ýD EPEN~ WAUKEGAN WEEL UN LIBIERTYyILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, AU(GUT 19, 1910- '12 Pages 81.50 PER YEÂR IN ADVANOE. Charagltat Mie la heiug matie the victim of pes..otion, sud that "lt ter." made public su having passed ho. Iveen ber andi George R. Lawirencq; aerW Jplialogrspher tuovu ait oser 149Me epunt>', are "tabricallons." ti-iSdt .0f Mien Louise Huber. privale Otrte, 1 Arhur Nevcomb, ofthlb Ubel8densolà CI a t Rocketeller, are ruabing tu ber rescue andi are mosI- thé, t!htges levelet! at ber b>' li-s. LaWroice by countter Oun just as aharp. $Pit.e ofsàJeolusomfant "I ltnow th. entire star>'," salti one. "Mr. Lavrence confieti lu me motho Mansd lb. substance of lie conversation vwas not flattering bo Ni-a. Lavrence. "Hoe toit!nmo thal she bati fifty> suit- ors aud Ibat the bai beau engageti eiWit imen, vnOu ail>' aie marriet! hlm. 'H. declanedth latI mmedlately J1f ter the ceremony anti aimoal at tbý i-e tir vien the vards vera sald mAb- ln& the Ivo man anti vife, Mrs. Lav- w rence hisslti ln bis ear 'i baie ye.' "He bolti me Le hadtu tastandti ule- tien years of that. "W. buosyvti Certalul>' Ibat noue Of lb. 'Charge' leveloti agaiust Mins Iluben are Irue or vili stand th light of an luvetigation. Defondo Miss Huhen. "1 isaovlb.te ri-dlons belveen ?Ais Huber anti lin. Lawrence, Sie aIet ne lime vartoti for the Lavrence compan>'an sut! lu la va1 frleudsbip sprung up hetveen lie Ivo. But it bas neyer beau anytbing. strougter tian a frieudship. Sie vas lit lu Nv Yorkltelat November anti De- carnier antilite an>' frienti vould b. titi ail that h. couiti tq belp ber. "There never vas auytbiug remole- 1>' renssmbling luliman>' betvwéeji lbem beYOnd vhat degree of lnllmacy, in- nocent and barmIes, that tvo frendis vouiti have. "As for the letters liat bave been producedti Ilin. Icm «y >'tbey- Ire fabrications made la boîster Up ridig. ulous 'charges' ImostI>'matie b>'inter- euceaone, Ail Of the Sbel4On ehOOl force de- tends Mise Huber. viose mother lite bei-self vas once a Dovie daacoss. Miss Huber la a beautitul vornan lb la ireporteti. Thu, letters vbic bhave precipitateti th. trouble ver. vritteu lu the heart of Atica during s receut trip lu lb. vate of Col. Roosevelt or on boardi Sblp en roule Ibere. Tboy are atidrees- eti to "Lýouise" or "My Duenat Louise,, anti signet "GO." or "ýGeorge R. Law- retire" says lh. Chicago Dm11>' News. The lelters are of var>ing leuti sud -trace the love affair trom Ia lun- ceptio», vbou lie vniler vas i-t avabenedt l bis passion as lhe stoam-. er bearing hlm in, Africa lefI the pler at Nov Yort until a short lime before lie.vas IQ returu, vbeu he urgeti her to ment bim on ie returu. On. epialle. vrittep 4u&.27, 1909, from the Holel Royal des Etraucora, Naplea, tele of lhe -Illlusionu et. beaveti" vbich tbougbts of "Louis." biougbt up uin o.s"mind. osil>'ta ho dIspelied mb ,empt>' uolhlngties b>' the materiai venld be hati to face. Ater a "Dearest Louise" hoeadiitg anti a fev not es ou the voyage tbe letter go.. ou: planning to take the. furnltwre fromn their bômne at 566 Magnolia Ïveu* Chicago and kidnap their son. 9h. stripped tbe bouse and placed the turniture la etorage. Then, taking hhr soa, she iooWe up other quarters. Today it vau said that specisi men ver. guarding the sou froi hing kid- la the bill for separate matintenanlce Mise Muber, 'aho la said lu b. a Dowiette, la charged with wr.cking the Lawrence home. Mine Iluber vas formerly employed b! the Lavrence Company. Wili Moid Plcnie nt Th"r Lake. thbe Lake County Bar Association plan lu hold their annual picPIC "0m Urne thlis month. probabiy at the