7 R 0F LAKE OONTY 1111101 nu t uss peuBeseet Ubertyvîlle. 1fil. as second clasmaloter URISCR4PTiON PRCE 0S.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVA NOE $*A#K K. ST ...................... V-.............................Edtor, à. DeA.o ...... ............................................. City it P~RIDAY, 81KPIrEMBtR 210~. FP88 18 HERE. Cougreumman George, dmugd Fous le in town. So la Candidate George P.£ngeflial who hop"e te eueeeed Mr. Fous. d M I'. £nghard ln meeting sui people difineahl* position ciearly and on- tbuiaotlcbiiy. M-e la an educated, intelligent and energetic man, admires the "lnurent in congre»u, don't Ilk. Mr. AIdrlchWm traiff, and belleves .os Cao- 6". le te barne for a lot of thingu which do little credit to thê e publicin parti. Vou like hlm. iHe le se dîferent. Ne speaks hi* mnd determifledlyi. maya utiat ho moins and meurns wht ha soya, whlch la refreshlngiy unusuai Vr cengireasional cahdidates 10 thîs neck ef the woode. Geo»rl*E dmuiud la ar"Mn the while wth thé usuel patronizina, meaning-j toue demeanor and Ifgrieg. He doesn't do or say anything te hie particu- li credit or dîmefedit, just circulates &bout and hedges en pertinent ques. flens. while the poetmouterm traîl along in dignfid admiration of their Jette. 1-*Wis don't know ~hebar. Engeihard haî; a chance on- earth te boat Feue. Semie wlii belt a w1toie lot ho heu, but ene thinq la sure-this whole fusa lu woftu' whiiLm, e*eaIf oulyte animiste Foue lnto soeasert of a campalgn based enenMpthhigbmIdetour t-h-r--eh-u-nd-r-e-d -n-i f-o-r.ty.f.i.v-e t.h.e"--an--d d0-14-o-r herber.mde possible und locatai hers through the Initiative et the IL, .1. 4 IL ralirei uan the American Steel & Wire Company, the naval @ta- tiON, whlch lu a monument se far as Its location ln this county la conoerned to Mr. Graeme Stewart and net Mr. Fous, uni the oew peut-office building, which we hava net Dot, -We niîy now hope te hear from cui cengrosuman on isue& of theiday.I and b. enighteoed as te his reasons for voting and represeting uc s ieh.ha la thé Mou»e. of ail that la ald A" do» 0mby 001 supervisons white u sin "n vilIl oti iiedtill unus(If yeu nownd) vby the> tare no ummanilît ismieeda? Mr. Hondes. 1 truual >on villiitl Iblt111.5. questions îîerlioeat. YOU -are our cennty clark, ati laithal cA- pecity aur îeuvant. There ut tglt ta be ne secrets. Mr. Hendee's caban>' lu$2.300 p en yecr. $7.37 par dc>' (26 vert data) -fmi- wcge-everylbig tuu-nlbeti, liea la vînlor anti un electrie fan In summer. The supeuvisors of Liv- ingaen acounts.Illni-ti iot futr- nisIs me vilb au eloctu-le fan. but th>' tlt furalsh, me vîihail the vOrk 1 rouItde, ellawlng me ont>' 1,800 per >er for ait bebp lin10> office. My salau-y vas $4.80 per da), andi 1 vue ver>' glad te Sel t.L Mn. Hundue's son receives 85.77 par ta>'. If t have matie no rut lete oHon- deea ara pocitelug 813.14 ver>' day. Do the> eca il? Pardon.,nme, ]M. Edilon. 1 have al- reaiy bean toc, exhaustivea. We boy.s o-ho tare lu the snmy vere edmenîs!