ML .aF P. TrrFIHLD. LIpIDrAT STAr, TUT*matouA. à PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTOINET Ae làW. Dit.c P, GAUOVAY, 1t710 D rUELOVULL'SDueS»Son». Býtuu-4raB 1 to 8 a Md te a P. ma A. K.STMMN 218 Washington Street Wookegan 'Phone 2761 DL GOLDING DESTIST Heure 8 to 12 s...-1 ta 5 p... J. Eli Trgg Building vwith Dr -J. L.Tswylor-Phose 19 R".. Phono1092 Uibertrlle.. Jin01. DL 9.I ýSMITH.L DENTIST. 'aL&KO. CO[1'<IY NATIOiNAL SAXI. or z&_8 tc 12 a. n. sud 1 te 5 p. a. DAILY. DR .L TAYLOR. - PiCE 0OVER J. FEU. tIL<'M Iffl .et'-7 ta 10£a. mn 2 to 4 sud 6 te 1).m. 4 le'u. iBroadwa »Y'oppoulte Park MARTIN C. DECKER <pp. i8tnSt. Fctric Station trPhone 7534 Pi.@. Phone 116011 1ý,.tTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS W. Il STUDER SUR\'EYOR sutdivldlig, tarin W>-rit aud Drainage LIBERITYVILLE. I LL :BOSE 1024. DR. r-DW. V. SMITHI GieendPac e H, Jeo to 12. 2t04 and 7to 0 office avec Lynch lira«..£tore SPECIAL ATTENTION ~~ CdV1N TO DISEASES 0F "- bil TIÏuE EV LBRTY VILLE. ILUNOIS Hlenry Sine's'SaIe aNM à7l4 ELIBHA AV£., ZION CITY. ILLU Reoidee 2MU KUSaAve. Ali ,ç,udS>01Hores. Harure.. wagons andiBut- cýin for Sale r ixeb&neet Ilm Timies AUCT1ONU»~NO FOR PUBUC SALES F. BMIRSTOW 1MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite "'Cefmtoir y Work of Ever> Description Correspotldeflce 301it 126 Genlesee St Waukegan Wm. LAYCOCK Co. opeitIL 5.Puli rtght..t il Libertyville, Ilinowâ machine Shop RUMIR Wow Engins Overlîauted. 'A Ful Line of Sttudrie. Tires El. paived. Wheu iu Trouble 661 or,1262- Paie. of wounau, he" pain., oz S ujtpoppediu20 minute. env, it .i'?SO0e ikPain TableS..ou fll *tiUl5n2fcb MW SlIh '<OU WILL FINO Thebs aeensd latf.t drink. at our Sud& Vloulswbfa i onwiIi eth " d -pur-. 1 il.-u.mA..La cronA Irui YOU WILI. FIND A new and u>t4adte lin. of Souvenir Goode sud Postal Carde. YOU WILL. F114 Yaur favorite kind of candy. 'AJunality" is aur motta. Tihe Quslit.v lin of candY our leader. YOU WILL. FIND Al the. latest magazine.sud many of the. isîpular copyrlgàt book@. YOU WIU.. FIND An ezeellent lineofa Toilet Goode, Per. futm ansd Face Coaus efor the. gummer chapeamuvrli s the. summer girl*.. AT GRAYSLAJCE PHARMACY YOU WILL FINO Headquartere fur spanîdinge Sportinfi Goodi. YOU WILL. FIND The. Brington Laiundry Ageucy. Ail work gusracteed. '<OU WILL FIND O)ur telepholte number il. wh.r. jon can cati up sud order tbf beut lm. Cus Manufaetured, a. weill apr le aud have arue deliverd at jour haine. wholealere and retllr. '<OU WILL FIND ()n the. rt Mondav lu mcii noutil at Girayoekestr.ore . Patter, eyel[eevlilt sud'aptician; twelle Yearb lu àMs.ouiv Temple. Dant forgt rt t ndaqy tu eacu ,autlj. '<OU WILL FINO. 0111e. of LAKCF. COITXDINIMEÏNIENT viiere yau man paupyalir suboiefptiofl. lesveyocur job work and adv.otioing a. well ase uewe. '<OU WILL FIND Coîmî,njutatiail ticket* u bath railrtiado. '<OU WILtL FINO Ageucy for Kimbal Piano Coa. Foîr gaie ar ent. 1 YOU WILL FINO Pure drugs, a equare deai andt Ourteaug» trJstmet'at aur *tore@. DRME DIRJG CO. Grstsake, Rockefeller. Round Lake M. HENDENRCM . Ph H. A. WATSN. , tP§h M.Y. C£EVflAND, R. A. FAMILY CARtS This information