CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Jul 1910, p. 12

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i'6Ua ~LMKECOtJNTY. J»m-Pmp ET~RPY" JTTLY 1, M9o', Undermnusils and'summer dresses/are always lb ,dçmnand for they add, more than anye thing'else, to sumnmércom-' forte We have been able to find some speclal ltems.thot are sure to Interest shirewd shoppers. Niècessary !hbngs, the kilnd that' really do give comnfért, atý savings. no one can afford lomiss On second fleur you wifl find thest speclais on exhibit wlth manv others that are Interesttngliecoube of the extra good velues. The assortmcent ls well worth Iooiknqet, end ýve don't wtant you to feel thet you muet buy. Corne just tu get some good ideas. Sale starts et 8 o'dlock, Saturday mornlng. A.E. an Ch' Fer thé. Boys lster iwa Suifs Iu blue, grey or pink, frimmed with braid and soute with large buttons. Many sizes, rangig in price fromn 49e to $300. We have a few sizes in a special lot for 89e 98 iànd soute in another lot for .. ...98 A very large assortnient for 49c. Ail eo1ors, soine trimrned with braid and f fancy buttons, othcrs plain ... ...4 c Baby Hoods We have just recelved from New York a large assartrnent of babys' - summnertoods od straw. They art trimnud with blue and pink, each * nt as dainty anc pretty as ft can be,. Our assortm~errt of lai'e and in- jjjjjâsertion hooda ta very complete having mnany new styles just 49c New% the. Tint for Bathi.g Suifs Half the fun of bathing is in having an Up. to-date suit, and one that will look niee ev- ery Urne you want th put it on. There are mauy suits mode Of gond§ that l to rough and coarse for bathlng, while some goods là. Bo ight that It noyer iocks weil. Our ouitg are made. of wooi and mohair, both Ideal goods for batblng Bute antd tbeg are heçe in great variety. Navy bine trimtned with wite brtt or witis red. Back twtb white or red braid. Many alzesç- Tataing in price train ý0 t ...................2 .9 8 Fancy colÔrs, triried with brald and ribbon. An-auaortmnent that is sure ta have the ane you want. For..................... 1.49 SMOND u>o Mà SECOND 71005 Ail wool ingrain stair carpetii neat ail over patterns. This carpet is the saute on both sides and eau be washcd. To be able to washi th% stair carpet is a great help for the stairs are so apt to get dirty. 27 luches wide, ail wool for, yard .........5 C Tapestry Bruses Staîr Carpet lin green and tan. Tapes- try Bruanela la the easleut carîtet to swesp, and It wears good. Brusselas le made with lttie loops, and thýea. mat dOWD, making tie face of the carpet bard and smooth. and very durable. à yard, 27 inches wide.................. 75c TS FR lU AWSTY-j Roval Worcester corsets, in niany styles. A corset for ev'erv figure at a iue duni cost. Frout $3.00 to............................................ Bon Ton cor-sets of the fiuest naterials The*kiud that will ineet every >requirerneut and give.-the best of wear Good assortutent, from $5.MO to ....................... /Americaît Lady corsets in nmanY styles. A mediumt pried corset foir tasty; dressers. Prieed froni $3.00 to ........ . W Lvra c'orsets of extra fine. mat eîrials and fiting qualities.A Variety of styles and prices rauging frorn $5.00 to........3 We are agents for the Ideal Nlaternity, eûrset, inade with the greatest care and of flue utaterials . Walis s fr Mse a C hiIdr.n r In connection with aur corset department we have a special rirrar rom where corsets are fitted. Our expert fitter is always ready ta be of service to you. No corset need leave the store until it fits perfectly. Let us give you some help. A guaranteed Brasasier Wili stand boiiing an Il Mirwith eyelet embroider: W;.4'*ve a full Une of Childiens Ferris Walsts. Sizes fro arnge 1,ta age 12. Ait these are the sutmmer style, the very thing Yor the ltte girl. SECOND "»O00 ere made of the new wahion and s good grade of nuaiin. id roning and gives the. moat comfortabie tecir. Trimmed ry in dainty paterne for $1.00. 