CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 May 1910, p. 9

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEýýPENDENT- AND WAUKEGANY WEEKLY SUN VOL. XV?43 2.PT TWO LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRfl)AY, AMAY 6, 1910. FOUR £PkauE $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. tbreo feet deep. APRI WÊ " ERAverage temperature, 39.80. MI ole-Pierced Skull. IOT T IE WORST ~IRainfall, 2.20 thaches. - 1903. 'At the top 0f the head was a greatAeae eg fl e hbt Warmest day, 77 on 29th> 18T oe Wich perced the skuli, which Aeie IhbtCodeit day, 0 o tb apiieared te have beeri made with a Sflow FaIl GIýt U n EIght Average temperature, 47,63. b»f.Te obly thing about the de- YearS. WeRtber DetailS for Rainfall, 2.55 luches. LA I P E Y L U C I Composedl body off the mani that woulîi nt Srrowtaii. traceonrd 'serve te .tdentify hlm was a littie- 1902. sIIver cross 'wbich wau stifl hangirîg - *x» Warmest day. 84 on. 21ut. -tO a piece of tape' about the,' ueek 0f; ro Wedears Bull.) ('oldest day, 22 on 7th anid th. Prvso a o mi»Ine o S' oy April weatber was Dot the worst, Average tenperature, 45.28. t o I s A.po: Th. ghartiy discovery was mnade wen the weather fer APrit i elght Rstnfaii, i.30tahs tee o 7 ir.pp i '1te h tuu Citywen meni egaged tri makIng a swer î opae. Acodnwt h ed and- Namnes are Have a Young ' r Uectonsted dgurdr nol o the Bi-anfrdn te ofie YOUJNG AN4D CO. AU bouse owued Brandlai station incharge of 3 .James D TC U T O Compiany cf Chicago. Coroner Aridre at Atioch the socu ltaits gkprii I TC U4 Y B O M ade Known Tbday ChristianAssociatibi s hurrlediy summoned. He a n" a h ra« negtyag h declared that tri is opinion a vfoui! aferage temperaturo *as the bigheat, SUpelIsMr' CoMgWtteePri I n Lists If Permnanimt Crime iiad beeii commnitted and Dis- the warmest April day of tbis year bly WIll Agîce, «n Te. î ~~triCt Attorriey It V. Baker and Chiefl was the warmest, aid the cotdest day Audit for $4,00,0. Iwç Of Police Owen OHare were Callot! In feul short ot the coldest Aprit day lust Prkce $2200 ii"romm ed1iesday'rs 81N.) the SUN,. William ..Smith,.Jamnes a *thei2casei, year by thrlee dIegreea-the 2,th this Tii,.Most uImportant atît ilarges( î WlchtL. H, Bushnêli. L. AI. Ei No Arrests. year bdlng Marked by 18 degrees1 XR' eulDlitri1 fav,,r or a Youing Me' trand, Fitl Hall -W. Jý Sti*bbins, Theo whiie the lth last year was 15 de: From Wedriesday's SU7N.) C'hristiani Assoiatsion thai the City has dore Durst, Claire C. Edwards, B. A. oiirsibaebe md-ardh'grees * It ta understood that the comnJ Munoii E.VOrvs, oh W.Tow.ioic indtiid iirage a comiîîple AUP The ofBectal wather review iii i ppoiuted at iaat meeting of the[I yi iii at r ihvdcaiYoungtat ien u P rvs tr . T1,n- 2 on acxolnt of the faet that marîiv tait as furriîsued by the statiori of Supervisera to arrange arid W aîumika i A s ait o nha eJ Y îurg ie s i ne ,L i'Jon s, W E ay J.E, Plm ie have ved tln the ouse- dur- duct an audit oft books of county il " misiiaii Aheolua ionr, CoronereAndr1910.1cers wiiithusaweek contract iri n îd liating fourîdation dZ1 JoErnkn, Jh ur1aatiJ9.10.h ia er Cooe .rde clarx,-s tal whiie the baody may have Warmest day, 85 on 29th. Yug&C. hcg im fa *mkhfAg wii ha rioted, the COnirittee lusl b,'i'u buried for mariy moniha or iay- Coidest day. 18 on 24th. ors, ta do the work. The prie Twonty îinInsters aj>d iaymen anid a i roiud of menubership. This la due too iei a yeqr, the fact that tiere was ao Average temperature. 49.98. b adl adt e$20f fewinureîedoUsidrs tlpnuedthetheetoit c Aiorny cic, t~oinMuch quicklime about It wauid made Total ralufal. 