>- et te hîîshand aur aminnthoin, ce 1 close. Reapeetfuilly, ALIN NWAIT. COACIIING IN Y!LLO WSTONE PARK Maxt Iohusu Cotinuez Mis Inlereet- ing Acceunt of Hic Recent. Tribp Through Nature's Wondertand. VI) tlafort>' tears agu VeýllutîtoUe l'au-kvas îravtiealiy an undiaevered I ronnîtr>. SÙe-btales ut etnangs sigbte ai oondene. as anu ccau&ianal trýpper e*liei tba13-k it Baipleseaut'anca InUteutng as possible fou- yon; If yen vOnft to vean your Cid ciothue, a coloreti shirt, a short ,kiru-dt a 25e atav bat, (Dot made'la France), il yen "am to au fe fougel etlquetu ai te 000» u t »)u Ieabs in shirt miceves or a siceP lu asubetantlal leuit, rare mou-e ton a tood uprni atusaIroes andt penîg ot geet biankotsta te 1s tyle 0or>our budtast; if gn rallier have piunts of * i*,fW *h@1 Ioaketifoodt, ervet n he- SeIP:eomnif anti paus to yonur nigtbon vaY than a lengti.. couufuugenu; lipieat. concluons -illoge girls anti ucholmanta ar au a ucptal4e 10 >VOU ai waltreua ns hatgty Jeans andi Aiphbons, hoge u.ries o-i te gaugedth 1e aire tif yuur lips; if a& nîgît yenlite ta cîl arounti a rucrng camp lire, -siug songe, teli l mou-c un fiston tu theîn, valu-l the bots pop busbils oftc-rnu ad beil> at il, ii .tOU vent lu leeis lite a luug anud tek. up la the u-isp. fnuî.î- rititg cith a clean beti,secirer omye aiîlî a rarenaus appetite; it la ehou-î yuuu oan: to> bar@ ttie e 'peuien.-e of a fletù11eui-Uu lui 1h. Wyle W41Vi la My go*t ittec i vel li von ablit tie 1500 Mile trip tu ths Park. SMAc KtHNErit. Thisîlo Notice. Notlle. la bcehy glu-en tauilghvay eonimilssionersa!fîle tow-nship ot LiI- ertyville te cloeuup Ibm irsîitite, ibways, rablireeb,, fau-ne anti luteu Canada thielIca befara thoy go t-uet a. 1 shaitsec tbat Ibis lit le fullu- uhuuuved All- comuislnta -should Il seut direct ta the tuusîniineu-. giviîg tdescripion of propantjy, anti vbera locateil. Dcr.aî ltuioe.ao-s-, Thîstie Commîsioner uftlb. Twa o! Libertyville. 111. --31-t Prosb\terian Church Services. Suzida.', Sept. 14, irning eulj..t, «TIche èunrecliou Me.*le7 ieniiug sahject, "Mot@ 01 th ilîeIllînt.* Preau-ilig et 10:86 n. ni. bythyie paston. Il*v. J. Van de Eu-v,. Sulject. ,-The Miraicles of Clîirt" Prearlîlnx et 7:30 vp. Il. b>'thie har. SUtlijet' "Thue tlUIn2 o! the L'auiaonpltwe." Ieth:1e ununcîll'fine tenture filiat tue Lvrk-'Iscnearait llonduy igt- 'Rani'I Liftun lie Ureat Sou tivust."' B666Baaéaaaaa**éa*********~***a I - - ------------ - ur~ww ~w - ~. -. i O O WAT AK S liTI euse or tiis sud. - bso cun laitrougli: baektittivi itiactioii were offices. n6t lise office aeinet. le one a bo! ve rieiagnto n IR!PY TO I1!NDIEIE e reasons 1 trille these articles. f1i ll.u4eJ Falry taielulate ate alxtiel exilained linîîîy [cter or 1the ifthinjs:, thesue rtiîor8 kept coming trîllievér Watixirejan. Ili.. Aîîg 27. îf LAV. iwrainc rsqunct- T ,etluî EDITOR DAILY S~-Mr. lieiîdee In bis leter of th 1.:! btumnut then u Ilil cetlpate 1 ask yur kin indulence a iin lst. asks nm e lble fir, il repuea)le I sit ourkîti ndugece uai nistiîlotes ie antilits letter is ain-. ut Nlontau3 citizen@ andinlu1lS7t0a larger th1, MaI y 83rehly tîoMr. Hendees let. leading aud lie wrongs Ile anma il hee i aiiliur rcr .lnWu u 1er ofie îht met.otter iax payera of 1h lu codaI'y..te the t,, exlore :liie terra iac:îinita. Not HaiM.Hnee treateti ie fairly (î-tent stateti aboie, .l oaiIe i I. uliejlt ce lesalis meîae 0trea: hlm Ibhis repro , Mr. He:îdee sas (linhie letter of th, -- wflti bave been unneceauary, I Ihiuiti. 