CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 May 1910, p. 3

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ate ot make rext. It using it. e ste'ady, terative. hWs He au. Nesrly slxty Wd Md ont. TOW ER OF Granite mIS of Every oni boliclted mee St 9i~ ne Nils r..'!y kuwof tDr. iirtlaniiy. thlu. .. dap .11olin Se.utee im w eD th. i: i n ail th, k ardr as aiue -tl'nl e ... aad u.1Mi 'factio -ha f .. . in My _tk ff.,ta uy ,d t ,îliî 1't'"/os *u.tuldo 1 'i,8 i.n'fr 11dru2s. u. 0dauas." N i , hr.iisAdd à d V-1ou e,. ut,,wi i is rr Thees paît are a trlctlY glS1ftOe $1.35 PER Once you use our Eloor and Porc! We carry a (uN lifte o09V rEnmel. Llquid Van and Turp Wali- I W e have@ a une Une o1 samplo e W4 that will lote DRUCE D 3 Stores ...GroJsiake, R Loie (krurty Ttle &Truet Go. Mtracts î,f Titis'. Ttie Gufant,.'d Maoniv Temple Ildg. tankPgan. iii. 14Loise J. G(jus,. ie, y. W. T. Eatofl and wife to Edwin Au stin, lots 1 and 2, block 20. and lots 7, 8. 9 and 10, llock 21, Wrlgbts Add! , I .ertyvl lie; W- d $1 ()() c' ENttad andd alfe tlU . 1iStokes, p)ii, Fx W50 t fi block i, EXMOOr Ad d Highlanid Park; w d. $4W000 Fý A. t'or.îrnngs anîd wfet HI-. L. l'uirlots i,'9 aud 10. Cilmnngs and co , Nori li X Ad'!, Waukegan; Y, H. n, 01al, it' ir <ham h 'r> loii loik 2. Parkhtirst anid o .rî, if"ujs I 1 Kaz PAINTS! 1 ORAYSLAKE E d pent, and fnil! nsasure. and only Orders Taken for Job Work A GALLON. ýPalats you WlI ueno other aMr. and aire. D. T. Webb, of Wanke- gan. were gueste o! B. J. Loftus and0 aerish Stains, Japotac, !amIy Sunday. mer, Uinseed Ol. aMr. and air. Ândrew Wh ite s5pentC eutlne.Saturday st Waukegau. mgine.Dlek Bh.uley and wtfe. o! Dea Plaines,d wer. gefflilo! Ed Rollins and mmiii > ape ! Mr. and Mrs. Allie KapVle, o! Lake villa, were gueoteaiat the Ed Kapple rould Ilke to show you at pînces home unoday. »rut you. B. J. Loftns retorued Saturday even- - G lng f rom a week's tnIp tu Wiconsin. flU C> O . The principal and teaeliers attendeda the teacherso meeting at Lake Villac tockefeller, Round Lake. Baturday. - Emery Dufoun arrived bers Saturlu. erening frîm Bourbîtu. Indiana, antd spent several days tratieatttig businemms RaiIway Mail Cle.rks Hle rented thie Joe Kelier bouseonLk Shore lDrve wvs lie at nd1 his wile a il ~41 ant.i. nuuve in the'rnear future. istit af Wanten. ~ ~~R>.. Ch urbîi l'l dIifnesde1 horse 'Lufa e ek itot'e Cîtcago Pî,lîîe The Goaernmnenl pays Railway Mail forte. Cienks 5800 ta 01200. and ofher Jesse Longabaugli rt'îently mn,unted emnployees up ta 62500 annualiy. aul omprt'y, a seis îof tte t'agie famillý The' bird was brougbt front ('hicagi. cide Sam wil! bold spring enami I Miss Belle Allen bas returned tolber tions throughnnt tbe country for Rail1 duties uft the Timnes iîifb't' way Mai! ClIerkâ. Cuatona House tlerks, Misses Lillian Fleming and Ruthb Stengraphers. Bookkieelters, 1lijart.