ROIUt 1111.50 PER YEAR STRICTL.Y IN ADVOAf4Q ...... * .... ............- ....C .......ty Bdtor SPUEAICR S14URTLEFF morom;*it by the. Loglltlv* Vote . sue, but th. te a Injured Jn this digtrlo In cdonsaqunee. Omdè *ve#rmeasurt i4suare tal. 'He. lie i.olur- nu- *mI s0hiF f laeor i ihéadveoates et mli bll* veu>' Op- wis4e»Onle dIipkiOiio the "pel' poe'ub wlltupperted çe' opposai hlesreha conslderei ûtothep sopemight h, reghriemetht*seopinion of the. Ci- Nie Mtltt4> ha# lnvaÀriWy pr ovan hi* ottai judgment. 41 uii7 not hâve the *nitoraemet of McCormlck Of ti. pt thp Newsu, whlch #0 agulvaleftt ta approval of the. Logis- me,,but peeoft Cislo itrit kri@w Rd. Shurtaf for what Iag~ o olllem ôf hlm 1I. wjuat and inipred by Inter- lMt ltf the ott thrQoh thé medium of tisseocallodi PROTEOT THE BABES 'iw muaitvaimbtehi tin i il.worid ta a bib>, amne thort a an aélément di 1aBo I& ai te bloodot ail of u, and sic, ne one knoWs Imb wiat m" 'fpoison à baby ma>' dovetop If t le given the preper car end atten- aq*tibn lowed ta live. W. canot sford te ake an>' chances b>' permittlng Thetîis gttlng around to Cie point. Thîs hot wati.r spolie destruction Io cMItIi. Theioe sno'otior searson nt geilchIt seo important thâ.th.>' b cbei oalcistar oareflty and tai propari>' and clohd acc*rdlng la hir noedé. TiSaitla n way of accunttag for iow a baby -nî e e . in b' Ceyiflp ht tie tord mustClookiter tha., but t witî not do C ýa 0.0t ai $a5 Oira Lam. 'W* muet look afte- Ciom otuse'lve, lndilviduatly, whiui trustlng te the Lord.- We muet ose. ht durlwrg the. Iroteli eisfn tioy h&vo desan -foodi, &mdosa& batiied troquantS, aend provsntad trom tsklng Rte thoIr dlcateS ys- te isrobes ensd gsrma gti wlilch h. air la lsdened. Theionpt important ltem Ih4 etcourse, snlk. Impure mui t " su. mm n" el isatlmetitai te ciuidren, du rng Cthe btod esson t spoison tathem. A mther who glves milet e ir child vien mise knows nothing abbut tha ,qiaflty et tiit milel aM.biing wth Deati, and hat UsAt Cir. la te t. $i. ais Cltht mache mta te bLord men net anough Ce her comrnnsenai and ta Ifit vwee Ipooibla to a olernilned theo qu;tlty snd leanlnsss et iilk il teedi fnt ha o »b#&d.- Stheitrutis la Ci.t an>' milli moud n tCis i. o onpea<ity b eaaihi&i. Anmypront ef à chlI twho l aling- muta trom a bétâIUlluticoq, Iflio or aho vil go Co a t1CR.troubla, àaertsin exacti> "M atthat mille contdiL . o. nt tCiechltrert hat umount ot troublé? EGoitOuy litORO)ER. -Te sapaki>' Si»slo rvias. 1.d blitant>' C9we coens ta ou, ias att qgh m etet à itie4i arnîng hi rings trtue. M. Oies.%&Ba-a OThe # *a tkt»epIUontla t i.C se*otfitqry. Reacto , àry Cen- tonaeso .mtplVandCiithe tWWtihn vîlilaoha, taie., place ou tbem StockEx obU le, W*xtsnlsgt.a the.ammodity eumirtat. IEncusrle haceminq Ot*',rdte f f.1<l9 .t# ben ,n erod Ii pesilive thse extravagance ro p laRsmsef oensumBp fer .saie yars 'pua. WhMa ~*W«wWMO 4ihaltW inritlod wçati t5he blying o tny ý stW ~sffMParAItY, RmpsIts.A pOr0drtot 9 t i. " 1- edd ~,I!~JO.A gobi muj atIleraoev ake psce durinq the. peut six Msor à- i -tPpp*o& L~s*tpriatfor ctiieitls tos.