'y for the ,0118" Sto- hiers and je for his ing about re for al twe ean RUMP. ker for a toi' ýe graunds. No tren were tak- .n parents. ttion of July 4 wuseti Into bis- lqeati, give itais License. lopector chs.rg- int of the law >loymnent agen- rday hers, but rosecution, did i Lake Plorest, ýer. north shore luctin& private rithout licenses Le laws. ýn Lake F'rest re ln Ignorance lis and at once or~ licenses and be prosecuteti, trlctly witb the 1er. hia fatber and Of tbe latter. ;dmund Fos of d mont of the n ln Boston, *ly home. H14 ala aiea at the gress and also 'tng station bill anothu-r ses8ion happeneti to et- ras atruck hy 'Ille division of allroad F'rlday ihouse crosaing llberlyvilie at ýon. Tbe wag- Iving heit two le, caiveg and iiRh ln the air 1ta the wagon romoter of the ras a passen- ates that Barn- s wagon on the atention tO the le and the bell Barnutable ras wagon, but re- w bruines and t of the colhi- several norner- 'e aligtilng snd remerkable ea- very service of Ln&5 the dîstribu- )00 letteru andi Ir the blgbwaya utate and terri- "aka. A farce ly ga aver the m, gays a writer lnging the mail Dat8 the nation salaries for the poet olffices, cx- er routes, pay- special agenta, ureas. C-'lJNTy INDEPENDE N WAUKGAN,W--EKLY, SUN, VOL. XVuI- PA~T~? LI 1,ILL., PRIDÂY, -ýjiikLY 8, 1910. t~ b ut R o* ~~~s~t Ene.n. hdstI gei Er ete4u ct lae di'~Me and Oth- et Like Work on I1omtClcmcànt Uuh.rmId U t s t ure osilpprt. amaiami et e u, iwsne heMinn bftiâM d t. Puai. sait Chicego ad Il.usvaltaRanicat. wth litsgrébt POMÉ ta emplOY &Averti busitrei »«. aram yeu-s remuons whtoh laý. iclae*no that the Raùdiat vie- lu= !lhla1idem situation on the 'rIri ata ta thet etlg neige M k~dthe trlal def0101elommt or tue lau-t on bMneeu thee t. Paul ait tbeie msie- odis ad bstweeu sg te a loSi U« h Sun wbieh foi- 8-4hlim.nts i a b nded trom limitant es qelt>' sau train Chicago. Wha Lattr"BYs, T'he.Mueto athe Sun resds. Gen"eemen: W. have yau r 0%te lutlot A, régrtiugthe petperti that Ont oabject lu pnrchaalug thie Prop- art>' raste imooutruet tht precent j lrgo bimiai n tuatI h wMPO «Sempt. »sMpý .or urne ue In iusnfactur- tmg tëf, *buteraisteel nark. __ant toesffpr Our derrick crs, litdiug * luméel a tUlm a nd ontA-, CaW 0t»tht4msion juing couveuluLt nt. Cboltaptioéaithèm neli ltuatat iraoel caomee*la.direct to e>ieprap- w#t*Sxthe 8X J. 8 là e l sanithte G: .IL St.eP. 19y.,n bte .hope te lhsm.but I11W. edet'lu ablpplug *We ame nomengaemitlu gradinthe ,pu-prIty o anl;tracka may ta laid litheIlpreent buildicndi&WlunIn- to the. properiy igterl. We arm %le> cugatgedin lureconstructilntthe premt building la the nsy, of putting lunaesate foqlDatleus Ait travellas crean«auivarices other aiteretlons. We bellée thst Roalau la imame lu suaI a wsy tWatt buasa ver>' qoit future for mf.nfotrlng plurpme. alne.