fRTYVILL IEFS JJOOAL. AND PERMOF#LA4 MFN TION Te ina.we publication intae Indapen- dent, eopr muet ba in the office no laie. ýtita TÉuiaaof .ach week. Adv. iluers, eaeclaiy, are asked to teke pvtlEiar "oll o thI affect. fOR SALE 13V J, ELI TRIGGS Phone 25 Phqno 3 Sfaune mât of auvils WIU be &edam to asr i OXrORD)S One hundftI para of Qi' fords in 7ta..Guon Metlimd Patent Lt*.r. Szes 6 11, 10, while thsy Ilut Our S4»0 Oxfordsnov S$3M0 MIATS Coma i ansd tee Our lifte Cf hai s4 dtra Ouimnsandi bovs. cool undcrwear for hot weatho crin Ua lumd union. Negige ehirta with or wâout collets 7ic t 3 'Ou S350Oxfrdsno 52501 Ka" pm.t. md hirti. Fine Our $3.00 Oxfords now $2- Mmlime fgmg jhmfor«ia J. B. m ORSE & CO. Everythint for fMen LIBERTY VILLE, ILL G reat Wes te ,- F;rn And 2Oth Century Manure Spreader The Oreatest Labor Saver On.' a Farm SEE US ABOUT THEN IF I'S PRZOMSBNU IT'S IR~ j Etemnras l Jevà A bewdirng array. fiiled-Some Silver. Somneini gold-Sonie gold W. I. Kinwaa a Waukegan visitor Ous Schultz la soournlng with fionde lu Adrian, luth. nerralIAcres. ai Atioch, spent mont' dey witb hie mother. Mmre Barry Pester lu vistiug ber parente usair ondout. 9 . Howard now occupies the Joceeir Biat on Mlwaukee av@. (h 1. Lue bas recovered Iro m a rment attack 01 heart trouble. 'Fid Skidmore, of' Ravenswood. aest Omuay wih Daniel fe.. Raph Cola bas moved front Newborry nWenue ta Braînard Court. lira. Louis Prottue and Helen Clark vlalted Waukegsn, Tueeday. lMn. aud lirm. Herman lAbultz visited relatives at Fairfield Sunday. C. R.,Duiebrry, of Wchita, Kas., la tb. guest ofi Ubertyvîlle relative@- Frank Johnson bas moved from Orcliard Street tu Braluard C'ourt. .Heny lesson, of La C'rosse, Wie., la vlaltiug bhi e broer.JonG'ao .- Èev. J. P.Davls *and famuly, ni Peotone ara vistlng inondes ad relatives lu tbe City. Mn». Henry Perny, of Nloweu!e, le visitîug lber parents, Mir. sud Mn,,.. E Les"ter. Mn.. S. P. Erililcur and <aughten, Mldred, visjted relatives at Erauston Sunday. Miss Graco Barnley, of Nortil Carolitna vas the guest ot Misriaude Butterileld Suanday, Mr@. Wascow has returnsd tu Chicago alter being entertained by Mr. aud lire. B. Deinlein. isa .Orace Croker bus returned frcm a tva weeks vacation wibb inde in WWsonsin. Isal Julia ftaatke, of Chicago, le belug raYallY entertained by bor frieud, Mie@s .Mary Miloy. J.E. Meredith now occapestbe Burke bouas oniJook avenue, roeutly vacated by W. M. Hull. Mrns. Belle Henderson, of <kfUlora CltY. fa vlsiting ber parente, Mn. and Mire. John Gleason. Mn. and lMtr. Chas. Kaiser attended tbo liuerai of L. B. Scbarringhouaeu, at Don Plainas Tuesday. lilas Bertha Jocbboim bas returned !rou Chîcago, wbore th. vas the guest of Irionde for a vaek. Bd Blebqp and lamlly bave returned rot linton.-, lad», vitere they vislted ".ltivea tbo past tan day.. This evening. atthebo [rle Theatre, Ijucle Tom', Cabin will b. presented. Et la wortb your wbitum ee it. c Arthur McLbughlin, of Mlwaukee, vas the guest 0aIMrlinud lira. Loi Flagg for several days lutI vsek. Um Nellie Griwold otertained a number ai ber fiends at thb omre of ber Parente@eett 0i tb. City Saturday even- lag. The yontba oi Bondant are la the throes 0f a wbooPing Cough epîdemie. Tboy are wbooping fnom C Sharp ta B Plat. UMl. Crassr bas gone ta Evanoton viur9elsle