-ý 4w#P;an t»«Ios,o is< < isstali sptadwwIor oai fi boei Vasas4d* ïhM <Uthaïe *Wlkil uano owie abalten ln thpe oMoitiptfoolb etmi Luwà ' WhMtpI flh 1115f. lute ieropa i t, eut gstlporltyp 45< oNse e Uts tii.ouffl -yan>'ts-vrbte poil dveepnot. . look f aropuim40tmi of treiq otivity ixt fat and si itar. ilisopocînt- aoftMae i tê'età oltd #laar ~ hyafet e'IjiJr »a5woly meatp9.tod ofmehtSea mtet watln e tsçasayuntil the possible out.ehe-eUfs f < BMi n h. falMll eglU*ted." *9 hma ondeopa a rmemndouaahetoleqa, diRsount- M<sien Ini tai, Oui 1litltotr>' hîite tues. oraem. sapa imoragsveut, pooi 6*10Rn Ivoace si tta mUle,. 0h. tpsfe for 'ssc ananmal>'la ht p9.5owte idsaa a ep4liem flor Iliveoteamilpics- #StàrectiOs opportuutty. haoauseI mny ocutdvmdn ra Iftiteisce vluaes, c aliarlng sieiobgto ndltions tss InRiail upesh*tv.epeafftertThuliMmet y Ioold.s, .asifleiio. ha. raeelve4 han .bl.s.., n>ith, tbeau ntirel>' alMiati, ie.sshsepr> ia le, *Ic rM@t *uçgOth'n evir b et f.fet v# khréferé, lsatilt the cmi>' en* te ha foliot arid thei #M t-ftbain ittismodalats profts." Iltnei *stes lii. YOIJR Iisamota va e a tisoal tte, tar -aber.mon t o? th lhr satut a!thé »"l.. ,'Stlofi. liRBd b>' th F u- ee»hoe SPuesa Due" lashov that 1111 »Oespaye btte! teanhuts, "ajtaabs bas a targar .ntolinaent of )U~tl.fiaa M IndTitana, Mclsga, Iqw& or i mori, bon pov.s ie oithbotu Il ilinois ths arerape omise>'. $064À50 a mout blo lnOho fIo p$56095, ta" fuleaspS 0, u Uliffon $7076, la - <bo l rotasuaI ils tqa îat la -t .138. IuidRas Mwielui u - 451001 Sanda "& mg buildi imp etu thtie pAIf0,000 cirai, of puplie aroliait 1111. 5hel. iai vil1.1";. tp15 515 VCiA147à24 [Uluois bu st" albt ~ j Stibleebla ITHUAS tVOTE AND> SUPPOKT WILL ËIE &PPRECIATED. Watre those orfc* ob PVMI9.)0« Mo4r wiio 0114 of Q111%ç41. a" Popettu Andras. RgUlyI eaM Llngoriog (Ons,, Passed ~Away Tiursday., Mtis 'Niln* ProBUs" 0161 Dulcg 9*ipa wcak Dm* a i ien-h tered, ttwa* homiiieu tisa cefil, and 0"1 ariie éad bIerU, Dot ouin thliches, euth tiaeIprtod, butlu ~tise homea*4 Choir rMnda, wbo sharuthe t tre ar- îat ou , W£ suviv oa lnsaCis la a liat, cais ofaidao±, and wiecS tis>' eapired: John ,Iarob Mordiiorst. Chii tur>' in1864. lacatlnir aI Il Day, (ilI, wliers ho rese'ldOd tweuty-thr" yeeru. 'Tis* r14salder of! lits 8W . as @peu tlai uhrylyla. 'On Awmt 1 4 1819 bis ileadiadis "g hm tl ehthlrnof via issix 'réqnalu. , 0 dled Jul>' 14, 1010 aiter au linew of a iêrw dar'.. Bis parents vere Lptbaranm andilbe wa8 a membeue o! tht aichf rom aariy childbooau.' lis Icavece ta manrn bis lana tour dauglîtors, tva san@, ivelve grandl eihldreu, 2 great grand childreu ate mgo>' other filnds and oeittbbcre. Tisose wba koèw hlm sud were lu trouble tit the tonclioaihbis ina. litait. Eése ituetal vas heiti Sonda>' aiternoon ýêt hieihome wirb is mauyIfried& gathered. Rter. J. B. matociln îd Rer. Van de Erre conducted the servie Uonald Andras. Raly. Who departid thus lhte. atter a liger. îeg 111h..., aithe home 0o!bis Nparent@ le Chieoit.', Tliorsdlayvaiternoon, Jul>'14, 191Q!, wae baro Jun 11, 1892. The deriameod waq a young member of St. Josephl'@ Parimh Churcli. and wam ,one ai tise promiing Young mon ai LibertylIle, wâo aiwaym eeold thie respeet of hié companioné.. de wu ance at our modeS yoong mean, and fit fot an>' Miervira. wete heldtu laSt..Joseph'@ Churoli Satiay ioraing over bis reinaine, tise Iev.' Pauser Kinmelia officiatiog, aller whtie bis reia woe.taken b iieorovng frîcode Ca Wsueonda, far buriaL The dceamsed vas in the oîdeteentli v"ar o binamge, and bis demime îe keeni>' tit. nat anS>' b>'him parenta, bot b>' hie mis.