LAKE COUNY n JAMY61910. 4le -The season9s most evena . me in which the housewife can re- plenish the house ind', and share ini wonderful savig Every house wife looks forward withi deep Inte~q to Outr Spring houseedcaning sal1e. It cornes just at housecleaning tirne. It cdmnes when she needs to renqew a 1osf ô nSessifies for the home and littie things that tend to ligliten the burden of kitchen toil. It's eagerly watched for; patiently waitcd for-bccause evcry thriftý' women in this locality knows full well that it contains matchless savings. By a streak of good luck we have secuired varions groups of evcry day utilities at record low price. You wil rècognize them as being'ont of the ordinary too. In more tlîan one way this event puts in thc shadow ail houmedeaning sales of past seasons7,-principally beèausc of the higger varie- tics sand lowcr prices. Sale com eces W isay,ýlý 4th, à conttinues unil Saturday Alabstie beatt1Lý .*à home UàiâÏÏf ti MMW1e mM beaut>' to the home that la unsur- passed b>' anY other Wall covering. Asîde from this It la ab- elutely saaiiary and le produced In ever>' color and sbade de- sirable. For titis sale we offer a 5 pound package special at ............................e....45 LIQUID VENEER-Makes FLOOR VARNISH-A bard, last- oId furature look like new; 9- ing varnlsh for the filor; a quart * 4 ounce bottle for titis cao speciall>' priced bale at ........1 C49c FURNITURE VARNISS-For for this sale ut.. ret.oucing scratched or FLOOR WAX-Produrres a briu- marred furniture ; a liant anrd lastlng glosa,29 pit cao for ......... 19C one Pouad cau for ..29 SROLLER SKATES-For boys anrd girls, easy runniug and pro- vide a heap of sport; steel plates wth iTon rolera; 42 sale price ............42 FIA ,KETrLE S Mqliurm ~lse. range tea kettiies; lisaiS>' nlck- elefi; ~ irierympeclalbar- gala les t~ils sale at -23c-- WATER TUMBLERS-Clear blowo gla colonial pattern; sale prie, 1 3 for AV*... - WATEft TUMBLERS-Pressed .. 10 [O glass; 6 for .....1... BELL SHAPED TUMBLERS- 1 TOILET PARER-ne anitar>' tolet piper, M;, perforated; sale prices,1 'tA 4 rolla for................... 13 MATTING-J5.penese Straw mattlng, 36 loches wide, 25c grade;.Éele price jf19C yard ................. ....... N. CARPET SWEEPERS - Bis sqîs carpet sweeper; htghliy polIshed case wth .5 MANTLES-Double weave mabtes for 1 uprgt gus lampe; sale prie,..1..1C PORTABLE LAMPS-MIssioIi finish with art domes, for both gsiand electrie 26 JELLY :TRAVS-lrideacent glass jelly trays.' footed, wortir 15c; sale prîce, ' ) each........................ ...... Vi HAMMERS-Cast Iron hammers e household uâe, large size, black 1 handile; sale price, each .......1 C CARPET BEATERO.-Large aize carpet bestters, made of poi&hed wrre, witb, TIlirI e adl sale 2 GRILL ROOM MOULING- 2 Flnished ual at, foot ..........2 Walpkomon2 lest and Oîggest Store. Helpfulhlnts for wash day WASH BOILERS-No. 8 hsravy tin washl boliers. with copper bottom and rim;79 &'very special bargain at .....79 SPONGES-Unbleached sponges, desirable *,house cleaning porposees, sae prIes, eacb .................. 7 SAD IRONS-Mrs. Potte sad Iron~s, aclcnowledged as being the best klnd; a set of three with stand and an alwas. cold bandle79 CLOTHES LÀNES-60 feet white hemP lotbfs lunes; sale f price.......................... 10C SOAP-Arffours lgbtbonse fami- ly soap;. 7 bars for ...................... 25c WOOL OOAP-3 large bars for ................. 20c LV E-A large cia ot' powdered lye for ...... 