LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDEN TE AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII.-NO. ýl. PART T'WO LIBERTYVILLE, ILIL., FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1910. F01UR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE EPi ItaIIT Til LEAVE CIIICMO MILWAUKEE R. R. lias Accepted Position of Vice President and General Man- ager Michigan Company Wili Assume New Outies Just As Soon as' Recelvers Ap- point Successor iram wednedares un.) * Mr. A. W. àclmont, wbo lise been gelleral nmanager for the recelvers of the Chicago, & Nilwaukee- Electric llaliroad iomnsîy for lhe past year and a liaili. sncceî,led the position of vice presldrînt and gpneral manager of the Nlcligati United Rallways Com- pany and alliid interests, wbicb lni-; chide Yi-s rai llgltlng and rallwaY frolerîies lioeatpd lu dfferent parte 01 this andi foriigu countries. Th<-îîrolerty and Intereat., over wliielihh- assuimes te management fIn hie new piosition, are amoug the lfarg- est ln Ibis country. Tii, Michigan Uzîlterd ltailwaysalaone own and oper- ate about 300 mniles of up-to-dte elec- trie railways ln lb, state of Michigan, operiitlIg lu and connectlng sudh cit- les as Kaiamazoo latt- Creek. Lana- Iug and Jackson. i)urlng ig admnistration as general manager of thie (hicago & Milwaukee Elefrie Rallroad Company the, proper- ly lise been niiaintslned and operated Bo, as 1t e-st conserve the Intereet of ail coucerned and tu the entire sali,- faction of the recelvers. In leaving the Chicago & Mlwaukee Electir ilîroati Company, Mr. Me- U.rnont has 1hhe et vishes o ail the enipîoyes and interests connected tierevlth 1 Air. MLiotviii assume hie nev duties ns s"onn e ligesuccegforhb" been appolnted by th, recelvera. nl set>- and every a re- s dis- imite. n 6 a. n Sun- lu ad- i ix a rd ut thG singie h ours Ili Iwto r iini (t eli- hours. i lr lu- i. lall i lieýs. .d. Du shali gs thari rçe.en1ta- icr Ilu a 1fille of au 1101 Lui Khop ovisie" t cor uîsy i for the rond cf- nl t0 re- ,n whose ever en- 'ity, and isi shall er thi-s;e er miaor <han ge rce lce me *si -r Uniqiûe Composite Picture of Roosevelt and'Emperor William. Tbé, sit a oloel EooeYeltt ta the emperor of GeMmm a o»is ofaithe, m.igt futerestngu*vente at the. rosaniiale trip now beûj Made by the f or- nier presamiêt of Uth nlted ta±e. lotii Rn known as hm *o amx nkct ,!in iteng," both have utrmsg liàkan ~4d Uken, and t'bd obure eouut»y la waU.totuwblcb viiiprovo lus rlgit to be kuown te*uémorua »uMu an. lrom the composite pietur. fIt appusa t t loo.uvdt ovouadow. the G«=» kise. l THESE MAY W£.EO. John FInger, Milwaukee .......... 28 Rose Plîz, -same ..... ........... 19 Joseph Opatry, Wintbrop Harbor ... 28 Anna Fousek, same .............. 25 Joseph Goldschmidt, Chicago ...36. S. Eleanor CIorliss. 5-ame .......... 27 John P. Kampe. Fort Sheridan ..... 39 joaephine B. Hangren, Highwoo>d... 32 Hart-y A. Johnson. Racine.... 25 Margaret M. Brown, Oakleid, Wl,. .22 Anton Stebl.y, Waukegan ........22 Mary Pokal, anme............... 23 OP19NS MAY 2, and It opeans a gleat opportunity to every yonng man or woman-it offers you a great opportuniîy tu hecoine. Inde.. Pendent. to gel a PRACTICAL BUSNEIS TRAINING andi get lt at one of tihe DEST business training scbooleis n lie country-the WAUVýOGAN BUSINBSS COLLEGE. ,1i4 education bas coma so close to the wants o! the man or voMen ybo bas bis nyn living to make, as lie PEIACTCAL BUSI- NUM EFDUCATION. Wstber the young man le tb te a farimer, on a benker; viietier thie yonng woman fia to-ba a bouseilfe, or a Socety queen, bath