LAKE .COUNTY INDEPENDEN?, FJIDAY, AUGUST 19. 1910 5 bei"i 2droit a the ahors u Mied luis- n, on tis I fat a Mdi dc!cu3- daky oS Ibm la IRauts y, nu ibm 1910, sa clu cut I tD. 1910, Bolceitor. 47-4 ersenf s, 10, 1910. .veirsi by cnt. of fis aCouuly, >0 Augusi il lu mali le ont of île oi ni toai Sner uteil at a quired liy 1sd datait )bm Wooi- a vifS, ta dli point aioug th. produceil, bloýk 1, bertyvilie, ledl lu fi. by, Illinois, 60, frotu un vester- .-enter lin. fallavius or perte ibertjville: b Btreet treet aud Village o!- mois, more f Ti-netese aformaid D, a eori- aed te fLibetje for sait le. of th. of Laite 1910 nad ,ibeotyrvlle plans sud a ofilce of of Local Bidg., on Village oS plu of ibe Boarl o s office o! ,ke Couciy ouf upon fie above cd 10 fis , proe acertifai er of th. Loca lin. uible haut 'r cent. of Board or sesio att 10. lu eaid noir. in bonis ft lire par roveanentm y and ail ull gir. ~inetobers irin viii vell astbe aIk o0 the 46,_2 .TL. iscon. &i4 krelrin S, & t lm boir o lubu FOR SALE-Balilboat, 14zbullt Ms year. (beap if t&un t tOb"e. lîwuire aIthtNe(Jva$LeRE R Pe I.%Ic.c-40-99I FOR SALE-Acre lots on llvmond'a sudivsion, cloue to tounanad cii-t-tre cars. i'rice#300.00. Dywoso AAraTit 40-tf FOR SALE-Lots lu the Dyind sud Austin subdivision, 50i140; $100 ,achi; $5 dovu, $5 pir monti. Driioso & Amsis. 40-tf LOTS FOR SALE-lu fie B. J. Grimes euh-ivIsionolofLibertyville, sont b c! ulotrie roail an Milvaute'- avenue. 8. J. Gitias.oumer. 1- FOR SALE--Choie. lot* in C. Fraut Wrlght's addition, 5011 W. ior $20000 $250,00 sud#$800. .Ilyno.i & Avtl@Tl 40-4f FARMS-Pe bave a large ]liat li Lake outy farme to sel, aleo bousesasd lots lu village. D>N~OuN & AusyTI. 40-tf FOR SALE-Or vili f rade for s ligit driver, au B j'eai- nid vork borse, usigt. 1ici. 12150. Hà. J. Wasum.ox-, Gralyalate, -- -- - --L - 1 FOR SALE-On. 120 egi Prairie Shateb sud two 250 egog Model itaubator. but ' littie ueisd n uexcllent condition,f a"un everal brooders of varions makes.t Addrose P. 0. Box 3. iglland Part,a Ili. - -25-tf FARM FOR SALE-I 20 acresonue mile ortli of Miiburn, improveanentsa&Ilt dm-t elasa; gond soi and well, gravela road. W. C. CaRmiN, R. F. D., Autiocfi. F Ili. p-4-8- ( THESE MAY WED. Alred B. Kingua, LIbertyrlîle .. .. 21 Lena Ret.;ý.... ...............18 John Bais....................3 Francis Kemacani ...............21 Ft-ank B. Applin, Higlivood...21 Sophia AneaDuhné,. ....... 19 rulu W. ZMut-, LAk. Foresti...26 George B. Wliyfe, Wautega.... 26 Jantes C. Msugau, Cluicago ....21 Henu-etta H., Fxaisy...... *..... 18 Hart-y Oison, La Crause....... 28 May Clark ............ .......... 28 eman R. Lofzeoberger. Cllago ..84 Marie Schwartz, Chicago ........ 25. Eduari Galle, Mlwukee....20 Leurs Baerualdt, Jtfîluaute...19 John Verbil, Mlwaute........ 21 Anuas elrsutugel, Mlwauke..19 Porter AlvIn Peebles, Rachne ...25 ElIsu Rosenquist, Racine.......... 20 'Wiliam Fagerty, Chicago........à' mar" Cusingl, Chicago......... à eban rhiePt-ut, Milaue.... Çgrrla Koeppl, Milaueec.......4 Ab.umder Larasa, Waukegau... L o ba Jisna Mamtle, Wauega -i Wll1a aty, Chicago..30 2X" y-<iuulg............ PA.- ,Raine ........... 2 to.10w0R I MMLANEOUS 0 o ify Dan tierrili tbaî 1 bave iu My possession a watcb 1 bought from n un onufr $8 and "eru fliat if la the poprty of Dac Herrick. Migi: iv p47.1 SPECIAL SALE-0f aliîbtly defective hes eau easuly cie erecteil, 12 lins vires, etiff afeel vire> stay 12 iceéepart. Ilg tglitigb euougb tfinan aIl kindl o! eloc; only 25e per rod, tapîe givou fre wil b every roll. Marb vire $2.60 100 Obpouuds AmEM RI<NWiH FzRC Lbrtyvilis. c-47- t- SEWING-By experieuced drussiaker, by the day. PERTnà BUaOF. Cail at B. Nets reideuce East Park Ave. P-46-2 ROOFING-Graveliug. rooling andl repalring, ail kinda of roofiDu applied on steep roofs or nier olil ebingles. Wort goarauteed. PETER BAKER, Laske For-set. Pbone 1581. c-45-4t BREAd NOTICE-Mars. SPringf. of livaukee Avenue, still contitiue. f0 bats bread daily aud ready ta. ail orda-re tgi piva. familles. Pboue 7f 45-4t GOLO FILLE: SPECTACLES-vifh careful test incloded for $1.00 ani op. Bare yaur preseup leuses cbagei or bava ev fris for your pt-sent lou@e.. 