131! iast.t that -'lau a maen for whom ified, btaI auonue reit bld cten been Hie letter lu nîileading l in nipr.Y lie s alwfays hati a great of respect tuiii. Qii the >te-ugtli oft Iliir report1 respecte anîd lie iisuîotes m1e trice- andtht 1 %ni ehentlîledte :0the respe-cthlb. goterameot cru: out a ecientîllu 2uiseadlug, whon lie saule me10elie « et-ery'.-oan athe countyav: u i On1$ % ic uruome fair ndaif the lacrease of al' aeses-- Thanks. Mr. Hendee. Olelii u17 l orbrît aient la Dt the cause of the differenîee Il S not my purpose to troue y,,î the eisr diecorW @ andi eulerroi un In îay tax now and tell years ago. or enY other Pia. andtut1 mII y a!- tIrai. la 1,%72 îLi,- region wtasulaau »lusîa t oolis!>question for aàaman ,avs menitthIe repect now enter- atnl akb d tCnrs u1 ko celi wbo lbes been countY cdent for leltîrd for ipe b'.-ail. Iaver lisve: u or le dt y rt ofCueono" s jIl yecrg andicoutit>' Ireaserer four beeu- ne lctof àa poicy fellow. howevor yeae? -%Ir. Ferry lînewe better than anti caniiol longer sit silîl anti eten>' secrtarY Ot the luterjur. Il. cupeha- that. Mr. Hendee mnows. aay achool year dig down deeper ta pay mY In-- tendeots ti;' itIS6 wtre civiliana. moit boy Inowu. Ihat the legitlmate ex- censeesl tax. of wi>um v:-niuerd a prblit otuice. lense of our couiffty le more than teal Here fle the meal lin 11eheecautle yearli cge. The school boy knew.-il Illu quote lin, Honde.. Here is etablisbed ouaî as a remard for a, that If the cesesmeot of my Pr*Pert' wahle sun: I1partisan pul.tiiau, anti visatriedti u andi that oft he ceunty over tas the IAn electioneenipg dotize ant ishI mak.- the P:,,k tbir cnd their tietde aame as ton years cga, la ortier te Irade In sîeek.) ecnllnwî.Teaadlgts raisle the. ameun of tac neceten X.M.Ma it, la Ilis 1:reasenable e 1 ba tha hallv ani fotyTh cnaatl ot se aven et ten yearsacge1the rate pr per', bhabd nYr adIl. îeat a and ovselu ltse cent would ot neceaulîn havete b eappsere1one lu thbas hue 0f aite a ! - waie.ani vcevera.c au perrrm--Ihe duties Involvd- lu Il commander ofltelb. VS. modiersin lathe Anothen mlleadjag statement (for reasoncî:îe t ups n ihu at h .8 op fEîg» efectl: Mben liegacys conaier the n epr tnea upposeuie ttou e- k Tc1 o-eu nie tate luistitutiong, aeyums for the Ili- ii- an, opretncetather cagieosre- t'ivîcharge ut the ud building mnd cane, feeble nslndu-, dý. d:-u:leo! f v-us i ai]t -'.ry vny i' cthe - bt. olie '.îdru lu Ibio rngged end anti damb. etc. etc. clerl'a office for ad vice andi Informa- aiment uns,eaible t-outry cretn;ir Does .hoethînli for a moment that to?"b ,ttnil n wt te id( -the votere of Lakte couhtiare fools g d aIon, broatile! I . otuîautialmosndus:hthe alle,! anti that Ilie> do out kuow that tee Y goa at 11e<hle daî InIkli.cnotdteuroa pcy a stete tax Ihat Iakee cre of ail %"%ai toulti hecome of tistIcun n adr I .1ilinshvebe efth11e above aiti ther &ealiiu- were the aule portion of the Hendee 01 n n-atmlln aebs temllY te die toniglt vit!