e TMAY 27, 1910 NONS1 FOR LI soi FOR SALE-16 ponongo« ýem. Inoquirs of J. C . Boxti, Llbertvtifie, IIL Pbooe 664. c45-tf FOR SLE-Atomet .1ond sou work baoeeRaU'1 K5iCKe=UCzit, Dvie ton .P-86-1 FOR SALE <Ci4P-Goad tvo.aeattii be;lo lib&e ros I won. luquinr o! I a0..io. -n52t FOR E- Acre- lot----- o------ mnI' 'g lelno ust auaieeti FOR SALE-Lot, latu teDsmoudmd AusM tinebiviloa, 50a140; $100 ceci, 05 dovsi, $5 per mot. Dymnou Aceern. - 40-tf LOTS P908 L-a ubD..J. Grium s cub4vi.oa et UbeKwffllls. oith of loctele ,o nmilwaukee avtnue. B& J. Gw. vss.15I FOR SALE[-Cble. Iota la C. Frmk Wrgbt'c additon, SOil5O, for $200.00 020.oOundPO.0O. Dvuoc & Attsvs FARM8-Ws bave a largeflo.t ai Labo eouaty farua*cel, s&boucmm d loto. la vllae. vjaou &Accus.40-tf .$t '~R4LEt--oa04moidem .lot lu Mi.entll.iIosrahle locaion. J. R. Mâca, Lbetvillls. 1I FOR SALE OR RENT-Modera bue aimlapnovemnta. Cetratis located. C HBaeLihertsviile. II. c-28-tl FOR SALE--Seven ruont boums, bot. water bout. tardwood âflis it fluor yeiiow pan, secod floot, bard wooil fon stbroutbont Imm .lot wtb au Monde al fruit trese, emal frit mmd .b.de treeestu..Cooamnecionvtt ceer m»d .ity vater. comibile"* latures eucoected wtb as ffl sistdi l.<bt. W. id. Iridomux. Ubert7ville. c-80-tf FOR SALE-Rlouse on iretanmd kiwi burt Court 7 rooms asarly nov. electrin lett, gaz, sewer, eit., vLter. bargalu. Appl.y Wm. Laeyeock. Libertyvllle. c-aO.tf FOR qt4I - W* bave amOervgoo od . tiA oncsmmd fate to reut misu fur. alcted roon, ,vlitaoem. tet. vitt or wi*lrout board. Dnaasu AAruE. 40-tf FOR SALE-A 7 rooai bon- Ou m- Kiabes, mm Stwart Ave. logquit. o!fR FO AL E-.oot o! Pcelmi, prlated lu 1718, caps, o! New Yant Journal, 1728, caps, 0INok ont 'i1783. eantalnlng' Wasigonac 4tewouu Adinsas ta i Arns,,mhmo caps, ai 01.er Vo. Nov Tort Gaxtte, eontaiug Waeh- lingtole D eat, dtd Jan. 4. 1800, Addreài 1718. lsugPgNDMsrOffce. 188 FOR 8AILE-Flock o! chicheus mostl I bits wjrmmdot.. HmasaBLtLey. I I *1 FOU SALI-A <1mW ïildlngLad -dril*e pocy. Id. a. CoLs,. , 042-tf FOR SLE-Tai tboa.md cabbag. md d u. Rg-- beka 0 Dpo.Plac J.E.-Z' na c82t FOR SALE-tIno six-toae paver pont- ,:i.engineaummibolier.hn e condition. TMcovser ba&ma'up. far IL Enqulra elt 1115Grad ave. Waukegan, 111. 28tf FOft SALE--Oms 120 sunPrairie BIais and twa 250%wggIf adol lucahator, but1 lttie uod and ln excellent condition, &ic several brooders of varioncsiake.. Addreca P. 0. lýox 3. igti&MndPark,1 lni. e-25-tl FOR SALE-Darred PlymoutBc fq or bel duilute «»«na Phou9dS.Lierî,vlie. 0-3, I I FOR SALE-id16 sngrbue. Icquir -- -- JE.B N--Lh rtvll --l c- -- [FOR SALE--Oui.mareof good laud, ifhidlMg »w boume, banm »d bledi- »hop; viii ssii blacksmtb *001.. Plety ofi good vate. *Eveytbleg in 11» condition. J. Pacega. oeviýllLi FOR 8ALK-Or Wii traie1or-a Nglrn drive,, an 8 car old work bors, wel- t'a 1250.9J. Eas..., Gaeae 111. 088 FOR SAL-Tva ota onen f3eol t. vitt large bam n md yougIut nee Inul, ic. .