CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Jul 1910, p. 4

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~~~~1IZI APER OF LAKE COUNTY MONDAY4 ILY41 'ptýS M entTienone Noo 1141 Lbetvt eF nOsog e A uspices;-.of the thicago lumprova tie value o the property, @,o Wiîteaà Full Stand of Corn tisai l i In d s Isrm lyilaSive miles I trom maket coneeed y abadroa is Tise reports !rom tie weatiser b.trea i o L niarlue, eon »eed iy gndbadrd0o! iowa aud o! otiser western tal- o!n le. vlu ml"iavis an eq ar g oufainindicate tisat tiseir stand o! corn iynte n ali aagodr-dfrom msfrcton- si.ietive. Io Wa repsrie sixty per tan i. rsw byoseboss ov? a o! stnd. la mot o! the. adjola rossi tisa bY 0»o amra i<une. G& ood ofta ta h e la ore or 5e.. dele ruaeencourage lie gm-er excisauge o! The qustion arsWhtl flt prodctsandcomoffiiftbeteenone We are now lu- hie nildul o!f po'oiucs su co motltld bewe luo $@&eon. If It sboîulaicontinue, a Il. section and ti par cent stand maY b. a besslng.X sAturdai eleun wbile Charles Kisser dîegui0e; for it h% only tbe riîher lai Md b sn, Oscar, were on ther ws.y home tisai ara thse besttrltlvated thlat Im 0os &I! Day, anti -eda @pot suport aeiat le knowu a. a ftu, ta ath o! tise Grattafi Stack Farmâ. etis le, tiresstalkè ê hle bill o* dimeoveres tise car 0! s Chicago prti tiree-foot-elx or a îisree-fooi-elgh Iylig n 11 seresLê .rosi. lt go iapn eti1ha ie Ciaopryo iplanter. >Opmedtht te hiflO ars 0bade W. ppreiseud contleerable 1084 n »a&Mle-anti gstîemeu rmeader nmue ferme fro1»' iavillt an ue"i - ,,mUwek. bieu tisi struck a nsrrow tband Fariners wiso baI reason t »_WIp ta tise rod, anad siththe gravaiel th- omntigqaite 1t wuimr, ca by tise apree o! tise car. ît mdor lb. germi tnou Multlesin!teli V' M petiover, îirowng its Mupants esed c&ton 0 plani 100 mui.,luTL te tise g«-md, reautlng lu mînor dam- wexpeelsilon d o!t>llniu o0 iseou. to tlwansclanew "aDoetnI fariera do uot be*60ingb ; n o,,ate -Wil, ~tise eamIts5ce ot btî f tr Their un .inegd a ,»'Itkîgjb Xb,, dbbOu.h@mw-"lgbed'st&rtesi tui ailoverthie Middle *est. At al4 WW feoibar inspeeflm)nu s ho dam' wii b abaolntaly ucesry ho tMe ont aillae.tse UPrti cO»OW 'n te way to where tisera are more th&n tbrei bstl tboomm Cul- bo tise bl, or eIa. suffer a voer v61r los Imom baving more Aýalkb tIi" fi. blkfst, avs Ilmoituret~ o ppiy tie,.-Wsa"e the lite »Wtknd e',, oe Farmner. ol Lauwrv h i -U p .*ev,eer0 lîandy(j old IMC cati . a . Talî).hswill @&MW mdasti ackly oued M !md k»14ais a t- 4t et ka es UU5 Tleoaso. . F1 . onece-- Enteret attise Pu~fflOe astLbertyvilie. Ili. a Secnd 010,88 Mater U"C ...gri ,.us . - -u IMoUID W5tt<T. Ai)VBRTI¶ttfO RATZa MAV9 Kn1Y ON ATPIICATION. MotarCycle, Club, .Was Watl Pal- *UBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE roniseci. Over One Thousand in Att endance. frA N IK H . U S ......... ...... ..... ......................... ................. idi or PMN M.JUS.......................................The race meet of thse Chcago Motor-u WM. ARTZý ....... ............................................................ Cty Edifor cycle Club cde, the mIles and wth thse _________________________________________________________ sanction of thse Fetderation of AmericanE FRhl)AY, Jul'Y 8, l"410. Motorcyelitâ,w5SbCld on the Lberty- _______________________________________________________ ville Race Track, blouda0y, thsçre beng tlly ou@ tbôusahd ln attendance, which1 shows tise uiluusl amouneitof luteremt11 TH4E DANCE HALL PROBLEM. manifIg8tedin l the doiugs of mofor- The Ameekcan danice hall la bfanoed for a multlpliclty Of thinfis: Lîke eSjrligts. Fi-rn every avenue aiiformna- Miaty other institutions5 It lives, not beèause of sny vlrtue but for the. fact that tistere warthe betbonItf deroruii li hufuan naturi thore la an tinste sense o rhythm, and the hall will continue sioseh the entisusiasta beng ln te liv until tisla ens., la grati led by aonethlflg that in a cleail, ehOfesomeifw, way supple*' rlythil exrcie. A recent article in the Succeas Magazine iigh tspirite as tu t he oucolne of tis maYa 16 la the lace where »Introductlosas are not neceesary," and the fImper- races. Every cycliet watt ready on thse lact sfeptirtaof social lntercotIl'm among average decent people are dis evur of the moment and wheu the word penoaij witli. But a marrilge May b. jUst au unlaappy whore the 4iijaafld in " given. thon waë the stretehiflg tound In the. chusch sociable aseIn a dance hall. 80 long,&$ a girl thouglstlessly marries, or dellberately closes her eye In (if nccke, clapping of bandesud waver- the. face of un undearable and uncongenlai character, no long the matrimonial lus of bandkercliefe, thugs eucorrltgiltg aigu w111 b, wrock strown. ~Tegirl muet caris to dlltlngtii8i between honor- tise contes tantesn laîisaîr trial o!fo8peed, able character asnd thla ick of I, shether It hbet t social functIOn, where In- sud wisen tise lastI 'lap" wias made troductioSiS ara omttud or is more prcteftloul ircles whore the ruffian wththrfvris erapaue.Te »scat voneer makofa a gIrl'. acquaintance duly authontlcated by norne on*. thone avride ein featue l Tison liad and bisgis isthe praise sbown thie CLAIJMS INP PfND 15 A Plql.$ONr.R ..pectators in thie report. ENftsI 111CIJINTY )A L t lufarther sated isy experte, tisat lA th.Lb tvlt rack le tis eist in'tise The. iudependen fl6 o In Cty bave -lUited States for tbis purpofies, snd il retilfled a Weil known Si-m o local Henry Mines, Boing of an Obtruaîve matters tcrn out as they Dow look, attorneys to represent them lu Judge Turn o! Mlnd, Disturba lhe Peace o tier. Witt 1e more good natured -Lads court and taoOppose tesais MsFml.Fiis o îiBn fiet eea i.oeja ed of thé etate ItI Overseer Wlibur i aiy alnteivBod0 mp h"ashenejt e. Glenn Votive. Tbey hope to get $500v, sa Taken ta the Countlt Joli 'f er. was no fault fouind witi thse .ludge Lýandia' approval of a propoat' Thursday. officiais lrom the officiai referee to tise tlon. çallflg for the placlus o a blau' - announcer, showlng that barmony pro- kaqpaeon tise etieeIt vailed tu ' ery Instance. There were uUUtemouey oc rsmad lui payliSg For several deys HenryMievns.B . ,rosetaI18 all othercla who! IeaVolîvnaite do!asi, cle aa !md.mi. p . .Followlng loi a complete score of payei t oteswodmsdttett heu he bas been 'nuagvl fo f rely In eisse, wifinersa nd priser@: Willilsg to watt tise amber fluid. lu fart ho bas Dot been Fvent No. 1 leml