r 9 Oq Ie b4 a ti t 4 L.êMM é2 gV -- - - -YJ- -4-W- - p&Wn et £»patmîut except that Uie1lire proot construction, applntent 1. homadbYbfl~5t Ne meniIon la rode of Plana Of ho satl#factory hereatter te the civil the rond te double track betWOOOn the sriecomisslaion ln that the ap- algeadth sohbusrn pintée mueit bave passed tho reuis. rne ago It vas stated ln the Bun that It OS.ed .eerdeOcfOtlfB thé firet double tracking would ho N ew s ~ Ie trvuand aufWaukean an tho uth bt com la»We la ntimitkd. betwoen Joliet and Gary. The local _________________________ The pover of the commission la need la adnIttod. Another Csmettry for Waukegart, O D RD F practAcally ,nidimited as regards city Description cf Improvsmeflto. employe outelde of teplc n Thé Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Rail- o m N OCTr. The Union Cemetery Association at CtIURClI fRONT fir4chi.f,,. Every mon nov holding a rond Company bes let tlie contrc.ct Spauldînga Cornera have récently pur-jo oeelapretyslanlu eChcg Uit osrcin jése maffl sTison, ovner,andcd la et act of lde At tere fr A commotion, vas created lant botter ebai]e than before for tbe #lm- Company for a 16 etall roinforced [r. andhuplanutenféld, nisD.agt cf 1.for tir. Arthur riscutho. aer trathe dm ftlepr fth ony vening et the close of the lecture of pis realon that as long as ho bebavea concreté engine bouse et Waukogan. nae.celAn rgar tetbo ov ar- The local cemetery le becoming lHens P. Froece at the FIret Baptlt himmoîf the job la hie' anid ho dose A relntorced concrt ahn te ucmnsd n reardte te nw B r ded and It hae beén pointeai Outchurch vlioaMormon idera appeafod net hav e t te a ny teatâ. The man including a bolter reom 39ze1 and a idem vbicb wAtt h oro«tWdon aouth t the door of the church as the vho uceedg hlm bowover ln case he bloer houses, 26z30. lem»teg e t tht lcalpofl a nov cometery wîll be needed very audience paseod ot and handcé ont rslignm or has chargea preforrodý The roundhouse will ho locatcd ad- roMA » akedte a. a 49 on acapfrahrlclned. 0-a leailet detamng thc character ef agailnet him ueut tgke the tects. Ilvery J olint the procont boume on tho lake est om b tocr for the thae lutIg this, the ovuere of the enetery Mr. Froe. The loaflot containod a anc under ,b iae the civi mer front *a âWtof $50 a sbare., on Gr~an>davnuedecîdod te enter the reprint ef an article appoaring lu a vice mut haeaermui bfelM o1 Floor of tho boume ,will ho pavedl Thero are three people w v ould local field, the prenat move renît- Mormon.papd* lu Utah. le lt ot Ir the .hearlng lo domaud. with. concrets, The honne vîll ha Uto-take ait of the forty-BaD* per l119. Tbo trustees orderod thé eldersed. -boated wlth thé Sturtovaut systOni of eat et oco wthout becitpmcy l The cemetery le béautltully situated avay from the cburch door and clter The oporatlon of the civil servce heatlng, whlch cocoltas f englns and ri" of the proverbial georn f theadvlindntoyvîi leelrg o~kng boy 1r th1e proporty cf the net unéer t4 a edmilceon takea vhat- fan te force bot air tbrougb conduits Barrlcon théater but mi"e Baurison mont sttract many local bayera etof hrcb extended, vent beyond the ovor depirtiseta AIt operatea upou undor the floor te anl parts et theé win nt anw ths. Sh wood 1le te lots. ~l One The vork cf enlargement will ho cburch lot and passed out thoir liter- ot of politica