CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Jul 1910, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY IN-DEPENDENT WAUKEGAN W EEK-LY -SUN VSJL.AVjJ.-No4. . LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., ý '&DAY, JULY 1, 1910. EXACT SITUATION Unofq Sammul's Bis soutr IChiesgq'and Ne. Ue Té ThisCItyr Orne*tofMain thatrç$ i$R. demn oi. f, Iutited Coin and Paipr Ypa've Ifeard oft he Great Inhitutîon ln Chicago Whe. Unela éS aît ia Hia meney Changea, But mle' tihe S.atrea"ary to of Great Danffit te Waukega nand t'q Neaw In substance. (Urom Wednaadaye BUN.> lubat mauy of th bankors and buai- as mon, lu Chicago and la the dis- trict trlbutary 'ta Chlcago aretioffl or I.poqunfaa&lr vitit the. urdlpav fnactions of the Unied stotes tuh- ts'eanry scéeata b. a tact without dispu0te. Wltb su 14e. of perbaps taS iuig sma pointa tint bave ma It set Lovu nome 01 the wnse itpor- taut funtiona 0oft4. CbcdoSuli- traury. The. suitant tbeatnre, of the 17011.4Statem at Chicago viii accept dlii of aliver -cortillcetea or tresaéry notas of 18%5 for a ahip- §Pfetof a corre5puidiag amnount of stbadard Oliver dollara by expres. ýoIàg no «Io olyioever, at lbe ex- Panae. of tisaconsiguse(or transporta- tim.. Mias- gy Ae- ver of direr- e For- of the refuliy yards the op- youing Ige ils sshing jutting gefir for ttc 1 lie er lie Cai ,n pti (n Sat the turday, aT et, If 4-i f s a! uli <-t qd TOTOo -fffUth i whei I Wh.rIl th bl fii, lionf r store elled to ind fre of jew- mania i of va- t made ýrchant. ,esident lug cut one of ecently. bill for iîe of ;hakers, woman fibe de- (sît in a se Deserbt PoIt 1oFootlights IN'MtAKIJIU OAL MINES latter le I*pqrtnt Here Due To ffltT8atfacto ries - .101001~oS CoaS -45,0«. WI ý tîI out on strlkd lia St1#aI lltinois ~t)it oea ti.isa utb~f.?n.IiueÎsel1.- v-it'tasu, o o the ktawe. sai, havluag a bu*qnd W10 imunlous,, argarèt ilinetonbu going ta take p stage t"fa one, *Da.miàsa llugtou, Who waa 4v6reed froa Danfeil rohmau becana. a814 grOw weRrY Of stage Lits. thinka it 1ail ?ery fi<O e t bave a home. but tIi.'fotlgbta bave coused ber to forget ber lsta. ment that she wouid rallier "daju ocks than b. tbe gretest aLtreua lu the. worid." Edwsrd J. Bowes. ina lllngtou u sband. la toing ta play -angsJ." aud be deciare lie lu nt #*g to bave a presàa ageut aud domanet cars ahether the ipublic cornas ta se. bis wife play or not- Sbe wli btravaIiiiaà privaI. car. but, wbat la batu, ai re ber rotupauy au ber guenta t.e4 mntmmer home near Tacous. anll, for saine two mont la. Warded ta the assistant trefaurer atlient, or twlsted out of shape, or Chicago for redemption or exchange i otherwljge Inperfect, but ahowing no lu conapliance wth the followlng de- naterl<ai( loas of nes]a. wiil be ré- pertiment reguiation: Standard sie Pai>er eurrEncy presented for.-re- dollars may be, presented for e«change dempt ion, or for credit of the treas- Iota silver certIfIcates oly. Sub-i urer at the offices of the assistant sldlry ilvr cin alvs, uareratreasurera, muet lie assorted by kinds aud dîmes and minor ceia ('-cent1 and denorninations and lnciosced iln bronze aud f-cent ulcke)l assorted by paper straps. The strapsmust net denominatlons, lu separate packages. I contalu more titan 100 notes eacli. mai e prsened l sum ormult-, nd the aniunut of the contenta muet piee of, $20 ta the