1 The ]deat Corset Walst for girls le the neateet and mo#t coinfortable for these d&ys. Very few boues, buttoned lu tktu front and baB attapa over the shoulders. A variety of sl1*8 for 60c each.- SECOND LO005 15a Qoilon Wash Gooda 10o lu white or colored grounds, sud lu the daîntesît of ths seasons palterus. Most of thern are Batiste or Organdy. We were able to purchase ibis goods at the FielS Pro-in ventory Sale ut a sacrifice, sud are =yo able to off er thCîk to ynu #t nincb ieas thau the regutp.r cOst. Thte prettiest pst- tetua are the ailes that go iret. 50 otfte whie the asart- rgeut l good Regular 3.00 and 3510 4 US~ ai kinds in great variet I 11 - of sizes. Som e of the I 1 cus are a lit tie .ut of syle, but thev are com- 10 fort shocs of very fine mnake, Special sale pritc 1.95 Men: Gun-Metal Oxfords, $3,25 ...... ............... $350e Mei Viol Kid ....................... ........ %3.50 Mou'.8 Blncker ý....................................$350 Meusa Patent Colt Blucher .............-.$350 UPECAL - MEN'd WORK SHOSEb Oit Grain F'hoes witi Il.c or buekies; tough aud wiit wear; regular 51.75 kinti, for ... ................. 1*25 Boy'$ Vasailsu Sies Littile Genit.'s Vacation Shoe of elk-skin, the kînd ...10 ta er;Speciai price......1...>. . 00 1to3, s Elt akin Oîtting Shoes, of eik skln, the mon abl el& ther; these wlll stand the rongh usage and plae g give gond satisfaction, any sîze...................I1. 0 Boys' Black aud Witie Tennis Stippers, any size tu this kind and ail wiil wear iust fine; for entamer there ta uothing as cool, 55 and................... 65 ,Ladiés Skies h lSmple Kimdet sa imny styles end bleds that It would taire toanSontae mention them. W. are glad to show tien end our pnieus are 9quaro. The acatest style.s ed ali the UOw crations, aomnethlng for pa't"gar w' om.. 1 dieEpets't çotaplet# r e dler k n it Floor sFlo Ladies QSm mDrosses A large variety to choose frout. They are al of the neatest patteri's, soute trinured wjth insertion, àomie' wth braid, and others just plain. Prices front $1.98 to $8.50. We have a special lot that wiil be of 29 interest to alfr.........29 Plain and hemstitchedýIrawers for 2-5e. A good variety to choose frout. Dainty corset covers trinuued wtth lace and insertion for 25c. Sorne trixnied with eut broidery in neat patterns. Fine quality drawers for 49e. Extra fuît, uibrella style, of very fine materials. Trixn- tned with tueks and emblroidery. Petticoats with an 18-inch flounce and dust ruffle. Special value at onlv 98c. Soute hemstitehed. 'Nainsook slipover gowns trimmed with lae or embroidery. The trimming is'the rnost perfect imitation of handmuade lace of a very dainty design. Price, 9&-. A 8pecial lot of gowns ifn many sizes for 49c. A lot, trirnmed with laee and embroidery for 89c. Soute trimmed with tucks, others plain. Ladies Waisl t An aasortment that la weil worth the trouble of look- Ing aver. The daintlest inrnmer walsts for every day wear and eveulng wear., at mucb legs than the coat or the niaterlal ta mire then. Sanie alt 29e, 'aud tnany trsa'i- feront pdices. A speeial lot of waistz guarsuteed &Il linon for SWECOND 7100E SECOND FLOU - Japanese rnatting in nîany colora. This mat- tîng ia the most pliable nîatting mtade, for it has a et'tuu warp instead of straw. The, selvage la very stroiig and is ne viruough to stand sewiug. There la uothiug fluer for ' vovering shirtwaist boxes,-it c-ai be wvash-'~ ed, refiuished with varnish, and put on very easy. When put on the floor, it cau ble var nished to make it wear longer, thougli that isn't necessary, for it lias a finish of its own. AU 36 inches wide, per yard, frorn 50 -The one question this tîrne