CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Jul 1910, p. 3

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T, KRIDAY, JULY 8, 1910 r i ____________________________________________ te.... -. lur Libertqville INews M~SNGI GiR 0W ire.I ark (1110ace re tract@ . Agents, I LLS. C ,E OP-AY A EDEPARTMENTJ P. J. ORM'E, Editon Phoo No. 1l Orders Taken for Job Work Advertîaung Rata On Application Professional Cards DR O. F. BUTTERFIELD. VETERINARY SURGEOX. ÂA"iOTAt4T @TATTE TEIÂStRAII LtliertyvWe.inist. PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTORNET AT LAW. Lbertyvillé. lilht DR, C.,R. GALLOVAY. 0f VICIEOVES LOELL'à 0500 @TOE. gouu-fruin 1 to 3 and 6 10 8 P. im LtliertyvilS. ilot. £ K S'rEARNS »LAWYER 218 WasblngtounStreet Wankegan 'Phrone 2761 DR, GOLDING DENTIST libans 8 V) 12 ar-i te 5 p.. J. Eli Trlgg Building witb Dr J. L aYlîr-Plbone 19 ies. Phone 1092 Lbrtyvillle. Illinois DR E. FL SMITH. DENTIST. CYRO LAIS OOUXTY NATIONAL BANK. on»-dt< 12 a. im. and i1 to65P. -m iLY. Ub.rty#Vle HLs llr. DR, J. L TeYLOR. Oi'vîCx ovES J. EL. T'm'qqs a.DO. gou:-7 tu 10 a. mi. 2 to~ 4 and 6 tel Bsaldeodf in Broadway. oppoéite Petk. MARTIN C DECKER Mnlv,. îpp. it lt Eletric Sitation 53ie lin :34 [te@. Phone 3(303 C<:TI(HICAGI). ILLINOIlS W. M StUDER SUR ."!ý'OR -*ui,,.'ivlding, Farro ', r and iDrainage LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. PBONF 1094- DR. !DW. V. SMITHI General Practuoe Huoursll>OW12. 2tu4and7 toH'p . ofieos.,..Lynchx Bros. btoc. IN YE 0000E t010LE SUMMER TYME YOU WILL FINO Tire best and ltlet drink. at our Soda Fountain wbere yoîî will gel thebIwst and ptîrest lie ('rearî anîl crustîed fruité. YOU WILL FINO A 05ew and up-to <lat...lin.. ut Souvenir0 Giiode aod Postal Cardte. YOU WILL FIND '.uur lavorite kitidout ani>'. Qualit>"'v le our iotto. Thie Quality'liiie,,i! andy1 '<OU WIL.L FINO 1 Att the lateet Magazines and lmauYOfut the 1îpular coîpy rtgbt books. YOU WILL FINO 1 An excellent lin.. of Tilet Goode4, Per-t turnes and Fao Creauîe foc tbe summner c:hape as Wsil as tb..enrouler girls. AT GRAYSLAKE PIIARMACY '<OU WILL FINO Headqitarts-rs tir Spaulditigg Sportiolz '<OU WILL FINO 'Tli Buringlon Lauudry Ageticy. Alil worL guaratiteed. . YOU WILL FINO O)ur tci.pbone number 11, nIiere l'on van rail up and ordsr thé t'est lie Creamt nianufac!tured. as %.,Il as pulr.. Ice andi bave sanie delivered at your bhomei. wirlesalens and retailers. '<OU WILL FINO on the firet Monda inu cdi nîoabb a Graylake store Dr. Potter. eYesêpe.ialiet and optician; twelve vears lu Masonic Temple. Dont forget tirât MOnîtaY ln eairhmntul. '<OU WILL FIND Ollie ot LàKItEu.ÇtY sl'sINEVEii.;!T w'nre yun eaupaynpy'i.ur enlisription. leave your jobi work and adv'-,ti4iiîg as. Weilias ncwe. '<OU WILL FINO l',înitrutation bckce ii(i boitIîrailiiade '<OU WILL FIND Agsoî.i tiior Kimbal lPîaniji iFior mal' or reit. '<OU WILL FINO Pure' droite, a -<ilar" deat andl iîîîîte'ii triatuicutil r g ti'r. DRUCE DRUG CO. Grayslake, Rockefeller. iQound Lake M4. 