> choera ia- experidet fur tsat purpue; bgt .otrari "AdrWin ne tbgrcl or fauam' Wbt becanie of our ni- ta lie nanugovernniaatapproiratlcna. tras: 'PThe Heatieee are deeperate. t ion vhen Ibal great ad gend mca, fui, vaile>.ha@ basa reeeive othIe en Why? Li~~~~~~nolnl. tee assasinati' Who luia t uDy a.lme ot onbe Than lie mIaquotea me. Hoegays Itthat eald (afler Garfield wva kîti> i lied)iotUhalElO5t1> 1 saubi the population o i .vlagstom the nation, ournna but the gavera- o bstacles lad ho le and ver ouecorne .Outy Iliol. vs oule Illement et Washingtona stil 1in lGholden Gale Canyon, Corkucrew couaty. lva H'Bail vt> sMi llt. Waeburn iend Tower Vu-soi He kuovu I sali no aueb Ihhu (ail thea Prealdant MeKInly vas ubot for ffet>. honha enîneau~ totux Diti net lb. wheeiu of our Clitt Roiidu. Pour troonu ofceavairy are My 'Lakte countyl'5 Population bas eeuaty gosenna.ee r state. the na- stcl.iouiedt i tleront poate in the Park. neart teubeti vble vinlonlia lion anti of commerce continue te rToen t uigtiean uetaotvna aot jneresati 10 peu- cent. eiotly' visen their only eounatlng liaiteli He duoge Mr. Hendue kaow' Tlîe Mu. Hendeo. permit me te bay that' rturnesaraefltcai lauyet. 4(Agaîn thon 1 o-a elecleti laun>' cerk 1 teoir 1ltheu1tide vurldi;th ie leter carrier, .for affect). I now venture t0 se>' if as ni> chie! tieputy an olti conrade. i vise once euery tour te six waes .ot, taxes Iacrease la Ihe next Iruas aundt a boy 17 years aid, net ni>'son unaageut deiver tiseMAil, traverisîng ise>' have la the PetisIton years. Lakte or relative. 1Ihacd neyeraseun tise In- u reiiuco oouivlens ,eontye populationa yul net b li ait aide of e cont>' clouksonfce. Nul- u rei.éo oee idrel what Iî la totiay. ther hati the boy. My chef tieput>'. O> n ev sInus. The doîlus of lb. 1Thonblin. Hendea gays et the tint1 e leese. vasa etimnistralor etfati ueldiers cenalt ia pelroiiing their etfluIr. Wct's article. tatlag teUict- thal settieti bis fatheu-s esaale: thet dialrieta, tamaintain order, prcvent or ý feonce.la olaryad ciirkit bre ha adi the. extent of his experine asa a îi hforent ire. anti pratel îte- Livinguton count>' lie wrote the colin- naulIty attcen. Whou en oa vaketi Intelwi &ias-'.heer@I n t>' lark ot Lîvîngeton coula:>' andl gel the office my predecesuor ant i bs tiap-j1ianmladlb ulliucn a companhuon of woouk lerfmmeti and tiiles vaîketi out. We gei dova tu - vondeî fui tormasona f rom the vanda- 10oud. asu tremeniber. (stickt e pin ibusiness. '(do yeîî teck bard. Mr. 1haut snme of lb. ouiala. boea - as 1 .ramember) aboit lendeel4, toritoti lard, burnedti b iingtJtb. iigisaltitude the rlluale thIpa. ies lhe aumber of tex deîcrip- nîldaiglit gce hea lb. heavy vork - tiens. fliore sial ausesenieuît writ oas on 1ke the asiseeorà ati tex, in raIsonrigorou. Front et ngtl in oeayecr tha fve lu Livlagton books, anti noVer once esitetifor a atauntâUtheLb.tiise monthe ceilnt>', douible the marnlgiree"s umge fse faaary or clark lire. The et the touriata secuon; f§rom Minlie ut lasuoti b> Lîvfngstei noua:>' ail ex- tort dtinrlog ni>'te ai dlernt nrue.i plained by reeseo o lr location hlied as il tit Inho oui- office. *Th1 e rt eptainler anu ousetimmeuven mlune tween Chicage atdiMlwau:kee, anti of heu lucuesetifront my thme te the ecielr Immnseenou t fnow feul, tbe man>' enterpnhehng cilles lu Lakte lresOlt. the sainie as ours, aud ta ni>' couerlng lb. grounti 0u-ete six tot deep cont>'. Oh, fan me wth a kitling ceutaini knowiedge the selar>' anti on the level stretbte, 20 ta 100 Sertlu neediltdent liIre.blias Dt beea cliangut In W n ojn.Ju tàe luaIliere s voter ln Lakte coului v s h-i ..Ltivngston counut>' for thirty yeau-,. e.lb. heolwqsat ayni ue8bo whîl hoclioodo-lnied b>' sud htas Ual-e Plenly ot candidates villlng le -thia yuar vIsn tb. Wie VW., ctom- the chat-e? LUirel>' net. ,laite these offices et $150" slary anti meumd te lutalop thel tente in Stan tek. teunt 1ba about toeue towa 8$1.80,0 for ail clark hru.