May Be of Velue In M.ny a Mother in Libertyville. wheu there tes, dded to thle nanY tares Inseparable frain .he mring af cîldren that affliction a1 weskne»ROaf the. kidneys and açxiliary orgne. the. motiiore lot in far froua a happy ane. This condition van Le quitkiy changëd sud ah.oiuteiy inreti by tbe ue, of I>ogiu'a Kldney Pille. Wiien tht. Il kuown tihe mather'. hurden will b. lialitrand her home happler. ' 8e J . Fareeter, 915 Wauhiugton Ave., Waukeuiau. Ili., eayu: 111amn giad ta eay thaS 1 have ued Dams'.Kidney l'î1ls u in y faiiy apd have fouud iii.. wortbyoaiendoremnent. I fel confident that th.y wili prove oi Lenefit ta anYan> aufferlng fram idn duy trouble. Ndy gan had di»ordered kidney. for four or lir. yearg aud caomplsined a great de1aI ofa laine and weak bgck. Tii. ktdn.y èeeretiaug wer. sica unnatural sud lnflaaumation of the bladder exl.ted. m e tried almnoet every reui.dY w. knew ofand sud copeited doctors, but ta nu aval.A few w..ko agi> we pracured Dasu'. Kiduit> Pille âa ti inte taking Uic. aoursoa'. conditictn lise improlved lu every wa- For gale Ly ail deaier. Price 50 cents Fostertiihur5~Ca.. Buffrta. New 'tork, gale 0agents for te United States. Reutenber the ntîi.-taW*'..emd taire Do ather.. Candidate for COUNTY CLr:Cx Primsnio~Vhundy. SqL l 11 RAYS-LAKE DEPAW'&M ENT Il. J. ot'Ct MWuPl e..ê11~ Ordere Taken for Job WOrk Advertlslng Ratai On Application lire. atout Bliud"y luChicago. 14r. adlire. M. 8. Atwli are &pendt lut a he dsylunChlcago. Thifiaylake Atetcudefsted tiie Fox Liktte Sea Thutrdayita the reunion ttM artel WCleveland t. gpendlng the week wth Mise. Sule tIck et Chcago. Editor Srat gpet Snnday sud Mon- der lu Chicago. UmseVary Rok hme sccpted a pooi- tilal th.eHlghisud Park achoal. Mmt. Zeta Ms... sud ber mother, of Chicaga, are gp.ndtiug the week st Camp Sungei. Shorty Scblarg.r sud farully lht Tuesdy for Okahoma, Tii.,>: are1 niaking the trip Ly wagoe. 1; Prof. M<eiland.returned the firat ai tihe wesk irom Springfield- where lhe bu @peut the paitmonth. bli. Ruth Riley was in tow14 lut Wedno.dsy. -mit.. Riley wili tesci aS tte Blufftht. year. There wil l e a Labor Day dance aSt the opera hous.elionday eveuiig, Sept. 5. Tii. well at the couideunlg factory t. raply sud with @ver aigu of soo4 getthug water lu abundance.. 1 Tii. Hoeheusdle vanning iactory opened thie we.k sud wlll prabably u &bout wix weekp. Frank sud George Beai Wito have spent gonutinie vielting relatives bore ret-ntiy, returned ta thir. homie. thL tiret ai the week. Edgar Seeshoitz, ai Witvîata Whto ha. heen .p.uding the pa*'~ weekg wlth relatives bere left for is haine Tneedsy nioruing. Steve Pilipe, Who has een living lu tii, viclnity the pat yesr ict for is homie lu Euglsud, Mondai. Steve bau miade msny friends durlig hise.tay hec. w ho regret ta .me lm hlave. Tii. aid hoidiers' Amocition wt.h ta thank thon Whoa uo kldly donated towsrd the 32nd annual eunuon beld hec. Aug. 24 and 25 and regret that the weather was go poor. B. A. Rynolds oI tht. vty vas electel preedent for tii. enuiung year. The. rsysake,pharuay l. glvlng awayea aueon a&one pouud hox ,i fine choclat.. wlth every l0v purebse. nt their goda fount*in. Candy ta Le giveir to, holding the. luvky nuniber Satrday tveiug. Editar Straît fi entertaIng ISi i tht. week. Work on the Wlieelack In progreeging rapidly. lireWin. çillt.waes achiîlagtiviiter Tusda. Mrs. liecCle isluenterlsiniug ber notherra. eegncIl Dluaois.. Clifford MIbek Md bMii.Belle Allen upent Sunday ai bristol, Wln.. ]diseLout.. BRuOne, ai Chicago, la vleting friende lu tisl viciiy. Wm.