CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Jul 1910, p. 3

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M Ôb. P. ILfl. VeTEINARJY st P'AUL AÇ G DLC. oiwiou OVUR .ovus-~ I - i Sp. ge J. oU T8141 wti Dr. PJ.upL. DL S e UUTK 3vis é5o. L"1ýOfft afhAUL a oves-o e .5 à. m. mo 1 te5 p. a. afflux mJBoadayLoLpd P vii. Mceov. mu. ateteois n U1 a" yIMe. los LIARTIL C. CI M tl. Qp. VS. VstaST"to aoure:1Phou1. 24 aus.>iin M.00 of3ficvr Lch 'BO ILroS * VKSTDO CIAL ATTENTII I S GIVEIt TO DISEASES op bý Tas LM£ IMYSLLE. UIOI$ tleny Sine' s aeBarn 2714ELISEA AV.. ZION 011. iL fleWsem M Euh.Av.. AiU K" 01ai Hre&. anm.. Wagonu aSuff- ml«W for= isor achas et s&0 Thlm AIJCTIONEERINO M, PUSC SAME Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opas St. Peut fmw laDopu Machine Shop, IM*AiftWOI% AUTOMOBILE WORK A iSPEBÇIALTrY *eoure *h. Lake Cun4v¶flMh*I1Y 0" tic DalIy Inter u"hr sO&O î$mrsudthe eWe.k 4uter Couplese <~ JnPEUOENTfor $8 $i Pais f orOMen, lisdf*180n Or "Y #b"5loped ilu 20 minutbes pl, usS Pt*sPin I tWwwUseftnM -E NTr IV e I0Q.11 abruted )&test drinks at Our Soda FüoR iin ,. jon viii gost thebeet su aruursta rand itcrusbed fruité. YOU WII.L FIND A noir and np.todate lino Of Sounri goodo and Ponsil arde. YOU WIL.L FIND la conr motto. 'Tii Quallty lino of eapdy Our letider. YOU WI&L FINO AU tii. latotlilagazioso end ,ny of tii. popular copyrigt booko. YOU WILL FINO An, excellu censof ToliestOoodse-P.,r. hi.s~id~ a~C~afor thé slnaf* chape tu "Il os the esunier gi»l; AT GRAYSLAKV PItARACY YOU WILLi FINO l.adquarters for Spauldin.. Sportinu GOode. YOU WIL.L F1eD Tii. BurlluoUnLaudry AgScy. Ail work ausurantesd. YOU Vtlu. F114 Or telephon. nua*sr Il. *bus ~o eu sai up end ordet t ut 4h meCpZm mauafatursd, s i as MPare le Sud ha". m. daet#rpd as jour home. onst tti rât MosO*y lae oacmotb at ryalahe«M Doe PO O4. .elis Mud olih.tusivaypare lonaine - e Wp s. Po nt Urss o au svb motu YQU WII.L FINO f, e .1â »JapTV uiDSPENIJeIT wheve ôn o*.pay apour su iton. js..our Job vork aud adret tîsugaos "oil a. WILi. FINO Commutt»nlcu te on bath raliroado. YOU WILL FINO Agmuy fpr Klnibal Piano Co. Yor sale or Vot. YOU WILL FINO Pure dng., a square dealandconrteous treatmeudt utOur torps. DRUCE DRIJG CO. ryalaha, Rockfellr. Round Lake M.IENOEMUCM RPi. IA. VAlSOIL Rt ML ML . CLEVULAND. R.A. >"IAT TUW llKIDP4S DO Thoir Unceasing Work Keos Us Stroug and Msithy. AU tie blond la tiie bol? pz tlirougli the kidups once everYt minues. Tb@.kidusel Ilter thse k They vork ulght and day. I bieltliy thley rpmon,..about 7-00gr Mf Impure matter daily. whleu uni.u sou. prt 0f Iis impur matter la lu tlie blond. Tbis brings ou diseaese and syciPtoui-palain back, m, dacli, nervouenee, but, of the eyeigt sud h.nrlng. diss irrsguiar Wart, debllly. drowei dropsy, deposto n lu ti-ue, @el. If you kem.p mli. iller, riaiht 'ou %s1I no Soubis uti your idueys. Mfr».. SC.Frittr. si h& James Genea, IIL.. sae: "I Laov uben spoak sand vien 1recomameud M Kldni.y Pills.. I uf!ered kldney compîýnt and it. att.n symptama. 