-the raliomittaciltus are very g»& Md al ipmns I&lacaoitlots m oa baudied tram thers abodsu& quilky, If ast mm equick ti>' dsu le> We have malutatait np ta the pres- et tUme, a ver>'large yîsftlnut rail ro« tIrakage mb tsaute att the C. 8 'à,Q RK., At' lmliAnsd'Camspbell avenue. Chagoa, aitdslies aucftdth ratirdeit trucks Along OsMilleU avoue. have been elevalpit It mates Il mowea nIat Ildifiept Ant exp" oile~rmata ýauI1e aur intrw ansuitQqupmmet At the elevatlon whlcî la about 14 -Met et aur yards. That W raaI, of aurý ~'principal reasutu for purahaslug the sil t Rünitout. Tours trtiiy. MAC. P. yF8 A. 40"«er au seen saattIig lu tht ut ,*puaslaupituevsnig Just wcquý ut tb foamnalld te Mt, aud no efot rts aIs st e Thi l th->at heEage Scremns Under - TI@ Pot0cionof the -Réd, White- EIGET PAGES WILL ARIéSE ON SOI~II1ESEEST. With Uts. Uary Dady Ths Afferuoon New Theatre t. ho Splendid Speoimen 'If Amusement 1Place; Clty GIad (rmWeduedaîa SiN.) Arrangemuent* ta builit a new Md splendid Barrisan tbeatèr for *#à- kegan wre . Omnpleteti totay. e Thie aternoan misa Mabeli Sari- son, nationilli faniailamusical ceuitil *cirs sund tteatrical star, mapoitot *Ith litre. Mary A. Dedy,tkeia, wo ai the late Jerenlah Dady ofet l County street. a ton year bse for the. property jmat corth of the three4011 ilady builingua on south (saqOsO istreet. Tht property ta non meuhîit by Dadyya hall sud as hiskmith IMI)a ail lu a trame building, whlch Wili ta torn dore tinSgptenihr. Te tuild N.w.,Uurrln. Th e purpome of gettng thi e Ise la ta builia e uerBarrlson thostOIF wortby tbe uant t bears. It 1< ex. pecteit that Ibe uew Harrison Wit; b open for New Years duy 1911. The conti-set for tus building bas been lot ta Rennett eut Zellisa orCli- cago. who are n" draig the pgo'. eut moi-k nu býegi'n as soon 48 tht nid Ideckamlth @bop building la tom down. Te ACcozrdil ,liulial4te thet 'saa)o oithirgélie .The thea vaudeville j taiaiieé1 ville or tii litsdealgm *nIQi bu Gardien thti prettiest RE ate"s. There wn tiers of bhl caactty wi nmbke it ne) the clty fol 1 it nili be t t iffers le the Sachs robbery in, ~ ~ CfhI Q neell CO T N TA iieh murter ras conimitied.i 9 0 FO CHIEF U E E T.otg î ~ ~~~~Cross Continent Raid.-.FC IE tÊ OTo add teoh thrillilug career - et f3 DI4M ~0 - smiller rnbberles the ingailsl) abr tak place jut ailler an eptebule Funierài Ser-vices tebe Helti Ip complote SI Indw oberesofjerelry sors d Ine 4t1hre h18 Mtê iÀ, E;hcag werea gng oret by noosi. Interment 1Un Once* The tron beaving a brick thraugb ý nintow o!jf1d wnu be coit diamnts takiug ativantage ai a pus-torsot febW~ries, Sirgllar, te* ngalls ing elevated or other train to break So-etale-Juy-indts!tiilum AfajsI~ut e4 tMMllft wYork the rîntor anti tout the dispiay. J'esgsa otlueta rsd eie i Ant H to Is~aThe police believe that au orsalg jLa-nti ran ite ot Chie! Justice Meivlle op.. Tht et gang of the clevereat dianiOnt W. Fuller, Whio dlet auddenly frein deep and 'ti and jerelr>' thieves lu the country la' heart trouble etti is~ner home ater, the tE Diaene he001 t,4- 'a n making a crose nontineutaliad, hors, bave arrîvet. Nons wsrot Uindttorses,eno Dimodath ou9-an The Wukegan police tas ninng public, hoi-ever. upon roquett«w Mr*. co(dt In Every Cel #Bt~rio aven-edthtit there la natbtng ner'oux Ntuanipi Fraupes, the only on. ai o Fo I~snê~the .Ingallls robbery motter. Tht Mr. Frilir's lBye daughtera eem na Thoe li t*e sbaenot been heard firn ItAlu A uerai service heli t «Mli- culai patté - 'clalunet and negatiations. have Mut stay Il tii sumumer realdenet- et 3 > iii (1Prom Wedfteutsi ) been op6uet. Tbe1Piniert«iond utthe tta>' nIlh ia ipe natMure, sai big êiti' Police are tainË theur beat ta nu hba'o nducted b>' Rev. lMr. Freg. Arthur À Tnp robberles. anc hefors. the Iu- set a i-tai chue. man. Th oy .cmsld ittmcoaui gallo diaminntrobbtry IluWeukegea.