oompletoly te "iltla. boume. os the stock old et thc rate cfeu ature. tente and ptrpoce anmdémli the. Mayor Au, 80 foot turatable vilI hé operat- r twe abares te the indidual lu puibed rapidly and I;tas probable that Wben Mr. Freeco vas notlfidofaI le lft a vestige of power. Thun 1the od hy loctrlc paver. Iu addition te îrier that the local entueuam May sIot y.lh lwb nclélcly eY at bad bapponéd hé todk t good ordinance la regard te th1e finodo-' thia the procolit cinder pît vit] hé ie enllaed for the nov thoator and hrty natnrodly and smlled cau ho aid "«O 1 partment, vhlcb vili ho the only on. doubled Analzec. bcat Wcnkoganm people regard 11 au mot thîs everyvhere. Let me mes the placod coder the net at présent. vîlI To rffl Steel Coaiing Station. thoir very ovuovon asu thoy regard Thief Siole Dollar Bill. leaflet; 1I neudr if they bave gatton provido f0 rmayoral, appolntmonts of A steel coaling station vîlI ho con- he pracont Barrigon. Monday mornlng a thiéf enterei thé ont anythiug nov. No thatsa the same> applîcants vbe bave paesed the tente. atrncted, havlng a capaclty of 100 tons profftaof the DarrIsen. office of Dr. C. I. Dnelle ou the sec- aId dope they baud out vberevor I The old ordnance undor thc purely et ceai, n0 arranged that thc ceai vIll As an argument in laver of the oud four af the Strong building on go." appolntîve ayotem muet ho repeaied ho dlîvercé 1t0 the englues by gravity. tock 11. le announced that the profite uortt Geoeeoetreet sud étole a ulcé- Mr. Freéc' lecture vae a revela- and Uic nov erdinance vili repeal AtL The coal'le dum»ed from cars nto pf thé Barrîson thoator for thc tva ]y framed one dollar hll vhlch vas tien of Mormon practicés. He 4,14,nt thé pît' aud elevated from pIt hy a year t bac been lu existence bave hanglng on the wali ofthie main office mention that hrriblo rod blot ou Mur- MAY PASS OVER hucket te overbeadi.mn. An additionsl bon $18.000 se that the nov théater of the sute. mon history, thé Mountanor Meadow pénstock îll i Ose hé orected néar the lc pretty sure te pay 25 per cent on The bill van the tm-et that Dr. Dan. Massacre, n whlch 125 Methoffist oml- WALJK!GAN vater tank. Is stock réaeon&hly lu vléew of heao tls had over receivéd for profeslenal rants véro brutally murdéréd lu lac Largo Store Houte. Mgrce.servicos yao cga and had a valué ailt Utah, and thelr propérty cqnfsicatéd. WthfrteblosSpobr A reiUofrcéd concret. store sué oll ____________Its ovrr se a mémento. John Dl. Lee, a loader among thé l7tb and Dout about at thora. banco complété with concrète plat- Dr. Dnela stated te a SUN reporter Mormone attorvard coufeeeed the FollnvAng thc sucemetul aéroplane tortu wllî hé erectéd adjpcout ta the NINISIWR OPPOML Mouday that hé vîlI givé $5 for the ré- crime snd vas exocutod hy thé meeting at the Indianapols -Motor englue bouse. Thé store banco An 43z t IG IT PICTIJRES turu of thé,onue dollar William. se United State govrument. Mr. preece Spéédway came the announcemént 21. Thé Chicago Unit Construction hlghiy doe h value it bécause et Its told thé story ofTise conversion by a that thé National ChamPlIonshAp Bal- bac thé contract for the construction early proleaelanal associations. Preehyterlan mlslonary lu stimple and lIon meet Séptember 17 at the nosainoa the storeooso as veli as the Rev. H. E. Jobuson, sécretary of thé Hov the thiéf got lu and