TrYVILL l'OR SMI av J. ELI -RIGGS Piton. 25 Phtone Ifyou @ver purcha s-anthng li, . ha doesn t give yâocmplete satUa<actionve vaut .Yeu te Corbie and tellu, and 817o us a chanS o te make good. That', te"wvIve bulit np a steady trrde. Ne.malter itov barm >"u are te pleas,'e, gnarantee to pleaus you-tryunu. VoeWue tGSotgew.8eVh4, ad guaranteetos1uit - yur iai an yor pokL bk ' W. havé ail ltenov,- utyisi shpe.andsbaoe-udourhais net only look weil, but vair veli. EVEUYTUIN(r FOR KEN. Rvèrythhw* for tienLIBERTYVILL8, ILL. Seus about 5TAVER BUGGIES MYft to select from. Goa.Pics su bw~ wt& a reputa6oo ad kmow what le The Staveris a Staver. 'M. Ty to think of oeothlug mors deurable for agf -Ty te1k 'ofM muehing more tasteful, moreuiabie, iosol gt.Ii.or hheahke Il la àa l& guas as ve, tOldyoZrlunthe lraaine Ilma up loto nome o ae- e ot oImlu el. diuol.Is t.ufoueveri Wlgost tle socuer. Ow, aI chatever juricu T. býwa*p4 lôd in,*#e lardepoo.' "n, .e0v mt tte Ilath.oic.nolter su' Tv"l of.5 ash eek. Muer- flteure. *60sCl.i, ore asbod to tek. PAfIllil~hil~te NuISeqhct. Nov yqiàaatit tuanaa.. ati»sud ai tIROund Laite, Jui'y Bd Ntslop cas 4 Ubîcao visiter <lail Kasr vont te Chicago Tue@. d" 04 a buesasse trip.' r Oes Kaiser, of Cieuga,,pent sun- day vltb bis parents. , ra. N. A. Protine vas a Chicago busInes callr Mondai.- *"&malI money lesoes," saye a bead- lune. No ature lakint thon. Ui. Attorney Mlet la steadily lu. Provins trou a rares: opererlon. ?or.anMdlira, W.. Vuw vongueula of plils VIe rulatives.gndy. liisoesEdti and 1h51Spul n t ps 0 unday vtb fieulaet streksAw. rsJ.HEL Vab, oMivwasme, iàvielt. la lr. "d it&e'. 0 . Cevand. Frank Toutei o f Clo, I6 1u ls omploy of P. BodusIan, tb. barber. Sort, Moalue2,190t ir. aMd lirM JO"s Pet, Ob $&0pomnl so. miss HelsvIWi e .lus lie gumstof t15 Bon» hfoairMas ocefelie, huadsy.1 ltbe lobe Cousty board of nsview are1 holdiong 15 lines session ai 5h. court1 boues. TIere wlll h.a concert lu th. park (t-.ngNS) Thtfraday, veather' pet- mittlng. mi"e Mabi.,lester", of the télephon. office, bas rturnel trou a tvo wcuba Vacation. Mr. sud Mmre.B. Sprlug, ot Racine, arm viltiug relatives in Libertyvie and FOI IM thiesMmor 5h. fise arllablto kWi y-9 aCcrdlug ýtOrepomrts Oq the scieises. M- x8Kulnir bu retnrmsdfrom Wsuuba -as. viSe'h. Vlad" ber *e.Ms Raai m -rim Se t .LevremosMW dion $Mda"afterooe as 8:80 o'eloc Nvstybady vslents., Mn. Danis1«esbau returnsd trou Ravsnaood. wvbsre . as 4 gnum of relativis for mi"ea a. eTi"i Chapter of ths Weetmlnater Ghand Wii muet wlSl ' ire. VY» de Er"e TnssdaY evening, Juans2851>. BOUs Taylor ln agala with the baud wlth hil cornet .