-- -m.oux'plng party i, nu hotakda on the %ter ta dia copl e ee "Qa a -onte., -PULL HAI R D 4.40 p. ni. steamer o aMott urt ~tios o!t t - ~Forry>, niiers teOieateomr a e e i laing Il, have .-put thtep0lice and T A L T ~ ppunis nu take It aeut he o Iau rs tI. Puketaus again on the qtiV vive. 1.1~ iee oucin Ult h sa The - bastde for # niorcing train t>.red pioset Stu Terobtaries are: Ibo TtJ .fCicgaTuradai'. Tht dey « 0l.te tht Peop June- 18-Mases Saka. ,InYorki ""iI' " .oms.,sesnts ol~nues Chicago badt abieen de&cage. begin jeneler, murtret sud it q ~typa- Sou&h Geneset Ststoet Lest liteti. but Ilil be etiier FrIdai ou- rd Jiassu -id In a trumk iiv the fbles ,raNwt WxI It eyM chBto~ =mte ans>' nîtit iamànsanaud jentîryto tue vdue ofra4W O00. Then uat last wnek ti elg thie Ingals robbti-yit te..Pla' jentîr> store l n ltcaoi, Iatils as en- torod hi aaussI to! ttra6m thteitai- ,and-i f ront *ddn, ra>'ofai damant rings aoutalulng*'3ll0 lulnvalue rau nîplut. This nana mme, lu a pbr songal letter ta tht- lnues isuil>' or ibis cli>'. , - > 1 1 diamoge (Prom Wedesadai's Daili Sun.) Wheu lest nigbt nemi- tin* ira PrettY girls engaget h s ftierce itll mIxi' p on sonti Gousseet areet nere foi-adt t suspend hostlligea ont hait a aiteve tom Ot eot ber shIrt wret ant bath haitth.i-ir ar i swaitd t konspl.Theýbattie, niîci rau a ertis ans lu Orti-i\eus. o! tue, nord, la sali t tahave staaýudover, remus tlleud to.as otu tadeb>' oe An Interosting deailin acre propel'I ou tie Green iBey road l' 1u Higd, %P'arkt ras closet yestei-day InthW ails b>' Mqrrey & Tem7ryfor Curtis Nj. 'Rh,- hall o! tht Kinibali comima>' t ep-ge H, Karaher of a tuact i'1 tares lu tihe new FwprVt*n iliiU 'lomi Tht ceeslemlkmb= ltIý l butlIsuirsoithbto.ilns At lise rate of 0eu 184Q m sra eaipfeft.lr)4w1~npov *lt b haitn«me: VI,,n ta oits ro ho MagufIcant. Do ta JoasephB . Howard. que bf kom - Barr" -n mua liii sun u aaw, anthor, pai tke.qen.te.tsç rîi le s )47 by 100 feet groutit ga the. prlireait"sliey be- etra fait, btilitu.*a.end of the brick buildings ou ei wi o beit. mter wil be bulit bot4 for a"i for traveling theutrica sut cOu play tither ald> bs leffgitato a sAit interior arrý patteruet aftet,1 jShOs4 «tar iu1 Buftalo'.; qe af tht atd iolIt nioder- fl. ii ta ont tour witji thie. zes on esuberaide Mduthe vil be 800 people rbhfah n ext ta the lau-st tht*r la ri Capaclty. VIII bu Piraproaf. e iraproofedl trouglut e#Ad ,d ni no"ebut lire, pal that W111guarautet uafgt. rOwi bave a tilrty foot ,I a bctgbt af 47 fset s"d a 16 toot so that &Dy cofflpn Fani be accomniadatet sUd Iows givon. Navel Front. tn outrance o! thet tister raposet eutirey of sanoqi îat the bouse ea