> friande, wso abisre with the. bereayed anas ln their afffiittan. Misa Nin&a Presser. MIseProslavabou nSalemn, Gb D.e 81 181,tisr. uelirai titis be parsa util tiirteenais > «a 0 og Vh se remored it isthe on>CaLlhorty'rl* lit. Vourtee barag eo ber Iftfjio Rchand Prosser didaM Port Waâbiat tocm, 0h10. SiBlu ligat UbertVil Miye Eva Promatuaduidaugitera isai iss1idnistise fia or e iaelectrir dapi vIrile, Byron ber maoulies mode is b o trIsba roualu ai tira. &nas Apphcy. iagNia& Sb'aIn a mployod saIRol XIg& C., for lb. puat Shmsa esos Wb" abe huit a gourd positlaio, end vi isghi rsspected bli&JIai blhfmplo>'. BReadue learlg ta moui" ber lIs« matise, aiter ami brothet aiofl oJber 'ille, aho Spore a larnge rlrele o!t rten4 TIse tiierai servicea Ver. blutroustl ho #ý anm d r. h, e upea, pus'ula.Tht Ber. W. L. WbIspt*ý oReliat.lig. Mh andtutver>' beautltVý floral pWeeec*ere cutrhbuted sas exptee, ioWe o! syiisathy. MIse liard eoea tibutedtit htmusical numbets tadt laýrge cirtle ai friands Iaiiawed tb roMains ta the lait reetbng place. Cari ot Tianles. - We viss ta thank ethtfriendus irbuem kioidl>' siaiittdui n j,, urut ui errîw MR&e. EVA PROacatilAND!>FANIILY. Ftom Lbietyvilie te Diamond Laits. Mwavy eontthe hauppy hoorta a1 the Foula il iUIug Company', visea aboun fort' ýflICi oplitpee tank advawatfgu o! Cii. nueef. asatoubllcekidRp 9.aderad b>' tiser owrè erau ereuilng' oo it vwelk, apà vus t6 a do! Lunna soi e>'ay, tise trip vas donhi>' anjoyed. Tht tiaa,y *ieuoty" 1.11bers et about T 'o leloca, sud wt tistelr detlution lq niet, the e>'sliw'forth b> a>' aieRad JDay aud,,Wlieeiog,. arrller asthe jDianionit Lake RoteS* iaIs" tWr boe lere the pragram > v ieliout. zo tiie bot". w vilobhronstectif botlff »Osesuatstrrlo, wblobito. mah tilcsCeCee érdi the .mJme boat o!' tare p mii L as hj -iV e e éreth Cd cerelmmi a sialM'tOi>tlusêt cel 'l'if tnp t b>' Civ &0 theopi h~cyme ta cow4 olie, amanet lii so&oçlb d'ta Ma"avtaStartsi bye a ar EÉ~% nsins. Sl.s.Ingqf ,,ond j aiiroon, at about 2o'eloeck, tblta ou 4!U* bpfdhltgi oth@e wislabta tw Muçente stery ean>cd teblia . 4& i> pt Wmal ater tisa dluno heu. As üweVa iso -leo tise wieslien Pn>ut* *ad ui!busines% men dropped UNàr, Peux "dpeutca, au tWeil as guAUPodutiaaaawcoded tai w i *iUitdolai *ad when tisel pie ï the Zp4. -W$ctod, they toua t t-e rdl of- tise dahtut pie.kie facter>'t fimm 01 coufrmterounteer tirs conpe. IIBde>'ll ;hadirection otf ire Maiteè lirlurry J!spuded,&aod le vos up to thons tu eitlpgulh tise gamesin ordci tu peptet ltae lumh.ur yard ast1 adjoli. Ilât iietS fr eInbin>' datroyed, aufi Il Vas Vîit grat an Shah part.tCae ibis a-theobulilingba lis ea a reedet. and au aupeglsI>'structure lua htl tIC f ib Ojý ',Jier wtrt. Oore lth Due dak#ioed le utl .ug hi buraf ta tbe grouud, m a asthe verdict of th*e utas> tsWh d àcapgregated, and Vouni bave blped tht dopartinent gave t, bail t beau Worthcaving. Eveu the