CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jul 1910, p. 2

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-h 69 leWl go Thte Dautou Lake Ladies' Aid wil miet viti Ni-e. George lRay, Thursday, July 21. Mise Ratel Tripp left las: weei for Booth Western lova. iet she vili vist ber oncle'$ family, . C. sud W. S. Tripp foi- severa veeois. The Nati Shore Gas Co. ls ver>' bus>' la aur tavnu lies. daye layiug unaine anal connecting bousses. The Dlautoud Laie Ladies' Aid Society' viii pire a'social ou Fred Tovner's lava, Fiida>' evening, Jul>' 22. They wUlI srve ie creaut and cake. Sunday, Jul>' 10, Ai-ea defeateal Grays- Isie by tie score of 7 haG0 at lie Ai-es Ba" Pari. Sext Sunda>' Area will pis> -Round I.ake at Area. AREA. liasic..1 BuscS. 2 T. Porfle itoglicsu Trbut. c Beler. If M. Muri Imhi.î. Baffl,1 BloaS.i "lappe, Km», a. muri olevëliu 1»0u&ai Ares.. Grayeli Sb, 0 1O 4 t 0 b. ... . 2 t 4 81 1r' . I2 02:0 er. 1b 1 i1 8 O c mr-t. ....C40 O0 1 i 0 01 0 0 O C et .........110: 79 219S R H HA]E e, f... ...1 O O c [ ...............I 0 21 b................0 0 t 0 rie........ ....... 0 0 0 ugi,. p. 0 I 2 '3 0 4 24 8 .0 020 041 0'-1- Jae.0 O O O O O O O 0-( t WAUCONDA P D is. Nettie Murra>' vas a Chicago Heury' egent, of Lhortyvllle, visltedv vistor Saturdav. witb ihs parente lu Derjieid tirda>'. Henry Nfainian spent Monda>' and Robert Eggert and Miss PaebIi', ai Tocs-la> visiting friends and relatives in Glîcago, vere lie gueste of Fred Roren- Waukegan and Highland Park. berger anal faril.y Sunda, V Walter Rouey ',o! Chicago, le visiting Mr@s. Stanyle le visiting lu lova. fri-endi and relatives bei-c, tuis veek. Miss Irene Rocienhaci le apeuding ber Phili Maman andl son, Edaa-a, of vacationi aI Laie Getsva. Wauiegan, 6pent hl et of lie reei tMr. anal Mn. R. H. Reicheit, af J ules- vith relatives lure. burg, Cola., and the. Misses J0>' and Mies Etelia Grace i. viiting fronde Louis. Rei.ielt, of Denver, Cola., 'were aud relative@ iu Chicago thile weei. the gueste of Mr. and Mri-. J. A. Reieelt, MieCilla Geary vas a WoodtockIJr, durlng lth e i. visitai' Sunda'. Ni-s. Adams le spending a vesi ln Ni-. Vanetta, of Cryst&l Laie, us visil,- Sheridan Pari. lng at lte home of bis daugiter, Mi-s. H. Mise oeraldine Jackson, of Waukegan, Qiantiaut. le visitiug vitiiIrens and MInuSe Hutchi-1 The big raiirosd mas@ meeting helal lu eau. a ur village lait Frida>' evening ras the Mn. sud lire. John Kuecht, of oauei1 1mosl enîbusiastie meetiig ever helalinu Grave, ve9e Dcerfield callers Tuesda>'. oui- village, about 500 people being lu Mise Madlne Dart le recoveuing trm alsendance. Palatine came la to a aeofth el@ wili a large delegation ieaded b>' the Aelbgerafthuteasle.ofCia , Pn Palatine Brus Baud and alter bein u kiberi Ositammn t Ch F icana.spe serTval vili lunch ai lbe Harris baiery udyvthielelr.R Wlan tbhle Improvement Club tie baud Dr. l»avieshas returnesi frout a trip ta hesdéd lthe parade la the eciool grounde 0h10. wnoce Pro*..Lent apenealthie meeting b>' Mise Lusla Willutau le viiting lu snuouucling liat aller tva weeis effort Chicago. the railroad trous Wauconds ta Palatine àreai.