CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jul 1910, p. 1

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LALE CÔuýNTY INDEPENDEN WAUKEGA WEEKLY SUN T T5,TCiTQ ~'DInAV 1111V i î~îî VO.XVIII.. NO. 42 TWU PRTS~A~imAaV ~-lti Pa~s PART ON! H,50 PI~R YEAR IN*ADVANCE. PRINCIPA Uffi BEWARE Of- THE SUrfRAGISIS AT STASSIM Arr RAY ICE CR!AM CON! COUNTY SEAY Draatl fratbau sudis wre The seizure of 70,000 ire cream "They've almost got my goat," salid mrmdco!two irtofnti. studiio8.s lu tiicon. at New York Saturday develop- Peter Hoffelust he chauffeur of the Wlnthrop Harbor stabbing affray of ed the. tact that the. governuielt 19 big Wintoiita .cryn July Fourtli by SUN reporter Mon-1~ conducting a national icrusaa4e agalubt fragettes ln tilir state wide campaigu. dey.impuritles lu tisl luxury of chlldhood. "Yen," lie continued. "I beard seven Jepfi tanridge declares that The. lnqulry lucludes Chicago. regular meetings and got a continuious h ia innoent oftheii charg" of The condoamt goode, siipposeid ta flow betwen stop@ and 1 really begin havlnq .SI5bbed Paivots "Ward b. "pure patry," are said te contain te tbink as do thea. women that the Walsh, who la sot yet out of dan- lPore acid, and tiie quantity waa un- question of womnan suffrage ia the big- gereth Camp Logan range usually large because the cone, were gesat question before tih. public today. hoçptal.intended for the. bot climat, of New Tbey cau counit ou my vote If tbey PrivaeI gdward Walsh d.ctâtres Orleans..'Tbey were the product of the. need It. that hi.e mpanlooa et Winthrop Cousolidated Wefer Companiy of New "Wben 1 started wlth these ladies Hlarbor on th. nght oft1h Fourth Pork. 1 exePcted a duil titue, but 1 arn en- have ldentilfed Manr.litige ns the Sorte actif, used te preaserve the joying It as munh as tiiey are. min and that ha alleges, gitan- ronet front esson te season, Waas "I didn't kuow a tbing about tuis ridge h«a hen In trouble butors. i found lu large qianlties dUrlng thic question wiieu I started and 1 belleve was relea.aed on bil prliminary cbemica& test», whicb ignorance of wbat the question really Saturday, wbe! a SUN repoter gaw catiaed the sweepiiig Investigation. A tg la responsuie formost of its op- hlm was unwlllng to say mucb about large amunt of poacaius artîflcial position. the. rase. He ls about six feet teall coloring matter aso was fouud, and -i thouglit at tirt that Woman Suf- and thln as a rail. Tbere i. a long sone o the "glatim' wàà notblng f rage was sometbing like Dowieigm or &car acrosi face. H. bas the. soft more thon ordinary glue( if la sald. serre otiier new reNgibu." soutiieru dialet He contented imaelf Ingredienta Vary. Made Votes Her. witb denyiug the-ebarges atainst hlm The. ingredlents ofthfie roues vary, But anyway Waukegau bas liadit s' wbinb wiil lie trled Saturday before but the composition rommouly used tiret niperience wth suffragettes, aud Justice Schwartz. la madie up of gelatin.sasccharine foeur witb militant ones af that, and bas Walsh Badlly Hurt. and a colorlng matter te gve the. op- 'ewry4va4 luinfart the women left a Prîvate Walsh and bis companlous psgranre Of eCl iaving been used. If good Impression, for they were netothle for their part talked freeiy aud gave tii. gelatîn la pure and the colorlng theatrical klud fiat leave you weep- the tiret complefe account of fhe matter le harmiesa, sud no chemîcal lig or gnasblllg your teeth. Iu fact affray tbat bas been published. preservative la used. no tault la found they were as niarming