7c CLOTHES PINS - Perfect bard wood clothes pins;-f sale price, 100 f.or... 5C AMMONIA-A plot botle of extra trong amuloa .............-3c BORAX-A % ~Pound package of "*20 Mule Tem" borax for......-...... 6 NAPTMA POWDER-Unex- celled for laundry purpoteà; sale price, per package ..............I7 CURTAIN STRETCHERS- Sze 6 by 12 feet. wlth centgr brace snd olekeled tationarly pins; prlced speclal ifor this sale at... 69C BOYS' sTrEEL WAGON- Strongi>' constructed and will afford the youngster a lot of pleasure; boly Il b>' 22 inches, paiated *red; priced for 9 SCUPO AND SAUC ERS-Plain white. decorated wlth gold, au attractive ahape; sale prict'Sper p air..........................o MAIL BOXES-etrong secure mail boxes, Japanned trour, regular size; .. sale price ......................... à SUMMER BLANKETi-For a single bcd. a weight deairable for summer use, O sale irrice. pair ..................... 39C OVENS-Made of heavy sireet steel with 2 ahelves, swinglng door. for one 12 5 humner, tirice ...... ;............* . 25 EGG BEATERS-"«Dover" egg beaters; priced below value, for ibis sale ......... . at........................... VI SAUCE PANS -4 quart gray eoamneledl sauce pans, priced very speclal at ................... 10 BREAD ToASTERS-WiII toust 4 suices of bread at once; sale price ....... 17 PLATES-An attractive ussortmexat of japa- nese and (lerman china plates, eleganti>' decorated; the 39e kinfi for orkl ......i1C HAND BRUSI4ES-4)vlal sape, uit Stits the hand, hard wood back; each......5 SpicE JARS-Heavy china spice jars wlth ground cover, each.............I12c SCRUD 8BRUSHES-Palmetto ae crubý brusBhes, square or round,1k varnshed -back; sale prîe..l é m WA&H TuUS smaui famnilv sîze. heavy galvaoîred waih tub; this low prîce rep- resents a eubstonilal savlin -25c-% The new wall paper We want you to see the beautiful new lUne of wall paper we are showing. You 'Il find, it to advantage- to make yonr pureh- ase here too-for our range'of styles is of widc diversion and our prices mueli lower than yoni eau purchase tihe same grades elsewhere. BE.RRY $ETrS-.Conoistlng SIIKîIEIIT CLASE-' of an s loch howl andf % Plain clear glass, witir doxen 4 loch sauce dishes handîs; sale prices, 3 In colonial style; Glass; 6 .or ............35 sale price <a LitSN JUICE EXTRAC- .seT21-olacss.large sse5 CUPS & SAUCERS-Fine CO"TAGE 1008-4 feet Germeno china with fruit oa curtain roda. wth decoallas;salepris,-kaobs and Iitures coin- deSrUon, sle ric, -plete .................80 set................. 270 PLATE RACK-Mision NUT SETS-Coniisting of finlj1. 34 loch witb tro onejlarge bowl ndso6 lu. oslvos, sale Dpuce.. 48o dividual dishes. neatl>' de- D1*44FIAN-4 qt.. heav corated ln gold; sale prîce.. gray' granite di Pan, .e............ b 'oryd"paq;ele piles. .83 "Grian- ware Over 300 pieces of heavy gray granite ware. The lot consists of disb..ans, sauce pans, coffee pots, tea pots, preserving k0ettles, etc. Values np to 50c. Choice while tlbey last 100 pecde dtc4er se-An uneqqwlled opportunityto buy a 100 pieée dinxr flost at a déeîdedly e % low figure. Plain white china, neatly 9 .1 decorated lu gold; sale prite ...9.50 ~- Viiughan's seeds plot DM'NAStURTrIUMS-Tall or dwarf, a, for Î ... ..... ...... .....110 on ........................ 70 KIDNEY WAXSUSMH, BEANS- At, quart .,35. Plt.........1ift .AWN SEED-Chicago Park lawo ONION $iTS-Ml or yellow at, ed at, pond ............... leu q a..............