Bia- chelors' .club a t ThLrd lAb. A big lime la planned and every iawye In the county viii be "there on. the Job.' ThÏe o amittees lhave beau selet andthlb plana are already madie, andi th. blgget picniclu lniehebstar>' of the association la assuret!. The committees !olov: Groundsansd .atuusements-Ralph Dati>, Claire Etivartia. Transporaion-Jutige D. L. Joues. John Pope, Alex Beaublan. E. V. Or- vis, E. J. fleytiecber. Refrehmets--Williau Weiss, Paul IlcOuflBu. Eti. 1-ydcer. Boaas-Capt. Parmalee. Speakers-C. T. Heytiecter, A. K. filears, Davidi Jacbson, Perry L. Par- sonis. N. B-Tie speakers' barge vili be lacateti In lh. mitdle of the labe. Mid Exciting Tixe in Mion City'. Three vel tunovu Waubegau men bati au exciting lime ln Zlozp Cil>' Frida>' nighî. Thei vent la thé aid of a farmer vheu bis team of harses tell dovu sud atter gettlng one up ail righl, îb.>' triaul ta gel lie athar one- up b>' pouring vater davu ils Itla Isait! thal aitboigb Iben a va a ciovtiarmunti alcig Ihat nO00 offeredt! lubelli, but Ibat vheu lb. beys voie ut Jaât ebigem inlursort 10 lie une cf îester. nomne tellov loch ava>' lb. pall anti thr.v saMneof lie vater en tbem andt troalenet! them. The police ver. appeaiedt t.anti su *eecr la the crcvti la reported 10 haveN aidt hit the u»e of bq vaten va. aIl0 right. Hovever th. borne couiti not 4 b gotten te hie heM andi van eft - lie aidie ofthle ruaitimost of lb. nit, but il finâIl>'gaI op of la ow'iiaccord. l The animai vitienti>'bati somelblug th. malter viti hlm. Mion people ai>' liat Ibe>' vene villiiug lu let lb. loas1Imen bolp but didu'l lite their va>' aund -vat lie>' lermeti their "insolent mannen." RAIN KEPI MANY I'ROM ATTr!NDING3 Aithougli lie rai tapI seepeoPlo ava>' a gond crowd tunneti out la sec ' lb. races gîven b>' Waubagan môlarcY- t cIe club at lbe libertyvîlle race trackt .untisy aflemnoon. -1 Anderson vlh iebisExcelsior. vas i lie star of the races. Excelalara lu tact viunlng every rare. Sonie oathte favorites bat trouble wiIb tlîeir mia- Cl4iuss andthIe tract vas rather slow. The resulta ver. as folowa: 10 mile handicap- 1-Anderson, Exeisar.a 2-State. Excelsian. 3-O-inger, Intilan. Time, 1: 37. 5 mile handicap- Mis Seautiful Drssm. 1-Andtei-sofl. Excesilor. "Toda>' Is- uutiay sud 1 vote earîy, 2-Unger. lutilan. but tilt not open my eyes. FoiAs couple 3-SIlle. .Excellor. Of bonra 1 couit! se. Ibrougli my e'.- Tlme'6-20. lito lbe ment beautiful face lu lie 15 mile handicp- vont, vili s, ich, ieallby clor cf 1-Baasou, Exceision. Whloesome expression, aud 1 coultiosee 2-Unger, Indîsu a twiultle in lie e>'e Ibat stîrs my ver>' 3-Herman, Mnneapolis. soul, 1 coult! tee but not feel a plump TMm,.'I9: 10. virnu 1111e bandi vavin'g lb. bIte flsg 10 mile handicap- Of peace trous the Point on tb.eoit! 1-Wagner, Excelalon. V-shopeti dock, anti 1 uev litmeaut 2-Bei-in. Mnneapolis. peace for me itter aIl my yeare 0f 3-Svanson, Excolsior. ceufilcl. Antivben 1 avolte antiopen. Time, 13:39. et! mY y ezea bbeautiful pîcture van- A gi-et tieal of entiusiasr n sd ry- Isheti o ;' relurnedte 10my b.d sut! 5,1->'as beau arouset! b>'lie races thon. lvas again vhere 1 ceuitig" ansumre mure gecti ons are prom- Il but, as, nottlunch it. 1 repeateti Isei. ltla saidti laI liere viii b. this operalion, getting up fIse or six smre challenges lssbied ver>' shorti>' limes, aud then Raymond! rappeti Ou anti local people ma>' have lie oppor- the door andt bâillusiou et heavesa tunIt> ' elng same more excellent vas goue. Pardflme for vriting ibis races befare long. stuf, but 1 canuot belp Il. 1 viii mail a lIter tram PortISait! on Momlbasa, Shoot Mad Cal. Tour mot laving George.". .A '"bydrphobia cal" .cauaet quile Fearnua Iat ber 9-year-Oid sou a sensation et ZMon Cil>'Saluras>. George voulti b. tiduapeti b>'b.r hua- The csl vas evidenully "cras>' vIh lb. banti, Geongê R. Lawrence, Mrs. Lay- beat," astaarte t ta ean out lie rance yeslerday tkextraci-dinar>' viole cl>', i>respective of cree!., Be-: stops ta gurd tbe chili, smaya thté Chi fore ayone vas.billon the pus>' vas cage Journal, cornerai anti abat. A mat! cat la Y&.