1ENDENRKEK. R. Ph. M. A. WATSON, R. Ph. Ml. V. CLEVELAND, R. A. WIIAT THÉ! KIDNEYS DO 'ery unr Paris a YouxwllId a i - otTans that it goe wice as far as thie. lîeaper We wiab b lbsank ttc Gra.vlaks FWr' grades. Grayalake PbarmacY. Dept. &»Id the citizen, iof Grayelake for tireir kîndasas in aseîstlng us Muida>', M. and M&. Chas. Banitin and son. Jui'>'4, lnanc ire. Me..JIii.ti sie ut .ake Villa, itrove dî,wn lu Ed an FAILY l'Zaplilc'e i tleir ea' autîîtîiîte.Tii.' ne Âatî weapîs ut ieau... r.lace. . lleFire un Juty 4th. Mr and Mns.Jobn Lawrenc', tif Monda>' iorniog abouut 10i î'ctoc-k Liberiy'îville. spent Stînda> aI thîe borne word reacbed Grayslakc tialtihe house of B. J. tLotus and turlr. utflMre. John Morrne naii atir.. Tbs Miltoin Koîîriz. ut indiana. epient book and ladderg outhtii. tire de1arlrnent several dais nîtli bile farnîl>'anîd rela- was taken out and thle blit and uut tivs bers, buildings wsre @aved. As tiîerc was Mir. and tirs. Ed Wagnsna.ddau' scancl>'y>'water un tihlre and lbhe flemme, at euded the w d ug bte r. lire lad g t u cir a eadw ay it ea s not bleel.., atoed tHiremweddake uftrs.thougiri adviabe te take te engins a g er s b the r , H ai. a a e B u f a n d b tu e e c a rt . T h e t ir c w a s»à s ta r e d b >' Satura>' tteruon.a ire cracker whrlcb bad been suîîposed Mn. and Mre. Juin Wasbiurn are bdgn nTbe bouse nus insured Atertaining triende troni Chicago. and muh of the funiture in thelower Mmr. J.J. Pro( tur bas rturned frotO a Ibre.. wceks vi@ît witb relatices at Harv ard. Frank and Lois Butle.r, of Le Royv, Minn., are viiting tbeir uncli E. H. Wells, or titis plac.. It is reported tbat the cannon in the. park riceived ils fatal 'isike*' w eituFi during Monda>' nigbt. L. B. Morse and tarnul> have gone 10 Mnneapolis, ilin., wbere tlî.y wnl viil relatives for tbree neeke. B. Fi Gridie>' and faiiily, and Mis Elsie Gridie>', o! Cicago, sçi..nt tbe 4tb at tbhe borne out teir rootier iu this cil>'. Tiria Chapter (!il tL@ Wetuiiîter (iuild, will rneet at the..hotme of Mis CGertrude Warner. Trueeday evening, JuI>' 12. Mmr. H. W. Flisît retucn..d Saturda>' of laët week troro Hinedale, Mass., in lbhe Berkshire Bille, wirere se. visited bier oiser frouý Troy,. N. Y. Froro and atter Saturday the office o! lb.. Oas Company' eitili e rlosied Satur- day atternoon andt eveniug duriug the rntbeo! Jul>' and Auguet. Those wbo arl tond oif working out pule@ cau lackle lbhe foltuwing: A certain taroil>' in Lincolni consist u ne graod-fatber, two grand-motbers, une tsther-in-law, twu rootbers-in-law, tirres visited Mr. and Mrs. WiilPcste.r and farol>' over tbe Fou rtir miss@'/eta Masse>'. Uiligo. epent several days with friends .. i., nl. Mesers. Knox, Gear>', Atuaci and bises Gear>', Smithad ioilittle took a trpeacroas Ibe laketii Mchigan City, Sonda>'. Dr. PotIer and tainuly, (iii (lgo. epent Jul>'4tb aI lb" 'i Dt >1 uid otel ai Drue.Lake. Fourtli of Jult Notes. Man>'ofounr itîtenis attended lthe. big Mi îoinen picnic ut Routnd Lakte The Grayelake Athiettu il,'fealed tire Plound Lake lieds in the aitccuînnufthlb. Fourlb lu a score of uto 3 'il'liei lait that Round Lake bild 01,i liîn for Iheir pîtcber aBd a natiinil catîlier didn't seero to niake mouh difterenie lu tbe boys. Tbsy naîkeul awa witit soins easy moue>'. A runaway homse i ratcîi quite an excitemeril Monda>' evening. The bridîs irad beeu rentoved lu gîve te borse a drink when ire hecame frigtsnsd utai train and alarted to rîu Fortunatel>' Donu newaa lu tbe