- ie balfaceditance i e ctien Redl CantiPoul try al ait"., Bet 10ad raie-tb baanc $1000é . e t for chilceus. Solal by LIBEETYVILLEC called upon eeveral speaiere ta xresLuMBER CO. oB tiri encouragemeuts and tien J. K. *vis starteal lie subeciiption liet anal riwen tie cvening's business vas cn- Better gel lu otSDuouspeeiaprie@ on i uded aven *10,000 vas pied aud Indiana Block Coal for Yonr thresilug. 0 nov lie road i. aseursd. IBEDTYILLEC,LUmBEE Co. 40-Il o o .7 10 Tais hîtlà, R. Dorfi,>HoiT. Darter; stoleu binse, Ring Ivo, Biaci, T. Dardier' Seler; double pay, Hoiman toc Blaci 10 T. Dardier; iet on hase, ýAres 4, Otayslabe 4; sî'uci-out, R. Dardier 6, Longrabaugi 4; baSes ou halls, Darder 1, Lgugabaugb 2. Os. car of Indiana Block Coal ou tnaek loi' tbneshlng purpome. Homm LumBza Vo. *c.40-tf PAUME_ c' .',T. atlov and llMis Renrietta, o! gv*vbon, spoat te li'orhof -July 8DiSaUyder a*bd Bob. Baxter viaiteal vl* ikfsndb ee rmetly. Mi.Boculsat.fiethar vhfle voriing la tb. garde. Wednesday vasprosîrateal Thte Mauy fiteud of Mise Carlotte *$ Mbrie rM@ il ho plseal ta hearof ber mairiamslt* David H. Ruseeliou Joue la, 1910, The happy coupe vilii usade 0. O 0t anDg vile returned irorn OMMIaDle, love, saturda>', makleg the Uilp intholiFord auto lu threedaye. IJM8bd=saTavIger speul Ifs, Fourh ,* & #k"in INadison. w i. INs Mk*ss.E ua sud Minvis Lifte.- - lMfiTnasday lo au, extendeal visit We are iaking soute attractive prie. on Gluenufort" hledljsg. LIBaBi-oVILLE Linsaxa Co. -40-tf LAXKIZMCHQ Fred C. Selp made a trip ho the it>' Tuesday. LOUIS J. YEOMANI THE OPICIAN i -~1 .FMONT. Mr, aBd Mrs. John Ahart are'enter- taluing relatives tram tie City. Will Wagner speut Snnday witi bis sister, Mrs, John Raasci. Mr. Trimier (rom Cicago spent a lew day. 'wltlthie siater, iMx..Berry. Misses ate aud Cora Obenauf vilt.d Llberyville Mouday., Mr'. aud Mrs A. Frank, of Waukegau, ipent gonday viti Mr. and Mr@. Ge.. Rertle and famlly. Mmns.jWskuan, of Chicago, vislted a lew dave willi ier sister, Mms John Ahart. A surprise party vas helâ aitii.e home af Mr. and Mn.. BurneyAman in honor oft belr daugitai', Barlirs seventeeuth blrhthday. Thea evenlng vau spent inl playlng game. aud mualo. areehmeiita vireerved Au ouloyable tins vas had hyadL ~ïX~LA". Mi'. udtlMr». Oldu ane entérlailg their dauphter tram in lnesota. Nre. James, o! Ravensvood, and lir. Le.n sud Mn..Nevout, af Lib.rlyviiio, vistsd Mr. James F. D. Balteruhail and a sil>' ar e mp- log ai lii, laie. Mii s EdcaKapple *peut Saiiundg>' sd Buda>' viti Inoende la Hligiiood, o! fInends at s pieluinlattershall'i Grave Monda,. Dr. andl lire. Lester Bryant analMi. sud Mi-s J. F. Darling, 'of Oak Pari, vere Suada>' visitai-. vili Fred Van Zandt sudJ0autil>'. tIrs. Ray, o! Freinant, hici., @pont several dave o! lasI vesi vitihber nephew, E. E. Marsb anal famil>'. An>' feed