8 "&.LL 1EcPjS JKBGi-Aý;,-wEEKIY SUN OCOUNTY, I NOO I1DAY. AUt4UST,2.«. 1910- 12 Page@ M.Enseiard l1h15 et Evaston, la -cinofegoqslfes-ble weatb, gecumu-1 IsteA la lie puhhishiDg business lu Oblugo. lie is eg#ressve. bar a .dne 44006963.Ag u4la esu o«oato f i? Ri b um-ed plator ees thîe Wg o,te a0e17ouatp htus "I ami opposed te thoue pehedisi lli e nov te-if sMt sanifeeliy fie- -tatcd by the avarice Of specla Inter- et ceAnsd accepted hi their servante of !the sediate sud bouse lu oppositionte1 tic deuiande snd DESPITE THE PRO- TESTS OrTU EPEOPLC-1 "i admire thc herale courae vitI gVb~~ o-caledlinsur-gente' lu the e-ïwùni<tidtttbuse facèdef l. rw4tb phaisux of 'organisation tyranuy' sud won vicIer-y aler victor-y for- tIc pe 'I coudemu the dospottem o f Speaki- or Cannon as UNREPUâLICAN AND REVOLUTIONARY sud iavor lte UT- TER -AND IMMEDIATS OVEWI THROW OF CANNONIBU as a scre Oblgaton ta the party and the *en- Cau people" To Ihose ubo gateredFrl'iday te0 confer wîitbMr. ngelbard lie abpear-- ad a man t asteerling qualities sud made au lmpreeabon 1h51 ethused &Il wbo met hlm. lu is briet tlu vith s %Cureof Waukeilites ho empîsalz- cd bis pasitian tIlla: '7be Hou. George EdmufFansana tepresenlef tbe Teuth Cougresslonal district lu conges for- many yenrs sud vithaut inuu-slraesios criticisul until tle lest aseson uben le openlY espousef the cause ai Speaker Cannon sud lu oves-y Instance votedfobas-thc parpaîu*tilsof otCanualiSim d al fiel IL impief. -wtli the district indorsthe smb- ervIency of M-.e bthc Cannan ruimne? Wilii lrutle rslaiof lia nomination witi the prsect of bis crushing defeat et the general elctiOn and thc succession ai a demaocratic reprecenitaIve b rom te ose-lIme han- Iser republican district of inute? «A vote for Face meaus a vole for Canunn!li you ar-e againt Canon- luom. If you bleve in a'Progressive national pollcy and a victorY Ibthle lsnrgenl cause,' 1 abalil e grateful for you su mpport sudvrae." A grotalms meeting la arrangef for Mr. Englliard lu Waullogan os Thus-sday 't vhich ime le yl sad- dr-ea îlhe. vole people sud meet tbe votera "face ta face." BITTER. COPTIS3'T IN TiIS ISTRICT Aredy the compigufIght lu tle Elgtb district bas rescled tb. white lest stage. Ver-y 111110 neya ai ubat la happening up there bas crept luto tle public primet une br, maya Chas-le Wheeler. s plîtical unîtes- lu thc Chl caga inter Ocean. A tr--p orer the tbr-ee caunties, bovever-. ebova îte en tire district engulfef lu an ec6ecdlng. 1>' bitter factional struggle, vîtil apellI binders lu the tumP ui«btiy, as Uieî h ave boen for- sevrral ulgbtla sabîng anc suothor vîthout atat, callîng one another-crioollansd hypocrs-105an tbieves sud sauf baggers- Ever>' towu lu lbe district la.ail taom up avr the factional sud Par- sonal linos that bave beenCu ea dravu. Nclgbbors sud llfoiong frlends are Iot epesilug. Men uba bavt vosiof togeties- lu Poltien for year -are dlvlflug smong île forces Of tlb varions candidates sud-sare amcuIM one anotber- of abdul ail thc osdinari crimes lu theccalegar>' af luran mi dee<Ia. TIe tas-mers have beu fs-sun lt lhe males. The fairynl have b-1 Uinef op eu one aide- or the otUir. on of tOe f le isuon le île 'automî bile" crouf sud thc aller la the a'lni locire" ooly. lTe lgh brous sud the l ubrouo th sicI mon Of Chcago ubo live I aie cauuty, - sud the bus drivers li the asîler- tavus bave beeaus-sYt Red fises bus-naIl over lie f listiî ou