'irusace fat lid vitb coofort. f rom, $1.00 suit ou. )Msckense's irug store fhe Itexail Dru store, corner (lenesee ut, ud adson Wautagan, 111. c29-t F" dsTilla. Contracte taken for survevîng sud tiling, 10 yearsexsperienee. prlcese bu and woa-k guat-sufeai. Estimutfesomade lroptly. Phone or write f0 F. C. eh-aEsoNi, 1918, Ho-oh Ave., Zion Cty, 111. 47 Doooriptjen et a Meuntaîn. -Juy"ml idte tesclie, "wIalte a cap&?' "A capela land ending luto tié vaîcu." "V«orrecfe IIautDlnea-nL "À guI! la vut>r extndlsg into tie "Gooil C,'hiafpaca."10 oa é gS« looklag boy, *'vîat la sàouiginr Chletopier @bot up ta-om l@a set no snddeuly,'sutoetsartie the imebot sd pmeupthy rçmpouded, 'A monu le ten«dànig Iwoe tic al."-DUnd Net Ail Frea Frunse.' "'Hou dld yion Joy tbe ogmaW Se "Oi. il vas jot spiedmi!'aua1%. "aut il vu u rmech, wstt "Oh. MW Ofcore.nmoe i haudmomtsi ues-'voe. ultaXOi PxrlAielb. lam ioe vtequlte a mule. lot et prlty gouasvih ei uWau Ome ouçr om eisaSlo*Cow montual noeaeaaota, =àu for dtsabgdlcuce te thteir miles. "The criminal 'la buman and, lîke the average mon,lic t, sud especislly deti, for ie is a cou- ard. Sametimes ho, appeara fo b. brave, but hiis rvery le ususly temporary ani mosti>' due ta valty and cauceif. "lu substiutIng Imprisooment for 1f. for fie ileali penalty f blevea. roi- bers suddassaultci--commlttlug crimes anjedl f0 lite Iitopu-hsnet voulit be encouragei tetamaie sot-e sud MilIIbeir victime, for Ibis additional crime vouhit r14ti nuo! s troublesome uit- neus vitiaut lnct-éeslg their pou- lahinent. Aisea. criminals Imprîsoneil for lite cauld thîl tîcir keopers sud tiers ubenever flore vas opportun- Iy vithout danger o! additionai pu- shlmet. Arques for Eliminatlon. "There are certain criMinels ulit exceedingly lbu nitures vIa caunot h. suppreaseil. They are rosi>' et any lime ta kilI uy onue. Tiose iavlug ex- perieuce ulth suci harieneit natures knou Ihat fhey are net auhy mnet dangerons sud accarrigable. buf unrtbless. Wliy abanîfi sncb criminals lie hmprlsoned for 11<. aI fthe expense of honeut cîtizene? Wby abouhi fh.y ual lie ellmiueted coucasud for ail? "The tact Ibet sîl punîshmnet are being maie lesa serele la the rery reason vs abouli have ane left in pl:> teet fie sate agalnst criminel mon- strosiiies. The deati penalty makes if certain the crimInel cannof take fho lite o! another. Froqucully tboe executed have killIcd more tien on. pet-sou. "Arguments agaînat the deali pen- alty senîlmental. Sncb arguments have lit île veight tram fhe scienttfic peint o! viev. But ince these at-gu- meute are an afttn adlvanced a feu vilI b lrie ly moulonei. Ih la said Ihat lie deati penalty la a relie o! banbanitm. The ensuer' le fIai the tbotîsande of brutal murders auosly occurriug are also relies o! lirarl-ii. Onel te Illlng o! the innocent sud the ther o! thc guilty; sud If fhe fcar o!f the deafi penalty uthl lesson Uic destruction o! nue lnaceut llfc, as If; prohahly docs. It sbauld lic main- tained. Mrde-ors Rcgsi-dod le Mce-se. "Tlerc arc lioumamds of innuccut persous murderei lun flie UmItci States cvery year. Moa f onsase - lielplese vomen. Sieur o! tisse mur- derere escape sud msuy o! Ibom arc nt con vidîci for vaut o! evideute., Ibougi doubîleas guilty. PFir o!f ho. convicted are executed. Nolvîllu- standing flese tacto, tUcroees e o be e greet sympefîy for Uhe muderers mostly