-veiSeoo e.102t E- Ioi M ORUT FtOR RENT-An slght room bouge 0o Orcbafd Street. Cali on Mdas 31. A. ýPaovrn, Libertyville, 111. c-33-tf I I f VANTEDI IWANTEO-A god, strans, girl for @tore lor kitehen, kiten preierr.d. Good vs..Jocrutm', Libertyville. MONE-Y TO LOAN 110MEY TO LOAN-On improve. larme St 5 per cent. Dymasu &ÀA UTi; I MISCELLANHOUS FOUND-A pocket book containug ai Oumn af anans,. Ovuer cmn bavemmre bs, provins propents, sud pesing fanrche ad. 34 I - Ti el,.noelMme .of bai-.e e# vira, weL. glvaniued. The sias araana co- tinunaivireaesrass the laterai viref, csecurifsfa.tened witb ràsinooh lIt, maaing a good caiid.mliff Senc.Haêfce 20 et. pet mii, 7 viç., 43 Iluches hlgb, 27 ets, 0 vires -.49 luchesigh, 8&l, 12 vire., â8 in bah. 80 cuet. Bath vi.826 pr10 uai. ec atapic le u itees u ae GOLD FILLES) SPECTAOLES-with caraful tut lnélnded for 81.00 and up. gave soun pressott iemm cangoii an bave nov irames for yo0, rpseIt raies. .IYruesthat hold vtt coafat, froan, $1.00 soi no. Mactensie's drug store Lb. Hexali Dnug iLote, corner Gee et., and Madison Waukegmn, III. c29-t Ljay ln -Your Page Fence Supply WbIIe Cost Is LOW XI'. the vise farmner that catches the bargains. Page Wovusm WIe FMXicei cheaper riglt mow thun ans, yesr luni tshistary. How long the market yull maintain ttc pres. etlow pice is a prablein. Hence evers, fariner lu tItis section wha wili have ueed ai fence vithia n year shoud lay in bis aupply at once. It may mean a saviug afj mans, dollars ta you. You are familiar with Page Fence -made cf flgh Carbon, Opea- I-earth Steel \Vîre. hitha% the farnous page Kno-tho only Knol that ca' came off. ts treugtb 18 simpîs, tremendaus. ia elastic- ity je greater hau' ans ather vire fence ou the market. It la the tuost ecouosnlcaf, moues, sud labor-saving lence you cabs bus,. Saves sou 50 posta every 100 rods, beaides extra stmples aud aveat-of. thc-brow. Tell yoau r neighbos about aur special loy pnices on Page Fente. We carry a fulll Hue, including Standard Stock Fence, Hog Fence, Paultrs, Fence, etc., etc. Don't fail ta sec us wliile pnace ia loy. Cou on or woetç to Auidatliemt, V. P. R<oo, 902,1e ub4N'SttOtic CIICAGOO LS. lêb Piling *.Ulm FOR Sm U. Y. Sthcs mmd vue t.C. L. .uà filaAX Wiliey, lot 6, Frank Procton's aubdivilou, Oraylake, W. D., $2,860. A. E. Wteeler and vite ta, Adolpb Monsen, port block 16, Pont Clintan, Highiamd Park; v. d. 81.00. B. A. Taft mmd vite et ai1 ta Wm. Noebc, iotasud &M17.tloek 1. Rocke. toiler; v. d. 8500.00. LAesM. 0004 ta T. B. Donnelios,, lot 5, Atttridgc eran Sob.. Lobe For- est; v.d4 1A.0 U. M. 0004 ta B. N. Scatt, lot 4, Atteridge Tarai Sub.. Lake Forent; v. d. $1.00. L M. Gond In T. B. Donuelîs, et ai lotb 1. 2 and 3, Attenidge Para Bob., làt. Foret, w . du. 83.00. . U M. Good tu W. P. Martin, lot 6, Attenudge Fa,, Sut., Lae.Foreenit v. i. 81.00. Mns. G. H. Peunen ta R. C. Fennen, 5 lots, North Chicago; q. c. $1.00. Wm. Brmai ad wlvit taJoseph Delbmye, iota 31 and $2, block 1, Hayt'a Ho-Sut., Hlgbwood; v. d. $1.00. -U Y. Suie. ta Ida M. Site., lot 7 3Prootors LPub.. Grays Laite; v. il. $425.00. Sarah MçDermuaidintaAlice S. Me- Ccli., 40 acres in N. W. quarter Sec. 12, Waucauia Tvp.; v. id. $1.00. E. M. Clark and vif. ta, R. 0. Kani. ler, lots 1 ta 4, blaci 8, Rockiand, leke