gintîeote- re la bll -popiin' doua front lacaonsin lin o lQCryal taie. Sr'Country'loWu brase baud1 w«knlCovertilui. ThO pltylng Of an othme-bauds anyviiere along û Conulsy aide Ibesoge ls Il asueL t odo datia lasème candidae or- son ebudifalc'a friend la sand ing 0au lumcrvlef plalborni or saule vsgo tlhIi bieslsteners uhal a flue Innt e0nfloo1ies'OdOli tSlns enite and dencuaeing lmn for biset- tempt ta dlccl meu tram Uice Mhth district vho vill r*pr«ebet hMsU 9 do as h be lle liem ta fo.n Ithe l10iW lature.uhie the toyepaor's frieade iae lambating ihurtief and bis fréhdé wet!lotsfer, apparenuy, of libelliro ceedbpg. Speaker mhrtieff înueolf la 0009>fr £Dg bis sflacks ounUicego-rnmrte ppol its" ime, ulstu glu akiD e souails. go ed beifsheaudienes that b. lamt out Ils-owing muf. sud tics JW" up ,hy declarlus; that the governar caninat puit sautrou cllas sU,.md bicsc<k s ud ordr hm otiéleasa ranA boy- «No eC*1i*rV laye SlpIarUd#. 'The Isune la t"s ll$ïdIsJtrIct." saif, Mr. Ofililet aI yt*lLae Batnr-day lght, "la notet cl 1Isel electef or defested lu tisl district, but1 Il la whetber the people of filse s-IcI saal be permltled ta u'OrsClthes- frauchlse unbampsred, or &all» e dlc- taled ta hy Chene D«eeun. Tbe Is eue la ubetier the Votea- of tbe Elgil-b tb district saalifecife Ibis quesîlusE for themeelvês or ubether they viii permit lhe governor- te couicllu ber-et with bis payrll arn»' sud bis patron. ae, sud force dowu yeux- Ibroata nmena for the legilature vho vill ropreseut.c PMl Uic Elghth district, but tbe sec-t end floos- of the atate bose. t - 011cr speaker-s do net confine thent-t »Ives solely ta politcai Isues, butf they are attadhlus one another on1 tielr- reputatiaus. their past lives and Iheir buman errIng. Ail the candidates for the local1 county ofices bave been dr-sua ioto the figît togethes- vlth the congres- atonal candidates, sud ail bave been forceta tie np ta eltber fiburticf or the Deneen faction. There are live republican candidates for the leieliatlve nominations lu thle district, tua of vhom bave beau pick cd by Doneen men or are supported as the state admninstrationl candidates. Theze twa are: James H. Vîckes of Har-vard, Me- Hlenry couuty.1 .David IH. Jackson of Laie Forest, Lake MennU. These tvo candidates are Opposed te Speaker Shustlif of Mcieus-Y coun- 1ty sud Jtepresentaui'e A. K. S3torni of Laie cannty. . The tifth mnulu the republîcan race la Chritiau T. Heydecker afi Waulle gan, Who la tr>ing tea dccl clear- of bath factions sud malle anit ndepeuf- et euvase on liii ovu menite. Booüe cauly bas na republican ean- didates Ibis lime. The congressionai fight le aisea Mx- cd up lu Uic legisîstive hate sud lu- b[cier-y counnly te Deneen forces bave gone ail Uic vay do-u the line tram congresnman te the umaliei.t county offce, puttlng up s pnrely state administraStionlticket ail the vsY tbrougb. The figt centers ln McHenry count- ly, of course, where tbe sineva of vatr are bcbng uaed with the esPeclal Pur" pose of deteating Shurtîcif. State Senator Albert J. Oison of tWoodstock, a-ho got is early Politiegl Dtraining ou lbe no th aide iu Chicago e ud lu the Chicago ctY courcil. s' wbich time he vas savagely asalled by the uniepsl Votera'V League, hi lea(SIng the Deneon fight in the dis- trict snd particularly lu MýcHenrY -coukty. MUcHenr-y county leaealul the El- aveulI cougresslonal district.,vilere the figIt la very bttter between Coi- donel Ira