a party of Walsh bas a wound In tbe abdomen witb tbe cones. wonien as tie rity bas etetained ln au nc and a hit deep sud of fhe a long time and tbey m#de a vecy shape of an L. It le near the heart. ANOTII!R BUIIDING atroug Impression on the. crowds that Sktory of th Flght. h.."wthw- Walsh with s colored man nameti AT SII!LIONÎ,URST Meld Street Meeting Toc. _____The main meeting took place ou the Sbeldon. another soldier nameti Doran Tii.tiret step lu the. building up o!, Court House istepa, but Nrs NiCL- and Arhur Needles of DIon City, a a great univerulty lu Lake rounty wil loch, the Evanston justice o!fie lahorer t Csmv Logan, were playiug bc fie ronstrurtion of a boys' anbool pae u usNnoa i ete pool lu the Neinaber place when lhe ou the shores of Lake Eara, Sblinu- eut re r n 'lssneakedoff fthrom te Stnrdge il lo said began te taunt ti.he utat. near iRockefeller, by A. F. Siiel- otiiers aud 100k the. automobile to the nego Seldn o te Jffres-ohnondon, bead of the Sheldon Correspond. corner of Genesee and Washingt ou lght. '.euce.ScboolinluSalesmansbip aud othir t The, negro lo said t0 have pald ne er enterprîses. 'sreswiere they spokie te quite a attetionandthe est f te patylarge crowd of men assembled tiers. at teo liudtrei r excellfntse puay The achool, hch wili be I et- Tii. rrowd aithtei.Court Houa. num- wbowlt iim berexcllet rput- edt the nuceus for the univers- bering somne two or tbcee hundred was tlous. roufiued te play pool âud say ity, witl b. bult In th. tell. largely compoaed of wom,,'sud some nothlug. Fiually Walsh acted oas t seul accommodate 250 tud- of the most prodiment womeu In town pear. maker and theu the. rend fight- enteanmd no more will be admftted... were tiiere sud siowed their appre lng begeli . Ita cardinal prîncîples wlll h. vition of tbe speakers efforts by -Cannot ldentlfy. th. taachlng etof haracter build- bert appîsiise. Tii.Wlnhro Haborteasae ~O ing and the fundamentats cf bual- Wants to Reach Men. have followcd the soldiersansd their no«a goam. Mr.MClchwustrel companioiia ouf of ithe Neluaber place The cost >nd the ire of the Butmnsu So resoat tee cea sud oufaide sud lTyond the Illinois building have flot yet bean detef- temitandmegoda f0 os , i spît fine tiie rai figlt took place. l.,ued. ofittetost dora outnwbt Needles seema te bave licen thie The boys' achool wil ready for ole e pposluthargeof tbe f rip. Buc frst man eut. fila said that blood occupancy &orne urne durlng lae reet inchrnrgeeoftnsere.Bul poison lias set lu on the wound aud tel. atledaytesdscorn ud m ra.ings irulloci tbat is condition la grave. Walsh This la the firet definite aunounce- a]dyTedy n r.MCloi does net hncw wbo stabbedlire la meut lu regard te the proposed ftel- sey t'.>' will as long 5as h. iavitt claim.d but tiuks litwas Stanridge. don unlversity te be moade alure tbeth ayfosesisinhmt( Me gaya he faif merely as though posionwsfrtavne. On ly way to reach tile men. some one bald it hlm lu the sfomacb proposition was ,flrsfalae. We reaîîy osec ln fiese street cor sud did net discover the. wouud untl l nrvae£trpl~ er meetings trom automobiles th, aflerwards. He even strurk ounetof The. Sheldon uulverslty and Chef- klud of tartina the movementinl EnÊ bis opponentass.ld te have been gian don Correspondenne Scbool lu Sales- land has adopted, sud, lu fart, fit -ridge affer the fracas. Then th Iiw mangblp are two different rorpora- said that Tuesday vas tbe tfret tire of blood weakened lmr. fis, Tii. uulvfflity la Siieldon'. such tactina bave ever