ls-rvt The ludepeudente are willlng 113 on good terme wtb bis epous, and will Oownsrs. Frt i .Cvntn eod watfor their mouey wbîch la due o uti aebeetrt oneN. E Kot..B.m; ti nger. Psecoe, cîtime againt the estate and Wittlu whreheme ail mner o! bigsr eNE eaf hoa a m;thcb.ner rie glatily do su lu order to prevent Volt' hr i aealmue ftraet oawth va trteldyoahmoue i hmtndt securing contrai of thse prop- ts ayo h ose ebraee veut No. 2. teil mlle las_-Open. erty whicb la wortb more than a mi- bunthse botne over ber bead. and cola- Tise wae buton ou stry lu Ibis eveat, "on dollars. Tbglnef00 move Gd thse mt other dire-deet:1. Tiie gave tfie thit beiug Loo. Galiaski. Time 12:11%. part af the Indep.ndeata hais been - Pi.,pi !trs caretsiily coÉcaetid frong the public family flood groundg ta :rall Marsal rpi ftrs and only the members othbie Mon lu- Limberry, wiso respoudod lorthwitb, put Event No. 8, five uie._Free-ior-all. 'Veàtr's ÏascKition andi a few others hlmi under arreat, alter wblclt ho lisadta îsLIo Galiteuki; second, (:bai. E_ are conversant wth the detalia O! hesîrlng before S3qalre Bessick. wbo aftur the lateet acheme corgoocted for the bearsn, thse plaintifs sà tîry, tisougist if lenkene, Jr.; third, F. Beck. Prize. DUro» of downhang Votive, snd pro- epeedemeter. veatlug the sale or the «tâte to hlmi. ailsable tu put the licite lord coder a Eveat No. 4, ton mile-Open. Firit Volva LIaders Secomfe Citizen$ pe.ace bond o! $500. Henry made manytC .Bdly eod h. .Jnes kIlo!OvrserVol"' chiet dea- attmpU ltu this. but faied, aud was Jr.; th'd, Lea (laiiki. Prize. Kodak. 1 Mo", eider.s ad th. r*ailand 1file 1of tsken h h onyluTuss, EetN.5tet-tsml-rvI , **fuembers of thse Christian Cate> oteCnt atTu@a,-Fvn o .wuyûeml-rvt Aie C<lbh lu Zian , ie lelug naturala- wisere he la playiug ,eoltaire" and otise owuers. Firet, M. E. Ketcbum; second, 'I s *0râpidir as possile asathe re- gaunes witis prisoners lu tise loneotf 00 eig u id .Wii.Tf SatO! tricta lujuntleurs is -rut law breskiug sud dsturbere o! the Ç*5620 3Iý27 1.5. Prise. dlsmond net club pin. V-r ot,'. l u macy I lasue it.________Event No. 6, ive mils clais. Fres-for. : -U et the foilawer whko bave comne &Il. FinI. -C. . lnckle.v;second. Cbà@ 1 rIM Engaud ,Cauada, Australla aud )IJR VOT 1E AND SUPI(T WI F.Jouenes, Jr.; tiird, beo Gali@sakl. esWbereorsen paiers aslcailo.afor SE APPRECIATED. Prise, pair of tires. Time 5:15 8-5. tutor ecoti ipe. s raldl 51Event No. 7, hwenly-live muile-Open. tJîýweek Eider M .-L Carey Firat, Galîteki; Second, F. Dock; lisirt 144 asetsf asunanclal %«rotary o!thie h0. Fisher. Prizo., gold Time vbýtuvh imade application for hie sec- '2Î:45. -Obde papers sud wyul problby, be Eveul No. 8, lire mil-l'rivate sliuulieed lu lime ta vote t 11theurs elcbn he làdepeedeflte wes Firel. N. E. Ketcbum. Prise, mku uerly 80 5ti-eItssB peedofetei'. 