C. Capley af Aurora, vIbas tled np vltb the Deucen end of the il bt. suad George Conu, tormer super- inteudent of achools of Mcfienry coun- r- ýy L9 p- u if 'o. e la le te tu n in- On the Aiét fer- d a Polllliant arc ou the qui vive for tle usual anto-elocliail tateinent of~ tle Laie Counnu 15w & Ordes- bagua la regard la Itsseomiendationls aud lundarsementa 0f candidatesl. -Il la ci- pectef tat thc slaM, tei tcles- 10 nov Issuef onruhV IIIb te a1*naît be" days and there la mub eSpectsu- c>'. Ifta ualoiczpecw dtit, lis cont- tente viiil e an>' mas-e »ecueti0DAI os- positive sud fr th»Isa ani, lutI lie- ls nsluraly a g asideai of clnosit>. 1fmo0f tle cîndidaatsîca uo epot 1te e-inelufef immg bu 10e.vIa vii recelvo guifs af etrue fsuit are aux- ions tao orfer a sumbor- 0f copies. An automsobile coulailtlug RobertI W. Pattes. boas-f cofs-ad af i u 4 ipg at ighland Pari, iesom. sud 'citer-peop e. lusnef lurtlb F"&Ya ulgît near- Rait Dn sud cl of ft occupants wve, taus-cf. il vas ah fs-st Ihaughl lIat PaIle'a sea u a alal îurt but le la nov aon tle rosI bt recaver>'. Mr. Palien binseit vas baflyit -. T.'oiWn c ou ¶1. «Cicluenos-fb ohmore t e tii site for Mauor aristocratie no- déieW' emumusi>tii, lIme luconnuée- tion WlUxt fc avaitralulua tatio. A report faiim an aulleieul source tàtÎ a ts thicefect lIaIlier-e la te ho £au»u northh*hore loua ery 00014 sud thal plans for- ft arcnov Weou dcvcioped. Thc ne* city la taelie lacalef ho- tucen North Chicago aud Lai. Bluff sud le te le bulîlta car-e for thé trade et the naval training. Scheel. ,Surveyora bave als-edy laid out fOîlY acresnear lie Osah Trec Dairy la los uhich are soon taelie placef OB' the mariet, sud Itlal repored thal Plane are nov liing dsauu for- the Northuestoru Ralîroaf for a station there. To b. Sémail Town. The projet ila id taelie badlcd by bih olials of Uic Nosthevesteru Reliroaf. sud their pasae*d-e pravide for s toun 0f betveen. five hundred sud s Ibousasu. The Naval Traning Schoel uhicî le 0o0n ta open le teileved to lie ie cause for- the building of the cty, for- tbe trade fraLu tbe station wvîlI eniunh te eonsîder-abe. lavever the pr-o- Motors are snidta lic eplanning ta ai- ber Indueeeste thîe suburban duel- les-. And lasg lots viii te onI sale tj ter-me ublch ar-e sur-e ta attract t1h. Chicago busines mnudesîroua of living ou Utelicatîful North Shoro. Much Moue>' Uchind DeeL. There la snid te bc lota ot mouey behluf the deal sud the premilers as-e Mild taelicvery mucl luleesctef tu IL. The tract of forty'actes uhicb viii comprise Uie main Part.of te tOua la on th. veut aide of the Iracis, but options are beif il le clainied on mucli pr-aperty on the centaief0hUi traci as -eil, vblch viii aIa t'e open- cf for Cty purposes. The praoct le one of tbe blggest lu lIstes- yctansd vhllo nt an asir-geas DIle baiee~g Mon City' echeme. la 0f jtrsu.udou Importance lu -" efty ansd ta Laie cOuuY. andflilsdeveiop- tenct.w ewthdwt ra n euot.ylh sce ut ra u Sro*e Meheel <vet Muid Thursday. Tht aunual remllon sud Picutc of t eBravo acbool pupils vas beld noar- Wadsvos-tb Thuresay ln town of Nov-. port and liere wvee mverai bonds-c f a ail ages item the leacheM ansd puPils of aibiy yeare ago ta thl 111e tadfs o! lods.