brutes. taelic execulci, vie are offen conaieeaucit longi ttesy verelbernca. Itla sdifficult tb under- stand sympatiy ubîcli igubres Ilons. suds of innocent sud beiplema rie lims, uho sufer tond nmore pain ftan fIat llilcted Iy lb. doath penalty. If lu ourons fief vo beau o! uftIle or- no sympafly for the nucrocus innocent vioctins, tUir, familles and fa-fend."1 It ltseaeànevee liai ar ecrylu out for bel>. Tisu blp Ituem, doq't drug tIc eomacb or 5fmubeth* mert or ici l~. T a l wro»8 thas p'*X»toràtlve asit ou hou faut SKOULD PAY THÉE F08 E OEVI> b__ DAttiIPENAILTY 5CENTS Cbarglug that the death penalty l ___________________________________________ Dot_ a question of sentiment, but a _______________________________________________________rçueusr ln the bearts of crimtinels! - and6005mucb f0 rettrain themn tu ORSALE OR RENT-Modem u, thOir )ives oetcrime. Arthur Macdonald _____________________ aIlituprovemeriÏto.. Cetrally locted. C. cf W ssblntou, D. C., houorary presi- ses Lieçyr__ _ _ Il._ _ _ _-t dent "of the third International con- gress of criminal anthropology. maltes FOO SALE-A bot*riPoItsi-sd top a plea for, the re.esablishment of cap- buggy. usarti uw.a0ireesm. 0ItB WAl~DEtal puulahment, where it bas been FOLLICIr, UbrtFUle 47 it Iabolished. He preseufs bi% argumenta WANTO-Bjal tain, bou 70or u tue subJect lu au article, "Death VR NNi- rot-8ousal i ainab out70 r 0 Pnaty ndHomicide,' lunthe current FOR ISALE RR11- ombué cee esnbe rm.M@ uln flhe Ainrican Journal of 8<o- On st.WmbA"lk. w '&W an* LII god soli and near tovil. AddSseS XX cioloy, lassdi!by fthe University of barn. ta$ Ou»". Ily ou.'block isIIut'Esiig1T r Os-rca. e4 hcg r Seoma eti6eaer lim. Pricesressonablé;@i. ------ "5 Cfrzuqine c saya Mr. Macdon- « 1 tenmeIf deltred. dLli5AdI£lLE & WANTIOý-?wo good ditceusr to dlg uîý tuimb a udoubtless diseas- WZZZu, LijtIIWe. '--47-t" sud lMY.-12 imcli iii, 100 rode; 5 tO 9t e »Plato staeî, but lhe la /willlfnl -------~-d de md 0 rdea t 4 I. dop.Win etinayof ooltyand severlty and ORRENT-9=roo ,014oUse #SIWILe-9-ti cortainty of putiumentt restreins hlm. t#é àr«Pbarn on Park Ave. (Good AN"rolir ----1Vt*nthwrtasa-woete @" los. Cbep If oold at oues,. A -E-0iiiroueersai hoes ork lWfng flic t as lainbolete SIUIUEDLz & WUEELKUi, Librtyvillle N. eIÂTZEET, T5$Wphol5 Lbertyville gofica sta i ess edofgcotrieln e47-if 2784e. thec lent thirty years, whîle severe pnsmnsbave become les, anid FOR SALE-Tva bousseonu 5wbt puFUR RET-.P"stuifor about 40lesa mei Ave,; extra isrgs iot*; go" iemmou bsad of eatU& .8 aile oi-t of liberty- -e qelier. ted«hpeat Ob o M#Vgk« v11ýAp>qtu . h ua beau emphased f00 mucli and mm ééouiuaLleMrylie. d 0-4741 w à; IMM, ti" e= P44 Unhs libeen, made te sce mgmre lm- Wmmuâ "7-dportant titan It reaily IV'" lie cou- àO AL-»W pecsl e OIRLe .5WANUTEO.4*0 finues. "If baeu treated rallier FOR SLE-A »w pime cialmSt 01 the Po" le srool Feetory. pli_ iês. - a firadur. remaianmad, beautitl lie ~d Mt ieh" work MdRod SY a t rom the point of vi-ew or sentiment daeuoillrrydek dume sd iglu t eai3 h~b>~ than of tact. SftstictallY there are liomehold si-fieldu. dresserUL.and liig tectheul oardemg oea.oaduot enougb data fo determine the ln- CokAesecond bon. Sroot waler luence of the deatb penalty. W. muet ookr p-47-1 epend therefore ou the opinions of touer. -grerip-4d menan by@those uba bave bad the tnost catun- FOR ALE-4 tus 0 118, blte W01 Nt teFud@ Macroid cu sud boy. sive aud direct experience uIt b crlm- FOR SALjaE- tioue f baanciemuoaneticth. ul-Maaou icoy.Apl als themuelves. Wblle sucb opinions 'whch.are tiiotyé alace plad a fslor.------ May mot lie final, they are lee hable prairie. P. A. LEav'r, oppotite C~oi to en-or than the opinions of those fsrmi p-4?