1 _7Z -.a1g-1ahiof! heu votera i vent No. 1), one mile lime trials. *stur ansd ba se o thl r lai .Freefor.aII. Flyiug tart. Tisero wa& Jîloion ad srn olhciogu-but Due entry ln Ibis event, ieiug' tbat Wsi ildad .lyTl of C. S. Blnckleyv. Timne 1;00 flat. à wld and Woy ai. . stryFrom tise above Il wlll 'ho seen tisa weickcoalld f oniraiand hsltisera was excitlng races, cdean, pure and theek fslled wo! coirmtofl Sud simple,. and everyone preseat, were "usnit proved s complet alibi isittben aine u wlll vhisifttour pacin; a ba employer sathe tu 10the SUN that taentifflgalub a -ti e t oplace gito 4b* bati been out o! thie cOtlty ou thein gan nteswi.ainidt 1 4gIeywieu the aliaged aissait look unit lu every action o! the tigam . The shory was to the effect llatiersî ntbo tmb ltb>t a ZiOn CitY wolan bâtdbeenWelath rtin @ow tbm y 'asaaated ùear tbe Salem boulevard our ppeople. statiçono! tise C. & M. R dePot by a Zion Cit% official. The. police or ZionW- County Fair Day. Near. bave flot been in!ormed tisat suy hi- C ounby fair time ls coming ansu sat tOoo place and neiguiiors of the îW A he course o! a couple o! mouthe th( comsu tonwb.oe ushe caseasuled lu atCÂNTsÂrFoR bholding o! eveuts o! thât nature wi .teuheou viti thi cas ser iat ha taklug place ail over tbe @tte'. theyhav herd ohbng oucrufg Y I..LEtÇK Il iîuoig asudlustages adjoliini. Au itî nouncements bave boeenmade rourernifi OF LAKE ÇOUJN-T tihé varions daeé rlaimed sud th A good eouotry rosd Is alwayà t ho b ulert t to t eclulon of tOhe tepublcan Pff. <i5edar shows thât tse fLake cou dogilred and I s soum f e o rfortsM rares fa Ilsherdflirstf Luer.tyllle Witt Open on sept. f eoeveu"lce to evef7 traveler. =to THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1910. COntÎiiig thtotigisSept. P. ruades attrs<t populaiton, as wat asn111 ______ sl sbu.o ne ca sr1 gooti chool andi choebes. (looti ruade ca e f REPORT OF THE C-ONoltON o0t The first National Bank or' Libertuvitle A lhe close of Business Thursday. Juuse 30, 1010. Loand sut iaountu ............... $172.541.62 Ul. 8.Bounds go uecure cIrculatIon --0i600 Premifams un U,1..Bouts ......... ....4.66 Bouta, Sectutle, etc.......... .....27712.0 Purntture sndt Ixturs .............. . 19W.00 OtOar Beal Unate otaud............0- .7500 Due froro Siate ant Prlvate Bak@ anti BankeTs. Trust Compalîles anti savlngu iBanks.... .. -. ý........... 1.000.00 ilue rm Ir ja 1pprovedRenerve Agents -t1.419.03 (Ibeckand 010., Cas Items ...........90461 Notss of allier NatIonal uaks. 01109-0»ý Jrsctloual Paver Currency. Nickelé aud cents........ ..... .. ......140d.17 Lawful XoueyR eserre lu Bank. vin: Speele ...... ...-.......... - 1.072'00 13,079.0 Itedemption fau t vtU . S. Tresurer. of eI rreulation).- > . ....... 31500 Total ......... ... .... ...... SM-648-48 Capital stock pae ntaf..... .. ...2:.0.00 1 u& safend............... ......... 5w.00 In .Ivldcti Prolitb, legs Erpeuses anti Tau raid. -........... .........8.721M8 NatIo.$&l Oa Notes outatandlng .. .000 =;1t11&1 tdeposîts cabW. eotch oeck ..143.0,16.72 1 rnvdcrtltfr5te9 Of denosît ..... 9010 2 OertLoIdetick&C................fw 3 fe ed f, taxee ................ JO Total............Vt004 1. J. 6. tridley. Cauhier, of fthe sbos'e-uamed hanO. duo soniy swaer tout ther above statouieut lu trueto thetet of ut ksnwtedce and beltel. J. S. GRIIILEY. Canler. Suberrbet antdutauru ta before me lIs 0111 daY O u lYI, 1l1to J. L. TAYLOR. FLOIIA STAi'LES. NtotatY Pulic. OEO. QUENITIN. Correct Atteut:- BEN Hl.iMILLER. , CHASB. PHILLIPS, GEItHÂIIOSCOIRECit J. S. IRIDLEY. W K. WÂLROND. Dilrectors fylireçtOiu. TOTAL RESOU ýSept. 