> attendingansd vleuing scenea of inter-est. Tbere vastIc Usuai phcnic Program sud tbon came. Oid fbsebînef dancezi, ramblos titroual the ufofs, elections ai officers, remnicouses sud ather- shoots Who* Men Trease Mim. Ëeportbs faU~'Wortb are tu the effect tbat ni~7ught wbeu a crovd etf ered at a ferrm bouse veut 0Id fBt ity snd started ta jolie and IbIod W Mille eyers ubo lives there, tlStbu as atlst drivent to sncb disVtfOu4lOj)y botberlng that1 h@ got & LU. 1Md abet William Gl- -laway *hio w« *#MOg the crowd. meyera I ssfebd bad r-ecently mar- ried, sud %M 1 sereusded and cherlvarlsd severalimes by bisC fionde. .wttbont goy velcome rec-i pons ou hbis paft. The gathengt gaturu4y le saidI b bave been toot mucli j« hies &"6&fter entrestlng thea crowd lb o M ud6thon tbreatenlng tbefl, tic ot fre*"vbh Gallovay recelved lu bis uSncli. Mal StaeCoin Huntin uCounty. Locli pooiewho are lntormed an theSMO sttieon bere Inithe county gt&tI liaI the dMe la ofloîng bouc. beose ovii ho able ta bave real o,,O.sblned coon linnts ber-In Walter Mbaxson of W(-t atreet caghlb a yonnt coou Thursday at Drucelt Lake and peauple in that vicin- 'l'ty feport tbs.t Ibere la an Increas- ins snumbes- ln that vicintty this year, aud thal their c ilken roosta are feel- lng9 tic presence of the animals. &Maionbas bis Young Coon ln a cago sd ail 'tho ybungsters ln the nelghborood have been arouaed by its preance lInto the wildest plans fer cmon hauts soan on their own reapons- libillty, aud older bunter t tci admit that they would -lue 10 bag a nice fat coon Os-tvo tbemnselven.. Agsd Man Shoota Joker Wenry ISyles ud old soldler r-esld- lug venI et Ruselil Inthe nirtern part ol Ibis 005111, vaa the vlctlmi of a gg 0f #ci %d-be Joker$s ad ta have been from Wadaworthb aturday sgbtt at fou. àThe mnu, visbail evidentiy -been 1drlnhing, aud seslng the old soldier 1i lu bismr, bhna totormeut btm sud Ytaut hlxà l hWôtsaïad lanbhter ciaiuneommnta on bis porsonai aPPear- 1-tivas morela lan tI aidins canif stand and fil>' drivOn ta des- penation af tes- poiltel>'orderiug the men ta icave Baylevont la bis fuel- liug. 100k Cdown teîlead abat gun. sud ila leclaimed ta bave hinged ava>' lu- ta the creva. ne o! the mon beillvaundef but net veî'ýr badl>'. Asrpesas-e xpecief ta 80110v but have ual yef taien place. The syuîpathy af the people of Russel appears 10 le viti the aged releran vIa trîed ta defeuf lis haine aller ls pesce haf teen thr-catened. VACMJre #PO PERT Whiie Vlilva, la sesring notices OU lufep«ef ouI urcI and business men la vacate hein propos-t>'because lof al- heged vioatioaofaithe old Doule leases, lie langes- partiou of the Iu- depeuf ente outaida 0f the Bryant1 of toagnes sert, ar-e Patientî>' suait- lug s revelallon frmIn ou h beboose they oRfes resiatauce os- quît ZMon ai- tagellier iluhfliace ai Vllra's Oppo- sîtimn The. peltcoctUi meetings beosil Nont aigle the meeting w-8 pale Dow1418 01frelidence, Shi- lob houe&. *The expectef snd ibuch prayed for revelellon on whal the pente- costal people ehoiald do falled ta corne on the firat uhght The.flret-nlght's meeting was s compar-tielcy quiet One. Last nîght 1the, meeting was contimugo eild flllwers of thc que.' cuit, which believca thal much exhaustivde praer brings the giRt of prophecy, the ability la *ecak su>' laguage wlthoul study, clairvoyance aud mina> Cher Ihings, began ta roll and tumble about the floora oi 1h. lent, ta cry aud ' end geoesahhly 1to try10 li- vake e message frman ouhigh Ihal would setti. Iheir difficulties. The meeting la saif ta bave been the fasteat sud mc is-luars beîd lunZMon City', but bbc revlattan fsiled ta, camis o