why hé ntaffected mabner. Mr. Preecé wîîî perfect flylng fi1eldvîi hé thé scene rounnhouse. The contract for coal Et. Paul district cofereuceofa the Af- toon ly thé papér représentation et douato ta thé public lihrary hie book of thé greateet gathering et air craLft chuté bas net yét béen let. Tie rican Methodist church and thé hénd the gooé Iran dollar are twe myster- éutltléd "Thé Lttérs ot au Apestael of ail kînds tUiscocuntr~y evor bans eeu. Amerîcan Bridgé Company viii furi. et the Waukegan cburcb of thé deuam- lés. Mormon te Hie Sou," te be plscéd by Strongiy féatured lu thîs calendar of lob thé turntablé. Nosklrk & Powers InatIon, lasdetermlnedly agaluet thée__________ 9 thé aide et 'By Ordér et thé Pi-ephet" air évente viii be the etart of thé long Construction Ce.. t Joiet will put In shovni eto Jeffrles-Johusen f.gt pic- shAch le, nov ln théelbmamy. trA-clty aéroplane race htwéén Imdi- thé concrété for thé turutahié. Tie tares lu Waulcegan. Bytéry 'C" Back. One et thée Iders lu su Interview anapolle» St. Louis and Chcago, then remaîndér of thé vcrk wili hé doe -1 ame sorry tht thé flgbt took place Battéry C rturnéd te Waukégami with a SUN rePorter said néat meru- bath ta Indianapolis te complété thé by cempauy tercés. et ail," hé eaid. "We are agaut Suuday meru et an early heur afttr lug: cîrcle.Th onoueadsrhue gubthingsansd se are againt thé pic- haviug cenclnded lits tm-st encamp- 'We are hère au a peacétul mis- 4ThéI rs. il e uud eusieysud nceteehTue tarse, too. It vIii take the colorod ment dlréctly under United States sien n sdin a Christian sprit te ex- Albert Bond Lamber-t, présdent cf enly wood lu thèse buildings vil! te ecploe oft ths country sud the uultéd governuient auspices sud Ite meét seue- plain thé truth about Mrmeulsm, sudthie Aéra Club of St. Louis, le promet- thé slndov sud deer frame sud the «ot ef tholr churche t least five cestful t Camp Emory Upten, si vé réseut thé statéménts ot a mac lug this long race, sud propose ta ders. The total ceet of thé abe '?mte undo 'chat vas doune Ist miles troin Sprts, vberé thé govern- lîke ireece." bang up a pnrseeef $40.000 lu cash fer vork vili hé ever $90000,000. Eourmth of July at Reo. Seméetfaur ment ewse a big guu targét practîcé Hé thén gave thé reporter copies of thé tve mont succesetul machines in_________ ppi9e de net regard thé fight rgbtiy. range of 15,000 acres. Sprts le tweu- a hookleln u hich 'chat purporte te addition te mauy valuable aide off crsu etthabnc rmCigou 1 have tolé my people te bovare of thé ty-elgt miles frein LaCrosé. ho Freeco's persoual itory sud that for machine fnlshîug lu the bet me- s nué acation ln Michigan u , vý trnd o felingove th reslt any n Cmp.Judge Kénecav Mountain Landis, tIE «f thie floît anidarn verklug te coun- There vére tva United Statea light ment le nothiug extremely bcd éxcépt hIc en renté, and other conditions. Mr. Zien criais lu regard to thé recelver tercet Una vi Influence tovards race artilory batteries iu the camp, three that Freeces tather la eaid te bave Lambert firet annuecd the plane for aiteIvnea oeadteBl batrc ed «." Ilîlinois batteries and One Wleconsin beén ézPeléd thé Mormon cburcb. ta thé contect about threo veeka &0. fshep. tAetera lvea, ilnthe as HéM. Johnson le an énilgtenod lead- hattory. Captai>' A.V. SIqtb of Bat- bavé héaded a sect et bIs ovu at At that Umenoho