prty of ,ii2nwglate obIim i l wmhâng Who Àrave to *ia.41W roob ,wworay sud vewr«e coï èltait iet menth et a ~itt tbe er1 J , pl, mot 4wer tl&ua. i ba " my pffi'evc 4<gw Ygrkr, .lu1 !~*mioatre 9) ixiw compý -P rite ............ oenswashable ir:z Ii,érj. L.t'~.. 7bat ýff your -purmuse la no(nx enl;xrme- ly sattgiaetory wý refund vour 1polley. tâ, Agi ore A feties ýa ethe fies~ r~e~~aer resses for- *)ûmen and x Mise*ox* .M for.. Orxi *wn ~imend-fn~ lnger ~sx.t ~xveetty es, va.lue Drees ofine èbat é Elegapit ilk Thesses, algo flne muilA satin, the be au ban i I bkfr*&wt&i. ery fronts, worth $1.00......... For rapi4 cbèle' e we o ffer ové wiaists WOrth up ýw $9&46iiý a t, I -. Jersey hathing suits for' wonen and girls at ....... ..... j4ue bathm4g. suite of mohair, $4.00 values,ï go at .............. kewàe of the 'best bathlng * *4tgo at............1 lee 1Wrth icôats.or gowns, 0f Uutty' miles 011 ail .purcl~asea ot ~A*~ I or over. - - I umis of~s~~ I Ladies' and mises wamh suits of Indi.ap Hoad linon, pe4«et fitting, ".00 *rallies for .... Soine of the best $10 w à b suits lof rJle linen and pioplin, mnust b>e c1egred at , ............t .....a........... Pirlelineip1, poplij or p6pýee- I .eoç axlaIaserge, CO- j v e ,ee. fJl lngth mod For quick 9elgf*i'e ve you choice of several styles of white, also, dark -coler ed 2.50 wash skirts bt ........ .. Bxtra ifine'qiality voile and 4 pana=xiaskfrts, I8 v4ues, wit. Good cham lray or ïper~e. " dresses, $1.O value, for. ~ ...- l3eautiful white dr~es,:1ace aid em b~- Girls' ail w»ol coats and cat:eÉ, Teiwkable va.lues.......... , ý.Ohlds-hats 'Oil'ains- eh eil.scam- rhs s'0 ýy romptt tv .? -h wln gth'uile gove clearanee p i"ce ......... l~y~xnbt humait- unnown soù"hlka r Bou de m Ulisll*atImas - u b b. . m mpu u, ,t thm. ar stam .o tb PIthe 0c*o h â Notice le tiierefor. b.réby alvex j .nown dttoUÀ1*"ta.tiithe ., ab- su.4« ç0m esiù,.he aue. leu" i4bl. if Wauk.aan, Ilinois, July latb. A. D. ICJI C. Ed4rdg. on,tuan V *?rm, A. D. IleO. - of sali H"rhot 4 rfr", jm *iemeu, minora. , Hemer Coètis, o6Pepe.ed Win"ImH. pop. doac i' $aaue. emici..p Le -iebr, George P. WImeau, H. Ua~i auna Trustee a"d MWa Quarta In Chanory. No. 4765. satet -. 4bat the de- ~t Ott r ** oti u t r Iereby given Npaiat the ab@e-azed defeadahts. retuvuable ou the ka't a0 l Cak.OuIaUII l née,-foé» d. k fata en tIiicago, July bi ai a.opeit WWn W. PkaIpe rolied tg the OeStreet. ti - Itibodyt rom ctairvoy giurd. rived.Phell;o Val tiAs- lie eau dca the oglarwlq liai SMUDGE (Front W( Dutrlg the Igt the etty were ag terday Includlng and ponterea of natnie. People bth boards and diëIleratàe. T*he clty lire aftw1m ooo by-m E '4 rri