et for en- LU thie ema- De andl slave y aide witb- lie wage ear- ott, It would berseit and VIll visit the ta bo enter- )8t» and bo- rifle Waulgh D.,,Everett. Culver and C. Rogers, Grabam. mioud. B. Perry. Hyde. SD. Shnrtieff. rigbt. Stark. 1.Leishman. 0. Gridley aud Dli. ible. A. Blancb* îu College. min. the militant rat the. Laite ut suffragette le Waugh Me- saauit on tie peril" ou the 7n lue as It knd iorced 204) ri; ta listen to tu for vumen. o bade tiieir ey beard wbat >ville Babrocit. Aldis. C. C. .Bradey and Plan of start- e seliedute at iltoch was flot kering as 111118 lorest session the Institnte 'ulloCli gave a and wa4 sped way. iavage Oog. the Dog" aigu keep the dog vay front Peo- Hutaing home 'rosa the fonce Iue's presence, hurry call ha,! WattersoD and ree Inch hale bad one ln Uic bd and dresacd. 902 Belvidere ilied out and hersait and lu man vhy bo [. First ho mai,! Atlto and later enougb ta get ro bad bites. c moi-CII want- PEiN WAÙ KEGAN WEEKLY SUN I U v r,.,eý4< MAa ý naa --- Cnon Taktor Gaulai 6ty Assunces Rt et mow Cariffl Caus Waukqaa bu, Iepri Substiafl ucmilo Sebciol OsusTaker InsiA. ams di' toila' anoone,! vhat la beliaveil te, beanaeaifte fiest a and ist COm- plet. oltooci ensuses evar ttaen ln thbts citi'. Woulcegan le growing en ath# The total aohooi oaus poputa. in Inlm 19Wevi M1S4 Cansu. Takar riy snncea toey tia Wausugn nev ib» 16, 738 lnih"atet. The deWaied figres are aot resu' sUd viiilat h.aide publiceept tbrongh thuarmd et eiucathém vbiclt directs te acboo ein. Tihe CeeIMiS 01 m. Titi fOIIliag te t.edetskied report amibte cousus cet190: To the Honorable Scitool Bord of tce City of Waniegsln. ilineis, GaUtime:-l beg leave ta inhumt lte ieiloving repart aofte *eh" ae- aus of tae citi' of Wausgau taien dari«g Ju»an d July. 1906, ni do herahy oestlfy tat te fllavlng la a trio, correct sam c0mpete, reSrof- a sald cansa: Tittaipauplation Juiy 15. 1906-. 13,112 Total No. maies, ail Agos. - .7,179 Total No. <subi, ail &taaa.,9 Total No. aulnimes-. *4.719 Total Ne, aduit fomaes .... s'es' Total '0.mais uder 21. .2,460 Total No. famales under 21.. -2,337 --13112 Tbéal uumtei- betveen 6 au,ý 21- Mies----------------....1,50 rembles .......... 1,540 -s'O"9 TWM aumbar under 16 year- Mfaies----------------..2014 -3,910 Total nîter under s yar- Ma.I.........----------910 ]Nmahes---------------..797 - 1,707 Total unîtes-atteudlng aliter tien public acoa- -241 ENDU~RAN<CE, RACE MOTORCYCSTS 0« e Hunadveiw 4FmftyNue &«telï, IPMMu.dby Wumoe. a» NModal..Owrnm a c Eèdy Date. OstoS e te mF-m WeUdeuri UMOL) Am endurance mu ai one mu-dre sud Ut>' mles la Itianneilby th 1 iUtOmeOyOIUaoritue dCiyfor the a 1~i future and it lJe «pocted tua 1eal iai, ofte overa aorte mpe 1~ chine. viii taie part la tue trip; Malt>i a01 te cycliaseWho dilile tarua thte i-la sof tilmy*ttaemres, MAa tuir haeitîn*e iicith, la teuanilup- 'On t"'* iitgvii sd1'inter au au- duraoe race fr tba pturfaae0f tait- isg out their motos-cycles.1 Thora viii homaay ome 1j sc rot couti-oli asnte edurance rua la uaw piausai ail c0omw oncf rosis vIii b.icinioti la the. convie. Thora wMU ha )MUalimblug featrs.asu aaniy icds 0ve"?vWh" an msvo à spend 0f sevontela mules >e- iur lmi bave te, bu maittaIid. U t»1 ridai- trayezi facter ors lao-tisdsma Veu' a" Oipesiltha>' vii ha'peuisi 'WtOmtrs vii ha yofd ae petItS. n-. *bwu tote Urid«ai-nSd "*ihikeep s« *ooératorecav 