of the veat la', how to fIi up OIe porch. Plllows art e ry necessarv article for one uses them ail the tisse. A pilaw top vw~.lh wlilsaon aot laplace on the porch. We have added to our curtain department the makine 91 b qc iIws We make thern out of burlap and applique on bordera aend center desians. Th#. ,cou be made ony color or design, and caonb mode to match otherdecorations. Corne 1 aPpik 9.tiebO e ne the material and wç will tell youhow much the top wliI cost. It wont ke much. Just what you went anmd there ýllII le some t smpbîibplIows displayed as they wilI k used la a ver.Iety of desans, ti( help In making.,* melectlon. Ourtain Madr ae ai 0e«0 Fsucy cotored Madras, 44 luches wide, r egutar 69c qnallty for on4y 42%c aiyard. Floral and conventional pattere na u lg t greenu sud red,-.-two toue green- llght green and yellow, saimon pInk. wl ti brownlah i-tiiasd other cakor effee that viii nishe neat curtaîns or over-dra pee. The asaartmeut la large naw aa It wll be advsutageous ta buy wble these navinge arebtie. 44 inchimadras soisis luas 2 Iches wdrgla 5 idfor 19Ge en Ca i , deep cream,-yellow and whte,-red and green, sud twa toue yeliow; the daintleet curtatulug. sud at sncb a sa viug, a Yard......... Red bordered lluck Towels regular 10c grade Savinga on oiher Ouariaionosg Casernent Clotb wltb red. brown, crea n. green, sud yellow, 'worked io neat desigue. some wtbobrder. For over cor tainse ths materiai te fine, for it bas the rtgbt thlokuese ta make it bang iceiy The bordered goods a eau be used as an applIque 2 Regular 19c grade for, a yard.................................. 14 Swiss t 12%,c sud 15 c a yard. Some crossisar witb dots, SotteS Swies witb dots of any sze snd sanie striped. The kînd of mterial for bédroom aud kitchen cur-15 talus, for It le so dlean ..................... .................. 15 Plsh Net Curtainnlpg for 1214c up to 35 c a yard. This material wearis as good as nu n5d le Cool for these itm or. It wasliOs. 5,l + and au e lrlaq toghadsranta" . .5 e 2 c Faoès About carpe wpru, We have most rfeed a fta i n. of Bisa lla Carpet fiveepere. Ail 0f thern are hall beariuli. ,the. mont perfect and mna t reltabie sweeper made. Te saine grade of bi-naisla ratina bu evary weeper. but t he muS dof thie eweeper, the ,part that la apt, ta rattie ta pleme, la different. Thie beavier -aud stranger, the better, no gstting a !stypeg tuld la a saving lu thie long runJ The sweepers are of differélit pitu. "The Parior Queeu, 2 5 $425 down ta "Thie Universai ..................................... 5 cream $tsoap at fliCe ïe That the Pauy 'bai Pl ruercieli-Lit Company, te niait inade1 s'nore Gaoui tiq. Kglu C *10-oUg4 i bMn officiali tbi compaul çtdeu, porti Witt each et tfii.annouta cliain of fac Tbp Norti la a brauci Fdison Coni g1t the cor Tbscoin ai aexrly ailtt ixtendlug t -It bas t lbre«, or lot Obore Gani f,.ct El, tride4 upo Party purchu Interet lu RUI AIthat i pary visite rént thst t i4"k a frai Lais 0f the eompany W Aurors. El@ made a tri Un0es af the 1About thi parted tuat Chicago lU nlng fora for electrîr -min. mate compilation was nmade lu a poalîla Siiore con wbelber th. couiPete wl COMF L J . Wo l Oe Aur W.' lroed C! &bout Chies or more a) tbis Unie baye been Comnpany a thbe Wankeo troi or tbe Intrnats 'ý,ompany W the report t sunimated, 4dai had t pax t tree consumin5t The deai that the r, flot only ta business Il take over for Street porta. AI year lue tMon comnl trrmains. The Coi Party, of W pany in a 1 math plan( COrNF[ t FUI Great Cr st. Pa Af rcat Ilere The dîst can Metho district la as ?egardé 'wlth the fe 5ev E. Mev H. Rev.R. Vistitors woie Rev. *City, Who 5ev. Oeog, timieiy ren: ' eiégate Elgin, Rôc Joliet. Oeî other Cle Violet'amonla for bath and tùllet.25c bottle 1 b 3--, lrbuit -

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