To bMw. publbeaton ln the indopa- *n1et. eai p'metb. 1lnite office no later alim Tuesdar of mach wéek. Adymi- tisa'., $pecli, 'aret *ked to10take pardlefar no.tiontathiseafflect. àoU ùraritwuaaaRondoutyviator City Cerk Corltt wua la Chcago .1%"udY. Mima M aSuydam vwmm a Waukegan vMtlor Sonde>. - . ney. W. J, Kiamla waaý a Chcago iuîstor Monda>. Wairond, the grâcer. waa Chicago viettor Monday. Attorney Mller vas at Ingimlde Tues.i dey onl buaema.. viésa RaIm Ganty, .0f Olngo, là vieit. Ing ia. W. A. Protin.. Ac Illinois profemaur maye skunka are edible. 110 ara aln.. ir.SttofFox Làke, le viitlng ber parents on Second Street. Alex and Otto Beobm were t he guesta of Fremout friends Sunda>. John Lynch made a fiying trip to M0.1 fayot it. tac of anw bdorler v ulmetor aller worlb ht whil. de [de lbe cov 9"s. pangI. m. ibm anme mirse 'uum- boul one as lev from a viiaitei itra. Plîlliip ilenait'ger entertalamit relatives front Chicago last veet. Peter Baker and son Arthîur. of Lake Foret.voe tnIDthe ctyt>Satnrday. Mine Boat Bader, of batei Libertyville va. a guest at Rtockefeller Tumaday. W. C. Hoit bas novaitfroni thm Ne- Donald boumaou SaconitStrai.t. eIbm Chuma Smlla boa" on Cook AVeaua. L'emBlea bu amdbm-otlb ais à&maluaan.Walrood'a #tors. Tha vacancy ba bau8fiait hiCha@..Frey.. The W. C. T. U' viii muet at tbm home Mf Mr@. Emuma Mauamu, Tuemday, Aug. 9. Subjmt. "ýMaking .Llvlng orliakiag Utaé." The pomiofficeai New MilHford 'ha. bou» diacoatluoud, sud Ibm patron. viii ha mrvaibt bibarural route froni Cherry Valley. Dr. andt Ma"a u tavanahava none to Chicago vhmrm ibey viii maage ibair bualum iuripa the absence of their forelaity. Mirnma Winfm, Llianuandt Irving Brown, of Waobnda, are viiting 'their talla., JamnasBrown, and aunt, Mm. Le@ Ghibert. lire. Paul llunigan has gona tg Sprtaafld, Oblo. vhere o a iii viithar parant@ dikrlng ber husbanda abseance ln Wnablngton Ouate. Bleachei flour la condemned by tbm pure fodd comuuiaaioin,'but "bleachmit blondes" ar a tIl in favor in sma short. lgbted. communlt)ea. Ed McCormick eau be ,.etu piloting an EImnoret ar about t(,wa. e aometimue doeanmiteerpaite iglît butbha iii oon1 ha ln ibm Lou!a Chevonoletia cîgma. Mmr.,Boward, vite of Section Foreman Bloward, of tbm Milwaukee rond, arrivait heme afavdaya ago froiniIndiana. lMr. and Mra. Howard will mate thie ct- thair home. 1 5. 1910 -i BERTYVILLE BEF l'OR SALE BYV J. ELI TRIGGS phone 2ý Phonc' 3 MEN'S OXFORDS. I ITO CLOSE AT. BIO REDUCTJON OXFORDSI ATS On. hundred pmai o CivCone tinmd mcaau n im fordin laam.Guo bittai and "bastraw kIlt.mens and boys. Patent Leathe. Smza 6 ta 10 Cool underwear for bot weth, *bac. thelt Crin m M id Wun" Negage oqS $.00 O" m 3» sits with or vithout collais Oui~ ~ ~~; S40 xodsOW5.075c i. S300 Our $3.50 Gcd" no- $2.50 XhM-mdsit.Pn Our S3»00Obk* Mnov 5$. Mm lci mamer home fo am na J. B. MORSE & CO. Bverythlau for rlSe LIBERTYVILLE, IL Gireat Western Ani 2Oth Century Mani'ûre Spreader The Oreatest. Labor Saver( 1 Farm SEE US ABOUT THEN t Dit -scuII!U BRUS. 0- I A. bewildedng arry. Some in gold-Some gold filed-Sorne Silver. Brooches, Lockete Cherm"sWatchChoies, Scqr PION. Cuff Li" aisLdetmCo.Us. Mta e. And 'so on n s on. l's really impossible to inagine a Jewelry need tliat thim store cannet supply. Remnember-onmr repair department. A ,MU SS THE JBWELER' -LuetyviUl, . Word