chittirea expteeed tisemailvef in a gleetul manier ta mse th haines wirnttheirra>' luta the decavln f traine, andt teY ere dts. aPýPulotD lAsnela>itsetved t w u s p tu tht departmino u aplay s wawr0th5 ie btirnimg rouf, tAhe gamme m eut amouutlog ta exceed $100 ,nd tRie -Ivluuteeio" ame ta Ut prassed for tlie effective ton tht> di. The tolai ng membestofiithle epartmtent wtt'. au band. and did thoar work am ct'.d abave: 8 DelDlsan, . Hart>' Peeter, EJ Elnider, George Boa>' and Franks Young. -Nô Rain &incatihe Snow Weril. le ardsrlnq tise address of bis palier tu Yale, Souths Dakota, F. 1.114, who l; Weil keots ber., mditise fallovme>' ta bis. tequftla: Tiser. liai not heen ont' tain In tlisa Iount>' mince tht #910WwUnit, a"d top, aie liutntd na, farreerq aie cuùtllag tbeargrainhor t a>'. 1 eeth&i FailqIl uop ut.Hai h;s buIldng à hanse. 24Ï40 titisbamemeot; 1look@ ike smrethin>' daRDa hater on. . . F . . Tise abOre muet ha <iseaurairin>' tathe taraier,' Ca Sa>'the iteet. Thîs count> but bail Ite srtage ai tain tido ceasmit, and mrne érops vilii ail short ai thit noua arrage1luthe meantimi., CAleta thtybay hai naran, ami tamatas it tore r ,ag , *"isteeiM.are bayen tiseir gare fouthani. tis 04"t *,bd, publ itlu lblb. tabta, oui seteWood, epit stht kliHase, sCe tis erconS, 1)ucIIIP Sais vter l b îiei'aimr ster -ipfior, sud ,ha sure $o. slnd>' lte. kiwone i111taho VauSt@ haiW. Tisen ho W tntcii téfarmeta' club ta dioepes tise quesîil i r *wta keptise aye ot laina. Milsp tilt peitifor. !Iouiay ileed.dI for machiner. AdSaeN .îy. la LC. PRICE Candidate fo r thc Republican Nomina- tRan for CeunI>' Ttiabuur. Mr. Prico wsael.ctedd le litaoffica in 1002,.'Hi* efficiene>' tas suciha has bean retained f1rom paar te peau in a daubai lcatIacil>' and ltche now.. ledgo ho ha.s cqulrod fiemnnas la no other mon, for lie office. Ha la practically Indimpanible n th.e oilie.. Menai 'le fe ast degroa. ha maites an ideal official. Mu. Price Be reoivi'ig ttcrlngi promises of support fro eiRptbicas in ait section$ cf the count>', thoi believa bit long and faitiful sarvice ia deaerving of reconnition. O~e Thrd below regular prie 10 does M Mcua uranteed 8ocke, inade hb>' E. R.Newmoa -el0 CbattanoogaToýun 6 paitt guara.nteed ta bost ô montisa. Tiseetandard Prie@ le $1.50 fora box, contalng Spar. W. taa@811them ýaYoust 20a par or abox of 6taor 4j -0- Watch for our, SpeclalSàle of Libertyville 111. Mudg te oertW. h avea alS Ios i ticsisplea to slactrm h is o bort timbd tbaIr ie ~Fda"di yotsWn salwts PCV, suit. rbhe i M tu, ll oW outaseati4 Sm 0he "!a bava basa tut to a vasry os1imVs Lave ja aiya à nasalot of Metn's ýKaki amd bileShirb as Iollows: lie. U ompaseid eith 5"Y otier 1mair.e or,»ermiet. the "antun bid of butter ln tart69 SbesSharolews Beersser Witt bcet, eut .lmiolutatepar 10 pDfer etnt eresion th* Vwbobe Orsi 0"8 et the ievarêtor e#ob yeur. snd Uegaln iveotosIOSer »erets wMt Deo.muetmore fi I om. t th e sem im ,uap Oso e0119«phbst oravity rsBi n rthe 0?lS losItlavr Yma »bltb u ielofi et butter Iriiueft hhe râphes 1bular Setiaréto! Wtt!be- Fu a0m élimgavec thbbsS gavitir rasts«e t«r favorable condito@. $OU5 WLtacf vor û9i bi .ls euTttg r 9 bc asue. et ltvenlr Doa&.i. U, au