CHARLES RUSSEL- Pasar Brooklyn Tabernacle. ~*oh'.Jl> 3-Pastor Russel ai Ulsafis 41IlyuTabernacleopreacheci to- day ln Brooklyn's largeat Auditorium, tise Acadeta>'oa Music. iron tihe abave test. ta a crowded sud attentive audi- enca. He sai: Tomantoas vIli ha ceiebrated nas "1lI- erty Day" b>' Americana lu aIl parts ai thea warid. To same. ai course. ht mnusnaa boiauds>a.,stime ai recreation. but ta alhers ni us It speaks elouuently ai -Liberty -(unightetuug tie Wold!" Even tihe eneunles of thse hepuisiic must coucede tbat an influence bas gone tarti irom ntisese shor'e" ta lie Uttet'- muot bauncis ai eartb-an Influence agalual tyranay. sud la a bt-oac. gen- asi y vs'tu fina vîti tise Goden Rule, vusicilrespecta the lîharties ai others ase ludesires Ils ow ta le respecteci. lu la diffienît ta estimate tile egit at Influence attacbtag ta the numeraus latteri goiug iromth iese shlores ta aval'>'country ancien heax-en. ta aven>' ialsiel sud vilage 'sud ct>'. It la di- Secul teaestimate tise Influence oaitlb. siawp-prAnd imagazines vicil go haetfffom tilalanci breedlns the love ai liberty. Andi yet. deart- ieais. ever>' day aud ever>' yee r. as aurIMens rm*- tnre. va corne ta ses more sud mare distitictI>' yul constîlutes trUe "lib- ety," ad ta diatingulail tila tram "Icna"wbleilsometimes steala the lver>' ai liberty. ta gressi>' misrepre- sent ItL Il la ual surpriaing tbst mais>' via comna ta aur shores irom landes wbare parsanal liberty, la most onkuava are Inclimeci ta aspect mare liberty' than w. cals satel>' accord tilen. The>' are 'ablîgeci ta learu g"adualy the lemsn -t social liberty' iguliSes. nt per- lireaus. bat lthe permission la do se tinga viib vili not Inter- the igits and libarties of 'sc. tis la lise lama.. lesa n larder ta ha nufta et itsiepublie; be lmeudMY ail true liberty. t la .t-cautrol; thé 1tesson af ava business, the lessan S. esPM.g vil a ornsua; the lesson et dama- gondimiteaUainsue as we hava COPW"ttl-, tisalessen ofIintrudlng n h. proper rigisansd privileges ai »Qe Mm, is.But slas. 10v iew of tue *0rid bave carne taenigiti>' vev thé Mospty ofetdsci va boasaI! f- tt Issus. l oi f christ. It la la tiese Sioal of christ lisat tise epiis ors'slcples ai thé .ard Jeans n.>'1«aurt ai iiu.,tise Orest Tes-cher. thse tupetant leésu of aitl-control @»d âe Prpr aexerclae ai aur ovuiib- et">W vtlsu5eacroscing upan lise itigite un" libarty ai atiars. Ais-s. &w friands, va muat concedé that e- sariaisi> ev of tise Lard'. peaple bave laruei tisl ssoans-d are quali- Sai te graduaI. slong til Une! M" tallovers ai Chriat coutinuail> prac- tise Ijustice la tise tttie thluga af lii.. beiecting ta regard tue Uhrtiet a"f riguhofaiotisera, lu tbe Churci. lu the lOte, lin uiness. the igbts ut allers Us- ai 10 Çeqent>'igioreci or oni>' Hr~~l~1reeguled.Il la more ins- peranttIs~ v lemuta recopisthe ffta lsandi liharties o! othersa tisu t IbalaI upon aur owan igbla. The for. Uber course tends la make us Oodulke; lthe latter cuitivaies selilaluesas sud tquestly gais us mb difniut>' un- nocomaarty. The Apstes Instruction la tuai go tar- as possible. we