CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jul 1910, p. 5

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LAKE OOUNTY INDIZPIÉ»*, FRIDÂY, JULY 15, 1910o *T E i PLSUR' THRSAE NO EXPETRIMENT Phn 25Pono of our er lui <aser of Me WCole fi,*$ »i miuci> more t-be niost favor arator wlil lie- se au5 laterior 'n how InieriOr mit-e guaianty. Kke th Ii.sne daîrymai. sell quea par Poundl t butter worth od. It will be lue. dependling ne ilt-i.f ut li irjilde the ru. 1k Dans. Pale, 'saga j, ed not e ioi haiîdiing su.d th, gOxe, > Piroper sepa? ille MEN'S OXFORDS TO CLOSE AT BIG REDUCTION ILOCA^L ANO 'PEFIS NL MENTrION To inaure publication ln the Indepen- dent, copy muSt 1bain the office no later than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisera, especially, are asked ta t4ke particular notice ta this effect. Bee that fly? KilI bit-a' Have vaîi jolard the canipaign againt)m emuelig? Mrm Acreti was a Chicago sîxtor Mondsyý Mies NllieGriswoid ent.rtainpd frieudm froin Mceary ttunday. Warren Ellie returned 1ugday t îîgt frot a trip t-O Denver, Colo. Jacab Moreblouee, (,ns af oîîr ged citi7,iisiiii l uite ili at-hbOrne. Tlhe war an t-l itliai mukers e sciî Usigneil t-o tti'enii wtbdisinay. Wlti al]il ie taultm, a fli doent bt-ber (,ea@ ue îînlam. dues a mosqulto. ,t new iinftiîinerY and rigur 'tatil1 ha, (- lcis iî1eued in t-be eletrie dept. Mr. and Mrm. Fred Crokeriave rettirtied fîtou i lin. whsrs t-bey visited friends. Mise Catisarine melloy entcrtained Mies Veda Haulon, of Chicago, Sunîlay. Mr and Mrm. George Croker. î,t Ainstin, %vere tia- guiegt8 of F-ranik iî'hola. :urî d ay. Piî,taiaster Tay lor ijecnjuisg naw""I curtýai I iaon 'si tiifrietin i iisa ta. NI r,' Sil paunj dituli trs,,fI iîon P'ank. ar-u' îstiig iii.' Ialiii 1 lt ii l hbl mer iii. îîs.i Jr, of Rot(u bfell i.r, hue I iilni Risl i a iiiekio ftl,.ý -t îîîauîî!fa- OXF DSMATS iare. uof Alie, Iidirnger & i V. gai, One bndre pais af x- Crne u andse~ ur ue of Mr. Mariait, 01 sîuia Vî One hunredPaili f O' Crnein nd t ur intof isltiilg ber jurent'. Mir. and NIrs. tfvron fards ini Tan. Gun Metai andi bats, sraw fit, virens and boys,. î,î« V Patent Leather- Sizes 6 ta 10 Cool underwer for bot weath' Miýss tevina Etey. of Sioux Li.Tu'Yl., Wwlethey mlaset in full andiunion. Negfige n. îîeiîîg eiiertaisl ly Mrn. Juosel, Oti $40 Ofors ~$3 c> bta wib or witbout collars Di)arlove. Or4.0 xorânw3.0 75c to $300 Miss Ana Ma, w> n. o! Eratistoni, Our $3,50 Oxfords now $250 Kahaki pantsaMat shirts. Fine was the guei of! Mise Florence l-.ilsizor Our 3,0 OxordsUOWS2.0 jji~ f ~a't week, Our 3.0 Oxfrdsnow 2.0 un of urnwr hu Wn-(ha. sHnithitblecontined t-o hl, botus with rlîeuîiatisio, a train@ai nurse i. in attendane J B.M ORSE & CO. i, reai lis e lo.ster ss ithout a ent ie better fir a town tiîan a k ickr wjth Evrthlng for flen LIBERTYVIL ,ILL hie tbuousanda. Mis Mande Bsîtrtlid. of ithe tel.. - phoine cornpaur. s aIt Harmmnd. Imd. __________________________ou lier sasation. MOWERS IIAYING MACIIINERY DEERING RAK[ES TEfDDERS1 SIDE DELIVIERY RAKES DAIN AN~D ROCK ISLAND LOADERS SECTIONS, OIL, REPAIRS. ETC IIAY !ORKS, ROPE, IIAY CARRIERS, AND TARCK IF IT'S FROM SCIIANCK'S IT'S GOOD dut Glass is P' I ry ta thiuk of aoîîet-isng isvî sd occasion. I'ry to think of eomet-ing mu'le txe more giveable or likeable. Yeu can't- ('tt Glass la without- a peer as wc t-aI "liB true came of t-he articles rut-i> Ibat ses wlîat - yu are buying. etut- Glass suoh as we Bell i. Cut Glai it- epuikies Ilkte myriade af diamand and ie a naver endiug source of delight- t- ,rhs smaler art-lies cast fr6m si t50. Every piece of Ct Glas t-at.we & ho ie guarauteed te be the real t-ing. i VOIT ier.