vilI vioft relatives for ires veeku. Sheilîl returu lu timetoattend the fair. lira. MOinl sund daugbter. Mrs. HI. I. Dol -e, and tino sons, of Sprnlield, Kase, are vlaitiug at the home of I. R. Gaborue. J. E. Meredth bas cornploted the ardu us, yet preasant task 0f tranaplautlng tino shousaad carnations l in aiM greenhause. Miss Florence Evilsisor bas retuned irom ber vacation, sud bas reaumod be« duties lu tiisoffice as atenographer sud *bookkoepor. Th Tboim ofaiHoward Uman sd 1 . P. WMaeer bave returued fram Fox Lake, bavlng proeured lien peirnensoa lotus loweus. Bi~ombee, L4ÇW1t.Chu. .WatdChaise,$Sdr Pins. CiLiai, LâdÏts Cobs, MaiPis.' And so on and so on. lei ealiy impoasble to imagine a Jewelry rieed tha t dil #tore cannot supply., Remember otirrepair deprtient. THE JE'RLER l l loanaiébat the diàpla.y of amal grab iai lthe opai_fair w i Ib. large, and any l contetafor bhue ribbon bave been uon . Tueeday tiiDoin Meuacturlng Com- pany of Wauksgani. delivered severa, mediclmiecosior tbe nein drug llrrn of Docker 'aad Bond, Quita a number of stalla for live stock bave beem Sakan by breodors, sud tbeir ezbibi~ t t is limne wilL b. langar sud btter a ite ci oring fair. Fredierick 0. DLang, the Progressive Ropubîcmane, fur CoDgreseman of tue Tent Ditffl, nas liera Tueaday, looklng afi.r i*#political feuces. The tbresblng angine inhistle doean't iurnilah auj ih lgs a ninl-but its mort.lng* tourt telle the world that ipo- .bod e,'orgooe uagry iu Illinois. Viese Davis. ae Genoa, and 1ev. W. B glugitter, o! Barea, 0h10, vers enter- taiaad hl lire.-M. A. Protine Suaday. Mlia Davis la lira Protine'a istor. Mgonday John Mturray shipped several bond aihouse-rate sud work-asvorai bsad of cattie, sud test but apt leat, tb. "I.rnlly dog," to Wagner, Oiklaboma The poultry exibit ut the fair promIes ta bu "the ever," as breoilens af tborouglàbred î,oultry 'bave already .ecured place@ <n thiie departe mont. Tuesdaymornu.ig, et 1in 8Tl'our te llgbtaiug liambed, the abuder raltled and nain feilIlu torrents, mccl, tu the bappinsos of the farmer as well sm tbe ci ty folk. The lgpwoit Lsguv laled a moQplight beach Picnic t aI 1kQ lufhIsot Frlday ee'ening. Auout tweuty-tlve inere pro- q sent. Refreshebnno<wene aerved whicbà vous enjoyed by ell. If you nave neyer seen LJucle Tom', Cabln drsrnatlxed. do not l"1 to attend the Lyrit Theatre this evenlng. The pctures ar e l~ike, reilstit, and you wili nQt b. dlasPpointed. C B. a. 11k, the veteran poultry lancier Mat Tueaday for s six inek's tour tbrougb Ulinols, Iowa, lulun., 8&ntb Dakota, Miel., and Mo., in the intereet of Amrkms Pouti Journal. The Epinortit Loqgue of the M. E. Cburch yull, as s muie, attend the Annual Convection oi the Chicago Nortbern Ditrict Leaguo at Berry Nlemrual Cbarch gaturday, Aug. 27. A smart'irisbmau vas lesulngagalnat a post inhon à funeral proceealou pseao Who'@ desd someano asked. 