iNr IGUIT -F O»sis. 1, ýAns. .-.ltterestita p-oWà 09c tlt* sangamt onemwI &a, eliabout t lb. 0* lppma ica mo Strtier.fflhea.' 0M bu& bets conecte' clitsau t ,' rmseu mue" urkre,# 'aquivy lo sebul lai n R la lit me, tit ltIulsltume L*e s o ïton â dieté 10 lJI * CuBage, tteWri mi lShSuS0r r»ta mmsent t itb ebeid *.m UOwsy. but i> lsr asiie ra b. u» Mt, la té tu.s »d In- y*i the lcone of Ibilb d tient filinole a few revive reeding Aseur-. lit belge 1 depre- ml corni ke. se. rOcto- B. WiI. the de- not b. luqifiry purpome bes- Icourt. Ilven t. tendent na-e' on the tat a of aMi Ie do- t duw or Coonty. >r, A. D. le. A. 15. te ale 42-4 9" balng 4 Ionend 1 I aan e ts lt on'r , - p. Or b> ? ~ ~ t 1~ GSI I bqdytiings, SETTWM wi*ts t~i ~ Wstrn Atjuton ~~~01hkt aI :luor stelit bMOanf.~ tSOif Lgs"s jO, _______Jhiiiofius 'an b ts ie aoilMefs jbut t b .gengoal èilvcy if arrl.r'aj 1lwh 'liimaee adjluste .reunia (Pt~ Wdauda'~sSU.i r,td*W itgeut OUIthe ?&ar viii the. cty yenteWal an ln resid hé I~lPlh. bto i s,.etut that: bgbas te ajuit#t.Aof the <'ould you set. along m *tbo 7011 On hib 00.14bot bey. W voilci iad Wa po èeln bal on Oindoy? i "l - b"one-ii ei ThA aa . 4tte al-. aen SYÔ>U coutil If you bdlit d olebitudg inçitt l mttr,-4 mersly a niatuir of habit. Atao '<su. mer ors4ilpmt a ib ii raethaeaie aa,,* dâiatlo,, -li at er was brougbit op fh'st etth lb. m: te Wegtern At~utmt Ce Yeu nay bavelt mie u1itdu 0< te 'Natlonsi .turolatIMo f i whlcb maltes a itustne" sile othefe days. j etier tCarr(ers, held l i SI. éPsiptt lrs. ThéreluM ineimtui lot~'l i wlfh îlm tie e retar- 1,thé 'Thqiîm Pl.ant and jopet At premet «P.sue ovef11ent 'élaltoJrd& l'ae allftý,e Iried"ligib a alessèr iiont on the, VIUU1W Ipiaelcally conllned lu Dtroît, but It referai rt IblIa dreeIlon 4u ut&rted. r hà1bdltêcej)tjoà'Maltly eta t aoull ,- î.re«.eîîl -Coloradlo. Bprlglaï-1I.tiýe Ppcacé . ba.~ i co"itvtion, -aid Ilsuacccumutl thero oml>. tofir le dot,~idy.. 0 Tboh bder«ate hmla wli l ndonbtegily nwercp tteI 'iure' ______________la_01 ùA country. 'ThImmsnedîste Intention le "I L for a bonius frein theW 4io tgaiou pble Ontuýtadirect' _ TýjMA kegua. for 1heteplKg tko ,foté *.s vo.. pubic.ol>ltou <> leltbart .htMe, Racine ...... at lis Ibu e'ea~*b 'ltbe taefb,0<the strfIte Sfi-bt*t hs1. @4 Daa....... A4ad @ven flattrf*g owr Q' liarve i tii oi4fefo lle #-lqM IB. IchorleY, Hale (jaruers .90 ay » vd st a oon asan ue publie" o~Sniîwnrê,.1tD~bti a$ht à pnl.l erystalixèd there wil1i b Ni3t... no dlblseuJty lu uera i.ucuajyI.W itGre . ,....svn~g i pet alon to elIlunate thte distrlbüm',......... lb ~ ~ fl ~ fml nBn .If the re.l Me i, ,mre ->'1 o torii leweÈe i lilaifeci 11 sl. odiwotim.Je l 'eue$ b~~O t ba d Votql Výiîî Ëî* ployesnIn DettoitDot, an* ïns 0f i e tqt"htt7-fte teletla Iïg dise Mohi t lwhm asa lfu0anyomne ~an~t eflèry * ..tli Tee-bs, &Lbae*U8. g 4(aermAa t ai 71u. Gorge IL. Cie.AuiutqtFeî, atoWAuIr ale ais are, vtbla ~L; I la laut ad e UM woqe.