the peutecostaîis viii resumne tbe meetings evenîngandu enact the queer relilia melof rama again. I udependenîs Pur-o. ucas mon are luniaus at tle lus-n af- fals-e look bMonda>' uben elght>' no- tices ta radaI. vere sertef upon them. Mauy las-e up the notices. ,One mnu.saif ta bave heen A. E. TIcs-pe, obtaluef a cap> Of the SUN, Il la clmed. and alter resdlug lhe nova and ils meanlng. tare up île coiiy cf the SUNin alu ancsd dsuced on the remuants,. se tfiough the SUN uer-c fa blame for vInt Volîra sud bis W jri th ,W vN thinga vos-e ou tIe progran. ai The lad baya mnd the goaf boys and National Stock CIl ass es. 11cmr girl couipanlous of yeara agane Ta r-af the entr-> liai for- the net- vere aIl there together vîth a las-go loual stock cbassias-ad races of thc t( represeulsiion o! aId lime leadhers. Chicago Ilotor club at Elgin an Fs- day sud Saturday oi bIla ueei la lukea GAMBLING4 G ÇANE. caîîug te toi' of île môst brîlliant t LINDeR 1BAN sud clever du liers lu Amos-ica, for fi '0 vllb but on e o u w aexceptions eeror> 'Rugng irez sud canes ea, driver- of promnitelîce lu tIe country Jl caunt>' ains la$ beeu foclas-ef aame bas fetermîncd to 151k e Ir>' at tbe of skilI. but "hoopis" le ssminligbig mauey andI bandécame trophlea vîthin the mesniug ofI lie-agsiultur a aebe ug pfrcme law, sccosdiug tb au opinion renderef iihv et îugu a-cmel hi' Atarney' Genes-s OMalle>' ai Nev lion over te 8 1-2 Inle circuit vitich Tri State. . lies 1051 vesl nf Elgin. lu a nutibeil. AgrIcutural associations uhidI pes-- one migbt say ibat ail thc stars havec ml gambllug gaules e airas-are 1lu entes-ce vî w itte exception of Ralpb IJ danger- ai iar-eiting thoir- rigît toa Boy dePlLoi byltan Bo state moue>' for- fais- pur-poses, sud ePia oI bvoe u o Commiselanor Pear-son ai île state de- Bus-man, aud Itlslamare lian possible partuleul af agricultur-e asiedlte st-I tuaItIcheFiat piot viii ho an eleventb- torney gonersýI taadrîse hlm vIellrý ber~ t-sox u inte Simples, Grant lun struof as gamblue. t À recaus-se ta île dltlouary alied' Mas-mous. Oidlleid lu lie Knox! Six, ta, clilgbton su>'one lu tle sIlos-e>' Ilfibrd lu the Lozos-, Boas-ne lu the genes-a's office ase tatle nature af Baux, Kulickinluthe Ford. Greluerndut "boopîs." bol Il uas fial>' sccrtala- cf Ihat th ue consta of lIs-av iniLvingstone lu Nationa5le, Matson lu a a oop ai ,abliaikf oaf olu au en- Corbn, Budicotlu s CoIc-they's-e ebosvr-ta cisdif l te block i ta l eail lu, aud min>'citeOra.t boop bfs- a prise.1 The atlas-up>'gcnss-u boide Ultht e 1IninVlaetoLk. gaule la gambjng becane. aliough Ide ilg IPxLIe It ina>' le possli la ring lie bhock. MeolýayBs'.Fox Laie, v*as tle lie chances ai suecces aItIl.«Mesuieeu.o!anInd ian mission vllage ast are,5 sinaal Uia île playes- le al- vee ibcI île sumtici'parilahouers most certain ta ail lublisecforts. lof St. Mar-y's Roman Cgtioic eInncb Carne Ne.. Drowulng. lad planuof. The ptobeos ilil e Tlne iosi mu uO Wr-c u ~l urued oves- ta the du-ch.