1 flnally procured i Klduey Pille and Mane. uàal them 1 improrsd lu ever.v vsy. 1 bave litile pain lu my at, may kidueyi nortualatud I oteelis-mr Iloan', t Puise rewort hy à iCet lraise.'" For siiiby ail desl,.rA. Prki t Foster-mtillbirn Co.. Ritlilib. New sole aeuté for the Uli-teJ tatesi. liemitmber the iax-on Osudda!. for COUJTY( ~<t.c< Prli~wbu, TIu.rsday. Sept. 15. shre lomo Wben rains aliyJ sa lelti mmy in tbe j , dry irders But1 I bave reot loau a udant 1bave re but1 S. a"e :lidney 0's Ttku fer( Job Work Mm .W. CboreiuI sud ebldrs vidt. reltives at Llbe rtyvllle Wedose, day. 1 MWasSubisWlabd s pent Imt veek1 WU basr ai" ré, m'.. Wm. on at 0,~ B. Mlulnd' purcbasd a Motor. cycle of the. Hardy Dovidion Co., last wsek. glvffo t ry.laiia natnty. played at Wooondhat. Tbursday evenlng a&W weth vvry god scs. Mr.Thurvel s&peut nat flday at Chéfgo. Mmp L. Burge transacted busînes. at WaukegsaBt.urday. Dr.qglMrnk and vifs @pet Sunday at Earj Kesbber snd vile attended lb. fgwegaio MUs. Kusbkesmoat st Duer1 WA Toseaw. jake Kiapper, of Fox lakp, call.d su fMonde hone Wdnssdy. 1 1 Ules Varla Wbsel.r spent aturday aud Bandar vti lier Milter lu Ubleumgo. maishahi Atvsil nd ffilY, Who bave humn vlstlg . B. Atvell aud ile of tuae clty.tue psot tvo veeks returned to CWicago Tuusd&Y. A.M. Whts. of Round Lake. receled word last SuidaU: Mofthe desth of 1fr. Bous sud attsnddtusfuD#alofd msd Mondgy. Mr. Ross I vel knoan tii. farmkers and specliy stock ehippers la tuse vllnty. bavtng for amy ysars run the Pose Hqtel near the Uion Stock yrds. Be aisea oned thie fuam kuow as tue Rois furiWest 91 Round Lake. John Wsslbura and wite spt iseveral days in Oak Wa'k antIChicago auto touring lmtwek mins " t Nps@M. et Chcago, vlieted friends hm.e offl bnday. Frnak D.un timmeated business.î Inglusîde Wedmeeda. SusIli.pTransaction. Laut Moodar occurred a businss transaction IvÇWaFrank liruée of tii. lifra of Dru» *;iue bomght tiie entire business af tii. Oral"@ieles CreaucCo., of ispartaMissloreuceDruse..Mr. Dmé ia e ioadu e l.busIness sinus. The le@ uoalsse as retalned by MIss Druse but >Wi1l le dellvered by the. Graylelao les eeeCo- Tii.e rsoMIke A1111etie lef t G raYsia%* lait 50.157 gaàlon et 9:30 witb flylaff clora d uSemwaiddby about ffty of rngw, l*-i h usisétlc base ba fansfo it mdbt., Wl.., uben îhey vers ddaé by *thé Burlinglon tiai la ascreo4$0 lh.garnivasagoo oue1$a it J& rffld but tihe boys@vsr bandiceuil bpoor 8.14. to play lu a»i tnqvu. ss< * bd yJnr aaarls<r tssu vii. pay on aM average of tire gana & "*@4 busldering aIl tua thé boys are *0 Is oomgatulatetl that thrnY bhal usmdo.v uo»score of 4 tb 0. Tii. *"uâan Praise their hoat andI Myo they ve» tisia royally. Tbey ve carriel *0U8 troni tiie lamend la autom9blis, Wmted to a fiue <imnr. Tbey hope $0 retumu the. compliment July 24, visa theX, must the llurllugton &am c oi ur covu -diamond. Tii. boys vui plsy tihe Round Lake Maroanls TH4E Mr. and1fr..Pt. Buacb, of Arlîngton HReigbt, maet Sunday with ber bralien. Mfr. and Mm, Frank Cil"Ic. Mfr. and Mm. Adrev Borcier. of Arigon Heights, *peut Sunday at John Oater. Mr$. AI Wagusm'pavied away after an illn.. of over a yiar. 8h. lavs. tire. littie chldme u anibusbaud. Bura at Fremont. Mfr. and fr. Robi. Dalsi and famiy and Mm. loalng and ion, Nlck, of Blig Hollov, spent fSundsy iti1Mr. and MIr. Oe. Rertel. Mfr. and 1fre. Martgn Stoliland Henry 8tôffaI apsat Snnday at tii. borne ofJoe. stoiiel a"d family. 