you vant ta boy for 1.11 fesdng sme us nov anal gel laser deliver>'. LiBriTyvILLz Lumusa (W. 40-t! Pred artette, of Palainoe, le building a MWv hans for A. Blaciemberg on lie Lai. ShoresDOnve. Tie $100,000 for the raliroasi haie een Mise Vers, Sivei', oI Wauiegan, visitat auh.crhhed. Nov St uah.artherhuetie. a 1ev deys lenI voek vili relatives Carl Linet, manager of A. W. Meyer haro. stm oreo.. il leave lu about utonîb for E. Phillipe sud dBgiters, Flai-euce.anal Wiscon wvere hoe eeta ta iun B imne, 0f Milvaukee.,speut Sunda>'bhie. etor. Waresory t loe hm. Ouig tleestorni lait WednesdaY,a The. Ladie' AidSacieof thle Luaoros, b.loeglng ta Dennisa Roi-deu vas Zurrichebiui-cbcleareal 8160 at tueur killea l 'ilghaing. Neyero. Bras. bail picalc hold Jul> 4th. acourW iled. A. j. llediuoud anal fautul>, o! Oak Mise Manude MoYers sPont a fer days Pari, bave moved tu, thoir sunimer vili ber sauntat Keupaba. radmfr esn amdier.gon bot Miss Elule Devins ilu eng suo R«Mgi J" la itchng ot abutlime viti ber alseenah Bruatal. o0. are il fand for a laie near tue g e lMon. eSu esisola enteitainiag oet. Ti ivlho s agiraI mproo Comay o.hiao GUrNP" Ir sna Cr ener Misa olive Herbenger retai-neal ta G»ee ml Pes r!)oner o ar] Pa rwaniegsu aller epnding lhe week in fuseda>'mormins, vhicit vascauscal b>'Wdvo- obootiugisell vltb àa 22 blani cal, Tb, Wadeivontht ýJtte Boa vers badiv tlp jly " ntaILai, Zurich. Tva 'lisappoluleal Sunda>' heu tise Wsuie- goa" exfontthe bisai cartrialge gan Atitie didn't pot Ilu hhsr appear- %ý»tllsa lionie *MW rb>' Or, suce. A bard gaine as pianedfor as Ua m awblgtaa, vblcb causeal tie Whilte Box bave had a groastriai U.M kbg av. Api Itémm ymev. Tic a1imck, von out miii -Roseroas very t«NOW 148b WdbotdaY lion bsWemallbys score o!22 ta i-Nsxt Sonda, ~ itorsella 4~emgcsuegey.augainmvilBondant at Wadarorth. 1 GURNEH Mr@.. Johns and daughter, of Mazo- miuie, Wl.., are vieiting at the home of John McClure. Tii. Ladies' Aid Society have arranged te serve les creaut lu th.eIcOGarva build- ing Ibis Baturday évendug. 1 Fred Gillings retnrned trout Wiscousin lut Tinrsday. M. F. Sciiryrer wau nCiiiWpo an busineess1tatMonday.- Mr. Rarding, of Sioux City, violtsd at J. A. Beuniett'& laeiweek. Mrs .Charles Rook lanil with the. meus. r Preachlng servie« every Sunday ievenhne at tii. Chruuaa church during ii h ummer. 1George Daàzlel was a Chicago visltor lait Sunday. Ney -Lamb'a barn we@truck by llghtnng tast Wedne.d a ternoon but tbe damnage wvas4lht. Gray and Gilngs ame Puttlng uP thé. hay on Uni Beldier plac. -Ernest Barustable who was injured hy an electric car unar Rondout two voeeu ago la stilt unable ta gel &rounda- thhugh lmprovicg. Mr'. and d r. Sponsanurgattended lte fanerai of MI'. (ierry nt Millburu Tues- day. Dr. Yong'is chiltireii @pont lhe tirst of t W * Q9ýWheuo f risad". MrCrnell andl Dorothy retnrmed te Chicago,- Mouday evening and Mise Evelyn Ha nford weut with theni for a two weeks dtay. irs. Prnudfoot and daugiter, of