sboulci liv. peaceal>'wltli ail men. which etten noeceamtatea thie voidlug ai aur Ovu t-fEula jet the sake ai peste. Til matter afilnlatiug upon rigits s-ad libestes la maviag the wold mare aid mretoward contention Sud sute, sud iaetenlng l loward tue great ime of trouble wvic lcsilenguli tue vi4scialistructure. Deubtiesa tue Watut ImaJOnlt> wilU haclaîming thetr tMsiluatilrghte wville almrt lots-lt>' daregardlug the nigisIs of allers. We urge. lierefore.thbat kinti ai love ai lberty vilcinla illiig ta saci- fice as respects its awn privileges. tisatit 8mu> ha ilaptul ta, othera in maintailug thein proper Ulierties. Nom dees tila agali>' tisait thepeople af (lad shonîc ignre tlseir owa liiserty a"d figit ianrlise liberty ai atuera. Bstier veabsioué atanc for the prin- CiPIesofai mgtaouauaes ad bath b>' van s-and precapt refrain tram atirrlag ILp violence. ar jaopardisng ihe*iuter- s a allers. Liberty' oftcri lenca va silouici maints-nlunlaOurselvesansd abould encourage lu allers. «Liberty' of ChiIdresu e! Ced." St. Ptui apeaks ta aur test ai tic libesU of tise cislinen ai Ood." This, primsa*l. aigeiles aur desertion frani MWtnakMuer. glu, and tise surreuder « «r vilSta Oansd nlgteausnesa. It ..Ma a epudiation of liberty ta 40w- ssud tua grasplag, thraugh <bdst«Uxrbst>' tram bandage ta Sin PULPIT... The Glorious Liberty of the Children of Cod. «'Me creatur en "a Livered from the bandage af crnzp- lbon mia the giao ietya be rection, wben "This corruptible mnuet put on incorruption." Tilen our new mincis wlll recelve new. perfect spirit bodles. througi whicb tliey.eau oper- ate perfectly. and exerelse. ta the full, true liberty. true ireedom.1 Thle fouliberty ai thle Cildren of Goci. tierefore. is not attalneci ln til present lite, but wlll be attalueci ln thle reaurrectlon. wlien we shall be per- iseted ln thle Master's lîkenesa. Anci lu tills conectian It la well toannote ticat tis la the liberty of thle angels alaLu-ilberty of ireedom tram Sin, trom the power and domination af error aud superstition and wssknssses tilrongh heredty. Ali the angela were thus createci. and tather Adam andi motiler 'Eve aiso were tilus createci. tu the full likenss af thle chîlciren af Goc. Soine tat tleir lilberty by dieo- hedience; they becaine slaves ta Sin and Deatil. andi have been mare or laes bound by tbese conditions tram thon unl now. Su, tilea. *The liberty of the.chhlciren aioacio" la absolute par- fectiain-the Ideal condition for whlch tihe Churmb la atriug. T'he Groanlng Croation. Thle Apostie ln onr text ln dlscuasing thle condition ai the world of mankinci ln tenerai. He remîncis ns that "the wbole creation groanetib andi travalletb in pain cogetiler outil ow" <(Romans vili, 22). ln the aneteeatli verne h. telesn wat tbey are waltlng tar, namely. "The earnest expectation - of thle (bumanl creature walteth for'tile manifestation af the sons ai Goci." The world'of maukinci la aaw esaaved ta Sin andi Deatil: tiey connut belp tilemselves: riley muet watt untll Godas Urne for settiug îiem free tram tila bandage. God'z tîme will came Ln con- nectian wltb the