- Tbs bave a imad aection that canneot bu exceflr. lir. a"id lit. IF. S. K@rn, Attorney MacOuflin. J. Ell Tnlggsand Fred Croker ors ChicagO, vietore Monday. Mrt. and lMra Fred Dewey, of LaUrauge upet Sunday vith their cousin. Mtrs. F. 0. Cleveland. Thé J. I. Cas TbreSb>ng Machin. Co., tmaklai preparationa to build a large f0udry at Labeside, a suburb of Racine. l'Parmer, appreclate veather lIe ve bave been bavlng the part vub, &@ much, as do campersand base baill Sans. Thes soda fountals are much sougbt for these deys and Our conlentionere euetanlY now bave the laugh on the coal - Mira. Dr. Chuirchill aud ebtidren have1 fsturnuii d é hicago. chers theyq vleited friendo and relatives Soturaay1 and ganday.1 lIamilton Browne. promoter Of the Màengo-garvard electrnij alvay, emaya1' thit cars wlll'be runng over the nov ead by Septeauber 1. & SraveI10g saodY, vo are told. bas amde lte mlmerable for the womsn la !.lbertyvlle duning the weeb. Mb. vas "Sorne stiober" tbey aMy. ginuiViora Churchll, stenographe at the Bholdon Sebool, le spendlag ber Ivo, 0 we ëvacation with friendeand rela p tivu lunMesay county. The MmnWho persista là putlmIgb'q bmd aMd arme ont of the cor vtudoir Muet h. a lisS cousin to tbe awokl blow Wbo lumps ou màolng cafta lire. Ryle Bartboiemev am ou» 1 resurnsd tuliadison, Wl., after betag astse'toisd by Msi*d"he VoiRuAm of lhe Neveaeý mt«L 0 N A e,*l Y 10Ni viin bec&* of ths Loveil Drng Co., veut te Cbkesg. louday al a partof bis propras dmimg Isevacation. lId" 04D *Bcidmels and Mamie Nleyer maw M»liehop at Bicbnawi' Parilio., Lak.Z.pcb, laturdayevremns. The L14e w ssuty Telephone remed 400 cross arute 'k'eey, chhîli ll te usel la extendfpa liebusinessfroan bere te RoektonuIlnÏd eut of Wnconda. Robent B. lSotI, of the Milwaukee road, is %t~ Tomahawk Lake, Wl-. angling for aq* ln e lu s1h fine that Muay comae lu totolith bi@ teiupting hait. The Ladies'AMd Society of the Id. E. churci, viii 1051a Red, White aodi lns Bossaion 'is lawn'0f H. B. Eger, on tàt*Naôiop ad vung af Juans 24. Everyboir fbvh.d. C-38-2 tbaébe Apples sd Jacob Boyes vers Cbles vWtq MAady. Thé former alib ~1W u~Mle ~proopsotive suse q*#r bî4 imoon0h. eeMenoy. Ing UÏW s »Wir*about. A Waa*gm mm le cbargod vith s»- ffiSwulia wh PennleoR ta consà doser vlitb vlev to restoring ber joug mons m e' s lgthe swltciqnfa cufi1,oaascaled lu mner t ullW ie i*Wgulgrbine bmlng ou a vacation rotr Ibsot bing.' erKvByron Colbv, Joe lurry Lme Durlad Georga Poitou vent le Waokega, viure tbey viiiserve as luroasîn the County Court witb Juige Tero Laie Bluff yonng ladies bave tie booeai tuuetla the tva boxes. of ths gmbeo vab*eTsg Dow. Mauo. bo<i*OM M m is Iuth VIth. oe'UWVsbqk'f0. Total returna of the d« ba9ve wSe»sm 1dven ont. Tbe . I, C.tslnod lb.heYouag Aureli e t e homeso9 MWljeau gowbardg evamiug 0f lu est v i va. of a*MW lmtueas thée vonM aaobmmsO **suamnesmente Indua Il ambob Reese e&MDea srvel. Tbs d1 mouis'have dee'sfdl It h leM e c c alte bili h.siovwaad fias tôr, lue ve has bt.The strangis e ll e lb. barrai andose revolion a minute viiinot sxcsd lhe apeedai ni. Ssretary Monuu' of lb.eVair Assoca- tics vent to Cilcago Frldsy, viere h. met eHuloroffiere of faire in Ibi le rcit viN e y perfeeted