- ,Mnr. Lawrence recelveti intomallon braait1l thi1 ber huabanti, president of lther -ail ,suri fooliali Ibinga us- Georgo R. Lawrence coanpan>', Photo- uaily being reserveti for tiâgo- tpuiers, sglust vbom she ha.s ied 1,, a Il11 for sepanale maintenance,, vas Try Our Want ad oolumn. MAL5 S20 Count>' Superluteudeuî Ot Schooia T. A. 0inson Monda>' Iplailet bis au- nuo! rpport on the condition et tbe common achools et lb. count>'. Reyeraing th. popular tradition for tha year euding June 30 there ver. a couple 'htndrtti more boys lu the achools tM sgirls. The report ls ou, thatlai submitleti to tie state ant Iltsleadiug details ares.u follovs: fror Labo County Au a Whole. Gila-- 6239. Total-12,784. There are 19 school houa.. Incluti- lng 90 trame. 28 -of brickt anti ona of atone. There are 19 privais ichools vith 1726 tudets andi 89 teachers. Psy of Toachers Maie teaciara gel 831,625 lu salaries or an average of $4111.35 aud vamen teaciers gel $122,756.25 or an average of $53i.25. - 1 I On Finances. The district levies aggregate $284.- 576, the value of caunby iscbaol prop- erl>' la $744,685, lie value of lîbraries la $10,008, the value, of apparatns la $20,16Z, aud tha amount of the bondeti debti la1149.300. Nine districts bave 1000 or more puplis anti most of Ibese have 1500 or s0. Comfortabie Schoole. There are 117 confortable scbool bouses lu the count>' anti 65 have or- namenteti grountis vhile fiva ouI>' teaci music. The l-igh Ochools.1 Iu Waukgegau bigb achool there are 309 pupls, lu Deerifielti 266, lu Liberty'- ville 71, lu Zion Cilty 110 sud lun(fraya- Laite 31. Waubegan anti Deorfielti rank thle iibesl. Nîo PAPCRS 03MJI maORMis15AiR!ST Tfl S te aineuu eorAssstnt Buate's ,Attorniey 1 Ruysrti fbecame kuovu lest veel t Ial no papers ot an>' are bore uov or have' heen hera. Nelîber ha. a warrant ever beau matie out anti signet! ton hls arreal elthen ,for lb. silegeti mmbezzlemenl or for anotber serlouo charge, viclc in l saIt mighî have been proferred. in plainer 'egen~ Itl pi-oh- ahi. that If Connes came here. o a visit h. o Idn«Mosd oould not b. arrested in tise asence of char-ges- The report Ibal vu a.crrent liere earlier Ini lie veet va. liaI a warrant ciarglug a serions offense bad beau lasueti bere tram lb. office of a local justice. The stÀte's allai-ne>". oilice denies Ibisa sedoes the justice. Tic varrant la saldti t have a bearnn on tia tiisappearance of lie girl anti ls clalmedti labeoqItssueti Juot recenl>. The sîalea' attorney' voulti Say' otb- lug tieflulte regardIng lb. Adtilonal evideuce Ibal Connor la marnieti 10 a Waultegan girl came 10 lightlIast veek pgrticular'lu Inte attitude taten b>' tbe girl'a relatives anti itls co ncedeti b>'ail Ihat If Cannor andtihle girl are married t! tel a hnigbt anti redesmlng spot lu the t!Kreer cf Canuor during laler years. The girl was seen ta leave hon home vîti the ambassador vbcm Conuor sent 10 gel ber anti ber moîben anti brother folioveeti bothe cab vep- iug sut! vavlug a fareveIll It develeped Wedneldaly th*t the ain net 5t he home of ber ais- ber In Chicago., This la lalten la mean'Ibat vlth Cannabe bas gene ava a tairiom haro ta get a fresh sat In lirfe "nd forget the past. Rumors of lb. manriage crealet! a sensation sud are crodît ledib>' intiMgte friends at bolà parties 1he Cilty osEr. Il la beilevel that the gi-l'a relatives vili ual admit lie mariage becanse il vould follov laI lb.