glorification ai thle Churcil. and ber manifestation wllb ber Lord la thle giories oi hie Meaulan- le Kingdom- Then the graaning crea- tien wUl be set free fram the bandage of Sin and Deatil. under whlcb it now gra-Smcndtravails. Made Subject ta Vanity. The Apastie reminda us that the slavery ai manklnci ta Sin Sud Bati came UPOn thle warld tl'rangh vanity. or fraiity. unwllUngly. Our tralities are the resuit ai sin andi ai tbe Divine sentence. Fatiier Adam waa disabedi- ent auci aur Creator, lu aentencing blm la deatb. made the dylng condition such tilat ail oi bis cilidren would be lnvalved wltb blm. insialners, tbrougb hereduIty. and thus silarera in bis dying condltýon. But Gacid dldnat subject aur race ta til dytng condition, tila slavveY ta Sin and Deatil. wlth thle lu- tanati blofMating tbe bope oi buman- itY 10 nil eternltY. much less wliltb te ex:actatlan ai sendlng Adam anci bis race ta eternai torture. RtbeLr. we are, ta underatauci that wben Gad pro- E>9uuceci ihs death sentence upan aur race. intermingled wltb It was the hope. thle uesire, on the part ai thle Creatar. tbat the rasuit af ibat deâth sentence shaulci not ha man's absalute andi eternal destruction. aiter thbe ran- uer ai thle brute beaut. lu the Divine purpasa tbere mIngles a bape-a dealre aud inteetion luat aillaf Adam'a race wba wtll learn the lesson ai rlghteoua- nesMay uitlmateiy ha deivereci tram the bondage off Sin andi Deatl. iota tise true liberty ot cilidren ofi oc. St waa ta secure. la Ood'a due ie. for Adam andi bis race, liberty tram Sin and Beeth. that Cblst dieci for aur sina. 1 The Crestion te B. Doiivered. rOur mincis nowte trD ta tiheliberty wlsli. by Godas grace. epmie ta tills 3nation lu 1776; snd. slmlarly, saine ai a ur nation look ta tilibearty tilat wus acord tlelîeml by the "Emancipation BProclamation." But tilese emaneipa, tidons are natising: tu camparisan wlth 0thle great Emanelpation wbleh Goc rpurposessaolicoame ta ail the world aY ofmanknci tbrougb Christ Enaiated 9ta Sin, tbraugb Father Adsa's disabe- ciilence. .*5<>l< under sîn." thle purcilase af thle race by the preclous blooci ai Christ la tg) be announceei by tbe Great .ludge Who pronounceci the sentence. ,rTihis la a glaoos bope. a gloriaus pro- ItPest. bat as yet it la mereiy a pros- ypect. Oniy tbe truc Cihurei bas as yet been set irse: andi aie waits for pmea ireedom througs the "First Itsnrrec- ytio." "Thea whoie world ilet inlatile 9 Wleked One." sud stili are slaves ta r- Sin an&Deatb conditions la every way. Thle arrangement ai Divine Provi- dence for til great liharatlan ai the captivez ai Sm u d Deatb la Wonder- fui! God'a Kingdom la ta be estail- go abeci aud ta exercîse bis reiga or roie ai o rlgbieousnesa amangat mua tor a mtbousand years! Satan la ta De bouad ?rdurlng thet Iperioci. tat he May ide- scelve aud cntrap bumanity no more. taThe knowledge aiofGasd thle asslat- ýsuce ai Divine power are ta be ex- a. endeul ta every ereature. baud Sud - r.-. rib s.-Ar.