becnunued fi Sheldon, Doran and Needies are &Ilîl Iividue5l plan sud la being carried thus country, at îeast lu the. West. saald t0bave Identified StanrIdge as out by hlm atone, Beuchesansd chairs vere lined t the man. Staridges parents sud LAtely tiiere bas been a change lu lu front of tile steps at fthe Cour family are ail lu Witbrop Harbor the offirlls of tie anbool of salesman Houlles sud the meeting tbere wa wbere the six foot southerner bosses slip Py whilnbC. H. Pattîson ot Km-. staciset about elgt corlorit witli a tei a gang of laborera. sas City becoines vire preaideut sud introductory ceiuarks by Attoruey( Seek People In Automobile. general manager. A. F. Sieldon ire T Heydenlter wio was folloved b il le bellevedl that fie confusion lu mains presîdeut. Attorffey Clareur" Nrs. Geo W. Trout wbo beada fi the case would b.e cleered materially Ducand remains treasurer aud A. H,î'hinago lirsflcliof the equal suffrat If a myterlous party luasau automo- Si~th le sec,îScN. association, bile which wltnessed the. wlole affair Many at Normal Course. NI los Grce Nînbols, of thre Net coutld he !oind ' but no one toithte Tiere are mauy nov lu attendauce borhood flouse lun<Chcago followed, a trouble te get the. maà~iue number or ai fie annual summer normal coursc fer which Mrs. C. W. Nîulloci spok other detals sud tiiece i. no vay te ofthte irbool. The course la deslgned Mrs. NicCullonb vas the only spesit trace the car tînlesa the occupants te train studeuts te benome busines te touch on local conditions Hi cone forvard te belp clear the. mye- managers. sdvertising managera, sud speech was witty and was bigbly e tecy as thece ia S reasonsble doubt otier exec utive officers. There ar joyable _Do seuid men of commai about Stanridge. studeuts lu atteudance from Hondur- sense bteie legisîsture, aihe exnîil Stancfdge bas tbree cildcefl. as. Soth Africa. Mexico, Australie, ed. -Dont seud men on the verge and from ail over fie United States. l thie penlîeuliacy." CrbteeFrmSod o Txe. la said finalt tere are 40,000 Siieldon Better Than Sume. Crabre Frm Ster re, ta xue chool studenîs by correspoudence. Senator Oison. aie salidtwas 5al Crabtpreed mlst arlsm ntii eclser- The only building on tbe grounds nt man and sie badl great confidence bigil p ricedomiLkestBluffent opera- .LaieEara la fie adminstration bulld- bis beiet in the womau's cause. RE ecott ua rtho! aie lff taxes In .Ing for the corresPOndencesbo.. resentatIves were classed as talcr, Waukegau a few dsys ago aud a Wau- ra elbte hnsrih kegan tax boyer, Fred Worth, wastbe Twîve Ysear Old Boy Kilied by Cara. eve- boyer ufthfie taxes. Tbe aaddest deatb lu ail Lakte roun- She tbnulth lat Stearna would lia Crsbfree dalry la reputed toescur ty took place at Rollîns ou FcldSy uoted favorably for tbeir bill. s $10,000 aud over a year wbicb lie owhi- vien Walter Tbompson o!f tat vil- Speaker Sliurtllff at least gave the s, er gives te sustain Chcago nhanties lage vas klled lu some manuer ou lb. fragettes thec ourtesy o! s henrir lu the. lumnd 11blas always been con- Soofiue. Sbe dld flt say muon abotut Bîri sldered a big paylng Institution vile Tiom'eon liait been sent tb Grays- but lic inferaure was îliat lie wasr the owuer la cousidered the. mot suc- lIRke to getîbuttef for bis mother snd as favorable as be miglit be. ces! ol vomat ilmu dealer lu the buylng a ticket fookthte mutk train Local Association. stgle. hm. WtiM e fe fbsou lra. Ella Stewart. file state pcE Thebefrn i ii undottbtedly be re- station be silie? tried