CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 May 1910, p. 4

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LAKE CQUNTY INDEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY OUse Telephone lN.1. dwr*sResidetie TeephaeN 11Ubertvle ha ha ge Eetered *5 the PýaioMtce ns Liiert-viile. 111 -S econd CrissMater îHAUE55WERKLY.AliVZRTii k&RTfliMADEt SîiNON St-PLIi ATiiN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUSTý...... ............... ... ....... ---................... Editor W M . A R TZ ......... ................. FRIDAY, MAY 13.IA . UNJUST CENSURE. - -- City Editor1 t ta saisi lu kc an inexcusable outrage for a aewspaper editar tb make thse allghtert mistake ln a etatement et any sort, whlle professionai perlons, upon whose certalnty of knowUedge and on whose statemecit n regard th'eet, lite and death, or thec inut Important intercale depeasi, makic the most seriols cnt-ors without Incurriag the stigliteat criticisin, muchlesI* blame. Take the1 jusige on the bench, whose siccislons are set aside andi înnuUicd by hhghen courts aImost cvery day, and the judge whose judgmcnt te se reversed, does flot suifes-ln the leact In public ansi professional estimnation. n the saine way thse physicien who makes a wrung diagnasis of hie pa-t tient'@ diseuse, administers treatmcnt that recuits in ceath lnsteasi of a cure,i foies none ofthtIe confidence of hie patrons tin hic skill, and hle may kiti any1 number ut persans secundsum artem sithout iucurring the aliglitest responsi. bilUty.k Theae are curions tacts, but lheyQre mnentionesi, net by way of excuaing, editorfal mîstakes, for there isene excuse for them. t is because evcry itus- dvdual i fraly beieves that he coulsi conduct newepapena licter than those wlie are chargesi with the work, whiie no unprofessienal persan weuld under- take te usas-p functiens of the jusige or thse pliysican.-Exchange. mnawfsom he led and to ha% lie opposesii n n of the grea LIBERTY VILLE CHORAL SO( WitI Gire one of tre Elevatis- taients Tuesday Eves-ing Week i. the Methodrat Chui Again tir, iitizen. of this it% raundtng cautry n iiili avee iii o)1 attend sîlg a Iniumicai.. gis1 Choral Stn,îsty tie natureuf u forwkirrt-sitais nmii lwie- til s!in [lisrit, am tuse- oni tlis- îrirrain icitn t i n t4hi tpiiar i, î ii undttiani..iti, f ii lir(I 'sIiiii u-ii~c ensiust I th LîucIi Iai b letn rh i o iii. MIli, [i fi i h t S i . 1. iiiand AI, Ti- k t i, -4 i tis . N i 2* l i kri -Cti Seiri-i, tire 15iia,i.i il ei of - lit Ni l nie, te d inii i d ile, letnde ut noisflre th, î iiirîia upomn every i t, tic in si ii. MaL.e the cuetiiunif V)t"iiti thse iedding issue-in a sampnîs alreadv lan so nîany atiglen promises to lie tire hardent foiý lative battie i-ver ex peris-ni -51 i r The hat le al ways the rhpapý enad. Bradley & Vroomn Pure both cbmapeet and hi-t. Ful fuit mmmsre-iongeit wearsngý P. B. IAOVELL. SCI100L BUSY'WJTII Preparatory Wstls Their Exorcises Which wîil Take Place in Higli Si-oU ssmb Hall, Tuoiday Eve.ning, May 3 lat. The