0f te spéeelmain- ~toioed -I"M-toryeiiata bavesent for -bg lai-P. A. M. charter sud ecto recels-e it ln a few days. The .7aienwt. sm'On e"Mmeca momacyle~. rsalis w'vi g"e te emdurance «U D vil ha u0tqdtêlvre te ootlua. sli ~li hite aslk "M ,dt xcept atala drink -tiie if tbe lay or vint ,caim .ad go. it vii taPOIn iiTiYVILLE, IIL-11WDYJUY15, 1910 49%]Er PAGECS $1-50) PER :YBÂR T. à] FE4W ZON: ALL ISevsTluAround Zion Mwrs. Levelus JeaIw" of Finl3h' SocilUst Socle- CIty-fer Succls iSaloon Keepers Whose,Çioods Wert-Found 1Be. ty SUie Sald .1n' F.t:wel Writtený Just efore ZaIfVIv' low- Grade Fear Thial Uîey.WlI be Calied She Swallowed Path Deallng Potion O.. n on Carpet ln Chibago soon hmpdont- . o ee.dyaSN) prenants, The asonla four years aid. ýPQ 4dyi u The stary Ofa un 8erbtauding tiat Aitlougit terse it a mnber It ap- 1 Éï7ggU camne toniste vastom At the fuet pmars according ta the story that "~i Voltes Wis le Zion, thoeravilii aoiar the lite Mrs. bMitilda >Lmhhi.sLeveilua toii timat ha ite vas leaus be a cl1 Vii#r ln 01City next veek,' Of 18 ammngsaveue t te tr.Otite sciety'a linnlence aver ber bus. saad - independnt thasmoruing, i ftandCoinrinad vftu ent gteLa-band. Witeuab@ heard tiiet be bad "ln11>7 mini,' b. cantinued. "ta. son ni onr,! oamatia uibt. been nominate,! for the dramatic lead. Marrov là tihe MontIimportant day for AOaInat the. sauter bacit groutnd of erahip the. trouble tegau, be eîalmed, Zion affaira Rince the deatb oaion a roai dotpestie traedy witb çffltly es-en toug bcb declincil the office. He Aexander huinel., Vlilva la apaklug UpUMX tenturesovas the Walegan sali liait ounte tonrtii ah. thi-aten- ga'et bOust ibiat Le la tn do wben lU" nSiibmcist socletY accordingt te.4 ta lake ber lite but he caimed the I. Li talla intobils banda but. the. ta testinony gIven. tha thae bail saofaten belote mode fuldejicudents are confident roday as The isature af the. bearlug vas a similar thi-esahb.dit! no(tutke ber ever titat bis offer W111 nof be ac- liai salsmessage fhotuthe deM s eflanaiy. It aeema that ste bail mguy cpted .btn tiat ZMon viii Lelefttfree. vItiC Ir as Iranaiate,! alta 0the cor. lUne tare aald sellevould t,! ail "But even simuld lie vin. be cvi- agora Jury and vhlicb toi,!a eahith varions magna, tram jumping Iua! dently overloolis the taût that we of lsrt borne. the. 4eta turuîug on te gag. nv0wbave the contrai of thociry omin- Louter s PasIsonata Cri'. lia cùne hame at noon on tihe toi cil. Tlhe latter vas ana of fareveli tram lOvluag dey ta An,! ber lying la the "He promises ta imal t I o bot for the. vOmau, vbo avalavweil tventy'aoa bed la.the graup af the mercuri' tab- untat wvo clU 1ilunove, sud be bltbloride af îercnry tableta ho coi- ietat the bail taken ttree ai vitcb claimon to have large parties ai Ans.- uil; suicide ta ber buaband and>i ts lnateail ai tveaty-one vauld bave klil- triai oloiers *rca,!y ta purchage sUibstance briatheil apassion thqt su- ai ber. Site lingareil lu great suifer- aur baines, or rather readi' ta step dure, ta the gatai af daetb vitile Ra lng for a wook atervarda and d dtatothe itomps c ha dma ve vili de- theme vas a protest against vhi tet yetriay . sert beote bis vratb voman» regardai as anu nnust eate of lThe verdict vas deatb by suicide. --He la plann~ig & giest demoustra. aftàrl. TbeJtuaitaat<vpt a ute tear staine,! tiontelatter pari t isua eek ori "Tisla laàalatter