Chicago, "pnt Wedrtesday et Dr. Youug'es. Mrs. John McClure vili entertain the Ladies' Aid Society next veek. Dr. antd Mr%. Barman, of Metropolis, 111_ ares vllitiug the Polter's aud other relative. Two foreiguers laborers on the. rail. rond at Wildowortii vere taken ali )Monday froutugeauud ment. Tiiey were brought to Guru.. for niedical attention. Red Comb Poultry alleii... *Besfood for chiekeus. Sold by LiBERTYVILLE LumBERCGo. c-819 Sunday Srhool Mecnte. Tii. Evaugelical Lutheru church aI Long Gi-ove, Ill., will have Iielir annual lfnnday sebool pieutc ou Bunday, Juiy 24, 1910, at th. useal place lu Moyer'. Grove. AIl are requestsd 10 comoparly ta enable 1ev. Humuel te carry, out a short programi belone dinner, oo the entIre afternoon cau be devoted tb the usual amusements, gain, race., etc. Tii. Prairie View Rand bas been eugaged fer the. occasion se there uill lho plenty of Rood munie. Everybody cordlally invitedto attend. S1Thistil.Notice P oplE aI a owiship are uotlfled uhat theur thistie.nmui ho cnt hefore JulY 20. Henry Weber, ThIsle Cous- issianer. 0411)41 --YORK HOUME Mis« Nettie Brooks, of Kenos.Il visitlag her brother, Frank Brooks. MIse Estella Bacon vislted over Sun- lmy vlti Margaret Buni. LeRo>' andlChai-le. Alcoci, of Kenoélie visiteal over Sunda>' et Davidl-.dame. The f riendt of tIre. Iili Ge@, sincerely @Ytupaîhiz. viti berlu the loi@eofiber louly oluten, Mrs. Lilliau Ryau. fier tleath vwas s ver>' ead one, Hi-s. Ryui had not besu mai-rital a yean. A short titue mgo Mi-, han vas ver>' sici vîli diphttenia, but recovered, Imat Monday Mn.r. Ryan, vras taken vili the dresaA disease sd dled Saturds>'. Mer relatives 4 net, tuik ber dangerous sud ber father started foi-ils office but hofore . got tiser.,e, . asmet b>' a utsienge boy vhe tld bina of her death. Altitougi Mi'. 0e. liveal but ashr distaince, se.did nos pet tien hoéfore her deatit. in.. Fi'ed Reigivold'a .1.1,?, Clara Chniste"s, and tro cousin&and asfriand frono Kelamnaoo, IMici., sud Emmat Chrissena, of ZMan CIt>', si-e visillng ber. r VOLO Jaak O'Connell, -o! Chicago, vaste guet of Mise Besaie Dunuilover Suuday. le"Lltwilen, af Round Laie, vas i récent caller iu town. Miss Roba D1ecier, af Cicago, vas i viailar aI the Cias. Parier boute last e.. tIrs. Pée Cossutan, of Muscitinai Iova, calleal au frienda here lmetwvei, Hi-s. Ben Houiug vas a Mefienr>'cailer Frida>' aftnn. i-s. Wni. Montgomery', of Ciicag, sud Mr@, James Gaine-, af Walcond ver. in tovu Manda>'. Miss Alice Renehan, of Round LaiE spent Pridsy nigit viti friende bore. Mns. Marths Siluons. of Elgin, vislte at lie Kirwan boute Sunday of lai veei. Mine Martha Rosedeuteeber i@ visitini relatives aI Elgin for a lev veeke. Mr. and lire. Frank Zueludorf ait %ebildren bave returned to, heir homea licfenry afler a weeke vieiL t aOt Rai-iy Nîcholîs boute. *Mr. and Mr@. Ch"a. Parier and cbiudrei voe visitora st the.boute of Mri. an4 Mrm Lev RHende. at Haineeville Sunday Mirs. Pets Miller and children spet