>' migit ltnO* vhere Canner la anti rnihltefotbis tietention. It la also, nov belleve! lia' at ail au "escape" might have beu ai- rangeti b>'frieutis lu Waukegan. t Éalure of Cosiner SIto'. If Il la true liaI the-girl bas mar- ied Ceunor. sud fMentis anti relatils appear b>' their manner to conftrn athe tact, lie romance la the one rbrlgbl spot o! Counor's liter years, 6b tegirils talthfuiuess andti rue beant- 0etinoss holng natevorlhy. > lRelatives Ioda>' still refuse 10 i$3ae »ia elatemeul.. sut! man>' local people are s= 07i> planning parties andt ripe t10/ the beautîful North Shore park. An audience liatInluteti repre- senlatives tram Hondurasa, sonl Atrica, anti Ausîralla vltnueseth le protiucilon of the wvo thle grealesl Ameriru poet anti applauded ti ltu the echo., Indiana ProentPec, Tic Ojibva>' Indiana cf'Ntev Tort present the star>' of Hlavaîba accord- Ina o Ieir ovn traditions «ehb ear but th, Sieldon spectacle la plantiet t0 sunpaas their efforts sud lihe ulmost entlusiasm la apparent concefning Il. Su#fera Terrible Oosth. 30DUE TO cffleflç j NihlsWoohca Rusalan DR W A'tI yoars of age. died a horrible dealli at St. Marys haspital lu Racine Mion- Tva dollars a huntireti ponds tor or, sud durjng the stortu Moudayf ilit t& the price whlcb vili prahablir man vas angaged lnunulaading coal 1 e denianded b>' tha SlUit Produceua' for the W. H. ]Pugh carmpa>'opie Asociation for the six monthaetftthe lbe gas plant. He vas voring lu the camiug vinler season, accortiigt C, ýhold of lh. steamer City of Berlin, H. Patter, Elgin niember of the boss! vheu a clam, used te bolet the cool; of directors of the association, saya' crushed lâ lef t foot lu the luslep. Hia an Elgio Ppler. felew vorkmeu dld fnot thînt he vas A meeting of the directors ujil b. ýsetouly nJued.Wolocbect vasn,.e- held lu Chicago on August 24, nt. mavedte l tho bospital lu the ambu- wihtme the la i e edmnd lance. Dr. Buchan atteudedthelb case, for thq six meanthe beglnning Octobes' vhicb vas Indeeti serions. Althoug1 i vl!libe decided. The generai mbix, lb. vaunti vas properly dreseeti. ock- situation fl v iaisoelie discuSset,-, s 8v eset lu a fev day. ago snd reeult. eluding the prospects fq~>itrta ed lu bis dealb, and lb. doclor sali and the condition of lbe cattie. the pain and sufferlug vas terrible. 1The $2 price viii]lie au advsnce of IVolochecit vas a single man andi 72% cents over th. present rate anti came bheftram Waui<egau. Litle las33%above viat vasnItaii laat vinter. tuovu agent bis relatives, excepl Ibat A year ago *the association asteti the remaîns have heen ordereti sent 11-86% a hundred for the vinter. ta %Vaukegan.-Racine Tirnes. manîlis, but the iirice vas fin. _______ il>' set aI 20 cents lover. The alle- Farm N ous. Oealroyed b>' Fine. alion tiIs years maleteh big in- crpase necessar'.. Boston. Mass.. Aîîg. il-Athaugh ".ar o atn ll ne lie dld fnot directly advocat" the ne- eaenwmkigml ne fftalisient of the amy canteen, the winter conditions" salit C. H. PotIer Rev. Father Gebrge J. Warring, cbap- tis veek. -Sirice lb. latter part linm of tihe Eleveulli cavair>'. U. S. A., of June l bas been necessar>' te us.' Iifîdiedlhat ls ahoihmeul vonasal. tdvhc souihve en mistake ln an atidresa before the na- h edwihaol aebe tioual convention of the Catbolir To- tept for vînter snd wllh lhe prospect tig Abstinence union here today. for legs. tan one-haif a cp ro0fcmr, Fatber Warring