c "OOIJMM IN MPZNDEIT, FRIDÂY, JULY 8, 1910 )f oui 's lu lever of telole ,rMt muicb more iMost levor ator teili be- lat. lack et Ial islerliiC bot taierior te tgarslutti, ke te samne airymom ahi1 le i-en Poued butter Wortit L. if wiii ne a. defidiiug -ftit of tii 'sîde te ciiW c miano, pail. stu.. îeed îîot c M, iaidlling mDd tite fsr tirua -ei, Itiiout 0-i »5 I I WRITE INSURANCE FIRE, TORN1iADO,IliIFIE. RENEWALS PROMPTLY ATTENOEO TO. AREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SELECTION 0F DESIRABLE LIFE POLICIES. GI. C. ORIDLEY, FIRST NATIONÂLI BANK. LIIERTYVILLE. ILL. 09 66 60Iepulrt or Comdtion 0 UIBE RTYVIILLE BRIEFS LfkCNIMW[E O O SON I d benrite Ite State of If mo t..etthe _C>0 A NC N A L_. M E N T17 1O N cose of business. lune 80. 1010 E 1 A...RESOI ECES. - Loans and Biseounit..a .P - - ..&38079.81 CAF To insuri publication in the Indepen- Suboecrbo for the INDE PENDENT oveerft. secured aud uicecured 25445 1'. 8, Bon& to secuce.circulation....4000000 O P i ~ NU I ~ dentBuiboue uriture sd et 76020 P I*I R ' dnýCopy Muat b. inithe OffiCe no later (3ood. wbolesome Lîbert4 ville nws o deBan".uri:es tot 0 than TueSday of ach week. Adver- thii'd page. Biue from Stste and Private Banks :n --Bankeru. Trullt Corupautetai T H E tiersi, eSpeCialiy, are asked ta take Ilitsa rumored tbat the Chicagco NotOr- SaigBank........ ...... ... 50 parîcuarnotce a hieffci cycle Club la negottating for the purchasa cheks a &:oee ,Ceb tems . 1.031.68 o! ch. Libertoticee Race Track. if tàeNotet of0 tt tOi lo anCs. Olu4W,0 ofthe______________Race_______________ Fractionfti Patter Currenet. Nickei L r O E P R MN 'deal la m ade, 'R om e w ill H o w e - w tl cent -s .. . .. . .. .. . ..4 . . , 1 36 N OFXE Isb i-ingxtatilke catalogues are ripe. Lawfi Moter Reserve ln Bank. vIz ___ race front 00W on. ioD«e......... 1 14. 75 Vacation pasporson ie!Legai teadernote. ..3,145 00 31.259 '5 plas rOreetlgO wing 10 the Iinresd liasuenger Redeuiption fund iith U. 8,Treüiore dtA y nuk olb$1unFi traffic on the Fourth, the switch oiie (% tver cent of circulation. j 0 awas taken from the yard@ to onable the Ttl- LIAB ILIT ES, . F L O U R 0 Fliee are n t a habit; ilîey are an Mlwaukee raad ta transpoirt piciers capital stock palO tu.......... 3 8-000 0 nfllction. toflîcîr home@ on tiine. IM.1iddPofits. leuo Esteuse, ..d 9 Mlrs. Davie@ o!(ilceo. je the guest o! The bouse and barn o! NIr., John NTaes ýP"»d . .. .. -o- 80 Natioal bnC Noes sistaui 39500.00 FOR SALE BY Lie. Sprng. Murrie were destroyed by tire at (Grays- ludividuai deffi s iect to check, .~753 BY 0 ~~Miss Gartrude vIleizor je vîiting iake. Monday. Orign of lire imeokiiowsen d c . ... u )mi I relatives at Evanston. A piano and organ were the otîly thingst8ate of llunots.Ctoiintv 0fLabese FI.J~ "~~' .F Wright, Camier of the aboye-naied ti(.Ily ll t lir tat ecape [rm th di demn. anu ,do soleemniti swear thai the abore state- re. iarnerle ritahlyiiiet er hatoscped romthelIr deo geient ts tBue til thebest ot my keowledge and h omne on Frst Street. Dr. Taylor and family have returned betfC .WibT ehe Phone 25" Phone 3 O sMr,. J.L. Meredith je convalescing trom a ton days' auto trip lii lî,Wa, Sub cr'ednd WoRu obfc Ietbî _________________________________________ O rom an attewk i(A rheuinatitunî whpre they vstedi oinde and relatives. d&y 0f AIylt. STAPLES. Notary Publicý ruad, unther wa CorectAttesi. The weattoer man wiîî nurt no ,ne Despite the duaty rae nierva orc CHARLES B. GALLOWAY. feelings by turning onthe water. home, they hdad delight!ul ie . YO i Sam Home, of Kenosha, epent Sutiday 1 wi Austin now reigne supreilie as 0. rectorsT ueth Mr. and Mir. Louis Protino. the osener of a nse auto o! the Ford ______________ Halleys cornet le cleariy outclassed by type. t ie adntired