t0 jump off or dent was fie tesf speaker. giving lookiltg for bis brotier, vio v55 f0 very careful discussion of lie nit hilm. lu some mauner teat bis bai- meut andi of ils prospects. l-lstory Nearly Ready suce snd fel. Wien plcked up if in spealîlng about the. local sep The iewLakecouty istoy, hevas foondt tat lu bis fait lie bai o! the case tie womfeu admtte t] largest sud most complete ever pau- struçit a boit lu s nelgiboclug treigif fbey would ikhe f0 see a local as ned-, wili strike tie press some fîme lu car aud the top o!bils baad baid been nlation focmed, but fiat on s burt latter jnly anti Ed tor l î, ~ tc off. 'The boy vas ouly 12 yeacs ftip lilete ils any attempt at orgal HlateY of ad e PioreIn CollegeJ J.Ifod. &tienon outbirpart vas imposail colefeLabis vort oe e vllu Tii.Tbompéons ceide ounvilat 1a 's-cy expressed tilenselves as ' cOmpetebis orksom tiM wihlUkuowu as the. foolittie place wici plessed ivi th eir reception tber. feu tisys. He bas been et work round- tiley purchaseti ceceutly, COMing Out saliti that tliey coulti see notbiug Iug out tlie bîstocY o!fie count y since trom Chicago f0 make thiel home upon sa great day comiug- foc tisir cat Chrstmals, labOclug day aud ught, sud f . Votes for Wumnen Work Gond. fhe ecutJinla n lgia. TII. boy livei for an bour aud a hat! Âmolig otiier tilinga Mcae. MrCull uî,d dunlng tilatStme beldtheUi butter saldt fat in octier to fudi ouf the You gel repies f ram INDEPEND- package flghfly lu lii. arme. suit of womau's auffrage'libil v ENT senilide. feu ~th f eiayrlu icwestern I!R A K N F R oringe Inl is iarble depti. DÉSIRE rAfI -w sttswiere vomen bad ieeii vtlog TI!CA DIAT S ff riit oke flue bouel i , AA. froni 13 f0 41 years. Tiiere vas great - T EC N IA E f otergto h os steS V À «u unaulmlty lunflic replies. Almoat ail. stable sud garage luthie same general the mayors repliedtfhat vomen vote Secrcnsry o! State Rose bas issueti style sud colociug sud more sfately The tIllnois Cocu Growers' .Aso- In great numbers, sometîmes 75_ per a circulen letter o! Instructions lu sud expenelve tisu many of theieseai cation vil] bolti a corn, rats and cnu o!fbe vomen votlng sud some- whlchb le tsfes fiat no candidates Pe- deuces oun!Michigan boulevard . The vlueat exhîbit lu conneefion wlihfthe timea 90 per cent; that there la no fifion pceaeiifed ef lbe door of ils approacl te the. bouse loits a luttle F'anmers' Convention Sf the Uulvcrsty corruption o! vomen by plfc office wiii b. f led befoce 9 onlocit On bace as yet, alfiougb Mc. Armons bas Urbana. next January. sud if makaea The polliug places are ocderly sud tfi@ morulng of July 18, biut that some apeut thousands o! dollars lu aettlng sellcqcto amr ih o are locateti lu respectable parts of fi'e petitions recelved by mail may bc lled out double nov. o! t cees along tii. f0 gather s sample of rata before bar- nity. Thot there la lesa bribery aW before fliat bouc. drtvevay. A 11111e lakes bas beeu veat for fiat show . If la desired to elntIo ane vsienvoed o 0s- The filng lu order of presentaflocimte ufegrtlti u s o 0 k ite a prominent festure of this m- lut ely noue. Thst better officiels are applies, tbe Instructions ceati, te ail out over the prairie country annosa fliebbîsu rafusty o!ciei elecfed; tint vouen vole for law petitions rerelved by mail or 1reseut- lit tle pstcb o! green sud seecIliat îI- elioa s iat fel afsudtheaor sud order, show an Intelligent lu- ad lu pecson ou and affer Jtîly 18. Ian villa beyond, tlie sigit la lovely :u- crops may becmrvt