buggy. Thehorse rau uown main treet andt was îaugbt on tirs hotel atepe. MIss Winlfrsd Woodford, of Oak Park, @pot several days viiting n itb friende boe the tirat o! tbe week. MieRoua, Wollo,.outipon, Viàlel visiting relatives and triends at Round Lake, Mr@. C. B. MaeClelliind entertained lier sister and busband froro Chicago over ttîe Fuurtb. Tbe dane aI the opera bouse was m-cli altended on Jul>' 4tb. about seventt tickets lilng sold. Tire rayellake Atbletîce arc nîîa ing- ing a parady entitted "Aîiylimiy li.e. "een Oie Oie, the Round Lake pîtelier." Miss Laura Loftts returned tii ber borne at Wilnîot, Tuesîla>'alter a Ilîre weeka visit witiî B.J. Lottus and tamil>'. lick Beasti-y and wife, ut D)esPiaities, speot Suaday anîd Monday witb Mrs. Beasiey'e liarentm.Ilir. and Mrs.t:d Ituline. Mr. and M rs. W..ndelken, of 'hiu ago, apent Sunda>' and Mînda>' witb tIr anîl Itre. Win. Kapple. Miss Edona Rolins speal Sunda>' witb triende at Antîocb. Lso Fus>', ut Chicago, speot Sonda>' aI tbe IEd Kapple borne. M r. and Mr@. Henry Kuelîker, Misses Bixler and Wbseler attended the sans (iJUCthiJvO4U5S L'%. Thein Unceasing Work Keaps Us tMr. and tirs. Harr>' Howe, o ut rial rouaiswas tsaved. airâ.. sre ai.~nd SPECAL ATENTON Srongànd ealty. ilu lir. and %fret Fred Kueliker. f of Grayelake ilulber great oisiortutre. -I GIVF.N TO ____________________________ I>SESS F Ail lii'lîtîiod in tiereidv liasses ____________________________________ ri lirAESOF trougir tbe kidn.'ys ncie 'veny tbree______________________________________ tri ' W THE EYE umiinutes. Tlî@ke lîsys bliuîîd. Wl UD6RTYVILLE. iLtX4OIS Thv w'irk iîigbt and day. W lien Sl bealîli> tIi..> r,",,-aboîuti ogril Hlenry Sine's Sale Barn of imipure nialter daîl>'. hnueatYT son at ftlis un lînro iiai tsr je Lsft L O S YM A-r 27t14 t.15HA AVE . MON CIT'Y. ILL in mitiîir lt'lTiis bîîige ,î o n u (OR Ali hindi, et Herses. htimsr-s, W&eîîiîrand iBug iack, irsa-i..enrouulP boit, dryI ~ E ~ 4 L E . e ai-. for sais or Emxcb tai i al Timer s n lcîîaiîîhîîî.irci.îîirEr AUC'1IONEERINO FOR.PUBLIC SALES of!ftle cyciglît uanîl lîcnîg. îliuuep, icregular lisart. delîllit>', dro-w'inees, drupsy e>'. it..liîs i i.-b 'urise, .,. But itîo li..1tirb. îe nlit ,i ouit bhave_________________________________________________ ni L Y M XC . otroubl..e ith y i 'îîîrioys. Inldianapolis, Ilad., are rlailing Ibsir tl tirm.s b. Friti Sixili & lames Ste ,I VLO pretsir Ni d ire. J. L. Holmes. Opeite Sil. Pal fnegiri Olp (eneva, Ill.. su>'. tI ionw her'50t I L .Pare,, Lietvle îio s eak and i w ln rscuntîrnindDoali's CG. Huson,of Librtyvlle, t rasai;'ted Mrs. II Trotter and children of lan _________________________allitn ils attenidant of.R aren t li.vile tEv-auton, art, îitiîng tir. and lire, Li kidn..,i îompulai.nit dsn o lin istdA. K. Bain. in syrntuins1 t iati>' I)u,'ir..d Doans relativebere Suoda>'. K iduey ie sand iieus utgbii b1aie s.Sylvester Deinien. o! Libectyvillc, MVachine Shop aniro, rinever>' va>'. have.bti igusa!se otbc Ir.f"" " " ""ûe REPAIR WORK lttle paintin ani'liat iv î.'y idnsys arr h us o irmte.M@ VN O niiniil ai1 lel leti'i <iiiisKidi'>' Snîsn engart roverSida>'. Pitte ainbvicie tris.. eorge Hironmlue, of Rtound Lake, Mn. -and lit 0wn nVan Plew of C iir s'ýIov , >01 c lriii- .Ofiitt. oas in lownoPrida>'. Autin. sueni a !cn days eaItheborbane o. AUTJIOM OBI LE F'iists'c NiillinrtiiC, !iiuii, N p îior, tirs. SimniioRussll, ilfi(licat!o. nas a Ilîir tîncî,, Illm'ty Van Plen', reciotly. W'ORK A SPECIALTY sole agenrts f ime I"nitl Stt- . n-entvijilor in. toi. 1Ms ila 'lvei9atrd h Rerasiitbr tir.he i.