eechoul sl je @e iow wîth the cloelng assignîneuts for the echool year, ini orsi-r ta, give time for revievi of the woirk doueane January. Tihe eiglitb grade le busiy practielng for their exer- clos which will take place at the @Chouf Thursjday evening, May 231hi Thse high school le huey praeticing for tIse esinsmeucement. Mise Chard lias bs'en i-ni-s-si ta trains a chorus 01 higts scisool pupils. Keuneth Loveli la labinriosisv workiîsg 10 organize a 90- ralled High Scliool orchestra.,icith tise desiresi asistanti- of somse local mnsictap ansi Mrs. Wayne Colbv i@ uoachingi the- senior îplay, whieli bas every indica- tion of ais interestiiig and mneceossîi eutertainnss-unt. Tse for com mencesient bas bien engage-sia.d si-e fi-i- that it will hie an estraarliirry addri-ss. since Dr. Frank C. Brisai4 a icelI knawn orator, once agreat prs-aclier an]1 je now a favorite Lys-e-nia hi-urer. The- irbana Tins ve tIse saine kindiy feeling inseard iliose ah iisrriruiîîIinrtuslus- î.-îig r- uuu.i ai strugg les ef h is-y. -r iI i, aýnes.u iu-luI as s u es i-suu5s-thei tuI-aiisri PARIIMOUSE 0f ST. i i h uiraiî ,ti t l- CIIETY JOS!EPt'S RECTORY s-V ii tilsa n--li,.sisr gl Enter- sru ni -tbusit lugsss-in i s su nr Ilie ý fNx s ose ofthîe Modern Buildinas of ut, luahI lu ni!tteîrsîuurk. Ttie"[utssi sisil i urch. Kinulin the County, The Handsai-rk ""'i'h, irb-t tusAssît. In t tiers- sii- of Local Skiil. Csî bot SOC 5-si .--ses uit nul etaiaiîîîeîîa and sr- Cots Aout $00C.Tli,-us lau t Jli ressýIl lucre n%,% i acil, i asuul gar- ansi tus-n iunveyt-ul01aisbiandis tustiii - i ilI-i e '~iu1u.i'ii ., I t..'i _- ' ir . drvini- -s oin Frsins us-ee it iv usrres-i s th,îe 't- n i-e nr i s ii s ti- i uttîni- rîuîsisue, i bsn the lus-uit- in dniual pîinsiiui- 1 . fo i. a î Iîs l i in'.- un , gthare - e.alternuis lu t Irasses usae,î.sitt. ,lui :itiiiI)ljîta i. ssa. ru,~ ti,-parking Separtasest w ut ï,is lisTi si sssuii.-r ii;ui nut la uiii"ur.,k 'lu Thi te ui, irouii[rîper irosse t nrussiitate of 4-iu.ii -lil. 1,u j t l- s s-i s - us,, ini huiid, sc iti ids i sfour lîruus -es litfuit-n i inui, --n . - nr an l-s ..... uls li. ij", ssii.! d tolais- t Otîl suiuus lit ii u ein, I---iisl-iiîîsu A-ur ~.,*.~oiiradu il r- îsterî-ctuni- ,ti lcii l .- p-'r nr s Iu. , "il->hnnu - se ]lia55 uiîteîunî tilt-ui l-R - -I P . , ;- l îuiîs i n rn-ru-s-i týtriiuririhu ,~~, lut :. is :.. uI t:e c , - c.:r 11-.Il inapî i. l . -. i i un ia h- i lii. il u. -- u u u-, u ,, lii Il i ,lii..Tn s r nsuuh suruî r" ii iuuui.u--iT uiTu-ll i ii iliir -i-i , .i l , 1,;5 ý, Iilsaleluu,-rag i- s-i s iis r. iirsar ue ts- i 1tinsnait i s - îuuut tauice,lieîis-e-. :1-1, n.,1 I rs. t s .. i.' nA s-en t the msatnagesiMen t in Ilst-crsa's-si nu~~~~~ ~~~ r11l-ili.n nsi, l-~ usl--srî linIli I 'diere.suIit s usît ais snuenal ii-u.-'uf u1-1il] l't.ais the ni-ouîaaul i ais suie a T 1,-in uiun.'iu u îr., s-. i. uu 1,,insun-e ever usi- ut iriiiuitil- hi. -lk 'l l.. sir t;.-u .. î 1-si ~irt uansi tle tuilue insit siltant Su tus uiat an5d ~ dl ad .