- Edwirdsoh Waukegau, tran- gated buelue.. ber. Tuesday. MIr. Ho.nudale was here Tiî looklug sitor hie ltereet Lere. itodney Parker suad wiîe, oI Chcago vlslted relatives bheu over the, reunlan. ina mcore aorS . The Athietie. xviii psy Chlcago Heiglite at (irayelSile ne t Sunday. cro Ails ausont lamS week viii a MoW MatpMg which h. rec.atly aauufctued. I..e Svag. bua cept.d the positon ,reently'ru.hgued by Eluier Bare a tbh Carfletar.. M48s Key@, af W.ukeguîu. in âpending aIw day. viii lMr. niid mc,. Henry Kueker sudiamilî. Ml.. Lucile Webb returni.d t lie r haine Sunday siter s tiire. w-e tituthle B. J. Latue.haine. Tii. ryycake Cul,' deieated thte 1I R leuud Laits, hunday. id-ire. John Wiikc retîrned this w.k fromt a twa weeks trip lunDakota, Coloradoansd othar weeuerîî setate.. Tii. Graysaaie Atltic-4 iii play at the Pair tunt w..k Wedueeday. BW sure yan attend that day anti roatý for the home teani. lire. tMorton Date aud daughter lilldud,- bava eturued fIcania thre weeks trip tbcouglh nîrtiieru aud îeural Michigai. LTbf now *&litu at the echaul bousie are about complsted sud the grounds are I Wng 8Usd jlasud véWer, inuclfv. 0Sehool commenceesept. 12. Thi i et uWde gmmec 10ko hba hoast Camai IVeê Bturday evuing. About a dosu nbaistie de'ocated wîth .Iapnomeg etrna witLî'olared llghts flosted &bout thes lake sud made s very pretti @bowlng,. I LOUIS J. YEOMANI e lie IUro.Ahgiela t.vlgting relatives la Iudiana. Bl. J. Wright was a Waukegan vigior Tuesday. Mv.e. Taylor, oi Waukegan, vlisiei relative. heu slofw day. h. e.ek. A parti ifroinGage. Cainsi..asd vicinity vlited Grau. Laeduinthte tii. week. I Twa oI Mus. Allen-@.eovttager e needaifor Sheir hme)unthi.e ly. 2 bli..Bernice Alen Éha. receivel rd whec. ch Io Sa teach uext ymcr, 80 oe wll noS leave hec. a.usoon ai$lh. expected. eue Our .vhool patrons are gustlî île- appoluted that ltesStudar ha. besu abSiged to nive up the .chool. The dIrectoare u uxloualy looklug foc eoae@ one capable af i ihng the vacaucY. -The. Snday o..lieputelceaiDruce. jAe, saturday vwonlarely atteulsI and evryono enjored tihe -dai. We aPppuclate the kindu...oaiMr. Pra"i te Igllwlnt us th. uosof ieisbeafutiu graundse. Severi ai aur farinera aue bouding eiiog. Musure. Bookansd Aie. am pniùlug lu iounda" t~n hi -vnCkIiW U&vihorli bai hie ..geted. Barri pleain, oi LIertyvills, won thf eee carpeutertinîue lb, î. inr. Raivi ii hae hielet up the lait ai tht. wnek Tue ho'ataviâ fiin wili ..nd a ua Boit veelc tao reet Iloum bougît f1 hea i Iiloittie, Aie sud Goodîng Bras. our former paital', Bey. Chas. R(nd snd li..Edn& G. Young, of Tituevl.,4 pe,. vers nrred aS the homne aofthe hle, W.dmodsi, Aug. 245b. Th.Y depsrtel at once for GagesLa0ik, Il, sud are peuadlng tbf we.k ai eue of Unr. Alle'. cottages, alter vhhlnbtb.y havre for U"ic, Kaau. l18 le rlcnt.y Mv.BE.edhubai v.charge.. The crflalatlsuamI vus pléasel taveleome h hipy coupi. 