speed profrma Jay maye the program viii h.Muc bettur thon beetofore and thes agocia- tion assure. the best of raciug Ibis yer. Almoet te a nuit, those mu"laiy iucined cannot rest thes temptation Of vliiug sthes baud noom during lb t#beanl. Mondai severbl o! the boys vere "tooting" their horneisud betore tbey knew 1:, tbey hai an audiseeof aevenaj. vho vere dravu thîiter by the fine rendition 0f nov piecee. The train due bere aIL 5:14, Saturday e*m>lng. vwu about Sures hourm late, cbleb wsu causai by th.engMinsbeing acitcel t ram thes "regular" te a ?narro gagne" track user Western Av*.. A& sononas the heavy enghtos#truck te u'rng Snack, thes ralil. ffapy, deraiied ansd traffle on thit portion 0t theB systean vas delayed for sous thrie hours. Monday morulug Attoruey Miller.vau ilh. reclipnt o! 40(r voliuse of lb. DWias Spreus aud Appllale Courts, vbici als contain reports and digeets. Tb"y are boan in Buckram., thé. but of blnllng. This nec acquisIIonbu bsu piacedinlunec mecional bonon"qe, lie arre'sgmaut Ieing sncb Suat Il in an eas tesk te procure the der& volume wtbout trouble. Anaong the notai Cbicago YwIl tt Ubertyvi1lis atunds&Y veli*pe EcC198a waccaw e arcbt ot ! lIe Ulaubs IrlndM. IRamull, o01 *,rss oe tbs being diven about bie elty NyV À»"'n AAu tIn, iu tbfi of aeklng aia ltlo Sr *MUMe bjue. LibentyuM e Iosotlbdfor zme- doom of th's aud olie Mbi d ssmlI#orlise ieon th# vijt laob int i*0esmmlb I a Mmre.Frank H. 1'oote. o!fit Dal, made lip ofaSesa mal Sa*urday, sud viii> ber viit ah. prsumtellie forts wath a faIt mple o!, taseorrles @is ralai" Sons o! tise errie sunemaurgi 4« Inces luacetirenuald 39 luches llinatb. Tii.7 are o! a rare varlsty aidfor Inalonanon they are usiellsl. On lia omepjaceMr. oots basa vii p et lu depti, 4 fut of *hleh penetstus a solid rok. Sanplse o! tbis caSer hbas bos uc tout. LD. sftlnI, If ate Cheat at Unhmoa, ho Wnoçlns ber that bisesaaLysia ybows goal modiclual pro)pertWe. ani cl h. ,voutb goal uausey hoay ons booblng fora inveslmut c! Ibis ini. etreets. Ibroughoütt b. clty. As laiMa somne citlas larger. tha" Llbenrpuiiu, propertvn-- permita obuor lous weedâ4. seiN asdo" "nml, burdocb, @ec to remain durlng thb. aumaer, their ripeti ams& blocua on beentlful lawna, lius innoeultin s e di thon mnuioçm. Ubertyvljl.i lffeeu't. Tb. citlzene, a nuis, besp their lavars, apd, granule adjmeent frae"frbêtssepet lia ai lng 1* plsaslnSol o«al 0 Ieeugl but mi cli la liepasser-Ny. Tiisalea gives a Place lis roplallon j éaslq at sud cs, -fSr chicbUbert"sil te aotj. e va d Ii obsoxlous csds l tb. sea la*the vlffl. 'K 7THE WIOLE FAJLY: Iwo uaWrit la *be 4elp Dollar opensa oout fý Iffls rour accuns. DY Aéd Oonb iné b ý'p« wn e the dien. bd ust««- sa Md ot bem4is - ol y by Lm&y. VYLLE Lui.]