CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 May 1910, p. 11

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_________________________________ t~KE ~O1TNTY FRIT)AY, 'MAY G__1910 PAK TH~UU Jmes G. SmM hatake the againcy of. the Ai4can- "a aliey Land Co., k Garden 'City, ixaisas. This cooepany owns 20,- OOares of the best ai. fýaaW-.ind beet sugar land d ci mproved larma ycounty and 100,- acres more fine al- land in ad'onig tes all in the rc nzas River Valley Wia., s-May f.-Kenosba l61 thé butielirsi ity lu Wiscanain ta gqpt the sautomobhile for use In tire £4artrnentg. Th, councl bas order- ed an automobtile ose wagon. -SM ESAFE ' LiTED AND SURM' 0F RONEY TAKEN CrCJ&ad Holistein Drug Storer Brokcen Into From Rear Win- dow Last Night OnIy Clue te Burglar Is That< He Must Have Been SmaII And Athletie (From Weduîeaday's SU'N.) C'onradi 4ollsteln'ii drug store at the corner or iaunty and Wastbington 6treets was broken ino last nigbt by theves. Tbey Miflet! the serte and re- moved many valuabie papers and ev- erytbing chie or value wblcb ihey couid Elnd. Admission ta tise build- lng waii gained tbrough a rear windew wbIch wasi torced opeu atter a wire ecreen bad been cul.. The burgiar thon climbed over a prescription case and le Ic inseif dawîî otahie ean. H'atcheted the Sae. A smali sate, vliieii t"e tosatý-din i the back pari or tii.'store, 'sas ie. objective îpoini t orthe huu'glar, wba eltber worked the conîbinatiln ar ci c Il '- n WlHEN you buy a piano, use the sense that you do when you mmy for anything'élse *' Go to à deal- er who can Oo d S se i show you a o d S n e i c:nptecol- Piano Buylng "that you can have a variety \Vc will placeg cf designs to choose from. And be sure that there i'. a grade before responsible house ta guar- gîte y'ou thei antce the piano you buy. antec of the1 We want yau ta sce the piâes wc have brought ta your home city wvhcre il ia ..mOst coovenient for yoa ta sanie good spend your ic isa inspect ihem You can't purchase to b e t ter ail- %antage any- where ecis C. e.'ery reliable yau and wili wnîtten guar- maker, good for Io ycars, on any insîru- 'ment yen rula> cboose. Y'ou can tee aur pianos ai the store of C. F. Ingails & Bro., Waukegan, or Lynchi Bros., Libertyville Emsy Terîna of Payment Arrangag Expert TUnlg-If yoiuknaw ias e aàîiîîo le( î.ir tuner look it oifi, lic Is iýIiloisn r'icrv nîm lih. ai':î u fý' r 'hi:.. r cal; Cible. PIan, Ccmnpany Ciao i L ~ iRh .,~In~Represenlatlvc bai the 99Md itik te ffinit ILunlocked. A email eýeel stron.g box coiiiaiaed in the sate was PrIed lbase anîd taken ta the baseinent, wbere IL was forced Oplen wih the aid of an aid batchet. Maney Sum Smnaii. Ail of the money contained In the strong box w"s taken, but the sum la reported to bave beeu sîui]. A puise coutaining sclIpe <olumbiari huit dot- lare was overiooked by the thief. The coins were much darkened and appeared ta be nathing but a part of a collection of aid coins. The -jgarý case was flot malested and the' joli! bas tbe aplicarance ef having t»-j dane by a Pratessioas burgiar N o Louis were Ifti behiiid nar 'sas ai' clue of importance toiii. y %Ir tlieu stein and bis wiic Contents on Floor. Mr. and Sîrs. Iloilsicin left th. di ug store ai about 9::10 ast nlgh amil \i, Hollein opened the' store ai about 7 a'ciock this inoriiiiig. le ai c. c noticed ihai a back daor ieadiig t air alieY way at the back of the star, wac. epen, Wbeii once Inside ef his pliace ofaihui iin, lie fou liiith,. sate to be opien tand paiorthe cont. iits i tered &bgut the fleur. le ai once notled the police and 0f- fier Frank Trycu was sent ta niake an iiniestigation and laiei As,sistn "ie or u alleThonia'. T c nI ar i ,d. Tire tioireareibot o,îîiii-- irait of the hur-giar and hope t,, lia% ihiq inde-r arreat soo. No Onerin ihle il iisiiY ef the drug store býardj any noaise during th i îgisi. Thi.crnrer la a dark anceaand tire bîîgicr coulti work witbaut murs tear of heing ne- t1ced. Muet be SmaiI Man. That the t b ,et was a souali niaritIr belicicti, awlng te the'amaitIla(e bcererd inorfaid.rtoii i îi ai er the top etflbhelreschritian case. Tire toi) et lb.' case waH caiered w'itis sev- erfi tiers of packages and lit aider 10 rearb 1the flibr er bail ta remnove tiiesee buntileai. lie 'sas an atheletir littie 'eliow, lon, judgiiig fronithie Inanner n which lie gaineti entrance te the building. lile hadla mueS casier tunie gettinig aut as be opened a celiar daor n thse rea, and 'ses able ta aalk ou:i wtbout any treuble. 4,SKS ANNUILMENT 0F COUNTY DEIEDI George H. Johnson Alleges Colon Ostrander Has Swamî; Land Deed to Part of lus Leased Land on Pistakc r, ccci. ~i\ cdii. day s fo ic cc' 1' roi~c 9. la- ici le- *ur i '-'lbc' Ap c C 'i.1 . .. .1 L. . HNDEIE Cnddaftefor yq li.te * .' i.. iD "I L ~ I Chidren9s 7)aJT 1> .r t.. i. r. Spocial for £aturday aod Uonday New umr__ Bzyond ail doubt the most extese swi ior chiidcr :,arcý irC weàr in * ukegn al new, the daintiest of creat;or.'. îiI 'renci * 1 ,vbiîIcdresses, exiuisitely macle up with embroidcry ani 1a e i 'iSLcC! wti t cks, ribbon girdles, rosettes, etc. Also ncal, niu1r;, c £ioec va~~befab- Srics, jumpers or regular cut dresscs in a 1arvc v«.'r S y'Cs. By ail mearis see this rnagnificcnt asscrtîmýnt for ilicc ctir '100! misses. These are RoaIIy Unusuany Great Bargains of best percale, in fan- G WPj5 Dressé$ gy colored stripes or S96 t 14 plain chambray, made up wth scevs or ;n j -1-n ozr style. These are handsomelY finished and ir ,, n!J. Sevcri lstyles ,toJO pick frorn. Reguar4 79z values at ..... .......... Girls' Brasses i's o, &sp c~s 1law ris, h doely trimmed cwithebroidery and lc.~ that are sold clscv, here at Our pti:c ............ !9a~ti~I Wii~~9Jcrosesfoi' &rtqLdo - - c' r~ "' iuîvci' c1,. 'ar cs-î'lir.e cn leYt dre;ses evcr -"vni VaYf.-an. b Ai ,plâinici .r îc' îîi Sce the pretty ngw Fiench wi-h larga racýcl, c' i«,!CC' . ý,ai hcavy k.c c.î.bio dery trimrnings in ,about ~hund- idsysat ]J '.Q S3ý, 43, i~.G00and upwards, ¶1 ýi coatý, siZes 6 to l ,cawxorth$I 5 'ý3., fur, ~:r î'îpA c .' YVanctiàn cloth and 53.9--)cde2.45 )îi%.%,bea l11.!;' '2 "'"-Sm". i James 9. Smith has tif en thse îgeîîcy for l-anmcil-ihrt & Cern Ii t îîiinpl v, c I îris ini M'iiciîgati. 1 i - *are' located inuc h, c ii i NIiîistce. * ;I! c , Il'î i andi Th'icri [ey Con- taia troîi I ,c, . eS 01) iand self for Sic ail acre for cul b' ie c , -Il pruacd ble dowa .c\ ýîîît 1, tîtade long tinw wciii bc gîvi and low rate of iitet .-Tlephonc Soi and M r.~ isriith ,i&,,ii 5ee, you. and ,gl uynv.fîîlt S' af Children 9s Trimmeè Nit CF,:rcik. a'ï rough strawc or tuscan, ail prett e hps .ýil'î '.raath of irnported floxvers. on spe'x.l sale c CIdnsHi .. . .r. ....niadeof M i!an ____________________________straw, neatly AN-Y TAXI HAT N liJ ý 6îri12mear HOU ,VALU E ~ o1 e TO .v29e l'IltS I'N Qt'AI IY ilEaDiIN E ERYI'I'IiNii. iMisses' HKg$ New large styles in rough straw, tripimued with fuil satin safih, $25 vaLues È A5.. At Frf*edmcineç' û'ýChildrên' SP Nziv cat-ro- hrâodi-loth îin a vaiîýty filit- ary styles, prettily trimmed with gtlt.>al.dgilt buttons, ctc., in the colors mostl admired by childrUn. S2.40 values for - $1»0 $3.50> values fer - " 85.00 values for - m E DM AK& sure CO N05 FRIDAY, miy 6'. 1910. pmc

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