NOMTUSIIORE Kc ~ Buis EJAJN- Commercial Llghtihg Branch of A. E. and C. Sai te Have Changea ilands Musas Anêtier Big Advanoe Fer thé insuiliIntereats In The District (Front Wednesdays SUN.) Thoat tire North Shore lectrlc COM- pany 'has purchaaed thre Elgin Cota- oarciLgl- Lghtlug InteretsaOf th*. Aurora. Elgin aud Chicago rallroad Co~mpiany, le thee iîbstaflce of a state- rit nade by au Officiai of the Nortir B hore 'Company today acordîng te i ts iqEgn Courer. .ttliou04 tis aucuucemeut iras Dot b~oMn claily coulirmed by ether of tIi companles affeeted by tire fiport- g4gdes, prons Who are lu close toucir WlîS eacb Compauy peace credence lui tfie annouflcoment sud set forth a clsIan o!ftact& te support thelr ballet. @ranch 91 Big Company Tbf North Shore Etectrlc Coampany la a brauch of the Commonwealth Edison Compauy The 'main offie gt tie Company tlai tWaultegau. TiIs company owus sud controils lhe dl#e 11cI ght sud paver luterette ln amliy ail the citles uorth of Elgin eateodlng tbrougb Mct#enry coMty. - it as bnp kuov for fthsPoet tbre. or four umonthe IfiltUieNorth irbore Comipany deired te establi a îht and poebusiness ai Elgin. tact l vsInludad lu the st o1 cilles vhlcb the Comany i!bad eids4 upon enterlng wben the CO- payprhased tire lîglt sud power lutert luthe chIte. nortb of RîfFIn fmof o!Franchi"e ÏAt tha titme officiais off the coin- pany vlated Elgin sud the ruluor wént tiraI the compauy vas aboutta 4"k a francbise Sînce litIUrne. Ld wîthîn tbe pasltva woeeks, of- Diîs off the Nortb Shiore Com y lu Î Soupny wlth reprosaetaLtlvl of the Aurora. Elgin and Chicago conceru, muade a trip of iuspection over ttel liens off the A. E.sud C. rallroad. Aboutthribm sutit &go ih vas re- ported tailthe Aurora. Elgin sudi Chicago Ralroad coupasry vas plan. ulng fora ressluaf.nt ot the rates for elefcl gbi sud pover ilu El gonu lnst*ad kt la novwa"id tiibe he k complation-et figures by tbe Compauy! ma nade for thre purpose of belug le s post ion to fSgure wvh thie Northt shore compauy aud ai-o tefSud WUhier the ccnnpsny could &fjord to ouipete viti t is couceru Company Prenîdent Haro Li. Wolf, of Cleveland, presîdaut le Aurora, Elgin sud Chicago Wallrnsai Cpanpany. bas been ln sud &bout Chicago for the pasi ivo weeka or more and it le sad ths.i durlug tiIs tinte a uumher off confereuces haye beau held wlîb the North Shore Comnpany sud that the deal by whlcb the Waukegau company ln te gain cou- trol of the electrît lîght sud power intereste lu Elgin, vas conaun, MmalgÉd. SOfficiais off the A. E.sud C R R ,"ompauy would ot deuy or confirru 'the report that the deal bad been con- sumMated, but admtted tiiat auch s ds~ai had beau tzked of durlng tise pa thîree month ansd vas naarly consummnatsd two mouthsa MO. Affets Street Ughtlsg The deal viten 5oiPlated vîli maso that the North Shore company vIii non only talie over the realdence sud take ovar tbe cotract vîtli the ctY for street llgbtlng, accordlug te re 1 ye&rlease between the City sud trac- tincompauy for city lightiug stilîl The Commonwealthi Edison com- pay fwblcb the Northt Shore ctm- pany ln a branch, la arectiug a main- moth plant at Joliet. COr4FERENCE IS NOW FIJLLY ORGANIZED Great Crowds of Dekegates tO st. Paul Confeience of the Afdrca Methodist Chutch (Froan Wednedays SUM.) The district cofareuce of the AfrI- eau Meihodlat churcli ofthte St. Paul district la uaw compietely organlzed ategarda its meeting lu thîs Cty, 'wth the folovîn Staff of Officers: 51ev. E. G. Jackson presldiug. LÂKE COU=TYflMEPENT)ENT, FRIDAVI JITIX 1, 1910. Summer uriderwear * WOMEN'S VESTS-Low neck, sîeeveless gauze vests. nlcely taped and fiilsbed, lOc garment Kt..... CiILDAEN'S VESTS-Fine gauze, nice- ly finlsbed, alil ..les, sale price ..... .3 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS-Higli or îow neck, long eleeveo or sleevele8s, knee 'I or sakis lengili, sale 5 prie, garment .......45 New necllwear As usual,' you'Il Sud the lateat novelties lu neckwear here at thse Globe for tiIsw Fonrth of .iuly sale, AT 9c--They have been pourlug ln al week after ibis neckwear we are offerlue at S, but the lot las o large tha, the aupply la practlcally inexbaustable. The selection comprises Dutcii collarsanad Jabots, muade of fine lawn aand dalntlly irImjued wllh lace, 25e values at, cholce .. .... 