-comluetent, Lae .Vclsg, tisera vers .@lui six inehae sbIpm six miles square; Iivlogutonui irteoluati eblhglng. aive>'m. t hatwenty-elght towaships six mles 1 have neyer hearti eeg complahna of anov a0sth@e leVeL CAMP locueveit square. Thora are teu-y-three citiesoet naceurteaus treatnant et thée pst-'i- le b urtbeuea npart ceuldnos ho b and villages Ilu I.ltlngaon coual>'. 111h- roua oh aur county offices. 1o 1W àtiiJuly BIh &amiyl hbava te noe-roal live peopelivag ln oaci. But the5 unreasonabla aclany anti. 214 miie of toani roat, nt menthon. cit ine lu thea question ltat con-. clouese ut af uguat. Ail1the -more lng doublu ti-ackI ttheîer ceonty, 30 canasl nu tax payera. Do yen .anti woondila the . piuditi grovIS of icis tlles of trolley, six townsbhip higli your son eomply witb the law regarul- Imuieu graism on lb.eatouatain achoola. fauleourse. Ing 1the vo-k la your Ofell.? 30.ueuae au tiimes-eIh ra Lar eunmt bau 153 miles of 110cm fnt the law cotempîcte litcI ty 1 bora Mmn-0tewli raliroi, tjlixty-flve miles et trolhey,. officeras aiide ail lb.he rtln thir UBomber Ami VauleY 0f915114 foirel ilve township 1gb meboolu ffal course, respective offces If- tbsy cm? I leinimgvrluMueaupet.s of brillimmnt tkIs-lyueu-n cilles Ativillages, these Owng th the 4"magnitude" of .1115! clomu la tb. v&ayei a&"OU tisa mena- 190"luln -ail ummer mresaon the tank tu tour offie, bey couiti y"andcai1 tain o. làke Îmii valu? tanks nd cat e.bouses your son b. absent et Graysilke? 1I - e ne Ïailrallroade, aven Chittanden. on aqw yen bath tisere testamy? Nov, Thsaïe m ly titres wve of o! brin Mr. Cbittateb's faimr, titres mtes 1 vent la sait Mr. Heade c 1evmore lhe park: la ~ ~s cogebe, u b ouse weo yuftbhenet N. W. raltroati. Go questions anti hope bu viD kindif dam. ibock or on 70111 priva. eanveas s., bas ittur. tbors, a voter ln Lmake ceont>'- ho Wii yau tell us b b>vat uthity lsa xusttaa 5 otn lm tb«ea amre teimes as ma>'y yu are pay lng yeur soun$1.100a 7wr lse thmn. Tb*aOMalstraMipOutatila fo tstaxations, Ibree imes .WIII otoi el lbhevotars ef Labiéecomnpanleaus lite ellso« s andth ie *s MWati riima Iroelimes cennty boy machs ton Are Pagina Motlia vbo vma haoechs-b 10 ,-Z.1éSnetisae epeuae fou- toing the1ecclof th etalum vto ptîesaSa tour wS in l eks coanal> Ihan lu Living- offie! uiuleesvilS the bouleaMdi the Wylbe $n uqUUly? Wli Yeu alto plea» ell as wy y(if Camping CO., vito quarîs liepatrons V, -1t'a les! Thare la net as iuîchi l la> e)thisayou rail laextra bebp la prmanent lenta. Il lac bave te _ eWei. o-li wen 1the aasmr'9 anl tiaI bookasaa'. bave ail lb. 20tlb oemuVrylion «IeMis -. r. l!aeic"aY tell itltluthe m.ut- n.anti bw at nchsextra tisia worm' t't ýonvinca the thIait- conte us taxpayers' la tbesildela, i 0 o mut dilY W C'Mr. HendeewIllhilnd Mn. Mente..nidtyen ite a ranagiv- roui dres smit, or yonr Parle evaltlag y nxtNoem Ig iug butor calar>' of $737 par tu a i ow n jorTM*anydiamantaff '-*a* laIthe cauntl>'%ohile yau tare on tour tfuit ranch I ~~ O~t vent a <t, pestos t't tatetsrigt lank besti gW i se wvS>M. Hou- Amet, our coualy treseurer, on gour fais, bu- ail Mnae go tb. bot Ont. 1*10 IOUlO(i Iis flu retuimu? jBut If Ionwet to bae*the timsaof Iont - *oe vet l Ie ailutliean- Again, i reat inte ur city papersa t igsaIl waayu have je1011, happy row lI - basa... et the dîffenence experts bcll.beun hret tq examine a I i"a eqo*- M X M ho)bu> amy (andt tis 11. Ismgofen t e on) areiatU o 7018, 1v àalmoQmlS Wu noto J ifre 111te recarda et tbe suturai ceunI> o0.