vas net sure that the uef té éstat4é teee.ofîh net com er .o1 ie race aud a progmicuaivo man tery C et Waukegan vas thé crnm- Scîple, and te have retuseé te sup- manster purso coutlé hé ralcéé. Sînce n ui oy1 utc tJl lu l icluded n the c*'& fore- mandiug efficor of thé Ilinois miltin arthfetahetvvis.réc that tîIme, hovover, ho bas u a-Jdheads ilten aaes-tre »cet. but lg rtslued active chargé of the la caloé"Hans Peter" al Urough the crdffornfaaols t.Lus n tthate it îl tléop.rl Waukégan hattery. He la givén gréat pamphlet and ln advleed ta corne hack Chicago that oaeh clty vauld give cemmndatlon for thé manner lu ta Utah sud rehahiltate bîmacif. The $5.000 and that the balance ot $25,000 brakeman Hurt. vhlch hé performed his trenuous du- tatemeut purports te ho troin Rich. 'cUl bho raceé y Atrmiéaté tovue 'A man lu gênerai le bétter pieu BuUday atternoun nt three-thlrty, tlen, fêeléditaper of Utah, shlch contînulug ovor vhlch Uiceraevli pans. éd shémi ho hae get a gooé élne !Gois. L enth.4 a brakeusa on a On. Accident. eaya n 11.5 headlues that Frooce le In Relaya. thon vhen bis vite talks Greel." sayi haeélcl *elt train gelai Drth, wa h u cIet hc Ipae trylingte'ralse money te complote bis The race le te be mn lu relay style a grnrnpy gage. Theré are,.cée. lu ti untruck by the pipe on th. vater tank jThe feacaydet, wb rch okplcempleagal training by traéuclug thé tate. vwlth threé stops and threefuhhé,Issue vhlch hoar on thé problemu of )àt thq uorth ené 0f Waukotan dopot, sud vhich bas been menticnod lu bril A lurthér pamphlet dltrihntod by vlt]: thé actual lime lu fflght count gocd dinner-and they ought te Ir oui thévWa 1.te etop of the train ou An thé SUN, vas Saturday more- Uic Idéra gves vhat are calé te bhé p frahe velioera.é Tthe idan- Gr tresteol.ue ho m ývhlcb be val tan.dlag. n. vas very lug. 'Pve officr' borse@ vere oo statementa pralelug the Mormone as poîal M eter deedvay heonnUicdye-t ek baIl i' read about the andan sd vas O h rangé,asle the practico vwhén made by promînént people the countryvpisMtrSeda ntedyo ou e mmitl e h opia aathén asd n be le55 le ve.the baliecu mat. The machines the* talon m»dnidy eo bupia ranpsoéaiheIsvîtléeer iiitale the course 1t0 St. LOUIS, >LaTheutrain vos nécharg obulaue The'tva homeés et once tarnpédéd vhere a lonélng wviii homade, and e of Chiasluarge eitAuguat into nîuety herses aud au eutfit of Lock Jaw Claima Vctim. lator anether start made. Thls per- Noo etChcag, sd inaplihtmou, ncludug thé mec et thé Wauke- Saturéay morning at thé HOsI)tal formancé 'clii be repectéd et Cicago, W&II% poop i cho vi tesd traîieé ta-gan battéry. Soven regulars vére Water Devenus died ef tetannms. He sud thé fluai lsndlng ho madeéett ho ,t enra nusrcéas d.mg orec o l sc eeverely sud tvo bas e au iu this co n try ju t abou rg na trig p a e L h n in titainas 1st ansdng Wnnthgatopeofuffemed, one on ljur- meuth aud hIe only relative ou thlcspoI MtrSpeedvsy. cru nofthevasctmnion the opanceéd bak and' thé other miner Injuriés, aide of thé océ-an l, a brothér living lua:ddgItion te thila sterling attrac- Sig teret thét cartie, tlue tho pthrtorinancotiv of bis duty. 