treasurar. or aay lie plalnly marked. Moltant treasurer for redannptjon la ________ awfui money. The words "lime or multiples of $20" apply ta gidiary PO PUILAR COJUPLE suve ad minor coin raely. W4ED AT PRESCOT Wheu coin la forwardad lixpress the, charges mueutlie prep W. E. Sevin and Mary IL. Ar. Coin should lie shlp l~ n villa lire Mrried ln Arizona ciolli baga. Sbhipeptà j i~ Says Newspaper of Prcscoft pers, envelopes or railîs -o P,9"l wf Here TodaV not lie received. Net i111"tllan $1.000 ln silver coin, $M0011p 5-cent f('rom Wednesaraa Sua.) 'nickel pi" a or $100 ln cilti ah6ld iSays the Prescott Arlous Journal of the son of Mrs. Sievin of 771 Mari- lie shippad lu one bag or pDage. on treet sud the brother of the wife Ný_foreign or mutllated aprter coin, '<ii or coin ta wlaîci paper or.liy other. ofýieman Gray: aubittance la attclied, or u hih A 7 o'clock, Monday morning, M. any namne or advartiseusent laatamp- E. Bievin and Miss Mary L. Arvilla ed or Ioepràased, wili ha received. were united ln the hoiy banda of Coin la mutiiated when puuciied. clip. matri mony at the Sacred Heart ped, clipped. or otherwise appoca,4»y Church by the Rev. Father Maudin. reduced lu weiglit by any ieans ex- Low mass was celebrated sud te cept natural abrasion. SiNer coin happy couple returned ta thair hoine 00 mutilat sed or reduced will'b. avam3i- ou Goodwin street, where the groom ed liy the receiving officer wibh a 4tad furnished an alaborate home. ditiuguishing mark before'it Is re- Miséf Arvilla la the oniy daugliter of turnad ta the depositor. sllvqr coin Mr. anld Mra. Arvilia of San TrAMOW- net mutilated, but defaced oîbarwisa cc. Cal., Mr. Arvilla iug onue Y9h titan as above descrlbed, wbere It moot proparous ranchersu4t1lt ran ~ ~ ~ Ie leceryadrdiy place. Mr. Sievin la counateiýtIi can e clarlyan readly 1ent local postoffica of Presoott &M au ta denornlna±ion and gen4lDen awsêi e0 haioeie u*iar viiiJ' horfare.a the ?arker towusite. HeialNo Miuor coin tbat lu so delboo as fnt Ait d évy l nvettor lu te 180aaau to, ba readily ident4lid. , , M" _15 1 ilng, *-çomau2y.a74E1 ti'rowl Wwàuasday's SUN.) T. L.avIeWpresdent of theoUnr- officialiiasuent lu this weeks isasue of 4ie 11aI4 Mine Workers Journal, reylewo là é miuing situation lu sari- nua parts ëuthtésacountry. »tue mates- mntsb sbpv.tiMthetre are about tvo tbonsaud open ou trike ln northerft Color4do pd that the efforts 0f the cQ&I" iomàpaals ta obtaîn non-unioni men bu ,not beau succes8ful. lu tite OOUWitiiws4itrICts. 14. 21, sud 26, <biefs lu cOpeIe lAUBas, Missouri, ér- kaes. O)atoranasd Texas, tiare ame a feu More bthon iva thousi mien varktàg nildor coul ract prolO- aluna-.Noarly t.hree thousaasd uf tie.mnare vorkiug lu Taxas. =11.1 I ail ti. c.ompaulas hava signed auleemellte vll.b the representabîvas et, thse oreanisatlon. Thlera are. about thirty tbouaand men i tise saitbwest stili ou strike. Dur- ,~ theiaat'geek. lu cooJuniction vits rireestlvea of the aoutbvest districts, isegotlations have beau open- ed for te palrpose 0f lrylng to ar- range a vage oontraci for ail the miD neslute sotitest, and the stale- ment refera itopiuliy ta Ibis and the chiances ai having a ganeral reaump- lion ociu>iipg lunte southwest within the nazItva v' eeka. Tise situation romains practically Ucbsuged lu Illinois, acordiag ta bbe *ttbano t, ii- tbexception