Satnrday st Johnoburg. Mr. and Mrd. Tbeo Wlnkle, offMofieni, were Suuday callere at the Wagu, boute. SMeuare. sud Mesdames E. Lusi, P. E Stadtfleid, Miàs Elsie W&ltoxiand fHenr grge r spent Sund"2 aflernoon ai Po John Rchardson trannacted bueinea lu Cilcago Monday. ROUND LX Gule Piponhagen and Joe Rostra spendlng theur tva veeks vacationi tiie homneof Johu Eoslng. Born 10 Mn. and Idre. Chas. Adeile boy, July 9. Fzani FIai'>'and John Roing hayq etarted ta huiid heur nev bouses. Jlm 'Brava, o! LuhertyvilIe, took bh brother, Ed, and vils ad issElot Whte ta Aulionh Taèsay ailernoon l bis auto. The. romaine of Deil Converee r taien 10 Libertyville for hurlai Tuesday Mia. Lizzie Dobuer li.@peuding a f.' vek with ber cousin, Loulse Kimball MIes lNacrmiVase>' attended lte fuqO* of her conq1il: Blanche Oouvenuê, IRa Frida>'. Auy leed you vaut to bny for fa] eeding se. us nov and letlater delivery, LIBECR*T'yILLiE LUMBERi Co. 40-tf -A djudication Notice. Pu blic Notice le hereb'r ci.yen tbst the Sub scriber Exeonior of the .5151. of the Lut ili sud Teustment 0f Wlflan . Eseft. deceamed. wf attend tii. Countee out of 14ke Couctr,Ata terin uaereoi to b. hoidez et e Court Bousetr Wankegsn. In Raid Ooeuti. on Ose firt Monda> Of September 0.2. t, 0wen aud where si persons bavlng .ctslme sgakast Raid- 5ests:ar notified and requemtd e. sresent the.Rme t sald Court for adludicWS SIu E Waukeirso JuneO 20. 191= C. T. lIEYDECKER &a5SON, Attys fer listaIe AdjudicAtion Notice. Publie Notice le teretiy alven thSt thq 8ub sculber Admilnlsatrtzlo ts eae01JniR Koébelin, decessed. rUt attend MWe 0= Cour 0f LaIe Couty, 51 am Ifiereofto tebo ina the Court Bouse in Wasukaga, In MSfdOoutilon tâte fini BMonday of Sepeember lusxI 10. rfi. aud viiert &Il versons liavIng n.da aist Raid Estate are notiSed sud teuested tu prement t9e Rame to Raid Court for -tfilcsàon. LACItA W. KOBELIN, Almlultratrix of Estage. Naukegan. I.. July 12.1t9t0. 42-4 lhW&Y Notice. _1.4 P>ublie letllng of coulract notice la hereby given liaI proposais w11 b., ,onu iel Hait D4y lu the. town bail, Laie County aSUi.c ok lllinoli, Jnly 28rd, 1910. on one 'clock taklnqMod ha p. mt. for building a etoncrete bridge un OMSC II lie reai nuing east and ,vest, souti medcine ike of Long Grove known s the Pfiter roadl your doctQr 1 lu section tbirty.on, (31) agd thak the 1% a m ii sautw fll h lot by co4îract by public No ak ' oval let"gug t0he loweet respouaible bldder N Wkho i et Rail Day et tie aboya date theo Aai proposed bridge 10 ho one open b4 f tis t l6lesbt 0 long aild 16 lest roadway aud ia to ho 1 huile; over Buffalo Cresi lu lb. towu of THEBE MA 9Vernon, Laie Coumty, Illinais. Abat- Edwin Schmid .t, Mili rmeuts aud vîngetaIo' ieconcroesmiade Martba Kloth, Mili a wîh umedium crusbied stone and lorpedo Donald McKay Fras r &Wd vw" good Marquette ceuteut anc -0 toive, umain Wall on. watt end to ho Mary -Mitchell Ryei t frout botlout a! fonudation to top 0! est ............. rParapet Wall 12 lest high, 