sfeCS tercetf lnu mihiclpi affairea ad are PetîlIons recelveti by mail prier te deeti. Wlien the. vont is complèeet. has beau. publie spiriteti, sud fiat fie bad vo- July 18 viii be cetucued f0 fie senti- lier. vii lieh manIle seats, balustades The associat ion avarda riblions only man voter la no menace. er, as ti. aeretary of slate has ne sud terraces over fie grounds. The sud fie grain remalua the property of "Tbes mont of affaira, practîcal po- aufbocily te file fiem before fiat date, viol, production la lu tie mauner o!fie exbubifor. The wlnning cxils licisus, thons recoxumeuti omans nor rau ie assume fie cesîronsibillty lie Italian renaissance. may bcenetered for the NatIonak Cbcu suffrage te te vorîti. These lelters. Of Iheir custotiy before fiat lime. Over fie ralroadti f rsl îflu lic Expopition et Columbus, O., sud ouly ail i, mypoaseasion, make a magnI.- Tii. early filug ofrftie petitions re- gnrouuds à atone bridge. cosllng 810.- suri Illinois exblta as are shovu et firent anaver toetth. question, 'DoIl reîved by mail viii fske place ouly lnu000,bas.b4e erected. sud ifs gracetul Urbaus viii b. alloved eut ry aft th* Woman's Sufge York Weil?' . the rase of tiose vlilnh reach lie sec- span laecen far dovu tbe public roand. National Couvenftion Women btte rProtected. retarys' office ou fie morniug of JOi>y Along fie iilsaide near it poppies have 0as.asd vbesf are vsuted ln their 18. The ficet mail arrives et 8 or been plauted. Tbey shov pluk sud nalural state, thc viole plant.,ileati. 'Tlere te anofiier test than tliii.g830 . M. PetitIons wbii c eaci lie ced trom star. ' stcav sud rools, fogether viti s peck by vhicil te decide vietier flic vo- office by fils mail on July 18 viiilibe One thil)g liat la ocraslonlng some <10 pounda> of tie threaied grain. men té o! pratical value- Are vo- fret serveti. peculaflon regards fie vsy vîsîtors lu Drop au ocdiuary sait baccel irop humo men lunthetçntn states better proten n nme'o-eif Smay be lunmcinsaef0.i calde e estanding grain sud csrefnlly paul ed legally filan fiey are lu tic shalea etosej lu a aingle envelope. sud ail as a large igu joal nutaîde fie grounti,,a tic grain encloseti. Record the. whee wmendo etvotý Ae -caucl petillona yl bave !tIl rigits proclalma, ~ machines alloved. Pri- dianieler o!fluhe boop sud Isaten tii. chilîdren. vio 'are go close le ail wo-a 0tefni ffhlge 1 Il .vt cai"same te the asmplc vhilnisbould bo meusa bearfe, safeguartiet by law aup- ileti lu the order it nonies loefthe baud Mrs. Acunour laye it viiili e s year bouud Inb a amal aeat by tylug. crier to tiie lava of fie tates tabere o! tic fi ling ent. yef before fie grouudls are complet, l lu fviu t below fie heada and agalir wo e o n t v t ? W a a s Any person may baud n as man y delal mat a tev luches above the, ro is. Sus- shoulti ve exPeettef0 ae onrthlicstatute petîtîona as b, chances f0 have lnbils pn h hahasdwweei boots o! our Utotia.if ve wio are possesson but only one eat fime, and vii li e safe frolu mire sud bîrds. huantalas ocalst ad ovrsofeacb petit Ion vIli be filed ln lie order Arsnged Affaire Before Deali. Évery farmner lu the afafe vbo la In- justice could write hem' We ougit o l csefîo.Couviiired if lo sad tliaf be oulfi terested lunfte improvemeaif of rats or 10 iudat eas fies viilifoicw Te boucs foc ceivictg pettitions aIt àie even before bis leg bai bea iet la urged f0 save suri a sample Spousea ltereat equal iu lie aecetac's office on .iuîy 18 wîll amputateti n an effort te save lilm. E. foc tie