vam rmcofedbarm Monda> Ibai E.J. Waideo, who vna a brakmm ef thm Mllaukaa road betfor about à ymai, wna hi et Ehinelandar, Wie, whib u bm capéelty of a svitcbmau. Se vasmymil lîkait b> thoma ubo knew bila. Mm. Elmanor P. Marquia, notho fand publiahar ai a Maibar'aLova Song au- tila" 1<> Jewela." vas in thacltToa day lotraductag bei production, vhlcb la - ot ad shoulit ha la every boo.mbokLd.Copiasof sani anara ld by mas.chard. Elvirs, daogbtar of lMr. adMmlr. Muadm, vbo bas hem. a tudant st ibe Dmalb Unlverolty, bua bmmn quia alsck faor atlum and upon adriceof1 pbyil. eléne la that. Place. @ho vîlI go 10 a haptal, Saturday, vhmra aha viii andargo an opetation. Tboraday of iaut vamk, fort anoa glisrs pt Mercy, fromi St. Patrlck'a Acaityn, Oakley Ave. andt Washingtion Boulevard, Chîca, $peut the day ai Mmra 0'Hern'a. Mothar Irene, a"raiof Blahop Muidoon, Iras b cbarge. Tbey wara dilgtait vit behrtyvllm mmd surrocndiagi, andt raturneit home ve 'Tii@ma"tthat yocannot tell boy ft anfrog'canlmap, b$ il@aaize, neithar cao jon Imagine thbm 'baft" of a aboyalI fui of the l'brusinga" froni tbe olleit atreats tilt 'j'cu try 11. To look at thbm "bruah- luge" ana voulit coma ito the canclualdin that -they ver. lljgbt, but his f;ýthe oppoal aa the "brushings" ara thoîonghiy saturatait with the 01, vhieh tlasoiity within iteelf. Try it. and me. ha an thi Th ba wil pui r ou Kueotzeaa wl."a te Win. Jacobmon, liraman. andt Paul bai Rut of Misa Mary Narguer Sunay. Flanigan, brakean. of the St. Paul or Lorette, Spencer returned alter a tvo rondhave goule on n trip to Seattie, opp month'u. vioit witb friande in Chicago. Waah. Inalprohabilit, thi'vywl locteal Joli7's newa stinduiba beau Improveit là that groving country. loi à aPPearanta b> apphlcatlonm of Pet. A varynotieabla fetura o! tbe bandt mat IL W. Fuller. of Chicago, visitait bis coacert ai Lait. Bluff by the Citimsn' i motter, Mr@. C. M. Fuller, Saturday. Bond vas ibm pmfect quiet durlag tIebm b Afte taacoolilgdraft ibema day. iltoni -alu. Wby ca't va havea nlittla quiet (Co lâept that the borne usait, a drink almo' aibomne dur g couemte? ii Tobacco crop obort, and ravolution lu A fav daieM*ag hlla Geo. Bond vas o!fi Cab& again. There aln't goln g ochaun 'iiakiieig i 01, ibm crank lumpait aN ,butte" a cog, mmd dnrlag ita fltgbt, bis rlgbi aié Mr. and Mra. Abert Kuake hava bandt vas lnjnra to auch au mtent thst the rturnaul from i lli wth relatives aar te inmuembr neemilthe bm rvicea of a OUT Chicago. surgeon. Cho Section Forman Boward, n!i tm Mil.lMr. and Mr@. Campnt Noiaa, o! Lakeoai Formai, bava as thaîr gomta lmi..Juei waukaa roai, va. a Chicago viatorDxooStPalantir.LeCa. Mona> - ton Fabrey, of Chicago, former clama- W.. C. T'rigemha., returneit fromu a tan mates of Mri. Nolan at St. Mary '@so qaps' llmiug vacation at Clear Lake. Açadeni>. lire J.C. ohaiso ba goe W Misa Olive Bugg bas tenderait ber Mr@.J. C Robrtsn bo gon raMignaîlon as teachar in the Ihirit grade florocco, Indiana, wbera mhe viii visit o! the public achool. Theasaime vas pr, ber parente. acceptait by ibm Board, vba bas àirum en The laiesa afi th W. C. T. U. yl serve Mima Pearl Rowley, of'Sycamore, to Iir ce cranîn and iake ln the park, Thur@. the vacmmcy. h la., Ag. 1.Mias Gertrude Warner, vbo bai bamaninu Mir. andt Mr@. Alommo gindeyattendait saimlait> la tbe Colby Depariment Store rat tha flânerai of a relative ai Waukubha, thes past year. bas raigneit bar position cin Wl.., Monday. as sncb. lMra. Lv»n Colby la novr flling wi lira. Juan Graves ha. gone t0ub icago the varancy mande hi MieseWarnar'saI avng acceptai theb pousiion of matron ramliguation. 