50 ou Ilsi. GURPNU Mir, sud tira. Normai Brovu sud oc ueturned Iroin titwest l"aSTowsay. lisînard sud Thoumpsan froa Wsauke- gai, Frlda. &The Royal Nelghborrs ar arrangug for s lance La the. near future. VanNe.. sud Verua Yaung visited friendtiat Eneecil the latter partailit km -.Lila Ughuru, oI Nowport, epnt Baturday witi relative. heue. -... .Tho palitical meeting *wai parly atteuded bern ia7tFerldsjht .ee 11fr. aud Sf rs. Warren Fiaad, afi lert-Y ville, 'viited hie parente lier.s, uuday. Sire. Msggle, Thoma'entertaluel rela- tives fronu Waukegan the tiret of the we.k. Mcr. aud lIr.. Charles Cape sud iamiiy, of baukegan, epent Suuday wlth Dr. and lire. Yaung. Martln Lux, uha bu b=.quit. ili, la "M ta Le ont &wau. Ray Kelly eutertalned capauy froni Chiçago faot week. Vers Slverg, aI Waukefau, epet SUn. day with reative& ber.. lirs. S. Tînlin ha. retnrned tu Chicaga Flores>.. snd Irons PbIIlI$i.bave te. tarmid to their hom anluMlwaukee. & very pleasaut timn. wSgipelit Fr1- day lu Lanor oai Mre. tube Lu'. hlrth- day. P-ogregeive Emno cewas pl"sbd, elter whloh refrubume ta m . erve sud' 1 a departed wlohe hgb. t... màiny moe hlrthdays. Wadriworth Bse. Bell Club wil gIve a danoi riday ,vent.g, &ep&, 2, iu Me. Bride'. Hall. Mr. and lirs. leu. HerteqiMt sud*y ab Big Rollow. Mus. Mîke Wagner viellaI a bw days w1l4 ber brother, AberI,, t Lm*g9ove &Bd purmt lee Cream sud erushed truite. 1 1 . - 1 1 Auciion Sale. 1 wiloil. aSpublic suctian ounithe Hacry Bradley Fac., Bradley Rand, thue mille weet ai Labe Foet, sud 19 mile. eauth of Raudout ou Satnrday, Sept. 3, 19 10, begnulng ut 1. p. m., the Iollowiug artilies: hom. 5 years aId, vS. 1400 Ibo.. broien mare 5.veare aid, wl. 1400 IL., inatched t1,5w5, sud Ilyrs aid, wt. 2400 Ibo.yearling colt, driving vises; colt 6I motis, draft; colt 5 mauthu oid, draft; 2 vawe caming in aonu, 4 gprlng Wefer calve., bcoad eow, 3 @boat@ vt. 1001Ibo. 2 setà ai teamn barnes. uew oe. double diviug harne%,e lngledrivlng harness., 2 teamlng wagon@, 3 Inch tire, nearly u.v; 2 gravel boxe., milir wagon ruhher tlred traprpole 94n4 hait, top buggy, @et ilght batwo, bobtI.ieigh, Me- Cormîcil mover, new; De.iug bay rake. hay rack, ridlng cultivatar, set steel harrowes, mower, 14 Inch wsikiug piow, nev; 27, toue timathY lu barn. 25 tan. alflta sud laver lu Larn, 10 acr,@ aI corn, stock tcsw, 250 bu. o a s, iark. ehovei.. hSo, etc. Terme, ou aIlauna. *vr io au, yearea credt wl Le given ou Laukable -note. eariug 6 per cent intfreot. Mur. Daniel Redulaul. W. H. .pply, auctioneer. p-49.1 Oeo. Quentin cadidate for thelRepeluwk Noacliailea for County Trasurer of Lake County prlngrios Thursday, Sot.mber 15, l 191 Your Vote and' potwilI be Appreclated. . [mi ana ural. El». wmur, 01 Wmu- gaeetondat' wltblMr. sud mu. Mrtin Wager sad famliy. lir. sud lir.. WUIl telumilier sud I Ilsyme Stelumîller, of Chicago, $peut Sunud" with the. latter'. parente. lir. Havroil sud son, Audrow, ai Mil- waukee, ret.urned Suuday atter epeuding a week wltb lMr. sud idre. Baruey Aman sd fainlly. Denibocrae sAtention. ..C. James, 0f Antlocii, Lake Ca., le a candidate for repre.entatlve. Due-i cratic Party, Elgbtb District. He leai the. Jeferean & Brysu type, farty.aevent yeare aid. baru sud raiged lu Lakei couinty. Business,Cundertaker sud Real HEtat. peet lwety year.; menuber of M. W. af A. sud delegate af, saine te St. Paul Desd Camp 1901, PuAt tiagler oamentansd Peat N. Grsndi. 