nead and wil iind it lmnostI fndispensable, the trainfing that cornes from pursuing a well arranged, caretnily ad- mlnistered course of stndy ln lie W. B. C-A. Buines Edscation la Essential ta you whatevet- yoatlao yqu mayslect., A practicai education eecured at tËe W. B. C.'la not merely lb,-- Imparting os sucb kuoviedge as fis necessary ta make bookkeapera, stenographeresud clarks, but the wfider snd broatier Instruction tbat' vil] enalile you ta deal succesefufiiy and Intefljgentiy wiltiste affaira of life. A practîcal business education, suob han yon gel at thse W. B. C. le the NEICESbITY of lbe trnes. Il reste entireiy wfilb you whetber yuu succeed or fait. 'rien get liuay. NOW., Dont lose a moment ln gettIng started.- Cal and see os at once and lei us show you what our tudentsi are doing. Enter ai tuis time sud take advantageo! our speclial rate on a tht-ee moullis course. 'ralk the malter uver wihh your father or mother and make arrangements to be wfitb ns MaLy 2, vithout- fail:% Enter the W. B. C.. a scbool thai makes a SrECIALTY of this PRACTICAL EDUCATION.* Send for Cataiog and Journal at once sud attend the W. B. C. 15acause. 1 ITS A GOOO SOHOOL 2WAUKjEGAN BAD)DAKJERWILL COIITESIELECTIOft Demands Recount of Tmmr Ward Ballots *Mondal' Mlght- Betimvs- M an y -Ballots, Were Not Mwarked (PYrM wednesday'asun.> Char-les Baddaker, the genersily considered dcfeated candidate for ald- erman in lbe Uird ward, today served notice ou City Clerk Tliacker fin the, fut-m of a communication to the clty council, thai. be would conleat the election o! J. W. Bat-vell as alderman Of the, ward, andi asked a recount uni thea grounds that in meisy cases viiere the, Barwell name was wrltten fin it vas erroneously written or spelled and UsatI fn many cases there was neither a mark before it or fIn Use cîrcle at the top of the ticket. , Barwells majorlty I0 the thîrd yard vas twelve votes and Batidaker and bis friends daim that he bas a crack- 49g good chance to have Barweli coun-. ted, out, especially as Barval yul not quullfy. -SMITH TO TAKE'lTE TEST -..(rmWednesday's SUN.) Sprfingfield, Ill., Aprîl 27.-Adjutant UGeneral Dlckson today lssued sp order order1ng Captain Asbel V. 'Smnith of Battery C.,' Waukegan, te report'for I"amfnaltion at 8 p. m., Tuesday, May of a Danvýille. This followg itbs e-i 'cent re-lection. - The Missing Comme. "MY dean usir" eiclalmed the man W-ho le a pIktiaily accurate fIn h1 a E'luug "that 'sigu la front or yeurÜ,îboà? la ImprIry p..nctuaWd-".. *"YOU, ldont teLli-mol" exclalmed lte 014d mtruat. *'!ee. sir. Xou have oitteda ACOU mé A~o' e eary ,0. 1e*Upt Credît ta Ladies. No pains or -expeuse ahilb, spared i making the new store thorougi fin everY respeect and when oompleted the, enlarged store wIll lie a monument to Mr. Hein's early struggles. Wben onue stOtot sink of the fact UsaM Wauke- gin a'ith a population cf but 19,000 bas a store among those that leada Use hoat ot cloak and suit stores lin the entIre state. every citizen o! Waiske- gan sud .Lake county may take a per-- sonal pride lin the effort, for, as Mr. Hein say'a, a large sbare of Use credit for lhe suces., aof » store nigbtfully belongs to Use ladies of Use fony vboee gond judgmeul and knovledp of marciiendîse bas taugbt tbem the folly of gofini oulsîde of Waukegax ta do trading. Mr. Hein came to Waukegan;.aboni six yeat-a agu and at once saw a goldet opportunfity for aucb a store as hafIo nov 'conductfing. H-e estahliahed lii, store fin a small way, and step bj step, b, won ifis vay Ib te confidence ai bis bout of patrons until today be stands omong the flrst in bis particular lina of business. . 