4 test vhie at John fitale>', tlcbfl bottous and 2 lest vide aI top, 20 feet Mr ese ih a long at bottout and 18 fest et top mnau lhichiael schvetz, I d al on seat sud Ia ho Irout bottaut of HEleMena loiger, K a oundatlon la top af parapet rall 12 Wallace Freeman. -feet bigla, 4 feet wlds as bottout aud 2 Cors Bunkers, DeP1 tet vide at top winge ou up eti-ealu John Mertels, Mli aide 10 ho 16 test long, 2% teet vide aI Mele Leopold. MilI sot uxad 16 Ifthss vide et 1top, Richard Kareten, I wilfgson davu sîreaut aide tu ho 1o Bei-lia SciaIt. il rettlong. 2)j lest vIde at hotiomansd Halard Papi., Bt. 1 luche. vide at top, ltee.tkw<itgs .lesale M. Cadiu, M Zdtne saue deptit ad' m"n Wall fon a j joJnson W, aIS fe t et thonthie ba'lnceO10 uIda Elistroni, W have arid.aIf4 test on bottomut itis sconcrets ft<oi' and rairngs, raiiuig Ioa h ht 3 lest Igh îucludlng coping aud one foot thick, coping 4 mncii. thick and 16 e. luchiesvide, concret@ for floor Io he 1 ta 8, concrets tu hoe 6 luches thici on top r 01atringers wit 12 inela tringern 26 leeione. id ar soictedbabdon 0the. ollowiug specîiceation and may be la addrossed ho B. B. Eger, Chairutan of aCommitte.. The bridge coumittee rser,. the rlght ta re>ecîBoay sud aIl i bide asml deenis ilt uthle beet Înterest of J the. tovu w»d coutl, eacb baid muas ho id aceccmpaied wltb a certified check for lt 8200 payable to H. 4. Eger, chairmut of bridge coutuitte. Dg Dated as Hall Day tbii. ilti day o! Jul' A. D. 1910. Hd . B. EuaaH, SAM BLACKLER, ~Supervieoro ut Fie, Kiuiig. J ie B. T. FoOTE, Cmrsino JABoil LmIAm, o lgwy en WILLIAM MEYÏR O .gW;t ad 42.11 'Y. -ELMER j Proposais for Local Impi-ovemens. utOffice of the Board of Local lutprove- a iditL Meute, Lihortyvîlle, WI., Jnne 7. 1910. Nmu ->y tSealed proposaIs villL te recired b>' berh Boardai Local Improveutents o!fte village -of Lltertyville. Laie Coaty, Illinuois, until '6 a'clock P. ut.oauJuly S. 22ad, 1910, at tie village hall ln nid village of Lihortyvîlle. for'lie cau- 1me a ti> o-wit: A conneced V,em o! severs viti flashes, maho andbsud se conpectian Coul slae n t he villageofai Llhotyville, Laie CoupS>', Illinois, as folovs: From and conuectlng vlth a manhale to ho mut hi the villagleto Liberyiville nul o! J undu pnovlded for that purpose ther Piêis T ta issayspocial asemetuthe conter . of &&id maniaS bélng located utaI ýro point lu a parmil of land acquired by utaid village aI Literyvile by deed daled Stomber 22, 1905, train Jahn Waol- riaige sud Camlhie Woolridge, bis vifo, tu a mid YviflgofaiLberty vil],,vhicb point te 22.5 foot eaiteriy frout, song tiie north fiue o! North Avenue prodaced, vaethe southsasî corner a! lot 15, block 1, Wooidge sAddition t10 Libertyville which saidoaddition lm recarded lu tii. A -' la Recorder' Office ni Lais Couuty, Illilns m a -Book G a1 Plats page 60, groin !Dwhlch point nid sever eta" iun veeter-- fY12 eet toa point lu lb. center Ue . . . EVI af Northi Avenue and ln lie follovlng ,r streeta, avenutes nd courts aiort. Ibereot luanid villgeo!Libetyvile: WediS "Northt Avna., Mii1 Court, PFî reet ýw Second Street, Bprakoe St-set, Nevbenry ~Avenue, Eiley Street, Rigia Street, Sa Milwaukee Avenue, Lakse e~ and S tra full 'dms nl. au ci-inaice passiedA and'apparaved hy lb. Board of Truste.. 