4, 1906 - Mcli. 22 1907- Nov. 27,1908- Sept. 1, 1909 - june 30,1910 BEN H. MILL.ER, Pros. dB. L. TAYLOR, Vice Pro.. .IRCES. We are pleased ta présent hsrswilh comparative figures showing thé $ 84,000.00 grosali of aur BankI duin the pas1 four years. Our many friands and 125,000.00 patrons and lia public ln gériesetiwe belleva, wili share the gr fi silon w 178,000.00 siu Iti n nea suraceU5s 21zo . e ir business w1th us la with a pro- 21000 sle sal snd slely msnaged 2 5000.00 We*nvlte new business. G. C. GRIDLEY. Asit. Oasable WAS A SANt !OURTlI 1 SIN MANY WAYSj Lîberlyville Approves fils Mode of Celebnsling the, Natal Day. No Accidents, No Arrals, Ev erylhing Peaceful and Evsrybody Satisfied. R!UNION Or TII! WRIGHIT !AMILY Held ett he PalatiliResidence of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wrght Sunday and Monday. Are Hld Semi-annually- Christmas and Fourli of July. Tise foyer of s sane Fourtis o! July Every Chrietmas sud Fturtb o! July appears ho b. contagions isere ne arelilMr. snd lire. i;., F-ifriighb old their as elsewbera. outslde o! tise ordiaary emrn-annua al fnion. tise raunion exploaion of irecrackernasud oliser nol"r conucte wlh Iis arhculr ~ proper beiug belti Mogday at thisr tonnete wih tis artiula ocasin@.palatialresîldence on Mllwaukee avenue, The village wai quiet in rtany respecte.a. witri- t ir riiltiren from varioes Thse daen of the day was made known cile eepeet by tbe firlng o! thse cannon in the park. t was not o.nîy a Fourtis o! Jnly ThiIs brocgbt forth Young A meris, wbo pet.btagteig0 h aiy wit hi to pito, frecaekre ndcuetom o"rrlng evory six montise.A other exploaives, followed suit. Atboecmu ibikld rigbb aboutS8 o'clock the populace wss getting parente sud chldren in cloue proxmity, ready tu visit nelxhborlng howne, or tî wltcts time tisera in a revirai o! family prepatring for a famiiy pîcair lu adjacent i îenas weîî ai Il carrîeoue bak 60 grovee, ami- by uoon the villagoeisad their ciildbood daya, and otiser remînen- @ettled dowu 10 its quletude. Thune I sues o! Ibeir ivee. Tisere were varions vietlng onlieide places, report a good modes o! amusement beuiclesltise pleaslug time sud thon@ who Iplciied", thse loal fuof o!tise gathering, wi' Rame, one notîceable featura o! the day aeldlitsl iesdoulemna! laj tbat ulît au acident happeued nofauttooëeepres.nt. wbho were as folowp: arreet made0 from -sny Cause wbatsve' Mr. and MIs. Wirt Wrigbt aud daugis. lu tho evaing tisere was tisenosuai 1er, o! E.St. Loulu. 111. dlsplay o!flireworks on tise iswis sud Ilu ï, lire Clark tC. Wright, St. bthe business district. Taes l InluailLoi.NI. Libert.yville te satiulied w it ist e m a nn L o ti . a M . R y F r g t d ý t n .-------. .. - - ter1&ras ie byF rgs.Eirro usual routine o! busiiuess wae ceceived Tuosday morang. sa Log Schaoi Hausea. 