th Irwiu. 14Wàà are.âm vw 1 i.m . Uul &là. fwpau Lo, wtb Ured Hosbrpr simd famul eSu. M&k MM4U d £u ~fAixmdea y' 4"3. 1., le b"oeMfrca moülWe vwht A h A vW5hlW4>f ogf Yout frm «Wde.fd o «d bou, BI. OnGib*mý wstg ieWCMUSD iIyon a boal tripMmsMyVle m p un - opedlox the weeitalà abaa a ne D hd ad oy ylglie a bnsofMr. &bd Mme.Ph ai u.- plc* la « woodaon tlm r. aMd Imm . ba.. :ikIgbon sU li eoqÈbtoslllae bo.w f)E o M.. 4itlal., wh v w eNkbova iii» 41.ta ea01i«On>15mb., no lad ddaa-bT.r e. Luêmlm te 150 0f llutlotsla Mo" »wdçt1m4 tnm mday e g»all ciarioaI DmerlIe wm ftUe r P.en "I "a N DL, mtbe Km goMp6iimmclmowna wW>ýy S*lWiltaea ý rlbg 14M - =.i moto e 1 mm. le In ouier. 0,%eago. Beyq* nmfftl. " ré- oA onr * Àw, »M0.3t» ' o 'urd L. aIIo -t" flee nupW ial i 10011hie. Ët'alnMarrai tb, ofwàxýý vemal gbg tb.loee0f l.r Offeatum lb. groo lira. mittel, pisà%otmdtibwww*tn.nIomhot bdêina ýbmta uembr01 palier Sruu el cople LBiEgla ioé Co. *Bd wu attiade4 hanap. parleh ine. ehuubociTii. nt tii. bon»e 0f by abouO 04 ehISIII(x0ftiein- Ob ohur.b wamPretiIy dmocoimfor tii w. par idu*h sugv . R. C. pré .denao 0o"admt b t1ipà« ot br miWil iylth 8 dPml1*4 o clb mlld ,euàbuîeof lb church lie ooualeW, Iaylhe 21h, 0 -i eder "&tug11 u-lt. euq IUku lewUm fug. ponura POP seeallsg vaita celder liA lujb"ire hnag os bt m Unted EVA .IIC1I6 Qîf-Wleut broler.,#*» IL 11-01W id. Inl.rment h »»C ýOu"atOralallue vin, »Î aniprecSuffiby MeM argaetOba- 1.4cee ,ry. Z iy [ *. OD*ly peuple à o 'rysata raduaIs friand of tii. ed. thouttht i. i î* li blir topportumity. bride, ho aotad mne mpliof bonor sied mafae ur Oi?1 1 ereai m"I s sl lia2I p ail & thm aitér rail w bemyl lisovmfa ii 5ifCOUaS W"0190O b i' ermt by the- groom, 'w on aui>M'ae 'I« bdbg bo rf nýWW MdM" aBP mpanlmi by Mr. CroMonla tmt. Evepoe I SeOiIUliatiod"d IL.1D.Wyni flmio!fi R hoiomatia. b"et 01fv wstaeml 9a rallod: prmoter for a~Aur peiforiolg la moirlaga a.eao etw#ul.4herjoe eeoi Walàr mi mode a ehorl *Wtd rod Ub* I -Oonli " PadîesPaeo h ?bd& Phreim60g bg 0motaa elmobil re tryig to couple for tber noble cbariters and 404tPromt e4 'un tbrve, étowlmbg lb au ceme ad bappinees - o0utr for Omatra i es emmd 11< tbrougbIde. Afler lb. emomy thi wia-b - liplne m " mtktouati! rieà part? 'repalted -b iiü» boule .01 womb. b1 ald a»d -couille m0d*a lit. oui mm.John Ioêey, 4709 1*1.11 t»al $ payfug IbvfllUet, bula l h P U 10Ave. vethe veddlng bréaiad mm et pýcie u Itrn% ulem ia u&Ualbeha bad, me" mreym»dmda rit on wm beld for IUW 4- Tbm *l 1.001. iswllaekâA n 8I aiY bissilatrolàtàvem stehW bieb liae 54504501504 d iSluimd 1hâ1 Iflie eule 0f1L1"9 bappi' cople Wbit0ma hoMpoos tniP Npnied tulo-a,. tu kk6àaholà of lie preci tuNew Ton nd*" 0iff ob d 51 W] h coul b. bufit