-iîoîlittîisp.ut met'îrai laylinic îago. mental Clerke and other (joverrnenrt Po- resently. ertîns. Thousgande of appointinents wil be made. Any munor wornan iuter 18 rNui'taîitpistrti iîyî in ity or ctuntry cau getî nstriiction'. ut tht' Timtes olit' bha@sir.nied bis and fret' information iy writiug at on-t'Pi iition. t. the Btureau of Intstrutioni, 4. Y(' Haro ilînt fîrgi't the" l'oat.-cui Star ilanît' tri Briilng ltslîtater.S 'ttIi swet' uer i iirtitti or a î're 1 finBuildng, Rresut" i N Miss Stru liauer rr'ti t, ýi.' Lagi )it.îrvrrîeii fur K',' lrî.oîîifs. i1r it.r iunfiîday 'v.nintc at' c e1eilirig aaw-s-k 'tistIl ulair 'îtSîlîii.-lFii1.i ' l Y,I liil S itciiii. %\t îikc'gali .,,i Itr it ii 'Iursday eci iiuîib.' a mnlirt jrugrali. .. ..t.i." t 7 it lai.t r.ii aatl' itif ,iiil ie M tr and 'ic. han l."iiiî,<ulîatgi, 'If ,i- ,îIA h l Skrit.Gili .rul, l ali,,,; nf Fit.' ,iîj ii iii iii I l liiiaOii t t' i- i tt-, hé toux N . iintr 'lA N-1ý % Hit 22 , I"l o n 1 ait l -s-' î s 2 i s, i i eni , i, itialaitgil i i uns. alier.'tlIei'i iii inulit'Obitua ry 'l'o ut fIl ii AL L DE ALE RStbt'îrIloîtî r ht m u niui'c (itariotte W il iutgt, Ili I alnilit-i i 'f i lrulii" î Em tt'lt'Xladelil., ___ DEALERS______Mare Tom Straag îruosactd ilii e'5 W Iliam ano Charlortt'e"tai a au. brri lu, 1 a I l' iituk2 LakeBluff. ForSale lia Ibicagri Tut's iuy Nov. 3, 1842 a !,iii thWliert d I i l I e)l -ron fIato trwk i'$2 I ' rsbal B1,Af ai-l a aîle cI t'tnred foi ur o!a ' i nlb ie P t. cr i o , r.. l 'î,,iii g 1 irt'iaiii i ai u ra î$4 lait t. ridaY froi .lutksonî le, Fluidu, faeur t ak iiuiî i r s'wspcrîf îî, tir lot ;ir I "f Vi 't-s, Iter fin. liit i>tuEuli 7 t wler.' t'é i, avém t' 'uttiéi.'a ter, TIîey fic.reet o!lier i.' lh. In V I '1.i; , dl, d ihavé "b tt'l'tstIll tiilu, une." a i-A 4 ii, oua w otd it, iarrikàg,.' t-- , litiliîas r i ,.î . î~, Iii lu cdi 'I r uSI i, m un lIl PU iiel Yit llien î îu. u u t iir' n i t.uuîgînTi tofl uuîr.,î aIr.. u i l . I i ri ' i ir. Io iili " ii iiil,..ii' 1V t'crî il ler n l 'uic 'i'EdB rnîuîîcnd 't't u i - ii, 't di k 1ALL DEALERI- I, . t itI il1iJ,. u litr .1 uiltm nul ,î1-1.'auillt' néi ". ic li t' IiiIt 1ind-lý i lu- --ti m utvii Ilimin' illm"Ila G Doyen ri C Ilic.'islistu i iii. l I ttri ' i of i c," z -w s orijt i lriiittLý' ktiIi - i a - ariA Heed n II.I,,reki,.ma the ,. . B rl 1-r ié- lue - Iiucua u i a ii, - Dr. RN. Clark le! t jTuoi4day for Galeehnrg to recolve medkal treatuient. Oeo. Thomson transacied business in Cblcauo Tue.y Prof. Mct'lellafld and wils spent Satur- day oenlng ln Chicago, MisId Mriol jubbad to qui te ulick wlth Mr. and lirs. Graves, o! Libertyville. vleited their daugbter, Mrii.Win. Moore Sunday. Benj. Atwsll, son of Mr. and ire. )à. B. Atwell of Ibis place, bas receently accepted a lucrative position as mnanager oi the Idetropolitafl Opera Co.