- Monda vpurchauuing iupairs ifor is iiiiWiuig mahine. Mie Ltty jah'ieou. ut ti,riugtiid, OfýIl, w"stili gaet tfiMr. andu irs. FlunOnittian luet week. Jul v aîsd Anglet- are the tass asuîtbs aI tbeyesar t-but doge rnnning ut large mut be proçerly mnautlesi. Biondes are hes'orninir tecer. ace îrd- ing t-i. tat-iqticg. So many are. "lettiug it goî back dark.' nowadaYe. Sttreet C,snjis@oner Young al)i Marsisal Limbsrry wsre graut-ed a week'. v.catian by tise rlty cauncil. There i@. suly anc thiug lackiug 10 muke the entamer of 1910. a lIfe long memary, and t-at ie an ir-e famine. Barry C. Meyer, boakkeeper and teller af the Furet- National Bank, bas ganue to St- Pauni and at-ber nartîseru sities on a Warreign, lu thopasgo.toetii Jsephite Mihign tb einal opert bings o!hied 1u bath. be ln taking. A mau by t-be nama of l)riikwine le epriiikling t-be etrsets us-1 Waukegan witii ol to Iay the dust. Thiisese ot-o heu case of turnng wine inti, oul, nut water imtowine.-Aitoc0h New- . The net raceipts of ths Hurse Sh~tow, rtneeutiy held ut Lake Forest, were $2774 lias been equally dividl between Ali, e Hýoue liaspital and the Lake Bluff i rplianage, eut-h reciving e 13'î7. Chun. Kaisr and faniiiy clent Satur- day ansi Suad4by witb Irieusde is the sîcîuîty o! Beneauv)lie. The trip wa isude uit-b Chrlies us-ew auto, and one tan Oaujit wa. a 'try oui.:'naclirt-o lii. deligbt. Sturday, tise Soldiers auj rsair'e Reunion Association belld au adjournied maeeting at Waukegau, w lieui it wa» (le- "lded thut it will bold its annîi reunion uit lrayelake, on Nednesdla% aîîd 't-ure- day. Auguet- 24 aud 2;,. Satunrday eveniug, duiring t1ii..thuder storas, avaluableJersey cuss t-scuging vi A. Rheintroai. vae ctiras k and kiiled lsy a boit- o! lightning. The animal wus insared iu the Ni-tliwst cern Nation- ai o! Mlwaukee for *601. lirlire repiort a lieavi ' % Siiîiv business, itbeir patrons liiug hiu~is tiiî'go pcîîple, going , asl ivi i, lk Tlbe ut tiiec î'p- arec l,10. dute. as wrii as t-beîieii irid A dugiter ifi Mr. iand M à r Fr Cois ers.. died ut ber lboniiSeuiiday, ucur Rtound Lake, afier a lîiigeriiig lijiiexe. Reiauiiie uer.. brouit-lt tý, . liurtys ill Tueeduy It-ernioun, tor iariiemit. The t-'reuved tataily have the. s ' viîiiat-y of o! their tany Iriende in the aiiii,tion. Trie 600) acre ssseecrnfield neur ijraýI,>eake ie t-eliercd yth~tie Lake Couuty resijieutsttle tbe lurgegtgcou- t-mýiunsc' ru field lu the state- The property is owned b)y Hi)bhcisadei, wbo hue devetopsd it mincet-be estubjshient ot the tuuning Iuctory aut Urayesake. Il wîili heua great tuvar to tise l'siEu-- SsENTsUlanagleif5!per8oise kuowiüg ai good items af local ne%%. ssuid baud tissain or telehone the Aie. W hile muie (if tiie iteffiS meiaitris if to yOIi tbc3 are iiitereetiusg th, aauy of ur readers. cspecialIIytboeut