- a evry tngu Truly, that wlilibe a glaionu epocti. when ta the great DallvoM r"ovmy knee shall 10w sud aven> flinge con tast, ta tihe zlory a of d" t wiiihé grand, lmiedi ta wtaam. durlng the tilousanti yeara ai Chries'relgo thé grsAal ailiharatian ai the, slaves ôt Sin aud Beatil-tilelr graduai attalnsent ai full master>' over their weeknaeaae sud Imperfections b>' tbe assistance ai the great Emaneipator! Man>' ei tise poor slaves weat down ta tise tamb lu içarful anticipation ai a ittrp af etar- nal tarment. Haw glati tisey Il be wben tbey awake tram tbe sloop af deatb, realiztng it as oui>' a mamentar>' Interim! Tbey wilii le acivIseti ai the iat-that thle iedemption pries bas beau patti b> jeans Sud that, tiser.- tare. be la fully quallieci andi empow- eredtu taset tbem iree ta every. sanse ai the wrd-not only tram the condamna- flan cf deith. but aigu tram theacatuel bligbt ai detil-tile mental. moral sud pilysieni weakusesses. whilb are ela- mente oft tie deatil sentence. True. thle ScrIptnres Intimate tilat ail wlil nat appreciate tile prîviiege ut emanelpation tram thle dominion ai Sin sud Beatb.Il i not for us ta apecu- late as ta tise nurnber who wiI uiti- mateiy ha set free. It la suffcient for ust knaw tuat al will lie braugisi ta a full aîopptuulty ai attainlng or re- jecting thle enanclpatlon priviieges. AS1 wilh be fre In tile seuse tilat noune bis own wilful. celiberate sympâtby wltb in andi rejection uf the igiteous andi Libers-i terme ai thleGreat Llharator. Net Oniy Tises but Ourselves. Purauing thle aubjeet. the >Apostie marks the Cilurcilof ai Gospel Âge auseparate sud distinct irota 'th* worid. He showa that thase who re- ceir. hie beffefting oi tie bol>' Spirit naw. are sîreaci>' cilciren aof cit. and airesti>'enJoylag ful ireadam. fuil lib- eration trom >the cesdesntias af in sud Destil. Hesasys.*'Anci dot oui>' the>' (thle groanlag creation. the waridt. but ourselves also (the a;pîrit-begotten Cilureil af tis age>. whlcb bave tbe fitst fruits ai tile Spirit. even we aur- selves gruau withlu ourseives. watlag for the adoption, ta xii. the redemp- don (delverancee ai unr Bady"-"tbe Body ofa Christ, xvbleh la thle Churcil" (Verse 23; 1 Corinthiaus miii,27). Thle Apostîs la bers poiting aut that witle thle tvorld la graaning under Ias abare of lise Adamie cundemuatian, le- Ilavera la Christ also groan-tilaugh lu a different mauner. The world gras sud travails. walting for the Churci'. mantestatiou-"ltie manifestation ai the Sons af Goc." Thle Churcil groana. not uutwardly. but inwardly. whhla waliug for somethiug different. The warid la waltlug fon tbe manifesta- tion ai the Sous aoacio, bacatige "Naw are we the Sang ai Gati" (l John Mii 2). Our sasvatian witl camne. tiseretore, betare tus8 manifestaition af the Sans ai GOad. which wtill briug release ta thle world. Tise elect Cisurcil la waUlusg for fthe adoptison, thile iverauce of tihe "oy lu tise Firat Ilesurreclion. Our licaxeni>' Ether bas sîready 'grantedl us tise apzif it radoption whereby va con er>'. "Ailla. Father." but aur adop- tion la nat vet: uccompliaieci, coin- pleteci. We are aiready set ires in aur mied8 tram tise Law ut Sin sud Batis but wili not lie entîrel>' ire. until