defended the rap- Ibere Io littie hope lu sighl. utaîlon ofthle army man anti declar- osofl.edlaguan.u- eti tbst the soldier van drîven ta drinkt Mn ftefndl esid x lsrgely b>' the tact that lie vas prac- legs thero la taln u o, Ihere viUI be tica!l>' larreti tram the bigh nasa nolhIug tte d 1he catie turing 1te îuiases of 'anîusenîent sud retreal. I-iînter. IXUder tho proeot conditi .ou ment. Ithe milk business cannot b. succeaes Poil Into Tub of Walen fui. We viii have te have the $2 à The 11111e lbree Year aild cbli o! undred prîce. At a lover figure ve Nîr. sud lirs. Bancroft of North Chi- yl uel be alifèe t cousisout evea g* cage vas as neer death Frida> lte year. as il ever wili heansd boit Ilb net een "The conditions are the samer la ail 1 L IH 01 Il eý a Il ti ti b ti t p y 9 L U b b a. Chicago Sey Drowned at Antoch. *WAIJKGANirt TAK!IN Frank Miebling vas drowned at l'OR IOLD4JP MAN Lake Katherine Sunilsy afternoon. He vas sl*nding lhe day wlth threç Looking for Renehan's Pound Lake other young teliows at the home of resort ln the darkness Thuraday bis employer, wbo la a Chicago Jew- nighi, a Woukegan traveling man for elrk upplyman.s large wholosSl house ran into the slrySiipiy nan.taeflidf à vigilance committee and The boys naturally decided ta swim was mistakeon for s holdup man. md l tht eu bot arow oatsud * tob hlm ton minutes te get par. wnt out. The>' dlved oif of that for mission 4o0 teks hie hands down from atlime but suddoniy young Micllng up ln the air where ho was ordsrod te n trylng lu boat tbe record shaved rais. them, end twonty minutes te ex- he boat frein hlm as hie dove sud as' Plein mottera propertiy. Thon hie., he carne up ho began tu yeil for aid. capter@ bought the cigas e nd made ,him theis' ouest for the night. The oaro b.d heen placed initier tbe it eema that a gang of! miscreauls oeais and the otber boys got te ltr have -been anoyiug vomen about a a woon n tey couifi. but they could nest of cottages out of Round Lake e netfin bi. Pupl cae ot fontand on the va> te Renehan's. îot d hl. PepiecameouI rom Wfflen have baen stopped aud lu- the Shore sud'starte(fdidvlng, but tte sulte<f. La 1 ulbl lust before the body vasnfnot discovered for, nearly Waukegaite'fildvnture, whicb i bhre boure, the Water beLlng forty-flve tell&s himseit. a niutulied venture]i to feetdeepln tat pace.molest a Chicago woman ail alone lit leetdee lutha plce.one orthiie cottages. She welpt ,nto The. boy evldetitl>' not a very tatrong hysterîcsansd the man lied at once. sIvmmer. or lu diilg lie muast have The coltagera then orgaulzed a vig- luJured hîmsf. as lie did not gîve bisiliance conimittee andi getting together a passe started alter the foot-çisd. rescuers auy Urne 10 gelta his aId. Enter th. Waukeganite. Auioug tbcse v:bo trie;li get hlm, Here's where the, Waukeganite sias Fred Ames of \Waukegar. who cornes In. Arrtved etaI Round Lakte saw the accident andi ment ai once ta and muaking bis callte he hegan ta look the% rscue.for Renehans, and it being taa tate theresue.ta get a livery rit, alter belug toid -that Itenehians vas ail the way. trin Schsme to Finance Rond. a haiftet three miles away lie nmade up bis mind t alaut i. Justin K. Orvin, fiscal agent for tbheW lien lie had traveleti s dltance bel proposed uev electrie raad tram judged ta lie Iwa miles, lie saw a Wauconda aud Palatine Into Wauke- movlug liglit off'the road sud deterni- gan essaerts that if 5,bvsî of the 70000 lnied that Ibis vas bis cue tu al< Lakte couuly Peopie buying ue share questions. Sa hie le! t the roati andi madie for the group., of Stock lu the. propased Waukegan "Hande Upi" They Cried. braucli 0f1the roïd at the rate of $10 Thbe gronp vas the vigilance cotu- for ten menths or $100 lu ail could inittee, Inclnding some fearlees andi bulld Ivo mlles of the roid a month deermined Chilcagoang. and hefare and avelt ntoWauega an reia-lie could open bis maulita alluter a sudhav Ilint Wakegn sd rnu-word or reacli haclt to gel the revol- laig by lb, lime th.