Saym ~ Thsy ý»Plnoin Ned That ft*vlsl.n ef Ce% tain Seh.dilDe eNt imply à néqiei% f et l- Wori te' ce gêel *Dourott. Efo,ed. ugr. 34. - Prealdený Tif &Iiigve th Aret state weeà end party ho theYIte Mousetbe latter part 1; a jtitiat that histore mention ae lu ay a leu& yr. Tut> &I.t vilii bve te hâfi boieegé at Iýs«at Uti.da",, b.glnning Stý a 1 tii etauio!heCau4t ttIi white Mbuse proper' tiiy ,*tli ho ahIte ak over unobserved' tg i. e ncutive aUçee and hold elb, *et meetings sabre. Thé, reuldent lias announced d change pf plais for the. rontl ot se:' tpnber. Ho willi Ipave Beverly for lit Padi snd lie.cônservation convention, ep sept. 3 according ta the old snd' *0 e»nW sciedaies, returnlng tram st.1 2FAul. however, the jreident wili go direct toeIteverly. inutead of droppins down ta Wa@itington for a few deys. 44a sept. 20 lie wililouvse Beverly for Washington, wtiere lie willi romain. proablby Mitl Sept. 29, wlien hlaldue tg> &tort for New York. On Sept. 8Q the. president wli make bits keynot., a4dress to 'the L.eMue é»fltepuliif Cubs et C'arnegie liail. Froni Nev Yt1,k he wlli go tragrt back te o tv- orly, wlerg he inay 1tsty tatil a tWv day before lectlon. A gscttl revinslon cf certain aclied, mies of th. present artù iaw Ila w be que of the. prophecies viii whieh Ithe vpters of the country are talie greeted 4i the R.pttbican î'an,>îign ted bo<'k ttneaSt mentit. Pr4ildent Taft h1mý %gl la to lie sponsor 'or this ltnplied 8hhl..It would lie a iromnige tet Osiy tu re% tee certain >ciiedules of the îltitv-Aidrlçvl aw. lbut It wilil slu-t tbai iL-ereby the buinebs of tuis colin- try viii Dot be upset. Il 'aaer rivision on sclçnttfli Une.sand n'lth out te uiscienfl¶lecresulta of bLslI.t3*5 dçpreeeiçn. la the letter whlcb the presldenlt Vfalled front 9eerly ta Repreaenira- tjVa McilnieYet (Chicago tbi roiàis Ws cantaiesd, The revilon oif >î dvidual nachedules la te b.imade on information fnralobëd by the tarf, c9mnilssion whicb la work coI. lectns data Sliowing the relative c'Si ý* prodiwtiOn bore and abroad. )_The prflldent Polnffl ont lu te IÇt. 'y lhe sent ta Mr. .fleiliey tlist ;lereï Ver# tomne hedulei ut tà. Payne.Al. ricb law. wiicb pro ably could bicIlu pçoved. H. asiertedl tht It vas Ml »roethat if the tariff comntnlsskW olctd dta sliowlng liat acheetinlea Versflt riglt, t+. be. made rlgk. Tii. president bled the opnon thtfg tqvision pi certain 1 ndividual scle& ujes did net Imniy a revisliei of all. ' Thisa annotpncement lu regardaies e 1one ot the ment Importent Nir. Taft w il malte durng the coniing cage- pa lSn Stllq telen ta show that hla ctnattacbcd te the. Pre.ent "'I t lie duoes net beleve there are de. weto lu I. The cry that business nlgbt lie ln- jaied basa been Met iiY.adnilXistratlOll 4dvlaers by thie assertion Iliat bius '- cess catinot be iJtred IflIndividuel %oieduieg are altered one liyone wli s.cesaary. There wiii b. no long aitl tqlued apxlti over a liandred ' ditel'-, snt sceffuiqm ta uîîet the country and "c.l atmsle»t (-AS lie.male eaI»'3 4*id elpýdit11otUby. 