7... C Waukegan's Betan sd Uiggst Store. A Glorlous Barian Treat For The Fourth The Manufactuarer' Outiet Sale Contributes its lest Bargains Tomorrow T he many requircmwbtsin apparel that are necessary to propcrlý outfit one for the Fourth----a day when cach one sttivo* to*exceil in appearance --- can bc obtained at the Globe to splendid advanptage. The fact of our M.apigfaturers' Outlet Sale being in full operatioti, at this time, renders it possiýble to purchase the snapplest riew lines of cool sun-(mer apparel at prices that are decidedly lower than would otherwise be possible. 1 Sale of cool summer dressm You Il be delighted wilh the selection off styles we offtr5 yçt> ai this extremnely low prîce. As they were a naufacturçi'# buipios stoc.k, and purchused at a tremendous discount wç *rç cnabled to quote tbem ai thia low fi re. lu the lot arl- 4pt lingerie, lînen finishcd suitlugs and a.ncy ginghama. beautitully trîmmed, values to $5.00, ai Take a swlm 1 Son the Fourth y -t > If you are going to spend IthV S Fourth at some lake reiirt your outing will flot be cons- plete unkass you take a plungt in the water. A D.îhini Sait ~ * __will not ouîy coule luniandv on tbg 2 Fourth, but ail suninser long Wl < have a splendid selectîou, -ucludidq s thse Princesa style aud rangIng up-e oO waîd to . .. . . . . AT 0198 we offer very apeciai a two plece serge suit, blue or black, trlnnmed with whlte braid, sallor collar le. 98t BATHING BLIPPERS of black qpd w b i t e cauivas, apecial v41l4es t . . .. 5c and 26ic - BATHING CAPS lu ail colora, rubi ~~ -'" berized liuing, s pe cl Iv ai up nt ....10c a d SOc 3tylisb wasàh airts Pretty walste t Si .19 Excelletît tailored of Frenchi Lia- Effective sommer modela .eloant- Ousansd duck, white and oopular ly muade of flue lingerie, trlmmed colorluga, nicely plaited and pret- wlîh French Val lac@s sud medal- tlly deslgued ln the tunie effect, litons, ai least a dozen sty4lggI values to $2,00, the collection,' values ..... .1 sale prîce _7... .......a98C.. -. ..00 7 Timely sale of tindermus1ibs WOMEN'S PETTICOATS-Cut ful., ruade of flue cambrlc, flounce triM- med wth incita and au eaîbroldpfed ruffle , regular Prlce 75c, sa le prîce .... ... ... 2 WOMENIS GOWNS Well made of aau extra good grade of cambrlc, V upçk, yolre trlmmed with clusters of ont tifcks sud an eubroidtsry 2 c ruffle, 5esOc esa ..... 4 COMBINATION BUTB-Daluiy gar- mientm of au extra fine grade of -nain- sook: corset cover and drawera or corset cover aud sklrt attached, ie#- ly trimmed wth flue lace, ... 6f sale prîce............... PETTICOAT8--Several pretty styles muade f ront fiue catobrlc, extrmely deep flaunce witl i wde emhroldery ruffle, other styles trlmnied with J&"~ and tucks. $1.50 values at ........ .......... 87c Merccrized hosiery Wome's ilie mercerlzed lale boss lu black aud a complete rangs of sommer shadea. spliced heal sud tos, 35SC values ai 9 pair. .............. 