>' bave made thelr ver lie liati vitbhlm, andF vbich lie test paymeut. 'bati just takeu t rm his leeve ;and The rond la meesting wllh grend. suc- put lntobis bip porkt, lie met bis ces ere Thebrach rom aucnda A huge Colt-& .44 Ihat looiced like ail te Palatiue tg absolulely assured. two 01 Fort Sheridan massed mb a ne contracta fer construction having whopper of a gun. vas shoveti lubo bis bien letlesat veelt and the %Vaukegan face. Hands up!" project la heing flatteriugly vall re- That vas the command lie heard, ceived. sud îbinklng that Le vas being ield up, ha put bie banda lu lbe air. Long Time te Convince. ý WILL e "M D V ARLY Then tbe vigilantes began 10 ques- su a %am5e~ tlion hlm teruly. He tbld bis star>' M ", VUTand I nformeti lbe party thal lie vas sInipl>' a traveling man. Tiey laid +o make "The, Bon@ cf l4iawa- Ibeir *Wry and their suspicions that the" the great and typlocai Amen. ha au the mant tey vere looltlng for. con hoaricl spctale.He tld tbem t akelaitebi order bookt csn hearicl spctale.ouIut fbisporkt Iand senlt> bis tale. Te get a perfect cast for its They ver. atraldto do noansd retused stage prosention and te hand It la, corne near hlm. Fltaîlly, li. pire- down tram yeur lu yeÎr ausmre- vaileti uzon Iben ta laetl treataisehi thing that muet b. presentmdl on a hande dowu, the distruist baviug voru avay somewbat, due la bis fi-sut sud naturel stage and with the utmiost bonest manner, anti afler thgt Ilteck: pains, about tvenly minutes for hlm 10 Te make the spectacle the couvions that that h. vas not a font- Ameican. rival, cf th. passion pad but an banest man aud a borm-. less one. Play at Obermmergau aor* t t- Thought Mad Whickers. tract visitona from aIl over the The man whose vite had juat bad known world. hysterics and wlie was therefare out These thee points are the oh. for gara, refusedto tble convlucad ta J"et of A. F. Sheion, head and the last anti vas uat placateti until ev- founder of the Sheldon> University' ery ou. aise vas. Then lie took the Iraveler, bauglltlihe cigare for lb. at Lake Eara neanr lookefelier crowd, aud made tb. traveling man teacher ot a new science cf 1f. -bis gueet for tbe nigbt. end of a new commoncaiim, and The Party' cauld net lie couviuced et firaI Ibat the traveler did net have patron of .many great enter- whjslters, due ta the liglil of the Ian- prises. tenu, and Just wben Ihinga appeared Sncb greal succasa did the presenta- ta have bean smoolbed over, askad don y tentyfiv peole f Log.bim viatlilie hd doue vith bis taIse tionb>'lwely-lve eope o Log- hiskers. He had te malte god at felow' The Song of Himvtha" ileet expiiung ail over again.' aIt fieldanliarst loudaY nlght Ibat Neariy s Lynching Ose? Mr' fibeldon is ta goln and upvard When the uevs of the capture had vîth the production anti malte it an , Prenti about ten wouieu anti ifteen annul ad tpiclly mercanafi man quickly gatbeeaid lu a mob and annal nd ypiail' Aerîan ffar jfor a fnl , iminglug Ioicetserions, ai- Ibal. presented amid the beautiful moat like a lyncbing liee vith a rasi scenes about Lake Eara, will lie hopes vigilance commilteea lu charge:, One eveituaîiy campele vitb tb. surpasa vomau lu the crovd tafinted dead away, sud Ibis inllamad the men sîlli the Passion play given every len years