1 don't kuow answered the lnlsbman, but 1 preoumne it's the gentleman lu the colMm. Misa Lulu Murray, voil known bore, vas marrled tu Clarence E. Watson, Mf. Ù. et Detroit, luth.. Tbursday of tant veek. The bride la li4e daugbter of lMre. Elia Murray, inho, ai one lime esidod bore. The entertalnmetat the Lyrie Theatre commences St (S o'clock this eveuicg. Uncle Tom'. C&bin tu imovlog pictures ie the principal festure, beeidps the .llustrated songe and selal music.1 Attend, c 1 Cari Eriksen, of Cicago, was enter tained by.W. C. Trig, Sunday. Mr- Erlaken was lu the employ of Mr. Trlgge for about tino years, and bie visit bere was oue of remembrahm ea well as that of pleasure. Mr. sud lire. U. T. Howell went to Rôctefeller 8unday on a pleasure tnp, and wheu tbey were about to board the car for home, they unsxpectedly met an oncle fromi New Orleans, La., wtb whorn tbey a pleasant visit. 2'here will be Oive garnee of boaehal duning the fair as follows: One Wednes- day, tino ThuMsay and two Fnlday. These will be epiritei amusements, s etrong teame bave algnihted their Inten- tion to play at that tiras. While there have boee varions reports that the dread dises». among cattle, anthrax, bas batberedfitriners for sonne tîrne, It bas not been "Ialsd that it la as bad as lâter reporta show ILt It la laid that near B&Moigton tbere bave been bundreds of case suans n man la reported to bave lot% twenty-ftve cattle. Reeinher tbe Fair Dqum e t tbe Town EHall Tbureday sud rliday nlgbte Sept. 8 aud 9, given by the Citzen@ Bud. ce.d&ti c~,onvenîsnt manne #o'-bandllng i knds of méney malt. ýOur businesse la té-e.lqurl u tivns t Judlciousy pd profi. ly ave, bano allaI hest Iheir money. You wHIll Sud our wfaclliles and servie et thé boit. SWe invite new businue- Ounk of Llbotyville Ope a Staiay Nigi. At The Fain. [ast year anxioua inoda vers search. lng for un.esuotbor's camps, St the fair grounds, rnîeing m ansuather ail woek bocauso tbey bsd uot plsuned a meeting place, and did nat know vho,ç la look. A eglter of ail those campiug oun te grounde le kept by tb. snprigtendsut ai public saaity, inho vili glve Information as to location of campe, etc. lutondinit camperas hould brlng a atIl place of csrdboard, or a llgbt pi"çeof wood-tas shingle will do-aon vbicb ,ta prînt lu largo letton. their namo and addneou, for the iront of the tant. la a couvenlent pluw under thle iasten a cbeap note book and a @mail stub oi a pentU fqr meaagea-a sMali, lnconapetus penciu la important, as it o01er. no temptation W0 thioves or pilferers. l'resbyterian Chunch Services. Preachlug at 10:30 a. m. by tb. pastan, 1Bey. J. Van de Erve. Subject, "The Mdiracles aiChrite." Preachlg i 7:80 p. mn. by the pastor. OubOeci, 'The Glory of lb. Commouplace." 1 1 1. ý 1 m 1 r&e Allce Tuppir bai@ were unltedi i éb. holy bonds of matrimon!y by Rêr. Van de Rrve. Mr.insd Mr@. Nlcbolas are well knowi bore and their irlande and acqualutaàce extond congratula- tions, wiablag themashappy sud pro.. perousf.. The tlpba Club beld one of ite [amons beach parti-@eat Lake Bluff Mondr evenidg. A goodly number insus proess The mena was dirent froin format repasta, lit bing w,>lwurat and roset log lare. wbleb was enjoyed amideSl mur iOriginal jest., especia41y teI&. a grediente of lte former edible. Tino autod, owned by Ciago partia endea tltelr eartitly career Bâards evenlng usai Bail Day, suof ilte ml portion 0f theparti be"gseverily hake5a np, inhile tbe erales ecaped iithouÏt an lnjuq. The macbines inere ruant ng et a repld! rate, and trlod ta pas@ on the, lame track, wbich tenmlnated in a bead end collision, vesulting as etated. owlpg tu the continuei forest ires ln tbe farl voit, Station Agent Mieredith bas recelved tbe