- '~OPFICIAL 0'A>S0 0F LAICE O1JPty Oum" e it te OMuGU Sa Ubertrvml. 14.. sa seSconC&és IMater MUous UUEEL. &Uazm5twoAcTsMADS ENOVUOU itAPPKCP.tÔn. ,o.SUIPTiON PRICE 01.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE kAKM. 'IUST ........................................ ý......................dte WMd. ,AUTZ ..............1..................................................... t Edter - FR[DAY, AUGUST 19, M0u. STUDY THE TARIFF. Under a Repuhlican roforu, of govteffient the people con neyer I*arn tee mach et publie affaire end maccures. T'he gratter the intelligence, th more extesive and minute the knowledge ofth sittotati lseofgaverninental mat- tais the gratir theasurantcUietfgood admnstration. - - 1 - Amona l the departinf te bgoverenttla the country of ours, th. e ne institution 6hat1 oud vitally concerne the publicuifare le tht et the, tcr- iM, It entera dlreotly mb e nariy avr" tranactiiii le eur daily lite. It le evrwith u, a hurden that wu cenmet ehit or escape. It behowes the peupe, thereters, ta 15cm ait they cam oe thetatrit que. $liB4 1qýtudy li ad te falow IUs raetifiutions itIne thi IWve. wtiil hey a. quire au foet a eomewhltte ute kmelaius et ils MV.et-and its wera'ilgs SThis la tthe rescen *wlth Me pioe ofu the nation 4@eat se mueli spmtate, dicussin of tut tarif. They 'eilas IbmportatSee calknow blet &a>cu Sfisknewsdese ofits workingc le of the croate« veluue tge tt commen -people. Aoung recatldiscussion ef the tariff w. find the tolleuIng beken frein an addreet gleen b>. a member ot cengreas. Itlal worth reading end throwa à tlti Iht on twqofetthte cheduita ln thb Payne-Aldrich bill tht havebhein se sevele>.oendemned: *0M of t h. chiet outrages oft h.e w'tarif le Sciiedule 1, covering cetton *ipoutactiire. t centaine provisions for adiel dutesa whertver ctt en geode havp heen be e ercsrlzed and wherever the>. Cen b. separatd Imb threada, wllbiçh urthe affect et dooallng, triplinp and quadrtaping the lready hlgh tari f rates on a vat claga ot cemmen cotton stuff. Accrdlng te an officiai Obtmate the duties ln tht ctton achedule were ralseti frein an a"orage adil- eau of 85M4 lnthe Diagle>. Iaw te 5062 litithe Payne Iaw.,,Ctton healer>. beurs a tax ranging frein 65 te 87 pet cent under thto new tariff, cotton under. Wear e tax et frein 60 te W0 pet cent, white cotten ribbhen and suapenders bear t5et of4& par cent.Even the wlckaetfthe anei«sthat teebi>. Igt tht poer. aut fogWsde are laxed n.arly 60 per cent, witIs diamens and peur[* ln an- WM*rt section et tht taw, scaupe with a charge of eni>. 10 par cent.1 1 »W fthora vous a echeduit in tht Dingiey iaw which need itherough ever. lb *W0 XWousthe wolen achttule, wlth rates on biankets ranginu frein 107 ~1hS *ôpar cent, on tht cresper fiannels.140 par cent, drepplng te 60 and 75 1 et for orienaia ruga cand volvet crpets, and keoping the m'rain burd.n et taxation pon the miase. This schsduls romaine practicclly unchangai, in%- psenq the inglÎy &vers"t ad valorqin et neari>.60 par cet. Thus, to vain SSMOO,OCO et revenue on II$.000,400 worth ot wooien importe the Amer- Wons people are aubjecte<i te a tex et neari>. 60 par cent on the $767000.0 werth et weoltii coude manufacturai annuclly ln thteJniféd States. D£NEEN AND TIRESLUSH FUIND. Colonel Frank L_. Smth le bunker et OWight, LlvingebOhi county. liela i» afnia'veanue collecter le the $SpiglIelidistrict, cnd turceyears cge ho u wa scuoid@t for th Republican nomination for lieutenant geverner. He la ont et thte-ling butinons men le the it>. where lho operabes, aneaicli Ms ent et the.