2.94 loches, adit eovertng a period of rivey meeting, as a resuit nf which a large sSred on the niost Iliiirai reiresonia- it Possible foir ilte have decomposfed Snowfaii, 3 Inches on 23rd. and $4.000 for teri years. Thec îomnilee was aiîpointpd i) organiii' or,. b tat îvî'ry lierson tuighit e 1 i-' witin a fi-w weî-kr or ai ii'a a ew mte tidnueaareao th. association provlsîonaîly. whîîe trei't-d, rimoctha Waret dy m te i lar ute-ge i frOma the cOmmiuî'î. wili be chosen the Th oiitee is mArviy îroiioi tal adit foro ieWowl aetebnr TeTe (iirlie siiiertly that Wf a ____________74_on_____ for rOv wov.iibiet~boiesuîd 1ta1mareof made e ru to rid ott hat niari Iri1the )rime oflire. TicgratColdest day, 15 fbu Ith. Thfatu ou the ar as. îia oi Wukgai li ffrdanMb t he ti-front part or the akuiliAverage temperatire. 4236 'IBLACK §AMD INVESTIQOA The ealre f te e-rig ws aC A. hy members or tri olier wayg, seema to bei.the only mark ef vioence Ratifait. 8.68. I- couple etf irYsierions hn I)y seseral i ,p n o.u h oy Sriow trace on ith. a.nd 1vien aadiiowe. on he add .f Prom Wodneeda;g BunL lnthair her,'a Ymei-NI îCewA. i oThiriking thait th- rimaliinamight 98 l T he air ofîi tha Meil inghave been ahulîpe tehoKenosha fr'om Warmeat day, 83 on 23rd. It- is exueted that by the time The seutea of lte meeting s GRU ESOME FINDS IN Plme ruher city -arid burled tri thia ('oldpat day, 22 on 2d. ticat grand jury la ready toat si Tha Wakean oesno dair KE OSH D TCH man-rcauedthepoiceto otfy 1Average temperature, 46.15. ligreveiations wiii ha madei e l *-.îi',.~i.p uu~.r tilic deartncîta n hiicgo ndRairifaII, 4.85 Inches. 'I an aiieged Black Hand undergic TWa Y u e htan Assoi.Plc eatet nCiaoadSnowfall, trace. rairoati for fugitives rom noute aio Vures MeCrI. st-a - As..cia - M lwaukee. 1 _ have a Proper building and the proper equipment. The 1n14-eing wiashId miîl the api- PrOVai and knowiedge of the Sesame (à -â w, au tily ori lenbers of~ * MM. C. A. conim:sion of the pas- tors M~d ILCouple of laynien from each of ther churches The gatheriug lest nlght favored Do1 cburcli of creed, but reîîrî'rerte, ail. The commlîttee appolntî'd by Chair- mari Higiribothara, Seeretary .famî'sc Weich &Md Clarence fiver, the three appointed tlàliOMInate the commlte,t Qed bY the assembly: nomination afterwards heing rati- 1- J. Yager, George C. Bastiani fort Men Worklnu on Setier In Wis-.______ 1907. consiln City Find Corps in (O'BRIE N WINS FRON SCHRECK Coldet day, 189oaul2tb. Qulck Lime. Kole Throudhjodfî - i18on14h Head Phlafpphîa Fighter Lands at will-. Average temuperature, 39. (tfrm Wtiaedays SU.> *.-Snou. 2 inches; trace t (FYon Wenesa y' SIJ.) ugtei Ky., NaZ 1. - phltudel. 1Mt, 24815, "alla xpcted to te an unusuel Phia Jaclr OBrien uOD the dectaton lut0 niarder story was uriearthed late Tues-. OverMitke Sbrei. of Cinciuinti, bers Warmest gay, 88 on 26tb. ia feno h n a terwround bout, andI uhile thé for-. oda a,2 nSt da afeno haworkmeri worIDg mer d Dont score & k»sckoult. ha lds aY &onlt on a scuer in Elizabeth street, Ken- ,«oriy ont sinted hIe appisnt n Average tenupereture, 49.2 osha. uncaithed thc body ot a mari. btIralms eShek eut. Rinaand95Ichs Tic mari had beeri dead for saine O'Brien drew blond tn the fourth Snaw. traee on 6tIr. uie and the body was ro badty de- round and the reat f the Oit gBorock 1908. com poriet as to make any tdentifica.' bled trsey f rOM eVeral 6001108eon hi@ No report. tion Jimiossible. tn addition te thias f e by, -a4c beI S togr Wroustdayf82on 2. the body hsd been packed tri qulcklime helf y detpbh&a Wmas est naY, 82-en-wIJI