-)inu-ti Arthrur F'rost, ut Kenoiiia, je spending ten.î.lecs iiitirinut Bueton, and ex- LnineêO vef S ud . Tiresull take au uttîcr. 40m-2 a tew w..eks wltb bie grandparnas berse. pecte tii vimt other plaees01 ut lerest _______of_______________Tires__Re-__ %ieos Mary itatiglt, o! Liliertt>illetiefore ber retuîro. nas a guestaut1h.. Itaught borne mier Mies Hi'ieu Bekilhi i atîeodîag a paied. Whb su in Troublete orhenarwhol TELEPIONE tis. lvira IRichiardson. o!flrayelakre, Tire Lalies e leter>' Socisety wili roSsI UibertyviIWeTxcbSUge epent last wPeL wîtb ber mooîel and r8.i ic John Wirtz Tirurada>'. Juiy14 lîrotltsr bers. àMre. Nettie Smilthr, ut Gayslake, 00lor1202Word was reeeiced lest week ofthIe rieited ber daugbiter Mrn@. Luek, reecoti>'. bitb o! a son lu tir. and M ce. Fnank Roua Decier, of Evanston, vlaitedl at ____________________________Doneil, of Marengo. lire borue utftMiss Emma Radke, Sonda>' inesesaItirshetFrost[leonisver tire and Monda>' and atteoded tire Foctbutf F. AIR TOWFe)urîhi eere Mre. Johç Dowe, son Lewis Jul>' pieoie. and Miss Franees Dune, ot Kenoaba, Tire Ladies' Home Misebionar>' Sosiet>' PAANUA:CTItIEq OFMessrs. and Mesdames Lawrence Miller are tu takre cirarge o! noir; Sunda>' ~ f.eoeet ~and P. L. Stadtfield acre SicHenr>' eveniog servies, The>' are tou bave wilb M ar ie nd Gra itevîitorâ Satui'day eveoitg. 16ber Miss Firîger, wlro iras travelsd Hum>' Ritter and soun, Ralpi, ut extensi'el>' In Ibis work and leaa M onumentsMareïlgo, aers visitons ai: tire huer pleasaul arnd vcn',- lnteresting speaker. Ulork Eerone a tew days recenti>'. W.. irpe tor a large audience on tbat cemietery W o very Miss Bosesie Dunnill and a triead, of eeig DescrptionChicago, were river Sonda>' guesin 10 -co. FREMONT. Correspondence bolicited NIre. Tiui Williatms aîd lson, Floyd, oftl i rs. Ada ni Bobro and daugbter, Bertha il ~ . FF DY Ie8Moiuir", lima, are i,itlinrîelatves are speodig a tt'w neeka t Galn H e- W . FERRYh N bere lit mm iu.liAiana. 126 enes e StMîles eMinnie and Susan Spoerlein, ot 126 Gen see St SUPERVISOFR, 1'N NINON C <hicago, were gueste aI tbe Beiruborne Waukegan _____ ven Sunda>'. lins. Dav id Taylor, o! St. Louis, le 1tir, and tIrs. E. V. Oiris, ut Waokegaii, Tbose ambo lire on lire rural roulee an eddt o iitn rifd nthsiiiý peat Sunda> witb tire latten's parents. iecurne the Lake Count>' INDEPENDIENT lire. Josetîbine Matbsws la vsitini Bennlie Wagner, o!Wankegan. le stal'- an h aYItrOea fr $4.00 C UN YaL K heltives i Kcio5iia for ia tenwci'ëke. iîctrhebro terPbhiip Wagner and y@radteWeekly lir.tAehi. tICredeajnderoir t>'ilIaI btiii>' iNDgcofILae o u 'aijii. preset.ClaY'a RoiruofutMilwaukee, le spendiug pansofwoen hadpans o aMnri. and tirs. Clarence Bonnet', ut Chi- a tew wseka wlti r ngraudpareule, Mit. pain etopped ln 20 mînutelsurs, wtb cago add lin. aid Sire. Charmes Dodgs. and hira. Oeo, Diebold. Dr. Siroup's Pink Pain Tairîle. Wesfull i mari Thunsday, Sep. 15. 