thât wiiCo" .farevei ltter vas reand and coulil tte Ont a or at. Thia la 10be copiai te yen siter i am ens" ahe lit*or iardly cantain bimself. on the fat] ai Jorlebo, ail af tbe Voiva te". "Tounecver fulli' undaiitégd * "Gai isava ilavai ber," bc laid. faction planning' ta turu out for a1 me. 8 aiways> i.veg yet, so4" 'Wo undav«Std oach atos perfecti, giest procession vbîcî viii mai-ch hhowilh somatimea yen doubt.ed. vheslit vas tac, lita. 1 nover lefI ber- even timea aroani the citi'. on te Thfige sty goeaete yen for tsu ade itar hat Tsadai'viwh ie hotak esttohp he prophuelses ltait.eCity' dreate olaneida. fied te - w the,'tablets,'Msud ovestbcngh 1Ibil a ilvii tfâlPbefore- lm >sud bc viii en- vrle. i aidl it did net. Nov lt urad for. l40r 1IWva hvyalter.. 'Site8 ter It se supreme ruli-r. «an have yeu fi,- i amnabout ta Iiked ta bave me vit hor. 1 vas vItit 'ýCOun«o f s < ulcesbela even1 end my tnau. ...bye velI.,'ber' et' the ibut" no felgllint u avto food bye, hudédial, tae* ara o e sio inioy fesi-ai tht hc vanld bc.nwoeiigIM Iyan avt Ouir littia boy.e camIe no intepstai ln the drasoslttt t.eludependents cho viii loin hlm TitCm-w ey raferreil tea ccrdhmg te o vk- of the soclaint societi' thal i. , u ebssairgeac~ug the. iashani vas U 'th Maisit moollit -lave 'woulil Pow cld a obe sud cc( ud tt e u a~no uesact. ig maciti' ofvitcb . b,! rcinly >ee ai. IBath aides are confident of an ont- electo,! i-amatie leader for Si. I The str la one aiofte addestthIe corne tomai-i-a saîistactory ta their vaoiiy vaudeville viick theii maeti' cli.v bas bail ln uisy à day. 'aide. antd bot are aigs, Arim lunteir belief that the cit ivilo t be big AMNER SM~ITH BM CAMPBELLTON IS eungb Ihta bol,! tbelcr FREED FROM PRISN ALI N ASIlESOE0FTR L. FflhCf N<thSi,. 8mnn Luobe Tt>n ~ EST SISTERS UN t). S. Wreck la FlesUy Fee Ale (Frai Wadnesd&Ys Su,.) Former Juige Abner Smith vita tormerly ri-esded at LaieBluff, vas core, pi-oled yeterday attérnon ffter eriag on* yeir of bis lailOrus- lint. enteape at Jaot xite.tlary [for vreanthe Rani of Aiiirea. The nova of bis parole came tromn Sprinlgeld after a meeting lna t$t cti of te boai-ilofipardons. DtlIs oi àrraVgeaPtU for- hie relenue have >101 boen mail. -;bt thýoprison doara mai' svwig." f-rici-hlodai'. Tiie-Snithtroailsuce Stai iAùlii square vau ligittai froum collai- to gar ret let aigitt snd semingly taemeus- bers of tue itouseshldver. ozclted by tue neya vhlcb bad beau cohiédYéd t,! tem hi' reporters.Mua. Smit.vwaz iducei te cous, tat.e docr but whfle betraylng ber emolans refuW« * -to ma" R auy tatemnt, *'This la the. rat I bave board ofIV mite nid. "O, 1 hope il la t1mb, but i'ou es 1 cau't mi>'inytbig nov ,util I get officiaI canl-matlon uofvb4. you ton me. rat muet oblised .but-WIu' Icannt nia ya rd. It leeatac gecd ta hemhi-n."1 Henni' D Smth, broter efttefcrm- er judga, naid ho bad net ite*d f te aider icr bis hrotiier's -baa aad pi-ofesacil nat te uovlt eesm baît been considei-ed hi'tte boardi0f pardons.. Wleoe IMslilrafts Wev. 14 - il la poitMu ont bh'lte Liom todm m te ho usian poatu'*17J e â%W4" lu a va>', hi fa noyer aep l fie MM me se eas vere titoea . gatat. ettha lgbhemth u- ,foefat. ornegatiters fi-onm 4 *U;Wmmmt u a NOEvYrkT a ç»ol V71e T adrvelrosa 1 04 bardli *0m " ~~êuÈ.viu loa w u&ai d s.nrmMd Lo MalOigw MIlS..DoUea. Eit Pet- aona KiMed Bt. John, N. B_, Juli'i3.