-is 1,-1S ilsx"tiP-nsive isiinrovessens-si i li bcii 1- aiio , ;- ir'aiand l ssi, u thu r Tiiuuinlsii- ns--esiuy tus bei-p lune- sith s ts nnrias- t ln t, - . rI uuiui - 1Pi lu su-Aa. ", 'kis iii- t-suie .'sl 4hisJ lei-Fould.isis X intg -nis il dllîli- a nd iiui riS s-n hiltei 'l n io' "Ilsty. il I l ils r 't usi b',- iiuaitiiuil Tiie i:et -unrditie ofa i l r inîduetries %% il] iii ur21dn rIii l. ,l tnt- 1 ,î uit e'iiiiil atit suai ii ti-t ai-chueissue. uNI suîurlur-k h, i i n]îs -alukil _____________ Sr t i lin ii rijerti- iu 1i as G. A. R. Orders ssuesi. E ii-us!oTuile inýsen, suit-ssiihlule a uî-nd )lii, vs hait- iieu sent to t tfut- li-ail- rnr t h, I o t,:s t u , t,:i ,l n ua rtts aIf th e depa rtm ien t (if Illino is lii;: iis-luseti-sii.-nislu tis-itti. uir asi roises-observance- ifiNemorial day, iay saur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ni ie-l fl lls fifci-rm o! tle varions pliuss uIl ,,r o h-oitrv, sliis i osiu narrangi-cfor service-e ty bh ielsi ontise 4ii ulttet art-iii-iuit-Ituîuation atîd whssnnut>pi--Sni- in tIeducIs anS n npleted il nl nii antiituiii biat3 polit hail. Arrangements aIea wiIl be lii 1 titi r1ur t- -lluettau l)b iade svttb tIhe si-ol aathoriîiîss ta urjlýit t grtlte l i"wr b a an ave isri-ues hi-id ou the Friday pre- is ts -chune far. icîo infirmsniî this isaîer that -Iiuni- -mariai day. Announcemi-ut su Il 5 u building of thehIe îs,. as iciil as us1 made of the farty-iourtii annuai en- nthen itnlrovewniihauve bei-n patd for i-amputment ai the departiment ai lillnots, lest init.-1vteprsnr.ith pahs weî hicl wfiI hi-hi-id ln Fresporu, May 23 ie Pais-1.ton vthe pr sjber coutinuioepriSe into 25 inctasive. The iorty-fourch 11vie otheir haera oti-sut ion.pi,, in national ensampment wlll be beliinl Susulu Y tercue rpry n u h i Atlantc Cty Ssuri-the neeku begnini- isteem Ihey bave for thiir m)atoc. Sept. 19I. Memoriai Day. 1 visÎ1'rnCï AGO ô AM- From1 cireular-49, juet Issuesi hy URDAY AND SUNDAY Fraticé P. Blair, tate superintoent -t of publie lu5tiuction weicev ' ithe 1oilawing whlch h Ie i-neat esicator uses Two o Our Young Mon Viait.d as an asivocate of tise observance ai Chicago Satu-day andi Sunday, Bent Memorial Day. It iii asisresoesita on a Goosi Time-Thsy Had i- toeachers ansipulsiie. ansi wnduienis îî af EspecialUy One of Thern. value ho men ansi woîîîsun ai ail agi-s ausi callig-s. Two of our youngmnen @peut SaturdaiY Not to glorify wnr nor the lieroa aud Suuday lait la Chîcugo taking lu of war was Ni-mariai Day set apart. the uiglite ansi trm orne of their osen It was rallier to inpreâm upan us andi reporta, the sigllt@ tas-A thensln. Tati- aur chidren the terr ible tirIce whbich lfît note Of. r hem bes aid: "Weil, W@ aur permanent pi-ai-e hi.a cait, ansi ta ksep canstautly belon- ai the pictare ai harac ansi sacrifice srouglit hy an appeal ta armq. But, whuie aur dri-ad and haîresi ai war shoulsi increa wlth every teiling i[ssfthe @tory wbich the day recallé, its liroper observance shouisi ali) increais