1910. ut St. Lionla, ers gnreste of Mr. aud ira, Mn. and lire. Martin Disîz, outMl-i formula on 25e box. Bold b>' Juin Donner over the Fourtir. wautkee, are tbe guesee at Mn. and Mn@.. ALL DEALERS lbStt - Mr.and lre, Holsaes and ciridren, of Fr'ak iets. u, ne grand-daugirter. and tbere are ly eix persaIn utith ainil>'. Curilout> led Mtis Foulde, ot Highilandîd 'k, bu invest1galste heontente 0f twoP ,xploded cape, Monda>', wbicb sItep and unthesidewalk. lu m3king tire, vestigation, sire used ber tirumbliBail@e pr>'ing tiren open wbsn Ibere wasana blon, wbicb tors ber thuni l a t ose, causing ber more or leeu Pain, tiid y oling ofthe tri glit ebe experienceila Aman lu Kansas was recent>' trisil rasoault and liatter>', witb latent lii i.Tirs state irought loto court Sonre lb.. weaîîonueeud, a rail, ax, go.., r or tong, saw and wrene'l. Tiref sodants couuriex eltbitdd aibheotber nu s weapons a qüci'tlî, pliche, pîteli- rk, pistoi, dog, nazor and bus. Tire ry decided lb.. case as tîîtiows: "W.'. kjury, wuld bav.. given a dollar tii ve Seeu the figirt. Thie Lake Count>' Telephone Co., le îking strides lu its extension under the ipervision ut Mr.Hyatt. At Preseot tn o Bw butolinoil are boing built, onsetroin oertyvihle lu Waukegan. known as tire linited," wbicb wilt gr@atlIenellt lbhe mnamisaiu ot messages. Alsu une io Libertyville lu Lake Zurich, bY ï>' ot Wauconda. A new swlteli oard le alec bebug put iu Place, ffhileotly large for 400> suliscribens. an>' ut whicti have atreai. beau taken). tus il wîllliehoseen that ur telephon.. nuectiOn Wbtl aill Points in th@eountry nild oct be more perfect, aud if usessfarv tensions wililiehomade in an>' point ot eo compas Ibatbusiness demaude. EVERETr pbilip Rsidy, Jr., speut Suuda>' wlth so Dawson tamil>'. John Carroll was siucesfetul in catcb' g tirs -greaaed pig, at tbe pienic' i )tire tleerield Baud. ""q= Frank 'iors and wile vi@itéd relatives nErerett Sunda>'. Jacobi Moore te rpeoverinit trui élan- trose anrd je al t lub..arouud. Miss Etta, Ralpi le visiting Nlr,4. T. Railway Mail Clerksl Wantec. The Governninnt pays Railway Mail clenk, 8800 to 41200. and obliar employeas uo 10 42500 anaIr Uncle Samo wlll hiod spring examî. tiona tirrougirout tire country' for Rail ama> Mail Clerks, Custoni Houas Certi, stenograpirers, BookieSpers, Depart- mental Clenk@anad other Govenrnont PO- sitions. ThQusaodi of1 appolututnts ail be m ade. An>' M a i'unr um au o ri 18,' lu cil>' on country gel Instruction fn ree, Information b>' wrting ut once lu lire Bureau ot instruction, 459CHam- jihn Buildingr, Itochemter. .N.y., D)ontdroi thtie stoaci, on stimulaI.. tb.. lisant or klduejvs. Tirat im w rog. 1 t ta tirs aeak nerretiraI ans crylng out for help. Vitaîitefl aeak lueidO con- trulltog nerves aitir Dr. Siroups Re- etoratîve. and s.sirow quleki>' good irealtir wllî corne ta l'au again, Test It ad ses! Sold b>' UA L I. O EA L ft R S ûeo. Quentn Candidate ton tleejRepublkdM m - rn ua i n for CoyTreaurer of i Lake County;,U* TIi.rsday, Your Vote 1~ i o o o :1. o oo. o o' B Till h. Sventh tniring, Wtsge ua 'Jake" Boy** Wenit nt9 lte'U e Winning 1h. Game Laut Sonda>' tire Itmblera dles t i Wst Ends ut Kenuaira lu a romrkoi4 gaine. Thre Pambiera