-Caring foi te bameles sand naarclng the ruina for ter victime verte tasks tbint ce.franted the, anthorîtles al Camp balitan, N. ,B. ialoviug a disastrous Ore, la witlch elgut persoa arc r-e- porWteirt' ave been kllW&l moi-e titan 300 ver, drives fratu tei- haie,.and a laes, oi$2,00,000 austalned. Ait ont- tids Communication irait the little tlm- bar tovu on tue notit $bore of New Brunuvick vwu ent off andIlitwvas ot putil Iodai' ttba eaaengers began ta brlag detai i fthe cSffiratiom, Sen imn ver. reporta,! to bave liai 1111lelu anexpilointuat took P"a durng t e,Mandl the body or &a lu- ia vas racos-eairom the.ruina of a iwelun hou»e. The blase mn-tai ln the Ricbayda Companyi' 11gb miii.A AVssy viedl vas bioving ani vithin aav mianutes te ir. vas byond cq"troh. Tv. batiks, trftIMlag umber mine, titre. churieb, the Interelonial tailvai'eti. tien, toiigraph and telephan. nimees andmmii' otitslai-g. builiflg vs burued. Thte rosibantiah section ais la reportai ta bave bheuitatroyé. Th#e fi-a as me of tbe meut destne- hls-g la ti thehffeti' f et e provine su-d no placi01ipregortianateaae bu beetso 0coîpletali' ablteraled. u ti -hithtefto huai' lumber tovus. MANY JOBS-OPEN. -1 OUT ON THE FARM, <TrouWedImaodya Dl.l Uly.) Tn.earneaare a luMémIdet fthe, hayag aeabau sud mant cf them ire atftck due ta, the Iackaof aRfficieut tabou. lTe Macedonian ci-y ar tihé tamuer of- lAke Mcoita'lafor mart mas'*nud il kida eail su>' number ai mm ams belng tais. on and c eau 01 e taken Van e ove-os-bard ho gel.Tere te Wbvkwon.,ftç Lote Mm .Cathedn. Spa o f JoRet Wua Mmthee et M»mt Spslee.f ThIs CIty. DIed et MNlue.Flhe BY tedeath yesterda at Joliet of et the age of 95 of Mi a.Ctherine Spoar, te motor atfMars-hi G. Opoar ai 102 Sprlng Street, tI City the sac- Onti ef Utc three oudest iuterm lu the 'Unit.,! States bas Passed; avaur. The astI' living anc ai the. titee lanov Mrs. Elizabeth Bel ai Phelpe, N.' T, via leiii. A ycar and i huif ago took Place tii. deati aithe the oiioslter, MnS. Charlty Pi-att of Troy, Nev Yoi-k, age,! about 93. Old age vas the cause of deitb ar tue late Mm-. Spoor. Sise vas about 96 years and 6i-menthte aid and leaves titree chiudren. Mai-vin Spour of this cil,, Mis.Davis af Joli* ansd Mis. Adams ai Dadge Cty, KausesTii. ioath wvss brangbt on iii'tho prasent hot speIL vbici luducai itert trouble. The late Mrs. Spoar retalnad ber fac- gtes until tic leand sud U a vando- ful' biigbt vaman. fibo r«esinl ;Waukegan mani' ycars, but about ton y8e-s &go remove,! la Joliot,-. viirs te ha r«edever in, Site vas t.e vldov ai Alfred fteor. AFTER 3CI$pOLS WIo4t be CenMI~as Of $flooI (rue. Waiaeadfl O.>k John Hodgeocf Autio«exsperltei- ent-of WOOSeblnhithat.11vW, 'oie>' vtitdrav hia candidacy 'fteteta logilaature aflt- a àcarefulemaSvasaet te count>' *ud vIii ln~ erau for counti' supoelten4ent eofsboola, ÇouPled wtii tiàs, auo6ueast SwNeh lea no«>a la! a* Tjere a ofl ebsaaSUN.