our respect ansi desotian for tht-se pi-ac-lovini- luin ansi wamen wlia, wiîtî grisat emi-t- ance, dan-si ta i-unise the etrife ai war rather than tht- repose ai diehouar; Who liatesi war uîît i-s@ than ice and whlose lo4r for pi-ace tan noue the legsj, but Who bated wrisng ansi national dîsirraci- more titan tlsi-y batesi war, and Wcha loved igiht and national honor more than an îuegtabls anlil dishonocable pi-ace. Therefore lit ni) one thint. that theme soldiers whossr siemiso-y ici- onor lustesi for the bloosi ai thi-ir fellîswmen or taok canîiort lu the pliîîndsr o! homee ansi the detruction ai itieo. They. tar more vivldY hy tinci-,sais tse pîty andi the agony a1i il al, ansi on battis-tIf-d ansi camping i-round, buu-t-sianitioussly for thi- dawn ai pi-ai-e Thu@, it iâ, tbat war inay mti--aie its own warst eneusy ans it@le rat Roliiers anc lieralsisiof ppai-e, a-a t l v ses S,. Grantî, tIe gri-at nîsdier ai the i-ctat war oai ail tinins, a liii rote."Letî se havi-petci-aie was Ibis a a ns- lit- encel that drapped irou)îi tse len juIil the tisotiglt iret oceîr tsi buis als-r ait opportuanities ior tiilit as-ne siser'i \i( It a s u litsis mconisc-iitinlise tcirtfi-t desîre, hum a% îb bita mb c he- aîrlsl,1 di-ipi-ni-siby tht- is-sad andu]anitY of i-sery baIlle, buras-si saolahissîif[)yt ieus tire oifi-anti-t andîsi sinittr. i- a rt-i tIser-fore ntîst fartursat- huati n hîsnîr- ii- hins as a great soldier, ici are aIea hîsnaring lim amas s ir-at propîset ai pia s Asd istu n siia-îng aur respiet for aur Itriat sldier andsi i-iiiiands-r, we shal haIgu shosîs ur respt-ct lii ail thosi- brave tiltn ichosei- imirage- and de 11hiii ai]..tus- iiis- ii, ,f rant wN iirliis sf iir lionîs- ilîle ustbserve - NIsîiii rsai Disi Cars Plantini- Tirs-uset Hand. Thisc- i f- - i iinaitiig i, i stan-sdinl on the- rairoasi, and eUded np On tlie elevatesi, baunsi for "0' pILe ln Particatar, but mare ta i-et ont ai a disPtaeemi-nt my pard ;slced himsi-f lu, lie was à0 Iungry about euppstr time f fuLY epi-cl-si im ta bit ltb saut anYthinin luvie w, andi there we-reSame hi-anti-s, e-pctalii on State St. We by accident, I ianct accaunt for il, alh- Wise-faouisi urseivem ini the- LattaIt Rlotei devisnrtng foad qui-ker lIai. coalsi bW ted nai-cosn iit,ansi titi- aiter Ilad ta have a se-ansi attendant durtîi- the- third rosundsiansiut tise fintsh îîy friensi, aller eatsiga pi-ci- ai strawberry short- cake tistei t-et square, asked iIf tbi-y wouid hindi3 serve his saine mare. oui- a uitiele argeir. Tise aaiter yelied buire aisaîher csok, tîls snau bas ate alilthe short-ahue suthe banse, ansi etili %vante Mlor-. TlL-n sny friensi aeyeian i gi-t a wash clown ii hi-rs? No sali. Nathini- leit for you sali, but i yaull juil $tep on the autmlde svon Iýan. 