played a"ooe ga Mil 11tirs see u i nthIA.lag.w irU lm * Boyeecate tire concluson liat 990" eggs e wns "100numerona 10 aMReagea ad wllt hie.xeptlonnihy fine twlllug hacked b>' good ai around plalhg, liai sconed th irs elgruane toIer casd~laI% tirs tno las ning..t To a causal gbuS". ver espoclall>' Rmirlen taa, tire oul8lss loukd dak ad drear>', l ta tilivisit. ors aers overllwed wa îti Waoas, bira à ltse tîdal aeve lu Libertyvlle', f*Vo . à amoe amincir neltsd lu a anrseq0181. ?.s Folowng le tire lînup, score b>' lc Dalib......... .. i II.,....... D ee lo v e ý--ýc if b n b l t sc . . . . . Durits..... ...... nu We roie ............ go Alltrop ..... ....I!  dereonn.... Lang ............ t, nertins J ohin so ni.r .. ., W aters ........... . ,. ilutclilson ... i inge...... H o .se : -P Sc elle .. . . A. 'eiy ci Berry............... 0 Kenosmai0 0 0 110"!-- Ramlebna 0 O t t 04 2 2 S. . S>' Lan.7, Bi nove. 4 B> e k # loy A de.norr. walks.L51lgi.Ior'4 .s i.n AudessnIl BIta niLanreet ew5ý BenCtffl 7. Anderson 3.11 Th Walls of These Silos A DOUBLÉ A»' InBdendent levb$ an interrîîpted contlinous- ait space ail the w&y around from top to bot- tom, thut affording pmwefýct froit protection. I would ý like to have interOst0d per. sono cal anîd Jet me demon* i strate and prove to yoÙi the superlorlty ofeootrue. tion of these silo&. unsonr, une dagter-in.lo awue n-.,1 *ÀUi £JCOUITY: law, Cu Part nuex fon& in Pr luo say 1 A tor palr de!e tont jury the hat sut( ns. and ening Lake COME 1 1, Prop. yow sil ae.Îdary 4 o.fwwt. 'Lb Uate KI4M tba"v b - oc; wbl r Te osa. lem Cher r gie o vl mk. r. 8bop Bc ff ToutWms On aboomr" )op 8 itve Yard' TERIAL aad grade ou iuy or Igure. > TeAsH I J. L.i IRVING Soteb 1,1~OGeneral Cont e and Support witl bc Estimites uraished rree. Apprede37-V NEW!FUTUJRES C11RISTIAN ipel o ê AT COtJîTYl' AIR STATE OVV~ ~ County ivided Int Four Sections ln Will lia Held b, Waukegn from .i%01 Exhibîting Producis of the Marah labli to July t7th. I.cluiv-4t0 ' and Meadw. Wili Malte Con- Indvidual Societias wil bel R@Pr*. - t petitors More Careful in Display. sented. A ew teatue ha8 been added to the Waukegan. Illinois, troin Jul> 131h te exbibit f te. otarh and gteadow et the l-jt, wiil b the @cene of a remakabMo tounty far ths, and in order lu deroonstration b>' the Chritian En"ev- nake it toure. îoeretng the Fair or@ of te state, tepresentativeu QI ARsociatioîn bas tual.. tour sections, lthe 120 0> individual socxielies with * & hue avoiding a nixup in tbe diplay. membrship of about 35,000 wlll gathuf Exhbtts trou. the tonusdssgnatd in for spiritual and social devstoprosnt. te section wili be separated, and wbeu The general theme of the whole cwu* a visiter desires to inspeet an exhbit estion te "The Truth." Ever>' Pltfl from a partcular tîîî.n, ail liaI le uf Chritian Endeavor activities wiB bu ecesary je to leara the. number of tbe ciiver.'d b>' experts. thora Wl» ecton, and the inquir>' generail 'vsought b.. Re. Franci8E. Clark, 1. 