~........... Wlt0lues....... .. .. .. .. For liadies' *é.oo 0 epices ,.I.awn-Dreuse&i br Girls' $3.00W biae La" Dreow.. ;Sr 4 pair tof Lades' loisic F'or, $3.50,esolid gold, InWad %4r $2.00,' ud $1.50 one pleto Rousç Di'ese0. 1 awortlh iminer'waih Yrrth $1 2'fe. ~fny Lingoe terbloom Pet- .~l Batbiiug', AU wool 1 oat Àffleugt * âne 4n ,eJoats naton ~il........ ............j 50 ey, $2.50 ~yBlouses $g f.............. George 19r. solle a~iaofý9o la"ta4 fu i Chicgo. 1 *4douOu "I am 01i la the n»w tated by th !the sefiatel the demandi pbalanx of won Victor] "condem er Cannon REVOLUTS TER -AN] THRIDW 01 obligation t eau people,' To those contfer witb made au iu Who met Iii a %core of' ed bis poai '7he Ho, tepreene district in and withoul untIl the 1, espouseil ti and la evt that t lit' ..wli uN gÊvleney rusine? Mominatioua crushing d- and the a reptesefltal noir repubi «A Avote Cannon! Sam, If yo national iP .inanrgeflt for your si A great for Mîr. E Thurmday dreas the. Votera "ta Already B'igbtb dl* beat stage ta happeril the publie Wbeeler. i ongo Inte ttrise cour tire distrIq ly bitter t. binders In h.- ave heem orne anoth anotheri thievesara Every 1 tom up1 sonal Iii. drawn. Ni areot1 worlted L t are dividi Varions c * orne anott crimes la deetla. The fa, * the melet BeUed up One of 'bil"cro lionaîre'" .The hbu the.rich L[ake com the.amai é 'one agali Red fth fTere la of thèse country tentas:on *Uii Fer extra e$10.00 Lin- . 6frMI $5.Wt and t6.00t Fà'r fine $Q.50 silk ,Wagig *4t.00 Fgliish Uepp kint4* at this sale. ýfor........ >........ toi, *10.0three-quarter $4.00 French Crepe IKi- ~longth Çovert %Je4tâ. monas for ...... 2 For pÀire Linen Wash Ladies' Panama skrt IýkitsýWorth $5.00. î for.........4....- F4or (JWIdren'e White $3.50 New Model Corset r«r Misff s, ÀAilwooël 84(M) MiddyBotu Panama, Skirts. tr.... For Xtiése8' and Junior LdesPin 'oulard $,à Clt~uis. rses...... R'Tr Psncy $12.00,.1Anger- Pm ri lk PngsCoate p leI Dree. worthu$50 pOrlegànt $12.50 Poplin CâenaAWol*9 roetct '............ fine Tafet 1 daste. Novelty *#9 - - .