aur adoption shah l e completeci b> Our resurrection change. Tile adoption ai tile Cburch b> tihe Fatiler wii b bar iuii outrlnce it tise liberty ai the Sous oi Goci. ber ful outrance tata par- tectIon. "cisangec in a amoment, la the. twinkling ai an cye" (l Cor. xv, 52). Trhe Apostie continues thle mrn thought. poiuting out tbat theseasîva- tlon ai the Churcil at the present Urne la uut ber actual or compets salvatiali but a bope-saivatiou or a faltil-salva- tdon. He pointa aut tilat vilat we hope for la la be trought halo us at thea revelation of aur Lard sud Savior Je- sus Christ, nt hus second adveut- He points out Ihat. lu thie meanutme. If vs bave this hope as an anchor ta aur souts. It willi isacius ta ha patient-la wlilting ior tlie glanions thing aiflise Divine urrangement. Il viii les-cius Id n'alitpattenti>' for tise Lrds tios for our awu blessiug andi further' op- potunit>' for service ta betawing Goda blessînga upan the world. We ara ta walt ion our deliversuce, witi paince se.andllu tuis we gshait haexas'- cliag andl developiug one ai the grec" oai tbe boly Spirt necessar>' for aur pertectlug. It la nat suficient fthat we leamu 10 loce liberty; we muaI learu full itusmqion tthie Divine willl sud tt ecitveounr lierty,. lu kiad sud li lime. acu'rdlng ta thle gond pissa- urs ai tise Pstier. Trie exprensson. -Tise rademption ai aur Body>." ciR s ua reter ta tbe Lord'. peoplie. lndlviduailly. for esci et us wiii bave s separate-bocyin tlhlearesur-- rection. Ths Apatie's tbotsght loa ta ai Mea Scrlpttslu, general. us-mal>. tiltt here la ane Body. wvilc Iol lb Oburcil: sud tbat. no tar as aur coin- plete adoptian b>' the Fatiar la cou- cernad. thîs muet ha doua la nIlson: he wîli nat recelve the Cini-ci sapa- mstsi>. membel b>' membar. but aleo. getilar. aitisbe close oft tua âge. Tbm. 80 maux- as saolibave toughtu lhe geai flgilu ut iplth aad flnlabed tilr course, go man>' am.saolha founi varti>'as place wtît arLard Iluig hlmtimue vii ha *"ebangeci" la tua --FIts urrqpc' flou." Tilese wili hapresnted toeatli or as ans glanions Body, or "Cilurch ai tie livingGoad. vises naines arn wrltten lu heaven." k k 'k L Lake Connty Titie & Trust Ce, Àhtracte o!Titie. Tilles Guaranteeci Maeonic Temple Bidg. Waukegan, Iii. l.ù ceJ. ua~E.Setr Nellie Smith ta Tisas. and Besale1 Barnsilaw. 'West balf nortil lot , bloc'k 1, Higillandi Park., W. D. $210.1 A. Z. Gladgett ta Andrew Rycit'1 Man. Lot 11, Biocgetta subdivision, Waukegan. , W. D., $1.00,. Elle Douglas sud buabanci ta An-j drew Ryckman. Lot i8isiaék 2, Gien- dale, Waukegau, W. D., $1.00. 1 E. E. Âmes ta Emma L..AÂmes. One-tilird Intereat lu part lot 8, sec- tion 16, Newportb townsbip. Q. C. D., $1.00! Ada D. AdasataCarneila P. Snow- cion. Lot 43, blockt 69, North Chica- go. W. b., $400. Henry Hart sud wife ta trustees ai acisoala township af Avon. 7 acre ln southwest quarter section 20, Awon township. W. D.. 81.00. O. B. Branci end wlfe ta G. H. Kar- cher. wast part of lot 4 block 22, Highland Park, W. D., $1. Amertcan Steel & Wlre Company ta Christ Cilurci oi Wankegan. lota 13 and 14 block 