blat there are amout ZflO0mon vorking uder ag"entu wltb the operators. Thist u la e"Wpoad -w6nlal avaooi attike ln the, mte o. < lliio * aiet 46,f00 M'on. It Io satad' 1hi1 froin Infofrmation reced at the office of the argasa»iou, tiere la a machb bet ler pa"rovszid»ag vpmai;t»smine volkqav of llnoïs Mtheii.preneurt ime thoen tIare biabeau. Thora Ère about 4,500 Dmeu ou strika ln, Ohio, un beacont of tise <alure 10 nagotiate the debail fa ia vg.cou. tract, about 2,000 ýof tie.ien eahiug fitle lu the Cronkaville ditrict sud about 2500 in the nartiteru part of SuLidiatriet 5. J4 la reported' that Iherearae about 10,000 men op atrike lu the Irvîn district of Penaylvania aud neariy 3.000 mon IdIe ln centrai Penusylvanla owtog 10 strtkes. 'Tie strike on District 1, anthracIte. tivols- ing more titan 10,000, has beau sel- led sud the grievsuces vîll b. lakton np tlirougî thîe regutar dhainei< tite conciliation board, for adinaîmeut. The minera of Sprlng HUI. Nova Scntia, are ablîl idie. Durlng tisa lest veek s cotriet vas aigu.d yltl ona company ln Nova Scotta vitli cm- Plserecognition of the union. MRS.ADAIIA SEWELL DIED THISý MORN1NGý ParalysEs the Cause of ,pthe Death of Much Revered Resi. dent of the Ct>. 'Sketch of Her Life Jrs. Adelia Sevaà died aI itar borna Jue 29tt St 134 Jeffbraau aveu- ne at 12:30 a.m. front peralysis. Sha vas liorn aI Mausl.ld, Nev York. May i7th, 1842, vas married lu Iova lu 1860 to Aiphoazo Bavait vIa jeparted thia lUe uver s yaar Mgo. Four eblîdren ienged titis unlou ivwoo f viionaare lefI ta mauru ber lose, Georgea and Savaht Sevoîl, vIa reside at home spd bhe given ber tise eudereat cari-didorng iter long Ilîness. Thae ueral iyl ha Ieid f ro mthe residente IoMurrow p. Mi. HAI> PREMONITION 0F DEATH Sel«et CoffIn aud Paid Undartakor ln Advance for Punerat. Utica, Jue 29. -Haviîgit premout- lion or bar deatli. Mia IMat" . Stok- veil. U, formerly otfl' ralie aDent Mouday rnsking arruaganta for ber tuerai. SI. seloe ler 0epln, Patid the. un- det'aker lu sdvance foril -Ubli*giaS 51.0 vassfosiuide"al la b.d Tlaeday Mor nucfrom apofftexy. KENTUCKY STORM> 18 :COSTLY étuaiae wépt f rosi Feusdateons andé Pamage la Oves S810O4M LulesIo#, iKy, J04 ICis *at teya t 5*1ede EXGHT - PAGES LMNSMALL. iCANNOT EE ~Who WliIPvoi.biy 80 APPointed .CONFIRMATION I ubrcwrr his9 b TtO F M AN 'S DEATII $1.50 PER YEAR IN AI>VANCE. COLONEL ROOSEVELT. ILatest Picture of Former Prea jdent Who WIII Visît Mr. Taft. )Grief Strikon Wife Eagerlyý Seeka News of -Nus--': , band's Fate Irs. Margergt>Sarpalis of 907 I Market Street inQua Dilammaf (Proua Wadnesd*y»' SUN.>. j .Mrs. Margaret sarvsldapf W'1j street la grief striekea ov* F fPrVt that lier itnsbaaad b4s been 1 au aecident elther et the wire mails 0 f Southt or East Chicago or @Ise lu a sreet biar accident, sud le'unable to 1 flet s Coulirmation or a denfal of the report vhlio lias galued genaerai circu- lation amodlg the. Littuanlait residents 1 0f thCitly. -f TIare are nîne childrpu lu the tain- tlly, Ove boys sud four girls. se ven Of whom are the Sarpalis chtîdran sud CHICAGO SEARCH tvo othera fromt s sister's family. The - -only vage earner la a giof le yoars PROVES IN VAIN and there ara w 6-rnoutbs-Oid babies to care for, the '*.rpsIis baby sud the. sistei's baby. The sister was kle SMALL PABLY WILL Wj inl an accident lu Calloaa li le Threé Thousand Teams Looked a forla. 