- Titre locl meà wh lvee lnAoat exact dupicate of su lgdiau vit- at Gray'e Laie Mondai' came VOI' Agebfho ul. uil ooe neas-dsouiug vlan Ilel bat Oa* f-esasd ail lie ieaturqqof camp 111e overtunnef lu s squaillas ih v as lounufb>'te l rI mseonles. Tva oi île men, Jaci Dempscey sud The votifs aroud the laitS mafe an tBob WillIiane vos-e>expert suimrmere ifesi ctting, -but lie ailes- man, R. Bi as ne A misslouan'sketcht of teIndien ailk0glaog o oisé~ paol was prodocd. MinsMas-gas-- u tale ogtaogv of" tet. Waters sud MisCalbiie-in fPs- vas cul>' b>'tIc strennona efforts fetoc îîcg cpinnti ai lite alior ttatIae10 as abie ta gel lu f hcaotok rmiî otpai ta Ahlange. odgthrdad a St. Mar's la a smal oodtâ ous-aI t. Alare cnvzdgales-c su us et the eastendcf aFox Laie, »e«s-the y- ed tle roscue, sud sover-al boalevontfeamfaiMayor Busse, Dus-lthlic in- 0ant ta Ibeis-aid. tes- Ihe congrcgatlon la amali, but lu , the ummer te chus-ch le ujusys 0 If ltre lo auytlinulu ful taI y-Pt*craudef. cm uTEACII, s vaut sa&vii Sud yOU INDEPENDENT "Want Ada" brlng gmre privafe pupls fth sdd 10 o- ursaultes 25 cente an insertion and inuome * iou s-cach 1000 readol5.& - The Independents assert that tbc> 1111I fight tle IIs-catened Voliva lu- judetiln ta theIlmit sud lIaI île-e le no sud lthing as sur-ronder lu Ibml composition. Wle feeling la very bitte-. tIc lhances arelIi t te battle vii lie an- is-el>' an affaîr for tle courts ta desi Whet interviews Dcvehoped. The SUN Monda>' sougît Inter- vleva vîtI ieading Independents lu regard to tIc peutecostai meetings and tbeir siguificauco., Orerseer Bryant il derolopes le lu Obio ou a long vieil sud preachîna tour. Edilar S5eres ai the ludepeudeut staief thal lie kev uothing of the 'vjiected revelatlon oncept that mccl- uge are heing beif. ARMOUR ANDII!E 130ARD o0, RfVIEW A., E. Stager appreared before the board ai retiew Tuesdlay for .. Ogdon Ar-mous- sud hIl Lakle caunt>' proper-ty sud pleadef tbat Arutour le net a realdent ai Laie county, but a uere aummos- rosorter. yhile the cost- [y resîdonce le mcreiy a sunîmer bun- galow vas-lb s trille hue $350.000. He saîf tîsi ps-osent Armaur asseau- muent la e337,600 sud ibat Armour la uillug la stand for $250,00 value ou the resîdende near Laie For-cal, vIle $1000 vouif cave- plate sud $15000 fur- nîture lu Uie Ibouse. He urgef tlat the presonce Armour, bis public spir-it sud bouefactlaus, lis Improve- menta, and bis apeudîna mouey for Lakle cOunt>' labos- vere aIl benefte ta lie conaideroti. He deulof that tle As-uour rési- douce cast millions sud asser-to bas- comparison sase lIaitle Railus>' Ex- change lu Chicago, coel but a million and the Cas-n Exchange building viti sixteen skis-les of stIel ontao but a million sud a balt. Hesserief ilat la"o- onthe rs-c.l fenco coat $75.000 sud plumbhlus abus ou cantract e20,000. The board us-ged 11sf Il vand if lu ta lave Ar-mou-*bimcîf appearsud tIai It beileved figures ta li n r 9statef. Arulur le clîfta toappoarpes- sousîl>' su>'tino vithin. a veci. Two Appesaes. Wbiie J. Ogdcn As-mous- agent ap ipearef lefore îhe Laie couuty boarc cf revicu Tucada>' te expiais tle amaI vaine giron anthe filef acitefule o tle bof lkimas Laie coauy b'uldîngii vlwflcb include an ostalewvas-lbsevers dmillions sud aobjecta of are Wortfh sel oral liausanda, preparations ver-e aiea ber mouadeforeparmat tan er a pearg ade lfor iAgmokbetr lac Cooli acuuln Cgago 0f ee edns day mas-ulus. The Cook ecounty bearîngvilii te Uic second and la called by Prosidest l"s-ak W. Joncs of the IllInots Tax Refos-n Association on the dlaim 1111 hova wual tpressni at a former bear- lng. Betweeu ýthe tva bards lu tie tua counlies ftlW belepaf that the Ar- mous- aseesmenta *fiii ho adueled. lu Armour'. case tIc public la dis- posed ta ho leu4oent ta Uiebeef baron becqut Ie fSA sald ho bas p iM Ui tpestes- part of thc coet of tic Skokie' drain tbrongb