ualhSot out"idecapital b. nt hom.ettu tr mmy fi' eds oc rilo"ml alI iii.aend lbroute tas plane4 ra am M bahPark a m, bt.oofflatr imvlug at lb. emama Ï0 pwiU--via ike su" i et 151h. :l wffl.l b. e ro mIbra to b b ilt IpWb" w oi, agava of yrhlte .11k ce Owd »d 0pndif0100,000 coula b rofattbe rond VlI btpola overasa M& d"arnm rabib 1 oaidd igblit n o@ "osa iel0f litib qeto *hlleàumbwlrwoe.. lowow eoaypeople vire les oelled b » , avotTeoni ~ upeta for lt o phous of lb, Sattar rsiaté,fl.d 0f1lis brideaete m *1 'uit *FUéWS,1bV , VUI09WW 10 saliof bo»m aad Io wa govi0fetn 4êk. iocà r4»d fIda M" $ agir ew ith virii..overlame &Mdosrred p ffin Rou t* i' OIsnMerv. J. K. Ory, of PiAmermlos.bes rue. . bq.. t bli ofuthlb.Pmtff eo"l a *9 W4oniter ai Mr. d oUhdies.01 'v-m -lot p.frsa hob.oullMi lb u»dlire. J. . Elo id wo boi Md 4&*lveo a b tue j&a0as foih>wei tok bu iii$10per a.3md ia olr *Ulqo wge vier. e. pan. «WfýPO é@tu p.* b@lualisne.ted ronte .Wau<ouda ecioci. afer t pm 2J *à oam t 000M cd m060ieti ýbk ime wm.t 0 o ago sMW bept L le eubeesbed . 0 - V O rI*hg cti iboulaaMd became bled bookkeeperfor o.04 f tl i lwM*b.,vees VeSooça Md1»r4 t« J. & Roney ,gjh PWeI$< - ~Palatisa1a0momPedb t b.grae110, lbbaajmgifor tlbpaut aiea ysar vb ie sMmtrilage le eompote 10sOi 1nele ou 0e o!lfine j'outg lis .resei ~i groolqbelvusWanua d 04 ali., la Our commenultp ad vu. alvap 20,f I*tD tmIa md lie. are delvered iuowis for ber pleamaimlsud tao"à 0 itemet i mou l ob. 30,,' vbimeteel lla 4 d, oam»dy J vellgly ralpeeta ii IL tla sop«r&tldua. Tii. aubmcrpgptu lbe Tb@ groom alirongh aot kaown tu oui ,kyle lie gue05»IlaMivod animes 100000 le a - oosmusty t.a buighl joung sam0f fflon.-, ecribedand usloma ued la buildIng a noble BbracWthebthird n o 0Mr. aId cblld.r. . .1rat*"aybon, Wauoonda to Palati. and lira. dDaas PN, of Englaood, ette of Mrt. a»d Aler eîphalng lbaub-ati aPa.- tsud le a contractor simd mater plmer Meu"t 04le intirePl"aiu lut.le îbblàchih -ebs op ia fine business. à"4 for vonteere for ebmrptlon for gole a. graduammd of* Notre Dame 'tly iv yi lotk. Casa. Patton, 01 Pa . n. aUnhveralf»dsimd I. hela bwgi elem. 116 liM. C lb fi sel, m o 10 er hie abscrlptlon Th" ey e t breelplentsaof many'beauti- le ma aformer ~ra" m10ictakt 81000 lia etock; flimadcotlp premnt. tu lIait liaison F. J Seosbpmvgllt,oh Wpcad â t . ir iapp, »»mm t7og& !me, M retutmudbom we v.viela ýoloin vila tbolr mamiy M"e oSma îId lirom s.41 ai kmalat.Tl B*b.wdngarmntOuatem perfeclymal._________ 10 1i 4*ow '.eét boue. S4" himrs..Coolai, of Dem Plailmiea tospi girl, friday, Junoe The pup40oflt. lma sTorgIr wi aie ie la tulbBaringlon M. a. oiarUIm UalWtdavoulbs, JuI 2-- Mo M1»m 8 SasesumdiBetty Bol>. Um isq« 1 tltweik sf lie W. L. Super collag es ai uiA-kfde Wl.. MiDes le. m*é vietei rlafime, ta Po*k lUelut moiek le frabvplsarctvpi 4"4 0" ma'.de la D. Shopa SmIl tcibl t la us la ibar-osdilanad e4aloeOoI dsagbt.rMW, - ù7 5a ouple 0I aai IdLi mSdu ui. Io*-butltue a Wtetv1lmt. e- .