by many, knowing Inia rmeaegotlitrsel C7 hat Ed wîîî onjoy trips to and from Idaa(resaegesyitrse the ieu sprng eek-booboisry. neîghbarlns toena inbhie in@ofo!humiiin the discovery that in many timide of E. W. Fuller, of Chicago, visited hie cota, the blattes bear the letter "B" as S M0mother. LMr@. C. bd. Fnller, Saturday. A Kanses man mnt te follawbng cearly deflned as though it had beau Lynn Coiyhy asréturned from a i utmonM toa patent modicinecom- imade wiCb a die. Report (rom many weks trpas saesman for a St. Panl pany: -Deer str-My ueîfe took a bottie parts of the stete confirm the premene FA f~(iIY '/~ ~T S ~ (triho eTo.sl pedn of yonr medicine and died. I amn oi the mysterions letters on the blattes ______________________________weekq< vacation witisbe parents. neair Who ban a horse to boan to the Gad@ J. L. Meredith le having a green boume Ghlmer. Hill workers for the season for Its keeÇic built o! nonsmall dimensions ln the shape I N SHIRTS! w., have alilàknds, plain and fâncy, in the Ed Biebop and famlly have returned lng? Theesociatioui neods a horse onlY ai the latter 'IL." The main building latest correct styles. Quality considered, our shirts are the low- irom Frankfort. nd , wbere thoy visites! wilîîtbe camp ta ln session so do not will bie 14x60, and the uing l4x36. Mr es-pierelatives. fn te' evr i o ea i ilke to purchaâe .e. Who las One O i>Meredith le pleased uitb the encourage- neyr ipor ea wth As soon am ueo are rjd o! the einter,we donate? ment hie bas recived tram the bands 01 anything like careful laundering. are confronted with thetornado and the owlng ta Lthenonthiy meeting of the bis patrons, and if neceaeaury, will build ~ Ia,.fI!A~Umosquif o. city counclioccnring oh the 4th of .Ily, an addition when business demande it, NECKWEAIÇ We are proud of our assortrnent of mens Th.e June bride seson fis civer, but the no meeting wae held, but the fatbeeo wueicbh le boped it wilt. fàhcnable neckwear. Nowhere can you find a greater variety oeasan for tihe foi wbo rocks he.boat meC Wsdnesdy evening, the proceedings Thons were sevenal 5maors i the of styi.sh shlades and designs, suitable for ail occasions-for liasj'lit begun. of aiwbieb will appear ln next week's auccount ai theChas. kRegalW"bhold up" buisiuess, dress and evening wear. And you will find our price il you hear a buczing sound and see a INDEPgNDENT. drn aoeiwe akgn equaly saidacory.blak abîect in tbe air-Cl l t-is a ly The Qed 11111 camp opetiod Tu.eeday Inatead ai bis iosing Il18, as statsd, the and dangerous. witb akboot 150 rbildren and &ome.a.ount w.a but $2, and am for pntting FAN Y V STS W hae scurd secil asormen of liulan services at8t. Lawerence Mis. mathers. The groada are in good everel battis. ai boer ont eai sght, it FAN Y V STS Wehav seure a peaita ssrsiet o-n Sunday a ternoon aet 2:30 o'eiock @shapl e a L.noebuilding added minces wembut a "ioneîyan."AIea tussda min's fan tvs in the latest fashiOnable cut and stYb"Sh hades. Everf'body welcome. lat yeer wlllhb fbund a great heil pn oding the nigbt ln jali, hi we@ taken One of tese vests wifl greatly add to the smiartness of your David Wanswlck wan soen an the caring for tb. cbildren. ta the Shermen Hanse, by a frand, al to appearance. Corne and sem them-theïr beauty will surprise sîreetà ai Ântlacb, Ilanday, wbore heo Lare numbers altended the Faurth wbieh a fiand la wilîtng ta verlfy ta. you-and their low price will be a still greater surprise. ceiebrated the i,'nurth. ai Jniy Cebratian et Round Lake, for linder the cushians af an euta there la What @all we da fan Lb. crap ai boy thm eaon tha# tb. ban.d boys werm ln a vertable machine shap. This was graduates bas been soived by eafeue of altendance, and it ta maald tbey iurnishmd pravon Sturday evening teo a number ai J.B.M RS C .tbsm wbo have gone ta wark. th5 e e aio music. Nu accidents a 1ppene spectatars eitthe lbsetric dspat, whou e J.B.