Laie caunty swsMp land and laid mile aflor mile of maca- dam rosdib rongb the rural f atsicts about bis estate fr-ee of charge or fur. nlsbed frec nateriali yul wblcb ta do the work. *mIeull ta Apper Soon. Samuel lusull of lbertyvlhie, for- mer London ne wpaper man, vbo rose fr-ouitiie post ce private secroîas-y ta Udlsoe - foIte suprerie paver ln efec- trlcity lu the central west, bas been cited to appear hefore the board on Tbnr-sday. Calvin Durand of Lake Forest iv- 11)0 ad Te aditlna ul alu oebsel $e t 00 dîle. fi aueo isshd TIu oad tla vsi cn ide boIcardse sen e ae con- ylee tceousaenudnt o Lai ic y r-al teeous -clui:ons copat.he E trtte foricerbocker ai 50 cnts si The r-aies foreaving 81et5,00 cer-e Il anade -ains a lu eg til:$15,0 nrt mae s tolIcwn MoussaiGmthI. n Grant- suse etIt h Grns-&C. Bace.rlsfboiI $9risC.900 ta ke25,000. fomth $9,900bckr cCc, o $2,La.i Knuickerbocker tee Ca.. Ploaaie, rais- bi edfbroin$3,300 te $10.000. a] Knickerbockes- Ice Co., Long Laie, It raisef fr-arn$6,900 ta 817,500. 1c0 F. J. Rut, lugleside, raiaed from $2,650 tl 10 $4.000. t Autloclý- Kuldios-bocios- les Ca., Laie cather- Ilue, raised tram $2.000 10 $8,000. ti Knickerbockr tee Ca, I-On Laie, ralsefl fr-arn $10.950 la $18,770. 0 Knickerbocker les Ca.. Loon Laie, a ralsed fr-arn15,949 ta $11,818. I Knickes-bocker tee Co., Laie Villa, si falsef fr-arn$17.139 ta $3&000. Detting Bras., Channel Laie, raisef ti tram $12,798 ta $25,000. it CaliborniulsCo., Laie Marie, raisef ti tram $6,600 ta $16,000. t &von-.- Knickerbockier-iee Ca.. Taylorsî Lake, r-aiaed bs-oui$4.010 ta $11.000. Ar-mous- & Co., Round Lake, ralsef s-rom $19.500 ta $32,500.a Ela- t Knickerbocker Ice Ca.. l4k. Zurich, i raisef fr-cm$8,058 la $20,000. The totals bebore sud afle- the s-e- vieylug af the assesamenta are as fol-c Aftor----------------------..246,0312 Befure .. .. . ..... ..$116,594 à Inereas, ..........$129,494 SHOOTS -TO PIIO. TECT i-IS IHOME Samuel Johuson, tIe meok litle col- orcd man vIa accompanief i bcsBon Daviud, the gou lus; outhe vlii. b>' playlng a planoa aithe Waukegan Ile- aler at veci, Monda>' niah it aIZian City' yaged s galîsut figît for the.- seanîlty of bis home, vîco le le salit ta bave fisef lvireiabts lu tIc air lu idisperse a gang ai boodiuit vIa sougît la deînin bis daugbter, il le -charged. il vas ni quite settled next moa- tua whether Johnson fir-cfthe &bots os- a man namef Bavard, vIa la unt- r rarrest. Many ga>' Iat Johnson fis-cf the alois. lua11e s eu icth vrong man vas under asr-est thls mai' Inîng, but Itint lu ual lieve ltaIt tc rtrial vili resultint lu sflllig ses-loua,, tasn u clîer case the abats vos-e firi a10 scare an alloeofcs-oud of s-avdico. hit la said lIaI. Sunf a>'niaIt the asaine gang tried la detln JabnSou'e daugîten, but alie rcnsan sd broie 1- ua>'. liey ls-ld lhe sainle trii ýnext nîgîl and lic fatle- lutcrierte. The es-ouf lIeu lanutefsund halted m hlm aud ftnally Hiovard lulerfe-cd oui id lis beliali. A souffl ensuef sud lis r. the méle he lfive Mbots vere fred lu ibo he is-. TIoa e as aI oncesa scahfe'. Ina. The sometus Elizableth a"l Twenty-seenth streefs linZMon Citl p. Jobnson la a taleuif sud able muai' -d sian wyu a wite vile. TIe boy Dus- li vif in conelder-ed a prodigy. oi tle police la la dispnte liofvota factIons, thc arrealsstw l wut madec. Tuesday et VLin uthe utteruspe an.i Smith, 1h. chicape Noter rompny chauffe-r, eiipsi ta e- lded ln th. escapletf Jesesto Ç~' -ou the Elgin asylum, made libepmlw sition ta the'£-lit. euthoit -* i IfSmitle apicdged Immffllho k 5nk. s dlean Iresset cf th eliof~- Canner'. aseape, feilling nom« 4 lving address.s. 