exhîbit. A. mauufsturlug ofiers ceai estale, WVyoirtrig, lie from 9 a. m. te 5 L. Gerry o! near Millbliru matie bisa Qn ilaar rpyt h Coloado, Utah, Idao. viii sud irougit ail hia affaira Into ovuer of fie best sample; boli grain Eqlupsy for equal vont antidRNSIIG ortier.Suuday be dieti near Ivo sud afraw muet lie exhîbîteti, Theae feacbîug professions rsgardleý.F o! BUSY fU NS I G ln theaffernoon of bloot poiouing samples mut bc saveti at once. sex. LAKE COUNTY HOM E The blooti poiaoning le saldtetohave _______ "The av fixes thli tr-eu 5or. beau caused by the fat tbfat viien LIotiien public Officiais anti "5%'fo- one o! lie iiualeat womén lu Chi- bc feu tventy-five feet trom fie. rot OLSON MIASONE menar eible f0e 5rtY publiÇ cago udoutedy la Ir. J. OgdeuN Ar- o a eghbor's barn on whiirb e iati0dV ! RT ofir, becuepracrictît. pre- mour. Sie bas beencu lsctome f rom been belpiiig, tie faili tking place -mals lu a ifur sutînag,- s ahet hec motong tour lu Europe but a fev folloving a ligbfniug boit that vas S rnfedIl uy S&-T hle my- Eu lnty lu muer lanis- ton itsandiilu liii tîme Si. has doue a sensational feafure of aa utiten Epi tery .of the allegeti mimaing type- - bofi sexes. Wyorin;, Coloraldo, more shopping filan mauy vomen ac- storul, lierfel on a spite that pterce ivrtere vblch ver. purhaseti for te Ulal andi Idaiho. complihtbroughouf thein enfin. lives. the naît !cisieleg sud tot vit It ~use o! the fonf-ltbg"rl seu y ion for lame causes -u nr. Wm. Hovard Taftf vsathougit part ofthue socit. The.colonlng matten lly ha s it If vasueatei a@»e buaband sud 10 vife, îiougl i vfe f0 bayve ield fie record for shopping lnithtI.sort. may have rausedth ie Vois-Ciy luo!itagltaannes- rau also secure separat? main- vien she bougit ail ofthfe vinter Ouf- oniug fogefh ien vthe flic phe. gCin talub IeauM ataud nyta LI peort. rdIoc frnn ti fit for ber family sud fri-ends lu Parla Mr. Gerry vas about 54. Me leaves seventy-oue ofthtit ypevniters wiih ,a -oil iii ee t mkea nau heur aud s hait. But Mn@. An- a vidov, tvo iinofbara lu Wanikcgau bad beau purehas"d for fise urne 0 E os nuIeeif ae~ mour bas lieftered ber aciievement. and ti fec relatives ad f vo chIltireith ie genenai asmbily ver. misulug O il eiit 18 years of age. The reason for ao mucb a tivity la Claude ageti 9 sud Verne ageti5.andfhaf Rt vas prosm.tiatse t "No voman to vonitInlunes. tbfat lie uew Italian villa, Armouria, Halilveti nean the Faimuey place nus hibenrppopiaeti bllattors "Elgil heuremaximum lainer surroundeti by milesansd miles of fer- Millbuml. for theelr o rnaedor stleo.. ucre fi day for voman. ile, rolling country near Lakte For- The. late Mr. G.rry bore tIhlbgis- ftr oSt ner oo n. s bi! a l- ie Notn4. ywn ornlde est, le completeti sud lie business of est of reputtations as a man o!0f1 vetgtonm e10tI logtIs e .ude, 14.vsiatnmd rteaiied gamblng anti prostitution for- furnishlng if la veil unden vay. charactar ant i uaI. gooduiesa antidi.aipearauice of tise machines anud #0 r bitiden. Mm- Aranour *uying Furnîahinge. eticale l tha cause of vide mounu-Involce siovs thaf ail of thetiosr Age of cousent, 18 or 21 yeara. Frlentis o! Mrs. Armoiu bave seen Iug aSorunteti for'. Fah ra d m t e h r ln bec mak ng urricti expedtifos lu fu- Th e e cro t he i office o! the t a îhnanthi o he share, u- ntue departments an inlu maîî aops Sans Fourh V letim. audtor o! publie acounta shows tiat a se vguardsieusbp ! ie n, drn sr- ere rare draperies are tept . Tbey George Paufer, aget 15, thi. sou oft fler. vers purcliaaetstour