- AWN SEED- Ordinary mixed 98Ei OE-4 tuber 70e. lawo seed st, pound ..........5e bo t.................. L T« had bott r e -ý up the appearance of your furniture, floors, and woodwork. Itmakes them look new. It wears like irbn .and is al- ready to apply-ifneeds no mixing. We carry -a complete Uine of colors in cans ranging upward from 1Uc. JAP-A-LAC FLOOR GRAJNING OUTFIT.-You cao gri your own floor emil toile Il look like bard wood wlth ithe jap-a-lac graloing pulfit. We offer a $350 ostftt pecial at ......... ... 2050 PLAkTES-6 loch English TE^ SPOONS - Wite saemi porcelain , dînner inetal tes spoomws, each. .lc- plates, decoratefiila floral TABLE SPOONS-Whlte deslgp; eh.......S metal sale pfl88 emi. .2e COAT HNGR- FAIIRDUTRS isba od oa Pt hingar, incei, select tvawke-y jasai- à for .à*....... eers; ..plc.....2U CAS LAMPS Inverted tgslampe, cornprlslng inant1, % or all fçonted globe snd lixturo 55C- BERLIN "fYTiIES 8 -quart eltts heat'> gray' - engmeled Der- lin kottIe, & Iplendide bargala for titis sale Bt CURTAIN lODe-Brasa curtalin rode; extend to 54 inches; have large knooe, plain or fsncy; the kind that usuaily bp 10;speci at 6 K141VES FORK6--Cmucile steel, wth cocoabola haurdle. set O of 6 of do)eh for this gale et ... 4 MATC8ES-<Hlla-grade psrlor match- ~es; M0to e, box; sale price, 13 boxes.................. I C DOOR MATS-16 b>' 24 loch cocoa door MMli; ver>' 10w priced Oc. for tiis alde ta ........ 39L Vi T110F 801 Reductio Said tc enEinh and F Plunge Lo&&- Appea i Saturdar eau 50) high-elusassiatel ictures wil beplaedon'saefor Saturday only. Net one of them worth less tluin $2.00. 14 by 28 inch glass, 3 inch gilt frante, hax mopnted, with burnished "-ornera; choice for Saturday .. Lawn and gmOr%nimnplement LAWN MOWER-Bany runnng and keen eut. tlng lpwn mnower, wliatb ree 12 Inch blattes; much underprlced for this, G ARDEN-HOE-Pol.bedsel blade with a long hîck*yj handlis; sale ý GARDEN RAICE.-W 0 CARDEN SPADES-WIth fteel, blade and D. handie ; # -âb f male price............42 The t Thornbe ekgan. lake Moi Wr'. P .1- over the ln lth- s the bod, when lit ite 1gb south of li. lin and Har' tarit (hi Rhore iL S'.-i gI, to bring t~h- o ,,amri ri, À p>(r the 1,0(1, ai ulýt« 11(l, b11 Iir 1 thari a that ilie <S,r:il ha tiL.igh .iiil,,I Il la 1 lu a,, migh led ldl.< ou the ,d A sto1 t th 'I a ilh rdir ollu ha%-,a ai touia ColJasibégoc $36 Strongly èfonstructed and upholstered in En;lish leatirer, <nly collapsible. 10 loch wheels wth rub- ber tires; hood attached; a vcry i>peial price at.- GO-CARTS 068--One Mo- tion collapsîble gocart, 10 loch *1heel, with % lnch rubber tire. teel ftme, upholstered laIn Engllsh leather .. 5.48O Buy a suit case Chp AT $1.9-An Imitation et alligator bath. er suit euse; 24 loches long, 7 Inchons deep, relnforced rt straps; Id speciai bargain t ....... 1.69 jAPANESE MATTING SUIT CASS- Steel frame. 24 Inch suze, priced.1.5f leus thon value at......... * PICTURES AT 39c--A cellecition of odds and ends, embraclng varions sub- jects. glt and mission oak frames; 75c values at, cliolce ...39 WALL URUSM-White wool Wall brusb, with PCUtS-( y1 ui long handle ......... 4 P5TS-ob 1 ~l ul WATER JUGS - 4plot Pictures; corbonet finish: veneered colonial pattern; speclal trame. with Mission 48 price .................... finish; sal re ......4 . SALTZ Oes EasY>'Chia tboe Vill attmtvebn 1, la *ti Ni, 1tbel a t, i t'lit r et w iii h r nio, h itil froînai liîake îv go (dlrri and It 1 iv ap alt]e ged size of or leva Wheîî arrtte, staied coîrd r lion NI i Thornb the l( It wi rhe bi( cauaed ough ti plalned tie o day of nigbt( be a mn