- 0rýà E1 C .Mn. and Mrns. Artbun McLaugblln, ofto mar lhe goand ime thoy bad. punctured tire o a Chuaga car waa Everthlng for Ilen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Milwauikee. @pont Studay and tionday Mauday Dick MeMaunuloft wità Oa founn by tb. driver. ft wae net long wlth Mr. and Lins. Loe 1>agg. strintg of bareufac Terre Haute, lad. til the "masster meehenic" ueas an band W. W. Carroll & Son are now agntsaud Weatan, Ili. Tbey will show their uith a jack screw, mankey wrsncem, for the United Stated Express Comipany, speesi bIbithereat Western and grand nippera, bammer and ather accessanbes, with ollicein thoir store on Msilwaukee crcuits durlng the soason, hoping tboY anda&fter a feue Jerka ai these iniplemente Avenue. wili win good punseo for tbsir aueners. the tire ueas replaced, inliatsd, and h. IIAYING M C IE YBr oisnadEr oead h The ho tels end restaurants dld a good van spes! lakeward. ueonl 10 Denver, Colo., smne time ago business Sunday and Lionday. the rush Clark Attridge, wu ah been assistmt: t DEERINGbave returîîed ta Libertyvillo ler an in- bing caused by picuicere and others wbo agent for the United States Express deti.te pi.d were alter bîiirimd moale. Tbey were Company for the past ton menthe, basa MOWERS RAKES deliite eriy. itet on every hand and satinfied with returned ta bis home near Fondent for Julylst pa8ma8er Saffr's &I-.tle menu served atour local homteliles. an tndetfinite peroid. IC le bis intention SUDE DÉLIVERY RAKES was ratsed !from $1,4000 to $1,6010.t eawobs eutuaiepthaud ofrctcue Tbî,slethe eeeond raise ince D)r. Siheffer Wm. F. Haim . h bsbenttaeuteand a!rcteua DAIN AMl! ROCK ISLAND LOADERS bas taken the office. engineer et the bottling ueorks ior four during bis much needed reot, 9Asho bas SfC IO SOU. !P IR . TCMiss tlora Churchill entertainei a yeare, bise eccepted the position as fare- beeau laI&Ibial emplaYes ai the companY i SompanyNS! youn Reople WedETCda ilan of a 'Certified C)iry" at Whte Flsb mince be wont inCa Agent Davis' smploy. CompaBeyfWis.iir. HaoemenWandesdmU 'aft Bis beeminkecauntenanco wilhobemisses!, MIAY I'ORKS. ROPE. MIAY CARRIERS AND evening lu honor oi ber cousin, Ele lrter eeBoîi bisay, mach ta especiaan fam lly alneb unesmn sh Sherburne, o! Nebraqka. frther etoccl îl irîna y ronde bo PeWas c mo t hen blng mn, oieho TA C hre rco 9 eiya te rge fteriayfinebie a -utonn biigi v TARCThCha.les T. h whlagmtetaet Ibetbonie respect. LMay goad luck attend hlm cream, angel food, and otbersweetmpato e W. C.ir T.DUa.Folli eait h esd homely2.whereven hoe maybe ia the wiob of bi@ et the home of Mmr. Proctors@ parents " i8 ël olt uâaJl 2 eino recm near Prairie View, Monday. Subject, "The Hloir and île Needs." Aà eina iins bue wil l bave Jo,> Bond'@sie 2 o'clock The North Store W. C. T. U . et Tues- and cali et Broiwne Hatel, theo bank Thisibe Notice. ~I îday at the home o fr. Wihie Keunedy, corner. lr. M aon*s ad the electric Notice la hereby given ta ighueay IF IT'S of Lake Foresi. tirs. Dunnam, o! Chica- depot. Round trip lac. Ai try ta attend cmisoeso h onhpo Lib- FROM Igo, asth incipal spaker. ie4at Prof. Hertel, cof liertel Park. Hjali Day, hlghlwass, raitroada, fermae and lots oi Il oul inees li aver pl8.at sasbere fora lîort ime Tuesday. Tbe Cana"a thistese belons they go ta med as like ou the peopleofo Li1hertý cille if aoue Proie8oar reporte tiiet bis huenta business 1 shah see tha$ý this laue ls fnlly observed -CA C ' good bearted soui would eut the weedo bas been exceptionally gond Ihus flacrAil comrlalnts should bt sent direct ta along he sidestabte in the village. a'vtatonsoda a the commissianor. giving descriptian of Leo ead taton Mtn.5 ,t a aperty, ThdstierCie lo ner o! nibe IT'S Driry bas s rda permanent *bumainger,"as 186 couple tank adt- LUi aýR nd ueberte omatied D heu (MOD mtnation witb Stratig, thie barber ut vantage oittie eu* [lent Initi, dancing Towen o! Libetyvllle. 