'y An iuteretlngecbapter luthoeisistoryl of educabian lu Illinois, le the @tory o! tise log .cbool bouses. Illinis, lke mont o! tises western sîstes,' wai earîi- in est settled lu tise wooded refflons. the Thse log cabin sud thse lo9 scisoe bouse viII met lie ured o! tise conditions O!fliso4e o!1 early limes. As late as 18160 tisere &CI., was 1.447 o! hese logecisool buildings ig lu Illinois.luIn 181)0tise 'uumber bsd te decreased, ta 114. lu 1909, tisera were ftY reported ta biisoffice onlY Il o! sucis 6, seiool bonses remalsnug. Wisatever o! rouvenieuce sud lmproved facîlitse@ tise modlern erisool buIlding bus brocght 1'0will ualt make us forget tise great good wblcb wai accompliabed lu'the I09 7- scbool bouses of Ilinuois. Wito 11 Wrigt, Alton, fil. Ge. C. Wrigbt, Urbana, 111., isît la atudeut at tise [niverity at tisaI lace. Thefiseot o! refreoisments a-ere Plu'nbtiî, served ln mauy co urses, sud in thîe evening there was su elegant dlsplav o! flreworks oî tise beantifil lawul. wlîirb euded tise etiritles o!fbise day. Big Hsy Crop This Year. occupling tise attention of tise fariner. sud reports are btiste effeet tisat tise crop ie large sud tise iay o! a fine qnalil.y. Es;peeiailly lutus true o!aifalf& sud lover, tisougis timotiy la s trille sibort. Ou tise whols littie fault = eb found by bise fariner. over 'lie crop sud lhey bave no cause for compilt agant tise woatherman for tise fine weathser tisey bave iseen gven lu asicish o rut aud bals rare o! tise crop. C-@oo..o01ooooIlNG.oo. What WC guarantet, by the --ptopt use of -oui Sharpies Separator i your dairy, is as (ollows: 15. Il Co in areilIth au or 0 MaCr e Of SeParatOr. the gain lu rteld 01 butter la lava, 01 the5 Slarpleau Seiaralor will bcentt sait suffieet ta psy 10 per cent interest -on the coul of the seflrator each year, sud the ove, mot tIle, separatols will ne mach more 2d. If you, at the PinenetUime, ose one of the best cravitY Creamero. 510Cr the Most fayoT ableooadittoub. your aa nysld of butter by the use of the SborPles TUblar 8.sparator wtlilibe- la 01XcesS 0f ten pounds for every iaandrest Pounds Prevlously,made. tf Y00 are U5in e ven fh0 best gravity Crsnmer under favorable rondICIOWl, tOut lb. lack of very u I wter or ire. rotsraanwilltbs au excesof t weuîy pouans. If ra ou e 5an luerlor Creamsr or Pans, your gaia wltl run from fwenty-five tu lfy pouidts, drite0dî0f nw P00w lerlor ftlS yare. Bd. On the Point 0f1îîuslty of rream or butter Il lu moile dfficuIf 10 maadefltite guarauty, as iaardlY auY two stairymea use thesine &Moout of cale aboutthier daiîes or make te hanme Qual.iby of butter. bus, othèr thOues belng equat. vie guaranuse that evon fheli tst daîrlnisll wlli finit au lmprnvsinent in1the ouaiUty 0of i butter squaivalent tu three cents tu tOve cents fer Poundt bY the 0" 01O ur sevaiator. White the average Issu caretaI talrytnau will Recurs a bulier worth from 311 per cent to1W 10per ceuf more thau witîogt the ait aoffthe Tubular Seuarator. The Sklrn-mllk. belng warm sudi fresh. will lie mucb more valuible for'trk foud t. i avlieO wort0 frum tavety-itve rents ta lorty-flve rents Per buadre Pôpate for stock feedint. deventiucl largelY On the 5(C of the tock lt winch itla le fr. SOua, Coilît lu [0orth sabou reOtfîl th fthil a4mount. 