> tite contenta Of which bail been bot- Thee l cosidrabe aarisunngtied ila bond anti voulil by the us»'« Sanie oftheicliquor dealeor 0fhc cfty it«MMa. .Maie a test -of -the e* bectis ofvistapaid them tce lat- 'tenta. it in kuovutat.a eu ter part of lest week by inspectais instances the contents vere f~~ lu the empioy of tiie United Sitates 10w the proof wbicbl they abouhl governuient aud it le reporta- titat h~ave siiowu sud these boutles veon as a resuit of sncb visita, certain Il. Uieu confiscated by the Inapeclnv <ilir desaw -juil hI esiloito the . via Wauid th«n tufortn the pra5arl federal court and ordered ta psy fines etor that he, the calier. vas &,.goy. because of v1oasung lava of the gov- ernuient lnaPe"tr snd tbat the. but-, er4MMt, In th9t bonded wWskey tien and! contenixa were ta edeg vietch ley haîtlnlubottiea outeir ered ta the intei.ual revenue Qificera. bars, vas mucbh behow the proof stamp. il waa titen the saloon mnu realise, cd on the bottie. It la undcratood that that (bers vas "oanlethlng doiniV' but sevêrai saloonkeepers have been tbey were given no apportaiy t,! found tu have vialateil the law and make an explangtion &as ta vy the tbey vere 90 informe,! by Uic iusPOc- bonded vbuikey whbh tey vere sefl.- taril and tbey naw avait 6rders tu ap- IUg was 50 tfer behqv pi-caf. It wW pear. Thec fines for surit vioilion l le arne,! today that sevéral ssl0ýA heavY but It la belleved tbat the. min. b,-epera vho vere sellng battled linmmfine viii te Imposed l n ail cases iiakey sud wvlbici as hottiail ha but thia minimum fine la $25. bond and waosuappome-týo te 100 pra Last- veek vel ,dreased men made Usfir 10 tu 15 degrees helow the. the rounds of the liquor places af Ve standard prant and the. charge la te oitY and valklug behindlb.etat either vater vas plae,! lu tiie bars would examtine the goverument bottles, vien partly emptyr or tbitt and eity ilcennsa hieb bail been le. »me other brand of vbiskey vos oued. Tbey would Inquire the. name Placed ln the bottie ater tholdei. off the. praprietor and if it carre- contents ha,! bea disposed of. Ini ga- sponde,! ltb the. name ofite licen- lbans wvir' large quantitiea of bairdl ses would malr, memoranda of that viskey are kept, 'tesa vore' made fact. Lucitly, lu aU .caseathte natule acii barrai vici bai. beent, ue Of the prlOritr correBponila itviiMd !it ila reportedjthat the cOntenst the nane ai te licunsea. The. vIaIt. 0? thesesb9rtffia*have «hmetab) or vouLil tien v51k f0 tii. baci bar çd-qi viiandtheUt Net dlscovcod hy tiie and vould taire from Il every bottieb'~ b'a Vpox be4te*,Vi l #tr t"Pi.mpy lai JMd la - éai eca lte. Itl prted, teuw A.etm aIIfrmeaiuq ITIs impor ,,Pý4uy a plin ways be Sry"-uo t.,i wdn t to dispose of after you havebr taé When you seect a really ood instrument you ,ilî*t your nonet.econoaicall because you viiet aim'tr of ~îsfcîrysevic f)myor urha eta em Notice thast WC use the ati1ecepu'w , tcrrm "satisfactory ser- fco-. , ila1the' kind wbkh vice." That means agreat deai ta the buyer of a as.ddivaet. Piano. it is the main W scyut thing ta consider in mak- ' lac olr pianos because ing your choice. t4~ygiia service tai v- Satisfacîory service i.,e h 's rtclmge obtaiaed Qnly from an i *. akia eal11 sitisfactOýr. strument which has fa 1~>r sd opsa toue qUality and durable 'iu3ew ho a o wO4t construction-on, whlch Ut WokW w14' YOU will use for a longquUs au instrutff- time and which ivili te. hmt bave to laet. ta. * original musical pegég.ced peopre. ?a Cha . Sc nInstrument as everv one ofi4M d~ili uraedv WeCcao £ive you your choice from a great variety of pianos J# arîîti ci case deaigaau with the most pleaing tone quality. You should sec the Cqm.ver. C&»ubma'yad 41.s aud alsotîhe IlMer-PtaOtt.rPlhm@ which are on sale at thc C. P.IN N Bro. ReCMeiber th tyomgcao b"y any f tem ou- EXPEM 1 940a-U é'ewà5 Rmelai Y"IsevWym.Lvea e CABLE 000 TP. Il