9. \Vaukegau Highliands, Q. C. B., si. Estate ai Cornelia J. Williams (de- ceaseci) ta L. H. W. Speldel, lot 6,1 Williams' subdivision of lots 56 andi 57,1 Lake Forent, 8. W. BD., $3,000. P'rotestant bipiBcopa,!cilurcil, west 50 feet ai lot 19, block 23. Hi.ghland George Leykauf. Miliraukse-....54 Ottîie Btleve, Mltauke ..........25 Burton Leroy Pave, Chsicago...33 Auna Wladmnaun, Chicago....32 tawreuce Laureucesson. Highllandi Park......................... 27 Margaret Christanson, Lake 1'oresl .19 Otto F. Mobr, Marabfild i. W .... 30 Mlatîlcia . Kuethé, Marailfieci...31 Chicago Lîcmnses. Niekie Burk, Milwauka ........... 22 Mlamie McCarthy, Waaltegan... 30 Baennis Sebroader, Barrlngtan... 23 Florence Peck, samne.............. 24 Robsert Wilson, Lakte Forest.... qS banna Jacobson, same ....... .... e6 J. 8. xralbott sud vire ta 'rniuityG Park, W. D.43,000.c - THESE MAY WED. Hiram Witham. Waukegan ....24 Ida Miller, Lake Bluff ............. Roy J. Hotchkiss, Oakt Park....2. Lana V. Lathain.................35 Louis Oteuberger Chicago ... l Ma ri Kochi...................... 2 Le' -. "r Oscar Rieger, Chlicago ...2 Ari.a Wisehllk............... . .23 Hugh P . Nichais, Miwaukee... e2l Kaihryn Blank .................. 21 I.ouls Atteuberger. Chiclago....'32 1Marie Kach ....................2Al Lester Oscar- Reger, Chicago...24 Anna Wlachlik .................. 23 Hugis F. Nlebalns. Milwaukee ...30 Kaubryn Biank................ -2-1 J. I. Van Patten, Anîloch ......47 Emlily Kannaugh ................ 21 J1. H-t Van Patien, Antiocis....21 Zuis>' !alurray ....................21 George LaI kani, Milwaîukees....24 Ottibje StIeste........ .......... 25 John Lutireil ....................131 Elien De La.................... 24 Wm. W. Sterlinir, Wankega ... 132 E. Petensan, Wàukegan .........-2-1 Leeds Mitchell, Lake Forest .... 3 Bomp)tis>'Day ....................23 Otto Flaggs, Milwaukee...........10 'Fnieda WiII ..................... àioya F. Kaohl, Milwaukee......22 Mary Smslllis ... ............... 19 AlunIs Welkavrk , Norths Chîcago. .25 Juruka Meursek. Waîîkaga ...24 William Bager, Part Wasington...26 Leona Hauek, ................... 22 Louis Capelle, Aigoma, Wis ....25 Ethel Sar-gent, Baboil, Wla-.....23 Ernest TImu mn. Chicago. iagal age Aima M. eptis, Chics-go.. legs-l age 'FOR DSo yoU kuaw tisai it's eaêy ta but-n soit cauh. (if Its gaad coal), vrithout tic auatyance o! soî sandiemuis, àJuat give tL.e tire a ver>' little air (,a top. Dont ciîeek the istovt pipe daxuper tua classi>'. Use Pyrlilte Wasiled Nat. Yan euget hi Iron tile Home Luiuber Con. pan>'. 1t bedé casch>', but Iligisti>, anti eaves enougil air spuce lu thetlire ta humn ail tiue gases tbat would othenasise uiais toot andi amoie. 16.-t! 