1 Hat Waoltex Agency. One of Use Most Intereting. and notevorhy achievemenle af-Wai.enter, prlslng merobant was hi, acquisition smre tvo years, ago of the aaenby o1 the ceeebrated Wooltex garinéhts. The pivllege of handling tbese5 faMIsM garmeut, fis sougbt for by Most uvery, Merciiant, an4 after on, yeeoctrial the Wooltez people gave Io, leu Conpany a telS years' contract. - oi(ps Local Buulne. k condition vortby of rmewti~ lOItdot by Ur. Hein au4 tt>» Leh futestahlished hif& bua luire 5ono!every 100 f I u~nt. Chicago ta aSa@P; u biie uoosditfiorigare r0ves'be& &M '*Il~i oi oevery 100th i W ,nkU4.a a!ux ve go to C1 nt vil) I>« Puroaaedat 50a -on £&AM, - aMpoui- go*P #' 34kIF On SLi Satin FI nish Ru bber Ized Rein Coats $7.95 WWrth Double K e me Rd* Cots of sM4 ,rubber lloed Wodh Double Rubberlxed Capes ad Girls Hean Capes with cob f .1lk or moire $14,50 attached hood% ,mode very styllsh, wortu double- te seil for $30... Sweaters Wl re Frames Straw Bralds Of a Il vool le Urey, what.. Fer fMate, eli the new a sa Fer Met Ma&l.g. la &il the ed red, "n "e sle at - h Wor egth e9 werth $ ls.45 ~ ti.le 19Ce ah"~o for ........Of e . ......... Per bot .......... i -The Big Store to Wqsh- Inaton st. ,Money. 'BockIf, JESSE HYA1T OUT WITH ELEKTRIC RD. Man Who Touk Frank Ger- auhtvs Place as Civil Engin- cet ia.140Wwlwth R. B. Stearns la Chicago Jesse 11yatt, former civil engin-e5 for the Chcago and Mlwaukee ec trie Rlilroad Comapany and the man who took Ftrank (eraghys place bas reslgned i position suddenly and for reasoins not stated »ad i s now u.o ployed wth forsuer General, Manager R. EL. tearns of thesanme ruas!wbo~ las hitches! Up witli a different pnopo-j iltloa lu Chicago. g o * o o o o o 4~I' tort o o o o o O o ree. .04 Fancy stUc, satinstrié b«Ixed rain Coots ln a varlety of ~~ colore, madetoseilifor$5,95 L$12. Sale pri... <ÏIEA l3I 5 OR F.AUUSTJSHENZE FE RS EA M N man and woman bond, except oems _____ ing M AterW h och ied nw a vey g teh ________________________ MAY BE BROTHER Allier an Muns of four montbs, dur- W ÀIg N whsed away on y faletyli IN WÀ* àÀN:e Not.d Copperitfing Who le on asiawyoTudym l Ap ENSIONbý TrIal 1. N.w York Court. Attorney J. L. Covics of Chica..rl1,11,at3ocok gd7 UEI~ IIE1~~U1~~ go Telephones to Local Mo- Years 2 months and 25 days. gue to-flnd Out About Dead There are left te mourn is depart- Ma lire his wldow, one son, F'rank J., anld Enterprising North Genesee St. tw0 tjaughters, Cynthia Miller-7 and (Ftrom Wednesday's SUN.) Cora Ii.cCullough, four grand child- Merobsuit IMses Present Attempts were made this afternoon ren and an only sister, Ayoanda Hock Whyte store Boom te ldeltitfy theromnains of the mnan aday of Waukegan, snd many relat- whowasfoud dad earthe wire mili ties and friends. île was of a quiet several Weeks ago by the crew of an and gouttai disposition and respected Big Expan8lon Coming June 1 st elrî morning train. Attorney J. L by ail wbu knew hlm. In Pill grssie Cyle ofChiagocalled up thse police In f Agresuveand tel themnthat ho feared It migiit de 'hnt lie bis brother. Hie wlIl conte te Wau- kegcan as soon as îlessib!e ln order, tMCPAIN BENSON TO LEAVE MrvmWeduflay Su.) see If the remnainý are fiiôse ot hie brother. Solvation Army te Hove Concert et Annuonnemeat 1lninade todsy that , Attorney Coyies stated thak bis biru- Swedi* ah Methadist Chut-ch. the enterprtsing fitrn, tlie Alex Hein ther baad been of a roving dispisition (Freim Wednesday'a SUN.) Company, ha@ leased lthe(Irifiri huild- -and thiat b, lo t tbeen fln toucb ra ocr ilb edb h