'i'his vas the burden ef a apeci1 ls*p.tch te the $UN Étoni Elgn. Thé stlorueys for Smith, the etate*s ab 7 Wm-e rp-entlng Uic aaylum, lé he attorbeys reprceenthîe b"'ê lug company, the Boit llfteliave blm lucostlce: -The conferencola nôt mpected'taoend lu a Miflte conclu' ou lodai, but Itlei beliceed tInt thie miofer of Smith vii l hcacciptef lu or, ter 1ha1 the truth msy ho leam-ed. It vas thougîit Ihat Smith had told te trutb about the tainous escape, âut nay I? appears cos-vrise. soa sau Egin aatho-ty. Medtime Smllb'a casesba oe MntInued for ton dayo pouding the af- [lgtment. :AMPtRS 1AKE ANTiOim 1hOIý Several campera tram Fox 14ke were delalned bY Uie police f AatSIî*dl yesterday for horze teallug. 1'Wp bod driven ta tav ta, pus-chas. a SW ou p p lies to lest for th e re m atu d ba . « I te veci. And white thimee e tf** îembera of lie pifrty deelfed tp tfiioa is iondeand maie Uiem viiibo*e so laiing the horte ber fsove bhckIo,. te laite by himeît. WhenSit came mîe for Uic rosI of Uic parfy te re- tr-no the lakelley Icoief ovsu'Ipo ntre- village for-licir liorse ail xi* but lt'vas novilere ta -ho fonwi. »Um" ally ane, of thc parfy got lié Ide& tiat lt would ho a good plan t10Jlie sou. one sssborae asuitat vas tie.AMe bhat aeemed te bave bappouf f0 ý tbiefs. Ooins a bora. lied ta a tq»gepk polo lu front of Willam Brou. MèreO heY Jouir Il sud aeted fer thé lb"~ Wheu the original ouner of lbe boîte tam. along and dlsoovechie-YIo hbi anger vas Indescrihalie. Obtaith a borse tram anc 0f bis fs-Sosi 40 talrted la pur-suit 0 or beoeàmpefs r Mcanwhlc Uie camp"rs hao t4éek he laite sud thoefound tUi Joi the pt.*lRlavIng no iuti usjê the hds-s ta vblcb th"ylii ho êr tbemeives tbey Infrued iftloesstu' sand*r vîcre be mightl.it vas bu4 a ebart lime befare tbc ovuer fo"u4 hl* bors. graaling rier thetente of, ýIo csmpcr-. Tbe resnît vas 1ha1t the iuilty parties uere fnd sud taiceu. te Antlcb vIe-e they vere fusA PSm aud cans. piat Pigh InluAntiocI. Tva. prominent young men*ôl Aqti oh got Into a fielfigton t. heoe Yeterday sud vere Sncf $6 and ooufs ly Justice James vho enspended ne. saine open pr-omusePoi good bohavior tu lh.e 'foture ATTMMDD M. MIS COUNTRY CdUI The foiloving]est wyod atteufli- île meeting oi Racine. Kenod"o6, Walvortl, sud Lake cony pliyde- Jas bfid at the Racine Contrsy Club tIe name trait given bing that 0ftfOe automobile ovuer sud driver: IXse Tombauli.Turner, MeCormiet >& FOI". bo0uton. IJayin. Dms-s elle«u end Llâg. Dra. Taylor, IFulcrW'mf' leseuS, Ialowslly. Dr. Jolly *anti up chili, rirss. Romer, Wrght ad Laie, Thet dinuer furiebed b>' the 11 canal>'Wisconsinus vas par cellou sud ineluded ai! the dlctilte of fie rseason. The prograft " e-'e pot;v Il uuuallytatertahà IN>, tt* Includiug su sdirses Wy 00110brDr. WalleruoMatf ic : ouatity tubercuiosie institlode «ý 1 &IX end timel>' addres a the lb. 1 «"NmeeoicCaitiug f&M the, wdw *Ma."The meeting '555 the Wfèb1 a". S. P. Buchas le pngsiAdm 04 th* district. Orna luable'e bâsn hacit et t bfltdte heround MonAas vilE m ou"" th&icais-m e4 Bouoftic busixeSs mmU M" f, lbevillae appoarsÇ liai elnîhes ta flaIfheIc rbilingsuen sd it »fflc WI vtoe toua voui I a!*of Utchéie nus sav*' i-- p 0 u si ti ti S0ýXPýýYZAR I.N ADVA