'Tlic leveret limitatio>n oft-cal Coftes ex-en .st umaude laDr. Sisoopa Heaitil Coffes. tIotinle lu lavo-and la madle lu juot one minute. No tedions 20 or 30 mninutes bollinir. Made from purs parcised graina, malt, nuté, etc. Satpie Iree.. CORLETT & FREDRIOKO. W, have &s-i aissoaidrain tilt lu stock RigIsi pries. YOU u caut Zmiseus.Lia- B51TILLIC LaMasstCO. C-81l .G. A. R 9 ta, 16. r' 72, Higiz Chinstir ta B. A.' block 2, Chsicago, SW. B.S lot 29 bit -qorti Cil P. W. Waeale, Ic divlision, $26.73. A. L. R lot 20 hI North Ch' A. C. &tccurdY Eigillanci O. B. 1 Plagge., af the 1 20, Beau". alan, pat- thea nos-t Daarfield Uelser, ~E 25c Olives, 20c 40c Qolong Tee, pound'33c 25c Stuffed Olives, 20c 60c Japon Tee, pound, 5'8C ~E 25c Peaches, 20c 50c Japon Tea, pound, 41 c S20c Peaches, 1 5c Shredded Wheat, pckg IIc 1 lb Price Baki-ng Powder 39c Grape Nut package, I Ic 4 .1,2 lb 66" 66 " 21c- Sweet Cuba fine cut lb. 42c :Z 1 doz. Mason quart Fruit 25c'package Rice sw1t .20c jJars, ý' 52c Minute Tapioca, 1 doze Mason pint Fruit package, 7c 1 jjars, 48c I18c cao Salmon, 1 4-- 70É Oolong Tea, pound, 50c 20c çan Salmon, 1 6C :4 RTYV$LLE In thse Circuit Court ef Lakes Coutts'. William Motan, John IMuran, Ani*s Moran, Elizabeth Marau, Marcelle, Maman anti Jo#eu)hne Smith vs. Ette kt. lysae, Lowel O. Ivei, James Mamran. Frank Smithl. ptlszatth McarRI, Lawrence O'Conuel, James. OConnelr, George Moran. Ellen INoann.Daniel Eaggerty, Sm., Edward il. Colgan, Thomas W. sannott. Samuel gren"- sud tise unkuoivu owuers oetishe North vest quarter of the. Northl vest quar- ter (except the est Ibrea (2) roda tbereai) of section tweutY-eigiit (28) Toaebp arty-six (46) Norths, Range Eleven (11) Est o! the Tid Princi- pal bharidisu, lu Laite Cnty, Ilinoais. Gen. No. 4589. Publie notice la bareby given tisai us vîrtua o!fun oren andi decree enterei lu the silove antîtedCi ause at tise Mareh Terni. A. B. 1910 thereof, tisa undersignel, Master lu Cilancer>' af saici Court wiii, on Tuescia>, the 19tis day of July, A. B. 1910, at tise baur of One a'ciock lu tise afternoan o!aid day at the Estfront door of the Court Housa lu tise City af Waukegau la sahi Lakte Couat>', oel ai public ao- tioi ta the bigilest aud leat blddat' for cash tise ioliowing descibei landi sud mea estate sliaated lu thle CountY aof Lake sud Bts-te oaI hllnoisto-vit: Tise Northl veau quarter o! thle Narths w est quarter (ezept tha eas ttrise (3) roda tilerecf> ai sectian twenty- elgist,:ownsilp Forty-aix (46> Nanth. R ange Eleven (11) Es-t oi the Tird Principal Merldian, situatci ln tbe ai tyofLake andi stata aetillionts. Bs-ted June Stb . A. D. 1910. BLAI4 U CLARKE. xaster la Cb^cr>. FOR SALE i 50,unci cid can h FOR SALE Spring Fa-rt FOR SALE bred BaIst4 Farta. Cal! H. W. FÛLIL FOR SALI Machine, a] office. FOR SALE yebr. Chia at thse Gaav& FOR SALE hay. part ta DrueLake (lra.iakae, 1 FOR SALE Pu. nq FOR BAL houae sud 1 yeiiow plue floors tilto eunidvision. FOR SALE of J. E. Bo (Y64 FOR SALE ca9rs Prite FOR SALE Au.tin anis *., down, AtsTiN. LOTS FOF aub-divislon sectrie roa- J. (lILI ME8. ( FOR SALI W igtg ad *25tMO ua FARMS-iM eounty fam in village. FOR SALE Libert'vils MâcK, Libei FOR SALE adi aprove' B. Boaus, i. FOR SALE bu rt Court FOR SALI Kinley sad P. 6CH5EAEE FOR SALI The owuer FOR SALE driver, au E ID 1n1250. Henry Pet, Katharine * W. R. Cap Emuma E. George E. Viola E. A. E, Higi Amy Matu William M Eda Peter M. Brundc Anna GYPI Tisera la ,tetbat B yun. Brat Real 1