- cocu»an atrio"i fs almita. t0il - l" a tise se- cers. _As R lu geur dity te keep tai Ionu rt laIo on ie or ber, saab SPECIAL AT TI-L LYRIC THEATRE I LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. i * MONDAY, SEPT. 5, 1910 4 lRanch Life in the Great Southwestj *k Nuthtng iii the" worlidhike it. Thti. greateýt 4 ré ensemble<of th, fa:st jiaesii!9 aîîd Ileoral eliaraeter.q of the we6t. îeir~1 Ti, is absuiluteli.t'je gîýeiI'u-.týtýrîî PiIlune c-vrlllîo-d. t-tumlaying 4 sncb champlteus TOM MIX, Ex-U. S: Martial Expert Branche 4 Bualer; CHAS. FUQUA, Champion Roer; PAT LONG ch Steer Bull Doiging, and HENRY GRAMMAR, Champion o! 1he Worid in Throw 4> iog "nd Tu-jog aSteer; Record 14 i-5 Seconds.0 :UONT FAIL TO SEE iTr FIRST SHOW AT 6 O'CLOCC t îGCeneral Admission 10c. Children 5c.@ 1 WRITE INSURANCE FlU11,E. TORNADO. LIFE. RENEWALS PROMPTLY ATTENOEO TO. CAREFUL. ATYTENTION Gît/EN TO SELECTION OF DESIRABLE LIFE POLItIES. G. C. GRIDLEY, FIR-ST NATIONAL BANKJ. L[BEFRTYV(ILLE. IL-L 'E- b. g. For Big values ln Farm Land, Ilouses and Lots G;OTO SCIINAEBELE & WIIEELER REAL ESTATE, INSUEANCE, AND OENEXAL IROKERAIE Phone 1073 Li8(RTYVILLE. ILL. ROCHEUSTER ACAEMY ROCHM!TER WIS. -Beguîîs its 44th gear tuesday,. September 6. st opiens with strooger fioandal bocldng thon for a number of Igeais. lThe scbool aie <o oulotalo <the ideals of the Christian home and give the beut !dsca- YenWtt til scis atvrtilement. 16 tbis week's s est f te Vu ropredmesIl bête tote lUiijo tiat vu au-c exclusIve agent. IW LlGetgville, [Il., for tbs genninI HoetiiEiauend "AiaeieaeBoy,"i lhebleet mon'. anti bois' every ohose made. Anti vr auprove It by mon an# bisy you none boe -wmveriu E. W. PAIJIWIJRST Schmnck's BloK LIbrtyle., by the of: orour Sharpies Separator in your dairy-, is as IoI!oiqs: ,et. fi cmparc i wllDyu>other malle nt separclor. the cglin lis i ld of butter tin lavar iof the5 Shcrtleu Stiepator wtlllt e1 msuftjcent In psy 1lSper (-8111 hutereul au thie aboIe tint 0"o0t ethe ePsolini Cccli 8cr. adh ami oer pl 0,r ofsethel epUctor. wtlili0e muetsmmore 2d. sr you, lit the prsent Umie. use eue of the beat gravlty lîccinsel. soder th1e mut aI er ablecoDdtouB. roue etain III leld of butter by the nofe the-hsl Tubillar 8eparator i.111 be- la oeele,9 etuanpouadi for svOry boudred pois .à rsylouali imode, If YOi> are Oaff ei c eeu115best rsvity cruaser under favorabîle cottdlîlois.tmest letalitSuf vertstold wager or tee. yutur gala i l!l e cai, ocisuof t menir &sumis, 1 I, u Uift5seiteerltu eresmer or pans. Tour gtahin wl ustroni tweiîty-iive lu ilîty Iibîd*edel.eiidlim oun11w fiiuier they are. Md. Onuthb Pint 01 quilfty ef creusa or butter itlulamore dîflsit te10mate sauirulego usoitl. sR uh SrdY IT WO daIryMenuusetee lusme smalint of rare about liiherdairlnstrmlule Uiecmoame qualiti