a distance. Mrm. J Siiuousit, of Highlanud Park, id the. ucwly sastalled ticket agent ut the- electric deisot. Vissfar tbe lady le pleuecd wstb ber new position, auj it id lsiped thut patrons of t-he..od rsll encourage ber iii Ibis respect, us mile i. deerviag of ail lavore coiinected Witb tise selliag ,if tickets. t,-t-ueired ut poîfiuŽs.Lihertyville, 111,, a biue gingbum diss, trimmed iu bsinee beck. No adhirees unpackage. V.l iihe delisered to owner bu lîralur identification. if flot culled for lu îhirty das, will lie sent ta deud jet-t-r offlce. C. W. Taylor. pastîuaoter. The State Geological Snreey bas iened au intereetiuig bulletin by James Walter tioldthwaît, ilstribing the Pbysical Featiiree(if t-b. l5s-laines Vall,..It incindes cuîurcd tape and ather illustra- tions besie'.fi pages of descriptive rmutter. Tise repoîrt îaay lie ahtalned for Gi cents uutîgu rous t-le office ut t rbauu, Ill11uis, h1 w M 1rMl W"AN1ED9 400 MEN To0 save 51.00 Each at aur Reduction Sale of W. L. Douglasa' Shoes. The beat shose n the world a the money. Men's $3.50 5hoes....................... -....5 Men's $3.00 Shoes ................ ..........2. 2 Men's 52.50 Shoes............................5$2.25 Men's $3.50 Oxfords..>........................5$2.00 Men's 53.00 Oxfords........................ $2,00 A reduction of 50c per pair wîil be made on Ladies' Oxfords durinigthis sale. ONE=THIRD OFF' On Bo!'s Wool Suit s, Men's Wool Pants and Men's Mats and Caps fine Drop Mlead Sewing Machine -onMy $1 4.50. Sale commences Saturday, July i6th, continuing two Weeks. Sut-aidai atternoon. tha epan ai boises litclied ta the Blinski ire wagon. euddeuly disappearcd while lua driver wae delivcriag inaut the ieap resi- dence. The boises took a -French jeune," as. tbe driver diecovered the t-ail sud of the wagan ewerviug anta Broad- way, Irot there to Milwaukee avenue, running into t-bs-yard o! the Mulîîlaad livery. The wagan was eomewhat- daniagcd nd anc o! the eteede eust-aiuing severul light Injurieo. During thbe sbower Saturday evenlng, O)r. E. H. Smith bapoened ta ho buggy riding, and lu arder ta escape a drench- ing, heaurged bis barse t-awards thbe barn anj wbcu t-be animal was about-tu enter th@ doct-or misudged t-be epace bst-wsen theu wt-eele and the eut-rance, which ce. Frot wisat eaualis learned. tise fir "T. toeri re ast-ceuilinspartlaucisit-au in t-uc ing t outeef, ,us£.a. diretoy ae pttng ort itenuuoliv ci n t Renou, t-ut fMr. wliii'iiriglstened t-ha animal in usncb difrtoy ae ting tîirtls fatrenont-y sn ofr, ir h im , -ieasd or nciu t u I"lm, th effrst- uetis cilinefiran l tiertt)ii'. ýius are jiffertoit is t-bat sw ~as lui orua uis, oa partit-ion, whicb repet.asli ()c atit suvenipre- yi.lded tli t-s I,,nu'. Nui tier dait-suge A WeSt Point cadet lias [)tien ses eri y scntiig pi( titures of tîsat sort, ut the watt dune. punisbed for cbewsîig gassi.Wlsat do ,.cuent-in.t-eouut,' liat-se t-o increase t-le ________ t-be xpert-t-be iliuieiet srVrriork, t-, dsire for th niss ofls pos!sîsrt, espcialiy Thistle Notice. cbew'~ i-asi lie!'