19 Swiss hamibiechtofu WometVs dalnt y sfiîsa, badker- chiefa, prettily embroldered, açal- loped edge; otiters off bsrr.ed 14wu wlth hemastltcited hem, al5htlv seconds, 15c valuées t, each . . . .........S Lingerie waists for the, 4th We were fortunate in sccurini another shipmcent of those lin- gerie waiats that we have been offering at 89c, and qîve believe that the styles are even more charming than those oW ïthe first lot. There is a wide variety of modela to select frou*,.4aintily trimmed with fine lace and embroidered, 9À alto tuclced, $1.25 values, ai ..............................................8 C_ This llydegrade We herewith illus- trate a charming newv petticoat that posit- ively lias nîo equal at the price. It is made of blaek and white striped Hydegrade dloth with a deep ac- S or d i on plaited flounce, has a colored stripe encirclmng the loto;ver prc a - botom vrv e ial 1.00 ~ pettico at $ PONGEE COATS-Stunnlug- ly taila red of mercerlzed pongee lu the natural color. shawl collar trlmmed with a harmonizing color. alilt b acek; a spleudld sarment faor cool sommier evenîngB, sale jl price ,.. ..........54o95 Neweut in parasols W'e have a selectlon of parasols that wlll aurely please the fancy of any lady. Ati148 we offer an exceptlonai vaine lu the la tes t uovelty parasol.;lias a long Prin- ces isaudle and cornes 14 lu al colora ý..1.. 48. 200 beautiful new hot weather wash dresses The smnartest sulllîer %wash dress tlîat we hiave v'et seen has jîîst arrn xed for to>îflO 'seIing. 200 of t tiî enîb'aeiîîg ail thle new shades loi siîîîîîîîei iii ait ex- eeptiviially fine grade of thiecked ging- bîain; liadsonîelvdesigtiedti ttîiv overskirt, low square iieck,slhort sleeves; overskirt, neek and cufs triîiîîiied xitlîpldain ging. iain iiharmoniziiig isîlor; prod eyspecial 2,098 foir tomorrow at ......... KIN DER-KIO playi suits. CHILDREN'S HOSE-Fast ruade t o wthsasd t h e black stuclsings f or child- rougis aud tumble w e a r be.alBzs or chliren; materlal iq mn, r id alszs plain aud f au cy cotton values tinat easlly b rilug obeviot, regular 60ecl oc, w il l g i v e excellent values ai............ 29 wear, sale price pair. ..6c Wash suits for boys Miade lu the Buster Browu, Peter Pani aud Rue- siari styles, of .plalu crashes, strlped percale sud white ducit. These sukzs are cool aud wlll keep he boy good naturefi, ages 814 35 years to 14) years, sale price35 Misses' oxfords and shoes in a oumber of unusu- ally attractive modela, ruade o f vicl-kid and gun-metal lea th er a lace sud button, ses 12e 12 to 2, pair .............2 Chili,.. Dres"Ss A number of pleslug nov suter styles for gils ip tu 14 years off age. Tbey are made of splendlld qualîtles of fancy striped glubirit sud ast rip ad percale, attracidve colrluga, 95c values to $160 at .. . Little geari soe Made to stand munir rougir vas!; leather lu satin caîf vith gloTU kW top, broad and roomy ta.. 1 a 0 a style. saise l to 2. at. pair ............. 1.19 .« . c PMK Pim Bunting And -FIags Decorate your homes and bus)lg" plaes'lu a pati anic style for the Fourîli. Toiýflind s big linse of rgd, whbite and blue buntlig »Te, aU Weili as lIs ar ail sizes and at varlous prcft. Gloves for the Fourth Women's two ciasp a 1< gloves-rie Kayaer make. liav dot'ble tips and give splendid wear, corne ln black, whuîe aud color, also chamoi lisi e glo es Ill naturai colur, pair,....... .. 45c Fin. -%omtd ribbons A bandsome display of lmported rlbboub, compris. &cig Dresdens. strîpes and plaide, ranging lu wfthsii from 7 to 9 loches; beautiful quali- ties, ln handsome combinatlon color- ings, 50c values at, yard .................. .27c 'o,. mat- oIr it The h to for* ash very va r that oc n are grade bat la er, so 50 Women's oxfords and dies A manufacturer clos ed out to us bis surp- lus stock of women's $2.00 low shoes. They have been on sale ait week and sold:rapidly, though t h er e are about 100 of the choi- cest styles left for to- morrow; the leathers are patent colt and vici-kid with patent tip, ail sizes, $2.00 val- ues at, pair 1.e45 -7