more. et Oberammergau. Con Tell Own Star>' New. Sagan With Pantomime. "'Uve heard tlies by traveling men The 'Montiay niglit presesitation wvas-Sauy imes," saidt!hîe Waukeganfte, entirely ln pantomime but neat year "but I can matchi auv of tham nov musi wil le adedandactrs tlland beal Ibem wvlli niy ovu exper- musc vii ie ddd ati ctos viilance. It was lb. queereal thlug Ibat spéak their lines from beginulng ta bas bappeuetied la me lu a lite full of end of the poam vhere oui>' broken queer ativenlures. and yau eau bet I bits of recîtatiaus vers given Mon- do not vaut la bump up againat an. other summer resort vigilance curm- day nigit.. mittee determînedti t shed blond. Tlh. A. "perfect caste' of characters la leader of the party. the man vbaae nov belng selected andi rebeuais vite fainted,, bld me attervard Whon viii beglu at once. ho becamne a 'good, fllow' agate, that lied 1 made a move hoe vould have The enterpnise vas organiset i vh sent a chunk of lead into my brain oflicers sud eommlttees euth-e Mon- Sud 1 vouit! uot bave been ahi. le day niglil sud ylhave the Sheldon travel lis roadt ver>' rucb If b. bai sud other fluanclal bacltlug. acteti. He sald Ibal tbe Colt'. Ibai EventallyAn 0lie carriati vas a Texas one that a ta- Evetusl>' , pers. mous ranger fnieutiboati given him. 1 The plan la grand andi broat Inluils asked hlmt for Il as a souvenir, but he scope sud il la antlcipèted that event- aald 'Nalbiug doing.' ually the production viii b. lu the form cof grand opera, au, meia Struck B>' Street Car, opera by American comnpoera and 11h- Mrs. Esther West of IKansas Cilty, i retltîsand preseuled by ail American guest at Gads Bill camp, Lakte Bluff, actors. vas badi>' burt 8alurday uigbt near 8 o'cloclt vhen a nartb bounti car là clairnet to have strucit ber anti'lu- flicbed Injuries cansistlng of several broten ribs sud possibi>' greater Inter- nai ijuries. 5h. la a patient eaItho Jane "MeAlister ho. pitl. Mca West vas erossing the streal car Inacits near Gais BHUI. Obe vas vili one or tva otier vomen, oue f viom triedt t pull ber out of the 1pati af lie oucomlng train, but lbe tcar bit ber lu lie aide. Ph. vaa brougit te Waukegan. of lb. counules fi-cm vbthicChicago drava Is auppi>'. The mnu it uation la at present more critîcal lu u it bs been for man>' years.- The Mutk Producora' Association lIn- cludea lie date>' sections of Illinoeis, Indianua anti Wisconsin. Capture Wlid fWsn. *Captln Walter of Z" City, MS. day captureti a reporletvil wi ID i the vootis about lie cIl>' accoesn tua arfeport Ibal reachet bers, Zoo- terda>'.e The l"vilti man" la repor't« t 0bave Ilvoti an exîremel>' simple Steé on 9004 liat ihocoultiplekt @p lla .e voe sud to have iivd lu a rutiti tbatffltê hulch hidtieu ava>' luthe unier beIld . Amntugthe oneer tbinge touaSaus the promissevas a ranga at theIIl bermit hbai buil anti on vhichho e si< thal he took exercises for a oortain pericti of lime each day. Bvei-ytbing lu lidR camp vas et the cruttest sort but Iber. vas nathb>g - Ici in&icate liaI the man vas teMçot edt! q .Intcailcu heing liaIteovas sisupi> a nov sort of fresh air lâva' catdli vng lie simple and close ta nature lite, for hl* heslth's %ate. He vas nol ar-oateti anti fot baltea 1u jail but permittet! te romain la hi# ruadec shelteyunudistuheti. Be va.u aiaue. "Ste" vWes Goes teUtah. The S&m. ef Robertsou*lini Ivs c<i Highlandi Park ln vilch Aes~" Robertpen.,Vpiomineul citlsena nsi «. chatroan of the boarti of superviesoa, anti Robert Ives, laIe superinten4tigt- of lie elect0riiati, bave bso the parttan asbesu ilsolveti sut! Mr. Ives tau left la go baci ta10 Iseiffl t ession ef