4t fIKinMi&Clt P8Cki? nes; Docres ln 5 Iits Mrs. "j4ck" Wilii G. en VieudevlIle mr , ri r ;.19 10. ru G if 15J1'* vJ-~ eT sU A- êmore Thrifty WinnWill, Tàikêý-AAtntaçe' of Our $1.009 $2.00 and 3. ale So eager were the throng s of buyers that attendéd our $1.00, $2.00 atid4 $3.00 sale of womens and childrens, suits, coats, sklrts, dresses, waists, millloery, etc, and so welI pleased and satisflied that we deem it 'Our duty to continue this, the greatest of. am. bar- gain sales, especially for the many who were unable to attend. Noother sale has ever caused'such favorable commnent as this extraordinary event whlch is astoundlng thg merchants as wI as the general public. Mer..~n I*..,f011W 5,Ca n $1,00foi. Ladies i ini' irse~ $1.00 In,ý 2.50 iOsir îih l ues, I tinl. b uig. $1.00 tov ( lîildrelln's :xîe i i . -$1.430 'm. 4:1.5 ai H 1;HI an lia ir~'vtis $1.030 foraîy Filltî~ i ~lu>d 1 -lai oIlt) .00 $10 for F1111 I Uitloms Siý>,65 m.u.m 1 ...6c ..............7c forLadis' Î I I. fiàâl $2 $titiAI-Wool $2 îgii 1-ilau uti h lies. foi Cimhof t$1000 Suni- t2 nier Làfe'$8 ;atd $1') iawnle t.adies $10.01) bi en Q I'rats .............. laîlieii Ali-W.otui Sweaters wîîrt $l Ofoir..... 2 <di l' Faîicy \Viite I)lesa . ikQ, esv. worth $5i and $6, for..e Any Tilitied Hat,.ot $1 Mliair Bîthng 'it « fo .............$2, Stagi,;t sa id for Tlirty W.c """---~i" .v et àsaéifryo!SW eWeek. ljgu~ a g l O Uded ê tm T v f% lI -TtIPU > Kansa C ty, ug. 24-Mrs. W k rl if ieaitiig, o agag, dDefeat&Gonv. Joseph M. Browi nnRc udh. 1 ioesuitaar divre lnyaesfoi IN TEAC IN i Cîeîksnetliodp are mot nod- for eorge Nomination, St Louis Ras l$ad $Walqwed H. Slver'scourtTuesdy aftrcii eli ji everv resptet and a long Unes Tlk piItIR ws D acOuE Ofthiire ato're taiid 'imore liecoamiog AUitnta. (la.. Aîîg.24-Hiolte Stitti Varices Articles. oompatabilit.Y.' It liadobeen aafdI~sJ!~LYM L o î,c selteo nly lroier klndv - habeen iîoîîiiiaî.'îtfor te second' tbât thefour children ah noid bp en ii trti-t~5 iefrgo it r'.1 <eorglndfet tg te cae cih__.Cud-y's__tatering f,40v. 1iiatili m. liiroal, 'ato. 1wO; Frank W. Wilson Dion et MospitaI Af. Mjcheel c4dabY of Omahia. s (Frnm Wfsdrsdy' Stn) W IiEu LS8IES years go, d-fatr t ' i fter bheblitd Physieîn': tad Peroftnmed vqdh as on the stand ten minutes: Prof. Mt, . (Ilark wio lias che fle_____an__raoi. GeodaliyhydcoiiF!tt.oit>wtin t ,t rowna onliy and img0tq ,atgEbr tealti- lof the- courses 'IEîgl' S teorgrahy oniiaioittc oîn ihi3ona Oeaon tpdyIlatbe lusliend led treated land Arithictieiut the LaitedîmtyWo t c aething an Senator ,iîîttrtt-raironds. i1rcttqiYA ivore derea as ITenclues Itatlitte 10w lit session 1le, Lorimcr. He Stetes.