1 othlb village oi Lihortyvilie. afofeala a) on Februan>' 16tb, A, D. 1910, a cerli.Da fdcap>'of rhieh id atached 10 te D ia m o I Spetition af the sait' village of Libertcy. ville ItinlevY an assemetufor onid improvemeut, flied u inte office af tie. clark o! the Conue Court of Laie Coutl>, Illinois, April 2i5th, 1910 andl Pavi docieled lu sald Court a@ Libertyville ,b- Specisi Assassinent Nuniber 3. nm Said systeut of ho furnished s and ptin according aIlo s n pecfliatiaus nov ou in e l l.Office o! thle presideus ofthle Bodrd o! Local E E Y O omnt@ of laid village of e iotville, iu the Eger Bldg, on Miwaukee Avenue lu the village of AALLN Libertyville afareald, andl copies oathI d amie can be obtalued upon application ________ e. tc, th. salalpresideut o! lb. Board o! Local Improvemenhe or et tie office of Paul Macfuffla, attorney, Lake County J eM ibNational Bank Bldg., Lihrtyvlie, li trt Prpét muet be mtade out upou A U C T 11 a lnsfurnised at elther o! the save enamedlplaes aud ho addreed t10the,1S- Me Bofose M Mt prosident of lhe Board o! Local Improve- amato1 nt menueo! saisi village, endorsed "Pro- posais for Sewer Mysteut," andl be Office 208 N. Saccoutpaniedà>by cash or by a certilleal Resuidence Phione 4M0 check payable ta the order of the, WAUKEOi presideut af lie Board of Local lut- - froveuteut s ote reepoosible baux a4 or s auaunt equa to lteu par cent, o! W. . ~A teaggrefate proposai. Bideals vilho opeued by lie Board o! Lo1 1 avmnr uopen seesion Bt Auctl( m UIIUGL VV tw U.IUg5 ,14 cough after cought' Troubled wlth this abi? l3çtter breakit up. W.have great Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for thisworc. No it for weak throats and weak lungs Ask for bis opinion. He kriows ail about it. is valuabk Follow bis advice at ail tim [^Y W E. lwauke.....22 waukee.........19 st, Charleston, e eron. Lake Por- ... . . .. . . .27 Id, Wl ...29 ield, Ws ...21 Kenosba....2 :enosha ....21 Chicago.... 23 Pere, Wins....26 sauie,..........84 Ilaulee...29 lwaukee ....24 ýLouis, bMo. .24 Nfilwaukee,...19 aukegan ...31 'aukegant...26 IGREEN r &ceilcpubli7ss itfi for @Ut of ilitnofs, 'COUnty ef Lakce, se In the Circuit CoUr t o Lake County. William )dorau, John Moran, Aunis Moran, Elizabeth Morin, Marceo" Morse aud JoeephlneSmith va. Etta R. v. Loil 0. lie@, James Moran, 8rn. uitit, Eizlabeth Marna, Lawrepce ciConncl: James O'Connel, George Horau. El;. Moran, Daniel Haugertyt. gr., Edward 1). Colgau, Thomas W. tiennott, Sautuel Brenco and the unkn9wn owners of the. North west quarter of lte Northi veet quar- ter (except the «MUsaItir (à<) rode thereon f) oecllostwenty-eight (28) Township forty.aix (46) Northt, Ranse Bleven (11) Baut of tii. Third