type- ln vivor sleguathedii yofforhave lielti brie! converse vifi bec antifaererparents reaitiiug befveen Bac- vrlîara ince.tue convenlns o!rfile gon me' sufalge te tiiaor3r four îs îsened f0 mysterlous senenuce vilci ington and Lske Zurich, 'je tic firaf ai-ai aaemlîly lu1909 ou acciut cf m' ees ufraea lea, ore noufrieshave not dean-ied, but bave hblufet fanti pcobabiy thc ouly dtfh virtim o! thte genou-ai assembiy. Pr viroevoen u nitiet r eoil onderful sreueà vîlni yl on. day the."Inuanue" îiOurfi. Sonne o!f heae machines wvespu,- e lIs To saîi lu Part: 'W. are lu the uesr future lie isible f0 viaitOna Young PSnfer iad s foy pistol ouniaetie for cash, ofters vers traffl v s cs. nuscvlv ecu,8ut ni itneo!fie fauuly. the Fourfi snd ln aome mauhien vien bougiit by trading olti machines Aý ~ pehap ai ani ve vuit raier No fnleud e ve.invifeti, as fieuds he explodeti if povder otigeti un hie payîng part cash, file cash palihelng yehp dniti a ndu or wueyshîu 10 mat eri.adti oufideutly expectedte 10 ,, f0 lotkbaud wvilni as toi-n ly the exploin. $4 be effort ho îurn a-side tuto nev anti bet' on fie wort of art. vbinb la tisir Theegcrfiidge seema te bave eriplodeti Supt. Sert of the.state bouse basaa fe er uns absode. ait hougli fife ,frieuda bati seen prentaturely. Me f elt no 111 effecîs etbook ln vilici la entenedtheltadate &%d Senefits Men Toc. greaf crafea sund carloada o!furnculture ficat butf vien orjlei-ed by ils tatier f0 number anti make 0f eaeis mal, eklv lu-arrd lus f rom Europe turing fie veeta do rinces sasiti e vas sint sud coulti purnliasetianti vio la lu POase.lon et ifý V at - i us nallthfe necessihicast lu1fanttrleudes ver, respect- not. i-e saut igls inger burt. Thie the.saine, anti licbas a receipt tronci e. fli are c(i-eireîiforyus.iendwe fusy inviteti to cemairi avSy for a lit-taulier poureti some peroxitie o!fliytro-fihe persan vbsa possession of lte cerar nuIy cet ghstrlwe e tîtme outil fie vont o! fuculablug gen loto tic votilitiand ti lseierte10machine, ifs numben sud present lo- fer histrate anti are afrali o! equal sut-, vas doue. For Mc. Armour aud bilslie bett. c ation. enfrage. vii, 1h t1 endfit men as munh1 i vie vio'ai-e tarting a!relsh et bouse- Suuday vile ou a iide viti an With the exception o!ftour of thse ýon as s0uneti If Iaicuer beneftst a mans tecpiug onr Bo arge a seahe, are guarti- older licol' er yoOng PanIer vas agaîn machines ail of fhem are nov ln tise m-motier. -ouýiter, bis vite, on bils i cacefuliy the, first limpression tbey taiten III anti Montisy mornnng at stafebouse ctier luna-ort storet lua & oftiaoghts-r. s-r.. fits tic man bbmself are f0 malte. A few inlimates withli e affen sleeping vel aIl nigif ils java noonu on the foucf b fon o! the buml&! Our irtret ts ime Ileriical sud cauuof admiffeti uext weeis for thein firaI ver. part ly rlgid. Next moruiug St îug or lu service lu some erthie de-, lie separahett Thece la vont in our viev. seven b, titet. Tiece si-e six childi-euipsrtmeutfs. Ine goverrtflwtt hhah is esseutially a vo- White Manile Dinling Rîum. lu the tamlly. Me vas several fîmes Thers ane but four o! the type- van's hordtt an-do no vaufe f0 do e Meaurime reports arc rife as 10 viat astef go to a donton but alvSya vritecs ouf of the statehobuse. Wlsb- ti mn vr saipy a th fe Inferlor cealhy la lite. if la salti refuseti on i Ista ,vsno omsturNfH ohen. UrbaM04 va- theien by og tilica. lu cn onaibr-fere are ouly a ev large cooma dovu lu a serion tia ete. Ticetioctor vas lias one; E. E. Caldvll of Pskin. (Z e s oinetorrs. 