* I 'oligreF' iiiihaLrdiùItt, <f the Tenu aio i. u. 4 eoeFah s~tehr, ftesn .minuteaisafter t tetr t a eeoe eea ~ City Saperiilteiident orfScitouis et;I district, has hleri re non' Il, atee i itO W.Wilson,ltiiadvertislutg colîcîtor ilt*in a frien li. Ïufaniii Raid tiitigt a w idespi lntd ne n < hieeuclvi omethiiig titi srnator Lorticer. It WËth .li. district for iiurîlwlcks ?app<olle tc ;f tvaLuis.t lie lied a sialh owed e <J>dby y enor, lia agreed ta paY lier ers here are showlng a great dea, of' not iiian"effort ta htactmali itlm.Wthstnj Hsrdvtrk'su-hrtf ry ctiothnnatureuand 1 ofered nu>' natîtstriit for suieta ta eîùî1oiis. ' tiet bthe ea rilsu oeg auea ý&000 for t tlirtyear sud $3,000 Pér ilntet'e5t la lils lectures exilainr lesl rntlflg îîtirtieît, dt they i-hadtilter put tlie X-riï et yqrtlong qrpA aueallie rilmains 1these. ' hittt 1 siniffiy watitcd etaleýttorl$xth. seçîtl oluitute tien defeated. w iJnge-ke got thé honme fntiture ln Engiishlle.h tClaqtitertion Ila front hint iaot Ifi.- *bille Bell. uOt. Nitth, retins bisa "Sh epetetago on ii atde a ern'iae vbsd alal MitAer bhutrs tof crns.examinaiion liy aa.dfu ltî 'crri. A4ddIÎn of The îîh>,sir'bnns îerformed an oper- yajie stage. viere sie viii sici tvo for sentenice analyste tîd the ueIt- Atorney W. S. Forroat. foCilie de- the» Foîtî; lIittY. ut the Eievenili' pàgg pain broW. ccman. te paace albt d whoie thenie,1fntsthut >as tii» retiented statement lHuglieaof flte. Ttitît).and Rd nretoed frotthe litmtatt'iltomaci:' co n andîaral a blt hltasne< Radd Te:- Otte ine luitlami toutu; htîin : trree jIgsUt-iyfinlie cl a " i a iyl il îînsa Iag.Tn1of Charles A. White on the 'itnieiss lerry. of the Second districts, liad no %eys;oieh-ii tticil onecli-kle;' offer ot *wueka Cplanact t lr th,colnstioan ta îîî stand ln. flic triai cf" Lee ONeil ii () ati fora tbirty ettiemntaheuaiplain. lr ls aao o litit . at( loy 1tjeiol; three anmuit oeils.; %b stleet a a text bhaok explaiîiitg arnd teachlng1 lirowne. charged »Itl brIbing Whiite e needie antdtionethmnitr %Udm arranged, 'aIli (Yidaby Sr. by lier hili sytent.and crifics are confident: 1 0 vole fort hurlait-r for aenator.sem faiher~~~~ thal if wl111lic muet eureesaftl, Attorney Fort-est sengtifme ad e antd ... iiuît ltd tîcwt lcîîreapd for aoe 3 tre. C*d*an d lier eclIldreit Iett lnGeograpby. lie teact he lthsoi-;gain ta 'shoîw tîat W'hite a -iiutlada fmts it îiîîîît-tl~0 i oula gîtdo l hi 1liumedai. hg i abl&ketraint lrnnaeiylect tram a eraannt scl u li lacl;mliil Senatai loriner -Wileuprelt yttouliga .dy lit tilt-- îîî'setce o uhige o0 ieIittt cefor Chlj;cago. 'Thi X atipolit. le,'placea the industrtal i e ssked the seitatur to port-hase thibs suife. At M ns Me.prncilpali lehuid aIl etîly ut geogr-, 30100 werd tory (fuht iT's coifes-, "it'îs luriay 1il<Id col; toast. Mise Ma. Mako #MAt>iJR lta o r. oan b liy. ankmksfi utjc ra -j DRAINAGE NOTICE. rÇaei P. Cu uY, Parente rjakdeat more practicai than the- aId te't s nIn ahihlie adoittes> tat lie nlidkina betore i1oiarricd yoa, my da(151 ITii di pattie owiing lanîd tiUnion iontb mr5. Jace" yl l rldmohd ve ît. ecepted brible maney to vote fur Lori- *'Weil, yes; It la pxtremeW.-t« àw11< '.