o1 butter- but. otpilîe nsbellut qmilaw, %saaraiitee test erras thle liest utalrYmàliWl! fi"d au Improvement laUste quliti- of bis butter equlvcleiil te three cents Piliitve relit, uer Poona bti he lue ofour sepastor. white the average imarariqul dslryso gWl! seure acbtiter vieie from 50 ver cent go0l1e0par centl more thonuwlîbôut t lbad ofthe Tiit,ular lteî.ci 814. Thea iikl-mlk. behigwarm sud Ires>. wtt! lie munch more valuable foir siek fond. Il «li be Worth fromwnti l-iue cents le urty-fieotre eli.r hulidred uuuîuui, fuir .tuî-k fceiltim. deiuciidling large!y onithe mgr t1 of tt o îLis %il l l test. Sour. ci u-ul mte lWorth cbout ur-ltftlibtftelis ,Il. Tho selu u licadîling ni the milt s, bcvin«g te esaprslatio oeliht hieihe (W stable, 4Md te îoim- feil rIxIst lie lit@stockwite IL tà aarmin at-h imr [si mliiiu..Pctl1 etc., and the wurshlos sud errlîîafor l'ume. sddt a hundreut sud ou. u tiier ltle occiiluvend iS lie estlnAIltd, c!tv>Uuahtbeu' îmouuî t t. s rest demi lu the aemrettge. bill. Tiiere wl! 1e asavlue uofive, 19 c&»y lmunoed, mol lb. Use»ad c ierîur-iuof! alicîit Il Lu urresery 097 n taiot up temutantead lirremee lni te Yeld ut butter uand Useessor- culemed lmspriuement lis qulity 1inensble 70010tec bie ow mbsoliîly oecre us r u rofper ePas- tor Lis a doirymait. sud 110w ihder 110 îrenuuioris 10 liceaug uur.sfoli ioiil 1ne as SoId by M., B. EGER, Libertyvilke I 1ARVEST lIME COMING FIX UP YOtJR GRAIN BINS, IAY SHIEDS, BARN ROOF AND GET YOUR INIAA BLOCK COAL MIGIITY GOOD TIMF3 TO BUY NOW POULTRY F'OOD JIJST PIRICE RIGUIT WC ARE DELIV!ERING SOME CLÉAN4 BARD COAL Libert1yville Lumfber Cou, PtIONC 47 *Good, Coffee Won'tl1 Murt You. 0 If Culfes doseyau lieai, lIer'sa atui-lind out vîcI il l.W4 * avIe il la nol properiy madie. 4 * Aaybe il vaa'lilit Calfe. to tart ti. * Mayhe l vas lau ceap-eundt îu cceapu Cofffcl Ilti ecreel udrnk 4> auj persîn eu-e du-nt. * But tion't bitume ALI. Ciufee * V bau-e sverni ot Cbaae & Baluorn'#3iigh grule bleb. 4> * Pries froni 20 ta 40 cenIe per lb. 4 * GladIn le iiyou lest it. Coriett & .,freeiC$ LlSE R TYtiLilLË.3LL. from the many bargaîns we are off ering this week. Fine Corsoet Coter Enibroidenles, new goadw, eaiiy varîl 25c per yard ............................................ 13anduome new patteras I la lteue Laces,. etge ou- Inseriton i 8Seeai tu clous Giri's Iiti>'Blouses, wtrnteti coller, $1.71 ~ *eau sfor...... ........... .................................... I>Ltg1 Embroldsry weu Braits very popabar lnimniing, edgu et anteln. inch vide5 peu-yard-------------------------............... i Istuitpuisais a fice qnalty la fait celons, ougist te brlng 1îp 00 pè eu- .... .d.. ...................................................... 7 I»bw tPèe-omie la prettr Rad or Black figures retucet O to par yard ....... ., .............--................. o Bsomaffeion any laver, 10e Pkg for.................... ...... abaer Salt, egalr in aise........ ..................S p ,ape J" c ý9mmu a ie -at, plat for .....,............................ 280 lerAlHassi Du-, Ma* isvilS VUkueise vater, quart for,...Ic DseUlug. yacht (Club lr&at. largebobtIls-------------..........25 T~IDPENDENT hât mort mik. od Ulea y toniSberoa" a thé bm t AdvOMtSln pu- E&I a pupila t mi te gea medlum InLe k.ooufftY. IIneome. q Pl, 1 1