1. P'oUnd. et thi,. partlcular turne je given wlthout and President or the Christian Endeat elay. The fuiiowing tî,wns coiiiliose ilovenient; Re. james M. Gray', D. D., tbe sections. Deanuto Moody Bible Inatitote, Of' Section 1--Benton, Newpurt, Warren Chicago; Ils.. Dr. w. H. W. Boyl, or~ ad % aukegan. Lake Foret; B. C. BonnarWe, a hea Section 2-Antiocb, Grant and Avon. caste native, o! India, 1D0w a ChilmU Section 31-Waucnda, Frernunt, Ea Miaionar>'; Hon. Nicbolas L. Johnovy ad Cuba. f Batavia, ilI.; Pr..sidentO. B. W it*ki Section 4-Libertyvill. XVernon, West ot Chritan Collets, MeroIniana; Deerfield and Deertild. Mise Heleni M. Stroni', f Lake GseSva; As the above trna are known tu lis Mies Blanche O. Loveridge, o! DenuatM productive, it le ae ini maklng the Unaierity', (,renville, Obio; Prof, B. 8. asertion that theŽ exibitf will be berge MagilI, o! Princeton, Ili.; 1ev. Dr. Stifiar, ad thbeeut the fariner bas wl lis on ot Evanston; beideo ltse strongeet band. Followlng are tbe rulea land Chritan Endeaor Workers of Chcwg6 regulationa regardlng thre exhiits: as follow: Prof. E. C. KnaPP, o# 1. Cumpetition in open tu ever>' fariner Chicago Theological emlnaiy; Bei'.I in Lake cunt>'. L. Reiner, Chas. E. McBwrnY. A. 2. The dispia>' and decorationu frin làddn Beebout, Firank W. VanKsài#r, each section shalllie conftned to pro- Mis. Maie Cainpfild Dean ad A. E. dues acually and te Fegert. Water R. Ceperly, Frealdent 01 part>' sxhililtlng lu required to lie the the $tate Organisation will niake *0 produeer. elusing addreu.. 8, Awards and prise hahlie baed -là@nmseting whll lie hsld tu Battery 0 on the qualit>' and varetv ut producta Armor>', In thie chnrches and ln a souci.. sbown In the several exhibits. and shall aIl> but tent for thre large muss meet- lie muade on tbe ira, second and boaut ings seating aboeut 4000.' displays troro the townu fomiong the Tirs social featurs have heen csarfut]l$ section. planned for, the progiamInldnIf& 4. Each exhibit mouet include a repre- trp lu Ravînia Park wbere tirs ChIueqG> sentalive collection ofthte Cutivated Piljharmoonie orcheetra wil glv & Produceto the tain. orehard ad epeial concert; a trp to Fort Sheisila garden--cereals, grasses, textile and where the troupe wilI excute speaw forage plants, egetalile and fruits. Also inaneuvers under thes directions ut KajOlr Native Wild Grasses, nota,1 woode. Gen. Frederick Dent Grant. fruit aund uther usetul pruducts of the Lake Michilgan wihI lie a great &turse" sou, linand 'Ilafford upportualtlseloi 5. Eaclisi psl 'epant'ad.otu adlabing wile tire wooCk currecttv labeicil witb iliecomnnon naine n vab, ill teretthuse wiro wluh t and wit b lotanical naine, if kBown tu indulge in qu!iet7Nature Study. the exibitor, and sacli exhililtot' mmet tpcial arrangements have beau îMode before an award leaoade, tnrnlsb to tirseb' birb a unliorto ruts o!onedollar' euperintendent ufthlbe departient a tulla da W Illl be harged for huard sudl and currect printsd or writlencatalogue lodgtng. ut the samples§ como8oing bis entîre. 'l'ie convention willl iseP12 O BMU exhibit. wbo coe, a registration tee 0t 506 Tire preoilurs ofered are sncb that it being tire oui charge. wlll pa> tire exbiritur 10 put forth ________ unuesia internat and tsc., and il lu pre- .~ dicted tirs>'wlll e irolly contestod ýor. RAMBLL'R> 8, KENOPw The firt preiluinle 15, econd, 10.3 SuA WEST LINOS e Tire Sweepstakes preiluns, lieut Out uf four' exhibite la 810-

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