1fr. ad matI fr. O.Wagusr, otWauke. gau. "ont Sunday bore. 1fn.. Bohmas and tvo anus. of Chlcag, la the guesi 9! Phillp Wagner and famllp. Drain tIle are vsry cbeap1luit nOv ut Wanksgau uli atomW, Thursday evsu- lng. andem Moa qlu ibeîng a gradu. obte. ý Maggle Olilng,'Ot Waukegan, la viai- lng reativs bsse. Mfr. Young and Uns. Hogan vbo ver. lnjursd fat veek are dolue sle.ely. Mfr. aud Mmi. John Oeillng spent Sun- day viti relatves.boe. Buy Red Comb Onue clck feed, Baves ail tbe littie oe. Do't feed crnm meal sud ltthem dis. SoldIonlyby LmnEi VILLF Luà&eEn on. r_891 Lynch for Legiiiaturs. George Lynchi anuouue.shiecandidacy for miuority recreentative, au b b.o correct for the. derocratie nomination for représetativeinluthe. generaaismm- bly tram tus district. Wu ail kuov George and tbst b. la capable, honeut aud consclentioua and a viole lot o! voteliétbrougbout tt. county lîkevige know bimu and 0f is quâiificatomis. cou te &Bd sure enoùgci etltlod to everyý York, Big sblpmf.t nov lu ail @maill aises demoratk volein lb. conuty. 1lliesu '-and dr*lu tii.. LIBEiITYVILLE LuiiiiiiiCo hlinhgoiug 10 gel some of the. repîbicaus cal. sud stand@ as good a show &Au sy ____________canidate iiithildeId -landtheti TAYLR RV.nuiao. GROVE 'Rab for Lake couuty and~gleorg* Burrai for the. Fourtb of Juiy! Cýou. Lynch. te Rouecrana sud ep a gond cause. Mis. Rule Eddy bas accepted a pont- -.tien ns bookkeer st Lake Foreet.SW RM Sunday eelu.Jue 26, occurnid Mien Rose Foley epent a couple of - the dstbof Mm. Lucius Starr atl;ier in Wauksgan thIs vtak. liomo lu Waukegau. IL Sbe bas bhua Mm T. $hoa sud ire. N.Stuber. o 41lng for somoetime, but bad boss lruiiin eatýod ý ony awee, atbQgh er'rie:46la sud aroaud Wadworth. nsv *bo could net recovu. iva 1ors lu Nwport ud I e lfknav Our sehool clo.tI Toooed vth a i 8h avclses ta mouru lier kms a binA Many attended the. faroeel parfvw 'bosban4, «oue.son, ana daugl11esual lia ome oIfP. Stanwoods Prlday g four grand ebildrn ual of Wankpgaa1f- r. Stanvoode antI fa2lwmlmI nove ff - e h.v.laid st rust situt!oo Wauk@gan soon. Ii the Oak liaI. cimutsRya&ëme .Win. Waddeii sud fautlly attebdsged te tFuneral services W.U bel at tia fambil., Sirers reunion at Chill iveîvut lu Wauke resîdance. Tii. famir yhavé,e S070y>t. u kBuday. patby of tbeir many tiendu bore. Leos Lucaaud CraW Lui attendod a Rev. fluecller retuned te bis charge pclelein Wîaconu S "tand". V be. Sîiny iiôiiligal.r peuingivo Tii. dance given by thioyoung poople t woks wittii elattveeslu t. l'a!. IWu.. Of St. paînlek'g Parité vasa Suq succee ýMus. M ilietasica vislld viii niçitives ibolli soclslly and flnamw$el 4 good JT uChicairo, L4atardby aia&Sund.ey. cupper va. donaý4 a"*ma.oyedby a&l. j,&nuniber rom humem' tendod *bc . M oNyera la st bier o~ efor the dedlcatlon servies at ZMon, fnuday. summer. mmrs. et Melville le vlatlng tMrs Fred J. Bartlett wa. a Clicago vitor mon- SWlby. .day.- DnLewein i» reeo)veriuguleeiylroMa su Jambes Lai.y io bavl i. v alk b0lit *ttwk 09lever. for bils novbarn vh labvlI h. In- Frisud&ïo AI Faulkner agre é , ýt tohoud soon. beai h. sud bi@ »oun Lloyd, îrebati'III vitb tis lever. ia Nffl Tii.richà tand.POormi t he ig. p k* optalbat Lloyd le stilu Ii T«. ba %tugédo P.v » ure Cbu. LvissudIda~Sd0*.LWl1 tt or durabllt. Soli l eÏS.ouhc 8>5i'- akteded letah aln oles 011 f Cousu g. 4th #-F JULY At Mes GrgslskeOpera iuly 4t1910. Music by Sruadstttrsa Full Orchestra TICK!TS, $1. Suppe,. Tic pur Couple. Check room frea. If you vaut a goëd time. doWit full to ceai to Orayslakre. *8n but o umuy. Thal in wrou< Ilk le tbe. vsk mattes tat ar ecrylnout er help. vitila tumes5k lili oà. troltng nmme vth Dr. Shop's E.