'chou the vatér apont cBla Fature nagtPrcîe t Rockford.in hrovi otéa4e netv vbich helis oser the track reaéy te Thé bg feture ot the camp vas thé Devenus llved et 515 Market treet for spectaters teO attend lu thé chai>' 1 e loveroi Ut 11t tank* oet AnWe, t#rt practice vith the three inch and vas émployéd on a section gang pionsbip balloon races- Prohably the faot apon the car top. Very Ilkely ho ffcaIdrectien ecered up thé gmest- tvo veeks ag a rail vas drcped on evor aecemhléd for one meeting vili 4,14 net fait trem théemroof as thé train let numbér of effective ebote, thére hlm baud thmongh au accident Ou thé hé on thé scènie at thé September air vas goini fcily tact and a mnch more heý.g e.ly tw. terme fer sccmig lu part oft mornfa hie téilow Ishorérs sud carnAval. Tventy entriés le the 1ev serioncs accident vanié uréiy havé oc- big gun practice. effective sud Inéffec- tva fungers veré crushéd. The ins" estîmate tiist le made ou thé hsie et ivé. Thélcl, e i hmeelves vas lu splendid physical condition and the eamly inquirles. Fivo balloons wilI As t vas train mates réscued hmp..u outhisa taturé aud vere thé ad- a raplé heaing eeemed aesured, but ho sent trem St. Louis aloné, vhle fromlit peiloB psiton nd te mraton f te cmp.hé muet évldéntly triéd te rémovo ether citîe' are planning ta sécé train vas backeé te Cisyten Street jWhite lu camp they wére te sil A- bis hbandage bliséit or alloved thé enough se that thé total entry lst vîli 'choré the ambulance rérnovéd him te tente sud purposés régular arrymen weuud te heceme afféctéd In 50ui0 reach more than a scoreé thé hospital. ud ove>' meceved army puy. vay for tetanne, hetter knovn as tack-________ Srnt's principal ljury As a vém-y aThé camp lAspmonounced thé meet jav, set in resulting lu his ééath. Bonano la a bot bcd ct accrose bts forobead, sud It lo e bnéflciaI sud euJeyabie éver hed. Thé Inquet vas héld Sunday $90.000 TO 13t SMENT thnt itVsMèdfrenL feared that i akull ay be fractured. Cam, Sanitcry. mer>'îng at 9 a. M>. ON IMPROVEMENTS It'a fferent from t le salé that su investigation Camp Emery Upton lAsdescm-Aed b hy f ai t- rOit may rèsult as the spout le salé te in.The éturéd mous ee adpret tMADE. CSAIRMAN day that thé Elgin Joliet sud Easern'it every Mdght alffl have hucg tee loy. Howveér suemés n.Téstrvssée u ue .i~ru chaime that the epout neyer hanga Thé saaltary tacllite vere excellent. IFOR CIVIL SERVI.-E Ralroad Company vhlch bas ts n tedifrn vory bigb as t bas ta be vithin m-ach Thé toid vas thé héit thé battéry bac northern terminal Waukegau vAlu ex. tante of deldou wh6l* of the firemen whea tbey take sater. yet haé. Thé garbage disposai vas Thé Clty's iret Civil Service pend $90,000 at once upon ImProve- BOflIfO la m.a& hy meassoe portable Inoînerators. CommisIOn-J. W. Bar-oeil, Thîrd mente semé ot vhlcb are aimeaéy ,tropics, barvested sud4 Sae Train Kilts Three. vhich ceusuned thé refuse bétore it ward; Michael M. Huscoy, Second eartéé. bl.Oii*4 &M d*dUvO1e lare>ote tatth te!ittrm-bc tnote gather. Thé Incluraters ward and L. J. Ycger, Fourth Thé anueuncemeut ls made te thé Notig but 1412M are gtreattveasela et iron sud tAn, un- ward. Sun hy Chiet Engineér Arthur Mentz-tte .paret o uef - hlaimeroeteJouet, sud whlle iucam- on wblcb Brakémon George Smith visc.dr.vicha:slwffeplekep huuln lnJurod Tuésday heme, on lts retur>' At- thé end of the ceuncil meeting plete informatien bas hithértc heen INTBRNATIONAI trip rau over tva Italian section men Men ueWdig nCut. Mnday ulght Mayor Buck onuouucéd puhliihei ot thé transition of thé BANANA FOOD COM: at Kenocha, kiliîg oeeanué njum-ing MnaueWdinal any ppointment et thé îomegolug mon as rosé tram a terminal sud private rosé CHImCAO. ILLINOI 41. e ther ne that hé le net expected Wth more Juno veédinge lu Wauke- Mémberc et thé vAcil service commis- teas carrier as it le ehcerved frcm thé Pluc. mond me sample of 1 %te lve,9"gandsu La. county thîs yéar thon lu sin Mr Barveli 'cli serve Uhrée Waukégan sud, Uicis thé firet cern end Booktet. Th rinrute Milwaukmeand mauy yeare pet thé record et ma,.o- " vThoe tr ain ackt Cia î he iseil-cnoafe hémnth, le yesrs, Mm. Huseey tva, and Mr. pIte ltctfetimpravenients te appear. Nuee y ;.-> S-.5- s Oontlu[cdF~ovs Ps~ i . ru, amrouuissvarg~ument eforsO,- - franchisingthe negro vai lt.ecoMw SUFfAGISS ATamie eue, thé tact Uhal fréeesud slave CQUt Y 4rV Sf41 labor cannat exiat aide hy aide vith- t eut detrîment te bath. If thé vagé ear- niug wJman bad thé ballott, At would ismîiy. Poeelhly seméet ofyen may hé of equai sévantago te hem-self snd have heard ai vamén 'Who do nat vote ta the vorklng man." sao mon 'Who do voté, vbo neglet Thé suffraglet vcrkerm viii visit thé their familles nov. The negect af follavimg tevne and sm-e te be enter- Sfamilles muet hé coumldoréd as entire- talnéé hy thé follcwiug hosto sud bos- iy aeparated trom é4ual suffrage. tones: "We have saine qucer ldvs euhlul vastou-Mre. tathrine Waulgh Lthée tatée tofIlno s. . M cCullge. P "We havé su Anfamons sud an out- Highl 1and park-Mrs. F. D.,,Evem-ett. rageons vhite slave traffio. Why le Lake Forési-Mieé Cuivér and ibis gilovéd te go on? 'Ra n r.Rutr pBaattce homel t irepretat-a Waukea-Mrs. Josié C. Rogers, éa d in P o i i n n d t h n h t a m r . D r. d a i cl a n d M i ne G r a a . man cOSti rprennt hie tamlly t the (Jray's Lake-Mms Rediti-i. d poils, ecpeciafly If they ail theugbt M H n y M s a e .P r Y .aile', but a iavyerpouted ont the Mcoy-mr. J.eaR. HPer. If allcy f tls ea»ing A anfor Marengo-Mrs. Edward D. Sburtléff. dInstance, as a vite, tva daugbtor, Boivlder-,-Omar A. Wrght. x perbap a a. iéav ed m ether H o repré- S c m r - r . H .S a k sente five grasu people lnciudlng hlm. Sycamor-MrsJe C. Stark. eelf. StilI ho bas but eue voté, and (leneva-re. Harrle D. Grlly sud t-thicn ho vlped ut by acn umar- Mr. Gerge Harrs. m-led an, respocelbié or lrrésponelhlc, EginL.Dr. Clara Podeon. Wcho représente ouiy blimseif. - The Aurora-M-a. H. G. Gable. tamlly vili nover hé repm-eented n- Wbéao-Dr. Charls A. Blaucb- tIi evéry adult Inévîduai caste bis or ami!, preideut et Wbeatn Collge. hem- ovu hallal." .Ilse Nîcheles epoké In part. as tel- Mé hod ohld Up a Train. love: hehd oréom-lug ou thé militant Y. "The démené for seman's outmancb- w'cèneoamted te Monday eaithc Lake taIemont Agsimlpy s domané for a nov Foreutst Sop et thé Tront suffragette adofulilen ot thé comman vomi! "clii- tour.,'chouMm-a. Catherine Waugh Mc- azen.", Uutlfl a l mcognîzéé that vo- Culloch led a cplm-ltéd aasuit on the ýe man may hé a citizen, cîtîzenship vîlI ae-called "millionaim-e's epeclal" ou the nat méan 'chat It ought ta moan, sué Chicago & NerthvestmnU lne as At goverment l'l not hé able te dla vhat pulléd mia thé station. sné foe-ed 204 >1 It oughitet do. premineut Lake Foréstérs lelilen to t- *"ObjectAnthat 'cemaus placé le lu ber argumente for ballots ton vemon. ce thé home lae suré. Ilfmeally belIeveé Among thé