9. 0. F. lodgee, candidate Dentocrstic ticket, tues vauuty for County Judge four vesroi &go. lie causider. tue Parainoont issues thi. year are: The Initiative & Refer- adm. Electlôn of V. tS. henatore Ly1 direct vote of the people, putting Statei emploie.. under cviil service, botterJ proteceoap afthe dairy sud agricultural1 intereet., lmitlng avcandidate'e ex peulc lu ..eklng office, sud maklng him show for what purposeee#peut sud by whom cantrlhuted. more adequate priniary law, reinoving the. iaximumt labiltY ai soulies, corporations sud iettlng a jury of twelve mon deeide the issue. protection of maternai Lii, ineurance Coe@ against Old Liners. deep water wsy ouly under (Liv. eupervision sud a band legue lu thie @tâte onlv ta the amount aI Lenetite derlred. Arbitration of dilllcultie. hetween empîloyer sud erîîpioîee, e,îîplîynt iii onvlet labor in- pule Improt-enient,. bat never lu confliet wlth lree labor, curtailmeut af eMate expenee, ase i. vunty 18 tii unit *ud haie tue expense of eclminale. care aitii. pour sud messe. 1 Lelïeve that Cuuty tOption le the ninet faeible plan for tii. control of the. liquor quetlou na I believe in the. goad aid American principal '.No taxationl vithotit repru- pregautatian.' Na mare .Iack.Pote or. Lrimer Dealsii as ws. epull.d OUf at the, lat législature, whicii wss su everiastlug dl.grace ta the tate of Illino.sud tiihe eocatic partyinl Vote. jet emnuer tie, "Tii. Leglelture .k. i ., "tue county o.l.ce.,ny e.e.ut ,thtierefare l1005 Weiliteta h. meu YOU @end tathe Lexieîture. C-492 RmsoLvEn, Tbat as a tribut. ta hi. memary aur charter Le draped lu rnaurning for a perhad ai tiiirty daye; iba a copy ai titepe resaiutîan. Le gent ta tii, L.uaved fauîiiy, s copy Le @eut ta the loa ansd offciai paper for publication sud a vopy placed an the record@ af the camp. HE. . Aou E.J" UL.,'- 1Coauittee L. E. àamAis.J Notice to, Propeniy Owners. Pubie notice I.eLe reby gliven that lu pureusuce ta thfestatuts lu .uch case made sud provid.d su avard ai tie contract vili Le made ta W. P. Brunt nt le. than ten day. Iroin the '26th day oI Aug. A. 1). 1910, for thefiollowr. iug deerihed lîuproveaent to-wit: A connected esyntem aI g.were wlth flasuhes, msuiioie sud houem vonuseion glaute lu the village of Libertvlle. Lake iConuty Illinois, as foiiaw,: ïrom sud cauu.ctlng witiias ulsuhole, ta Lemut by the village ai Libertyville ont of lunde prorided foc that purpo.. aller than by gpeciai aeses.meut, the venter of sald mauhale helng located at a paint lun arel ofilnIacquired hi .ai, village of Libertyville by deed dited September 22,1905.,-frein John Wool- ridanad Caile Wootidge, lit.vrlle ta Ndi vIlla oaiLibertyvlllp, whlcli point t.i 22.5 fest esstenly irom nî,auuud along the. uorth