*ravt citîzenu et tht county..«. l ISe wtrd lasaseo as bis bondi lu Llvngstn couety, ced ne mue le the çmn~ty sujoya thé confidence of tht people te groter extant than dote Coloel .Wmt. 14.lilimaI aIaittht yermetf i*sltlfe nidround hie prenat thome *Wou Miahi be>rbotd ays a t Mît 901 dîme tore han reted upon is naine as0 gain ocleulatid te discredit hlm. aith the people. Colonel Smth han IpaL.gt@»d Mth Me peopeitb>.living a correct Ile..MHile. e aorthy example thie PO$Mbidlestor efr tMie tons of poor paretsle this country. le ,,=CeisW ootnith ins àman wh.ee word le net doubtid le an>. quarter Obeï *ho la tuen. C 1At aa oteof etthaefttpuhllan sade central commttet hli le 6h. Grand Pa.oi¶o Nata len hicago Frida>. etereos GevlerorDencen wacharged wtb lev>.isg à eiuah fusé" trIbut ontthet espiojve* ofthMe stata Institutions.. 1, -Clonl Smith le possuesin eel videwh thoeton employeta et the Pon- tinsraqaont" waie-o trel te setributta th.fel." tlal@Mdiithat tht etrpse o«»aI*a aild ecrmble oft Mil Bote lodaa'te udjourn the mettlg **eu ttklag.notion on a resolutien -effhred by Cebi Smith condtmnlng th&aidéadmtsletriSn Md pluol e s euate commttet on record aseoppotti 'te "dlsittutti m«oe&.Colontl SmthMi ohrged thet Mie cllectiona aigre *Mr* Made dei ttguise. etvoluntur>. oontrlhutlenssta the "L.vingebon tobayRpbeSU ClXMA. If*i. , wtudanote it"club" uni Z»ar> "tar T.uo*q, oble latis et the Pondit retormetery.,%vers nrai db>. Colonel Miil n , nainmtewheare cllietteg the "aluali fuel" te turther Mie gaver- Msltresta lu Uvingaten county.. Cooel flth ,lao troducel hie rtelutien et u lime wh.e the meeting was quiet asefl pro*y onvlopedlnle armen>.. WitMthe introduction et the sim*La the sl.eabig uSe brman IMOt armeil -eid rtrmout etof te eied sImOUnS ot vofft Chairman Roy. 0. Wat rece'nlsai e motion te adjoum, miR Wqrftrodons Instanter. Me~ 'ont egmeal lýColonel Sm4le reselution. Colonel ISmth, aith R. F. *audfrd set Poniai ent te the meetlsg preper te taubatanblats hbl asa. tjaj.1 eer" o uldiun attempt b. mal t b lhadMtnie&truton torcestéte prgteet th* égeoren cd rofttue .alleation a. Supufflnadnt h. A. Russel et the Ponttc retermatory was pusent et tM i ustng whOithé charges weira mai., but offred ne deotend wui i mat .401 b> Çhaitman West te explele or refte Colonel Smitha chargea. H4 et allant lu ont corner et tht rocin anditoitthurriaily wahen tht meeting tacs eclared adjoumeil.-Cant.en Raiter. Will Convin eWoukag n Mondai. Augit 22, Wtii a Flue Day session. Thetaupuoi T aleî laaiiitetafor Labe-oCuail iiop'ri Il, au Wtbegan, lMonday. 4iàot51 22, end uî,Vtues la seteion for Dît dais. Principal Evo Sanediry, Cf lic NéYes st. fichool, ilnco, WmilihavFe charge oi Ibe work le litaraure, pitture study and Pd"lmtethuds. sept. i. lbrk. or Str,atorIltlols ii hava tht subiet grautatar. arth- maetirecMd p.ogra*b.r; piaî. 01 8. Thomp@on. ot Kanoha, bygene. phy. ulolog.y, and, agriculture. Mir. B. R. Laugblia itt11 lesd the asmamglor. The lnti'eçmr.aiea mong t1SIc' bt Mot preetiewd idprogrueaiv» tencloa.re to b. futand, y our promwpt and i ttbul attendante wiltasee.one of1lte beét intdi e »bave bhm. wposmpo. clirlsand