be énij- irveilougly qulck time andi e there nul be a huge at- i obby wnu be fitte tst -e ondie nldth of the lim- esilgu ual provlting for anoy that a large crord os# hbe- Ld ln tht lobby. ug ri léof steel witb an ng mut idwllbe etter ealbar- Li-n. - rdn.ld te Manage. A. Frutenfeli, nto ha* go ýy guidod tiie Bar-isou 4h0w »blggeat place la tht ,*to- he people accuPlat. b>' mli the state aI xrge, nUl lho vi- of the uer Biviacu, The %rrison willho turneit lvo îlIe's Stock Coqupau or CU ning January Ia tht lItaw- hs tra yctrs t a n. Frais for- Nome.a Tht aitiseus geueraly have ufoat adimiraton for the talent sn uit aÇ4.0 tht Hoaants and non ta ibis In444td 'a siancerespect ant llking tf« tWor suterprise ait conIlteuce luintiI.s t' Jas aut Mabel ainsys dit d~ marm corner, lu tue heertu 0« gmatem, but 'non an eX#Ïlisl Xfftl hms ta be bult ta halq lhb pnlIiq"de- ,teu. Theo Homards, 1101)1- 4é Howarda"su M"ItBarrIuis" Oowïd amg oo"sd6-eitby ~Yet»' me, !md,ob>ld lxthe yt '1 a mt4=41rê $1.0 l~YEAR IN ADVkNCE. ASKSQUETIONSONSIORIEDRAIN iÉLLirioS POLITICS ancohm u Itquker SteMLet, tem FINedWtt?,QUÇ"qete SURIS treme enSEPTI3 D13 Pee. (From Wednewdaya Sun.) 'Ton Foot Fail in Dstance of 1w. Mites Içapa Northt About Ottiof the ieadtiug citizeof ~ Ei r o Lake county reoetvec lettera yeater- Ed r e day fram the Cincinnati Enquiter aacldBg Information regarditg 'ual Itical matiors ltu thia conimuiti. $lxSix, Mile$ of Great Drain New, queutiOns Wre saked on eaItoctal tard CO.mplit.d and Wirk Pro-t touching en the Taft astinntatrsin, ed neorpsl and the Lorimer brlbery scandai, *ud edsUter'pel the effect (liese il bave on thePpros- - pects of tht RepubigLn party. (PIoUw Odnenuy5i54e ) The Queutins. The monumiental rest Shkike drain Tbbmm a'Ut».Wfl eatending front Rondout ta the can. 15 I5 TU& ai*M$IMlOM gItl ty fine aad dr.lting 80,900 oan ssof , il0 1 f wanip sud rate land In a district Aaw 1. st e satisdet ritti the thet la extcnaiveiy sottietiwith mil- Payne-Aiitrthb tarif! lar? lianatre, gentlemen , arme,-,, wil, be lu the Mdli cqsL ivsr lan cmjIetdabout Septemnber laot au tht e qbuiei h ., dmiles In lesqthlbsoù Miles of thbi,.e~ t .Whlck patY doe" the palitical trend csaalbey now been cmpitet anti the ava,? canal lu dry non tram Rondout ta Ar- WilI the Lorinier bribery dioclac. niour-1 which shows that auy teiui ue hàrt Repulicu cie ai, . te> float botté down the ecâai WU Rate téDeo0rats a chance t meet with toiture. The canai la pure- Carr llflC&atuis year? fi a drnage lcanal, but aMme af the» Wuth bieh Party bave you amum'farm ero thonglit tbey were ta hay,,at et In,'ie pust? teaut a slip canal. PMPrmt auawers w.rc aiste In-Overy The tryito.s mElbathat the cana c.ese as far as eau bé lesi-neti. ha& .ufuiitet i mission aiready In the secret n""M 4out vliulty hy draining "di The lotter ta «caa - lua l u <Smii" ri y thePe nttVicinitY rii iowa:t itformier prampe &041 standing poo4a. Dear Bir.-You are gretiy inlareet. H* Poil l a >we Mlles'. ed la thle political situation lu 11-in lu wo utiles oai the canai aoUtb'ý1 tuais. No ather state presottu/a S«eeArmour'. ttceo«»alla aiMtothave.1 lierpiexing snd iutereatinp asati t taUti ton 1eet. Thfflitwl'at Mmes- tht, Unie. the aorth end'dty.