-1I o-Ifri r ii r i r' lirri l[oinI f -Oieýn 01071Irr-tE'ast rf n1I1Pr-rrrtlr aenrt cortertofnItr- \,rthnh,'st rtr.,t-r nof tlr.n,\rîrliranot rquarttrr>1 lairf .-o lion rtrti,-tr r m1114) . itliiit tlr,'(Irr Fi:a, (q, rtidrui liaT'rt .lino'Ito rn rl rrl andrr f i fir l nr I 'n-. îrIh.» i' Nonrt;i l ,ricli i anglt'. ftRarid liii,' Or,, w-0iIhilefrs> luitort.rnrrr frt ili:,rfr tn.e b i terrrrrtrn ou tr Rtr r! t jhe'tîce S5rnit h 2 ,g re-o Fs,' rTit r-ritter nrf caidRl ai. n rtreruus> r.-i ,Lnd lr,'girmnitng> r-rrltr t lirbrrtnI OrrF-' it tut i.1 tirIle (ýolii> IIrt larko ,rtrrd Stiate r, Illinois linaterid tr 14t11 l1ir .irse, I AT SIUD Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence bolcited 11 î': ý, 1 1

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