mec Who badé their Sz '11h théesmuénstuess vluh vich fitla chauffeurs vait shilé they héani 'chat on urgéd, thé nation 'coulé havé béen thé voein>alé veré Orvllé BRahcock. cn ehocked et théecetablishmient et the Délavan Smîth. Arthur AléAs. C.C. ha fret day nur-ser-y 'chre thé mothér Adeît. James Viles, J. D. Bradéy soi ml coulé ieawc ber baby 'chule he gees A. L. Baker. ha eut for eight or ten heure te 'cork Theugh seé idthie Pieu of etart- rn for thé support et ber tamlly. Aug meetings net emi thée chedulée t !rs 'Ihe kiué et home At le possible ethér teus. Mm-s. McCulloch was net n for sucb a moîher ta havé Af thé city able te 'repe ln" a gatherlng as Illus- AoIs net cleaniy. if vater As Impure, If ArIens as; et Lake Fore-st. 'D higb up lu a ténemént sué thé fire The- réguar Lake Foresit sessAon Ie1régulations net képt. If thé garbagé la vas ln progressaet thé nstituté net cam-éd for, sud the tod!sué mllk greuni shét> Mm-. tUCnlloch gave a ýh Imre---yet thèse àré aIl questions If signal tealihé chauffeur aué wa4 eped oe législatIon lu wbich seehan nevoles. tc thé station. a mile asay. ha "ýCcrIdltIonln luthé Industriel Wom-hd _______ ve havé chsuged. Womn today are lu thé factorléesinsklng clethée, csuulng Am-m Bcdly Tom-n by Savagc Oog. gocés. makAug breai! stuffe. audSoc In epAte et a "Sésame thé Dog" aigu otm-th ie serk that used te hé donc and a fonce huit te keep théei!ag un 'n thé eroé. Governmect conditions oui of the stréet sud avay fronW peo- ofare chsnglug te meet tis néwsiatu- pie au Sstnrday ai thé Hutaiug home se tion. Municipal questions sm-e becain- J. C. Meiody stepped acraca thé fonce lr ng more sué more ecouomlc. aué sud Icie the flerre canine's pronoc, aeléetlation more and more Industrial. vlth thé remult that a hu-my eau bhad me "One veman An every live le em- to ha sent ln for Dr. Wattersen aud_ * - p iy e d lu g a n u l o c c u p a tio n . S h é g o s t 'c e v an on ea n a th m-cé In c h a lé la.ie hebusiess lu a man made wvend. ic the crm sud anether bsé one lu Uce 'y" She néode thé hallott for ber pro- baud hsé ta ha cautarlaed sud drécacé. tection agaînet poor transportatIon, The recléonce As at 902 Belvééeré nsaita-y surronnge lu tactorios, atreol. Mra. Hueslug éashed oui and as- dangerous machiner>'. firé. She uéeds att-mdedl Uic vons hersait sué An or s vaîce lunm-gard teté heurs of labor. the procSu asked. lie man vhy ho ay Thé matiér cf primar>' Importance te bh" comoa nte lb. yard. Flrst hé saAé is a girl le thé quesioen oetrnw'agens, ho "Waiteé te ask a bite" sud tater ýfa Lad etf thé haflott le one ot the port. that ha vas coltcting enough te gai lu- eut ressorns 'ch>' ah.listomed tea o- te Chicago. Ho got ivo haé bites. l cept a lover vage for thé rame vomI 1-ater ho calé hat ho moreiy sont- than the mon. ad a drink uf Wamki dy teda tu bc ou] loie Si Iis cti) Wil lumP. VThe Con, TIse d tiaroagh directs A The lé onkthe o To t"e i the folio, sus or i durlng j hereby c tmno, coi calé em TPop Total Ne Total Ne TotalNe Total Ne Total lié Total Ne Total na biales.. àfales . Total oui Maes .. Fomaies To talu isa'I Femalea ENDIt mm andi tty mutoroyel future an ail of th, chInes vi ert lie cy rMals et thoir h"a on râolnj durcacos loi ont t There', rot coatT nov Plan vlI bé Ir wlU ho mând roi spéec cf i bave te 1 travelltai *ëIm te -tigk P., écacet Il W_- à .-ýf for au.