-, Far the information and 4 t f ! The two greateol bseeciartesare bath political parties. the âýailir,'is lIetwo rais Pai t1thgr*e teaharo seeblas ta anti out the trèsitof séti- «th ço tof41N , àà o i ment la the stete. ttha la diqt T t re 3- Ow- WMut fol co-Opevue owitb usteth#f toir Ârusur "dm iw-Mer ~ tbp Oillsg ot sud UlalIIàJgthta Wi ticei postal'perd?. ý1plI . demaci-etusun& te bltà&.Y ntee a Thnt ou lài.a ea.f05 0 aitr br bas~&otse ot 5sti5tuc' mebog ta umaiu. n.or very trutiY o.-o orm.a Nae.li. r THE ENQÙIRER. OecaOseu r MaW.uV -dl r. VIDEas ftý FiREAT FORTI SLINCOtLN PENFIÉs ýo-.MWt Leïtars WèW Bode oanc basstartot s story thiit a biga Preluu-, $1,0W0or 80a. nu ho pali th the Buter ora! ecoainatlon ai ner Lnonpennies, the mint marku Ob nhlali foran the nord "sautb.' No Ont #ema ta toknom nho la tu psy the Oub baMuf. Whoever matit the effet lu pevOatiy Msi, beeasuseDo sncbheaux- binatiausoaimint niar-ksexiste. '1tuat the sainie, tht yaru lias causet e lot Oi annoyance ta the trsaury or- lifiisl. Pasrcely e de> puases liii ot the receiPt of four or ftye Jettera POSan Perans a sethe Ui.me ai the 0DnOr ef tht pfut. Sarne et the nrit4p, sab fr penniew grouptu of Imters. u ta tuer ho n s>'b *1Uhl198ta Invest 6cent.-W, IZtpeu M!" 0 sTe rbilu orter tu exehange ibmM for 81.000. Th*itmdpartment bas badtet write bua4ds ai Jettera explaiming thet ils <Ov*MeMmt ustlisissue nou ponie nb titisu conibintion of letters. The Mini Marks are *" "for San F'reAnclsco *,«" for New Orleans, -C C- ta Carsat Cti snt "D' for Denver. Pennies dtteed let ;tthe Phialaephle minI vs' ne mini merk. NEGRO ASS4UANT 15 AIGED NOW HaURton. Irez., July 54A5Itdint. seat- Coralcane, sa seize' gred ihe lioupe atiub Belley. ius iSeasi bri-auhiuga butte. thr*ste% 11N pilsiy, a bride of tlirce igenthe, wbl MPrp l t nîtimb, toohi the raipo Adi forçet tht l-u go$le.! - -' U- , osue4t lI !ire WhlhTk r.UM tb. (From WeitpqAsy' 54xm chîcago adt ,Ilnube Ieople apeutîns, the simuler aitthe choi- 'bing, bhott tet Ulit, Kçaocha counti, coI o t ir prop.rty niagu sanou.MOthMtrarbi b1< trer u-n- peOr one of thc.porches "sait ata4a amr which tbl0iM. n aestri»' the place. mmo»aouf n * mrkod et the one liant pesujis sud aterohalitqair ari itrenuana1 watt ttire rat .x tlu-gulataed vi log$ leof 8100.- I ont ras mero"uly ini-et ln the rush 10 pet out, of the botl. Letqr lun th» a-t ernoon i'th otel aeutoeeti Cbarlcu Beruhoif. star the trani ke, was egtroyed b>' tre witb'a lam cu ONE ALD>ERMAN HO NERVE 1TO PR9TOST lie-So~d h u MumsI-ait Wcek R i u Aoaprdlug te clty bal l iormatioo. UarS? e*n ."bouge e! caris" caimin that lteras Do gsamhila\*u t toril tontu atrecti talla daw mi-asi .pistely, 40s Il, ~leaed et t bt auio o!et ie * eeansu adiromab tiie nerve 111 ourage. 10*9 uMOte> gstsoies. apern;st ri ceoiol. ý The ls'MM tiipffldter a [foi mâ%uwo ut r*r4 acmlng u t sanieuwtutom ows mrearetel t»m up egi.Is l.-Tie imara 5itr- ms~trIait oidth* IlV» oi toyp 4 viiy fer ilt >isnovosent. TOM IOMAY Wim P, 'I, sfXr owu , *'.*6t