Bluff; v. d. $1200.00. Mary J. Blackburn ta W. W. New. caaib, lot 8, block 35, North Chicago; v. Il. 8500.00. Frank White and vite tu I. J. Dun- ning, lot 6, blockt 2, Duvit»sub., West îBide. Waukegmm; v. d.. $2000.00. .Iemnette Mente and tuabani ta A. J. Miarks, lots 16 aud 17, block 16, Deerfield Park. W. D>., 11.00. J. B. Haie ta R. W .Dow, lot 10 block 9, North Chicago, W. D>., 1200. H. J. Dunning and vite ta Ir. P. Whsite, lot 4 block 3, Farteras subi- vision, W, D., $700. 3taude Collieta W. J. Mecha, iouth- 59 feet lot 8 and south 59 feet mccl 3U feet lot -7 blockt 42, Highland Part, W. D., $10, Frank Steindoorfer and vife to Bernard Wegeaier, lot 14 aud part lot 15, village o! Foraville, W. D>., $500. Peter Pearsnian d vife ta J. F. Le- blmd, lot 5 block 14. Washburn Springs Waukegan, W. E>.,1,700. Slaster la Ctanccry ta Joseph Biata. lot 11, Cedar Park la section 34, Anti- adi township, dcci, $22.14. Ellen L. Van Schalek ta H. H. Dots, must bai! o! lot 3- block 24, Highland Park, W. D>., $6.000. Trlnity Protestant Epiccopal chuncli a! Highland Park ta EUten t. Van Ichaicit. vestt ait of lot 3 block 24, Highiland Park, Q. C. D>., $5. C. T. Comstock and vite taO0. .. iilu, jota 7 and 8 block 8, Appleton'a subdiivision, Barrnugtoanud1aid-d joining, Q. C., $1,000. iD. A. Grady uni vite ta Samuel Zat- talit, lot 16. tIrais, & Hallawellca sec- ond subdivision, Waukegan, W. D., $400. Edwin Austin sud- vite ta Lylo Smith, lat 6 block 16, Wright'@additiou ta Libertyvulit, W. D.. $1. D, D. Kerr aud vite et al ta Wm. Wllmington, pari northeast quiarter section 33, East Antiach township, W. D., $500. Mars, M. Shaw sud huebani ta Carl, Bcheld( lai 107 lu Shavo subiision la section 35, West Autiocli tovnship, W,.ED.. $300. Fnida E. Kaccar aid hushand tu Bic, abeth C. C,. George, praperts, occupied hy dGeorge's restaurant, Wauttgau, W. D>., $15,000. Frida E. Kaecmr and tusbandte, Henrietta C. Bvanbraugb, lot 2 (ex. cepi norti 24 test) block 9, original Waukegau, W. D., $4,600., E. A. Cammings sud vite ta H feuri- eta C. Swaubrough, lot 15 Cummings .& Conspany's North Avenue addition tu Wauicegan, W.ED.. 11400. Samuel Cole ta Hciusuth Milt.zow, lot 4, Colt's subdivlals near Zion Cits, W. E>.. 81,000. Joseph Delhayc aud vite ta N. A. Wink aid wlt, lots 31 aud 32 block 1, lHayt's resubivision, Highland Park, W. D.. $2.500. L. J. Yeoman et aI ta Litti. Tort Club. the Yeoman home ouObheriia rond, Waukegan, W. D>.. 110,000 . Eleausor R. Coiburu sand huban4 et el tu, Mlidred I. Beatty, part lot là blouit 66, Highland Park. W, ..p C.d E.S3e m ife t ~ç <oel~18blci4, Waukeg*s" gln leneis, North Chicaa, W. lx,, 00.. 44100 Stttasd bumbuaifotaryus A. Oyerom. 1à acres lW soathat ngr. u"M 12, Wist AsstioýsI $0 04 emes uisv9-=Qso r~~ATHON TOMB - Labo Counts, Tille & Trust Co. imrcts cf MTtie..Ti tl.'A tuaraateed Maouik, Teample ldg. %%n nraa, liti, Lutim J. t;.iNLE. Sec:y. C. WHall an md vi!. ta Robert lum p- son, part, lot 11, Winihrop Harbor, 10 ace, W. D., $800. J. S. Pratt and vife ta D. E.