au 0bdelitti0 "Ire»- - - pas..ru8"gain true trou twomn4t Agi t Po und$, deîuoidtng Mce 110w aedlO #IL On1 fl spoint of quaulr of eream or butter ICI, morgdl«Ceux te maie a dolhlie .uarmt. asB8fS M hstUyNi h daisMOe s.the 8= ans set et PMabout tisir dirii.or maie tMO aMM 4aulr offter. butoher ligiu e seue .gursut. iaMM te ht h astdairhian Uif 1*4011 ~ ~ i hS>'Ovaàiee$ t 8 0 1 mlt hi. butter "equlfftet o i.'cents teo 6e cents pPound0. b>' ths 0» Oif Dur pepame. W hitse Mara ia Ucaretudahyimmu viii smeure a butter trott Immu 50 Per cent te 100 ver cent uore 8tri ieut the aId ofthle Tubuar Searator. The akhnunk. hains wsrm udtitreit ill ha mach more Vattubi. for stock fond. It Witt ha wetti t1ou tw*MeiOtr00211%otte tortre e et pr ulidred tinunde for stock !tradio«. detuedlng erriF outhe mto et lie stock to whoh tt. ted. tSeur, eot miliila thiabout zl on o-ft elsh fU.The uttu baianditbg of the mutk ,y boving lie sýpAr&tle made iaIt haside the cou, Obait. andte lbain-utlk ed rliat te te n rwite. 1t la varm. the savins In ii 1p ans. pate. et., &J48Me Umslarna ud 001r Bouae, ad44aalioptreti and one offr ier rsavinirs, ne*4 lio$ ha efluated. amtthugh 80ey amoont te a&grot dea!i uthe marregote. fti. ThOre t 11habc&m vns et1tee. if tu a ued, lMdithe.Mime and expense of baniflu It la eeear onirte mtreqUSal upie geetinerasshilu t rieltiDg butter a"mde lie nr- SUMO m lrem u tlt « all l e u oe e . > boiui a r.y»eMare ina 9er eW-ept Mrte a dirYmon. and how under Dneicltcmftmnueeu c s a me ueees t twloeeas tA ont.. Sodby Il. ,B.'EGE R, ibertyville IIARVEST TIME COMING FIX UP YOUR GRAIN UNS, - MAY SHIEDS, BARN ROOF ANI) GET YOUR MIGIITY -,GQOD TIME TO BUYNOW I POILTR I'OODJUSI PRICE R1GtIT j Wl AHI Iu V!RIG SOME CLM A AR COAU. PtINI47 Good Coffee Won't Hurt You. I IlC39cedaceyou harm, there'. aeaoa-ftud out erbat it le. itla q ot properi>' madle. Maybe it w4mn's rlgist Catie. toiitt tiî. Maybe it vratoui cheap-and too ceiep Colite tathe dearect drink an>' perbon @ear drasuk. But doc't bitume A LL Catiee W. haveaeaierai of Choie & Sanborn'm high grade bienda. Prire tram 20 ta 40 cent@ pe thl. Glad to have peu test il. To'Iphone No. 80Z Corlett & Frédeucks U£tgrpývit:I.. ILL. Urad A nniversary Sale W. atm about te complot* oui first peor ln business in Libortyvillo and are going to do smre sensational Morcha ndiging 10 céobrato. JusI flote the following li. Wo don't montion values that $Peak for thomselvos. ýf u*day j J 1uI5.-Mpndag JjuIlj 25 àt« MImm Powd ...................................................le Roe fosp, ar rat.. ....... ............. .».................... l u in e USabrOldcre4 eum veta ver>' eaciai at ................. lac tp*otup mil Sbuvtitg t>gbhaun, yard ...... .... . ...................... Oc, CixdeueaqusICj' Daoh owels. eacb ..................................... 7c Fine Box WrIIOSPaea'Box ................... ,......................Sc i'I ive lrt. latte alas par bobwl .... ...........................7 ,Amedau n amîl> SOa.p, 6 IQrJ.,.......... . ............................ 25C 1.arge ivru> Lump Staielà, petr lb .......................... ?N..Carroll & Soil E a aiw fl m it oatC aÏ ýd obusfrytl ashwli Bmt foot for takioeus. Soit hbyI' Lluaar7y* I r