oni Gth, i2th, .4. î$30,000 WiIl Be Re-fNo U. qucstcd of Peoplc byl At 'KS For and Against Vote Ius ,ba;l Within Very Fewj% iitee ilrpte heiekysu rikey oni- sessment Benefits mjtt(, espte he eak an riket codiopa, was asked to antîcipate debtà Dot Boardt tion of the centrailiOre station. Mayor yet incurrei. The isune could Doît ha 1 ouUck and the couri in r their proposed selti. This turne the debts have beeri tyof-new bond Issue wiillDot ask the people Incurrei, uincIpally Ini the formof with eo new centrai station. Nor till salaries anid speclal asegaments for raidît- tiey fle a requeat for a riew eouth public benefit and the bond Issue that te te B ide lire station. Nor will tbey aak the people wll prebably 0. K. r ail for a ctty hall. cmab solti. city officiaIs claime d Ibig rIn the OIrst place It ta feared that morntng. com-I the proposition of the tWo lire stations pcaAse enz in tue might be rejected by a vote of the pepcilAsesmn- pie antintr the second place wtth the It ta clatmed tbat debta nowtueur- new quarters Lui the Wright btuildinig red Include $15.000 for the ailla ,bar the clty feels that It bar eneugh of o f speclal assessmeknts for publie-bon- [IoN a cty hail to tast for a time. elit anti that by the Umre tbe bond tW .W hat Witt ha Asked For. nue Ita sketi the debtu utill bave s.cý Isedthe couneil wili aak for crueti otiierwss to, the amount et $16,. about $30,000 or more to meet debts 000 mon. It la clalraed that the ctty ie the already Incurred. Is In worse finaiucial shape flow th"j start- Lasturne the bond Issue, It devel- when the lest bond Issue ws voted. rgard ,ound Fancy Work bout - This Bond eue---Just Plain l~tes. $15000 l8 said ta eYist between Chicago andI prises. The name of the detectîve very initangible lu nature, ta one or Keniosha at orie lintfu a trarisconti- s given. but efforts on the part of nentai system. a1 SUN reporter to seec im have whici every Italien belougu depand. This has long been suspected, but i t tailed thug faof. ing upon whether htr-cores tram for- understood, now by conidential therri or soutlierc Italy. It ila usrted. a ~~T ¶~~b~~&f'ektOare sei4tl o eiat Lt vmn, -kte Ijue e ihWh complotely establisbed and Ïbtirt au - Hlahaln ad'ic Iak amui Wauoga nouncemerit ta be made iwithti a feu w,3 agmr.Th ~ pe la breatIe,@&' * deys itl laceit be-c"dIo eltmed ta bo a Mt ofaiterminal Uor ' dto a a . cau special investigatorahase unsewbe 1 M Ma â abrs êwA Iý ÉW I"am fg ?4M et temat ose fugItive whii ua ' tlye taiis wented forSBak Hand : posible t. e quofl » along from section camp to scincies rvlêdI ecamdtrI camp in thîs ceunty. this explatis wby - seuOiany Iitan The assertion le made unequiv- ICrhminals are caugbî In Kencosh. Thre vei'6i et theoeSwàt court j ocally thore la a detetîve fromj In tire BsrgttlMca.yesyt Paterson, N. J., nowV working Up Sliti in Oeýngen ofaif guilty. Atte t tiitTia part or tbe. the case and that it, will corne 10 Tbe Black Hand or bian Nero la jury Wa» eXemeul sunothers ws r s. a climnax wlthln a very short tinte, generally admitted to bc a branh of derolneht for 0os.mrejureeff. Why Not Have the. 8Bst? You MAY iIn'd as gôod in other stores, but you take no chances when you corne here for your sprlng coat Top Coats ad Rain Coats $e2ilto$2,5 The large4 stock to select frorn, the very chèIcest styles at what ever pdIce you may whiàle > y.tAlIwe ask is the privil- ege of showîng you. ,I a dsituaI proposition Try a- Ieega1 Shoe $3.50.$4*004$5*OO You are sure tb.Iicrotand style i * * * * * * ou. t ILS,. !i t Cee~î~g1910 1

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