BaesCcc Lare Frein 010 le 012 Par Week. t Nce, Neal and end ClUise Employment. Yi tl m t n It b b Few people are aware of the fait thet young ladies sud m anu nearn troun $10, tu $12 per mee in liLbortyviile, len ice, tfiI end cdean înapioyasnt. The above informaion wmnobtaieed roi uofiliaf ai lthe 'onld&,Mhillin t1mpany et Lîbertyville. yesterday'. A grest rny are ot the opinion that the environmnente of factorïêa are, nut what tbey abuldlibe. but tbis le netthe esae witb the Libertyville Inatitution, at o.proprietore give careful attention tothbisparticular instanc-e. 0f luta the nataroni tactory ba& hein enjoving a large demand for ite products and it hua bee im possible taeameure lbtheeaaiary îelp, and te thoée mbo destre te tabtain permanent situation@, bers l@aua owportaity thât may &et ofler iteil again. Thte îompetay owns its boardieg bouse, wblch leivqulpped mîththlb.bust ,of fnrnishluosend la modem tbroagboub. lta borne llk. appearaace belng agrv!a- alhie te icâ occupants. There la a library and otb.r divrsions tonuictd then. wlth sud te babeatin Ileal lbhe nean- pioyed abouid go and se for tb.msàelves. PICNIC IN ,ROUSM' GROVE A SIJCCESS Ilundreda Threnged Ihe Greve Fridai of Lest Week ed a RetibI Gooi Tmg Mad. Liai et Winnîrs le the Ceelest. gn ait en re eu a PA CE hd' S ANneitule Daes Wtt.a ia.rt.u IN AN! Tht toîomlng are taeofcilatsa 0111'MON ARM for the sunual Lake caunty fre* Institutes: .1k., V. H. Pedstata bau Jutbus L Aatlch, February 1i4. heltolattu chairmaeife a newly tasti- Ourse., Februar>r 15. tuted comanttee. on amental byglene. oelera> 6Sm 7 wkkth *111 keop hlm la close teucb Succissful Picnic ai Waieaierth vlt% the Elina abt. bOWpta Of whlck *t, Patrick, chercb et Waswortb e s se long ueps-latendeut, n held l ie penlt lb ticCorthy .grovo weliewt smiS U ealne amttutions le MouiaY. andman>. attendd. mcui. ti oMate, sud VIII b. of gventatpMalgnlf.naitf te comnt>. poilmcs. Tht tu coetoiceUll S gromtag a"anofttht cberch la te have a stri>- u'ea.t for andraced plan la tUt'. Of Ile oms tlathe vilage.,simd Il pi tvgaUmt of ementli onvalea. look$ au tough thlm mold b5*possible 'qetossyf e . ilgn ite. goos ns thero lu a i de-andl forth ie :c ,R P atipent, o ce rme. cltercb. 1%6 9rkof ùe kl omttttt ii Se tg~ tie rmssgenlbty for .nd direct The Trsp Sbaoting Cotact mblc tW *il$ ofetpaclatg patienta, elthen mws advortsil dte te placeon the et- gr, ostheiMaT 10 tSovry, liolo Rotai grouede St Fox [Abe. upon gee trme andi elsimbere. ']Md",jAug. 19, bta bue polponai 6 Z utet*SMlao ettr«Mest ad oet he loliowtngOsarda>., tbc 20th. 15Otn t l mly Wslier erviet ave b.tag tastaied %t 9RitPt.~ Illimt lb15 koliIbiratae a"out si% par mek. At Ibis ,g~pm~S4et8. D. Wliea oframeilb Witt he sme wemacs wlie.tse * 1~1U Motttionte be carried, nember of appliestios on file iii ha ý,"WÈ*WMWvIorthfrteIn thîs etatO. fillel te 567 no"llg oi th.esta, crne' ~et~s wtsatconaleratios in ce çpplWo b ýfs orklta te frt- i"ff st f ïe metalto>Notice. Permons dit ubib ph ont e tù evey M il: N&ra tathtet,?u.hl of LWotyvlTlte bedst*t mith e tit11extut of bb-M Wer01Coanaissongvof l Wbujo. one oi the mont sqcccaafl eçente le te biaîory of Daaomond Lake, tht anneal pienlc fur the henéfit of thbe brcb, mas beld s dvertiaed la Hart>. RouOsca rove ou Frlday, Aagect 12, sud ais attene icibmanrs than Oive bendtsd pele nspit. of thtetaut that tht farni- er are lan the miim oftbraehlng and .srveolbag. ont bendyed and mixty- se dollarm mere to,-ina te hpro.