.' astiî t-e riciig genratiuu. Hue refusai Sies.lee-~gni i îgsa B. NW. Miler, t-le uîw ciigineer forthie heni 1 u,îrîicalstfrin ai isy culssio iscnre sf the tuownscbip of Liii- bottiing ssork, lis'mnoned bis Iuîsily sussctvil la j lcrdsrcs Werota Cnbugalonoîl -e i'su si 'c. Dor.s,îrTreitos i sit- bigbvsus, railrosssls.farasusdlo Wa.ct-.srn ungaow.ed tise fuiiiiv oi E. C. Yosug, couusîg tri Canada thisties hefure tîsey go t-o eeed as v!ý iitiug fred uebsgn n a short atteist tir uîslîicîtbe horseefronuts Ail (ýiuiiLiutoshoelîsaî lit sent-direct-tO trip tii srerred, hefure relîîrniug t-o lier lattning. ir,' least jerked uwuy frontîthie , sisiiieiuer. gis'isg descriptson o! bonis la Waterloo, Ioswu.fber, teariiig tisc iridie t-s piecea, and ra proîeilc isasd wlsere iî,îated.ID k'i'i1s MielenCaksn ir ueo t a bigh .lieil tiîi it rea"bed tise Jase. LI ,îsr. s'. hsstleConi issner o! t-be )e rIs rtanu. Ill., are atteuuiing t-be Christ-lau Butler îrclsu'rd.î%%Iscie it wus tlsross'uTo wnof LIbertvvilie IIl. s -Ii tI Endeuvor Couvention ut W'ukegun aujduwn in ites ssu ' usix "sP." Mr. Youîng__________________ lesitisl for a gîft visiting relatives beire. hatspeued lis li'lhonse ut t-be tinte, wsen Miseticisla Craksr bue gone ots a th-le Imtarted il u irsuit ii t-ha runaway. teflil usore italîl weeks trip at. Site will viil Wben lie reaclie'i le srclard, lha losnd ton, 1). C.. Ncw York Cit-y, and ut-ber t-he buggy lrolien t-s.pierse. haruese torn pointseof intereet balaieebe retarus. auj a generai l "îîseiug 111)" 01 t-lesont BIG REDUCTION IN I Ht. -MILLINERY i iito 501155 uuofly- ile indeed. idx. It las,t-s forever, l t-s awner. ow, ut- wlitever proe, A. HUSS THE JEWELER Libertyville, Ill. tir- A 000 ANKER 15 uîS PeTRONS' TRUEST FRIENO, Aud it- ià awise Tmatior woaauî.in isrî et-atian n ta 1e. wiale t-be reguaur OUa BANI( gises carelîl auj isuip irtial attist;in t-st-be neede of (.rr and emuli depi 'cIrns alike. The vraitso! the snuallest Saviig- Iepoiîiur rK-'ie siiur aet- areful ut-sntioù ;-!or tha mcaey lender sic Isîve t-be clîoirýesl secîrities. M'e invit-e nsw buiness. The First fiati kext Door t-o thei P»t-Offlicc TRIMMED IMATS AT ItALF TiIEIR VALUE Sec our linI oi Shirts, Waits and Wash gonds. Remember We Seii The -L Tis bank is under national inspection. It i also required to make its condition public thua throwinig around the bank every possible safeguard. This institution has been in operation over seventeen years, nd during this peroid it lias witnessed many trying times ini the financial world, but unscatheci. cake coucw flatloual Ba Capital $50, OUO.0 Surplus and Profits 30000.00 Stockholder 's Liability 50,000.(00 Total $130,000.00 - I WRiTE I NSU RANCE VoIRE, TORNADO. IiFE. RENEWALS PROMPTLY ATTENOED TO. CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SELECTION 0F DESIRABLE LIFE POLICIES. G. C. GUDLEY, FIRST NATIONAL BÂNK. LIBERTYVILLE. ILI& M~. M.A. PR TINEE'ery body walcome. WightOtb ho.dam rw&odo THE MILLINER Notice l ete, eute aF. I. ff Wat-er ients are due and mus± b.jpald on ar boforo t-he it-h 01 Jul!. EÂSL B. mmm 4ss ai; 01ETT, Tillge (lerk e-40-tI Bub. Sob fr.. WUi -u G IAY' )UR ARD OU.g t drink ILL. berl>nille ng lu ...... 7c ......5c ......7c S.... 2 5C DOn e. Beet lôod lnEaTyvlL.à ao8 lmal Bank ef Libertyville open Satuxday .igthtj lk - - - - - - - - - - - molmo- bank has come through mp"eoo~ lý

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