1Oter In Chicago Yesterday In Prosident Excpectad 1tApontHl .earfcI for Courson Team. Subtriaoursr atèChicago. KILLED- IN AUTO WRECK- Detalis of Chose Washbington, June 29.-lt ia preobbl Disaster Coccurs 10 Party Seng froua (Front Weduesdays SUN.) 1h11 Len Sasit of Itaukake. yl b. e Puitedaslatnt nled tae rp Chicago t0 Mammond, Imd. No trace of the valuabie tea.mand polued ultantUnted tate tois. irlg vhlcli was stolen f rom Courson uirer at Chicso Chicago, J..e i9.-Peter Ripley, aged ' Brothers llvery harn last fi'rlday Presideut1.e Ta1 aidm10woria.Hdsod.ld. bas been found. Yesterday ce a oitenu for t. i. ficie us mmnd Id ""Denver Courson and Dr. 0.N BSmlit th. Ipllt st setorath se me nkilled sud fAve other persoa,.4ouà 5spent the day ln Chicago se'rchiug thalidynois»]ie t, utwhcb *tQ09 , unsoman. vere aeverely iuiured for the fine black dtivlng teamarewlth- cotrantio,bu ic ileO a automobile amasbu p on the aube- out suces, Tliay state that they biahway hetween Cblca go and iooked 'over futiy three tliousand - lammosid, mnd. 1 1torses and vilted ail of the suies CARN1VAIL fBOOMSý Wbon they approacmed a turu lu the 1harns aithbae sockyards aud many of TIIIS EVIENING SUItE 'b wlaeth. asrrhne u avr Birene h Mr aefo atr ar dhsla d aeanta.cnieg tsa Prod ly covered the fOral: bond- r troui dtchs. etaea ud elehonIredutiles liefora the l'e vere noti- Fv 'Mr shw d lipte.fied cf lima theft as te horses Ver Eh'.MoreShos Adtd III ia.roaditers. anen. ;=ai- <teC01rioj vol Çeleboti..' (rn Wedsy'à SUN.)~ Wlth tOvé i»ôro shewm !addéd' b treet cirnîvai aqiiphianlt, thtmngewiq Y 1-ok up more tisuevar lanthe*U towu toniglit aud if evary, o"ed ap notý hava a gbcd tite it wvll( h lt ber, own fauit. TPhe nesV corneri. Theg fat girl, '171e Art Modela of Paria. Thlieap t4ea gan. The toop tbIsbols. Tha educated boras. ThIe "craxy tou"e'» Oua olliermfot unamed. 'Phe ocaan vaveansd tle Port% wbei are nov complabeiy motaied. Whors Park Fund Rensfits. The Waukegab Day park fuud bans- lits front the tact tisa Iit vii gai pe- cent lof the *racellote of ery col- cession ounlte atreetsansd 15 peroept. from thle receipta o! every show or atir traction. The slogan lIaI bas been actly adoptad by the coramittees la nov. Nvrmind, boocal Notes of tihe Carnijal. Chief Conuoiy last nlght ordarsd. the tonlng down of at iaast one at- traction on thte atreet, due to on ai- leged abemnpt to anaak in a perform- anei of the hoochie koochie. nie threatened 10 cloee the show if thlip were not cliaugad. 'Ph. Carniva[)Queen Conteat. The telaphone girls have decîdefi. bocal vwibliail lteir miglit for i Ethel Moltyre and others bava r. ed froxu the race for the cIE queeu.- Mies Hazet Nolau sîlli laes aud there Io po erfui suppt of bar that viii aseeler way ai ; tle leaders if flot the actuel quee the avent. There are other candidates for earll Ivai queen vbo have not yet lan cleU ered but aito l lie auraiy. - Hcw the Cash Gues. Thue far accordiog 10 luaide tl the Waukegan Day park fqud lu lieiug extenslvely aurlcbad by ha bal receipta fron thIe difareut alIr* tons sud coneassiong sud tacla are Ilat Ibis years lotal ivii h ed un ras the people are mor te j JAC K G0FMAN BESTS GOOMR SGocdnS iven Severs Ioslin bTee - Round Bout ai N.w Yt.- Nev York, lune 29.