- storative. and m hoy qulckly gond 1hsulth viii couse to youa&pin. Testît and msoi Bld by, fle Comb Poultry ail ah..Bout food for tUeekeas. * Sod bY lAuîaYVLLi LraaCo. u Drain t"I.anre ry chuap 1us$ now at LisEaTyVILLz LuuuCo; C-39 A. Sans Fourth. hlsaflnesssud naumpapers aIl over Lie outry nuits lu one volcesla urglon upuasthe. public a more viiolsuom #Aud lus daupsius metbod of eelebrtln; our national holIday. Pubili spirited mon andI vomms, organisaitions andI clubs are laylu plsUa for a glorlous and sati.flng F ouïti M July for ciy ebildren vilcl halelima1180 aIl qangsr fr 0, Irsuru andp lot ly observe tue day. Thesamnoldea shbould lie earrlsd out lu alu ralCommuoitlms.Inu liha lof tue cilidren md -Tou=g-Peuple, let us devise anme vay a*ofpeudlng lb. d"y uhlci sh"ah ot louvelit 1i vakeaa trafi of aorrowmand las, a story oldsaul and disaster msncb u h.loudod and darkensd our puât reord of! vlia ulît lie a joyluî comumnoration of tus nation'% indepeudence dal. LeUt us betir ourselves to arrange attractIve programafor iii.d&t. rither for publie gatherluge or famlly Parties, whic haailprove aur patrlotes., and protect our. boys and yonng menu front tii. terrible accidenta vhilcbhave for an long been the. record o ur nabtional ce.lebraton.-Barflngton Re'iev. This in a gond tovn-msks it .1111 botter by improilue our propsrty vlSh long wearlng Bradley & Vroommas Pure Paint. You eau't boat it. Sold by F. B. LoVELL. COMPANY- ' 1«18Lifs Worth Saving?' Mmr. Moallie Mclouey. Preutie, Mis.., irrites that cie badl a aevers cas. o! kldue.y and bladder trouble, and lmat aourtbottes 'if Foley'e Sidney Remsdi 'bertter by fayrug: "hbearilyrecom- mentI Voley's Kidusy Remedy 1tuany autterer o! kduey dîseas. Ih aved my F. B. LovELL COMPAzcT. CamIlaimtu Rg«W lc County Treasuwr ol. LakerCetnty Thursday, S@MpIosho 1100. Your Vote and 5mpwot iviill b. i Appredaws. Theu Governm.nt pays Railwal. maRi~ c~, Clark$ $800 te S1200. end oie smployesun in 825W0 anaitaly. Uncie Sam vill hold sprlng s»Isal lions throughout tii.couDUtr for RaIl Are houaeb. a.y MaIl lerks, Cutoni HOBs"Clark». ebnoSmboIII.NBhkamr. pan. adIratageo ai, mmW arenud Mbsr Gosrumb Po- nt n j mne sitios. Thouaands of appontmbt i lie MAd.. Âny ýman or voman ovsr 18, 'In everything tu pty or eouctry eau» get Icetroctioa andIms Information by vnîtîeug etonce expense of ope lintthe Sureau ofiInstruction, 459C lRam. We saIlithe. la Bulding. Rochiester. N. Y. 1 1 May Fovar and tithma Brlug dmlsc ort Md .iisry ta maup poopis but Foisy's liouy nd Ter vt MM Md coug nt bodu ienotos Tt msa«evse oxgeston la Iohu u"d throat sud be môtilag anA euhiag. Nons wmuni.but FoI.le lHoMsy sd Taritu 1h.eysIlov packages. ,P. E. Lom&o.oMr-- old appliance. v 'a particuawly app m.Thsy arealuxa ig exoapt coust e iration. ose applianced in gr' variety at our show roomus. ]North Short Electrie The- INOEPRNDELNT ueea suera-au ad lithesadi L«umIII la Lake oSqifty. fveu'g olvited to- cosie asd ol !ipte<. ce al fram - Jais 0 e -. pw 8 b

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