1> e a club boumas. D. D. Herrick mmd Mlke Haclon arrved til Lîveryman Mlnhollanit hemaidait a la tovo Saturday nght ater a aojonrn Oc noir tblrty.alx pamaner vagonette 10 oftwo veeka st Finiey Park vbarm ibm> OP( hm stock ot voeîle. ver. mgagei tui erecilng over 7P0 roda ci Tirla Chpter Weitminlaterminld il iio! Page vire fonce upon tbm faim of las nmqlt vlth Mima Fay Wells, Tueaitay Kelth Spailding. an venlng o! nait vuk. Tuata8Sret Coommdonoý Yqung Tb 1ime Clara Joehglm and ber monsint nl sssake ve'Co.lwi 4fhî Mera Kuebcan ereraLake Buff vauksa Avenue a thoroi; acainýgauitel caltera a ev daya &go. brushing. praparator> *0 ibeapplicatlon da Daputl Sherlf! Llmhanry and butabla o! ibm secondt coat of oit vbtch ;Va. h !oun Aymrm vare la Chicabo reronirn'v"onapposa «keduedi.u'0'85 -Mn "Identification" cas. 0.9o. Ji. Schanck ha hait nuihar of lira. C. Springhas gona to Colon, Mlcb. Impiovementa on bis ramidmaca pioperty, a viara aba yull visit han parante and viz: An extension of bedrooms and - a frimnitaloir ibm naît tan daya. naw ponch O!fibme iai stPattern. Thea That, voit vas doue by J. A. Moore, wfblc el Tht udga who fiord a young voman paswi fhi ebnè.- t fon ualng ni papar Wa. guîîîy 01 prpm.aaaaei fhicecais. A traing amotber-in-av" joke. Oblo courtnrulma taidoikticin tAn Juai "maklng a living" le good euough Do cobur. rulats ktemu ard ne nil a. fai as l goe-vwhat-va'm pettlng I, nt obr.Atmu dOc u the~~~~~~~~~ tlh o a"b rmlgi~ man for aïssuit, and ihe jury brougbî the igh fo laIltb trmmlpl" lu. n verdict of! "amon la ibm third Si. andi Mra. Charles Linge, 01 Wankm. dgra." Law@vas. Ia wondem ri gan, ver. among ibm algbteamrmila Frîday evenngo lest wemk the(;Jla y, Llhari.vvilie, Sainîda, ntannoon. Baudi gave n concert at Lake Front B. F. Woolrldge bas moveit froîn bis Park, Lake Bluff. The momie as an- oit home on Park Avenue. , * bismmv husliltcall> receivaitanuIbboym ver. reaidance ou thbm mne tboiougbfame. ravaudditby n cailmotiltof aover tort> A Kentuokîan hba marrid bis divoredi dollars. Prof. Smith vwu datainmit 8a vlfe'a moibar. Question, wbai relation long for lunch by a Party 0! yongladlea la le ha 0bmmif and boy oit vas AWau? iai bc neariy lowmaithéla# par, CARVING A FORTUNE Requiret; carefni ibougbt andt constant tndnstry. Thesa habita vlth negular eaving ai Inieremtinl Our Bank, are daly afflimting scores of peopleatuIndep«eanee. Your monmy ln Our Banki la saten aianluyour puresandaila con- mi>increaslogaintrmai.$1.aO or more Opens an accoai. Wa 1 InMmj~lvite nev busmnas. se 1 * eth£ PM-O Ounk et ibrtyville Sebnaebele & Wbuitèr. wali known lhera iva embarked tu the .ra i mante, lueur. cm and gpueral brokerage busineas.XIt needIfea to lutroduîea the new firm to eo publie, nej they are widely known. maier business vii be conduetdzW *sia of aquarenua anit>iliability wlmlcb MII metit patronage inalal dealinga thei ublc may have lu their fine. If you a anything to oeil, trateor exchanga, ,Il yon ara lookint for a buusines .portudmly. tbey viii suppi> youi vut, no matter where you vaut tW )cote, you- vîli