~ MieRutb Eiioy5-pen t-M 7u d y&t iioon ut Waukegafl. John Williamnson. wbo recerrtJy moved to Elkhorn iractured three ofnisi, bs while unloading the car of goods at that place. John Camney hms purchased an organ for i daughâters. Misses Gertrude Taylor and Gertrude Northrop apent.Bunday at honie. Ida Oliver bai a new piano. Mir. Joues irom Eranston preached boe Sunday la Mr, DeAchier place. Margaret Oiling o Waukegan, :10 The mon t h chureb bad a bee week anjd reebloild the î'hnreb Panv !wmn ea an.o n pain stopped ln 20 minutes sure, wltb tr. Sboop's Pnk Pain Tablets. Se'fli urmula on 2;k Box. Sold hy ALL DEALRS. VOLO Ar'thur l'owers of Waucruuda -trans- wtted business bers Friday. George Waimsley made a busîuos trp toi Cbi'.ao one' day teuslutter part of tht' s'eek. Miss Nettit' Itummell of lirayelaite was at lier parent@ bomte bere. Saturduy anud !unday, Mc. and Mrs. Sururner Bauer of Rotund L.ake drove throrugb towul Sunday evening. Mesdames Waltou and Dl)loni were N.tcHenry vioitoce Thucsday evening. Miss Mary Xiiesriiari visîteil frienda un Chcago recnrtly. Mc and 'NI ce. iI'lnitg were Sunday .iiî'ts uit the Pîfo'uu hum inu r Puetakee' Bay. M c, . 1 isaid ,-tîîie titid o n Chalî rl e rf V ui ii uia aci' lin t w n Frida>' 't @ . ce , 't . i is k u n d on îs EIwî i ac il a nid ittaii, uand <lism i 'atlaririo i l ý[ if ' o . s t F c ,'i i,,i t v ie r, g i to ' ui 1i li ,'" litre t>.ci ii"iliî t' h letî s lliic r 'l i f W<ti itd t i ki. a a u iii tan ct'isttly. NIleosne 't>. rîi r aloi k ritg ,c t i ii , fit. sightq ut I ilîrtiull' lts!t i M ci . L a w c i e M il e , ' st i s s u .'e W jîrt , a nîd S ii i terg r if W s it î t . wtire 'tlcHen c> u , i i s Fcila l't ru ritu M ls H Jtitti. l'itl. r a s aii ii v'r Siiut day gza.t ut th e b oii rteî' fî! l i iutt' , M rta Ila ii ttlivI zîiii ii, la il iL. iiMian li- Kaiit,l il, fli I il il - il, %ic , iii Mli,1' lîLt air îîl irgi irc\t iif \tIc , a n di Nrc n « i i I i r ,m ii îi u i iL ,li - ii i tivri awr'1 clitfieLii i isiii a iu Twice as Much Light for the Same Money is obtainable by using TUNGSTEN LAM for electric ight. They are madle lke an yothe incandescent lamp. with "hi difference,dit the wire filament inside is composed of a rare nietal called Tungsten, wich radiates two or three times as much hight,. with the saine amount of curreuit as the ordnay carbon filament. Ask us to show yoam G r Eledric Timpten Iampsd rv its econy ta ySu. NORTHI SHORE ELECTRIC CO. 230 N. Genesee St. Waukegan, MI. PHONE 258 You Cmi Have a Model litchen as cool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke, no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The Nwjç!~çM1f 011 C~k-5tove la the latest practical, scierrtific cookstove. It will cook the moat elaborate damner without heating the kitchen. Boils, bukes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second. Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapaible resta, towet rack, sud eveny up-to-date feature imaginahie. You wasnt it, bc- cause it will cook any dinner sud flot beat tbe ronm. No beat, n meli, nsmoke. no cual t brnrgin,nathes to carry oun. Ix ihes away with the drudgery ut cookirg, ad maes it a pirasure. Wnmen1 witb the light tnuch for pastry especially appreciate it, bc- cause they can immediately bave a quick fine, sifnply by turning s hsudle. 1N haif-hour preparation. lx nt nty ia legs trouble titan cnai, but il costz .4 - less. Absolfitely n ameli, nu smoke, and jE doesn't beat the kitchen. - i The nickel finish, witb tbe turquoise binc of thie eriameled chimnnys, maltes tbe stoVS ornamfental and attr.ative. Made with 1, 2 sud 3 humera; tbe 2 sud 3-hurner stoves can bc bar! with euv- or without Cabinet. I. 1' 'tIil. riîan uni ail,'lii Frit, i l Ii',l ii',iyii.'îî lei. Nt 'ita- for liialth. e .-Pttse . teir pu a nt.tVSCirtuiz attsos8X VEniti iiih lui fei't loit ,ok iii-îltr1t'nirt1c9iinaau , a0.rada"Neow PwfdtlOU C@-oy sftha il calinil'Uri. i ,ufll hm itjjeaic'lt i.' mwucxe 3r adMiioniilg f iIgIt S a d rd 0 1Co P 1I f il ll ti ! II a ilnd' îlui' \iui u tire is,:retili- i filt ý I ,-te Seil thI -,î oris i il,îr a îu tb. htlî'N-I- tic ttI thr ,u ur k..,uil tii l ioc 'l. lii o. " I 2 l SI I !'îua e - il. a d1. _ 11 ,jt.I a i g: I, l i -, bl c 2 L o d' r s bd i t ii h -i t i- Po r M k i n v affor ,a ti lîiî'Il " it' M rt i i. i' h T H E E W. l ltlui<g ' f BLinoyd-s ouruIo, unbMis re lu , XX nd I -ok S.L h -fore-li,-Irki Ai 5o <iii.ili ' l 'i I tnul liiraic FriA Sliickel lui F l7 ub. ot7 A R ' . ec- uîu, 8 and 9' billk 4 iiockr-tlelc ', h___________________________________________ Wîrtaififre'i1f îî,îî ii ah uîîîtlî lie Euh' peino',pIrt soînib 4r-, acces tiaii tir diii si Man! "BUas Ii" il. foEuMeio 4RUSuegn onsipLL. Lake County Aget W' 1), $1 <r. r. <'t Ml. 1 i rill, il ln l, US EL laie of Otary 'toSiri.dce'cOed, 1 itut iuitt'il le uîuu afuiul i uli 1yen t w Lic gr ut m . uh iic îî-rfut tu. tîiiisd î F r Thomami (olfir, 1part loI i block I lusf Dt os i faa i'irev ittfmi a rià a oaceitIoity lii'e V ie hdt Ieaays rned îh a n s Kiduo,isy tiu nul I.uie ast'tri sînea lît 'tcElu scod ddtin . 'akc tnrcocia ii', I uiu hîapve llt rnuhal Mca A V. ullud etmrcnt'd Xi. uîrî in las.'ijiciug cît I-e îWh LAeuuî liait.I SIL gau, D ee, $1200. teadiy inus tuiing teinut I b ve ront V. eaxuîuî iiîtîuîus îtut ws ie, E.W lim o W T.W lttis pain, the tilney a',-cetruns are WV.' ilbîrîu'i ta feus laye at Mur-speniding na i muplo ofh wcks uI't virec 'IsF n le uu tlit iinl1 ua muresouh al!gOu]tlarlck 5n passage and 1 fPeibetter isiincIlle. XM'lm , tue past wset. isor, Mcs. Jam P. Cronn.riiglit anîmî Satuirdu> ttri .aUiagan. McKay's