-Prat part veut hall! ofte cautheat quar- ter wof W rlroad la section 10 ln Deerâeld township, Q. C., Il. ýHeurs, Hobein and vit. ta G. E. Van Hàîum; 38 acres in sections 33 and 34, Cuba township. W. D., 14,797.60. P. A. Montgomery and ,if, ta J. B. FRY, lot 3 block 3, Montgomerys ro.ebdivislom. Higland Park, W. D., WMTA'1ER stress of madness or of crime VVgfljrack tie word thbt,ço*pnant sublime hs ,oW s.càve tirougi ail tii.storns 0f urne. lau ui4etho na.m o f union yet more sweet. Tftnw fine over &il the. land is boru; . ~ Ovethe. cotionls snow mimd iken corn wli The. porthlundsouti claâsp -hands 5.nd faceth o 1 "nd gray strow flowors witii love's perfurne. ffl-.aa wreath to strew on Lincoln's tomb Wme th«:pw ord "Union" omg of fragrant bloom. Norndpa tels a story to the child upon -is Ahoul tie dreat bit war that helped ta mako the. nation free,1 And *ile she drema of future days (they'll corne 80 50013, 80 hiti) The. veter4n of '61 15 drcaming of the pait. IL Came FNeur Ueing the Destls ef j. bey, the Painter. Napaucon Bonaparte. -as la vei kuovu, vas in the habit cf vaikug vlth bis arme crocati uoanbic cheat and Isead siightly bout for -van. Isabes,. tUcpinter, vas at Maimai- iON nud te ad ome of Lhe OraLcon- eol'c sida-de-camp were baviug a garms of leapfrag ou the lava.. Isabesbi alreedsJumPed ave, the lieus o! Mm toftem vheu et the turuing of à pth ho espici thast plssor, who, lu tiserequlite position, icuci ta to vaitlg for tte ordeaL iambes, pur- Mm icscourse. vttout ooblug. but toi tsIc lIght 5 isu alscomis, ta ~11 b th ter's ebuldsee»IludboIt g*M ««verand aver n l le cea& 26 ZI bW ame,.constermtklo.,Irsusp- = j! lovplaYor turnswdeut f»he .vWo sot up iaeipbat thc "-b u ner, «14 dIpfbsbic i;e&- mSdupan tttcfl«Mmmte 4 ibey, luelUr *UeISsqftct-> tUt o uning t" ai ieeu, t tat bÏM h0010 AC&- lumalus t8e litcais.di- vldiag the propertt ram tê tue gn. gat over tte valu sud aever atappaca util. branthlesi, te reached thtesute of tht Toilerie.. Isabes,. tt was added. weut Immedi- ately tto Mme. Bonaspîrte*s apnrtmnecîc. and ste. after haviag lagbed nt the mishat. îîdclscd hlm ta it low for a Uttie tthiie. B3reaking il Gentiy.. "We wom('u lave atili much ta flght for,"' said an equni suffrage atan. "Our battit wil e oag aid diMeucit. Weil, [et Us frautîs, admit lt-.tbe e nothlua ta lie gnluiedbys scb rose cel orei phrases as William Whiteam.- plos.. "WlUlam Wbltes brother btS illc a manmln col blaod. "'Wall. William, boy about sour brother? a visîtor ta hti Lou aake hlm one day mter the triaL "'Wall.' »aI William, IthoWve put tinsln Jali for a moutiL' " 'ThatV s natter llgbt msoumcefor a cou blooiei murier. astI IbU»mmm « ue, mai,'Willim adumisI,'but at the niont' end Uie.,re golag to hmag VOTES I1LD eV VOLIVA MAJORITY Dverseer Sald ta have teen Coateaid ta Oct Independent View But Bryant lne Spea ksa nd Othirà are Squclched-Alleged Attempt Mode to Staal Receiver'a Mallng List cf Iflvestors-Latest Developments. -la at ilsc York. ed etnt; Pressr edwno % Dvine o! newabotk sud Dr et he oaii o s of ter 'Na eld Gen. George M. Pýternberg of W&W Ington, treasurer; Dr. Henry Jacobs of Baltimore, SecretMr; xj Dr. Livingoton t'arrand of New uk executive 