1staîrs, andte dîiig rooni bas oua o! cailei for tefiretatIm. yeslerday- Ciief FiaiBhvacten o! tiese ate, su- -vln fisomts-storetia imn chave flotthe most remantable colon achemes The PanfccS movet inlto lie country obhan; Seus or Abert J. Oibou, ,oe ave IngBs-ctslque stinory enhvetiiereever protitced. The vallearae sai troni Chicago about a yesr ago. Woodofoct. anofiier, antia repreut- uti alvaya voti. i !' mne. Nobodyln ever bas reafive, Guy L. Bush, o! Dovneire utvs a ulme vis-flonly the ting sot- eowht abe odyeeba re gnsHrFte. Grvhefuli eti Tien the rtre poverful obles coufeti up i ubro ieau ai hre ganlIli air ioe ittr lng. -eegvntc ii 0vte intcr..m, anti btiooms. il la suppos- hast vset sa mani sud vfullauapler- nt leaser nobles, and finaly att!ei- er edti laI, lite the exhenior, lie inter- cd et fie Nortlih lcg plcesains oyM carge fi- dynaI ite. a 0f tntggî ti ri-b îtiensver ailoi- la luxti anuer ot anr Italien villa. te levy chsarges againaf the vom s tndyaceeo!yaievs lovedtie10vote. anti if vas not.unrîl The bouse tires neorlooktlarge !rom fatien sud pelition liaI be b ireiepot i ndenr ahe i&roeo c lii Glatistoles linre liat Itie ailtitle fie'n' 1 e oftd inlue v yfrom the main unster bouda. port toeurotc pdpose t o!theofteU -e- n !Egatat i ar-roati. But 'vis-n you pull up under The sfocv tiaf fbey told wvsatebthieinfle-otaimvugt uest cls ens sn-loEndov, antie arlyfe iifccer entsat or y ffecfthaf fie defeutiaut ant i is vite of the fret mill ln Lakc couuty on tb. iv-eveny arguîmernt advanced .-oîad ovn-ld long, loy rîglif ving you lun aebe eaaeifraln ieDlfce lc.TI iiat ssc ecagainat vonian suffrage bas been ati- evlbably trav lu your breaf b St fie Sud fiatwvile fie man 'sorts on ni f0 ho manketi. peat anct ufe{sî is a u-immenslly o! il The bouse la Ouly tarm onît in tie coîutry bile 'oman ne eso- face. Inte (asmt int me anrea 1voefrusilgI sd la matie o! ce- aides lu th i tfy of North Chicago, but "H. vho tilutah.arau fint in lu bI- vSD oulti negis-ct thelr farma It giventhieut sd mai-île, vti greenish color- ou lie ouftsirta. Tiechnarge lJIasat jie meu stcf tiobt hotl160 rîgt 11.ole.nluwood bei-e andt tere. if gîves the olti man passes fie reaitience ofilers l uhmsae;bth ~ Juz "gtltey vomte. ie au e y~- the impression o! elegauce anti o! neal- dally anti each lime. itif la îi, maiteg lltafa tsr auo Owts Ibcîl da oflnvluehcslii one f as veli. Tiere arc avulugsa tihesîs. uil tl oemaae. a the dy ai-en aflve f0 vte nihespic-f the Windouws viti nords and fassels if la niiengedti at lie lias freatelietichant racely moasl,.the fire tueantdrle baSlissd~n lite lusîde vintitei shadea. There si- e f0kilt ber andthîe taugiler andt fat neyer If he la saneshut wvisteqti butf Wasieicutcn fsaeeitgtirpreff y wîudow boxes anti smog lookîng liebas vrlttcn a lettertf0thie prictcuesfcraiba ê bed ebldrenfasteed toethera aigu tuat ho la tali luto gý4 tu5. vîtb saaety plus. srguiug fliaf mamma. liffle free stuank arount inl balcole-, outhle pariai telliug o!ftils Intention.,nd oU gmb - ou of have dîme sud niches. The bouse opens oulaHe aiol sIto obv icaeifa ce- ta evnbutns r are for lier court and lu fie mitdle ofthfe court 16bc i.vli bol uie! NEISN ~j wcnt- otne nPg a rirnulan fountavifit gieenlihbcol- Be vas placet!uder legal resteit. Yeu r-ach lm 0f*be5!rF PART ONE $1.50 PER YBAR INIADVANCE. c.irRi?.RTVVILLE. LAKE COUNTY, ILL11NUM, 111-blMAI, jul'i 1.), 1:71u-iv ýab- ,O-Itj Pages -ýd% imarrrim

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