'Sa we dud, andi sure enoub(i we holli got a wash dowfl- it was ponrtug dsîwi rasa. Ta dosige- tii. rasa we IoÔ t in, the isovini pi-titre shows, oniy sîne etaI aime aIfi-ourse, ansi iin tss-y ad given ont we start-si fsr a rtai tIi-are. My ml-uSd avas fond ofi pi-iru, ansi ho boni-lt a oucpi s dus i- tiesehow. Hn was trowsling it a svILIb bth bauds, ansi aho bt- nise ais aould luaih at the shjua lie ne-ul turn u tute ansi say, sdac wuanttuant îasuy %abat wae 5"', Ils-n in a oula go auaîher scouf ai corn. i eLlua>et the show Lunysefi-h imieehty. Aller i& a-as avec a gentlemîen steilhse m) t tisue andsiai-hed wblat y fric-uS could hi- lireel to isappear aI une ai the uamsr jarks. 1 ashues intuuswhal for. He suiS le ni-vertu ln hie t@aw lits equai whist vainie taeatlOg i-arn, ansi tisaI le toisî n ake a fortune ont ai Ill"', btnthifors- wn couli sîake the si-aI tIhe erowd hlad bei-imi-esoilarge tisat tht-y souisi ses- isi, i caught i ta ly thIe amuiansi imade a atl>rstreat. Juet as %ss- ai-rn iakîni- aur a-ay asragsetise iresi iosgini- alitas, uli-Lunajst- boe-asud tht-n- ýýtue Iularge maess ii linuiasutî , iuýkiii- mi, ii of surs-tNe sout -,f lus r e. la;àtuli- iaitd taV-s IIi iîîîîîîi ail n1ih gi l ititer a arg-..the i-iuter i1 ltii .iis,et .11.1ssliiii- 1ia- r,- ii lii- liiui t îî l b-wiiiperitiiii.- i'i. ils-rase i(JOtelli Uste uiieket wans illiss-hiiis - i ii il,,, s-ssIiN iivirii- ti I lnl, 1i Mia. ay, iliadiaise hiit tîîîrk i îî.îîsi ilthii..f- fativosrablris5tiiiii tii-lit ahius- yu are fa, itit %sla-t iîîîiîtiî1,,i ns-t1i,îir iciris planut- ilUtetht-sietnitar imoire-lunsch, thntîîr iii- uiii it,ý- %% nsluit tii-s- ses-sý e- a Nissu.tii n-ttue aur atpetîte, niuîs-i a itiiii i- , ri, the lis - if %l'sa,ý eii-j-t.-îinaant bhfaTi îd uit isaidsi îeuse aii-s-d ir , ir 1 itiiiig (irisi. 4 e ll ieii ti re l iii- h i- iii," 1 asi t iii lit -t ssuiiaiJ amiiiilî c iir ithatisivairs-sad.i, iilis-kL. id - lsa -isai5, 'aret- uaKurs'- iiiiiits il iiaý -1ni niiiii-s- i-i tîîîthe r-e--lt Isali quit, ens-e Vie pti.,iis-italii- î-îîl li]anuil , rli i lie I igbur iIis -bss- 'iiîN-i>4.aliiît welare uit homsse *Net. i--g îlrtlr r nt rs-i-e ..t -1.1 ise i'ililitrotpermit tu ii.ii.tiîeîr trip, n enther i but tlieY bail a granid tisse. CCPCUISseT iste cd ras RadAi. 5isil.O** Cereeuoai- mie ce deM Ras-au, Saisi-fl Mteastur taken for Iliterntatioîîo1 and Royal Tailors. 500 Satn1les to tselect froni. F~it (iuaranteed. E. W. P A RKH11U RST SCIIANCK'S BLOCK LIBE,<TYVILLE, ILL. Albert W. Lichtfeld LIBERTYVILLE. LL. To Make a Proper Selection of!«0 Keep ln minc the tact that the rast oi labor ai upreadini tIse paint le the greateat ItensiIn the comt af repaintini-. The price ai boue paints la therefore ot no moment provi- desi yon wlll tuie dnrablity In -onsderatiou. it caste juet nse mucli ta 9 pread por paint asiit dae tu s preasi th ebsst paint ; cou- sequently, the article whicb - prerves yaur building for the loogest perlasi ls the cheai. eit. The beit paint je a PURE LINSËED 011 PAINT IF -r 1. nmeed ail la the lie@-gis-Ini preservative element; andi camblsinis PIIONE 470- Engage Youv SedCor! Pride of the North, A Standard. Ruieyj's favorite, Very Earlg. lEarly Giant White Dent, King of Ail. Reid's Earlyp Dent, 0W Stanbyj. Reliable