'secretary. zret4f' Theodeer itooseveit and Dr. William Osier are honorary vice-presudemm. No Option to Voliva. Thc answer ta Mr. Ucbtyle Inq-uir la that the recciver ha» not depmtG~ fro>n bis cstabiicbed pollcy. snd bu ;4ý flot given an option to, Vit. %& overseer bais cteadfaatly retused UM option on the entire estate to amy co", snd bias refuscd ta hive au option to" Ovreer Valiva. He lmsistud m an absolute offer of purcbas met be md.The demi wblcb bas beonmai la la the nature of an option to the la., voutors vho may acceot or ruina.I au tbey ce5 t. May Tum Dova Volva qi. It là veli Vithin the range 0 Posai- bilIties that Uhc offer oW voli9 ma3s baethrned dovm by theinvector la, substantial msjority of wbom dg mot' vote lu tavar 0ofILfi heaie viinot ho made. Those wbo tal to vote on the offer wiil b. recorded.-as votimg agaînat Rfi their negative action. AppqInt Committee. The recuit o! the Indignation meet- ing vas the appolntment 0f a cornadt- tee wbo vIii interview .Judge LauMf with a view to forcing the recciver ta malie a 1wltb the Adventis4 te O the sale of the college building. The, receiver catmot do this whil. lb. cf- fer of Voliva for ai 0f'te ttcsais. la Pending. The coiios building ib, a part of thcecotte wtIob. la ifleluc la the offer. Wbat la more te.h Point, the Adventions are m tlu &g. sitUon lt, cose a dem i athe cprtosi titn. Ead theY acted sanser tb.y couid have accured the boiding bfu wbich 850.000 ,1sa aked. They a Fet noeItrt if Uic demi with voit"s sa Dot rmtied by the inventers. Agiftor $70,M00froin 1J, ogdcuAi, mour ta the Armour Institute or Te nofl JrB a mnouncd vester4at' ig President Franii W. QunamauiF. ?Trsb giut waa made must belore Mr. Ar, moue@slrocent departur, for U»Mo", bat bsd Rut been lutie Public. .1 tOPYr,rht. 1910, by Amoilcîn Proas Aeeiction.] ~ T'rsàw Lincoins triumph. Oer i tomb Th Tiioctury plant of faune burst into bloonm. A~nd ailtii. earth was filled with is perfume. IT was me ot that ina that selfsame year MW iesb above hh land should wholly clear &U thO. lait clouds of' section disappear. l'O tb.t as lsown droan. Ho s.iagt to write ~ ~ t* o. wod--Union.», On the. futures heigit it n@ W j huten in otornal Iinet. Thar Voliva bas leen ljsy huyiug ;'P tcit d'jri,.'te îasr tiret or four aonths sud now bas possession o! mare tian a na.ioritY o! the securities in the assertion ruade by stauinch foi- lo0wers, via a"sert that when the sale o! the estate to Voilva la put toaa vote 01 tihe lnvestors a large msjority wIlli vote !avarabiy. Voliva fi.;ltown ta bhl a large number of proxies and foliovers bave la many cases turaed theln stocks aven ta hlm ta b andit as he secs fit., Vlilva Stand$ Pot. If thet daima o! the jealous follava are truc the vote by the inveatans viii b. a moe.formalîts,. incse Voliva dos Owu audi cpntnoFa ana jonc 0f tue Stock it le cOnounted that te stould te given the control o! Uic property of Ùle estate. Volîva le not cayiug a Word for Publication, but la standing Pat anii-lootiug vice. lie agala praved that te la a gond Politicien YesterdaY. vten te prcactcd tva powerful sermons on "'Torgive. neccc" aud "Love'. fHe tated tbst hb. stands remdy- ta torgive ail of thoce vho bave la trenuausly OF1osmed titi, and tht le laves ail tic cuemoies and viii veicomle then, bsck ta the !old. Bryant oppose* Baie. Overceer Bryat spokte an the cub- Ject of tht cale a! tte cîtate to Voliva et 'a meeting heula Inthteadministra. tion building ai Il jo'clock Bunday. mornlng. Bryat le strongis, opposed ta Volivs rtgaluing ful1 contrai of the temporal affaire of ZMon. Escelver Gus D. Thoma. vwas progent ai Uic Bryaut' meeing, but vas onot permit- ted tn cpeak In hic owtà defense. A man namei FerrIn, vho a lc elIkuavu la Zion. atttmPted ita pcak out lu meeting, but mmc prevented tram <giv- lng expnession to bis viewa. Thereare a fev o! tht Indépendenta via favar tht sale ta Voliva, and be- 1eVe thmt tte eud o! bis relgu lu Zian would be esatencd by unboaadlug ail o! tht praperty on tint. Thes, argue that tte load vîli "break tis bact'" iu a short time, as te aircais, bai ex- tremeiy heavy payanents ta make, av- eraglng atout $15,000 every, tva monthe for the nert yean. Thes, argue that Voliva viii be farctd Into, book- ruPtcy vithiu a year and ttlnk that thc purchase o! tht cotatevii ouly tend ta bauton hie dovafaîl as the ruien af Mfon. Conflint Saie Mode. It i. nov definitely knovn thmt the conffltional sale ta Voliva han teen madle sudialathte appraval af Judge Landie before a court arder la limcued. Negotiatians for a cash offer, It le ne- uorted, are nov belng crrnicd on. Be-j fore the court Order ia ontered permit-1 ting tht sale ta go tn a vote, an op- Partunity wiii t given for tose no .strentuousiy oblcctlng ta the sale to be heard lu optn court. That a reaction will follow the prtm- ent teated agitation and a. caner viev of tht situation viii be taken by Inde-. pendents and Volivans alike la the be-J lie! o! those vho are looking et the iprooitian in an uaprejuiced vy. There h i;asa danger that business t mca wili become disgusted vith t actions of thec cizens sud viii avoid locatIngin ZMon. There lis utile dan. ger o! tte demi vith tte Cook Electni- cal APPliace Comipany !alling through as they have paif italof!tce purchase t pt1ce o! the prlntlng and publlahunÈ li bonse. uniesa tht Cooks become dis- gusted vith the factional stnife sudCm decide ta locate eistwhere.V That Ovenseer Voliva and ctveral a! bie cabinet vert coucealed lu offiesa In the Admninistration building Sun- day morning snd teari ailio! Oýver. ceer Bryant'B adires la a cehargeo maie by Independeuts. Leadlug Voi-I vans vho vert Prescut and board ttce addreas characterlze It as vers, veat and tame. Iht iensuacialmed that 0 Voliva tas droppei his titi. o! suc- 0 cescar ta John Alex. Dovio and la nove depending on hls owu prestige and mc- 0 camplishaients as tis basi. o! author- 84 Its, and daim ta oleaienhip. XI ia cbarged that a leading Inde- pondent attempted to gain admission t, ta tht Administration building fan tht purpose of abstnacting, recordsansd files tram the necelvera office. It 1o utlleved that tht mailing ]fat cantain- f, ing thec asmes and adairessea o! ail« o! the lavestors vas tht muni sougit fen document. It la knovn that tht ladePeniesîts Plan ta Write ta ail of 1i tic Investors sud tUis mailinglostu vouli ise a! InvAlable assistance Iota WOmeIn ta11 BeseaLandia'. b 9onduaiet tceBrymnt meeting vU- men luveatora mat on tte platfanm snd gonday a. an. thes, eirqoimied petîtiona tl as thes, did Baturday and Sondas ci asking people to sign "ta beip cave our- tomes and Our Offleede&." The vomen lu a delegatlonof!