log. adjolning the, prescrit store, for witb lhe family fer somp lime. lie Agetcnetwl i ed h aterre of ten years. This wiil give~~hm bu ot Saivation Army Thursday night "at them a total frontage of 92 feet, whicb or six weeks tige. The descriptions 7:30 p. n. In the Swediab M. E. la the largest on (ienesee strpet occu- lof the two moen correspond in many U'hurh cerner of South avenue and fuied by any store, andaia the samne respects. Utica, sireet. timne place tiiemo at the head and front. Colonel Nelson, the leading omueer of the speclalty cloak and suit husi- WAS YOUNGEST 0F FIFTEEN 0f the Scandizavian wefk In the, nes lu aime and belutyof appoint- Western States, is the leader at the fin flinols.concert and fis being asslsted by nin li lln os. w Soe ____ ____ Obtuary f the Late James Mattison Major FlngVall, Star,' Captain Hl- Bu i a u gr w t r .Lewi. stein ana a num ber of o ther office rs I n an iut*rview with a SUN reporter gee. houge dresses and other accessor- Mr einadmttei te tuth0f be es(P;rom Wednesday's SUN.) from differeait ecie,. s1tatement, and added, "Our h)usinees A special feature wlll hie the new James Ntattison Lewis was bot- n igadeiv asio Ary nsti nd og ha, entfirely outgrown our present chiidren's cepariment, where every Gaineevilfie, Wyoming cuunty, New wesrnigad e s as nd o uicg ae store, and June 1 we will start a known want for the attire of the cbild York, Jauu ary 25, 1836. ste rtates dwoee muscbal tborougb reznodeling ef the store now will be carried. lu the sprittg o! 1845 <at thse age of will( ilth pénat occupied by the Wbyte Furniture Com- The contract for the fr ont and Inter- rnne ye aliesrlevandlt bisep- At the saine time Lieut. KlhaofÉ aud pany; and Irben irork Io ciimîleted lor wcrk has been let hy lir Griffu ntafojievfl n hystCaptan E. Beeaon, who have been fin lhe front w!! conform with the front the owner of the property, te Tobias tled on a farm te within a quarter of chiarge o! the wàrk lh. this city, !IIi of our present store, whicli las been Jensen. 'a Mile of ies present home, endur, say flareweil and leave Waukegan for s0 mucb admfiredL" lng many of the bardebips ofthe early a 'new appqîintmneut. setlers. Detals aof Arrangement. The Unbrîdged Chsnnel. lu June, 1862, hie was uniled lu mar- Not U.d te It ThIe interior of the new store wiul The toucher akesi the boy lu thle go. rnage te Katherina Hoffman. Of thtis Mn. Gadethyng.-Why diii yod have be furnlsbed and equipped ln the moat ography clas whose I'reuch 9fwa union there were four cildren-one ta Igave tbe aruny'? WaYward Cxi!'. modernn4asion. alilg et the comfort la tihe one bnne,9 tsm, I)e:1 son and three danghters. One daugh- drop-Wei, jou.Be, 1 wEs la tihom. and conveniance of tiefir isitor&-six Wn sepratsîeiruuice frSR4É,- I &ftlng rooma thorongly equipped and iandr . ~ rtll nercldo&Pe. ut<t~tne h W s ,tolrg lerîo ooaviib ' The irregular verbe," answered 'thei He was the youngeat of a fs.mlly to f frme ws e t lg Italled, ineuz4ug prompt deliyery of beernel. fiflen Didren, ail .of Wb=ý"M.. te CiiIjIIIy for the flting or akirla, I dreseesi and coetuane,, and the other for suits and eamts. The, fleurs «Uthteinew store wM lbe entirely carpeted, «* the *iole a will lis redecoratud Uroegh.t fin oam grand ebieme of harsnony. Acroas the ujfIre wldth of the, store et the reair, wiii b, a partition of Wood Panels and etained glass, malaztva privais offices, one ruera for Use lu- -R 0 speclion of merchandise reeeived, an. a privais andi romfortabiy equipped' 1 0;Ë millinery work ronm, besides private 0 ýg l ra d S t i ;a parlers especially deslgned.