Seéds OnIy SoId by t Special on Tile /ow Going. .0 Most of Vour Earnings Go for Eatables * So wby flot sec that this money is wisely apent. There is freshness to think about-and cleanliness and t * cnoy * This suggests to us that this store mnigbt bc of service to you-because itsa am i to deal in groeery goodness. * We would bc jZlad to have YOU give us a trial order. g Corlett & Fredericks UBEFrTYVI- IL i DON'T l' t l it i i Tus Iý lr itui N nus-t-rivol -ri ru-1 a--s rinus Lanhed i î, î-t-4t, tt ut I a l i --- l'- itti . - w 1l iîuher - u utu litts-t.' i-u u1 . 2fuir ....... li*hils-g h lii- l-ilurilihsi eu.t.s-i....s.l L.adi lt-s Fiu- Nie-r-e-viteu! (iai t -' t ssu *2 fors . v.. .... lThi. le tlu iw s-i lin It, le.ttusk, Liaiis-usL.îu- Tisi[ldau-e lirais :--, 7 ands....... laies- RItîuheulanîl Pousii i lhtsin Siiitn. sut sau ....... Ms-set i i ieh rn-slu fifIInrlggai 1idiera tar. lit îdui gariiti. -A N D- Ail Standarai 25c Hosies-y at 22 I-2c, 3 pais- for...- GRO0""CERI ES iluuss su lIna lîn, .65c * A nsw -w u t f111,1LonghiiriiClie-eme. j-r îîîîu)d--------------------..._2....... Mîteger dstasla tifiie, pIsiî ui ....i-an----- ...--------- ........ lavr$ltni-ver sakes, lier box----------------------------------Oc.......... Have you Trsed Dur Pet Corn 7 t*s the best laCcoi-rn sn the Mar-ket.I We Handie the National Coakies. Always Fresh. 1 JHEINZ PICKLES. *W. W. Carroll Sonf J. M. Graves 'W. H. APPLEY AUCTIONEER Auctloneer Seo Me Beefore Making Your Date Ar AE OEPRCN Satisfaction (Iuaratsd AISLEONPIRC T Office 208 N. Qtiuesce St. Re-dpre h.e ffl Rs.144 Eli, esd Ave. Libertyville, Ili. WAUKEOAN, ILL. PHONE 1431. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00< i if 350ut and Thi Nu ps1eas MEMORIAL DAY. enys aiflint: "Dr. Bruner wiii bi- Plans for the annual observance ut Mermes-l Day wit sean lie canuam- remessîbe-res asîe Saiceesior ai Robert inatesi. AimosI as sean as May tirt cernes aroand, preparatiens are ocmmcnc- Xfltyre at Urbana. ausd is by îîsany cd the country aven. Vetenans of the Clvil war, as weti as thece wlie. cervesi regarde- se in every way his ep-ir.' in the liter campaigais are gasi ta loinr thesr cad conraries, auss ail allier Tise alainni absociatian ai the higb loyal persoa arc rcady ta do thir part. echool utst again Stalrday aitertoou Francis G. Blair, statc superintendent of publieuinstruction, says os insi ansi adîîîîtnd a constitution ansi by-kawe annuai cîrcutar te teachers ansi pupils: Net te giaify war nor the heroes aofifîr that arganizatian, ansi ta secude- %var vea Memonhat Day set apart. It was rather ta Impress upon us andi aur upniisiilasuetior a banquet to hi- hiid at children the terrible prion which aur permanent peace lia* test, ansi te kecp the close ai the y-ar. 5This leaons-o! the zonatantly before us thse picture of havai- andi sacrifice wreughl by an appeai htst orgasizatione iranuected wltb auy lea .s..mut, ..rise Our dvenu anda ntred et war sheaisi increaîe witli every local ssnissia, sine t hi-eps the aider -elutag efthte story whlch thé day recalse, ils proper observance sheuid aise une-s. ihîsen wtîo have fishes It-e chuiol increase aur respect ansi devotsan for these peace Ievlng men ansi wemen wha, ansi are, st lu lite,lui losse tanu cl ihs wth greal reluctince, daresi te choace the strite et war rallier than the repaie their "fister iiother,' ansi aItise-manus- of disbonor; who hatesi war net cs than sce and whese love fer peace was limesnco us-rageestdasme wtss are ah neteUi lent, but who hatesi wreng and natioals diagrace marc than tIsey îrsent vs tiin itm pails. Tlert- le tso hatesi war, ansi who teves i rglt ansi national honor mare than an unstabie and more e-siaaitiii aisil t-stiîiatiith- is-iaei,)i dsuhonorattie peace. Therefore let ne anc thunk tIsaI thece ceidiers wliase thaitsan aluinînîii auiieit 'shi-ne tise iSemory w. honor ustesi fer tIse blono tIheir telese meus or ok coifort un ulder -grsiiiiaiv teicus- sclcomsing thi-ni-a thse pkunsier of homes ansi the destruction et cilles. They, tas- mare vivîdiy nes ts-liug tsg sii.-- î their 5a2 n nn titan wc, Save the pity ansi the agony et il ail, ansi, on battie-filisiauss camping schsoul anît i h-s tise> siied ta test tise grounsi lungesi anxieusiy for the dawn et peace. ti-injer uf ItXi lanki ansd Miss Space, Thuan, itlea that war may be-orne ils own osen-t enemy ansi le great tîsisuhi-as-fliic- iunies- uni-atelliot tIse sîdiers aur beut herîlde ut peace. t was Uysses S. Grant, the great seliier aisasuî dus-ut thsut ins bren uade Ainîn cf thse greatert sean et ail imes, wha srte, '"Let us have peace5 Was thus a Oituaiilit date lîs faut tiiiui-t ipi-ah chance sentence that droppesi from hie peus? Di the Ilieuglit fisst eccar to Siitueiiiuisl' fuir an ulters-tîig couî hum ater al appertunsties for fighting were oves-? No. ti was hie fis-m con u-iu -lc -vtctiont, hie heartfelt desire, bern with hîm jute the aus-is. deepenesi hy the dreasi ansi anxiety ut evecy battle, hurned sntelis seut Iy thse fis-cetfconflict ands saugliter. We as-c, thes-efere, most tes-lunate tIsatins l-tnoring Sim as a THE FOULD'S great soidier, wec arc aise lionoring hsm as a great ps-phet et peau-. As-Sie MILLING COMPANY thus shewung our respect fer aur great saiSies- ansi commandes-, ae ai-ail utsc i show eus- respect ta ailtIhese brave ma en hise ci-nsagi- and Sevoiori K inraits Mts-u- Fsis-, 'tIsenamre efGrant westhy et eus-onr bei-s-.eMaaon acoyI us observe Memersai Day. Orie of Luibstyviie's Suehitautial This year's pamphlet la Seveted princspally ho uhe lite ansi labors o!fGee In-dustries, s a Ves-tahin Bei- H iii rat Ulyssa S. Grant. An attempt is masie te gîve the central points in h- ite liy selectiona taken frontdifferent sentes-s. Iu la hipesithat thse yens-- tt 1 iiprds-tiras Lisr snihl-s people wiii net oniy cas-n ta kusesethe great commander but aiset o iivs- trs ia!ns-uîhtaaînilnsiuiis--. ssiÀ,-hîarr Co your isty lit buît v Ever 1 .-M - Uue 01 inem De .*... - - - j

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