§Q00 Or more vUIi themuevos bear the pet- t8tioa10Jud» Lend.and bmai Mm Le c«U off thc Voliva del. IndePendents are boudina every ,- Il . 1 il COUIETYOPLia. ' In the Couuty Court .tI Lae Vouaty., lu the niatter. of the filil stlmI.j the etate 0f William J. Fuller dieuiffl. To Car> Fulier, Russel R. *0*1e* Rîbel 0. Fuller, boire ai 1mw of u decedeut: Take Botter bat ou the 27tb day of Juno, A. D. 1910, a% tamn o'clook s .,or- a& mnon tberealter seths matter camb heard, y.he und.nsigut'd viii preesatu ttecVouais Court at the Court llos. Je, the City~ ut Waukega, lu thet oiunty et, Liste, lic final ecrc e a sinisltrtria" of **lid csaesu d ms% ibat the «marnee appraved; that m@&idite.h. declarsi eottled maBd tih. udersigued di.cbasri1 Irom ils snid office;, et wtleb timeandm place sou are notllhd ta b. presAili ~ou »0 desire. --- Ilmisi et Waukcgsmii Ii., May x27b A. Dl. 1910. 85-lt CARYNai I MFrLtEI(. Adaululàtatmrixof tb. estate of William J. Fuller, deceauoi. Admînlutragors Sale. STATE OF ILLINOIS,15 Oouv.iwrLsxu. I..j lu ttc CommIs, Court of Lake ConnUy.. James L liayer, Administrator of lhe cotai. tof Henry id. Wlilaanc, de îramd,voXanbe Aa. Wbitney,.çhoie Wili&W, EmerW. iillia#>,Ahi..W bd. Vld.iMarthe. A. Rid. ahotu Reid, Corth B.Hu onW i aud Rugs bl1d. J.here m aiHeurs,19. WIlliam., ecmd _ad L=uis R iIblaey md Jlia . lchmnk, ds<cmd. . Publie notice l hereby gir'en tta< -h urousnces 01dec,,.mde mnd enterod. yU cMid cours-ln tii. ahave entlted Bcu on the 26th da'y of May,, A. D. 010""ma in pureimuee o o fter orcers of ce" court, 1. James L Swayer, admîmietia. anr of the ostate ai1fHeuryM. WinllaWt lecoesd. Ïvi iou Thuredas, thetchotca 0f Joue, A. D. 1910. et the bous, o! eleven o'clock. in the forecoon a% Lb., at door efl te county Court itomm of Lak. Coonts. lu thc City, ai Waubeffl, couaIs, aiLaike. and giti.o! line oel et public v@ndui ta th. bigion &Q~ beot bise, for cash ia band,.ail ad singular the followiua deociib.d pyomises ,ad remi estate lan id deero. amentlosed. tomit:, A tuaucotead luterestinluLot one (1) th Block nerf(1) lu Litwrtiyviile, helug a oudlrsion of a part of Lot fourteau (14), Setin ixt-.en (16)>lu Towncbip fort-foon<(44) North, Rlange eleven (11) @60t 0f1ithe l'ird Printipai l lidian. m eûbdlvldoii by, the &hool I ruitesof. said Tam uship ln Laie Counts, llinole, rccordinq to the plat thèreoi. recondcd, Norscm4r I131h. A. D. 188in Ba ook A uf Plate, page 42. No demi ur dd wiii mii 1dêlivenci ta, lhe punehoer or purchasers util ccci, caie'tas been neporteii teanmd epprovole stendCounts, court. ba=detWaokegmu, fil., IMas,27tb, . . 11. AtiAdmintrator et the souateof,< Henry M. WWmlae d ý KNIOE &RAY, ., 1