1~ t = 1~ w' ere just wba-t>yý> __ I I I ~'t-~ - "S7a"Talçum Powùer.. Amour's highly, perfi»ned1 'fineet quality taleum, -t1hd1 25e can, tins eaeh .. . . .. . . Perfimed Talcm Powdut. Large assortmezit 4jffer- eu>t maeibto closeu;ti punr Va bave j.& ;a .ut g imw ail " 1kvt1boa in white nad ,ô om. su ~44.shP et priffl w1ý)th Winlmake etnor Yrd;....19C et om3y, Yard ...... et eoir, >rd.........5. 750 in 10w neek sleeveless t& style., i low neck wing 154 aleeve style.. le ,-ilow neck shield M. alesîeve style,- in--w high neck' long te 2 u ile e v e s ty le . .ý. ' , 1- 1 Pauta. At12M umbrella style, ankie. &Ss leugth, style., At 0Tight knee style. At 1ow neclç s1eevelesd, M50 tight knee pu~te., At 50e higib nek long- sleeve te 1.50 ie pants. At 1.00 kw neck sileeveless te 1.00ankie length pants., eM7hlow -neck sleeveléess $14» umbrella knee.. 8tizei 24 to 34u-ages C to 16. ~At, Veas, long or short 'Ï50 éleeves. .Atl . Draw,* knee or au- 24p leluencth.I-1 At Union SuitA in new-, 50 Mst style athietie neck,' no aleeves, full open body, open crotch and knee lengthi. UUGrw0e* At. Vests, whitp *ýttÔ,' !ce low neek, l1i lt Vests and -Sa#ts, lie white cottQ* au . At Vests and P le né. mother's, anlgjm t 220 Ve@ts , td Ruts, tg 34c whiWé balbn y, i ail sizes and 4rent styles.. 'At White Boceà>at& 50. aLs 3toi Union "IMe L cotton, al Muslin Ud~ ers forli many styleýýu dept. 2nd 49e dQwu t**ý% axùd 15ç At 'Ventsen14».e M5 light halbriggans., At Veats and . raweirs, 30 .regular bliin fne wie ftop er- sey ribbd ~twol' sanitarystye t. Veats and Drawerg, 1.0sanitar y su-mmier wool goode. A( Unid4Suits, athletic 10 neck, no siceves, foI open body, open efotch, aîîkle length drawers. two tàmoup im'es WC lto Offel sewhere. Thî*re -are so .. ee Ismeely a, matter of pe p requli ln pèke, wefËhtl*âl triai in bl4ôid&uTbrIoW nd blacà, $1.00 sU <or.........m 50e size for........30 -ail sizes, diosa goo 8peciat im LOT A-The co4*in this lot ne efultl5 juches a9d';eomë grav and tnnterialts. Splendid vue-, fý$ former price. Prices, were $50.~a -oall priee, Lot a. colora I¶htmy,%I1ýt blue, ]lsv . k gv 'fi =an ud blecal, and te t .aluea~~ ae 5gpe.Price. wers $,$22 60 sad$56LamP 0.11 rice, &H t. T4!tqeéj- Wool C1a 0 Lot A. The co4W i 4 ~t e IAr il56 l2'b«ansd tomme in ngrysd t0t» Ob 7*9laldvin. pris a ,araI Ls3LO o i Step 'vbemurge and the p9plardiagoiuul eloath, otbler 1oi.as gsch è, :a, gray or brown pe,, wer. SIOjo 9 % 1 ta 11price 1 lat C..-,Tb* populas i, ud wWùte check 9 ost iaïd a lew n*ovj, bille c-4è t &sai inedan 117 5 tarra1d fnc~t$ied stYles, wzuAer Prce Special valttes in lawn dresses, .lolors bMme or pink, in faney éffecta, *& at*4.98anj..ý.........0 - --. .Ask to sëe our'specet. White Linon adLlen Inn"iiiWuWt. «A large s.ud âcomplote linse oplar. les in soxfte of the bust ttting modeli ever ed i tis city. Prices i range fr9ný $7.50 to.......... White oun-irtWas. 'A& special price for tin, aI' 11 Regular $2.25 values at.. Tis big'lineis so vast iàd s. fUIliof besgains that we juat gve tbe.pFiee range fromi*.E e..e. Broken lies'and odd *msfo our Iatele. Values up tÔ .00'E> ýfom ý By tar the lrgest and moet complote Uine ever dis- plaved in this city in ail the new deuirable ityles as wefl gs the rock bottom pric-ed stýurdy otaples. SIn plain staple fast black 'cottoi, At 150- Ribbed top, inaco foot and plain6o4qàim. At P3Ui faAionéd high splicred hé*;s, oui sisei, ribbed 2e 1 bbed tope. white or niaca spW, ftitgartér toy '!&ï%hcy embtoidel% and coldfýi i*pinIbierlÇ pongee and white. At Garter top, Ii.les, aplit foot r full foshioned Qplied 35C heel. v At-Fancy.,embroidery on blaëk, full Une of new colons, 5O garter top.lisies, ot.sizes, et. W& î&Fncy embrpidery gooda, lace: pleets and Maes- Hlos5iery At Igancy colors ini high At "IBotou Terrier" 980. grade liste. 1e- %4 bust ever, At 500 Black silk hose. 4 . to Oell at 15e At , strong line in auèbas, f ine nib; ied- 25a knùwnbrands,, sucli iu i bb*a n b. as'?'& 4terwoVen , ofLIEUSý i"Queen 4iality" and' f13may u b SBlacks, .tans, grayË wto... *iW.a .Ak tom 'tAt lm id.ij~olQ7"the 'fs 4 S2-2eUe ~réaci eel s»d tous.Br"UV# for th*, pe&.la Tant. - k and f.Wa 1% iam b)ek ho. udthe.in Ai§ uBtu. Woaor Mx. 't-., Lhutt.d ~i -4--,.. * - 4