>f4 am.)> 1 prv AtId aanVutww q et tIi. eIf At . ema«' 'C -»dm»-e*t ,rimab At l"IiMrol 4ais, urbéis, Aob* iç, meg00 me &po« «41 ,.»vrouMrOUiié fMMl ita"0 e. tua dym', til Tii.ulu'leUne.aledim bsa Wel u B0,1, RWOM , - ue mI- TbWbl'm for -a" 5Ithe. aidIiiau of W%«t as blamahla .la>* a *à l P 0W poe& .lt t " ý -n - 's - 4 1 - t ,- - (Pipai w01a iWJcE. Weil (stenff b"y>, Amser as oton.attkblduet aOlU.ta mutis, comp9qýM8 a"d lte opiS o~ ewirorknkrjuui r.tb4-ç o i, avapchiI«etltlvs coqimittes apinted by tle New lort acuare aW imla1 upllege4 'bave been uncoreed a he ftite reo 0<Supe4utndentof inig P"erqr uUmag gis",elai USa01 theéeguatof.Mayelte allegittona s ile 1,$S& et 'a aenflofl a =, = "'"daiould nom* oftnt b. proed true the. cotupanies Sali ta n uxxeir aYý o* ta hte. liatâ olw M ~aVim'S mOt# *wor et kbpar.ýlu epaelby ,boe..iavlgg t ~(WWUup U char"e. , Ssk Tbýq 4lt0 ettbé sanq inebu 1 tu Qdribwe r... Wihusavm S.) n as. IMitetil .Oean ae5 Ob uniblie 0ofAgrICMlueM SOO < gtUtg;~ <1Ib ~.ope~ r0 .ol1 br. irotclk'.NevW on"m «f try, owq boa bMb rienitur,-ClfOiatvrl tarmint .in, Mi JI.Y.; Willim 8ptoeoft, litr lay, Agt 17 ? Dweaprt dea. Ulbol <i 4 oeiSejrIen ~ AoI~lkatr, and 0, C4, mowe t op gardeier, citeaw% c e.. Baufty ort tb Pari. guvos rates e Cm9gun ____ em0* bfp-eeaud. à f1te ",bain -tib oiath*PETI)QN TQli p sayiand Caiâers pas. PRMS ~ go,~4~o TlTbp1111 t mbaaoffered aendrane lutn 5p4tur Iqmlwt* la a itFnd M it Wulmb el Weo Wbat are deoinred 1dI. ta êtý* faills 4tIcsof tbe.exprees ootniff 'obfnÊA ner novadpt> re In eve!y meé"io - ww= ntp SVI'n' oS h~fll~eand ordon redpclbi tasftai Smade In rcttfopuw t lnt& are b'~uifor roml commlsdiens oofta à Iii e*e. litdividial alates a pWMlýu i "me ~ ip lte ~tafle, I@ t« bg qemtg tkmlg. nssd, ilrueaià elenaithiisuet L" ates i5n M fontI 'Wn p.IN WARKÂAr CAS Bey Nephew ' 4Aia of assautîtand baitem7 thi N. aoiplàg be waiked inte t.4aie lUZet cf elle-Witfi a constable pavi. fi l.1 am. u sud gave hîtuteif up. lie 'va.plu rho wil d aider bonda f0 appear Kuuday en -,The, tes. Tii. case la one w"i7e ?u>hiirrbd . lietd-agalnrt brother. ItbloegtlY a rein r - C, a nepew 9e tliq twpe It a Twor sadAnlion, came tu tgy are.= tit ad coitîy snd ptn'la DýSgboard and room.4afUl uam t1 -bave ltsls;ted ltaï tii. 1i y so '!4Wlt. Bo be got hlm a job fýlb. viii e Wsajýi Paul ojectln9- lte ic lah4adblovuwgt-iia .1, te ariient Plf8laifrot*a" al pickdled i'aq Ir(*, amd siri l, k la chargel, bit hM#1 te ru*'the P- Uaau tlit Iho wua qÏIls fr but> CONESmow i et - s, ~l~l "vi 'T. Park 6I à lato tbe electtà id eterged'fr00i The road ho Yr itaullltg gravai blemil Park pay# Sprýojecf j. ta tb i 4ply called thte g kaagamant tii t frelet francbli M 'd treatened' f l bds.'Tite ttb and It 14 th Ut tv tai la, t - t I cf i.' fl.~ 7 1.1 --