Princi pal Moridian. lu Laite COunty, Ilinois. Gen. No. 4689. Public notice la hereby given tht toy virtue of au order and decre.e etered lu h bois v.entwed cauae at lte March Tenu, A. D. 1910 Iliereof, the tmdersIgned, MatertaluChaucery or mid Court wili, on TuWsay, the dth day 01 septembor A. D. 1910, at the. hour of One oclock lu the afleruoon o! sald day at ti.he Et front domor 0 the Court Hous. lu the City of Wauk.gan ln said Laie Couuty, sel] at public sue- tionti t he hlghsl and ben bider for cash the following descrlhed land andrireaitte sltuated ln the, County orT Lansd State of Ilinois, to-vit: The North vOit quarter of tbe North wegt quarter (except the enst titre, (3) rodo thereot) cf section twenty- elght, Township If'ry-slx (46) North, Range Eleven (11) Haut of ttoe1'hlrd Principal Meridisu. sltnated lu the, County of Lakte and State of Illonîs. Dated July SSIi. A. D 1910 ELAM L. CLARKE, Master ln Chsncery. 42-4 The Cozg Corner BARBER siopi La.w Plagg, Proprittor Jnst arounal tic cnui'r p paglue Street. u>'zt tI tic B,,ebi u uilal. luîg and oppoaîte tic Pester bliBe tei ti siop. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Cigare and Tobacca Adi, Prop. Graves ONEER ialdng Vour Date Oua-eteed lienese.St. .e.. 144 Elmrood Ave. AN,i ILL. %PPLEY loneer ONE PER CEUir. ville; 111. dE 1431. lîug DOnI RUSSELL Lumber Yard For Figures on BUILDING AATERIAL INy prices are rigit and grade. gond. Wietiier you buy or not get my figures. PREPAREt> WHITEWASH: if. S. MI). Pirop. e at 1li~s Ollice. I i Proie! DR, . O VETERI L5aIBTÂNT Liber PAUL ATTO [Abem DR, C. sial-rout Llbeî 218 1 Dl Houis8, J. El witb DrJ Liti DR. ,vKCR LAEk1 iJAIL' Lita DR. Sp. MAI C'il P,î, P'HON E D. Geu Houre 110 Office oC SPEC tIenry AIi Elidsof EH rcies for Si AUCTIONEI Wm.l Oposil ma( AU' WOR Engilue Lineo a pai red. MAir Cemeti Correm 121 i bake j Laund"-yAgency R .... H.."d Tell Some Sik one It là re ftft i u NO WU] roc do asuaset .1 Es.snt vil] ro ".1 5 gi nd o1f uis. uM thse îleS. It lasabuoluuiy sud m w hursy ep.b»is lit Al." 5. ~An 191. Â no0.dout o3redr ai r.I 7oe20 yu r4Il bs cfi.anddn AND =t I do ul doms as Dr. ohoopns iuowestiv. e dreqe#0Is. flie o eulr"olllije thé e i l ad 09 th ERY. 57 tà tasmaul if ot â I& ' . te« »«m ul ;day and m "' -h-"hudth "l»m chanc, on ang .4)5e' us.esfe. 4cSu macee'darete <bac). <t a# 1 do.b Wp.0 v d ome sdplus.s w e~s ord or tNo trom me t111 etes oRami9ent. I havehefvedchuo4. id Lake E-e. ý b 1 e ,Fe a u on io illIioito w . S 0" esan ltwgturehdxm Ilion. Blutt, u e a SOeadS, fS an T&i Bo rnIs me nov sud ev&e SU dgae B monier that toutor»nver ee.m, ddm. Dr. SbooP. Box 21. B»..I No. S aOn ithe Kidnm MN.: On&su0. La Belle,': Park Coloy Divideal mb osections aIf 680 saci-ca sud suidivialea juta 20 acre tracts Souihero Land aad Inveutwsiat DYMONO & AUSTIN, Agents, LISERTYVILLE, ILLS. s ~ i seccurethi anal tic I year anal Paine. pain stol »i-. Sboo formula ( LA .1 IL

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