#149 Of Local FrtssdsAmong, 1 OId-Tlmers1 1 Laved- Herses and Drve as a 3ert of Hobby. Mon of Mains and Ablity *'7iom Weduesdîy's suxi>= Iiclaul <Mike) Hay'es, oie or tihe Chiat and bout huowu traîneroanad drIvers of bhaeau horsn, i ichic". and hell* itdidt6:0 lock laut nlgw t t ed=btWis.,,,YroiI n4i- leu suitaln a raue ti tonte on August le. MH wu * a uâau figure ut le~ i RaYeSi Who id benudrvint a W*5twxt race. vii Uetabut tu sw 0 land lu the. home treteit Whou týk*sMcdireetly ln front of hlm. sud. *11éb fastirngbdly, tumhleÏ. snd ;@&rly .n' e llpoil mail over Ibo prestrate bora. snd driver, and tu; *9 uizup Malles vas badiy hurt. it *» â0t thoughtut the lme of the se. etat thitthe Inuries wouild î*ove 11440, but h. slowly sai uitutil laut *WW vithe .pronontce obhi 'ei*l -vh bd beu ummoned ta hIbedde. thi. sud came. '.N Rye vas one of the. chater UWM.LIe of thé West Chicago Drlvlng diii. ad ani omelal of the orgasa- ' lion. Ulghly respected by i fellov bua'Sdoe, h. vuaivalays ready te îm-a be4plng bisnd tu bis favorite 0111éq Md Whoui uit îCtualydriviug la th m"Iee rces of Uic club, h. *Wd hi tound startIug the. borne. or .¶ tl u the. Judgesa stand. [n 2ie0, a hamea meeting' vas not a * uOiatig liu this vleuaity ifiike Haye !en aot Prient aid mauy vere Uic Pimpe hi !vonwftb h*iaispey trotters &« P00e ta othe. Haye haum. Dotttesemmer menthe foi' * 7.11 Mr. Hayes hai oub la ~e sdri. agbis bori n lu rc«« 06.S teWic aimacrcitand ho. via luskm« throuot thieBadge, etts. -X aà - ville folloviug tbis, eégk.. liaihoemet his death. Ait. Rayes WUsthe. ovur of thé bottIIg wvon,, viàolihies- ,t11L The remoius vii bu *OqWU t»th tit fmly residince 34" Vat Ada stgrit,for hurlai. ,Theoaeqed, vho vau 63 years 014 le owrvE ty a vtdow. tbree ns ne ilvé, 4 ibm.. - x lit ,sovuer 0orUithe ay"s Ckp»mY et Chicago.,wb PuOMeS4t fes iurles ossatale unad M ta alrofMg raceet. Xb»Mw ah! ila W1gb este, 4S *~hUâma ad l 4"ul estaffliaed hy lm vWs, lubisr eaSr t téi timeet bis ea tbh fa direct maemît beupisesiby blut. febande b* îoffl pertluir 'f« the *% e ntL - MAr. Rye as M tya «oft lau &ho M Q« bé 0%mbureu fer th Dieun lm & pwt»«HIbn te ue h a=O MM t v» w la IL and or t0ïmie a" vu a a et si Mir. beSMhmevlk» le W*ium peuple vian bo bought th Utblg -b 1 s ialbse, a wsit c PF90 Xaib&.la 111111. iler bis race am the au fil S'amdanmd ince. t tl4 be ai,.' bu ifluila>enter nos, Cr MM et bis havies for every L1,". 0.30UMesilme.R.viiibe laisaiet dt air msent aud tu the aid 0988 lus npmable. Iiisi OuatY of làke. sur = 1 <0m u l"eCounty. Oc- bruns. A.»D. 1910. - CW * " w'5gvo. Nithanlel h*et ai. lu Cb&ncery. No. slaaeoyiUdvt havtug bieni ta thela b. slovgaied cuse-la thdimiatsoen= .A. Parka, flyl. -Pai fuet. Maud Fra- soiew naciJouger. Orville viuccut âà»Ostua Vincent, Gre.sParker, Ida UvilItôl. Livis Parka. Prankle Parka. UM" Park@. Srah Smill. Beujamin $tell% WIlia m e Atweil, Walter Jobuon. 1.11e. Jaliac, Martin John. soi, D"ii WhitiicY. WIlliam Park». Arthur Parka, 11e0ry Parka. Berard Parka, EIbthérBoneeteel.Mary Bone, Stiel DeltaClark, A'l'akIll abee, ()l« va rue. Thiodore Larabee w.u mai L-rbee. Orson tAaai., Ale. Vncen t. Nathauil arki. Lydia Bar- Ara Fratile. Chare. W. Parka, =Parka. sud Olive Fret. aretflot sleala et tii. Bote of -Illnois, sud t« thera. are unkuovu boire ut ivw 1M oftbi. efl.ea md devisees of 18muèR Park@. deeeeaed. and that 00% r reunhnovu ovuersof the real éâiti la Uic bill of compilt lu thia «M demriUd. andUt there are Persa=Ds lu= r lt n bthe = 1 01ibtiasnuit aid that th Mames or sncb persans are lin. IàUw. Noticela thirefore hereby SV tuteae boaeuM0d1defendante 040%0it.eihov" meutloned uuknown O*bm f d"PeraoU uatorested ln t" Y40 iUtUO SUlu id bill deacrîlod und the subleetmatter or thia suit, athle abovy a mseulComplaînaut boetowv~ed bishmBi, of Complaint lu fl -àA V the n icCbancery sIde tm sumd 'tbat a aummons Ihere- 19- '"" t0f csïd Court againat 1" aboya.ZMM iidefcîadat,,returu. ai h& &11BaI day 0f te tcrm of the rem ut