-lad Ooenig uft Iis City, def"etd Danny Sua~ tn a ten round bout ai île Ir rnicuzi( Atmsetic cl. Gorman vaw« 1 atronger punndlir sud liaueavey. "easgraduallv Ver, Ooodîaaa tut& e stale of uhmaisvenmne 'oltat #çc was bapclsigen la lts lie sta sarg hinibe in t b lt round.- la siif tht&i fut werh nube v"'a$L d d .4ssp'v U Ihat wil kcep thé Files off your cows and'horses If t does not please, you can keep Il; just- drop us a lUne and we. "vlI send you back thèe p4ce. cils 7cmjhExtra, Express charges prepald on 5 gallonis-càn extra. IT CAN DE! ".HR> PROM P&EHNWS STORE. Lale Zurich, -DAHU RROS. Wauconda SAUF-& SROS. -Long Lalle WILLI^MS STOREL . - -Antioch E. F. FERRY's FELD' STORE. Mon City ERACJt.R * eGurnee Uaéknzi'* InigStore "à*. I ft Lake ation ega n, the socla- rtain.' 7estel Sthls 1PART TWO me FuLaacept drafts payable tirougli tii Chicago clearing bous » thb.erG., cf teassistant treasurer «-d» ieUnied BIaese at Clilcagafor ddeioat fer .@pmest t a Ilk amonat aa71m. ad miner coins( nickles 0"d posaI.,; vthetransportation ta Wkt *8 spesa. orthle gorauet. Dratiaipayable tirough l eCimcpo c"IFe4q:bOUse to te order of the sasiaNi treaaury of the Unlted Bftt at Chicago viii b. bccapted for;dapoelt on aceount of tranafer of tu"%. 0 Pas cent redemption <ual., s eaalduty, patent fanà and aul Pnt cgt for cradit of the tibasuse of the Unted' States, ex- 'O@il dalles Ou importeansd depoalt for 4J. h« 11Ipeât of standard silver Wbsun@uav spiiatrY liTer sud mîmor Coin* are desred salNev York City draft for the&Munt, payable ta the oaider of the treaurar of that ecer ar t Washington, 1). C. Ail fp obcargea on nev coins for- Wfuddtram te minut fthie United MM" .muetI b. paid hy the cousignea upen deairy. nfi, paper curncy, vian Mutilat- ai no that flot long tan 'tirea-fitha of the original Proportion, remana, may b b. ree.d ai the counters ot the, subtreaanry in tii. Pederai buIld- ing,. Chicago, tor- redemption At face value. Fragmenta lmuatitan titree- JIMA tsara redemmad aetlite face value Of te vIole notaeviten forwarded tlu lte treasurer of te Uniteld tatas at Washington vlîh aunsifdavit 0< lise Owuor or otier person liaving hue-wl- ýdge outlite tact tiet tae mlslag Portions have beau btally d.atiyed. The asifdavit muet alata the. canae sud manur 01 thea mutilation sud mut lie suliacrlbed sud svora ta ha. fore An uffAcer quallfied tu admînla- ter oats., <ho muetsitis Maoffiiai sea thebreto. sud finally the ciiaa-ae ter ufthle afflant muet ha cerdtif o by sucit offcer or some one Iavlng1 an ofilciat seai. Slgnstnree by1 mark (X) mutI b. vituemacd by tvo1 persona vito oa vritea" sud v uet1 give titeir Place of residence. 'PThe1 treasurer ta iustrncted tb- axer. cime such discration under titis reguia- iOn sa y Boom t u i needilte Protect -tise United gSt teets frad.1 Pragmenta of Paper c"tno u i redeehlable ara returnel to Ibe uvn-( ers. Blak forma for adiL#avts are1 got turnlubed. The department can- n make relmbursarnut for curreucyq titê.basbeau lotally destroyed.i Trlgmntâ of paper curreucy * le" thitbtreeftitu but ciaariy more thaa two-rtbr of te vbola note, May b. fOrvanedtai athe treasuror etaIsait- lngleojur redemPtion ett lf the face1 vau. ufthlie note, lu sncb cases Do0 *Adafft lu reinred. - lfttIaf ks notes are redeem- t1w, t reamurer Of the. Unite a04miu1d e torvari BIGHT - PAGES

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