-lt *ANTEP- Q lkIupu htS~U- ho bae . li lte or ndirect ex- work Wll ps $4 vu,. Ms.C n.perlence witth the criminal asneis . FOR SALE-Choie. young draftmarisWILSON., ottioite mev depat, c-47-ti "«Iu many visite fa prisons fiere and bey, 1250. sound.and. ail right, $250, opoP1la Europe, livin.g lu tbe Institutions, ENlxF.auL"@kOForeset. P4-2 ' -WANTE-msu su ad vif. f0 do janitor talking freely uit b the Most intelli- rie ork. Good pay, permanent position, gent wardene, keepers pnd criminels. FOR SALE CI4EAP-Tbree sprlug Appeyt 8SMLDOS liCHOOL, Rockefeller, h do n0f recalionue uba dld ual helleve villffle wagon, aianst ew, ulîl two III- llnte utlllty of the deatb penalty lu msats,@liat and pole. Buggy lis-, Ils cfect on certain classes of trimîn- pilus Iap robe. two woolon blankte, ais; especiaily the professional crim- two barn blankets, balters sud ties, las].____________ borées eiglit and bruah aileta bernais. FOR lENT 'hile stndying a certain clasa of J. A. R&uE, 203 (ireeubsy Road. Cor. murderers 1 badl conversation ulîli a Dey-field,&ye, Hghland Park, ii1. f#OR RNI 01- %. bavesa ev good tond- hurgiâr of superior Intelligence, wba C42 -> 46s rqsiugman "u t rntaloo fori-. as ,.xperienced ln bis profession. H. FOR ALI-I)ivoisb-.d rootos vlleteana bcat, vif b or cousldered it a bunuder tu kili uuy one FOR SALe-ie mg9bo'i-se, 5 ycan oi01 wihbout board. Druio & Acarl.,. but he wonld not hesîtate a moment f0 No sblntal.Wel broken. Addree 40Ut do fi f necessaery te make bis escape. Or C411, ROICr dCO'rr, Box 97, Liberty.-----1e preferred however, to operate ville, I. 46-2 FOR RENT-A @:, root cottage on wllere Ibere vas.n possihlty for Newberry, Ave. . Posesion gii'eo punishinent by dent h. lt ase easy for FOR SALE OR TRADE-Seçersi, gond Sept. 1. W. E. Da~vust. bin f0 escape from prison when bie larmean Lake Couty. Wu e a vso e had ample lime, as lu Imprisooment mnoey ta ioan at à per cent. Wi. î..y FORý RENT-7 oo boume, large for lîfe. He might also work up a and i inortgagee and bave c,,m, garden. Fine, Faif Bt. J. ItIE.odr-. pardon rase étter the public bail for- i.argtns in boumes andl lotslu Wauk.-gu c-47.2t gotten about hlm sud bis crime. lÀIt-EF EU> AND BL.OldVSELID, 2117 erDuhAo v'ltig Washngton St., Wauk*gau. lii. phone FOR RENT-Four roou cottage and FarefhAbeEvrtlg 28. 46-4t baru Osai- seool boute. L. L. lRAY. "Criminels theinselves onght 10 p-47-1 Itnw ubat kînds of punishment bave dOttSAE-Fui~rl b 7 cente sc.W ~the mast Influence over theto. Tbeir FOR ~ ~ _'" SAE l ioi ht organizations are maînîy for appro- doteiue#el,75cet tc. .e i- MONEY TO LOAN prfating the property of others. Tbey E. Rasymond, Round Lake. II, IR. 1). 45-3*11 are coiuposed mostly o! youug men. MONEY TO LOAN--On -imprbveThe leaders fhud t oecessary lu order FOR SALE-Large bas meting 16 fermeneat 5 Per cent. DY4OvND & Ar.4 i kecp their members loyal and to ptýoiofii np; rmouale.Addenepreserve the orgeuization, fu make tbe m- Ill-teme; -44-4. ddes death penalty the main punlalimeut IWILL tWb ATT!ND) ROcKrftýLER MrET? There arc séverai Waukegau peo- pie uho eauo daim a distant relation- sh'cp wutt John D. Rocktefeller and one agei man via esides la L.iberty- ville uho many attend the cilIkinga family runlon scouatud If tbey do the>' mai hboi- unravelled the nuytery o! John ID'.athfler. Rockefeller- Reunion. Dr. Webb J. Kelley nE Pîquqa, O., a thiri cousin cet John D. Rocketeller- amd Ilneal descendant of Joisun Peter Rockefeller, ubo came fa America lu 1723 today recician Invitaton tu attend a reUnIton o!flb.etoctefollers at Nowurg1l, 1M. Y., September 9 aud meet flic 00 King, wlio alvays at- fendu. 