followlng from Cicago. Milinauksessud Bt. Paul R. R. officlalrn "On account of foreit Ores In tbe Bitte r Boat Mouutaln train service' bas boaa discontinued woal of lUtasoula. Dim.eo. tinue daollng tickets to pointe q e . M. & 8. P. a. R., West of lllssoula, outil furtbor notice." Secretary Morse llu nreceipt of many let ters from ownors of tat borses In tbla and othar states, wantlng to know fUi particularis as, to tbe races. etc. Jay la kept buey ana wering ltteré, rftelviug entrieâ, lu tact bis mai bas ineased sucb an extent that ho bas appQtqted a drpsety tp ewist hw- T law lûltf a suc eseful fuir w& :ever botter and If inenther ~ ite, iiîlli e a "hem- diuger" of a succeso lu attendance, display, ete. Tlieodore Auoki, wlio inas taken ta Waukegau about three wpeks ugo. on comPlaint of big inife, and wna flood $100 for that offense, aud senved tlud lu the countY 1511, inas releasedlesat Thnnsday inhen ho returuod borne, renewed bis attack ounbis@inile, wua arreoted. by Deputy Shèinil Limbe.rry Tuesday sud returued ta Walbegan for another boariag. before Justice Welcb Wnho upon beanng erîdonce, tbo Justice wuas atiefied in bla opinion ta diarnlae the cma, but upon a reptltidu the lain la cases of tbis kind, would b. atrtctly Onforced lu evory particular. The North Sbore Electic Company ls bautly engaged tau stalling theTunnalan etreet lgbting systam tbrougb tbe residence portion ai the lty, sud il la claimed tbat Its brilllancy le far superior tu tbe one used for noum. time sud wi meet with tbe approval of tbe council as Weil as Ibose wbo ao eloctnlclty for llurnlnatlug purposes. Aloo tbe serles of arc lgbta inill be extended the entire lengtl. of Milwyaukee avenue by Sept, lot thun making LIbertyvîlle more motro. poiltan tbsu ever. There are otlier lm- provemeuts lu store lu the use ai electri City, wbiic)à iill mature later on, as tbe Company mean .ta gîvo ns oue of thie best electrical camonts on the nortb C AmOffe Capital - Surplus and Psofits 856,000.00 80,000.00- Stockholder's U.abIllty 50, 000.(-0 Total *180,O0O.OO 510 R!DUCTON IN MILL ff,,RY TffmMMDtATS AT MA l icIRVALUE Sus OurIe t às " 1h5Wau W" d . om PÀR< mANA CQRSETs MRS. M. A. PROTtNI TH13 MIctNRm W. elosd onlaboat gRaS o4 MouFancy Bock. samPise Md suaitlots of dos Mpattu4% Wilson 8BrOQ&od, the kW m unan arioJ irom 20 ta l25& Tbey orn00M m*tan, 'aatoq* sud graY groands. vitit faso 4ýés.ri-gd, ate4m. Mud o.ther figure. Yaur chah, oi the trhitop b"sMEnt. Hlave yoa smunthat fnu Embroldary ihat vo bave aa" ME. SOXFORDS ~AT.TO. CLOSt AT.BIG REDUCTIUN a 3' <k p... Na auder sAlit 4 iealÇ Glsls.s le 7e hind. à" Sc Drsetç. aiqhoetc1 1 z 4 MW -1d, Lawuue,' dis12c kMode rnow Sc f Ail 45 OC ii w 35c Ladies'Veste, the 25ckid, now 1 7c LaP 'Veste, dis 1 5c kind, mw 1Oc !adue' Urni"s Suite, dms 50c khmd, aow 35C Ladie'$3.00 Oamui .0O ordde.Sw $OOW 2 .ChUêmsaes9sfoo Samdo*le,60c Cill*es'Q)uorde op te 8.2 ow .75c 'Mes'. éitMggnw W dm 50iSc kini, 3MM Mem'u end Sogs Caps% M Z5 n2.oRUGSAL FOR.9O~ COINTI4UIED UNTIL AUG. 27T1rf GEwýnzm l A T IC KET IF - The business operatlo nt ot theirlInstitu- tion embrace everything properiy liaithe Uine of bankfng and Witli ample caffital , and experiencec management, the Lake- Couaty.r National Bank muet commend Itself th al Who have need of the services of a bank.