CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 May 1910, p. 7

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LARE COUNTY INDEPENDENJT, F'RIDAY, MAY fi, lwio 7 The Spring House Furnishîng Sal 6 1*, We want the glad news of this gigantic furniture, rug, and .Nie. 4284. y given titat d decree en- led cause ln mardi, Terri, undersigfled cery of sad 21st day of hour of one of laid day ance to the y of Wauke- State .of lui- rtton io the for cash the Ad and i'eal unty of Lake wtt: atake located e Milww.akee il, sald etake of the North- ,west Quarter Lange Twlve rincipai Merl- a.nd twentY- Dutihe South- iwest quarter r of laid Sec- nning thence ne, two hun- feet; thence ttald Une, one Teet; then", thlrty (330) x a u kee Road.; sEst along hundred and the place of e are, situat- k>' and State 30- Brass beds A large ad ilasv brass be(l witil 2iel 1osts v;t'txeud wiPli a trp e o aftof l1'nIîtis11 l:îjîî, îiglifo tr i n i 1>* ei d i: t latli' f sa, rie13,95 Large maple dresser A liailsiîîie andlsitîl ensîîee il'u-Ssei' x i fi fIll ((elia 1 filit ;îîatil l'al hi i i >1li t wt> lai'ge('ltîi';îxe r'iai 'i iîal t, - \\ lia x i t t l w, i lî xx ît! m1hls, 24 t ý )~: i îlî l"î'eni I t .> . 2 - Sai tI11,'ilt . ... .... ... 1 1 ... . 9 WAUKEGANS BEST AND BIGGEST STORE. IlRESSERS AT $10.95-S5,ti 1 10.95 This tauberette on sale at 29C l:4 i tIes ligî sl'1 leg's.:iîeîlvxai'îîshîet e7îîillIislîu'îl; sale prioe ....... ...29C Large oah chiffonier, Sîihsfantiall ' nmade o>f sOli(t golden 0 A : lias :; dî':xxers, txxo sxîîall (one's andît a liat 1)()xeaî'lî traw et' ftted xx Pli 1> ok andl e seINs regularly at $ 0;oui' sîtecal îîriî'e 095 at ................. Oak center table A trrrIng and se-;îrénIvSuit renter table m lh 'l Wn n r.k tii, 24 , '4 ii b tpc rved ta cisltrme<rt . ...... .95 c Tapestry Curtaining- J1lQav ' vfapestrv eurtain- îîîg iiini'patterns; coille in 3 shiades tif green, 2 sliatles of browxn and <iat'i oe(l 50 inches w'îde; xx orthi 50e at,45 vard .......... 5 $5.95 sprinig 1:1 tlils: ýl] ue' andt Uim: 34Yarls 1 ng. AHil xx tti; vatlue t iîliail îQ 1 4 $2r f1i' .48:îl Draperies 15c A lot etinsistirig of Etaîîinît dîrapteries, ( aseinîclt tlotlî. Notfiîîghanî 'Ma- dras i mou'Iîe and. ccii, tishlinet >.urtaining anîd mouiie figîîî'd scrîuî '15c values 1 at, yard . ... 5 The grea-test sale of rugs 1P An $18.75 Brussels rug for $1195 cltal allill dl ho l i paf- titlttiilig)XI '-, \1 size, a Axminster rugs $21.50-! tiv 12 Size: a bete fl q a t\i ll jîtlnli lig 9 n xtilluis; lic pi ells ai \:1mfoi. tlus 2 Ingrain carpet samples 1 xa i-ilsquiare :attiao' tlx t' patternsîls au! etloij' ils i inn, +0 fà A Axminster carpet samp- les- laliglsof lil alî largie 'rlange t f vrtt1i;xaluies Ingr iaîf' \v t-i u xx woîld a fil-Ili 40c VYmiii 'Il i et soîil etîifîi't aiili\eeit-1 i'e )lit t Pibs large mîassiv mx îîke. li <tîîîill eîstiiied tfsoltilliir ()A; ixtîl seat liaindi earxelfrtiî ia t ltîr ltiid rîîhbetl anidInlisliedl(.\ i. oil > fro less tliari 93: milx' nm-et r') -a fi hier t ..........................$4.45 I'hree piece parlor suit A. quit ut beautîtui design and eîrong cosr tin Large massive tnahogany tramne wlth a higpinfnsh frli ciaw feet, sIlk plush covering; buose cushions; $30.00. i5 value ai ..................................2 1 5 Stewart stoves -and ranges Tlitse w lin are acquaînted w îth the t oti\at stotx kîînxv flitat flîcre is no sfox-e tliat g xibuflb osatis- J'a etit)i i. Thîe niakers w'î'itfeîx gtiar iliti 1 gt> s xîtl evei'\ sie> eld, xx'lile oit(%-ir ier pi tiaI l iavali- tee don] l sures you fî'î inaniv >11s-'. tisf uttion. A large Stewart range for $24.75 A stox'e flat is fuLV- guararîfeed anîd xxitbliît a suiper- ior at tlie price. 