of Lki Oounty, tu be 140 IeCou r hu.. 1)Wîukegan ~lk COUtY, oiithe Filst Octobe. A. D. 1910. as la by liv equirc , id htsuit laati lii laWI8 0. BOimSWAT, Clerk. ,~huuug M. inluta, igAt9M20, &A. B This sait represents aur *final effort at stock. reducing, in wbich wc 'endeavar ta cf- kc~comÏPle "Round Up,'! a final gathering tagethfr, of al àuurmerline of -mer- thndws, ,As weIl as "staples,"' for the, purpose of a'quick -and abste clearance, In thiâ finalclearance effort, wehave completcy failed ta -recognize alform*er sellUng prices and cost of -mereandise, but tut and ulashèd prices taï sucb ' nsiefficant figures that stocks wilI bc dispqsed af in short order. While the"Round 'Uop is an-,occasion of twice a year, yett this season,'our heavy stocks require us ta make reductions such as are -likely ta occur but once in- a decade. Wash Skirt-A big lot of wash skirts, itîeludiiig the pick of the- house, nmade of linen flnished suitings ini white aud colo-, also lawns, values to $2.00> Round-up prWe ..... WASI' DREUSE'$1.9-A lot of ffeb- louable vait dresseb, dalîtlly'made of llgured lawus, glins m andper- ckles,»Mre have thei over drape shtirt. mnauy heaUtifully lace trhiied values'ai hleh as 46, sale price..... ý 7 on Sa' Embroidery dresss- Ail- over embroideirv dresses in several distinct styles, have the-iovçer-skirt and are eleg-7 antlv tiuine¶ with Venise bands, $7.50Q.9 values, at .......4 7 WASH ISUITS si.O-Plain talilred cf. fet demo f linon fiuhshed suitlngt iu výIle and ail shades, 34 mineoit&, semi'flttlug. values t16$.00. sale 19 Leurace wn&as pumps Von wll lndthus the greatest shoe bar- gain yoti have been offered this season. We are. deternined to inake a quick elearance, and that accounts for the low price; pumps are in patent lathr have aukie strap, beaded bow or silk fies; the oxfords are in tan, lacé style, ail sizes, $2.50 values, .' oh1dren's oxfords $1.15-A natty ankie strap oxford -for (children, in aizes 9 to 2, eombiùies both durabilitv and style, omie ankie strap, ribbon ties, $1.5Q and $2.00 values, prieed'for the Rounid-up at, I pair .................................... WOMen'S oWns- Male <of a good grade of eanibrie, V anîd squtare ueek stylcs ,triîî- iiiecl witlî cîubiroidery îu- sert ing snd yoke of flue ttîcks, Rountd-uip44 Sale price ...... 4 WAIST AT 99e- Modela of rare at- traction are embraced ln this lot, nr- ]y al of the style. bave embroldered and tucked fronts lu a vide varlety o1 designs; lOW neck and Duteb collar styles ire lucludeal. short and long alleeve, $175 sud 12.0(0 values ai each............... 7 79c IIosIery #à utiderwear WOMEN'B MOE-Our regular 25e hoslery, lncludig black and colora lu fine çlbbed, hemunsd tops, ait aizes, full fauhioied, Round-up prie, pair ............ 9C VISTS-ýWonIen's and chilren s gauze vesewlug or short sleeve; the lclnd that usually hriîîg a dîme, sale price .. ... ......5c CIIILORENS >40E-P1ast black hose of splendfid quallîy, flu' ribbed, values Ihat us, ually bring 15c, nearit all ases, saile price, 7 per pair ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . Sale f -domis[cs, tewels and t.w.lhia pronginga.i-enu- he4s-12 by 90 inch TÎIrklah towela-Heâvv e Anoskag aronsh<ets nmade from a bleaehed Tutcish tow- ugham, kown thehea'Vy gae of bleach- els, 22 by 46 inches, "un try over as the beat dnul, the beat 50e fringed; the, kind that i the mnarket, ," values, sale e scnfo 9c 5 le price, Yard 4 Q sale price, ea sale p11 fr 1c, ec Piflow cases-42 by 36 inch pillow Buck towels-Size 18 by 36 inches, cuaesnsale ofpra ea..... 1 O1hevy grade, bave mcd border, " O tudsln, saê prce, eeh .. 10cvalues at each ...... 8 Outlng fiannels--Thious- fnds of yards of the best 12/e outirîg flan- neis iu a choice range of newest stripe and ehecks in ailcoorjuga, sale price, yard ... .1e Calico a - A stanudard grade 'of dmess calicos ini faucy patterns,' also shirting prints, l salé price, yd . Iànen towelig--17 incli extra heavy nnbleached crash toweing, neyer been offered. for less than 8c, special for the Rouund-up, 5 I"ABLE PADOING-54 loch-beavyý-table uaddfng. MUSIN-Yard vide bleached mulu wlth a âine a grade that you cannt duplfcate .f 2 - cambric ftnish, a 10e quallty.e short or 500saile i>rlce, Yard ....... al pile s, iO.yard . ...... ........ Boys'washsutuwst go "l'le great savitg atwlilf'h thee suits, eau be ur- chased shoisld resuit in, their imznediate sale. '1'le ilaterials inelude madras, linons, and, galatea eýlothis, plain and faucy stripes, Buster Brown and blouse styles,-ages 2 to 8 Years, $1 .50 values, at ............ 5 -Drems Sirts55e- We have rouuded-up several lhues <of Our rî'ir'lar $.0 Iress shirt8, unide vp of fie percales atid madras, coat k;tyle, euifs attatched phaited or plain fronts,Ï ail ýè2es, at ........................... -......55C WAUKOAN'S lBUT Walas at 33C-- Da i Il fV styles of a spleîîdid qîîality white Iawîî, lonîg or short sleev%,es, tu<'ked front witlî a ruiffie of fine lape, otiiers have all-over ernbrfbidlered fronts; theyare 75e v'alues, priced for the q4c Round-up ut,. ... Q CI4ILDREN'a ORmaiEs 69e-A lot of eclldrena' drOsse thit bave been selI- 1139 at $1.00 to $1.5f); made lu extremne. ly Pretty style. of ciecked and strip- ed gigibama sud percale.. iso plili chiinhray, agea 2 .9 to, 14 -sle Rugscut in pice The Round-up sale affords you a splendid saving on a 9 by 12 rug of beautiful qualitv; heavy Anerican body Brussels in newly desiglied patterns and attractive color coni- binations, $22.50 7 v'alues, 1 , 13RASSa1BED-Plilî size brans bed wlth hcaVY 2lIch poisa ad ve fira. covered withc three coate of heavy lacquer; ca'tb eulldfor Ile11m9 Ilian $20 00, sale price.,........ Mes suits shazply re- duced ,for the ,Round Up Jro eean m'p thé season's remainng stoelc of ins $15 and $18 suimner suits, we have attached a price to them so extremiely low that they will go in a jiffýy. They havie been buuched into one vast lot, and are already for you to pick from. You wîll flnd thie seasf). i ihoieest pattern in cassinieres, worsteds and ~eheviots; even blues are included. No trouble to Ibid youir correct size in a style to suit. Grasp this oppportunity at once., laid. reduesi tor noua-uÉ eny ..... OASPATUSI-Tto bhunier gai plates, japaaned trame iii nickeled legs and fscuflng pipe, iuar. l i4 SOAP - Arýmour's UghUihcge pries, 7 bits25 for........ WATER TUMUL*ERSi-:Pwel sise la assorled patterns., I 'In-le blovi gluas, Y dozen.................. ['c hotU. tir.......... BoUchot, 7 '.' - ~ I sorteo ise., for ouly ....... 8ALT BOXE-QGlaiedcar.ton. vite vith atractive decorali0m bard '.005caver ou itinges, 1ne valueset ......12 PREBIRVINO IETTI-4s 14 quarta, beavy grantite vire lnu ...4 c gr, ayleiiiprice... LIQUID VENErR-Makea OU1 turnitur, look lîke hev, a 4 onue, 0 1 A "R1oua "Uof wash dress Waph dresse at 98- n thiB beautiful collection otfwomi- en es Wash dresses are figured Iawns and Swîsealo striped linen finished suitings; tke styles embrc:a wide- variety of the most popular modelq daitily trinmed, niany have low nek values. upward to $2.56, ek Round-up prie..................... Dainty white waistse reduced 4 large variety of eharining styles are enibraced in this voIk4î'tion-of fine lawn waists; the fronts are exquisit cly embroidered and turked;r none in the lot have ever been offéred fo' less than $1.25 and $1.50; Round-up prive 1UN The. bave a tovîrd 19 the. triet. The pi,, te 'tr a The congre caler J Cong eunda3 George of hie for tie luation sent hi that tl clude a51.lrat thît Il Madte l7hicag. The lion 10 atianl Engelh He sa) liard p ly Clail cas an the sac lu t "Ian s Io takg of ti, imsel. gnt. of fçewl Io ab( tioa ol là r. lhiugoç that bi the us over t affasire gau c- -E"l aitlte, ('bicia .A i ln tbf nearly 1% Invite mitte4 ten y tie A bersh: built, ships, 1 hav lu th. for Il lie o pîihlit fore1 nomil Ho Tentl lait Hera' man poulet P. Ei "T Th ennui prlm slgol ilvîr pear em.cb 18 lai chat] man the ther DeL thit, that