riUroati mauageuà;t. Ne Y viii te lb. auperluletitieut of a gi-et sait Laie Cil>' system 1m lUtah. Ne la one of the boit aegerlneh&. enta tlb. local eieclric soati ceas' ig anti his leasing tlia ter-iter ndis, h businesos fieldivili b. mi regrllt!, B1ehbas hutidieds of Mentis. - BS>..,Robertson vll» continua lte buses . Barn Burns. à :,Ore tIbtalamost complete)y de 'rttW the big bai-n, on ltaam h.. Ioaalng 10 lie Bivel Maters un lte- rood wv"t cf the river aboutt 1*0mleés, fi-ofa (Turnee, arousedtihle aelbbS, he ftaro la nov i-na b>' Ineti hl> èe, ansi turing lhe stoimluasnlet 8$ wSses lucit b>'lightning. meonhf4 Just loftIlie bei-nd ! al, h heeli vrti g dlectlyIn utle , et the ligtnng, anti ba th lb.îgù %truckt a 11111e sooner lie-e douttem ivae been as filaNt>' As Ilwvs, a large sufp e ai wa, bai-net, anti or fi u eê béile>' testroyeti.AUIlyse 0*; rescueçt beeer, but lte Ioau* anst aatcompIe, letom m'rovuNowr J-Il i- fort tequictvn tan io o man sud of Dr. Jolie>'te iba 111e ou. migit nov lie colt! lu dealb. The Banerofls live lu au upatairs tiat anti the lutIle one vas pIaylng lu the yard beusalli. near a tub of valer mbt vblcbt tell. Hov long fi. chit! vas Immernet! la not tuovu. A vaman came Imb lie yard frosu the fiat beiov and noticing agmething lu the tub rushe tu JoIl ex. pecllng to se. a dog liere, lustenui the dragged. ouI the chilti lu a criica condition. Dr. Jol>' as summoneti and laffeoa baff our'. bard vont '-e- msacaltWlb.echilti su Ibal Itlei.novr ail rigil. IILLIN OIS Lffl IN tl!R SCIIOOS Illinois rants, as a achool state.far aboya moit of tii. other states of liE Union. statisitica completib>' lie Bld- ucalional Press Bulletin, publisébed Imider the auspices ofeba office of lb. stale superluteudent ofo! coil lIli- nais, show liatI llinois pays betler salaries la beachera, tiat ber achool properl>' la Mare valuable. andti Iba abe bas a larger enrolînient of pupils than Ohia, Indiana, Michigan, lova or Milscuri, ber neareàt neighbora. , InlIlinois the average salar>' la $64,80 a nonlh, wvilelanluOhio l i $56,95, lu Indiana 158.30, lu Michigan $51.76, IluIoaa$46.44, and -in 1M1s- seari $53.19. The achool propert>' In Ibis tate la valueti at 889,270,868, wvila In thl graup Ohio ranits next, vlth a valua- dion ot !M3,638,138. Indiana, ichbi- gan, and ti ttisouris achool landes anti buildings *cAne vithin the 830,000,000 circle, vbile lova cornes lass, vîti a valuation of $25,873,671. lu tb. number of pupili enrolleti Ilinois again bates the iead, vithI 1, 153,698, and! 0h1o comes next, vlth 947,r124 boys anti girls. Indiana bas the amalleat number. 562,586. Tho yaar lual cioseti bas been the beal lilsU records for eacb of the five NormailscoislulnIlliiùolisi and lbe summer enrolîrnent bides fair 10o ut- number Iliat of previaus seasons. The 1llinoia Normal sehool aI Nor- mal thia aummer gradualeti 90 stu- edents, lie Southeru scicol granteti dl- 1pluma to28, the NortbéJ-u 10 98, the ) ataru ta 55, vbil, the Western tscbeol bad a clama of 83. Democrats Filei icket. Democrats filati their counI>' ticket, Balurtia>' îitCeunI>' dent Bentiee as follovp: William J. Wart! of Wau- teganfon count>' dent, John J. Mo>~ le>' cf Auliocb fer sberiff sud WilIUsu Doole>' of Highland Park ton ceunI>' tresrer. i'ighweed "Fusa' Allegins that be ituocteti ber sou tdvwn anti theeatened btî klI ber or aI leasI voult! malte use. cf a' tuife, she sys, ýo 'la>' ber under the soti," Mns. Hattie KriCil ef Highvoibass avornuont a pise varrant asaina ou George Adams'cf Bigbvooti, befor îJustice Welah. Bolb are opertorm> cf movlig picture thealera vilo bavé long vsget! varfsre, l la reportse i 'I'I