ict addition to Watuksgan, i vr a .1uiýr rtflfr Lae o s_1yu pdcrtNimFaiu 'ollt'Viilar rr a akt scal a o Q. C. D., $1. tenu 1 eny ay. i an u'r gatfu fr lus untetid-îutcsel oc ' 'in..l"uu', m !uyemi XtuuIegtonIt My irueuiabt ife oa n. iot <, 1 H avn twomethem n thefarm iuster4 md5 the benefit teldenror-ilnfr Snui inoansiKnl BraniiiMr. and Mca Raîpb Taylur, @penit Suimio tiihier pari-uts hbe .s Alrtetet lutaruiruiotartferiyor.Icnrcmedteni h îgettra fry MltsI. B hurle arNotlme- f0 Je1LiyLae snArintiColSac (il rcesentuceauri agîîîudtiiii. If desired 1 will furnish ail staging atnt erect the l'cg :w.d 150.0 or sale by ail dealers. Prre ut0 ci-ts. lultt at Tiiorsilit> alsni Ioi. la halw n Fo@ter-MlburinC. ufao ewYte, p'i - ou Kenoauto utork, Silo. Be sure and get our prices atnd termei before soo..gets or f iedSat . îîrt , 'is Cura ituderemia pent tt-tat Lomn uis IeVcutIaccumianhed bu isrmmter I eoleagens fo ttî lnîed Satua Weekitth relatives la Lake Forest.. o eu w 't okCtE>Tbulrsduy, a irthemie Xyrtie(lutrin ueluimriut u(av with tier lcn o rod r Itiemember tIi.ater naars or-orig ]aa,..s--uiitM 7 l Missourorer . L.,Y~JCKtaisen..other. 3,2-2t MssHope Robinson of Zion City ne ut atte uu c' o uctunlnra ji-is WmtLAY OC C. , 1 .Ha Oasnjhmhidn i _____________________tht' home of Mc. and Mr. N abaum. J. FulI-ýti anui fammly are nula ctuiuts-l I iu l îuiug tn uiîi Oposite S. Paul i'eiht Irpot F EM Nr.Nanimice Caunnon, Icent' Chope, 't'di fut theur .ruuiu1rn lthome, tietRose'tVliii f itftiirg un anflait . ruks as il hi'Wall iber yvil e, "tuiiauu Oui.Ian s uîui suarii3n hauve been suff rîng F2 , ( ýi r vInî s in ticay lai'- ii, naki rvi i r a tiuiiu f rca îiisik0îur . G - . H A W K I N S Sona>.P aye i-s u tia ut 'ics. thteaib is XNlaytir. l. Gil t iiw n uni!Mr. icti cîtecnr 1 s i iui lu'alu i i c> V ho e aukegn 9122 u n e t himugo calIe sMmnuhuyE-. t-'ay l.TheCriscitian M nI _____.___r, %e, o: M~1ach inie Su 01 Ruse Freiutdih i l)urrg, s vstinig icî" IPuc Ii i.ii u-- iuilntuaiur iiiî REPAIR tAORK lit'r uti'r, Sica. %«uni .Aniat ln ce. hc imuuel'îe Ji tr -OEiiicutarum1ur.l tt ii , ui-~~---------------- .suuiflusrîîurn gîîr.rmm.rtux lf cA lire anudlClara 2uiisuuuof Luon 1-S II G i E IV N saturdAyutart n ia ii li-go. L.akesîou .rtSmiuiay aitl hM rs. C' M. .1. Iic ý am tiof Mauu ti iti ik u" ii H Ixt'uuI mhat la tIautinurg ,s v '. .. ..SE NG sB L V G yr'" ~ é Il~Adauîî oibit aia nacrow esuape oxs Itusocli su iîax it tI,ýir' lulue iiiJ. i. Ciaib. iuliuî iIflu X I'Ii-lu ilIý1 B le e Y u S o l AUTOMOBV~- i.