9Anuouuccmcut vas aise maie fIat the hlalor>' 6 fie Rockefeller tamlly vilI be fromth le pt-Oss by thaf flue. Inlu ilhfesute and blstory of Uic !anily lu fraflI dovu tram fhe yeat- "00. Fricadt of the fsmliy ber. are woudering 1! lhc hiufory vili clear flic oncertainty ujticlulong bas loung oveu- Uie prei-cdu.deutif y o! John D. Rockefeller% fafbor. lu "1Wbo's Who Iu Amerîca.' 1910-11 -edition. Mr. Rockefeller gîvee the usine o! Me ir as William Arery Rockefeller. Exsdlly via William Avery Rockefeller le, or vas, ubal vas bis occupuf Ici lb re'hie' lu". succosse ansd hs lalttie fallures,hils. migrationa trototooun tto lovu eter lheb h o!flte preFeut cil king aoi bils presecut bemeaboti, If he lie liv- ing, are nistters upon vici Johin D. Rockefeller bas nover sieun proper ta spea..- -. Ida Tarbelis Urinveiy Picture. Ia TarbellInblu hisfnry o! Stand- ard 011, irev an unîovely picture a! flic Rockefeller sire, shovlng hlm as a man Who ussocîeted vltb horse Ibieves sud uho used to absent hlm-. self froi haine for long perlois sud refuru home vîf i peuty o! money. He flnally veut Imb the lumberj business, accondîug te -the Tarbell; etory, secutoulateit a amaîl fortune, mîgrateit West, uni et the lime o! the Terbel hhsfory. asa alive and ln gond! heaflisund spirite. lnumeralile attempta Tere maie ta elicit sone cominent f rorn John D. Rockefeller ou Ibis version o! lis fat bers career, 'but lie ail king main- tained su obstinate silence. Not one Word coucrninbis tather couhi lbc draun froý nt îf by the cleverest o!l Interviewer&. HI, brother, Frank Rockefeler, did glvc ont au Intervhew,. ssemting the tether salltu 10 li ve, sud lu bidhng. But no sooner hai tfils Inter- view reacbed public, Frank Rocks. toler expeiecci a audiden ebauge o! beart. and nou ly refosci fu furniali further Information, bol maie a tee- ble cffort at denYing fie sutbcnticiy o!fIthe Interviev already publishei. Father ln Soufhern Illinois? That an aged gentleman, beamlug, a slrikiug resembiaude ta John D.9 Rockefeller, and kuovu fa be regul-i arly lu receepf o! postal order remilt-i lances, the ldeutiry o! the t-cal sender of vbich be carefull>' gusried, was, Iudeed. the missing 'Roctefeller ire uas a tieory held hy many poesous via kucu hifn. But neither Jobu D.i Rockefeller nrtany o!fIe ailier1 Rockefeller boys ever veut nesa- bu,i sud n'q positive proof o! hie counce- tien -Wit b tbe nil king us, ever pro- ducei. Frienis o!f te !amlly bere are lu- clinei ta tic belle! that Uic oil king, bavlng biei bis onn ime lu clearing hie ires cnte, sud perbapir met- loved by the advancIog yeasa, la nu ready te apeak out sud cleai- the nu-i stery. They recaîl Instances o! uhîch fie t-ceont reconciliatlon ulilis brother Frank la but onue. tending ta, show fiat a change o! heart hadôme aver flic ulIzened nid mouareh of Staudard 011 and tha bis onue apparent remslniing ambition In Ife la lu part fu nudo the wronge o! hle more vigoroos years sud f dihe, benevoleul sud penif ouf,bils lil! su open book fem publie pet-usaI. Heuce fiey are looking fat-yard tu flic !orlbcomlng reunlon aud thc pnb- UIaallon o! lie Rockefeller tamily, bis- tory as evenfe ceiculati cniplciely fa - lear avay lbe myslery bkuri-ound- IË& lie Idlulty of William Avery Rockefeller. Tic Northi Sbnre Hîeccrie Company ovus thc paver plant ai GraysLut.. Tf aso auna lb. priI t lcpiouo Lately mucli copper vIrè o! ciglit asex bas been atoîcun tram lic tel.- Tic compsuy bas nov turneS thc lire power plant ueutuf mbtfe tele- pione llne oc that lb. nerI Ibis! vin cames aunirg viti a pair o! piles viii St-ab somctlulng foo lboi for hlm leo St dln cotofort. WOODIORD COIJNTY MAS !XPERIENCEi Congeiville, Woodford rcuc-ty, bas had>ueatly two years' expi 'ce ultb n tonsclIdnted uchool. Tîre one omns<'hool.. ' e. e c!osed, by petition of seveit eights ni tbe vot- ers. Tbe scboci site contains twn acres, flic modem brick building coet $8,000; site and equiment, $2M000. and $5,00 of boude ver. ea- central school bas foud recitat ion Tanin., olIce, lirary, lehoratory, base- ment play rooms., furnce lient, tllet mrneto and cloak mornes,sud ventila- tion systet o0f air shatt-aîl this ot lu the country. There la a barn and tvo wagons-,,'sud drivers are bired at $46 per mouth. Tbree leacbera are employaid. Agriculture and domlestie science are tauglit. The latter bas lu- creased tlic girls' Inferest lu tbe kitch- en Work at borne. 