,~.:. ~ e hors. o 1 1 5. tflhl bayl eby ala«to 1 6"lom- ML-tihe. au- . lo V , ly atp, . aD f li.m br Vtet% H. 0. *byee a"r MWo ý.4b"he de-' 0, rl: O temb gve i. Paye. dla milgo. and Dia- efor cows -atidir fil Êoe. uesaiflextrs.' IT CAM BE NfAD 1ÉROM MTORE . Lkle Zur4ch LY*&£BLflsTroK ýjnçÇty t .e .............. S..! Y uew ..,-..- tAnteda ws C i1vwuliattou ofthe aid îamsaakle Ametce ýbuildla> im4ete IR1855 wats hit fin- yDie .B tPi' Mr ctizen, who rasde tbe aufn ftri rein pctuia ot tne buildngwee <i r Wl Uibe~g', JohIn Paiit'apd Coutrac. tor Tobias Jensen. The adernlen wlia vebtepiessnt were Hoban,Ersikine suld etc xr~ ir uli aIl *r Dte Crapo. tiallllonare ri11,d Wéw- laiNwscmxs J44)4 ASSEO8OR'IS LIST. hlq aro La tW,48t4àï t5 iy,*r or fin s is. il ake ijouîîty as &tiesled or CbanIg ~tt<> P i~4~c ~ ~ 0< ~ ed by tÉe superintefidet ofIaso ,hdo Pl« $or ap- ment. froim figures collerted tblis ji ~suw~tarla àtd morating aie as folOWS forthe yearý épi ioa Caditi ta the.1910: -enton ............$ 37,115 - ýA0, se qiiot teZloi City....... .....159.271 r.1913 WOI ' ~Newport ....................80,760f g~. .8 ~ it 11*1 ii ti,4d1 Mioeb ..... ...............1422v .Olwt.la believed bx Grant ........ ..............8,261 ~~i~w6o1n ElI.dOdkvoi...................134,274: oinen p~tol: He 19 àlid fte r Warren....... ...........107,621 é1.p.nde&e, t Iseut $#0.00îW iLklsW*&kegan (C'iy)...........393.421 oiate cl * tii. lIIi5oTY1 Wadkegait (Town) .......... 11,606 Shielde ........ ............366,11,1 PXLE O ON AN f6ff NOKET 1i.ake ll'arest......... .......697,392 S~pj8iir ro î~b.îyr it.......... ....... 216,067 Pulls Thre SloîIe*. Waucolda..........52 E la............. ........... 120st ciiicagol july 13-. -Whu)elePing ('iii>........ .............. 10,137 -b. "1 a u iiwiidow ln.> bis, oom t 19 Vernon........ ...........114.3ë2! W. Pkalpe roied tram nhie bed and WetDeri.d.........l.2 IRi kbody wam imîatd aun an >0.1! Higlband Park .............. 166834 ctairway giurd. tWiîCf en okeic<, r I3erfield .......... .. ........62,396 rtso4 Pbett.5',Vas aPParentiy tbttue in <ompartuewof o. ttie figures witt oâ qfi.rlht tposition, 1trit 1> wto IcuI0lest year ehova but littte change even th oa ras. d eù ir th aiijS wlien the campartsnnla made town by Il. talwiq radei>1r941»~ totn. The total la about thec saute ln Waukegan. SMUDGE POSTEIls j ln, but Found Out. ON B ue-AII SINew Xxid toeuliug duur for ca!IeOg -me ieausalahit lu. mam. Caer- r.~ oirersObye.steilu. 1 uw beret the wii- Raviol. POIt do*' es 1came ulong. New Mai-DlU OOI Cwere h Laip sugbt a epmse or 'er tace!-LlPPyln- (Frein Wednes>iay,1s Sun.) ICLIMBMNGUPWARD. 8urig the ight the bibi boards aofJEvytmie fe dwIdd kg vetpt- the tty were agai amudged aver y>e>,. !alcw _hig upwwr. Weuliaul. terday tncludlng avInIA Park posters put ox aunks undo e*oifet'anc And posters of a purely mlvertfilngid6 " sfl1o wà t: W nattel.. PeoPie awaite ta finit nearby a ' seves JW1y a8 We hlgbi. W. bth boards and Iheir decratian» un- a dus 'i "woikl settea apoint di*lMjeratàe. 