~I LE - daylat wr-i ttu te sexplosion o! a rs. J'tIcs i uas althicagomr imir IBlee YuSo NVORK A SPECIALTY uniail mnourirt If gasoline. The gr ebaealsiseo! drain tilt'e in k diulî trand Thurerluy if at u . Foc More Than Tbree Decades See Me About Voor bcogb riim' t ti ru one ieain Rgi 1 t", af iche ouurau't miss us. Lu>Cmty tle".E . iiiiG. -I u ali ti u S,-eN Fiu lru" oA TcbsieraG o s s EîîgitttitrOverhattled. A. F"ull Mc.oBsbî itru.riitim hîlanadface r îns__________e______will lfroi tueurr anuuaI éiettiug iu~ t illu i.. hum liîl titivirite fuir u ail a nts o r Lieo udis ie Z- badly. bioais uf Mc.. Henrcy Gratiie, Thumusmhuy. lItnmti, 'iela and longzs, l'oc unfant Iii- fSnîres ies B ___________For Sale M y 2Iýuni1]cîlcî'urý-i iflale it anA safest i t .. tf la rur. im hiii lu ris iintete in' t t a'! auyne ý-er. s -i ipitit ith l pie. W U ilT ou l ne car il!l Gluten on tract. at $25.00 My vî. utuinus noui ultis-au'! nu hitcut t- and A l in truini andîilrsitbotu i, n ai st.'e- > l- perto. um' f'LtIîGo c27tf 'tre. 'Allatîl Ttus cisited frieildr tfil drigu , Nonei'gînîrîne but Foley s Huiney .isi- lncîeas' r ncnn . eanu, t lita.'s TE L P i N eEverybodv desires goord beaith wbich __________Grayslale iiafucday. andîiTac flitti' v'î'Iuîw package. Rlit'1 ran itao nie, a i;d mv tPtahli fiai», tio.'iitl'ait f-a t tilt t inlayoua L bertyv îlle Exchange ls im possible unle s the kidn ys are F E t isrBe .isFred B a hioku Ciago, i ~ s é ibéittitu tes.,dl e f in . E S T S EI FF I- Libendhatb.Fle' hKde rtyvilis neFatr e h etFRÂviE B. L.umuE fi.w -.L.Grdaespîca 66 o 1 62Remedy a bol Ile taken at @ firt place to boy fece. Staples fee wtb spening a fut days in thie place.simDr. asxW .tu . L wtai t e d bor tt'A t t. n. , 66lorl262 ~~~indication of any irregularty, and asvery roll. Bart) wlre 12.60 per bundre!. aMr. .'eiuctrib apent sececul ufi t ir Getounr rieii on drain tii.- huehure odYa.nil1vinUWhutntldror FRANK B. LoVE . ses d 25-fil Michigan rect"-itly. tluiîigl ra. M «l. t,t.ti)ru 7-tfu-M Condsnslflg Factory. GIrayslake is soon to lOtesa oiiinesung factiiry wbîch will err<uii xcrty-lteL bande or more. The i,,ntrwulir were migned lait week and wiiri. ittheasl aili b.' In progrees a,sîîiair thtt a'eather permait@e and tb,.' iililirî Of the' large factory will start iiuedatelY alter the Weil le sunkt if the' Ilow o! waterla satistactory w liii h seemeto be no question about. The pciigreesive busjiness people of Eh.' tuait cuptured tht' ranch coveted prize fcîoî iitlier towns wiîo wt're wiirking unIartii get the' iactiicy. Womri's CI.tb Tbhe last meettig ,f f iii V,,ritinst'b was field wltb Mlies <'t cee t tlt'îii of airs. Jamues Mac. Tlii itîiuufà me't- înîg w i liebld ut tii. I ii iMrci. L. Yt. Sikes, Tbucaday -11ti11ittMa', l2th, wben ail metîibers aun cil 50,toii <aiw prement. Thect' wilil..rI.,î ii liens and alli rrtuith'cntir, c' I i1, ia' t.i.' tiiiit a fie 'i t Tuier, a ill ard JEÉ'RIAL adi graitreé ITEW.'ASiI pr op. Park i o 630 acres 20 acre tracts iInvesent iN. Agents. t, ILLS. er Shop Y, 15C utting 2r5c Work 5chriver Prprietor. di. 22 p f2 fi I

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