lin. ai North Avenue 1produved tiiesotheaot corner af Lot 15, BlaCiL 1, Waolidgeo Addition ta Llhertyvvilie, which gaid addition t. plstted sud c.ctrded lu the, Recorde>g Office ai Lake Couuty, Illinois, lu Boak G ai Pias, page 60, irom whlvli point said àewer gal eun westerly 121 feet ta a point lu th.erenter lin. af North Avenue -sud lu tue ioilowing gîreet. avenue, sud courte or prte thereof in the slid village af Liberty ville: North Arenue, Miii Court, tiret Street, Second Street, Sorague Street, Newberry Ave., Bliey Street.- High Street, Milwasukee Avenue, Lake Street aud Brainerd Court, ail lu the, village ai Liberty ville, Lake County, Illinois, se provided for hi ardinsuce Nçk,202 o aki idllag unise.the ownerso aamajoriti aiofi frontage !t the loto or lands abutting po an ad prolJa.ed jmnarovemuentu ai theIr agente. ubali enter jutoa swritten oontraci ivithin ten dayealater the tiret potînt anulpublisblng Lereof ta do maid .vork and malte eald hupravémelat st P» per ceutuni i... titan the. prime at Wc tii.@unie ba ben awarded wiiic ".tlov: $11028.20 Dat.d ut LîLeryvville, Illinois, ti i u5hut tay aifnt '. AD. 11)10. liENuy B. Et;EB. Goasur F. Limca. ienîbers ai Board aI Local Improve. ente ai tlt4evillage of Llhertyvîlle. 111. 48.2 Adjudication Notice. Publiecle ehereby sivea aitii. eSub it kt bt i. 11.,. Crawford pv.aehed hl@ iareweli sermon Sunday. He les,.. far Colorado Tuesday. There will b. preavbing neit 8unday. Grauduis, Effinger, aI Waukegan, le vilting Mir@. E. P. hiver. lir@. G. A. River ie entertainiug a young lady ra.n Miwaukee, R. W. Chitteuden, wife sud grand- daughter speut Snnday with David liurrie sudtMrs. L. SM. Banner. Tiie mauy frinde ai Raderick Aine. wer. ehocked ta bear aI big desth. EHie ageil parent@ Lace thi.e yipathy ai en. tire vomununity. Hi. remain. wili be luntuanut teet uemetery. 1 Medames 0. A., J. L., aud E. P. Siver aud tiie girl. @peut Fridsy ut Lake Bluff. Eliisud' Auna Carlson upeut Sunday st haome. Anus let Nouday for a viit with lir. sud tMr@. Macaougali, of Oma- ha. Ares Defeets North Chicago. Au intereetlig game of base hall ieae played at Ares on tluaday, tii. couipet- lug tesm. Leing tii. North (Chicagoanad Ares nine., the latter belng vietorioug bya score of 6to2. A return game wili Le plaved asNorth Chisgo nuituday. &oeuby inulote: Ares ......0(. 00 00 02 4 x-(; N. Chicagoa.... 0 0 1 0 O 1 0 O 0-2 Batterie, for Ares, iK. Dorhbîr sud C. Darfier; for N. Cliicgo, Linti sud Cumminge4. *Roolutions of Respect. Regoiutionî t-iffreepect adopted t.y Gru.. Canti 4140, 1Modern Woidmen tf Amier*ca. " 'a' '63010i, hie infinite wlsdani lis. seen it ta reinai-. ran> aur mdet, îîur esteemued Sighbiir. Peter L. Beuz, tiierefore Le it.1 RrmoaîvEu), That w. teîii' î.nberg of Guru.. Camp 4140, eien t t the @orr owiug wife sud iamiiy anc deepeet eympathy in their darket haur sud wiiile tiiey moura the los@ lu their home, we mouaru the loge@îof s dear irlend sud Railway Mail, Cler<s Wantea. The Government pas. RaiKvay Mtail Clerks 4800 ho $1200. and other employets U nta $2500 annually. Cuvee Sam wiliiald aprnug exai- thons tbrougbout the. country for RaIl vai Mail Clerila, Custain