1 : wisero we ,nuy r ýC01à>dM osa The etty flre dopartinent buîlding I Iw ti~ e h est beigi i A" e0>ice -lttuonwero lnapected this W"i.erc. tm lntear 1LUaIS 000 y tubers utf the cty COUR- a&rmnt.ci.hâ e nU .a~d£ COiUI1l~tOO t itiens iai The I I eas4a.price cuttin hichwebsoi#with this mid-summer sale, mecets recognl- ton in evr ~mw~vrie very ditrtentnii twçýgrnss to dispose of its ppxing and sum imer lines, co 1 <s no loriger the mhatter of profit but has cut prices s àdéépIy at à kI and décisive clearance is positively assured Theu r, ofummer weîlimal"r0 à the maxiniundorsummecom@tfort et the imini- mum of coat. Thely are-;pkla tagkred of spL-ndid qualities'of linoni and poplin inx col- oringa tta please every t4gtc, red=cd frùm Pouge Co~s.A Ilby54 lnr4i»Il. .11k pçtn ~~7-~1ng hwl collar trlnimed wlth valuedollars is leus than Is &79on W~I~ I~fréPlaini tailored wash skirts of lqn sulting and'ncWelty loffs i white and colors., values to 2.,...................W oeudiég's aprons soIfd~ . , ~lhdlnz val- ues 13 àO, n~e htelaw, ft4 fnedc wlth embrod .raid -fine tucks, haz b 4dPr Iaps, sa le ce Gli h Fine gauze ltestés or girls, sleeveless, neck udam ri holes uieelv taped, dUring this sale' they go at a te uffrketbly lQw fiu re. Sale $ priee..1................ 5 You'l be cool' nol these wash, There is no necessity for sufoctfg h4e hot days when, for a very littie xmo"eyyou can clothe yoursclf ini a cool airy wash drok~. They are made of fine dotted swtw. 1h ail colora, square neck, threc.fourth saves, reduced to Clatodremp's Dea . um ~art de of a, good grade olf plt0Cq1= 1l~n loa< W rviçi optl -'wal d socrte iow square neki and trintit* h brald, 1.25vlei....-. . li«eseDresm. A Co ÔJ imoier ouse dots and ~c!s, kW nte, 4 n th .trimn ngtf. Theo se-rha valus t&MO, our 0fo4 t Fancy »' ens, nicres and plain taffeta iribbons ïii a eomn- plete repreésentatiîm n o çr, widtils to 6 juchles, N'a1li"s to 40e, at, è? vard ............. .... Women 's fine Sw îss handker- .chie4'si, prettily embroidered, sonie enhlrtidered li eolors, each ................7 . T~È'mm'ta* ine patent ý~ lie at ............... 1 moiais 9 it3weMr trtnMed Wtt; Whb1braid; c e b er abl s1dog.i.. .... w M a heMrcé àouxenfti rie ob' a1futtThe' INFANTS'bro - Pink wbe pop..., fins seMand p eiiarsandFrenel1 aîd blue, fil 4 ta Ph.W>o* knwklio , unt linon nev~ nlrpin11clo'ring,, nittîlv made Il ztraL for eidren-the çt ga U"'inand en11enis1'ag js t(and ,du ' ng.a eh bse~siltn&su mtoi .- egl& $, 4,an d$3:50 values at. U~. ta 9%: Positive 3 alues cheviot. sale puce .......... . q ___-__________i___________r_____________________ , pai>r.................... J .7: 7 U'*ô 7ýàA W bâ 1to bv95al your apparel needs and out- ing supplies '(turing this sale at a tremendius saving. We ai-e headquarters for «ail vaca- tion needs. 1- ~g ~LEAR 4 NG ____ ' e U i Wén f ksu us t k. e %O W ta ail 'YtoCýY Ù*rnýý4 "mrkable prce concession. vucîsave marked theO.ýaaVC&sididng rédîaî-f llà iîhé, ineaïch lUj. "jilt o white Lot No. 2 aidsome styles W *sts With mgntlirely,#nWhoId. off4ne'l*iska.Mgbn.fronts trulr- ered fronts, 1~w aquarc neck med with vaý lnsertiqg ~i amd til n , wl8hloser(ng; 'dus ff mmiiWcici D tcbess others with, ç ~. tccolR, S1 ÊIÈL o er, of and rââ:& . cHed<èd kl e F rieIPnciI i tsallor Coffar ±n,~iL ...75 4()ç and tic, 1,50vaus 98