- metde to b. umd ledefrsying expeases af e-ftuhing tbe Dlcpiond Loke cereb. -Thb. peuple of Dlc'nd Labo, bY epurteous treatalcat of vlaitota, atili r- aie tholrreputatlon tor bupitlltty. a'bll. tIi.visiter& 'antidl bmomuclieu In moiibng tht bon oum 0ka laasvcry msy. The. ladies fumrnleddad s 6e chicheu ljaner. Contesta of varloeeskinds wang mtteredit t mt'vlantby ail, Im basket ball gameg4 a bail gatne and a nemboir i raMus togetber wltb ap-aces b>. thé caidates for Ibo varions atate send countroffies, sanealo by tbe orcee- tra t1ed" to beep op a lilely Intareat tbrongbout the day. Followiag jla sflot of conteste, and by aihoan lb.> wdre WOn: "Marrled litna as Bco-Cbeer Vilcox. liari Woanen'a Rae-trs. John Hodge. _ Single LédlW esee-Lanra Towner. OiCle' Rue-Pearl Ray. Crucen attaConecl-eo.Powell. Boy.' FM Ee-Jaum Tomur. OtrIpar toma-maale Joager. MW e'lbvo,4ogslRue-etrt 1w -msudâ m s tlbsIby Lmo Prro. tàwooit am t esacm thoail kindaet 1isser.Woo 10 tmmeast WOU highly tollyel b>'tluvaItbtrong os the grenade. n tha Rontsrke Which Rosyited la a Le<3st VoungMan seing Put ouItor Commission Si' à Youeg Lady$ Secoil. Sadej .veenag wmlie n youu gLady sud berrsmeurt mer. out mslklng, ecam- panial bjr &s cousIn--a tchid- of tb. fanumer, lue>' accldantaily metsa Liberty-., 'ytlie bnng màn,5who at the lima u tibs twitive Sebytbiog but apaa; lok WMA ia enee, ut lb.he lu@On" à eett blîée'e upon the lady, <uridei mras cotied a a iult. No soeurt bw b. ddooe 1hi mhon the laiy'o cocont pet hMitut 0f commissaiosn ucb to tht satisfaction 01 passcra.by. Ater re- covertasi trot*the suddien hoci. b. tereai on bis b..l, and mn board ta anttet te blmael, mwhiih rnacmblieda a tbveat, »4 ho ob. intee 0la>.for the asro!!Pfon foer.' ièunnalrationu, but b. faled ta tbf., Mus bis anoveanea ors wstceai aiIdred pt aèccootheytmo mias tAi eeoottte. fértnx b. moold aan'tt mate tata il net mor-till b. bai arusi>'pagoed tbroagh. "Mie viutgr 100k thtent car for hom., froelin « that ho mn justiffiedle dois« wbatqýme did. snd wmn praised for hie gaolianîr>' aIitae ime. 5! APPR2CIATED. COIJNTY CLEftI QF LAKE COUNTV Sutalet to tbe deelutouofeth Oe epblcau Pu Sharpla Séparator in your dafry, is as foillows: lit. Il coIaprgI .105 maiolit m mataIcfauerulr, thei gàlù iu ieid ef butter tn favr etc .th$ Sharilisamlrator wM li at ;M aa, Uim u gapy 10 re et t ltent:oM the. whlont va coaltthpipaalosucbe.5, and us h eccah vr muni ft , ouporatov wlUos mach nMer- sW. If Yeu., M ta puisent lame. nuconet ef the bael grerlît ereamer.under tb* inICaItuer éita anuditie, otir gain ta ibeM et botter hi Mecmi et tbe«tbibrt.lua Tubolw a, 5Pr ilWte- la eaee tatUOfbn ponenfor igri kendei gocnda prertouel mette. 1icYu ars nogg aven ihthairt grstti ««eruitandeatvoihrabeodittti. OS ta. lueiet vffli001d Waller cr.t»,. ur ScA .111 haose aao f tuatitpouudi.. If yauen ton iinievior ensoasaor paus, lotgain mWirositroi ttya'tuo O5tîyponn.ts, detendins ont ebo eterw tour me. .ud. On the pOofo!ualty ofet îranior butter Il lu movae rIleult te aeadellaie stsisOuj. M s M Msdy aitwo mtram i oth.eaM mucantof cavaab>ont thiar darIn or mte th@i 555e Qacitieoftbuttr. bat te~ thiaga halon equai. mie ahaetee Ith" evbc thei test dirgmanmWit 