- nW J. ;~4~ ~, ~.., se lita Wa.Pe- b~st. il! la lita. . - h. o t6; wIre fr poiug d hi. uew bwta mim Bartel., of Palatise, mev "il wok la w« :beug art palatng t i or i .1,2»ka lm lait, Nom *0nhp are m.l »Ms. $aw tm'mai aaugbor, o Nieebk, . 0111.relaffima vhslplpuaIo.1vmk. lirm.Dy. ammnadbaby Drt. have tbe.mtm> ow Bryon Shaw, Seoti LàV*j, .d ÏZri veCimnd. an&dQmps$Urngdmmdfaly, or Wake. $",-#peut suwsa.y vlhb lia. George lilals Peu]i Cieeland lt aturdap for DeKahb tealtmad Nor"a. lt.abd lit..- *ltteombe, of Guru.., allladi ued calt.don fhi"nt *lâ» *d. a" Aid Society wll bold e rmwua. moufili' umeu, ?ura aftéeroonJulyt .Picale supper. mr. m. limIr. . B. Stewart ba. goiîtforeittés mb trip 1 Yelov. Moua Pàrk ud other par. Sou oui speclalpib.on iua*rvm1.m*Lum 0 MAs*uuToitsU1*racMdug an vers mar t* msai ayerumoset a o'ebeei aI sf.tPatl'Churel, %V. e.. Qulna obhaute. Tibie v dieme là * hiés vile 01er vbffe e>k am w&ae*atls4dud by Mima aal Malos,, ofrClalcogo. Tb@. groo m asatbà. yh.b br. FraniV»one. Mr. "d lira.vaugbau reod MI s isadeoe »oprmemta. Tieyra egolns 10 ipek liu omem lai 4hla in W. a LWb dmmOi hem a liib oue l pmWas" sW am Ixtumapotib. R«i. T. Y. gQu inu i tart for Eup>pe ail'b 4hLSe lie eatt laiat tlb soir Laà" eln.ret4alçbo-e Lui ise Md balO'Couor an bome Boum acool on tbmr vacatIon. 'lu. dlreetQr of lie Evertt Scbool bave uead lbevWSmit Spot.. Heatlg pltasid k viii b.putéIn iarh*v. aom JCooney bI.u obg$0bave aauctuion ma 1 i neti Oacret o! baon Saturday, July 2 st 2 p. m. C. W. Petti. le auitoamr. Mm .Kellyi IqbuildIng a bumigmlo. 5be expmctm in remain blathe, country' ail 0 ummer. Do0 pou hnov 1h01t.fsemyto butei s Olt coal, (il us agood cow), vîit tihe annoyance of sot uddalMoke. jumI Rgire tIi. are o ver' 11111e air bu top. Don'l chmck tlb .10v. pipe dampet too olomely. Uma Ppolite #ambed but. You osm geol t, from lbe Rom. Lusmber Con.- pany. It bei. celomal, but iubîli, and "avei enougi -air $po"rlub the,.are t10 bum Ht hta I meseula old otherwmee maie ioot sud aipok.. 16-ff Red Comb Poultry &aiée. ButemIfood foi cbickema. 