'It rests on a 5fti fiuîîanti is hined xiflî ashestos throlighott: ickeled drlop oveni door: lar'iei-ash pan; 6-8 iiehli:lii-. i isa ili luw ai îî ing closet; the iinings ani grates guarut teed for 5 yer;positix'ely the best stove (-)fb>4h7 mnarket at the price .............. 2 .7 Ma ssive Turk i sh rocker at I I i'tl Ext~~eintbea 82 A rolln(l dining rooni extelitioli table xith a 4') iîîh top; solid pedl etstal. (ffier solil >tak 1' . mitation qlluiter- ed 1oak; $13 isflie re- ..ilaî' lîtîe; nffered fth lis Large massive couch at $9.95 At I ltlî:t xxIll iiii is îîfrltel î clî:se 1hat i ls i- Solid ash refrigerators -t rrî~ il:îlsnîîtlvsanifuuîx' refî'igerat ni xx iIls m1l) mo,îîrlitlesili1; le>'> -paî'itx 6 n îîî. fi el toxx' alIne at.......56 See these khichen cabinets ilîiîu aie tîîîstrîîefed inthelieniost substaîitial iîaii- lier:1 large iliale base,. auriîal finish:, tw o finir bins, two ulîaxxeîi. xx îrk uîîI ralboard, four su rne îlraxx' ers and iii sîîgarbi:geun ise mp tp flîtregîîa1' >i'> 10.95 SDining room chairs AtI59c Sold oak dinm hi wifh solîl ,vood seat, a chair >~that will stand lots of liard ilseage: a vaIne tlîat brings at other fiînes 95c, this sale ... 9 At 95c S;o1idl oak dining chiairs:; one Itiece back, braced aio:ii3 sîîindles in front, nîccîx îîolîslîe<l reu-îiIar ~.3)values 95 at .................95 drapery sale to ring throughout every home in Lake County Sp~rng tfine 15 holseol4nîn tinie ientlieru is alwayss ollieait iol> nrile hîînle Is .Its also not\ Ilii. 1t Ih withi rooilîs to newlv outfit and lîtors ft e.The (Globe I iii itls gigaîitie sale tir t1 uile at theoprie timu \vlien eleaniug and inoviflg operations ane iii motiîîîî. We don ' \- (101110eand lla ' vtlow~n YNulle <>11 ashi eîther hît\\e iii- vite vou to corne andl pick ouit wlîat Ytaiil ki>: ont fit a whole îîewine if' iii wish wx ii le tholie nt ] lîss sale j riere ai and Ithen iake your o\\narraniigelîlcits alo(i>if jîaiîiig. We 'î'e n (t t \art îîîiglbt iîistead (gi x .\,ii t l.iIvatage f tI1i> îîîr'»t gelîcri n s cîfidt systeini ii tIlie world. Sale commences Wednesday, May 4th, and continues until Saturday and mattress A.combnation offer that la Imposal- hie to dupl cate elsewlîere. it con' aists of a heavy lron bed wlth hrass knobs ' triple coat of enamel, blue, green or w hite. also blue and white; angle mrn spring wlth 3 rows of oop- per roll 'lpport; cotton top mattreas, covered with good g'rade of ticklng; an outtit worth $10.50, 6 7 at ................... uur generous credît system bridges the chasm whicb segp rates many a home from comtort and Iuxury. We make deliveries to anv distance Curtains and I t>.... 24c i7 draperies This eleg'ant 9.50 rocker Nottingham Curtains9 $1.48-A sîîap iii fine of q a tr Nî>(tttîiîtîîîliiii quarter- All Illat îîîllavt kY ed oalf, at, 4 4 M o u tliî 1i lisi llu Oniy _.............__ Madam, talk it over with your husband Explain to 1dmi how easy it is to completely furn- iih tlue home in a most luxuriouss mantuer by our gciievous Credit plan. Young marricd people can fîîrniih a home complete-pay a littie down and the rest in easy mnonthly payments. 1I1 this way the money will searcely be nîissed at ail. 8

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