0ad4aM ImProvaUMentutthe QU&MY DE0fbis botter e uilai teultrmecentu O, ve cent$ ger goumai bitSM unae for saepero.. whie the éBraa.ite, " riiot isinatet accore s butter morth frontOpa0 ent t MO er Cent moeah"mca mt the Mdfofa el cii tbqdai Sepaialor. Tihe $ .ttMk, belon àm ai I trait . timocS more voabetero alisekfood. KOIlWithai maltS fromt twentl-lre enute 10 tny-flnr enté per Sandred pntiadm iar aotair fdini. detidiug bagoion n aoSe ofahet iitoek te wblcb It, la ted. Surticotai ",iÂletawomtb out one-fitti t 1b samant. 415. The ,avhlun dilaofI millt e a i ailthe .eparation mat. nii b side mchem table. sud tUp atio-mîlta led tient tu te tock ta1e IMle wamth mc asvlu m te altun. P&11a. etc. ind the htngand feihoto eforasse. dda a undread s o COhe »vi5 crnua. nord ao lap 99Wtad, cttulibert? oeUIoe easgrotte dritsth ce «gMt. lIM. Thmre . behaa uringet leas. aM ilao i t aed su heUnis sud spas etf auttIg fi 11h eeeat'y OIcla e sma usuicaarsleed lacreuse la the y&eld 09 botter sud mceanar- &MM I.6lntwc enetla ucuki te en"bl 700u t h.leuabactttiucrecmséaurytga propre tmar- ton te s dtulnusan sd howeller neomemtfflnc«eau neS. teai BateulwtO .115one as VU one. lu-. The INDEPENDENT hotmomrtsu-1 mtarier to tO 5510 ascribara und la the haut advertlie j TI'URSDAY. SEPTEPMBER 85. 1910. madlum ln Lake cSuuty. 5t IWRIWP, INSURANCEý FIRE. TOIRNADO. iUPý .-qL RENEWALS PROMPTLY ATTIENORD TO. CAREFUL ATTENTION OIVEN TO SCLECTION OF DESIRABLE LIFE POUICIES. G.-e c; ÙRIDLEY, FPIRST NATIONAI.L BANK. Dean ".d Balance on Lue>. Pamote BUYS 217 ACRES OF CHICE, ARM, LAND 20 acres covered wlth tinet libe,', balance le higliMoIta Of cultivaln. Near tein aiulh bettling feCmi.y and exceptloeally good ahiptle fucil- lias. WMl accept 480.IO per acre if talion ut once. INýVE T GATE THIS 140W. SC1INAEBEL & WIIEELEK Phiones1078 LUBÉRTYVILLE. IL.. DegsaM iaq 44tb. ur Tiabdse Septembe6. t 09.0.wi uboger llmm«WdM scis 4.fer a' num*er of- vees. 'Vhs ahool aime, te onduto É te id..I. .1 twe(hrIsUsm om end Ivo.e be " Ed fi"Mut.VOutag e xpemes lOW. ROM. andboard for Osiidewt. FOR CATAI.OG AND INFORMATION ADDRESS PRIN. E. TOAN. ROCHESTEN. WisS O4II.4"t Soid by IHe B, EGER. Ubertyvi le hIAgVEST TIME GOMING IFIX Up YOUR GRAIN BINS. lMAY SUED)Ss BARN ROOF AND GET YOUR I!DIAABLOCK GOAt MIGHTY UOOD TIME TO BUY NOW POuIJTrYOOD 1151 PRICE RMUIT We ARIDUVr.RHMG Some CLM NtiARDl COAL PM1NE 47 ~aeeaaaaaaaaaasassm~wues (Jood Coffeé Won't Ilurt Youa Il Cafte, dois you bar., thora's a caoee-fini out ithat itlà. M"tI Io anot propori, mad. Ilsyho il msan'b rilt Caféte aituh, bl&Yho lt *famton ceap--atd " chap Cafte. la the deareet drin acW permon evor drank. Buot ion't blua.e ALL Cofice W. bai e neraio aibse & gauboru'à hîgb grade bleuie. Prire tram 20 tu40 renta per tl. GIlad le have o tes til. arile b.O*n N. 30 Corl*tt & Fradericks Li ERTYVILLE, ILL. mei Thiqfle N -f. Notice la b"roy gi*dm oblabuol ooairlesonsrof $httomiol tLb- ertyvll.te l" 19,ap 4Mw diU*tu, htgbwayreIa-oake.at-s so lods cf CaadibtoUies balaie bay OMte-sales I shh m e lia Iiwt. faox>obsctvt Ail complilae olouXtetbdirec t lte the roaemisongr. glviag ose 01e e propoe>, and vbda-a ot.Dir-a Liii tigtv. ThkAet"OMmtaoo t lb Town of Lib.rty'vlll. DUL v89t Tht tarse hoc tt olti aut. M;r-mdio la pgitotiaste tilto al tra ueI-bilstwla ou a par ultil, fui rmrhat Wbo Go n3M bsfl eve 0&51 à" Irý