35 Parents Answer 8 Question. Couufy-Buperluteudeut F. Al.Doed- en says, "Oui cousolldated achool là -y opinion, ha already been s great blesslng f0 île puphîs and tbe patrons." This year lie urof e six queu- fions to 38 parents of the district sud re-eived 35 replies, as folows: 22 againet 4 seld If asa uo greater phy- sical bardsbip for the cidren tu, he hauled lu wagons thon ta, l tu, the nId one-rooto scbool-, 22 againat 6 saad thie mornle ot the children ivere huit- $er,,rotected on tbe-wagon thon wflen f bey were ualkluig ta achool; 24 agBluat 9 snid the beeltb o! the clii dren vas botter qrotected lu the cou- one-rooto scbool; 24 agninst.5 believed their eblîdren uerp receiviug licter training aud progi-essing more rupidly in the cousIlidateil acbool; 25 againel 4 reporleil tbet Iheir chuhdi-en sbowed a greater Interest lu scbool wori toaies they boid heen attendlng tbcecousolid- ateit school. 80 Percent See 5 Advantuqcs. On the av-erage 80 per cet tof those exî)iessing positive opinions bellevedt fram experieuce that consolidation lied brought about Ibese SI.. Import- ant tentures of improvement, sud Mbi le pretty good evîdence. The others of the 35 replyWig eltber gave doubtful answers nr dld not auswer the apeci- lic question. On ftbe general ques- tion, 28 of fthe 35 d16 not regret Ibat tbe cousolldated school was0establlab- ed and wuld not prefer fa bave their cblîdren refurn f0 the one-rooto achool. 4 dii regret the change and 3 were ,lcnhbtful. Thot le, practically 85 per- cent of the positive opinion3 favored tbe central scilool. 1 Cle,-k Danlie' Cicar Report. C. A. Danlela, clerk nf the dIroctors, wrote Superintendeut Dooden recently ssylng: This ululer uli t tedeep sns bas especlelly shown the con; veuleuce o! the basenient play rooms and follet systeto. The wagons made f heur trips witb surprislug regularily sud puuctualify. Little lots two f0 four mles tram achool bave ual; mis- oedl a single day. If le the prevelling sentiment 'amaug the patrons Ua&l their cblldreu are dohug more tborough unrk than tliey dld lnutlb. one-rnom sehoolsasd lb. reason la plain. We are able fa gel s higlier i grade o! teachers aud the teaclicrs are aile 1<> do hetter work. The achool1 heing greded eacb cloe bas, 25 te, 80 minutes for Uis recitaf hou, uhicli la tun *la lire limes the leni o!flihe average close perhod ln hule oueroom achbol uitb 'ils 25 tW 35 Classes:' The average dahiy alteudance lI.§ about double thaf lu old one-ronin achoals. The roama are camforahhy heated.1 The grealer number 0r pupis lu at clas. creates a grealer lnterest. The grenIer regulnnlty of attend-g Suce la due. we thhuk. ta the greaier comforot afforded by the neu building, ftle greafer Inlerest created lu the scinol uork sud the transportation o! msny o!flhe puplse. Our girls are tal<. Ing great Interest lu tbe domesflc science chos and the pupili are get- fhug a splendid atart ln vocal musale. Winnebago Votes s Second. Whnnebago couuty. by the recent vote ln Harlemn township le fiually sas- sured o! lifs second conaoidafed sebool. Tbere was e four-OftitsvoleJ ln favor of a bond issue of $19,000, a new achool building sud Uic pur- iChas. of tuoadaditional acres o! site, mekiug tire. acres lu ail. Thuicc schools unit. sud theunir 'building ilîl h. plnced ef lbe Fr.. SloU acbool lu tic denIer a!flihe consolidafcd dis- trict. Riley township in Mcllenry county bas beeu aeriously sud favor? ahly agltatlng flic consolidation o! tour or five ochol.