Roule. Cerbe, Steuogrspbfe,, Depart- mental Clenki and other Govrnmsai Pa- ltions. Tiiousandg ni appointmeute wil b. made4 ADJ mian or womsu aven 18, ln diyor coantryx can pst instruction ud ireshuormatlanbhiwrlting aS one- to the Bureau ai Instruction, 459C Ramn- lu Building, Racheeter. N. Y. Da Jou kuow that it'e easy ta mmr &Olt cOa, (Il 1's Roam coal), witbout the anuojànee ofgsot sud ainoke- lus gio th.elire a v.ry littie air üu top. Do't check the etaove pipe damper t00 cloWel. Una Pyrolite Wasii.d Nut. '<nu van pt h irointii.Hou>, Lumber Ca.- pany. 15 boda clasely, but llgtli,-sud mav.. euough air 8pace lu lie lire bc hum an tue gaies that wonid ntbfrwoee asto 5eau ad sinoke. 16-tf I QU'-*'--o'. El"A M. OVEIt. i Ic.MIL n i oT ý f - L D. IIL 801 SISAL Will beonamiexhibition in the lk .mud ~ ART GALLERY reu TEFAIR PialsspeitSI 114E JEWELER [r va0 Mon; .d lit mun i--) Inr 1.' BD1 whie Baya Prof. YOiEEEn i the, Lakte Fore.t »eh"oi.Un ht te the. Laite Foreeter la rés& % Eurapean trip wbich b. le uddtWiS with Dr. Obîdeter of the ]PIrst N8 hyterian chnrch Ln fille citr:'- Monday w. uaw the Passets plF Ue Ohermmuergau. Ett.awoedgrfl. t9 - Lut weaclng aud sad. EveUtbim.ê* made so ceai. taa real! 0.1 lM 00 tcaglc sîde ai the, Savîour'g itId e Phieitzefi beginulug wlth tino Wb@i4ý h. drove the traders sud the apt.'", tenders out ni the Temple 1 ue saiem. Antano n gwho w.s Sb*th - (Christus ln the play waa perfèc..4e didn't play or act the. part, h., Uved Il- W. al l oved bhte sud suffevel Wtt hlm. Al lie parts were well takeot except tuat af John. Here the. yoffl man was lacklng lu the per.onalty needed ta mai, us really thinkIdmit the Beloveti Disciple. Tii. play lesta train S untîl noan. sud from 2 unti ai. ter 6. The time didn't ce.. long te me but when at the endi I camle lorai ta eacuh again. 1 feit very weary, eye- straineti and heati achey. I was Il ta gel out Itte the normai wotjd agate. 1 wortldn't camne back te cee the play again. I do netot huîk tiie very rosi Chritians ever came toee It g4 ail. i wauld reluru ta cee tii, qua littie village sud the dar. simple mlnded people. They were vecy goal ta me and I chahll ever torgetthema, espciaily dear Antan Lang. 1 was eu- tectalned t i te home ai HeinricIt Lang, a consin of Antan. There were aflly (?)I10 young Langoelutri t ain. liy. They anti f had asfine lime te- gether. Saturday we go on ta Milai then &Pdown through lraly ta Naples. ftram whlch clty we leave for haine Anguat 3last. Wte have hadt s great tinte but te cail of homne is becoiunîg ctrong andi well ne gladt ta e there. Very slncerely. - JOHNE. BAGGETT. FOR SALE-Tlirfe. iir Inquite ai Low ColonitsPFresta Caifornia via The. Chicago. Milwaukee,& St. Paul Railway. Daily irast Augu@t iSth ta September lth, sud froin Otober lot ta Octaber iZth, 1910, laie ane.*ayvolouleta* lare. inl effect taeBMU FraUCeca. LOs Angelee San MI0 anduîsny alLer points lu ,,aiarîa..'b ansd Ngydviop, be Chicago, Milwauîke & dt. Paul Raleai sud canuectlans. For exact tarte, routes sud train àervlce, inquire ai local C. Mt. & St. P. Ry. agenut, or write F. A. M[L,ri, Genersl Paegenger 'Agent, Chicago. 48-3t . 1 11