4t0. ThC aavtae lu haudlu 0cd the Iltk Dy Oavlug1the separatllu madie rigOt beglde the cow stable. sud thC skim-mltk led rtcht ta thc stock tahîte l le warm, thr caving lunsilk Pau>. catis, etc..and thceîvauhuc andi carng for hamne. atti a btutdred asd Dune 010Cr itie ncarmes. uced nt le etlmted, ato ,Iig0 1ev amolliS tu a great d tis a Cscgregate. M1. t'Ocre Witbc a bascluaof Ire. il sou lu useti. aundtheUlime aud(1corîcuýe M tltîoints it J,, ily utluvouaut PtOC guaranteet lacrease la thce itil, otter asdti t rs auleeti Imprnveaient n baitY ty u soSOle totO tu 5e 00W slolutely lnesuS siV a prapel sCouT- tor tu a dalrymso. sud 110w uider no <Ircuinmtallre.ra bc Oc a» u nre.stul isthoutoe sa SoId by H. B..EGER, Libertyvilke Now is the Tim Red Comb Poultry'Food COMES 11N Att SIZES. Finle Chick Saves the Little Oses Coarse Chick Forces Thtm to Grow Scratch Food for Miens GETS THffEOGS.' IF YOU HAVE TO REPLANT CORN, CALL ON US. Reliable Seeds OnIy SoId by Libedyville Lullfber Coi Spedal on TDe iow Gooeg. : (ood Coffee Won't Murt You. If Coflee dues vou harm, thoreao a eauiee-find out whast it igs * Mayho il îe flot properly made. * Macho a waaa't rigbt Coffrn. 10 start witb. OMaybe it wam too cheap-auiid too chs.ap Cofll'e1te deareet d rink O auy peratîn ever drank. Btut do't blane ALL Coffoe * We have several of ('base & Sauborneo high grade bleads. P rire from 20 to 40 eente per lb. O Glad t0 have you test it o Corlett & Fredericks L _ 'YVILLE IL SEASONABiE HOSil:RY! W. fe-r oIr I i E Iesuorsm ereistues 1 ~epecially good. Ladies' Idercelized Black Stock ings, an extra valus et 22%~c 8 for................... . ........................................... 6c Infante Merceniesi Stoekînga, bMck, white sud colore. at 22%0e 8 for.................................................... 65e Mens* Endurance Socke, very sbesr, linen iseele sud toes, at "%1C a for....................................................... 65C gpflal-Auto Veil&, 2 yarda long, &Il mades, a51 eh ....... *1.00 Om Ocka, afiother new lot, $1.25, t2.25, $2.50, and.... 14.00 Summet Presa Fabrica ins 80k, Lswn, and Gingiama, a-Fine LUne. A suit made in any stylo you choose, can now boeCE R ~ had bore at a great reduction i prices. FAicOniSR OLY elv elrpaage s.pcer or te................................... uvv 0 omPîes SelectO arpeet or Saur Pickles, per quart jar ............................ ÏQmlBrand Extrsctm, Leinon or Vanilla, per bottie ........... Mato.n .n o, Fruit Jars, JalivOlamama. wîsis a. ~ t O tintal Fancy Hoeiery, Neckwoar, PeulTrirm.od WW a adv-w 1qmCiy reure a Wuk- ntgSupndr, SutCases and Trunke. gan, sud belleve Sm qualiid for the : O tn hrs offi am ors sppo. g o 20th Century Cash Store.1 CARL. P. WEST!RIIrD, J. M. Graves Reulk ýedOge fME.'W. PARK%]'lI URST OAUCTIONEER 0o emeMe Deoome lIAkgYour Date Co~atg T.~ssrer SÇIIANCK'S BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL g Stsato mraet Omo*e 2s N.Gouens et.S Frî 15 190. -Reudence Phsone 4dm2 555.144 Elmswot.Ave, J 4 4 .4 E 4 -4 q j q 4 4 4 4 4 E 4 4 E 4 j 25e . rro11 &Son E 4 4 ,o~O@. O 1;OOO * O O O o ça o o o O O O i i 1- O 00000 esitil t - IN StiIi latest cornc est-priced anything 1 of styish buauesas equaly et FANCY min a fanc One of i appearaflo you-and Everyth M OI MIAY -Si W. l. PPUEY Auctlonoer FAR(I SALES ONE*PER CENT ULb.,lyvIIo0, [il. 1PHONR 48. TIIE !IRST NATIONAL BANK OO! U&ERTYVILLE. Nexi Door to the. Postoffice. e *0Yesn Salurday Nghts. -1--W-j L-A id e e l.1 a 1

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