find thani at your arice. St. Joseph'@ churemi, of LIbertyvUa, id a picole ln Christian Brothers Orova Copeland'm (3rove) on Monday, Auguet 5tb, and ftom bille piotait aittW iame, tbermvlilbaho àgama of baillin 11 Jtrnoon heien popular taams; aiso, alailc fate, Thare viii ha dancing la ae afiarno<m and avenlng, and a for apper, the aieftheItchurch ylhr .arga of this rapast. and during thé, ternoon and avanog tbel viii for"lm me buat the amarket affords, lý@ldm th@ el laatuea Of the avent. A bu.svi" éave the alactrie dapot avrer> hait bour or thoma wbo cars ta ride to the grove. Mr&. Robt. Proctor Dies. Friday monlng of>aat wak Mr@. Bohi. mrctor dIid St bar home lu ibis cit, àtran miliness of live weka, baart ouble iaing*tha causa. Tha decasmai imd bamu a remîdant et Libervilla for a ubar ot 7mai.. Sha veasboumanit i"soI tibis county, thon maklng ber Ïrue of friand. of no iamal min. 91» vu a davotad ileiand mnothar, andt ber bmaucnlathe famli ~cîrcla v1iihoa gnat- Ynisedi. The funarai vas hald fmmn le hougea Sanda> aitarnoon et 2.-Se 'deock, Ber. Whlpplm offlclatlng. *ho eoka of thm Innumarabla vwoîna ,marac te riatîca of the dacaimai. Oh avea a bubanit, one daugbtar, Blanche ad a aon, Morris, to mourn ber daatb. Tha roumains vare follo.waito 0Lakamida lies wa asburla6 ilongaldm of bar danghtar, Bouele, who pracaitait br ta tha botter world about tan yaaraago. 5fè vasa memiber o! tbigMyatlcWorkmîa ia vhich ahe va. a hanafictar> mamber, and in vhlch Sociaty ibm waea tions vorkar, bar ahamuca haing féit bharn maenly as la ber home. The floral offer. lge vare n>nny, and hautifal, especially thom of -the MYotlc Workera. Tha de. marnait va. in the 47th yea of bar mga. Thm famlly hava tbm aympathy of dia elty In thaîr haravement. INDEPENDIENT "Want Ada"t brIn, resu lte. 25 oent. on insmertioni and 'ou remish 80rendor. MILLINERY TRIMMED BATS AT' MALF TiIiR VALUE Su our lia af Shirts W" *cmid Vou fondu Remember W. Sdi The, PARSIANA COR"ES- bMRSa M. A. PROTINf THE, MiL UN ,ER INSURANC13 PIPIEI TORINADO. IJPEe RENSWAL.8 PUOMPTLY ATTENOKO TO. CAREFUL ATTENTION GiVEN TO UELEoCTio#4 0F EmJM LIFE POd.IOiE8. GI. Ci ORIDLEY, WIII be sôld ationly 99 ctsi _________Ask for a Ticket A few more Men's jind LadieW Oxfords at greatly reduced Prices. 9Opd ,Drop Head.Se Machine only T11E GOND #LDIQuAiER. Oce emW t&hi. boy# "NetiaenIt la Ùm twh. tb the that Ma"nsthe. smpis'h lama« wbat thm a b eno t fats nStwhat tht. ens-ttbm ak« thee Ic.but 'wWa âb. SAVE& 'riais ving'habl =y bacqulied hro le 4h.stdy use of a y wmavmt la oui hamk Capital $50,000.00 Surplu.s and Profiti 80,000,00 Stockholder's Liability 50,000.'00 Total $180,000.00 To holp theiodue I have'made the to4i Bust fatcolorai aem u edbo yard, alcoaan01 idtbtha mmgFait m . ...............-...... durlng MY ib cesA 5 piema simpbona 26 loch Liomu Noydi»lum, ma pua1 Juak Mmd brown dot@, atripl* aad rl all ava.8%, g 2vmmek oya yard . ................ 5 qt Beav~y Granite ]Kettime, 2W$o vaue&ori........... .. Remnants Saie of Embrolderiom, taces, Rlbbonsandai Su OremGoode a *ol t ALF PRICE.. --1 I L.QOAL.AND PEftSONAL. MEN1½JJ Lakte lorut Monday eveuin.. Battie Beobm tha. returnait t( viit wtb friande ai Lake Bluff. Charlea Proctor anuitfamily v reatives ai Prairie Viev Sunday. il I >0 a I )Ua e e irink !L. *0*** lmO 75c 'm nt of, loc now -ac L il --7B oï V4