-Reported by Arthur J. Bill for ihnute Farinera' Institute, Suringili, 111. «A minulugaiueraila1 befler plea- cd wlien ho lias got a gondd ilmuer ftban uheu bis ulfc talks GreedL." gays a grumpy sage. There arc adi, la Ibis Issue ubIcli bear ou Uic problein o! a Zi ON"S BUSINSS ON INMRASE Monre Zion ludepenaent busîneses lthaI sbould have beeu added te last welÇa lisr ut forty-tbree are sfol- lova: A, H. Warren. failor. WI. O. Lea lii. hoe aboli tmlsprlntEad lest veeki. O. E. Siutz, paperhanglug sud dec- oationg. Malcolmn lrock, ulunîbiug. A. E. Bille, ceai estete. El. B. Holliugsworth, general brok' erage sud rosi cîtate. James Davis, liause aud aigu peint- or. James Dolsu. dahryman. -W. A. Cannon, dairyman. H. C. Bruce, bouse rooter. A. w. BroOks, concrete vo-ker. Isaac Buslet, rosI cetate. C. E. Have, Cannecticut Insurance Company. . W. Davis, carpeutef. î N. B. Drake, groceries and geueral supplies Mars. Spoîcher, privaI. idlool. E. C. Geciart, electriciau. E. E. Graham,. expert auto sud gag- lino engice roi irer. Mrs. J. H. Haruley, privat. teacie- of elacutin. lieury Sine, auctioneer. R. B. Johnson, suictioneer. Max Krleshaff, sl'oe repairer.« Jîthius Klaus, aime repairer1_ ý A. SieNeil, mlalug stock and Inaur- ance. eauford B. Miller, automobile re- pairer. John P. Neal, content block mien. C. Hl. Oaborn, umbrella repairer sud pletre !rsmiug. J. J. Smith, bouse paiuter. Llzzlk Sternberg, fuats repsirei sud renîodeled. Gale Brooks, civil engîneer. W. L. Tambllug,,civil engîneer. F. E. WiII, bouse laitier soi plaster- cm. Franki Cunningham, lather sud plasi- lerer. DeWoody & Welmer, cernent work- ers. Hamnilton & Baker Co., hanse mai- lug. Ira W. Slpîue.inanufacturer o! board champs. E. R. Cirl-,iarn. piano tuner. 2 ReuIi sateTr se, 1 Lut. Counti. Tille A Trust Co. Abstracts o! Titie. TitIps hjuaanteail Musonit Temple Bidg. Waukogan, 111. l'oui@ J. o G c, 8Sccy John McCori-mck ana vite, f0 Jeunle H. Bond, part lot 22, Original Llberty- IJohn Beacike sud ulfe, ta A. F. Beaublen, lots 5, 6, sud8 block 7. Oaklandd bah.Waukegsu, W. b. $1,500. John.Bosclite sud wut!. faA. F. Beanhien, Euts 1-2 lots 18 sud 19. bIk. 3. Hufchtnaoo & Cas., Bob Wauke. gait, W. D. $2,000. Mary E. Maglnîs sud huaband 10 A. F. Beaublen, lots 23 sud 24, block 12 ýNorlli Chicago, Q. C. $25..- Ida B. Haines as u bani teA lbâ Houeyuell. part 12, bIack 21 Lake Bluff, W. D. $1. Mtabel Ha, la Mary sud Bail. L. Hall, 60 acres la S. E. 14 Sec. 12, Cuba Tup., J. C. $1. Juliseffa Smith sud busbandta Max Colin, lot et N. W. corner Lou av*. nue sud Jackson street. Wautcgau, W. D. $890. Oscar Soierquiet aud uif. ta A. F. Beauhhen, lgt 9. block 14, Wasibumn Springs, Wautegan, W. D. 88,000. Lizzle Siaguire fa A. W. Thomoson,% Iots 2 sud ? black 7, Wri.g4t'a addition te Lhbertyville W. D., 82,500. Tom Brown and vifet. msB. Christian sud Ora E. Minor, lot 23, Washingtan Park, Wauk.egen, W. D., $250. C.« M. Fisainsdvite ne H. M. Fisi, 8,lots ln Lake Bluff, Q. C., $1. J. F. Pillifant et aIl1 City o! Wall- kegan, etnip o! land 60 test vide, sud kucun aI Elmuood Ave., Waukcgan, Q. C., $ 1. G. W. MeRoberte fa Auguet Buel- ger, lot 9 block 9i, Original Waukcgen, Marîlis L. Johnson te Harry Hum- 111, tract of land lu nortiest quarter e! section 26, Hîigblani Park, Q. C., $1. Hafet A. Wilson te Augusta John son, lot 3I, WIiason second subivs Ion ai Long Lake, W. D., $275. G. à. autiin sud vIte a 2.111.E. Abepheri, part 1ot 6, Ivsnboe, Q. C. 8100. W. H. Johnson sud vife te F. R. >Cain, lot 424, Rarlula, W. D., 8900. Fosa B. Berk snduit wtet C. E. Hec- .berger, part lot 3 block 40, Original Wankegan, W. D., 1150. Stato Haut o! Lake Forcit te Preder- Idk Greeu. lot 6. Gremuen "yaddition la Lakt oratl, 8. W. D., $600. C. B.Estoneu d vlfc fe A. J. Stshi. pua-t esafi bal! o!flihe moufeast quarter, of sectiou 20, Teenownship, Q. C., Jenle B. Cummlngs "&,tbUsbaudj to C. R. ltlxhy, 141 acres l 3f sud 32, Avon township,W det, and wite, 141 acrea lu sectiouia and 2~2. Avon tuwnsbiî, W. a. PIe1 undhiieîibal! t m-t-esoufli 40 north 46 fît-t lot 7 tindik 2, TICýü f11,6 addition to Waukegan, W. D.,,t Edwin-ustn ar n d wfe.