1P-, 9c~ end-.-e ~wns mses ~ Iii thîs 1t#~ et' luM.,lot id 1 . DUICII COLLARS Sc vlue 5 JTIMCOATS $3 vales de velue mit marv0tOUlï bargains at rer *gai -be.ottered. Eveiy Suit SQt,".ý'Every Dress Sclie 1,adie'èrrdtMiss' Wash Suit, regu4a rc< Oeloo h.bt iAfls ô.00 dresàse, inens n -$13.40 waatiable dreueu, of high 7. 50, cleari ng pfie C ltSing.................-2.5) i . 5 Al out fine l.o-o W asli SuaI. .. ... .%. M sJ u*ner dresss l 25in 5 admésaln be cleared at etit4 t ; eM04el Mao silk dresses go st.. I ..îeg ashSwî laotoI~sttiullingerie dresses, also Linen batiste, lingerie and French 1500 values...........6 ' 4.77 ta.......7. Miýse%' and Junior Cloth Smi 5 W-11 ftb býe cloedat ............ .*.... J Al Dver Swiss Embroidery Dress 8201)0Vgaies go At............ C t3nï»C oats Sirs mrS' -Ladies' and Misses, full length linen Waah One Lot of «the best Fn aheit npladt iaxoln ad lv wa cot,8o-auscloth 9*Fn ahekrsin pladt ixta850, olnan e p as CPts r.dvlus. 3 5Sng and plain materialo êkats 50,as ar a.......... .3. 9 Woths?.5o...... . 7 a ..1. .....95%7 Line. Pplin Pogee ndpher aglCoa~,. 3.50lades' sand misses panama- Chiffon Pa h a.m kirta, neatiy tiie a r. .I- da % di* mm for. i................. Pongee Siik aadbeavy Lin en Coats, one lot.priced ai. .. ........ l-ighe3t gragYe cloth of gold and Sbhitung Coats. al go . éà i 5he Lingerie Wasts.. rîchy trimmcd.- 58 Dainty white Lingei Waistsextra fine 2aùe Batistir and French lawn Waist, 4. 00 values 14 at .............. , persin silkc aiso allover -band male embroi&ery Waists. .. oPE1TIQ 89C valuê 8ao.oo*.'Na~~o~~yalua ........'l , - Noutlty sixture summer skirtd. Special vakies at -................ 395 Fprenoh voilea kirti, ôrâh, 08.00. Ts id abig Eegant voile and panama sgkffts- !%f worth to $1600 eor« .6f 2.oo and 3.00 exquisite Cids'drsses ol fie waah Lace -and ettbroidery trÀMd white summer waists at S& ffl Sodrses182.5 néles.---, ---I. , Tafftsilk and nCOet.. it 6jyW.'dresoea, worth up to 5)0 EiaboZte white and oolol'ed waiss U tI 5.0, I ê~.F l1adïome affects, g l drésse. for girls, Beautiful messaline stUc Wa*s 5 ..............*j> ± *" "' 6i4J six dollar valu i- ie astb ooas & 'Woolen oioth coats et........ e..... 345ý teýt ales ........... 89C gg t ............. Cilantecler antd rich evenîng W1aacloth apring coats Childreýn'i loth caPOO4.5 W qts sWorth 15.00 w»A h e io y.Ii these "Illgo 6 values rte*,I Jo ub Svalue. t .23 value, WASH Peai bt»d LTS. Svelue w oï ne velue& cvaiueý ITICOATSI"1 VOL. XVIlI PRINCIPAUi.S Dramatlc ftrst hand made of two of the P Wlnthrop Harbor sta July Fourtli by $UN dey. Joseph Stanridge ho as innoent of havinq stabbed Pri Walsh, Who la sot y lier et the Camp Private £ldward V that hie cdmpnloi Hiarbor on th. nlght have identlfied SMa min end thaty ho rïdge asa en n ti Otsnrid.ge waa relf Saturday,. when a SU him waa unwilling to the case. Ha la abct and thIn as a rail. &car acroal bie face. sontiiero dialect. He c with denying thechai wbich wili be trled Justice Schwartz. Walsh Badi: Private Walsh and for their part talked the tirt complete affray tliat bas been Walsh bas a wounfc an lnch and a bal! shape of an T'.. Ii l $tory of th,~ Walsh wltb a Colot Sheldon. another sot,] and Arthur Needles laborer at Cam L1,0 pool lni the Neinabet Stan ridge il Io aaid b negro Sheidon on th- "Kb t. The negro Io eald attention and the rt wbo witbhlm ttear tions, continuedl to1 nothlng. Flnatty V peace maicer and thi ing began. - Cannot 19 The Winthrop Ha, have followed the 1 companlons out of t: and outalde and tl line thte r.ral figbt Needies seeme t' first man eut. It i poison bas set ln G that bie condition dota flot hnew who ciaiined but thinks Me gays lie feit i smre one bsd bit b and did not diacove afterwards. Hoe e bis opponenta mad 1 - ridge alter the !ra< of blond weakened Sheldon. Doran a sald to have ldeiit the man. Stanrld famlly are ail In wbere tbe six foot a gang of laborers. beak People i Itleisbelleved ti the case would b. if a mymierious pa bile which witle0s' could lie found, bt trouble to get the otiier detaits and trace the car tie cone orward to 1 tery as there le i about Stanridge. Stanrtdge bas Ci Crabires Farmn Crabtrejo Dalry bigli prlced Milk eý ed juat forth of Scott Duraitti wa Wauttegau a few d kegan tax buyer, 1 buYer of the taxes Crabtree dalry $10,000 and over a et gives to sustai in the slume anti 1 sldered a big paY: the owner ta cons Cessful woman M state. The farrn will deeined. i-istory t The uiew Lakte targest and Mrost ned-, wilt strike ti: latter Juty andi 1 -* Halsey of Lake comptete his wOý ten daya. Me bas tng out the bistOI Christmats, tabori thie end la Dow i Yo- gel repli, t1hatw l'e nel 77