111. c-39-tf Wankegaui and stîli move Ilie bousebold Iloon, etc. gouda to the c*cututy but>" in a short A number attendod the piente of the Notice ime. Lake County Sunday Sehaaî Assocation Water tente are dues and muet belpald J. W. Attridge andl eon, Clark, spent at Zion City, and reporte gand, quiet on or before the l5th of July. EAeL El. Sunday in Oak Park witb relatives. time. Tlhe attendane uae Bot as large CORLETT, Village Cark. c-40-«Z O'tak Park was their former home and t i bud bave been, ueic weAsowlIig________ uee ralize that thoir bandsbaklng was ta the tact Ibat 'î-elbbatlatte" were Boy Raed Comb fine cbick foed. gaves a&I -------legion. beld at nearly everv cross-ron>d 1 the tbe littis one@. Dan't feed ctaremiel The Lyrie Theatre was stehI patronizes! cauntv- and lotthem dis. Sold only by LteESTy- C ut (ilass is nz-e-erless an the Fourth. At limes the lobby was Saturday lire. iCCrea, landscaPe VILLE. LIaSES Co. c8 packed witb an aious audience. priar ancbiltect for tlhe Mlwaukee raaid, and 'rryta tiuk f smetbing îmar doirabe fo a gf ~ tu the eudlng oi an entertainmietit in C. W. Hamihi, a promlnelit inenrance p iÎa e u n ~ e progrees. man, bath frnm Chicago, ueere sbouen oc5casioni. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby- several small iarmus near the cilJy,wuitb ucmu Try ta think of sametbing mûre tastefut, more éttitabiîî, terian Cbnircb wî h meet ai the borne oi the Intention of makind their purchaseuN> 5 more giveable or likeable. Mrns. Alice Tupper Devi;, Thursday alter. enummer homes. They were cbapernied JH best Canot mame You can't noon, Juhy 14. byF P ymn bbsneeca.â,s<t fbereo ('ut Glase s jewit.out a peer as wo tald you in the lieading. juab id ste 'Tis true mrne of the article non up inCa smoemoney- ITadjuNsAIIG eretibleixoh de srie biat sec uhal'ytu are buying. 0 'NTEESOUNTSAnVINGS!Yethun Cut Gloa ssuoh saswe Bel je Cul Glass indeed.- an tî spankies liko myriade af diarnands. - It lasts forevor, l n Our Bank bas beau credited WI dc an ei a nover ending soureca afdelighlta ils awner. onk 1cout.adwl b gr '[h o emailler rtiles cast from 1 0. otrs nyu eabofso ah. mas ti h >1n six monlîsureps&ookanory . e a-*th b THE JEW LERTi. Frstideml Buk o ib etti of-F oR S . m mtag- IN ~urnerSik AND DRESS GOODS, This bank is under national inspection. It i also required to make its condition public thus, throwing azound the bank every possible safcgu.rd. This institution bas been in operation over îcveîiteen years, and during "u peroid it bas, witnessed rnany tying tines in the financial world, but in every instance the bank bas corne through tînscathed. t-ake £outiv DtWa Capital $50,000-00 Surplus and Profits 80,000,00 t Stockholder's Liabllity 50,000.(0 Special sale Of, J3mbr01ley Biggest values we have @ver given in Bm- brolderles and Insertions. Wide Eutîroldertss farn Unerskfrte, 9 meSse in ueidth, Weil wofeod on subatantlal clotb, 6 beentiful patterns ta tome boss, yau always have paid 2ke for thet quahliy, now.... .... iand 6 inch Embroldenles ueell worth 15e and 20e a yard, goat thbs sale for Seand ............... ,...... ... 4 Inch Embraldenles on goos! sirong dlotS, excellent 10e veleéSý a yard, foc ............................ ....... 18 inch Flountinga, a yard fan . ................ ........ Ail-avec Embraldetes, 40 inches wlde. 2 yards Win iXke' shirt wett, $1.50 values a yard for ........ . T HIf Y BARGAI NS iick row m US. )y Coi OU. 0 30 ILL Un Oi 6k o lo 25 So OUE er PEOCN -,11 3... $180,000.00 Total