îg- District Nuimber Ono of the c, tii. Imasp ai"a mer- L . Westii. tidet4. ,.t ' ns of West qeerfieid, lâlce Coun- ___________________I ________________________ 1~eautiUîîI $1 2AH) 8îîîîuîîtq $... .. . ~ 8.M 'iiIut SiIk 1>eli t-eats .. .... $-4.50 O(lu ine NN ~'iihuýw iPlumîes ...... Bethu kirts . . .. . . . . . . . I~~~~~~wo smt.IlN IQ"<4izirts woîti' SacueofWasta -wt l.00 .0 ............. 37C00 39 ci llils Rîlîlid Suiîîîîîer L iadies' ('oiored Wash .eti.............., .C Petîicouts ...... ...... i>', iq W in 'ainl 4e11liec fFct il hbVy' rhtls,<oi m- thie cotuhined lYs.cmo? drlitage pro- W. llltn<d* vIll on th. ith dolr 0! j;oged ta bu at5îtlstructettlaiii vid dis- Septetundr. A. D. 1910 et the euofo trict. t10 o'Inck A. M.utai te W1tot 00401o Yott are heretir not-iiied that lhe Ilouse(e ais> district receive sosies> Diraitnage lotiit oiuir f Uniot i prpouais or bide for laeor and Mate:v Drainage t>lstriclt'Ntiniber tint of the [ltais toW the construction of tic foi- Toitîvof West i)eeried. Lauke (tone- lowiag promîOsed Improventent. to-vit: t y. Illinois andt Northlield. tCaik Cuitit- Poutr ant one'fotîrth (ý4 1-4) miles no' t>', Ilinhois, 'al mett0oitthe 1l7th day jditci sir- (6i test in. vidth et tlie of Seplternber, A'. 31914leiittie hoîîr1 liottout vith an averaae depti of ftour ut 2. oriock P:.M. ut the Witnîol (4) tdet wltli ide siopes of two 0) Snituol Iloitse I lt idstrict ta hi-ar 1ta ana- (1> ta lie dug Ini sald district an objet'; ions -that inay be mande tou along the line- îeslgnâted on th Illa- lthe classific-altinuo lande oi thte chai ap of said district on fle 1n the. -vradîuatedavraie An sakti districtmia- office of Its Cicrk. liyt tiCo'mnissioners for the- lirluose Planis and* sPecificatiuae for. sas> s>! epèctl aîttaesstacttv ,for bietîiteit wor b. lia> trom any of <ha <-onseqeîttcie cf lte i'onsi.rtstlouti f a coima noer of sald district or'nt proliosed coiîibluied systexu uoftdrain-t'thýe,*0 fliseolerit. Fred H-. MW'yel -age for saiis htiî-t. 'lien and lsuier inim Deerfialil. Lake Couoty. Illinois. or yotî cati apItlar and intttkeobojec'tiont If aitWCoffce o! Atty. M. CY. Deciter, you to desire. North Chicago. Illtinois. tiateul 1h5 101h day of August. A. 1). As aguerantv of lte goad falti of loto. ~tic bldder ec d ti)haillibeaeqt - lliiitl7iE If. IhTZI.t-tt. tianie> ly a crtied chcck of *400.0, WLI.iANl 1'.P. A(IftMl payablee fo the oi'der of George--fil ATM OI(N iPROST. Opalzer. President. > Drtainatge litnlaltis Thc (lonimitsioicre reserve tihe Atiest: >tey;î'. 'terk. rigltin torejeet. aay and ail li<s 44, ta continuîe the iet(ttig from 1tlne tu - tinte If In ticir judgtetit thce am*- Im ttecessar -, NOTrICE OF LETT-ING CONTrRAcT 'Date> et Deerleid, Illinois, thip $4w FOR DRAINAGE WORK. dîW of Atigust, A. P. I». -' iii lle oie iv herei;y giveti, pitr- (.1uAORGE 1-. GIUT suet-lteto itate ýIn aitîli <ave mde t Wl IÀA F ttl nd rovldeii lthai lthe mtzîerslgned t AilM M1%t W - Drainage i'ontntlvsioiiers ut U niionDtI*," " praiae District Nutuuer On. of tbueAttest. Frod fi. -Wfý let