% Co. c"P. mie INDIEPgNDgNý. has mers sa. WOnb M end le the beet &dvrtffn nufumluLake Oonty. A tlcbing or dry cougb eau b. quiebly I"mend wlth Dr. Shoop'e Conb Bmbedv NO OPIUM, no ehloroform, D thlgOast onr mbl. Sold by ALI. DEÀLON&U4 Do' chmkcO bto CloWsy. Usa Pyrouw Im con set itro. lIe N.,d- Pany. [t bedw loeb .Av-s enough le Wps.f buru al tiaies iaI ceo Oally Tribune op inter 0" s ysar. leu poile. em. ci»e EFS Emi FyvjslesIaum v I. ak,î &Da4 taiiSlgutS na Grove Bun. daW, aMdals o obla inthe Party atlid".. Vin. Wlebrdsa Ban8aevenlng. DSr. J. k Ttyl1Oe Md famlly let Wed. xWsdy b k fr sonNhera lowa on a tas layavacatios. *T4NotnIP vii h. maie lu the Dotr's auito, chleb mabe a jourcer v,0y pluent. Robait VUtobsi, of (lortan, MouiN Dakota, is vialà Isboyhood friand, Dr. J. L Tayor. 'Ti$eàsad that tbey cerM ovleoj, vbijereiating incideus 01 OWNs 111 yet"t thttbY revjewed tbslr 1gises80M 'O agk "much to Ilsa îeMuM-$s of, bblr bearere. MMenOf ý,tb*aIr epsoesab koSremnsen aMd tlae vrltlsseof bas bail the .mame OxP«ISres. wbehob.uvas akbd. Neit! 1%he Lobs Constr Snsday Sbhooje old yasional Ourtb Of JUIY Plcnlc vifi h. bell ut Zion Cl»'. Priss cle ii veà for tbh*lageet attend»an lsoofor tbé largeet Percetag of memberablp la athfdnos.Tber wIPUIbegood speaber. 900d M*.ic:6 go paradesind a gool â»s.<us.GOMof aul-sorte lu the aller- noo. RBt« yur SMnie,' Meool base bail tuba by vrltng toiFred i. HaEWck Boushff OIy4LI Tht»aessbation vili boa fabgdaY SUtMoou' Ubervilis a«. Pe*asaiMa "iasti l orado. Du#,~ *ehs. Md i cOin refuse mte idea "MM Md fili lIeAir, MBo f lie. voie can ala ngb»u tue aie, une shaeTii MllW Portion of lIlwalbee au" lis ~blo" as50 et.,ordit véeplksid Up by tb eemto Ail lias vas notice. aiie voie smuilballao!rtbé, saturasel Mtu *LSosast . a>meéWieor lea verie of LibedNl, sud more of VIfse lt "Carroll and Viesalo. Way aMete bu congralulatèlon Ibeir I&M duai worM ou tagday. tbey bavl.g turuspd le*4.05 &u areuit 0f lbir Ia, 's vonb. Otiere dtd vew oeotling tgo tIe territory,and Diae ortby of proas from svTery band. Durlng laut we* tbe captaluof t lLibertylle worbre, réelvd M au ln ceb fo-010.00, chich imbiben torvarii te Vaubaga to Ils proper oaoler. Uàbevvuls ouera awe bighly apobenq of by Vauhaa par"ie aMl e h worM, vhielle anohber fstb lubintr bale a kuiisua A" » ordnoomsstrom oksslr liaI brou V#ll14 0f Rokelsla, u"ea YMomidi1 vo s arav our M«day. MaroMWanouer poppeil oma osAme& endySo :bu. viesllit*s e". ta disposa otf bis varie for lb. goo" = 1se Tbfttblplay 01 île etoek on bu& 00 m IsMP**s-ad boasmade aI liaI-to Ils pasby that 1* wme Dot 1oig tW b.ho etmnd viti an ompty tray, viebhogave hl M orber 44.05 as à reeult of Is@ entur. Harold le wortliy of blgh pralesaud viii, If Ns onins. u isbelagancemmalu as aisaman, .ay bh.a e rcbanl prince,; g- Capital *$W,000.00 Surplus-and Profite 80,000. 00 Ste kldr's Labilty Totl lO,0oo I Sq. D Biglu 4. 4 S IN AND Tit sbank r n. aos lpçl aie required to sâ S oemdiq~p thrWutg aound tedu* akevMy POUsibe Mha d@ -hm La L.n'ut opoqad N'seventeen Yeuaua, dtdu4inp L",ileoCt in- evS oey m n0the Lnt.a on