---jý*, W'beeui-r, lot 1, block 2,Wnigbta &t Libei-tyville, W. D. $1. -Jozef Kesy sud vIte fo Anthlw Scze.ny, lot 12, block 11, WusbUr151 Springs, Waukegan, W. D. 81,225.~ J. J. Jilleon ta Elle V. Mazon, MWU 1-2 lot 13. block 1, Lake BISI Q 0C THAT NE-XT NE1W 592<.Iiay b5 thc olcest, toast cholce, sbcoau.. long ou, you have ever ownel-I f 4t devote a lutIle fine tu rondins ti'., store ais.before yoo decide upon Uthe; matcrigla ta lic used.- "'Çaste o!tlIme lastUc mont Onti sud cosily of a xpue."'. nWe1eto readhe *d. bture- shopping" la '011s w&Y o! wsslhmg 1Wé -snd le a luxury whbi n on.uemmc slford. CLASSMFED advcrthslug gives every adratiser s "pre!errcd positiont" .-If lusa sort o! "PIJBLICITY 51111» TABLE;" and ai a round fable "tbcre'a no dhqltc about plac." Deves aitd cn~es At th. - suelent cereinies Of cote- ationof the Frencb huge aflert lhe gaMoatiog baid beau pertormed s»Me white doves usa-oleta looce l laci cburcb. Thsis on ppoed toSYMbel- tte pover of the Roly Glicet lu 41- recting tthe kniruactiota. Aàsimfla Ida mmcm. te bave huspl-e u ilesg$ bAuge. for smont fi.engilali regalIa la thie ecG ot eqofty or Ushe cpf.r vitb - flic dove. Thitalusimpli a galdSn eci viflaa Moo nt uthtictop. *à"i ports a cross. On bila eow aa dt*, fsaiodof white muamel. vwlSex-~ pau4ed vingi. somme un. diamooft 09, Dmrent the roi lu varions plaéCesç oonilsuet Carlin, "Wby lu garlie masculine geadest aefmd thle uoWho matkef. "elttl'so bu masuline berieshe ci. aresugOe0f 1 bai tmo cail'It, li.' Tbcy areýmo*- ly Itll"anud ougbt 10 kovew héOé or SemlIc f suyiody doms.Of>!ail tb» vegetables sud aromafle herbe 1 b"~ garile lu the ouly one f0 vhlck sus. calte virtues sa-c ascribed. tvsep. tblug aisc la cner. To calAet mW woffl licanloIns!, Tlue surlie, W lI fresi. ela ufins. bc lunclueép. be i dm. FPunny. luut îr - 1%evIo* Nie NadQuit. "Ton say you bave quit sucklagf «Top. neyr going 10 amoliegi& "Thon wby don't roc th"*ow wU lb... cigarf "2ever' i thrJv uvey s iesoUt0&* ctiare, thé inss lime Iql and il laeglilme a rio vial yoîî 4in. but hou yo ois, de t tas o pii- aPsîitY.--ttuieT. Cr#yl*, Wuidll& Pefo6eBlackiS talasO!Cpslel -1 àsàto h l uis. 9« be* lis 10cm .llb taikt lir,. 4"si$* ne. 1O67 ae é* 1 t 10tlu SWus4I'Oa »iUtI seUalI&bsook t l, E e baS Iassa rytmg aDl the evsnug l e somelluasbut there vaseot 8h.9 a>Cusileb chnce1i oot hoaMOf blle sud aboçt bina, saylng.Lot iycU> i speaà4 -ffu moitlr!But itvas Det Calbag un lia is auyrncheas beau tWuelopeil trou as siule iw ooulliceeS rasica oeg«4 1* & > lalu *.vilS tate lu very rmues le poumsra e rou our cabb m X"5Is dullioves'asd coUards cerne roce 00 smfelorsglu. The pr-Inepak sane* ad varletieso! al lbessarm tuev' 11 bave existeS asfortai- bneethe ti h tuelli eealury. The Variation&, ""I'Do yeore gain' to teacli FrNt a1 the Ociool. mi. Csnsvol7'said tie ~ * eoe ite. "1t'sa u wo tat11 »sU foilla eau teaei peopWl er. of" ublit 8must lie uiectln' SlBmttSor t=lIts via ocoms bee.Foc à& 11411ée ~talc the Word 'aWiT,' * tbe l- u o ur eMd% tlb.bals' et lm :e"be% i-etic'ame t4V 'Obte M averytisy Loti&e -rh.egiret cflsnlulati ilyl e M ew4n." aunounc e1Wisuet r Sfn- 7011ye plétes. théusin, NewSO imle riit IL vo u t teiintam run s 70 es"ved ---- ----------