8014 iii' LmzUTyVILI Luuai C. . c3 ,WNe.. 9.. Hawkirie, et ormer.I1u A d taleda" b«, sud Nb i» EOvq, of * aiuiewlkg4svdéy- km - Md ec ,oxwâ. Nmm iÈ'A" 4wiiet 1b o- powefl umffluatfon of 4bldielfAiwm M ru~siwt erdi jaI rin e# mtt bvlmftor." iun N. -Takp your dilt*bd rm massa. don'I q*~i 00 w » er iima te D"lri w ri Nat arie, of Obloao, leepe$i.g fie- ab Win»o'nml Pf.QularaaMd ie Cota M"r, of Evaelon. epel ouevrg dday.of lu.t vek vlla£. B.arVOL From îpecsi No. 2. lEranLavreas, Jr, K... aev. bicycle Mimsd Ulirauleimon, dl Wa*lsgan qpet'm.Verdv ad .f eei viti thelr dsaotr, Uli1re id bardl. Mr. mand Mms. Elmer lelf. o! Ouxmm, vieltei fiieUnday. Mi. O omdtoMIWr etm .Qa Park os.daly lat ve.k. TI. farulhp inl sot ocp tbeir neWhome ber. tIlk lats ae bl uac. liUt. Mlawliom rn 4ev reral 10.4. of 1i' tu Waukntet elt vmek. iecalvln *1ý5 pet top for If. T'he dalmy bagaffl, bagua. 1 1ook uaueallp. iromimbg la liii. vIclai'y, MNmai&.Beak, .arifm. Diemlore and Eavtb0amacuh bavlng ordered oev Tii. G« aga i.Teione »Co mpanp fre ho. ammnalmeting se thi.eool bolariaievmalsg.Tb.uld offSavere rteUcnd isue rfported bn good -Ur. md ier. Croker bad sevemreWra. tir., &à get. Sodai'. among viiom vie red Croker, of UbeilyvidIlmia Job. Obamber.,of Chilca. oui lire. butE sud daughter, liaud. _of Pitte.. Ufr.sud UMi. 010v .ntertoamdtii cousins,Um.. iuotmad daughe. from Wabbngton, laut veek. Tlêy 1.11 mon- day tWvhdt ohiier reaire. b lanîmemota Tii. Ladie' Ald viii mmtl Thndap ýQerooa, July 7. Viior. &Iaysj Iselome. Ur. ani Ire Jam. Jow. Carmlcbael, o! Roebelle, III., rl.lmd h"er @on lbhaImt o the .ké liai led Comb fine oickIWe, emîm &Il tli 1111e Onum.Duo' .d coteumal mdi ett lied.. SoldontlByLmuari VILLE LexmBE Co.c-l 1 vil »ll at auctlon on lb. Danmiel Lm. Paru, wes of Lai. Cont Poor Fr. on Saturdai', Jaly 2, -commenclng at 8 ocbo0ci P. M.. 82 acre. of lamm bip, eandimmg. DAutEL LEIC. p-40-1 Theé cb.ii5 lngcam. ill give a SBirt Walml Party at UMeoBde*o ban saturdaiovefg àdre. S. L. Trlpp anad mother, lirs. J. Richard, of Prairie Vlew, riited Ibm paet two veeke atJaneavllleed Eva. ville, Win.. Ir. Tripp aise v.nt up and campmd mvral days villa relativesata Lake Kegonma. bridge Cleaed The. tkokis Dteh bridge on bthvu lin. ro*ndibthe love of! hWe .bas boe olomi aguttraflo. darlug fh. con trwoetiothé lbnier-bridge. -EBiorder'of $libim gvConssilumr of tie te** of Sbil. c5f _____aga. muid 1w smpem.-dî ,t. I. girrlblp MRV md Wbiý didIl hipur« ,Pbave m %li. Ri.IW bsd« » bO ils juesI fher lat"d beem0 alking j". , înd be'iold ame e bad loue bapipe.l ,euaaam As Mo.mi m ton ilw«or o oret my A. ont tby,"-JuS$a. t6 i ettbe lb q r Mb aIdO liaAuU04sp V mU tO s tios vol elation 0o 1-WW0. Sheli of Lake! Prh,.ris. Tm* M>~,ep xx e, leyt.g Wlmdow ami 1>0e, Serais ~umoum~ I IIOWARD BOYES, wh Lyucb item. xx Wrorsday 'and saturday Evenin AT Diamond- Lakqg Pavillion EVERYBODY COME!l A. ALLENBACN, Pp. 1- Lw plaé roprielor MI Sait arouod lb. corami on spiagu. SIrnt, wteutt b. B"hobulli- i bu mmd oppoallathe Peter bloeckemflh ..hop.1 yprieaun nlhl »ômd pal goôl. wbowyo>dbwui Dsl 6t mti'Iife o- MC E EVRY.. il .1